The Chase

By kittykay00

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Katherine was starting her sophomore year in college with her best friend, Allie, by her side. Katherine was... More

First Day
Who is She?
The Walk
The Next Morning
Math Class
Long Week
The Weekend
Next Few Weeks
Out of the Hospital
What have I gotten into


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By kittykay00

Happy reading:)

"So how long have you lived here? In Oklahoma?" I ask.

"Well my family moved here when I was 11. We came from New York. It was a huge different but I got use to it." Mason says. "What about you? How long have you been here? Can't be long I would've noticed someone like you." He smirks before winking at me.

"Well I've been here for 2 years. I'm originally from Georgia."

"Well a southern girl, might just be what's been missing around here." He leans up and places his elbows on the table. "What's your favorite thing to do?"

"I love to cheer, but because of my wreck I'm out for the season." I sigh. "But I still got next year. What do you like to do?"

"I have a lot a business that I take care of. Not a lot of time to have fun. But maybe with the right person I can try to find something." After several more questions and getting to know each other, we realize it's 10:30pm. I have school tomorrow, I've already missed too much. I've been getting my work from Allie and trying to sit in online as best as possible but still feel like I'm falling behind. "Are you ready to go? It's late and you have class tomorrow?" He ask. I nod my head. Mason gets up and pulls my chair out before reaching out to help me up. I thanked him before going to his car. I gave him my address and he started driving.

"Did you go to school here? Because you haven't looked at the directions." I ask.

"Oh.. no. I just know a few people who go here." He answers kind of quickly. "Just a few business acquaintances I guess you could call them."

"Oh cool. Maybe I know them." I grin over at him.

"Oh darling I would hope not." He chuckles. "If they knew you, they'd try and flirt with you. And I'm really hoping I have no other competition." My mind wonders to Jax. But Jax isn't competition because we aren't dating or talking. I don't even think we are friends.

"No competition at all." I blush.

Mason pulls up to my dorm. He hurries around and opens my door and helps me out of the car. "Thank you for this date tonight. Maybe we can try lunch? Tomorrow?"

I thought about it for a few minutes. Why not he's been such a gentleman, sweet, and he's handsome. "I'd love that. My last class gets out at 4."

"I'll be there." He winks at me. He leans in and places a small kiss on my cheek. "Can't wait." He leans against his car and waits till I get inside the building and then he's gone.

As soon as I open the dorm room door I get bombarded with questions. "He's actually really great. He's sweet and thoughtful. He opened doors for me and helped me up. He even gave me a small kiss on the cheek." I gush. "We are having lunchish tomorrow."

"Oh my gosh! How stickin cute." Allie laughs. "Well we need to get some sleep because we both have long days tomorrow." I agree with him. We both go and wash our face and get ready for bed. The next day I wake up a little earlier than normal so I can get to class on time. With this boot it takes me a little longer to get places. Plus I wanted a coffee. I put on a cute little yellow sundress with little white flowers. It's easy to put on with this boot and it's cute for this date with Mason. I let my hair just fall down my back with small waves in it. I put on some mascara and lip gloss then I'm out the door. I hobble down to the coffee shop. I order a vanilla frappe and head to class. I stop and sit down at a table to take a break because my leg was starting to hurt. This boot is going to be the death of me I swear.

Why lost in my train of thought I feel someone plop down next to me. "Having troubles I see." Cam smiles over at me. "Don't worry, I am here to help." He turns around with his back facing me. "Go ahead jump on. I will carry you to class."

"I can't." I laugh. "I have a dress on."

"It's okay, I'm not going to look. Besides you don't need to walk that much on your leg." Cam grabs my bag and motions for me to jump on his back. "This or I'll just pick you up and carry you. Why did you wear a dress anyways?"

"I'm fine I promise Cam. I just needed to rest. And because it was easy to put on plus I have a date after my last class." I stand up from the table and brush off my dress and start walking to class.

Before I know it I get swept off my feet and are getting carried. "Sorry but you are not walking. And a date? Like an actual date with a guy?" He rolls his eyes. "Who is it? Does he go here?"

"No. He doesn't go here. He graduated 2 years ago. His name is Mason. He's really nice." Cam stops dead in his tracks. I look around as if something was blocking us. What is he doing?

"Mason what?" Cam looks concerned.

"Umm.. honestly I didn't ask. Allie introduced us. She's talking to his friend Liam."

"No. You can't go on a date with him. You have to make up an excuse or something." Cam mumbles before he starts walking again. "Mason is a dick. He's going to hurt you, Kat. Besides what about Jax. I thought y'all had a good thing going?"

"Well why do you think he's a jerk? What did he do? Because he's always nice to me. And me and Jax aren't anything, every time we talk he's mean to me. Why would I consider him when talking to a guy." I cross my arms. "I'm going on this date Cameron." I look up and we are in front of our English class. Can puts me down and runs his hand through his hair. He kind of looks stressed out.

"I'll catch you inside." And with that he walks off pulling his phone out of his pocket. Clearly he's calling Jax. Great now I'll have to hear this same lecture from him, but with more profanity. I hobble into class and sit in my regular spot. A few minutes later Cam slides in and sits next to me but he doesn't say a word. Class ends and Cam gives me a sympathetic look before leaving me. I gather my things and exit the classroom. I see Jax leaned up against the wall and he looks pissed. Now I know why Cam gave me that look.

"Really? Mason Carter? Of all people you'd talk to, Mason fucking Carter." Jax spits.

"Tell me why you hate the guy so much and maybe I'll reconsider." I say politely. I'm not going to let him get me upset.

"Because he is a fucking dick. I hate that guy." He huffs. "Katherine he's not a good guy."

"Well Jax, he is a nice guy to me. Sooo" I shrug and walk off.

"Yeah and Matt was nice at first and then he cheated on you. So maybe you don't get to determine who is a nice fucking person." He yells.

I stop walking and turn around. Is he serious? I storm back over to him. "Clearly I'm not. I thought you had it in you to be a good fucking person. But here I am again being proven wrong." Jax's eyes widen. "If you can't be nice or speak to me with some respect then don't speak to me Jax!" With that I spun around and left him standing there. I don't like cussing especially at people, but Im done with him speaking to me like that.

"Listen Kitten, I'm sorry. Okay I'm just trying to look out for you. I know Mason personally and he's not a good person." This time Jax's voice is a lot softer. I notice the change in how he addresses me. When he's angry he calls me by my name but when he's trying to speak sweetly to me he calls me kitten. I'm not falling for it. He's not going to make me call off this date.

"Why don't you like him? What makes him a bad guy Jax?" I ask.

"I can't tell you that, Kitten."

"Well then I guess I'm not calling off this date." With that I stormed off from him. I hear him following behind me but he doesn't say anything. I make it to class and take my seat next to Allie. Jax enters the class but he doesn't sit next to me but a few rows back and I can tell he's sulking.

"What's wrong with him?" Allie points back towards Jax.

I shrug. "Not my problem." Thankfully it's enough and Allie just drops it. Class goes by without any issues and Jax leaves without a word. Good! I'm not trying to hear his crap. The rest of my classes go relatively fast and I'm excited about that. I walk back to my dorm and see Mason parked out front. I can't help but smile. I try to pick up the pace and get to Mason's car hoping Jax or any of his people are around. I don't want any fights breaking out.

"Wow. You look beautiful." He grins. He reaches down and gives me a hug. "How was your day?"

I roll my eyes. "Long." I chuckle.

Mason opens the passenger side door for me. "Well tell me all about it on the drive to our date." I tell him mostly everything but leave out the profanity. I'm worried because I don't want him to get scared away. Because I know how Jax can be sometimes.

"Darling don't worry about them. They don't matter. All that matters is us, seeing where this goes." He smiles. I can't help but smile with him.

"Why don't they like you?" I ask. I really don't expect him to answer. Probably just give me an answer like Jax's or Cam's.

"Well darling. It's complicated honestly. I can't tell you everything because it's personal but I'll tell you a little. Well our families hate each other. Kind of a generational thing." He chuckles. "But some business we had with each other didn't go well. Sometimes our businesses go back and forth, competition wise. Also Jax is slightly unhinged. It doesn't take much to make him mad" I can't help but laugh because Jax is very hot tempered.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"For what." He looks over at me.

"For telling me the truth. Well as much as you can." I smile. "Makes me not feel like a child, I guess."

"Don't worry darling. My goal is to never make you feel bad." He grins. The rest of the ride we continue to get to know each other. The more I get to know him, the more I'm starting to like him.

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