The Yule Clause

By StarPhoenix12

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Bernard has always done things by the book, but when a new Santa comes to town with his niece. The Head Elf f... More

Chapter One. First time for everything
Chapter Two. The New Santa
Chapter Three. Saw that
Chapter Four. Try to be jolly
Chapter Five. Realization
Chapter Six. Bernard, it's cold outside
Chapter Seven. Some rules are meant to be changed
Chapter Eight. For Charlie's sake
Chapter Nine. Christmas Magic
Chapter Ten When we had each other
Chapter Eleven. I know you.
Chapter Twelve. Déjà vu
Chapter Thirteen. Broken Christmas Memories.
Chapter Fourteen. Christmas in July.
Chapter Fifteen. My Christmas Spirit.
Chapter Sixteen. He is too Santa!!
Chapter Seventeen. Santa's blessing.
Chapter Eighteen. The yule clause
Chapter Nineteen. S.O.N.S (Save our New Santa)

Chapter Twenty. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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By StarPhoenix12

The elves tracked the E.L.F.S, so they could keep tabs on them. So, everyone would know when Santa was safe. Mackenzie paced back and forth in the room nervously while Bernard was looking at one of the screens. "Babe?" Mackenzie asked. The head elf turned around. "Can't you just look into the future and tell us?" she asked. "I can't..." He muttered. "What was that?" she leaned forward. "I SAID I CAN'T!" he shouted angrily. Mackenzie looked shocked, while the elves were unfazed by Bernard's outburst. "Why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm sorry..." he apologized then looked away. Poinsettia went up to the human. "Don't take it to heart, Bernie only has three emotions." She explained, Mackenzie turned to her with a raised eyebrow. "Happy, angry, and ugh." Poinsettia explained holding up three fingers. She chuckled, that was easy to believe. Bernard didn't want to be cross with his girlfriend, but he needed to make sure that their New Santa made it back safety, for everyone's sake. He turned when someone tapped him on the shoulder. It was Poinsettia. "Comfort her." She spoke in south elfish. "We will let you know when we hear something."

Bernard nodded. He and Mackenzie walked through the village; it was quiet because every elf was worried about Scott. "I shouldn't have snapped at you, it was naughty." The elf finally said. "He's your uncle, and you have more right to be worried then the rest of us." He felt like he was making this about his father and what happened the previous year. "It's alright, I get it." She looked at her boyfriend with a smile. "Did I ever tell you how cute it is when you use Christmas puns?" she asked blushing a bit. He smiled back, blushing as well. " didn't." they stared at each other, as they slowly leaned closer. "Mack! Bernard!" Curtis called running up to them, they quickly looked away from one another. "What is it?" the head elf turned to him. "We found Santa." Curtis answered. Mackenzie grabbed him by the shoulders. "Where is he? Is he okay!?" she asked shaking the poor elf. "Heading back to the Millers and yeah I think so." Curtis said pushing her away. Mackenzie turned to her boyfriend. "Let's go to the Millers!" she reached over and grabbed his hand. "Alright, I'll get my coat." They went to his room, so he could get his coat.

Scott and Charlie went through the back door at Neal's house. "Mom, Neal. I'm home!" he called to his parents, they ran into the room and hugged him. "Sweetheart! Come here." Laura hugged him tightly once Neal let go. "Oh Sweetheart!" although they were happy that he was back, they noticed Mackenzie was still missing. "Where's Mack?" Neal asked Scott. "She's safe at the North Pole." He answered picking his hat up that was still next to the Christmas tree, then peeked out the window. He looked back at his family. "I don't have a lot of time." Santa told them. Laura put Charlie down and he went over to his father and asked about the gifts he made. Which Scott pointed to. "Come on, we better go." Charlie started walking away. "No Charlie, wait!" Laura cried, but it was Scott who got their son to stop and told him that it's better if he stayed with Laura and Neal. Then Scott explained that it would be selfish to keep Charlie at the North Pole, since Laura and Neal wouldn't be able to come visit them. "We're a family, you, me, your mom. Mack..." Scott looked over at Neal. "And Neal...." Santa looked back down at Charlie. "So, you'll need to be with your mom and Neal too, the same so goes for your cousin." Scott finished. Charlie hugged his father. "I'll miss you too much." He was crying, Scott sat on the couch and pulled his son onto his lap.

Bernard and Mackenzie appeared in the kitchen, she started to leave the room, but stopped when she saw her boyfriend grabbing a piece of pita bread, she rolled her eyes, then ran to the living room, where she heard talking and Charlie crying. Bernard smiled. "Uncle Scott!" everyone turned to see the red head running over to her uncle and threw her arms around him. "You're okay!"

"Yeah, don't worry, Mack Attack." Scott smiled wrapping an arm around her.

"I'm going to miss you, Mack." Charlie said looking up at his big cousin.

"I'll miss you too, Charlie." She tried not to cry but couldn't help it, especially when Charlie hugged her and his dad and told them that he loved them. It became even more heartbreaking when Charlie called his dad "Santa".

"I love you son." Scott answered.

"I love you too Cousin." Mackenzie added. Laura started crying as her ex tried to comfort their son, saying it was okay. Scott looked at her. "Laura, what do you think? Christmas Eve you guys spend with Charlie, and the Summer with Mack?" Scott asked. That's when it hit Laura, and she believed again. Scott, Mackenzie, and Charlie smiled at each other, then looked at Laura. "It's really you! You're really Santa Claus!" she said with tears in her eyes. Neal couldn't believe that his wife was falling into this craziness as well. Scott made a comment about Laura's parents not believing in him, the two chuckled. Scott stood up. "Oh, don't go yet. I have something for you." Laura ran off. "It's Santa!" she whispered to her husband. Neal looked at Scott. "Scott?" the man turned at the sound of his name. Neal slowly walked up to him and stared at Santa, and he stared back. "Santa?" Neal asked like a little kid. His eyes widened. "It's alright." Scott said, Neal grunted and turned away. Laura returned with a file. "This's my Christmas present for you, it's the custody papers." She explained. Dr. Miller turned around surprised as she threw it into the fireplace. "You can come see Charlie as often as you can, and also Mack can live with you again." Laura smiled. "That's not how the law works." Mackenzie muttered. "You can count on that." Scott smiled back. "Thank you, Aunt Laura." Mackenzie said. Laura picked Charlie up again. The room was dead silent and sad. "Merry Christmas..." Scott finally broke the silence. "What's all this Boo-hooing going on in here?" Bernard asked entering the room. Neal freaked out and fell against the wall. Mackenzie almost forgot that the elf was here. "Hey, how you doin'?" the elf greeted walking past the doctor. "It's nothing, Bernard. Mack and I were just saying goodbye to Charlie." Scott said. "Goodbye?" the elf was confused. "You still got the snow globe, right?" he asked Charlie. "Yeah?"

"Well, when you want to see your dad, all you do is shake it." The elf explained. "Is that what you and Poinsettia did, when your dad was Santa?" Charlie asked, not knowing how much his question would hurt. "Yeah, that's right. Sport." Bernard smiled. "He and Mackenzie can come back to visit anytime." Laura and Charlie were smiling. "Has there ever been a time when I steered you wrong?" the head elf asked. Charlie shook his head; he was happy that he could see them whenever. He was sure that Mackenzie would be able to visit more often than his dad.

Bernard turned to Neal, and commented on his sweater, then started looking for the tag to see if it was made at the North Pole. Scott smiled; Mackenzie giggled walking over. "Laura, he's dragging us into his delusions." Neal said. "Look at the measures he took." He grabbed the pita from Bernard, before the elf could take another bite. "Neal." Laura's voice made him turn. "Relax." "Can we go to the sleigh? I want to talk to you." Mackenzie whispered. Bernard nodded and took her hand then teleported out of the house. Neal turned back to Bernard and Mackenzie. "Where'd did they go!?' Neal ran off to look for the two. Laura and Santa laughed.

"What did you want to talk about, and why couldn't we talk back at the workshop?" Bernard asked once they were sitting in the sleigh. Mackenzie moved closer to him. "Because I didn't want the elves to see this." "See wha-" He was cut off by her lips on his. He stared before kissing her back, for someone who could see the future, he didn't see this coming. But maybe that was a good thing. He pulled her closer, wrapping one arm around her, and ran his other hand through her hair. She liked the taste of his lips; they tasted like gingerbread. They blocked out the sirens and any other sound. "Hey, hey!" Scott's voice appeared in the sleigh, making the two of them part lips and blush. "We'll talk about this, when we get home." Scott ordered. Bernard and Mackenzie nodded, still blushing a lot.

Everyone looked up in awe when the sleigh hovered and flew away. But came back around and hovered over Charlie and The Millers. "Goodbye Charlie." Santa waved. "Bye." Mackenzie waved too. "See you later Sport!" Bernard smiled. "Bye guys!" Charlie smiled waving back. Santa dropped some toys for Charlie, Laura, and Neal. Then flew off, calling; "Merry Christmas to all! And to all a good night!"

The sleigh ride was quiet for a while. "Steven." Bernard said making Scott turn to him confused, Mackenzie chuckled because Bernard was doing the same thing that Scott has been doing since the day they met, "Funny Bernard." Scott laughed realizing what his right-hand elf was up to. The elf smiled "Mackenzie and I will meet you back at the North Pole." Bernard said. Scott nodded. "But remember, we're going to have a talk."

"Of course, sir." The elf took the teenager's hand and teleported them.

Bernard brought Mackenzie to the North Pole and to a room away from the others. Then stood on a box, so he would be taller, making her giggle. "Kenzie look up." He pointed up, she looked to where he was pointing. There was a mistletoe, she smiled and kissed him, this really was a good night. They parted lips when they heard jingle bells. "Sounds like your uncle is home." The elf said quietly. "Yeah, sounds like it." Mackenzie replied, "Should we go see him?" the head elf nodded taking her hand and led her to the stables.

All the elves were happy to see that their new Santa was safe. "Welcome back sir." Bernard greeted smiling at his new boss, Scott smiled back and hugged his niece. She hugged him back. "Santa, you and the elves should get some sleep, so we can start planning for next year." Bernard said. Scott turned to his head elf, "You're right, alright every elf go to bed then tomorrow we'll start preparations for next year!" he said. Every elf went off to their houses. Bernard looked up at Scott. "Sir, you wanted to talk to me and Mackenzie?" the head elf asked. Santa laughed. "No, I was kidding. I trust you and am glad that you and Mack have each other." He smiled. "Thank you, Santa, I will take care of her." Bernard promised giving Mackenzie a warm smile, then a small peck on the cheek. She blushed. "Come on Kenzie I'll walk you home." he said. She nodded. Bernard walked back to her room; he chuckled; Mackenzie turned to him. "What's so funny?"

"There's my room." He pointed at the door just across from the one they were standing by. She laughed. "I think Judy knew something." Mackenzie smiled at the elf. "Yeah, I'm not surprised. I'm 100% certain that Poinsettia told every elf that you and I shared a sparkle." The head elf muttered. "Are you disappointed that you saw a sparkle with me, not any elf?" Mackenzie asked. Bernard smiled up at her. "No. I'm glad it was you." He said and moved closer to give her another kiss. "You are?" "Yes, I really am, Candy Cane." He blushed when he said the nickname, she blushed too. "That's super cute, I like it." she smiled. He smiled back. "You wanna come in for a while?" Mackenzie asked; the elf thought for a bit. "I think it will be alright, for a bit." He followed her inside then closed the door, he turned to the bed to see that Mackenzie was sitting on it. "Come on." She waved him over; he was nervous but didn't know why because he didn't have any reason to be. He walked over and sat on the bed. "You can lay down." She said, he laid next to her, she laid down as well then pulled him in close and put her forehead against his. They were quiet and just enjoyed being together, "I think I should go." He whispered after a while. He started to get up, but Mackenzie grabbed his hand. "Do you have to go?" she asked with the puppy dog eyes. "Why don't you stay here tonight?"

"You sure?" he asked blushing deeper. "Yeah, it wouldn't be the first time we slept in the same bed." She reminded. "Y-yes but your uncle didn't believe he was Santa back then so it-"

"Babe it will be fine." Mackenzie reassured, soon Bernard agreed and laid back down and got in the bed. Mackenzie rested her head on his chest and soon fell fast asleep, he smiled at her. thinking about what would have happened if his vision didn't come true? Yes, he missed his father and hated that part of his vision came true, but Bernard had Mackenzie now. He kissed her forehead. "Merry Christmas Mackenzie." He whispered closing his eyes.

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