Mysterious ways

By you-make-me-wander

20.7K 707 624

Even if everything goes wrong, one day we'll find each other under the stars and know that we are right where... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

1K 38 29
By you-make-me-wander

To say the least, Kira's emotions are all over the place when she arrives at Scott's place.

She's not exactly sure what to say to him, or how. And being nervous won't help, not that she can do something about it. On his front porch, she waits a few seconds before knocking on the door gathering her courage, but when she raises her hand he's already there, opening the door for her. Of course. He probably heard her.

"Hi." Her voice sounds slightly broken.

"Come in. Let's go upstairs." His sounds worse.

Kira closes the door behind her and follows her boyfriend to his room, sitting on the edge of the bed beside him. They stay like that for a while, sitting in silence, until Scott reaches for her hand and just stares, playing with their fingers like he's trying to figure out if they fit.

He turns to face her and to get a better look at her features, carefully studying her eyes when her gaze meets his. Kira waits for him to say something, anything, and it takes him a few more moments to do so. "I'm just gonna say what I have to say, so please don't stop me or I'll chicken out."

She nods. "Okay."

"So... I know things are a little awkward and weird right now and that they have been for a while, but I don't think it's our fault. Not mine, not yours." Scott sighs. "Ever since Allison, my life turned upside down. Not after she... Died, but when I first met her. It was around the time I became a werewolf, and I had to learn about the supernatural and then there she was, my first love. I was just a kid and my life changed completely." He pauses. "She was my first love. There's nothing I can do about that. And even when we broke up or when she died, I loved her. I still do. And I think I always will."

He runs his hands through his hair, looking for some kind of peace of mind before continuing. "But then I met you, and things changed again. You proved me that you can love more than one person, you know? And that there are different kinds of love because even though Allison and I were broken up when I met you, I loved her, but it gradually became this affection and care, not so much in a romantic way, I guess. Somehow I always figured we'd end up together though, but at the time it was enough. And then she was sort of with Isaac and... I saw you, like really saw you, and you were amazing and were willing to protect us and fight with us even though you barely knew what you were getting into. And Kira, I fell for you..."

He takes a deep breath and looks into her eyes, his hands moving to cup her cheeks. "I don't think I ever told you that. Not in words, anyway. But I did. And I like you. I really like you, so much. So I want you to know that I want this, us, to work." He pauses once more. "I can't tell you that I love you. I don't think I'm there yet. But you should know that every time I see you, I fall for you a little more." He gives her a kind smile that she returns. "So I want to do it right, if you'll let me. You just need to be patient, like really patient with me." He lets out a chuckle. "I tend to screw things u-"

She interrupts him with a kiss and it's urgent, like it's long overdue, and Scott kisses her back and pulls her closer because that's all he really wants, to have her close.

Kira is the one breaking the kiss. "We both screw things up. And I don't think we're really good at this whole figuring things out, you know. It's awkward." He stares at her, slightly confused. "I mean that we need to work on it. And our timing usually sucks." She chuckles. "But I like you too. We can make it work." She says reassuringly.

Their lips meet again, only now it tastes more of acceptance.

"So we're good?"

"We're good," she replies.


The Sheriff had left about two minutes ago yet Stiles was still in the same spot, like he's unable to move. Lydia already started to clean the table when she notices that his mind is elsewhere, so she bumps into him softly with her shoulder.

Stiles comes back to Earth. "Oh, sorry. I was..."

"Distracted, I noticed." She smirks. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I... Sorry about that. My dad sometimes forgets to filter what he lets out." He says, frowning.

"Sounds like someone I know."

Stiles smiles at that, placing his hands over his heart and pretending to be touched. "Didn't know you acknowledged my sarcasm."

Lydia grins. "Always. What fun would it be if I didn't?" She plants a peck on his lips. "Come on."

They clean up the kitchen together and then go upstairs. As she grabs her sweatpants and leaves to the bathroom, Stiles makes his bed and tidies his room just enough for it to look more presentable. Not that she hasn't seen his mess of a room before because she has, countless times, but things felt different.

He paces nervously back and forth while he waits for her, thinking about what comes next. What is he gonna say? And do, what's he gonna do? And Lydia... She's always been the one dismissing him, years before at least, and by now she probably already jumped out the bathroom window and fled... Ugh.

Lydia is anxious too because when they came upstairs without a word, the air around them changed, became heavier somehow, as if their bubble is about to be burst. And now they have to talk and things will become real very quickly. Not that they aren't real already because she meant every touch they shared, and now she'll have to tell him that. With actual words that she doesn't quite know how to pronounce. Ugh.

She washes her face to ease the heat she can feel rising through her skin, takes a deep breath and leaves the bathroom to meet him.


After a somewhat heated make out session, Kira and Scott are downstairs sitting on the couch paying no attention to the TV whatsoever while talking. She asked him if there are any news on the Malia/Peter front and no, there aren't. They are trying to come up with ideas and possible scenarios when his phone rings.

It's Danny.

"Hey man, any news?"

Kira waits while Scott takes the call. She knows that he talks to Danny sometimes but it still feels out of place, even for her, that Danny is not in Beacon Hills. She didn't know him well but he was nice. And everybody loves Danny. Last they heard, Danny and Ethan were in Brazil, where the former Alpha has some friends. And Ethan was a nice guy too but Aiden's loss took its toll, so he had to get away from Beacon Hills and Danny had decided to follow.

When the call ends, Scott tells Kira that Danny hasn't learned much and might come over to take a look at Stiles' computer, that there's only so much he can do remotely, although he still has to talk to Ethan about it.

Kira sighs. "Okay, so maybe the Sheriff has something?"

"He probably would have told us by now. I guess we wait... I hate this." His hands go up in the air in frustration.

"I know. But hey, things will eventually have to get better, right? At least for some of us..."

"Well, it should be for all of us. Have you heard from Lydia? Stiles didn't answer my text."

"Yeah, right. Forgot about that." Kira says abashed, smiling. "She called. They didn't really talk yet, but she said that they were having breakfast, so I'm assuming she spent the night..." Kira's grinning now.

Scott laughs. "Really? Oh wow. Stiles will never shut up about that."

"I don't know. She sounded a little apprehensive on the phone. I just hope it turns out okay."

He pauses before asking. "Kira, can I ask you something?" She nods. "Don't take this the wrong way but why are you so invested in them? I mean, I've been waiting for years now and you're almost more excited with them getting together than I am..."

She lets out a nervous laugh. "I don't know. It's like the ultimate love story. Everything I was told about them, how they were before, and seeing who they are now...... That's development right there, like almost movie worthy, isn't it? They don't just love each other. They are in love with each other. And you know how they are opposites, but like soulmates. They are one. Do you know how rare it is? It's beautiful."

She looks way too excited about this. "It is. But, you know, if they're gonna talk they'll probably mess it up. It's kind of what they do."

Kira sighs. "Let's just hope they make out then."


Stiles is sitting on his bed with his back against the headboard when Lydia comes in. Sharing a glance, he moves closer to the wall so that she can sit beside him. Instinctively, she sits and lays her head on his chest, her legs resting on top of his. She looks for his hand and takes it on hers, squeezing lightly. His other arm rests on her waist in an embrace.

Lydia feels like if she were to die right now, she'd die happy. His touch is warm and inviting, almost like a drug. And she would have it every day. Focusing on his hands, she notices how long and skinny his fingers are and how small her hand looks compared to his. She lets her fingers brush his skin softly, learning every inch. And she melts when he kisses her hair, like he is doing right now. She has never shared anything so intimate with anyone, everything about it so new to her. It's funny how you can fall in love with something as simple as a touch. She's never felt safer than right here and now, in Stiles' arms. But she knows it won't be long now. She can feel his heart speed up in his chest and his muscles are tensing.

His voice is just a whisper. "Lydia?"

"Hmm." She doesn't dare move.

"Can we talk about this?" She nods. They don't look at the other, choosing to focus on the touch of their hands. "I don't know what this is. But I do know that I care about you and you know that as well..." She nods again, twining their fingers so fiercely that for a moment she's afraid she might hurt him. "And I don't want you to hate me, because trust me, I'm already hating myself right now. But this... I want this to be right." He pauses, inhaling deeply. He knows he's losing it, his control. Tears are already forming in his eyes. "I don't know what to do. I-"

His voice breaks.

She can't bear the agony of his words so she kisses him, desperately trying to take the pain away. The kiss is soft, comforting, and they part slowly, their eyes finally meeting.

"I couldn't hate you." She strokes his cheek, not breaking the gaze. "I care about you. And I want this to be right too." He kisses her forehead so affectionately that she can feel the warmth inside her. "I trust you. And I trust you to do the right thing."

They both start crying, silent tears rolling down their cheeks.

They need time.

They have all been through so much and they are just kids. But they don't feel like teenagers, the weight of the world on their shoulders. So they talk about it for the rest of the morning, not moving. Stiles tells her that he needs to deal with how he let the Nogitsune in, and how he still feels guilty for all those deaths. He tells her how much he enjoyed the chaos at the time, how it keeps him up at night so many times, afraid the power might overcome him. And how much he misses his mom or Allison. And how even though Malia left, it is all just too recent because before suspicions were raised, Stiles actually cared about the girl and she's barely even gone for a day. He tells Lydia that he hopes he'll do the right thing for the both of them, but really needs some time first.

On the other hand, Lydia tells him how she really doesn't miss her dad much and how remorseful that makes her feel. She tells him she's trying hard to embrace her powers but that it is exhausting and sometimes it makes her feel like she doesn't know anything anymore. And they don't know about her grandmother either, if she's alive or not, and the unknown scares her. She tells him how she felt Allison's death ripping through her, leaving her breathless, and how she misses her friend dearly. And Lydia's voice comes out broken when she tells him what it was like for her when the Nogitsune was around, that she knew it wasn't Stiles but that she still has nightmares about it that haunt her sometimes. Lydia tells him that she hopes she'll be able to put in words everything she wants to tell him when the time comes.

They stay quiet for a long time after that. When they get up, they promise each other the time they may need to figure it out, and before leaving Lydia kisses him like it might be the last time, a kiss so passionate that she could swear it was her first real kiss, only parting when they are both out of breath.

Then, grabbing her things, she turns around and leaves.


"Scott, I have to go." Kira's knocking is urgent on his bathroom door. The alpha's taking a shower and they were supposed to head out for lunch, but now their plans are off. Again.

"Already? What is it?" He shouts from inside.

"Lydia called."

"Is she okay?"

"I don't know."

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