Being Bad For Good Sake

Autorstwa The_Author_S

22.1K 503 122

This is my obsessive life, and the most important thing is that I have never allowed myself to cry. Despite m... Więcej

Obsessive Life
Daily Routine
MDC Anniversary
MDC Anniversary Part 2
MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)
Tiring Weekends (unwanted visit)
What happened?
Enrollment in Gotham Academy
Unexpected Twist
Have to Go
Flight To Gotham
First Time Meeting
First day in Academy(1)
First Day in Academy (2)
Are You?
Timothy Drake
Face Reveal
Failed attempts to befriend her
Am I falling in love?
I Pretend to not care.
I Don't Need Your Pity
It doesn't matter who apologizes first... The apology is the one that matters.
The Dance I never expected...
The Rumor...
Recognizing Presence in the Absence.
The Betrayal

Would You be My Girlfriend?

194 7 5
Autorstwa The_Author_S

The café lingered with the warmth of their shared moment, and as Marinette sat there, she couldn't help but replay the kiss in her mind. The sweetness of the kiss and the soft touch of Damien's lips against hers.


When his lips touched her, Marinette sensed a subtle hesitancy in his touch. It was as if he was tiptoeing into uncharted territory, She understood the unspoken question lingering in the air—would she reciprocate or pull away?

As he was going to pull out she immediately kissed him back with a gentle and yet confident motion, Declaring her love to him. She could sense his happiness in his kiss. Time seemed to slow down, and the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the echo of their shared heartbeat, beating together strongly for each other.


She was accustomed to being the vigilant one, the girl who could navigate the complexities of heroism and high school drama with ease. Yet, in that kiss, she discovered a side of herself she hadn't known existed—a part that craved connection, closeness, and the warmth of shared affection for once in her whole life.

Across the table, Damien couldn't shake the echoes of the kiss. The taste of coffee mixed with the lingering warmth of Marinette's lips left an unforgettable mark on his senses.

Damien found himself surprised by his own reaction. He, the man of calculated decisions and guarded emotions, had leaped the unknown. The bravery it took to kiss the girl he was undeniably attracted to at their first meeting left him grappling with the realization that it wasn't just attraction—it was love at first sight.

He observed the subtle shifts in Marinette. The guarded girl he had known seemed to unravel, revealing layers of herself that enchanted him. Her laughter, her vulnerability, her cute blushing, and the way she looked at him with that love, all made him realize that he was now special to her, special enough to know this side of her, which she kept hidden from everyone.

In the quiet corners of the café, Damien found himself wanting for more. The self-imposed distance had crumbled, and in its place, a desire for connection, understanding, and shared moments had emerged. Damien extended an invitation, "Marinette, would you care to take a stroll with me under the starry night? There's something I'd like to share with you."

Marinette and Damien strolled under the starry night, the soft glow of city lights creating a magical ambiance around them. The atmosphere was comfortable, the silence between them not awkward but filled with a shared understanding that spoke volumes.

As they meandered through the quiet streets, Damien couldn't help but feel a growing certainty in his heart. The moments they shared, the laughter, the bickering, and the connection between them made him realize that he no longer wanted to deny his feelings for her, he wanted to confess her right there at that moment. With a gentle smile, he turned to Marinette.

Under the gentle glow of the streetlights, Damien's eyes held a flicker of uncertainty as he took a step closer. His voice, a soft tune, carried the weight of a confession waiting to be released. "Marinette," he began, his gaze unwavering, "there's something I've been wanting to say."

Marinette felt her heart quicken, but there was a glint of anticipation in her eyes. At that moment, the world seemed to be still, leaving only the two of them in the middle of the night.

"As cliché as it might sound," Damien continued, a hint of a self-conscious smile playing on his lips, "from the moment we met, there's been something about you that's drawn me in. Your laughter, the way you navigate the world with both strength and kindness—it's mesmerizing. Although I don't know you fully yet. I believe you, I always put my faith in you."

He took a breath, the air hanging with a palpable tension. "And tonight, under this sky, I can't help but admit that I've fallen for you, Marinette. It's more than attraction; it's a connection that's taken root in my heart, and I find myself wanting to be a part of your world in a way that goes beyond friendship. Would you be my girlfriend?"

Damien's vulnerability painted the confession with sincerity, and in that vulnerable moment, Marinette found herself equally exposed. His words weren't just a proclamation of affection; they were an invitation to share something deep.

As Damien paused, waiting for her response, Marinette met his gaze with a mix of awe and gratitude. "Damien," she began, her voice a soft whisper, "you've managed to capture my heart in ways I never expected. Tonight, under these stars, I want you to know that my feelings for you are the same as yours. I've also fallen for you, in ways that words cannot express. And yes, Damien, I've been waiting for this moment. I would be happy to be your girlfriend."

"But Damien, I am not a normal girl; I have secrets beyond your imagination. Some of them I can't even share with you. I am not allowed to divulge them to you or anyone else. I am complex, and I can't be honest with you all the time. There are stakes to be with me. At one point, it will be difficult to be with me, and you might want to leave, to give up... And it will hurt both of us equally." Damien took a pause for a split second, making Marinette anxious.

"It's okay, Marinette. I don't expect either of us to be fully honest. We both have secrets we can't share. I am not a person who gives up easily; it would take a great deal to get rid of me. Even if that time comes when we are on separate paths, I will still have memories that are worth the hurt."

Damien's words struck a chord within Marinette. "Memories that are worth the hurt." She longed to adopt that mindset, seeking solace in the idea that the memories created with Damien would outweigh the pain often associated with goodbyes. Past experiences had left her with scars, and she hoped that being with Damien might reveal a new, cheery, and positive facet of herself. A sweet smile graced her lips as she looked at him.

The night unfolded peacefully as they held hands, strolled through the streets, and exchanged jokes. Approaching midnight, Damien, wearing a grin, proclaimed, "Well, tonight wasn't too shabby, was it?" Smirking, Marinette retorted, "Shabby? Nah, it was practically legendary." Damien chuckled, injecting a dose of cockiness, "That's what happens when you spend time with me." Marinette laughed, noting, "Confidence level: off the charts."

The banter continued, with Damien acknowledging the impending departure, "But, reality check, I gotta say goodbye now." In a sarcastic tone, Marinette replied, "Oh no, how will I survive without your overwhelming presence?" Damien, still grinning, added, "I know, it's tough. But hey, you'll get over it." With an eye roll, Marinette teased, "I'm sure I will. Until our next epic encounter, then?" Damien, giving a playful wink, confirmed, "Count on it. Brace yourself for the withdrawal from my awesomeness." Marinette smirked, "I'll try not to crumble. See you." Damien, with a laugh, concluded, "Later, Sunshine."

Upon reaching home, she found the boys lying on the couch, seemingly asleep from their video game session. Taking the console from their hands, she gently spread a warm blanket over them. The night's enchantment lingered in Marinette's thoughts as she stepped into her quiet room. The air buzzed with the sweetness of shared confessions and the promise of something new. She settled into her room, the weight of the day's revelations mingling with anticipation.

She glanced at her phone, contemplating how to start the conversation with Damien. With a few taps, she composed a message. It was the first time she cared so much about a text, "Guess what? Things took an unexpected turn tonight, and it's more than I could've imagined. Someone confessed their feelings to me! ❤️ Hey, Damien! Can't stop thinking about you and tonight. 😊"

As Marinette hit send on her heartfelt message, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of anticipation. The seconds stretched into minutes, and she found herself stealing glances at her phone, waiting for Damien's response. The room, once filled with the soft glow of evening light, now seemed to hold its breath along with her.

To her surprise, she didn't have to wait long. The familiar buzz of her phone broke the silence, and her heart skipped a beat. Damien's response flashed on the screen, and she eagerly opened the message, "Me neither. It was pretty magical. 🌙 The stars, the laughter, and that unexpected kiss... 😍 Speaking of unexpected... how about we create more unexpected moments? How about a quiet evening by the Seine next weekend? Just you and me. I'll make sure it's a night to remember."

Marinette's eyes lit up as she read Damien's message. A smile, ear to ear, graced her face, radiating the happiness that bubbled within her. His words brought a warmth that mirrored the anticipation building for their upcoming date. The city outside seemed to glow a bit brighter, and the minutes leading up to their weekend together couldn't pass quickly enough. She replied, "Damien, that sounds amazing! I'd love to. Can't wait for another magical night with you. You've already given me plenty to remember and think about the whole night. Sweet dreams, Damien. Counting down the days! 💖" and felt a delightful shiver of excitement at the thought of creating more beautiful memories with Damien.

Marinette couldn't help but cringe as she scrolled through the text conversation with Damien. Each affectionate message made her blush with embarrassment. "Ugh, Marinette, way to be overly romantic," she mumbled to herself, surprised at how she sounded like the very thing she used to playfully criticize — a hopeless romantic.

The messages, filled with hearts and sweet sentiments, painted a picture of a girl head over heels in love. Marinette, who had always been more practical and guarded, found herself chuckling at her transformation. Love, once an abstract concept she'd playfully teased her friends about, had now woven its enchantment around her.

As she re-read their exchanges, a newfound warmth spread within her. It wasn't just the words; it was the emotions behind them that made her smile. Love, it seemed, had a way of turning even the most composed individuals into unabashed romantics. Marinette found herself embracing this change with a mix of amusement and joy, appreciating the beautiful irony of falling for someone in a way she never expected.

On the other side of town, Damien found himself replaying the same moments, his lips still tingling from the memory of Marinette's response to his kiss. The unexpected turn of events had unraveled a part of him that had remained guarded for so long. As he lounged on his couch, he couldn't help but smile at the happenings of tonight.

The soft glow of his phone illuminated his face as he revisited their text exchange. Each message from Marinette carried a warmth that echoed the emotions he had felt during their shared moments. Damien, who had always been the master of composed decisions and calculated emotions, discovered a newfound appreciation for the unpredictability of love.

The messages, filled with laughter and affection, painted a picture of a girl who had effortlessly woven her way into his thoughts. Damien chuckled at Marinette's playful banter, realizing that the barriers he had carefully erected were crumbling under the weight of genuine connection.

As he read her enthusiastic response to his invitation for a Seine-side evening, Damien felt a softness within him. The prospect of creating more magical moments together sparked an anticipation he hadn't expected. The night had left an indelible mark, not just in the shared laughter and kisses but in the subtle transformation of his own guarded heart.

"Looking forward to it, Marinette. Until then, take care," Damien typed, his fingers moving with a deliberateness that mirrored the sincerity of his feelings. He hit send, the message disappearing into the digital realm, carrying with it the promise of more shared smiles and unexpected turns.

The city lights outside Damien's window continued to flicker, casting a gentle glow on his contemplative expression. As he settled into the quiet of the night, Damien found himself embracing the unfolding journey, one that ventured beyond the realm of calculated decisions into the uncharted territories of love.

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