Billionaire's First Love

By Taekookslove01

16.8K 909 94

Business tycoon Kim Taehyung, for whom everyone is crazy, but he is crazy over a village boy, Jeon Jungkook. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 13

330 19 2
By Taekookslove01

Jungkook and Jennie sat on the familiar bench, the place where Jungkook and Taehyung met every day. The anticipation hung in the air as they waited for Taehyung to join them. Jennie couldn't help but glance around, wondering how Taehyung would find them amidst the crowd.

Jennie (whispered): "How will V know we're waiting for him? What if he doesn't find us in this crowd?"

Jungkook (sporting a confident smile): "Don't worry, Jennie. V promised me he'd meet me here every day. He'll definitely find us."

As they chatted, a familiar voice approached from behind. "Well, well, what do we have here?" Taehyung's voice carried a playful tone as he joined them on the bench.

Jennie (turned, surprised and delighted): "V! How did you know we were waiting for you?"

Taehyung (chuckled): "Jungkook, my boy, did you doubt my commitment? I promised you, didn't I?"

Jungkook (grinned) "Of course not, V. I knew you'd find us."

Taehyung (leaned back on the bench): "So, what brings you both here today?"

As Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged glances, a shared moment of silent connection as they remembered the scenes from the day before. The air between them seemed to carry the residue of sweet memories.

Breaking the brief silence, Taehyung turned to Jungkook with a teasing smile.

Taehyung: "You are looking like the sun today - radiating warmth and making everything around you brighter."

Jungkook (caught off guard but enjoying the attention, blushed): "V, seriously, you don't have to keep saying stuff like that."

Taehyung (persisted): "But it's true! Your smile is like sunshine, and when you blush like that, it's like a sunset in the evening sky - breathtaking."

Jennie (observing the adorable exchange, couldn't help but smile): "Aww, you two are too cute. What's got into you today, V?"

Taehyung (winked at her): "Just appreciating the art, Jennie. And our dear Jungkook here is a masterpiece."

Jungkook (still blushing, tried to deflect): "You're being extra cheesy today, V."

Taehyung (leaned in closer): "Well, if being cheesy makes you blush like that, I might just have to do it more often."

As the trio enjoyed their time on the bench, Jennie couldn't help but bring up the topic of dinner.

Jennie: "Hey V, Jeon auntie asked us to invite you and Lisa for dinner tonight. You both are coming, right?"

Taehyung pondered for a moment, then glanced at Jungkook, who was giving him those pitiful puppy eyes. Unable to resist, Taehyung grinned and agreed.

Taehyung: "Sure, why not? We'll be there."

Jennie (with a sly smile, warned him): "Don't forget to bring my girlfriend Lisa along."

Taehyung (chuckled): "Of course, of course. I wouldn't dare to leave her behind."

Jennie (stood up, taking Jungkook's hand): "Great! We have a lot to prepare at home, so we're going now. See you at dinner!"

She playfully dragged Jungkook away with her, leaving Taehyung alone on the bench. As they walked away, Jungkook stole a glance back at Taehyung, giving him a sheepish smile.

Taehyung (sitting alone, smiled back at Jungkook): "Looks like we're in for an interesting dinner tonight."


As night fell, Jungkook and Jennie meticulously arranged the dining table with an array of delicious dishes. Mrs. Jeon, curious and eager, asked them.

Mrs. Jeon: "When are V and Lisa coming? I can't wait to meet them."

Just as the anticipation peaked, a knock echoed through the house. Mrs. Jeon prompted Jungkook.

Mrs. Jeon: "Go on, open the door and welcome them."

Jungkook, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, gulped and made his way to the door. As he swung it open, there stood Taehyung and Lisa, both adorned with warm smiles.

Lisa stepped inside, and Jungkook instinctively moved to the side, gesturing for Taehyung to enter. However, instead of immediately stepping in, Taehyung lingered at the doorway, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

Jungkook, looking at Taehyung with a mix of confusion and anticipation, gestured for him to come in. Taehyung, with a playful glint in his eyes, leaned in slightly, their noses almost touching.

Jungkook shut his eyes, expecting a teasing remark or a gentle push. However, to his surprise, Taehyung merely smiled and smoothly entered the house. Jungkook, blushing, closed the door behind them.

Mrs. Jeon, oblivious to the playful exchange, greeted them warmly, "Welcome, V and Lisa! We're so glad you could join us for dinner."

Taehyung (with a charming grin) "Thank you for inviting us."

As Mrs. Jeon engaged Lisa in conversation, the dinner table became a lively scene with everyone seated comfortably. Lisa and Jennie shared one side, Jungkook and Taehyung on the other, and Mrs. Jeon at the head.

Amid the delightful meal and random topics, Jungkook noticed Taehyung staring at him intently, a gaze filled with a warmth that made him feel shy. Hesitant, Jungkook looked down at his plate, pretending not to notice. However, Taehyung remained undeterred, his gaze fixed on Jungkook.

Feeling a subtle touch under the table, Jungkook looked to the side and saw Taehyung extending his hand towards him. Pouting, Jungkook gestured discreetly, "V, not now. We're at the dinner table."

Ignoring Jungkook's plea, Taehyung continued to hold his hand out, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jungkook rolled his eyes in response but eventually gave in, grabbing Taehyung's hand under the table.

Their fingers intertwined, the subtle connection beneath the table became a sweet secret shared between them amidst the lively dinner conversation.

Mrs. Jeon, oblivious to the silent exchange, continued chatting with Lisa.

Mrs. Jeon: "So, Lisa, how do you like the food?"

Lisa: "It's delicious auntie, you're such a good cook."

As Mrs. Jeon engaged Lisa in a friendly conversation, the dinner table was filled with the delightful sounds of shared stories and laughter. Mrs. Jeon, genuinely curious, asked Lisa about her hobbies and favorite places.

Mrs. Jeon (inquired with a warm smile): "Lisa, about what the things you enjoy doing? Any favorite places you love to visit?"

Lisa (equally engaged in the conversation, shared her interests): "I love photography, Mrs. Jeon, and my favorite place has to be the beach. There's something so calming about the sound of the waves."

Meanwhile, underneath the table, Taehyung and Jungkook continued their quiet romance. Their fingers intertwined, playing a tender game of holding hands and exchanging shy glances.

Taehyung (whispering to Jungkook, couldn't resist the opportunity for some sweet words): "Your hand in mine feels like a perfect home."

Jungkook (trying not to blush too visibly, replied softly): "V, you're something."

Taehyung (grinned): "I can't help it. You bring out the romantic in me."

Mrs. Jeon, still engrossed in conversation with Lisa, had no idea about the charming exchanges happening beneath the table.

Lisa, noticing the subtle romance between Taehyung and Jungkook, gave Jennie a knowing look. Jennie winked back, acknowledging the sweet connection playing out in the midst of the dinner chatter.

The dinner table, filled with the warmth of both conversation and secret glances, became a canvas for the intricacies of relationships, both new and blossoming.

As the delicious dinner concluded, Jungkook and Jennie accompanied Taehyung and Lisa to the doorway for the goodbye ritual. Lisa and Jennie engaged in a heartfelt conversation, sharing romantic words and bidding each other goodnight.

Lisa (smiled at Jennie): "It was truly wonderful meeting you. Hopefully, we'll get to spend more time together soon."

Jennie (reciprocated with a warm grin); "Absolutely, Lisa. Take care, and goodnight."

On the other side, Taehyung and Jungkook stood, their gazes locked in a silent exchange. Taehyung couldn't resist the opportunity for a playful flirtation.

Taehyung: "Kook, saying goodnight to you feels like ending a perfect chapter of my day."

Jungkook (with a shy smile): "V, you never fail to make me blush. Goodnight, and take care."

As Taehyung and Lisa headed towards their way, Taehyung glanced back at Jungkook, blowing him a kiss with a mischievous wink. Jungkook rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the small smile that lingered on his lips.

Once Taehyung and Lisa were out of sight, Jennie and Jungkook retreated inside the house.

Jennie (teasingly nudged Jungkook): "You two are just too adorable. What's the secret to your romance?"

Jungkook (blushed): "There's no secret, Jennie. Just being ourselves."

As they settled back into the cozy ambiance of the house, the echoes of laughter and sweet moments lingered, leaving behind the promise of more delightful times to come.


The sleek black car pulled up in front of the Manoban mansion, and Lisa gracefully stepped out, thanking Taehyung for the evening.

As they exchanged friendly goodbyes, the atmosphere took an unexpected turn as Mr. Manoban emerged from the mansion, a stern expression on his face.

Mr. Manoban (inquired): "Where have you two been? I hope it was something worthwhile."

Caught off guard, Taehyung and Lisa exchanged nervous glances. Lisa, quick on her feet, decided to divert Mr. Manoban's attention.

Lisa: "Oh, we were on a date, dad. Just wanted to spend some quality time together."

A sudden gleam appeared in Mr. Manoban's eyes, and he broke into a satisfied smirk.

Mr. Manoban: "A date, you say? That's excellent! Keep spending time together; it's good for the future of our business relations."

Taehyung (feeling a bit awkward, stammered): "Uh, yes, of course. Anyway have a Goodnight, Mr. Manoban."

As Taehyung left, Mr. Manoban turned his attention back to Lisa. His smirk widened as he whispered.

Mr. Manoban: "Impressive, Lisa. Keep playing this game well. Convince him to marry you, and our plan will fall into place perfectly."

Lisa sighed inwardly, realizing the complexity of the situation, her expression masking the turmoil within.

Lisa: "I'll do my best, dad."

As she entered the mansion, Mr. Manoban watched with a calculating gaze, wit the success of his devious plan.


In his sleek office cabin, Taehyung was engrossed in his work on the laptop, meticulously attending to the affairs of his own successful company. The air seemed to tighten as the door creaked open, and Mr. Kim, his father, entered with an air of self-importance.

Taehyung (glanced up, his expression neutral): "What brings you here, Mr. Kim aka dad?"

Mr. Kim, known for his egoistic demeanor, responded with a forced smile.

Mr. Kim: "Just checking on my son's progress. How's your business going, Taehyung?"

Taehyung (kept his tone professional): "Business is going well. Anyway how's Mom?"

Mr. Kim (a brief flicker of tension passed between them): "She's fine, just as busy managing the household as always."

Their conversation remained stiff, devoid of any warmth that typically characterized father-son relationships. Taehyung, having chosen independence, built his own empire, and the strain between them was palpable.

Taehyung (his tone measured): "If there's nothing else, dad, I have work to attend to."

Mr. Kim (nodded): "Of course. Keep up the good work, Taehyung. It's a reflection of the Kim name."

Taehyung's jaw tightened slightly at the mention of the "Kim name," but he maintained his composure.

Taehyung : "I intend to, dad."

In the solemn ambiance of Taehyung's office, Mr. Kim broached a proposition that hung heavy in the air.

Mr. Kim: "Taehyung, I think it's time you consider marriage. Lisa Manoban is a suitable match for you. It would strengthen our business ties."

Taehyung (unfazed, looked up from his work): "Dad, I won't marry someone I don't love. Besides, Lisa has feelings for someone else."

Mr. Kim (his ego undeterred, retorted): "Love is a luxury, Taehyung. Marriages are about strategy and alliances. Think beyond your personal whims."

Taehyung (leaned back, a firmness in his voice): "I won't force someone into a loveless marriage, especially when she has her heart set on another."

Mr. Kim (showing no signs of relenting, pressed on): "It's so resentful to have a son like you, even if you stepped away, you're slowly taking everything away from me, for example your brother, Jin."

Taehyung (corrected him): "Jin hyung chose to work with me, not for me. He was frustrated with your ways, dad."

Mr. Kim (taunt echoed in the room): "Frustrated or not, he still came under the Kim name. Learn to be a better businessman, Taehyung."

Taehyung (unruffled, responded): "I believe in building relationships, not forcing them. I won't marry Lisa against her wishes."

Their clash of principles left the office with an uneasy silence, the strained relationship between father and son glaringly evident.

As Mr. Kim's anger flared in response to Taehyung's refusal to marry Lisa, the atmosphere in the cabin became charged with tension. Mr. Kim issued a stern warning.

Mr. Kim: "Taehyung, if there's any problem in my business, you will be held responsible for it. Your decisions have consequences."

Taehyung (maintaining his composure, nodded): "I understand, dad. I am willing to take responsibility for my choices."

With that, Mr. Kim left Taehyung's cabin, the heavy door closing behind him. Taehyung, now alone in the silence of the room, sighed deeply. He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as he contemplated the weight of the responsibility placed on his shoulders.

Taehyung (whispered to himself): "Sometimes, the hardest battles are the ones fought within the family."

As the tension lingered in the air, Taehyung grappled with the complex interplay of familial expectations and personal convictions, pondering the path ahead in the intricate dance between family ties and individual autonomy.

To Be Continue 💜

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