Yearning | Hogwarts Legacy

By smile_arigatou

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Hogwarts 1891. Sabrina Pryor-Lewis, the resilient daughter. Ominis Gaunt, the earnest heir. Sebastian Sallow... More

Author's Note
Chapter One : Welcome Home
Chapter Two : First Day of Class
Chapter Three : Potions Class
Chapter Four : Quidditch Tryouts
Chapter Five : Electives
Chapter Six : Missing
Chapter Seven : Ache
Chapter Eight : Siblings
Chapter Nine : Living In A Mad World
Chapter Ten : The Gaunt Family
Chapter Eleven : Broken Promises
Chapter Twelve : Helping
Chapter Thirteen : The Auror
Chapter Fourteen : Wise Men Say
Chapter Fifteen : Only Fools Rush In
Chapter Sixteen : Away From Prying Eyes
Chapter Seventeen : Small Victories
Chapter Eighteen : Slytherin vs Gryffindor
Chapter Nineteen : Truths
Chapter Twenty : Dark Magic
Chapter Twenty-One : The Dragons and The Unicorns
Chapter Twenty-Two: Sebastian Thomas
Chapter Twenty-Three : Fistful of Roses
Chapter Twenty-Four : Burning Hearts
Chapter Twenty-Five : Change In The Winds
Chapter Twenty-Six : Losing Game
Chapter Twenty-Seven : Rookwood
Chapter Twenty-Eight : Yearning
Chapter Twenty-Nine : I Want You...
Chapter Thirty : Reunion
Chapter Thirty-One : The Den of Serpents
Chapter Thirty-Two: Cross My Heart
Chapter Thirty-Three : Hope To Die
Chapter Thirty-Five: Falbarton Castle
Chapter Thirty-Six: Storm of Ice and Truth
Chapter Thirty-Seven: Let It Hurt
Chapter Thirty-Eight: Auld Lang Syne
Chapter Thirty-Nine: Play With Fire
Chapter Forty: Ominis Lucian
Chapter Forty-One: Observation
Chapter Forty-Two: Hate
Chapter Forty-Three: Bananas
Chapter Forty-Four: I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Forty-Five : Raising Hell
Authors Note
Chapter Forty-Six: Snakes and Eagles
Chapter Forty-Seven: Changes
Author's Final Thoughts
Up Next....
It's Only The Beginning....
*Extra* Yearning Bloopers

Chapter Thirty-Four : Strength

303 12 71
By smile_arigatou

"Ominis? What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold."

The young boy wiped his tears and turned his face away. His whole body felt sore from the family outing he had been forced to endure, so running away was out of the question. All he could do was turn away and hope that his aunt didn't see how upset he was.

He felt Aunt Noctua sit next to him on the stone bench before a gentle hand came and tried to move him to face her. He resisted, further digging his chin into his chest.

"Ominis, let me see."


"Ominis Lucian."

He huffed, but when he felt his aunt's gentle touch on his face again he let her turn it towards her. Ominis heard her gasp slightly as she inspected him. Her cool fingers seemed to graze softly over the nerves that hurt the most and before too long he was feeling like his face and head was finally back to normal.

"Did Atticus do this to you?"

Carefully, Ominis nodded.

"What happened?"

Ominis finally spoke. "They wanted to torture muggles, but I didn't want to hurt them. Father got angry and...." He felt the tears coming back. "Aunt Noctua, I didn't want to hurt them! He made me! I'm so sorry! Please don't be angry with me!"

Instantly, Aunt Noctua wrapped her arms around him and began to hush him. "Shh, it's alright. I know you didn't."

"I'm weak! I'm pathetic!"

"No, you are not." Aunt Noctua pulled away slightly to stare at the boy's face. "Listen to me. You are strong and kind and better than any other Gaunt I know. Do not let them convince you that you are inferior."

"I don't want to be in this family."

Aunt Noctua's voice trembled. "I know. I don't want you to be either."

"I wish I could run away."

Ominis felt his aunt's fingers tense. She suddenly turned very serious, and he couldn't help but hang onto every word. "Listen to me, Ominis. I want you to make a promise to me.... I want you to promise me that you will not allow your father to trap you. One day, he'll want to sell you off to another family with talk of responsibilities and family duties. Instead, I want you to run. Go out into the world and explore, make friends and fall in love, and never come back to this house again."

"But I can't," Ominis argued. "I'll never make it past the gates."

"But you will. Because you have an incredible power and motivation that they won't ever anticipate."

"What is that?"

He felt a soft kiss on the top of his head. "It's your love."

They landed in the backyard with a hard thump!

Sabrina found herself on her back and immediately was aware of how cool the snow was against her hot skin. She was panting hard and her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest as her lungs burned trying to get air. When she opened her eyes, however, she could see the dark sky littered with bright white stars and a few faded clouds as they covered the moon.

She could hear Ominis, Sebastian, and Anne next to her panting just as hard. She could feel that everyone was thinking and feeling the same thing, but no one seemed to be able to talk yet.

Then suddenly, she heard Sebastian start to chuckle. It started low but defined, and it got louder when Anne began to laugh with him. Eventually, even Sabrina and Ominis were laughing almost hysterically as it finally washed over them all what had just happened.

They had successfully escaped Gaunt Manor. They had busted Ominis out and they were alive. They were safe back in Upper Hogsfield, and for a moment they could breath and laugh and celebrate.

Ominis was the first to speak after a long minute of laughing. "Sabrina... where are you?"

Sabrina looked over and saw Ominis was also on his back next to her. His hair was a mess and his clothes were looking a bit disheveled, but he seemed otherwise alright. She sat up slightly and put a hand on his cheek. "I'm right here."

Before she could comprehend what was happening, Ominis had reached out, tangling his hand in Sabrina's hair, and was rolling her over so she was on her back again and Ominis was almost straddling her.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Ominis gasped, his face dangerously close to hers as his hand rested on her scalp.

Sabrina couldn't move and felt Ominis tug on her hair slightly. She could tell he was angry, but she also knew his anger was more out of fear and concern for her safety than because he was genuinely mad.

When she didn't answer right away, he asked again. "What were you thinking?"

Sabrina swallowed. "Well, I was sort of thinking how much fun it would be to crash a party. I've never done that before."

"Oh, you're proud of this, are you?"

"For the moment."

Ominis tugged again, his face and voice starting to show a sense of desperation. Sabrina couldn't help but whimper slightly as her head began to hurt from him pulling. "Do you understand you could have died?"

"But I didn't," Sabrina answered.

"You could have been killed! Marvolo could have–"

"But he didn't," she repeated.

Ominis paused, but Sabrina could feel him tremble. "Only a fool in love would do something so reckless."

"Then what does that say about me?"

Leaning down, Ominis pressed his forehead against Sabrina. "Please... do not ever do that again."

Sabrina managed to free one of her hands and then she reached out and was cupping his face. "I cannot promise that."

They sat like that in the snow for a few more seconds before Ominis' lips came crashing on Sabrina's in an almost too painful kiss. It felt as anguished yet as passionate as he was feeling, and she could tell he was pouring his whole heart into the action.

She hadn't realized just how scared she had been herself, and Sabrina began to kiss back just as feverishly, wanting to take in and enjoy every second she had Ominis in her arms.

"You two couldn't wait a bloody minute, could you?"

Ominis groaned and released the kiss but still hovered above Sabrina's face. "If it bothers you that much, Sebastian, you can leave."

The party guests were told that an urgent matter came up and the party had to be cut short. As they were all leaving, Theo pushed Minerva aside. "Get out of here," he whispered to her. "If the Ministry finds out you came with me–"

"What about Corvina and Ominis?" Minerva began to argue.

"I'll take care of it, but you cannot be seen here. If any other Aurors notice you, it'll be bad news."

Minerva sighed, biting her tongue before she nodded.

"I'll see you soon." Instinctively, Theo leaned forward and gave her a quick kiss. It caused Minerva to freeze, and Theo realized his action too late, pulling away quickly. He stuttered. "I... shit, I didn't mean–"

"Theo," she said, putting a hand on his cheek to calm him down. "It's fine."

He blushed slightly. "That wasn't exactly how I wanted that first kiss to go."

Minerva smiled. "Just like before, eh?"

Theo chuckled despite himself. Then, he went back into his work mode. "I'll see you later."

When he saw that Minerva had safely apparated away, Theo went back inside to meet with the other Aurors who had been summoned to meet with the Rookwoods and the Gaunts.

"Lawrence," Mr. Cribbe's loud voice called out when he saw the younger man. "How lucky it was that you were already here."

Theo cleared his throat. "Yes sir, however 'lucky' is not the term I would use in a situation like this."

"Indeed," the portly Auror responded. "Still, you did a fine job securing the scene. Goldstein and Ogden are outside investigating the body and the garden. Has the family said anything yet about their version of the story?"

"Not yet, sir, I was trying to work on getting the guests out to make sure this did not fall on prying ears."

"Good," Mr. Cribbe said. "Now... shall we?"

After their quick investigation, a few truths came to light. Verena Gaunt was killed by the use of an Unforgivable Curse. Her body had been found outside in the garden, reported by her older brother, Marvolo, who was acting suspiciously agitated.

By the amount of footprints in the snow, they could tell there had been more than the two Gaunts outside. The footprints were close and muddled together, and it looked as if they were trying to run away. However, whether the additional people were running away to avoid the crime or running from being attacked, they didn't have that answer yet.

By the time Theo and Mr. Cribbe approached, Atticus was yelling at one of the butlers. "What do you mean he's not here?!"

"Master Gaunt, we can't find him–"

"I told you, Father, he apparated–"

Atticus reached up and instantly landed a harsh slap across his oldest son's face. "I will deal with you later!"

The youngest daughter, Corvina, was sitting at a table looking pale and on the verge of tears while the youngest Rookwood daughter, Coraline, sat with her trying to calm her down. Verena's husband, Modestus, was pacing in very obvious distress and staring at Marvolo with daggers in his gaze. The remaining Rookwood family was standing around just trying to make sense of what had happened.

"Sir," Mr, Cribbe said when he approached Atticus. "I understand–"

Atticus looked at the auror in obvious fury. "My daughter is dead! My son is missing! I don't think you quite understand how angry I am!"

The butler spoke up again. "He must have apparated–"

"He's blind! He cannot apparate!"

"He got past the apparition line!" Marvolo argued again.

"No one gets past the iron gates! They're made of goblin silver!"

"He got past with the help of that Mudblood whore!"

"One thing at a time, please!" Theo exclaimed as he tried to get control back of the situation. When the men stopped arguing, he continued. "Now.... Master Gaunt, do you have any idea what events could have caused your daughter's death?"

Before Atticus could speak, Marvolo went off again. "I told you, it's the filthy mudblood's fault! She is why my sister is dead!"

Atticus gave a stern look to his son before he directed his look back at Theo. "My son, Marvolo, thinks my son was kidnapped by another Hogwarts student. She has been trying to seduce him and take him away from the house for the past year, and it now seems that she is willing to go to extreme measures to get what she wants."

"Who is this student?" Mr. Cribbe asked as he pulled out a notebook and quill.

"Sabrina Lewis."

Theo felt a harsh rush of fear go through him, but he remained calm. "What motivations would she have for taking Ominis away?" he asked instead.

"She disagrees with our family values and has a vendetta against the Rookwood family. I'm sure after hearing the news of the engagement, she is just using him as a means to tear the family apart. I hear that she has a rare, magical ability that she's been able to use to destroy others. I wouldn't put it past her to try and use it against us to ruin this house."

"And you think that she would go so far as to use the Killing Curse on Verena?"

"I'm not one to guess her motivations, I believe that is your job is it not?"

"Did anyone see Miss Lewis use this curse on Verena?" Theo asked, feeling incredibly uncomfortable with the accusations.

Atticus glared. "Do you doubt my son's integrity?"

Theo stared back. "Not at all. But like you said, it is my job to find the truth and find out why your daughter is dead and your son is missing. And I must let you know that if we find your son and we learn that he was not kidnapped but instead left on his own accord, there is nothing we can do to bring him back since he is an adult."

Atticus' eyes narrowed in. "And here I was thinking that my influence at the Ministry meant something."

Before Theo could say anything else, Mr. Cribbe excused them and pulled him away. "I understand you're now personally involved, Lawrence, but you have to remain calm. I'll stay here and finish my investigation here. Go find the girl and figure out what exactly happened. I'll come over to your house in an hour to do my own interview." His voice lowered. "If I find anything out of place when I come over, I'll have no choice but to report you."

Taking a deep breath, Theo nodded. "Alright." He glanced back at Marvolo. "I don't trust the eldest. I think a wand check is in order."

Mr. Cribbe nodded. "I believe so too."

Sabrina had just changed into a more plain dress when Minerva apparated back. "Where are the others?" Minerva asked after greeting her daughter.

"They headed to Feldcroft after our time at The Three Broomsticks," Sabrina responded, the words coming out naturally. She began kneading some dough to make fresh bread for the morning. "They said they needed to go get some things they forgot. It shouldn't be too much longer."

Minerva nodded as she waved her wand to change into something more comfortable herself. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, it was fun."

"Was it your first time at Gaunt Manor?"

Sabrina instantly stopped and felt a harsh shiver go through her.

"Don't try to deny it. I know you were there."

Minerva's tone was harsh, and it reminded Sabrina of how Sister Margaret used to scold her. When she finally turned around, she saw that Minerva was standing nearby with her eyes locked onto her and her arms folded across her chest waiting for an answer. When Sabrina saw the fire in her eyes, she couldn't help but cower. "I can explain."

Minerva went off. "Do you have any idea how incredibly dangerous that was?"

"Minerva, you don't understand–"

"No, I do understand! Believe me, if anyone understands, it's me! But damn it, Sabrina, you are smarter than this!"

"They were killing him!" Sabrina argued back. "I couldn't just leave him there!"

"And that thinking is exactly why Oliver died! Verena Gaunt is dead and if you had been any more reckless that could have been you!"

Sabrina felt like she was on the verge of tears. "Marvolo almost killed Ominis. It was his spell that misfired! Don't put that blame on me!"

"I am not blaming you. But I am shocked you just went in there wands blazing like that! There are smarter ways you could have gotten him out!"

Sabrina was fuming. "Like making up a report of abuse? Taking the bureaucratic approach and trying to get them arrested for something you know they'll never in a million years be found guilty of? By the time you had finished with your 'investigation', Ominis could be dead! I couldn't take that risk!"

"Sometimes that is the safest way–"

"It would not have saved him!"

"And you think what you did is the best option?"

"It worked, didn't it?"

"Damn it, Sabrina! You're not listening!"

"No, you don't understand!" Sabrina was shaking and almost sobbing. "The reason they tried to kill him is because of me!"

Minerva stopped and stared. She looked dumbfounded.

Sabrina couldn't hold it in anymore. "Do you have any idea what it's like to be sorted into the most elite house in Hogwarts as a muggle and have everyone stare and wonder how you got there and then judge you for it? I am never going to be good enough for them. Even after I learned about you and Theo, I will never be good enough! His family has hated me from the moment I walked in those doors. But Ominis has never judged me or hated me because of it. In fact, he was the one person I could always count on when everybody else left! Even when we've been at our worst, he never gave up on me. Even when he was pulling away, it wasn't because he didn't love me anymore, it was because he loved me. He tried to protect me."

She wasn't looking at her mother anymore. She tried to control her tears, but they wouldn't stop.

"I made a promise to Fig in that repository that nobody else would die because of me. I couldn't keep that promise to Fig but I will do my damned best to make sure I keep it to everyone else! So yes, I understand the plan wasn't the best thought out and that I could have died. But I will not apologize for it. If something happened to Ominis because I was too much of a coward to help him then I would never forgive myself!"

Sabrina finally stopped. For a moment, no one said a word. Then, Minerva finally approached Sabrina and gently embraced her. "My sweet girl," she whispered when the girl began to sob. "I had no idea you went through all of that... I am so, so sorry you had to deal with that alone."

Sabrina wrapped her own arms around Minerva, desperate to hang onto her.

"I am so sorry I was never there for you. I'm so sorry you had to deal with the responsibility of the Keepers and the repository on your own. No one, especially a fifteen year old, should ever have to deal with what you did alone. And the fact that you've been dealing with all this heartache and guilt and pain just...." She could hear Minerva begin to cry too as her embrace tightened. "I was so afraid of losing you tonight, but that doesn't compare to how you've been feeling for the past twelve years, and I am so sorry!"

Minerva smelled of French vanilla and firewood, and just being held began to calm down Sabrina. If she focused, she could even remember this feeling as a child.

"I was so frightened seeing you there tonight. I was almost afraid I was going to lose you. Please promise me you won't do that again."

Sabrina chuckled softly. "You and Ominis are asking for impossible promises."

She felt Minerva chuckle with her. "You are your father's child."

"I'm also yours."

"Yes, and that's what scares me most."

They both heard a pop! outside the front door, and they turned around as Theo walked inside. HIs gaze landed on Sabrina, and she shivered again as he came forward. "Where is Ominis?"

Sabrina looked between Minerva and Theo. "Why?"

"Because his father is accusing you of kidnapping him and for murdering Verena Gaunt."

She felt like she should have expected it, but Sabrina still felt like she had the wind knocked out of her when she heard that.

"What?!" Minerva exclaimed for the two of them. "That's absurd!"

Theo's gaze never left Sabrina, who was now struggling to breathe. "Did you kill her?"

"No!" Sabrina exclaimed. "Marvolo tried to kill Ominis, but we dodged the spell before it landed on Verena."

"Would you allow me to check your wand for proof?"

"Proof?" Sabrina asked nervously.

"I can check and see what the last few spells were cast from your wand," he explained.

Quickly, Sabrina handed over her wand to Theo. He ran his own wand over it and cast a reverse spell charm, and Sabrina heard her own voice echo back from it. "Reparo!" "Bombarda!"

Sighing, Theo gave the wand back to Sabrina. "Where are the Sallows and Ominis?"

Sabrina instantly hardened. "You're not taking him back!"

"I didn't say I was. But I have to check their wands and make sure no one is lying. My partner will be here in an hour to do his own interview with you, so if you're lying you better tell me now."

"I'm not lying," Sabrina told him. "I promise."

"You lied to us about where you were going."

Her eyes narrowed. "I had a good reason."

"Sabrina, what you did was reckless and irresponsible–"

"Theo," Minerva said, putting a hand on his arm to calm him down. "Believe me, she's already heard it from me."

Theo looked at Minerva and sighed. "Fine," he said before he looked back at Sabrina. "Where are they?"

Sabrina didn't want to tell him, but she also knew they had nothing to hide. They already knew that Ominis was with them, so she couldn't pretend she had no idea anymore. "Feldcroft."

Instantly, Theo headed towards the door. "I'll be back." A second later, he apparated away.

It felt like hours before Theo finally came back with Sebastian, Anne, and Ominis. Ominis had changed out of his dress clothes and was wearing a more comfortable shirt and slacks, and as soon as he had stepped inside the house Sabrina was in his embrace.

"Merlin, you're shaking," Ominis said as his arms held her close.

Sabrina let go of him before taking his hand and leading him over to Minerva. She cleared her throat nervously. "Mum... this is Ominis."

Ominis held his head high and forward, standing up straight to put on his best first impression. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Lewis."

Minerva was staring at him, and Sabrina could see the tears in her eyes before she responded. "It's an honor, Ominis. Sabrina has told me so much about you." She lifted a hand as if she wanted to touch his cheek, but stopped herself just before she did so.

Theo walked back inside with his partner from the Ministry, Mr. Cribbe, and as soon as he did Anne and Sebastian tensed up.

"Good to see you two again," Mr. Cribbe said, addressing the twins. "I'm sorry it's under these circumstances."

Sebastian nodded and held Anne closer. "I understand sir, and if all goes well this should be the last time we see each other."

Mr. Cribbe laughed at the joke before directing his attention on Ominis. "Now... Mister Gaunt. If I may speak with you privately."

Ominis' embrace on Sabrina's waist tightened for a second before he leaned down to her. "I'll be right back," he whispered. He let go and was then led to an upstairs bedroom.

One by one, Mr. Cribbe and Theo took each person to a private room and got their version of events at the Gaunt party. Sabrina was shaking the entire time, as was Sebastian and Ominis. Finally, after every wand was checked and their alibis verified, Mr. Cribbe cleared his throat. "I can confidently say that none of you are responsible for the death of Verena Gaunt, nor are you guilty of kidnapping Ominis."

Sabrina sighed and leaned into Ominis' shoulder.

"Now, I shall finally leave you all in peace. It's Christmas Eve, after all." He looked at Theo. "Do you want to come with me to deliver the findings of the investigation to Master Gaunt?"

Theo grinned. "Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing his smug face again as you return back without Ominis."

Minerva reached for him. "Theo–"

"He won't do anything," Theo reassured her. "He wouldn't dare. I'll be back soon."

When the men left, Minerva finally faced the teenagers.

Sebastian stretched his arms. "Well, can't say I'm keen to do that again anytime soon."

He didn't see Ominis' slap from behind before it was too late. "I gave you one simple instruction! I explicitly remember telling you to make sure Sabrina did not do anything reckless, and yet it seems my words go in one ear and out the other!"

"Oi!" Sebastian fought back. "In my defense–"

"You don't have a defense! I ought to turn you into a frog!"

"Good luck catching a frog with your eyesight, Ominis!"

Sebastian tried to dodge Ominis a second time, but failed to move when his sister pushed him forward instead.

Minerva and Theo had been very clear with their rules. Anne and Sabrina were to share the upstairs bedroom, meanwhile the boys were to sleep in the living room with a bed Minerva transfigured inside.

That didn't mean anyone was asleep, however. With everything that had happened that night, Ominis could only lay on his face and think about the events of that night. He knew that his father was going to retaliate if Marvolo didn't first. He also knew that as long as Corvina was quiet and kept her head down, she would probably be okay until term started in a week.

But for the moment, he was safe. He was away from Gaunt Manor and was instead in a home with nice people who genuinely wanted to help.

"I'm surprised you're not more upset at Sabrina," Sebastian spoke, cutting into the darkness. He evidently couldn't sleep either.

Ominis sighed. "She's right. If I knew she was in that precarious a situation, I wouldn't hesitate to go get her either." He turned towards Sebastian. "I was angry, yes, but more so because I was afraid she was going to get hurt.... Merlin, I still can't fully believe she did that."

Sebastian chuckled. "It's because she loves you, mate."

"And that worries me." Ominis debated over his next words. "She's able to do so much more for me than I'll ever be able to do for her. She can protect me and fight for me, yet I can barely hold my own."

"Don't sell yourself short. You did a damn good job fighting Verena and Marvolo tonight. And we can always do more sparing practice."

"But will that be enough?"

"Ominis, she doesn't hold that against you."

"She deserves to have someone take care of her. She shouldn't have to do this anymore."

He heard footsteps on the hardwood floor, and a few seconds later he felt Sebastian shift again. "There are a lot of ways you can take care of her, Ominis. Sometimes just being there is all she needs."

Sebastian got up from the bed, and in his place Ominis could feel Sabrina sliding into his arms. He instantly wrapped himself around her with his hands holding her head and face close. When he knew Sebastian was gone, Ominis spoke. "Aren't you worried about your parents?"

Sabrina shrugged. "They'll get over it.."

Ominis smiled at her mischievousness. "I'm not sure you're fully accepting this whole parent-child dynamic."

She giggled against his chest. He missed this. Just having her in his arms made him feel warm and comfortable, as if Sabrina was made to be there.

"What do you dream about?" Sabrina asked, breaking the comfortable silence of the fireplace and her breathing.

Ominis took a deep breath. "You'll laugh."

"No, I won't!"

He leaned in closer, his nose now touching hers. "Alright, I'll tell you.... I dream of you. And I dream about what you look like."

He felt Sabrina frown. "I'm sure I don't look nearly as pretty as you think I do."

Ominis reached up and placed a hand on her cheek. "Looks are not what make you beautiful, they just enhance it. I do not need to see you to know you are the most gorgeous girl in all of Britain."

Sabrina blushed, and he couldn't help but grin. "You're such a flirt."

"Oh, but you love it," Ominis whispered before he leaned in and kissed her. "What about you, my dear? What do you dream about?"

Ominis felt Sabrina lift her eyes to him. "Do you promise not to laugh?"

"Depends on what it is, but I shall do my best."

There were a few seconds of silence before Sabrina answered. "I used to dream of the past... but now I dream of the future."

"Oh? And what's in your future?"

Sabrina smiled again. "Anywhere with you."

It was Ominis' turn to blush. "And you accuse me of being a flirt?"

The two laughed quietly to themselves before Ominis leaned in and gently kissed her.

Ominis had been away from her for only four days, but it felt like a lifetime. Her soft touch and tender lips immediately warmed him up as he pulled her closer in his arms.

After they drifted finally to sleep, Ominis made a quiet promise. "I'll never leave you again."

He barely heard her response. "Until the stars turn cold."


A/N: Comments are love! Thank you for reading!

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