Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

20.3K 700 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 41

381 15 15
By NamNamm03


I glance up at the clock on the wall and see it's almost six thirty in the morning. I couldn't really sleep last night though, I guess it must be because I was asleep for so long. Like real-life sleeping beauty over here. The sun just started to rise a bit and I can see the beautiful sunrise after so long. Although being in the coma felt like only a few days, I can't help but feel so odd not being conscious for four months straight.

Bada's fast asleep next to me in the bed right now. She must not have gotten any good sleep since I've been gone. She looks so much thinner now and has bags under her eyes. Ugh, it makes me sad to think how much she's been suffering these past few months. I'm just glad everything is over with and we can finally, peacefully, start our lives together. No more obstacles in the way or literal insane people trying to stop me from being happy. I just want to start over with Bada. Maybe we can go on a trip soon and spend some quality time together.

Since I'm probably not going back to sleep, I might as well go shower. Wait...I haven't showered in like four months 😀😀😀.

With that that thought in mind, I quickly but very quietly hop out of the bed and to the bathroom in the room. To my surprise when I get in there, it's fully stoked of all my bath products. Oh and there's a note.

Hi baby. I thought you might like to have all your stuff here and ready to use so I set everything out for you. Oh and I brought your favorite pink pajamas, fluffy pink robe and slippers too! (You look so pretty in it!!!) They're in the basket to your right. I'm glad to have you back my love and I'm here to serve you for the rest of our lives. Love you my Luna 💙

My heart swells reading her note. I'm smiling so wide yet I'm tearing up right now. I love Bada so much and I'm so happy to be back with her and be able to live in peace together. Although so much has happened, I have to look on the bright side and keep moving forward. Me going into a depressive state over Haneul won't do either of us any good and I don't want to worry Bada anymore. I've done that enough for a lifetime already.

I glance up at the mirror and wipe my tears away and put on the brightest smile I could. I feel so happy and content. She always does the nicest and most caring things for me which makes me love her even more. On the counter in here, she's got all my favorite bath products from body wash, bar soap, and scrubs to lotions, hair products, and skin care. Literally looks like a Sephora in here. I quickly turn the shower on and begin pinning my hair up. I put all the bath products in the shower then take off the night gown and hop in.

I just finished my everything shower and it lasted a good 30-45 minutes. When I get out, I wrap myself in the towel and pin my hair up again and do some body care. As I put my pajamas on, I look over to see a small bottle hiding in the corner of the basket behind a small hand towel. I take it out and find Bada's perfume I love so freaking much. Hehehehe you thought you could hide from me 😏.

After I've finished in the bathroom, I go out into the room and find Bada fast asleep. She's so pretty! Sitting on the bed gently, I stroke the side of her face to move a few strands of hair out of her face then kiss her on her forehead. She stirs for a moment then wakes up.

"Hi love," she says with her sleepy voice that I adore so much.

"Good morning baby. I didn't mean to wake you. You can go back to sleep," I tell her as she rubs the sleep out of her eyes while slowly shaking her head no.

"It's alright. I've missed waking up to you. I'm so happy I get to wake up with you every morning. It's the greatest gift I could ever have," she says sitting up in the bed.

"Awww Bada," I say getting all shy. She can have such a way with words making me blush even after all this time. She pulls me into her embrace and we hug each other for what feels like forever. A long awaited hug we both needed. After a while she pulls away and brings her hand to her face in awe.

"You look so pretty baby!" She says all giddy as she looks me up and down.

"We'll you picked out the drip," I said posing like a rich auntie.

"You look pretty in anything though. Ughhhh my girlfriend is so beautifullllllll," she says smooshing my cheeks together then tackles me making me fall backwards on the bed making her straddle me.

"I've missed you so much," she says muffled with her face in the crook of my neck. She literally has wrapped herself around my entire body but it's so cute.

"Remember how I said I wanted to name one of the babies pork chop or taquito?" I ask Bada and she nods her head in my neck.

"I thought about it and came up with something better." I say and she pulls back to sit on her knees while looking at me curious.

"French Toast," I say holding my hands up for each word like a sign. She blankly stares at me for a second then bursts out laughing.

"I thought you were being serious this time baby," she says pulling me up so we're sitting face to face.

"I am. Like we could nickname her Frenchie or Toastie and throw her French toast parties for her birthday," I whine to her but she just keeps laughing. Jokes on her, I was gonna name the darling 'All-star' after my fave Waffle House plate but I didn't think that'd be appropriate 🙄🤚.

"Baby imma go get you some breakfast okay," she says laughing.

"No, order in. I don't want you to leave," I say whining playfully while tugging her arm.

"Alright, alright. But you gotta think about some real baby names okay? No more food names. Got it?" She says while poking my cheek gently. I nod and she opens her phone to order us food. I swear I could eat and entire restaurant right now. Tables and all. Give me 7 minutes and the whole place will be cleared out.

I lay back in bed playing with the hem on Bada's shirt while she orders. I can't help but just stare at her though. She's so gorgeous and majestic. I'm so jealous how perfect she is.

"What are you staring at? Do I have something on my face?" She asks while whipping her face off.

"Mmmhmm," I hum out. She's still swiping which makes me laugh inside.

"You have beauty all over your face," I say joking and we both cringe and laugh at my goofiness. When she finishes ordering, we both lay down in the bed together with me in her arms.

"Knock knock," we hear someone say from the door. I glance over and see Soo-min and my tears start to form. I quickly get up from the bed and run to the door to give her the biggest hug ever.

"Soo-min," I cry out.

"Oh Luna, darling," she says with emotion in her voice. I pull back and glance at her again. Before I got in my coma, she wasn't showing too much but now she's full on pregnant and it makes me so happy to see her.

"You look so gorgeous Soo-min. Pregnancy suits you so well," I say wiping my tears away.

"Not really, I'm so much bigger having twins," she says laughing through tears.

"Nonsense, I've never seen a more gorgeous mama. Oh no, you're supposed to be on bed rest," I say concerned.

"I know but I just had to come see you," she says

"Well come in and sit," I say ushering her in the room carefully and helping her to sit on the couch.

Before we could get talking, Dae Hyun comes into the room with bags in his hand.

"Did you guys order breakfast?" He says and me and Bada nod out heads. He comes in and brings the food to my bed table.

"Have you eaten baby?" He asks Soo-min.

"Not yet. I wanted to get here quick and forgot to eat something at home," she says.

"Take my food okay. You can't go skipping meals. Not on my watch," I say pushing my food towards her.

"Baby no, I'll give her mine. You need to eat," Bada says.

"Aht aht, you eat your food Bada Lee. I'm serious," I say glaring at her. She's lost enough weight as it is.

"Baby," Bada says sadly.

"I'll order some more alright," I say reassuring her.

"I knew she be putting you in your place Bada but I'm scared too. Made me feel like I was about to get scolded by my mother," Soo-min says making me smile. Hehehe.

"Mother Luna can be scary sometimes. No wonder the kids listen to you so well," Dae Hyun says.

"What can I say. Now that I'm back I get to take care of you guys. But this will be my only request, so eat your food. NOW ☺️," I say and they both blink and get to eating. Love this sense of authority 💅. Makes me feel powerful 😌.

I order some more food and me and Soo-min get to talking. She's told me about how hard her pregnancy has been this time around because of the twins but how grateful and excited she is to meet them.

"When are you do, by the way" I ask her while eating my breakfast that just came.

"I should be ready to pop any week now. They say with twins you never really know though. They could come whenever and not just by the due date. So me and oppa packed the hospital bag a while ago. We've got one sitting by the front door at home and he also has an emergency one here just in case," she tells me.

"Ohhh, that's smart. Do you guys need us to bring anything or have things for us to do when you go in labor?" I ask.

"Depending on when and where. If the circumstances calls for it, do you guys mind watching the kids for a while then bringing them to the hospital?"

"Of course. We can also keep them for a while after you give birth. It's gonna be hard raising them and the babies together," I say.

"You're so sweet Luna. Thank you,"

"That's no problem. I love the kids and just wanna make sure you're okay after birth. I don't want you too stressed."

"Bada, you really have a keeper right here," she says to Bada.

"I know," she says smiling at me as she runs her hand over my hair and kisses my forehead.


It's been a while since I've woken up. After Soo-min visited, I had so many guests show up from my girls to Bebe, to Soo-min's kids. It's been so great seeing everyone. I thought it'd be awkward after not seeing them for so long but it was as if no time had passed. Me and my girls are as tight as ever. Seeing Kirsten and the girls cry though really broke my heart. As soon as they walked in they broke down in tears.


"LULUUUUU!!!" Audrey says running up to me with tears all over her face.

"Hi my loves," I say to them happily as tears begin to form in my eyes.

"Oh Luna. You have no idea how much I've missed you," Kirst says pulling me into her embrace. That look in her eyes have so much emotion to them making me bawl my eyes on the spot. Me doing this caused all the girls in the room to breakdown too while Bada watches us from across the room with a smile on her face. Before the girls came in the room, she told me she'll head out for a while to give us some alone time to reconnect together, so from the corner of my eye, I see Bada exiting the room.

As she closes the door, our cries and tears just get louder until we're all in one big hug.

"Oh my babies," I say caressing their heads in my arms. I've missed my girls so much.

"How are you?" Latrice asks pulling away.

"I'm fine. Just fine girls. Everything is okay now," I say giving them a reassuring smile that actually feels genuine for the first time ever after saying 'I'm fine'.

"You should've seen Audrey. She cried like a baby when you got in here," Emma says poking Audreys cheek.

"You're just mad she loves me more," A says sticking out her tongue and rolling her eyes at Em as she cuddles up closer to me. My big babies and their bickering. I've truly missed it. All of it.

"It was hard seeing you in here Lune. We were so afraid something really bad was gonna happen," Ling says lowering her head and the other girls nod.

"Look at me, okay. I'm fine. I promise you. For the first time in forever, I'm truly fine. I'm really sorry for everything I've put you girls through," I say as more tears spill.

"It's not like any of this is your fault Luna," Latrice says holding my hand.

"Not just this guys. Everything. I should've told you guys everything from the beginning. I've lied to you all so much and hid so much from you. I hate that I was so dishonest. I love and trust you guys the most in this world yet I was a coward,"

"Hey, look here Luna. We understand why you hid so much. Like Latrice said. None of this was your fault. Your were put in these horrible situations and dealt with them the best way you thought you could. We could never resent you for that Lu. We're just so happy it's over with and you can finally be happy. We want nothing more than for you to be happy LuLu," Kirst says caressing my hair making me full on bawl my eyes again. Just like a few minutes ago, we're all a sobbing mess again.

Bada walks in with bags of food laughing at us.

"You guys are still crying?" She says placing the food down by us.

"We are sharing a very deep, heart to heart moment right now and you're breaking it with your laughter Bada," Ling says making her laugh more.

"Your lucky your Luna's girlfriend or we would've jumped you for interrupting this beautiful moment," Audrey says making us all laugh.

"You're luck you brought food too," Latrice says grabbing one of the sacks.

"I knew you'd all be hungry from crying so much. Now, no more crying. We're here to celebrate. Eat up," she says passing the food out to everyone.

"I love you baby," I say to Bada blowing her an air kiss.

"I love you too my love," she says back making all the girls in the room boo and make puking faces and sounds. Me and Bada laugh together at my friend's obnoxiousness.


That day, Kirst told me about that guy she met at the cafe and how they hit it off together. We're supposed to meet soon and do this double date kind of vibe. Of course me and Bada are there to scare him into never hurting our girl Kirst or we'll set him to flames ☺️.

Today, I finally get discharged from the hospital. Bada's brought over some clothes for me to change into (her clothes of course 😌) so we are now headed out the door. When I step outside, it feels so refreshing to feel the nice warm breeze. It was freezing outside before I went into my coma. I'm glad I could skip the cold seasons but really sad I didn't get to go to the family cabin retreat for Christmas.

"Hey baby, I was wondering if you all went to the cabin for Christmas?" I ask

"Everyone else went but I stayed here," she says making me feel some type of way.

"Bada," I said sadly.

"I wasn't about to leave you here alone on Christmas. Oh and speaking of Christmas, you've got a lot of presents from over the holidays. They're at the apartment," she says driving off.

"Apartment?" I ask curious.

"Oh crap. I forgot to tell you. I got us an apartment. After what happened, I didn't think you'd be comfortable at home anymore. Plus I didn't like being there without you. It's just temporary though. If you don't like it we can find something else," she says.

"No, no. I'll love whatever it is. Thank you. I, uh, wasn't sure how I'd feel going back to your house. It kinda made me nervous thinking that's where we were going right now,"

"Don't worry love, we'll leave the past in the past and start a new life alright?" She tells me.

"Alright," I say with contentment in my heart and mind.

It takes a bit longer to get to the apartment than it would've to the house but I don't mind at all, the scenery getting here is incredible. When I get out the car, I am in awe with what I see. It's this gorgeous high rise apartment. It's in the perfect place so it's not too crowded but not too rural either. She guides me inside the building and up to our floor. Woah this is way taller than the apartment I used to stay in.

"Welcome home baby," Bada says opening the door for me and when I tell you I was so startled by the beauty of this place. It's not even funny. I was literally speechless and didn't move an inch.

"Baby?" Bada asks with a worried tone.

"You don't like it? The relator showed me some other buildings you might like. We can check those out later," she says but I just shake my head no slowly.

"It's...," I say to her with tears in my eyes.

You ever have this certain image of what your future life might look like? Like you just start visualizing things like houses, cars, jobs, etc with the person you love. Well in this moment, it feels like my visualization has come true. It's everything I could ever dream of for us.

Without holding back, I break down in tears and squat on the floor bawling my eyes.

"Baby why are you crying? We can leave okay. We don't have to live here," she says frantic seeing me a mess in the doorway.

"Uh uhhh, it's perfect," I sob into her shoulder and I can feel her body relax under mine.

"You scared me love," she says rubbing my back gently and kissing my forehead.

"I'm sorry, I just feel really emotional right now for some reason," I say.

"It's alright as long as you're okay,"

"I'm more than okay Bada. This all feels like a dream come true. I know we lived together before but this just feels different. A good different though," I say getting up to hug her.

"You wanna see inside?" She asks softly and I nod my head quickly making her giggle. We walk inside hand in hand together. It's so beautiful with floor to ceiling windows, marble kitchen tops, beautiful sleek black cabinets. When you walk in, we see this gorgeous city view with a balcony. The kitchen is to the left that is so wonderful. I'll cook and bake so much for Bada!!!

We walk around some more and find two rooms then a pair of stairs.

"There's an upstairs?!?!" I ask so shocked.

"Mmhmm. I thought it be nice to have some space. That way you can invite the girls over or have that big sleepover with all of our girls you had talked about. There's enough room for everyone," she says and my heart can't take it anymore. She is the most considerate, lovable and caring woman in this entire world. Hearing her brings tears to my eyes again and I start making that pouting face I do when I'm about to cry.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry baby," Bada says softly coming up to stroke my cheeks with both of her hands.

"I'm just so thankful to you Bada you have no idea. That day everything happened, I didn't think I'd ever get to see you again. I thought maybe we weren't meant to be in this lifetime you know. I was scared yet so content to know that I met someone like you in my life. I remember not having any thoughts about all the bad things that happened to me. Heck I didn't even think about what happened that night. All I thought about were the moments we spent together. I'm so happy to call you mine Bada," I say happily with tears streaming down my face. Bada's crying now too and she hugs me so tightly. She pulls back and brings me into a deep kiss with so much love. So much emotion from everything that's happened these past few months.

"I was so scared that day baby. I thought I had lost you.  You are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me, you know that? It broke me seeing you like that, that day. So damn much. That slight possibility of never getting to see you again tore me apart. I'm so grateful that you're okay Luna. So, so grateful baby. I love you so much Luna," she says kissing me gently and softly.

Bada finished giving me a tour of our apartment. It's got four bedrooms and four bathrooms. We even have a balcony in our bedroom and the master bath is amazing. Most definitely using that tonight. After the tour, we headed downstairs. I wanted to see the kitchen in depth so I can see what I needed to add to my Amazon cart. I open all the drawers looking at all of the space, seeing how much cooking and baking equipment and utensils I could fit everywhere. I go to open the cabinets and see that there is no food. Not even a can of anything. That's odd. I go to the refrigerator and see that it's empty too. It's literally never been used because all the plastic is still on the things inside.

"Bada?" I call to her from the other room downstairs. She quickly comes into the kitchen and sees the look on my face.

"What's wrong," she asks.

"Where's all the food?" I ask very curious.

"Umm..." she says rubbing the back of her neck.

"No making up stories. Full truth Bada Lee,"  I say crossing my arms.

"I didn't want to live here without you so I never really, unpacked or stayed here. It felt too lonely," she says holding her head down. Awww, not me about to cry again. But I hold back those tears as I walk up to her and pull her into a hug wrapping my arms all the way around her.

"My Bada. I can't imagine how you must've felt these past few months. But I'm here now baby. You can relax okay? I hope you can get a good nights rest and eat lots of food. I'll make you all your favorite foods and desserts once I buy groceries, hmm? I'll give you massages everyday and pamper you so much,"

"Your just trying to fatten me up," she pouts.

"Yup. Imma do you just like that evil witch did on Hansel and Gretel. Then bake you into a pie and eat you," I say smiling sweetly at her.

"Can I be an apple pie?" She asks.

"Mmmhmm. I'll make you really good and share with all the kids," I say and we both break out laughing.

"But seriously Bada, I want you to take it easy now okay? It's all over. We don't have to feel like we're being watched or anything else anymore. We can live in peace now. I know you always worried about me back then but you don't have to so much anymore. Let me take care of you now, okay?"

"But I love taking care of you. It makes me happy knowing I can do things for you and tend to you," Bada says.

"One of these days imma clone your dna and make a replica of you and sale you on the market. We need more girlfriends like you in the world. Plus I'd make a fortune," I say.

"You're gonna sale me?" She asks giggling.

"Not you. Just you clones. Like robots of you or something,"

"Ahhh, we'd make a pretty penny hmm?" he says nodding her head

"Mmhmm, but no one can have the original. You're all mine," I say going in for a kiss but pulling away quickly to smack her on the ass. She gets startled for a moment giving me enough time to run away from her. She's chasing me all around the kitchen so I run into the living room but fall back onto the floor taking Bada down with me.

"Are you alright?" She says with concern as she holds the back of my head in her hands rubbing it gently. The fall didn't hurt much so I'm fine. If anything having her on top of me makes the fall very much worth it.

"I'm perfectly fine," I say pulling at the collar part of her sweatshirt bringing her face closer to mine, our lips just centimeters apart.

"I've missed you a lot, you know that," I say rubbing my thumb softly along her bottom lip.

"Oh yeah?" She challenges.

"Mmhmm. I missed having your lips on my body. Your hands running along my neck. My hands. My hips," I say guiding her hand along each body part with my other hand. She scoops up my left leg and cuffs the back of my thigh as she presses closer into me.

"You've missed this?" She asks as she slowly guides her hand up my thigh stopping just enough to get me heated inside. She leans down and starts planting gentle kisses on my neck making me arch my back gently with pleasure.

"Bada?" I ask and she hums out in response not breaking away from my neck.

"Can we have sex?" I ask and she pulls back staring down at me into my eyes.

HIIII. Long time no see. Sorry it's been a while since I've posted. I've just started classes again which have been hectic and I've been sick with a slight cold. Since the new semester has started, I'm not sure how often I'll update but I'll try my best to not exceed ten days. Heck I'll even try a week. That's why I made this chapter a bit longer to hold you guys off for some time 😅. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter ☺️. Until next time my darlings 💋💙

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