Billionaire's First Love

By Taekookslove01

21.1K 988 105

Business tycoon Kim Taehyung, for whom everyone is crazy, but he is crazy over a village boy, Jeon Jungkook. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 5

851 43 3
By Taekookslove01

Taehyung led Jungkook back to their camp, a small haven nestled in the heart of the forest.

Taehyung: "Go inside, Jungkook. You'll find some extra clothes there. Wear anything you like."

Jungkook, still a bit flustered, nodded in acknowledgment, appreciating the offer of fresh clothes.

Jungkook: "Thanks, V. I'll just... change."

As Jungkook disappeared into the tent, Taehyung busied himself around the campsite, giving him some privacy. The rustle of fabric and the sounds of zippers filled the air as Jungkook navigated through the available wardrobe.

Sitting outside the tent, Taehyung maintained a vigilant watch, ensuring Jungkook had privacy to change. The subtle sounds of wet footsteps and the rustling of clothes from inside the tent reached Taehyung's ears, creating a unique symphony that seemed to captivate his senses.

Taehyung closed his eyes, allowing the sounds to envelop him, immersing himself in the moment. The gentle rhythm of each step and the hushed whispers of fabric created an ethereal melody, transporting him to a tranquil state within the heart of the forest.

Taehyung (softly to himself): "The forest's symphony... and Jungkook's presence adding its own harmony."

As Taehyung was captivated by the sounds of Jungkook changing inside the tent, Suga and J-Hope approached with curious expressions.

Suga: "Taehyung, what's going on? What happened to the swan?"

Taehyung, caught off guard, quickly filled them in on the series of events.

Taehyung: "Yeah, because of that swan, Jungkook got involved, and there was a bit of a river incident."

J-Hope raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

J-Hope: "A river incident, you say? Spill the details, Taehyung."

Taehyung recounted the story, emphasizing Jungkook's unexpected fall into the river and the subsequent CPR.

Suga, smirking, couldn't resist a tease.

Suga: "Well, well, Taehyung. Your forest adventure seems to be more dramatic than anticipated."

Taehyung chuckled nervously.

Taehyung: "Yeah, it took an unexpected turn. But don't worry, Jungkook is fine now."

J-Hope nudged Suga playfully.

J-Hope: "I'm curious to see the heroine of the river incident. Let's check on Jungkook!"

Suga joined in, smirking.

Suga: "Yeah, we need to make sure he's not causing more trouble."

As Suga and J-Hope playfully headed towards the tent, Taehyung stopped them with a cautious gesture.

Taehyung: "Hold on, guys. Jungkook is changing inside. Let's give him some privacy."

Suga and J-Hope exchanged mischievous glances.

Suga: "Ah, come on, Taehyung. Where's the fun in that? We just want to say hi."

J-Hope joined in, nudging Taehyung with a smirk.

J-Hope: "Yeah, a little surprise visit won't hurt. He's one of us, after all."

Taehyung hesitated but eventually agreed, "Alright, but don't make it awkward, okay?"

They all gathered outside the tent, and Taehyung called out to Jungkook.

Taehyung: "Jungkook, we're outside. You can come out now."

Silence followed, and Taehyung furrowed his brow.

Taehyung: "Jungkook? Are you okay?"

No response.

Suga's playful expression turned into concern.

Suga: "Is he ignoring us?"

J-Hope added.

J-Hope: "Maybe he didn't hear. Try again, Taehyung."

Taehyung called out once more, but the tent remained silent. A sense of tension filled the air as they exchanged worried glances.

Taehyung (anxiously): "Something doesn't feel right. Let's check on him."

Growing increasingly concerned, Taehyung warned Jungkook from outside the tent.

Taehyung: "Jungkook, if you don't respond, we're coming in."

Despite the warning, there was no reply. Taehyung took a deep breath and unzipped the tent, Suga and J-Hope covering their eyes with their palms.

Taehyung (calling out): "Jungkook, what's going on?"

To their surprise, the tent was empty. Taehyung, Suga, and J-Hope exchanged puzzled glances.

Taehyung: "He was here just a moment ago. Where could he have gone?"

Suga: "Maybe he slipped out when we were calling."

J-Hope: "Or maybe he found another way out."

They searched the tent, but there was no sign of Jungkook.

Taehyung: "This is strange. Why wouldn't he respond?"

Suga: "Let's look around. Maybe he's nearby."

As Taehyung, Suga, and J-Hope prepared to exit the tent, Taehyung's eyes caught sight of a folded letter under the shade of a nearby mango tree. Curiosity sparked, he bent down, retrieved the letter, and began to read it aloud.

Taehyung (reading): "Dear V, sorry for disappearing like this. I came here to collect some mangoes, but as you know, I had a little adventure. All the mangoes fell into the river, except one that got stuck in my pocket. As a thank-you for saving me, I want you to have it. I'll meet soon. – Jungkook."

Suga chuckled.

Suga: "Leave it to Jungkook to turn a misadventure into a thoughtful gesture."

J-Hope (grinned): "A mango as a thank-you gift. That's unique."

Taehyung, smiling, folded the letter and tucked it away.

Taehyung: "Well, it looks like he found a way to make even falling into a river an adventure."

As Suga and J-Hope heard Jungkook addressing Taehyung as V in the letter, their mischievous grins widened, sensing an opportunity for some good-natured teasing.

Suga (smirking): "Well, well, V. Looks like Jungkook has a special nickname for you."

J-Hope (joining in with a playful tone): "Who would've thought our fearless forest adventurer goes by V?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, trying to downplay the situation.

Taehyung: "It's not a nickname, I told him that it's my name, so he calls me by V. It's not a big deal."

Suga (teasingly): "Oh, come on, V. It's a big deal to us. What's the real story behind it?"

J-Hope (adding fuel to the fire): "Yeah, spill the beans, Kim V."

Taehyung (sighing): "There's no dramatic story behind it."

Suga (with a smirk): "A nickname by the river. How romantic."

J-Hope (with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes): "V, the river savior."

Taehyung (shaking his head): "You two are relentless."

Taehyung: "Let's cherish this mango as a symbol of our forest escapade."

The trio laughed, as they left the tent area, their forest adventure taking an unexpected turn yet again, this time with a tropical twist courtesy of Jungkook's unique expression of gratitude.


As evening settled, Jungkook reached his home, hesitating before knocking on the door. He contemplated what to say to his mom, fully aware that he was extremely late and had returned without a single mango he went out to collect. Nervously, he knocked, and Mrs. Jeon opened the door, her face etched with worry.

Mrs. Jeon: "Jungkook! Where have you been? I was getting so worried."

Jungkook, avoiding eye contact, stammered: "Uh, Mom, I... I had a little adventure in the forest. Lost track of time."

Mrs. Jeon's worry shifted to a mix of relief and concern.

Mrs. Jeon: "An adventure? You had me scared, Jungkook. What happened?"

Jungkook (thinking on his feet, replied): "Well, I fell into the river while trying to collect mangoes. Lost them all, except one. I'm really sorry, Mom."

Mrs. Jeon (a mixture of relief and amusement): "Oh, Jungkook. You and your adventures. As long as you're okay."

Jungkook (sheepishly): "But Mom, I can't brought back a single mango!"

Mrs. Jeon (sighed, giving him a playful scolding): "Well, we have plenty of mangoes now."

Jungkook (confused, asked): "We do? How?"

Mrs. Jeon (chuckled): "Some shopkeepers came by a while ago and gave us a load of mangoes. They said it's a gift. I guess we have enough to make mango jam for the next two years!"

Jungkook, realizing it was Taehyung's doing, smiled knowingly.

Jungkook: "Ah, that must be V. He probably arranged it."

Mrs. Jeon: "You know, Jungkook, you should go and thank this V person tomorrow. Maybe give him some money or a small gift as a token of appreciation for those mangoes."

Jungkook (grateful for the suggestion, nodded): "That's a great idea, Mom. I owe him my favorite fruit, after all."

Mrs. Jeon (playfully): "And make sure to tell him not to lead you into any more river adventures."

Jungkook (chuckled): "I'll make sure to remind him. Thanks, Mom."

Mrs. Jeon, laughing: "Well. Now go get cleaned up. Dinner will be ready soon."

Jungkook, feeling grateful for Taehyung , headed inside, pondering the serendipity that turned his misadventure into a surprising mango-filled blessing for his family.


The next day, determined to express his gratitude, Jungkook embarked on a quest to find Taehyung. He searched high and low, exploring every familiar spot. Finally, he spotted Taehyung, reclining on a bench by the fountain, a lollipop dangling from his mouth. Jungkook hurriedly approached him.

Jungkook: "V! There you are."

Taehyung looked up, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Taehyung: "Hey, Jungkook! What brings you here?"

Jungkook (smiling): "I wanted to thank you for the mangoes. My mom was thrilled, and we're making mango jam for the whole neighborhood."

Taehyung (grinning): "Glad I could help. Mango jam is the best!"

Jungkook (handing over some money): "And I wanted to give you this. As a token of my appreciation."

Taehyung (with a smile): "You didn't have to, Jungkook."

Jungkook (determined): "No, I insist. You went out of your way, and I really appreciate it."

As Jungkook also tried to return the clothes he had borrowed from Taehyung the previous day. However, Taehyung playfully waved it off.

Jungkook: "Here's I brought back your clothes, V."

Taehyung (dismissing the clothes): "Nah, you can keep them. Consider it a souvenir from our little forest adventure."

Jungkook (curious): "But why? I thought you might need them back."

Taehyung (with a sly grin): "I have my reasons. Maybe I like the idea of you wearing my clothes."

Jungkook blushed, caught off guard.

Jungkook: "Uh, well, if you say so."

Taehyung (changing the topic with a playful tone): "How about this? Instead of returning clothes, how about you meet me here every day as a thank-you gift? It's a win-win."

Jungkook (a bit flustered): "Every day? What for?"

Taehyung (winking): "Consider it a way of repaying me for those mangoes. Plus, who wouldn't want to spend time with the great V?"

Jungkook (smiling): "Alright, if that's what you want"

Taehyung (seizing the moment, suggested): "Jungkook, how about we go for a walk? It's a beautiful day."

Jungkook (with a smile): "Sure, a walk sounds great. Lead the way, V."

Taehyung gracefully got up from the bench, and together they embarked on a leisurely stroll through the enchanting busy road.


As Taehyung and Jungkook strolled along the mountainside, the enticing aroma of roasted corn wafted through the air. Taehyung couldn't resist the temptation and bought two corns from a nearby vendor. They found a cozy spot under a tree, sitting down to enjoy their impromptu snack.

Taehyung (handing a corn to Jungkook): "Here you go, Jungkook. Freshly roasted. My treat."

Jungkook (taking the corn with a smile): "Thanks, V. This looks delicious."

They savored the corn, the kernels bursting with flavor, and engaged in light-hearted conversation.

Taehyung (playfully): "You know, Jungkook, I heard sharing corn is a sign of a deep connection."

Jungkook (chuckling): "Is that so? Well, we must have a pretty deep connection then."

Taehyung (smirking): "Oh, definitely. Deeper than the roots of these mountains."

Their laughter echoed through the mountainside as they continued to chat about random things, Jungkook's curiosity led him to inquire about Taehyung's family and home.

Jungkook: "So, V, tell me more about your family and where you live."

Taehyung (deciding to spin another tale, responded): "I'm a farmer, Jungkook. I don't have parents, and I live in a simple hut."

Jungkook, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Taehyung during their mountain walk, decided to delve a bit deeper.

Jungkook: "V, when we first met, you mentioned being an employee of Kim Enterprise. Now you're telling me you're a farmer living in a hut. What's the story?"

Taehyung, with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, decided to weave a new tale.

Taehyung: "Ah, that. Well, life is full of twists and turns. I'm actually a farmer, living a simple life in a hut. No parents, just me and the fields."

Jungkook (skeptical): "A farmer? But you told me about working at Kim Enterprise."

Taehyung (chuckling): "Yes, I did. Turns out, I temporarily serve at Kim Enterprise. It's a part-time gig to spice things up."

Jungkook (amused): "A part-time farmer-servant at Kim Enterprise. That's quite the combination."

Taehyung (grinning): "Life is all about balance, Jungkook. Now, if you're curious, you should come visit my humble abode. Experience the farmer-servant life for yourself."

Jungkook (raising an eyebrow): "Visit your hut? Maybe I will. It sounds amazing."

Taehyung: "Are you really coming?"

Jungkook: "You invited me right away didn't you?"

Taehyung (playfully): "Yeah. I'll be waiting for the day you'll visit my place."

And with that, their banter continued, the mountain side echoing with laughter and the enigmatic tales spun by Taehyung, adding a touch of whimsy to their shared moments.

To Be Continue 💜

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