Satellite (Staig - Craig x St...

By everlasting-luv

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"I looked up to the night sky, staring in awe at all of the glimmering stars above me. The bright full moon i... More



93 5 5
By everlasting-luv

Stan groaned as he opened his tired blue eyes.  His head and back were screaming in pain as he slowly sat up, holding his throbbing head.

He almost didn't realize he had slept on the floor. No wonder his back hurt so fucking bad.

Just then, memories of what had happened the day before flooded into his tired mind of Gary forcing his dick down his throat and that awful video he had taken of him.

More importantly, Craig.

He sniffled, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his sweatshirt as he repressed more tears. He wasn't looking forward to school today. Today was the day he had to reject Craig...

...and play pretend with fucking Gary.

God, this was going to fucking suck. He didn't want to do this to Craig! He didn't want to be with Gary!

However, he didn't want to be outed and that video be circulated to the whole school even more.

He let out a shaky breath as he stood up on wobbly legs. He stumbled initially, but caught himself by grasping his computer chair and gripping his pounding head. He felt sick to his stomach.

He thought taking a hot shower would help his headache but it didn't. His nerves were completely shot and he felt as if he could collapse into himself at any moment as he snatched his bottle of hydros, taking two more pills. His body immediately tried to reject the pills, but Stan forced them down anyways.

He needed to feel numb before he breaks Craig's heart...and his own.

He was sluggish as he made his way down to the kitchen and immediately went to the coffee pot before pouring himself a cup. Unbeknownst to Stan, Shelly was sitting at the table with her own cup of coffee, watching his every move. She noticed this morning that the bottle of hydrocodone was gone. And now, here's her little brother, dark bags under his eyes and looking way more miserable than he did before.

Stan put sugar and milk in his cup, stirring the steaming beverage together before turning and taking a drink. His eyes lazily met Shelly's, who was expressionless.

"Your bottle of hydrocodone is missing." She deadpanned, setting down her cup but not losing the eye contact. Stan seemed unfazed as he continued to drink from his cup.

"Oh? That sucks." He spoke with a flat, gravelly tone. Shelly sighed as she rubbed her eyes in frustration and worry.

"Stan...if something happened to you, if you're going through something, starting up a drug habit isn't the answer." She responded before looking at him again.

God...he looked like shit.

Stan rolled his eyes at her. "Shelly...I give up. I'm done." He stated before walking out with his coffee before Shelly could say anything else.

What Stan had said about giving up made her incredibly worried. He was doing so good! He was happy and he was eating!

What the fuck happened with Craig?

She kept that thought in her mind as she knew it had something to do with him. She couldn't help but to think though, that a lot more had happened.

Stan held himself up in his room the rest of the morning, anxiously pacing the floor and chugging what was left of his coffee. He set the empty mug down on his desk and ran his hands through his hair as he felt panic setting into his chest.

What do I say? How do I reject my fated alpha?

How bad will this hurt the both of us?

It was going to hurt. It was going to hurt bad. Stan recalled the moment when Craig turned away from him without saying anything a few months ago and now that small interaction felt to him. It felt like his heart was penetrated by a dull dagger.

This was going to be way, way worse than that. He realized, now, that this was going to be damaging to both of them on so many levels. He literally has to break Craig's spirit. The thought of doing something so horrible made him feel even worse.

When it came time to leave, Stan grabbed his backpack, as well as a bag of weed, and made a run for it out the front door into the cold air and snow. He felt sick to his stomach the whole way to school, and when he finally arrived and parked in the parking lot, he saw Craig get out of his Mazda and walk in with his friends. His heart ached watching the alpha walk into the school.

I don't wanna do this...

He got out of his car and walked into the building. His legs felt like Jell-O and his heart was pounding in his chest. He kept his head downturned, doing his best to not gain attention from, really, anybody.

"Stan! Over here!"

Stan snapped his head up and stared at Kyle with wide eyes. He was calling him over and waving at him, but he was with Tolkien, Clyde, Tweek, and Craig too.

Oh god...Craig. He stared straight into Stan's eyes and he already looked hurt. Stan didn't know what to do. He can't do this in front of them!

Almost on cue, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders and he was being pulled into a body that permeated that familiar, awful smell.

"Hey there, baby. Did you miss me?" Gary whispered into his ear as he pulled Stan into the direction of his friend group, forcing him to break eye contact with his friends.

As soon as Gary wrapped his arm around Stan, Craig felt his heart shatter into pieces, and it was evident on his face. Stan wanted nothing more than to die.

Kyle dropped his arm and looked at his friends with a horrified, confused look.

"What the fuck? What is he doing with Gary?" Kyle asked them with look of bewilderment and disgust. They were all staring at the pair wide eyed and confused before they looked at Craig for answers.

Craig felt hurt and angry. Gary, without a doubt, had done something to Stan and Craig wanted nothing more than to go to the blonde alpha and beat him to a bloody pulp again.

Craig growled, feeling himself begin to go feral again. He needed to get out of there before he lost control. The last thing he needed, was to be expelled on top of Gary stealing his love interest right in front of him.

He tore his eyes away from the sorry sight and quickly walked away, causing his friends to call out to him but their words fell on deaf ears. This didn't make any sense to them. Just yesterday, Stan and Craig were connected at the hip. They were seeing progress with both of them!

What happened?

Kyle was shaking as he glared at Gary, who was whispering into his broken friend's ear. He knew he needed to do something. Tolkien was thinking the same thing.

"Did you get me the weed?" Gary whispered into Stan's ear with gruff voice. Stan let out a shaky breath, taking his backpack off and reaching in to grab the bag before handing it to him. Gary smiled, finally taking his arm off of the omegas shoulders and grabbed the baggie from him.

"Good boy."

Jonas beamed at the bag of weed, but Christan and Danny were confused as to why Gary was with Stan to begin with.

"You dating male betas now, Gary?" Christian asked in a humorous tone. Gary shrugged, shoving the bag into his bag before putting his arm around Stan again.

"Hey, I get free weed from him. Plus extra." Gary replied, tightening his grip around the smaller boy. Stan didn't dare look up at them, keeping his head low and downturned.

How was he going to get through this day?

Gary took it upon himself to escort Stan to his classes, even the ones they don't share together. Everytime he made longing eye contact with Craig, Gary would pull Stan closer to him and give the tall teen taunting smiles. It made Stan sick.

Stan was cleaning up his station in the art room, taking his sweet time. The bell rang for lunch, but he couldn't handle looking at Craig's face again. Plus, he just knew that Gary would force him to sit with him and his other douche bag friends at their table.

As he was putting the paint brushes away, Gary walked in, this time, by himself. Stan turned and felt his face heat up before he quickly made his way back to his things and tried to make a hasty retreat.

"Ah-ah...not so fast." Gary spoke low as he grabbed Stan by the arm. He smirked at Stan's terrified face and leaned in close to his ear.

"Let's find a private spot really quick." He teased, low and gruff as he placed his hand on Stan's lower back.

I'm gonna throw up...

Stan dropped his head in shame as Gary led him out of the room, hand firmly placed on his lower back. They walked into a vacant classroom, but as soon as Gary shut the door behind them, he shoved Stan hard into the wall. Stan grunted when he hit the wall and stared at Gary with a look of shock and anger.

"What the fuck was that for?!" He yelled, gripping his hurt shoulder. Gary stomped closer to the omega and boxed him in, scowling down at him.

"You're going to fuck this up if you keep looking at Craig like that." He growled in response. Stan glared up at him and shook his head in disbelief.

"Gary, I sucked your dick and gave you free weed. That was the fucking deal!"

"No!" Gary shouted before slapping Stan clean across the face. Stan's eyes widened when he was struck as he brought a shaky hand up to his stinging cheek.

"You..." Gary began, low and angry as he gripped the collar of Stan's shirt and pinned him to the wall. "...are supposed to convince people we are together. If you keep looking at Craig like that, it won't be fucking believable, dumbass! Don't fucking look at him. Understand?" He concluded, releasing Stan's shirt but not taking a step back. He snapped his fingers and pointed at the ground below his feet.

"Get down on your knees, bitch."

All Stan could do was nod as he sank down onto his knees in front of Gary.

It was a repeat of yesterday, but somehow, it was worse. Gary was rough right off the bat as he thrusted into his mouth with force. Tears were streaming down his cheeks and his throat ached like he had a cold. Luckily this time, Gary didn't last that long as he pushed Stan's head down over himself and came directly down his throat.

Stan gagged, and as soon as Gary let him go, he was trying to grab the trash can to spit out the disgusting fluid. Maybe even throw up. Gary caught on quickly and gripped Stan's face.

"No. Swallow it."

Stan stared up at him with a wide eyed expression, shaking his head. He sincerely didn't think he could swallow without throwing up. Gary scowled and raised a hand like he was about to slap him again, which caused Stan to flinch.

"Swallow it, or I send that video to everybody and tell them you're an omega." He replied, keeping his hand up. Stan paused as he dropped his head again, forcing himself to swallow. It sent an unpleasant shiver down his spine, but he managed to keep it down.

God...someone please...just fucking kill me.

"Good boy."


Craig felt sick to his stomach as he picked at his food. Watching Stan and Gary together had really strained him in a way nothing ever had before.

What happened? They were both looking forward to their date, and now here Stan is, letting Gary wrap a possessive arm around him and pull him close.

It made him want to blow chunks, especially when Stan looked at Craig with that longing, pleading look. It was clear to Craig that Stan wasn't safe. However, Craig feels powerless to the situation. As soon as he so much as threatens Gary, he'll be expelled. This entire situation was very rocky and unstable.

Stan and Gary came out of the art hall, and the first thing Craig noticed aside from the hand on his back, was the red abrasion on his cheek. He balled his fists up so tight his knuckles turned white. Gary fucking hit Stan?!

"What's going on with those two? Craig? What happened? Just yesterday you guys were connected at the hip!" Clyde relented as he and the others stared at Craig quizzically. In response, Craig sighed and shook his head.

"I saw Stan yesterday after school come out of the bathroom. He was terrified and wouldn't tell me anything, but..." He took an angry breath, watching Gary force Stan onto the bench of his table before continuing. "...he had Gary's scent all over him."

They all stared wide eyed at Craig before glancing back over at Stan. Tolkien felt his stomach twist in a knot.

This is bad...this is really bad...

"Craig, you need to do something." Tolkien said with desperation in his voice. If Craig continues to watch Stan be in this relationship with Gary, it will kill them both. This needed to be dealt with asap!

Craig scoffed, pushing his tray away from himself and standing up before glaring at Tolkien.

"Do something how, Tolkien? If I do anything the principal will have me expelled. I'm done with this shit." He said with a flat tone of voice, slinging his backpack onto his shoulder before abandoning his food and his friends. He couldn't take another minute looking at Stan.

They all watched Craig leave before looking at each other. Not a single one of them had any words to say. Eventually, Clyde groaned and put his face in his hands.

"Can we please just tell them, already? At the very least, Craig?" He groaned before looking up at Tolkien and Kyle; the ones who were calling the shots of this whole situation. Kyle sighed and shook his head.

"Won't that just cause Craig to go feral again?" Kyle asked, causing Clyde to groan in frustration again at the realization that he absolutely would go on a rampage. Tweek pondered before speaking up.

"Why don't you three talk to Stan? Find out what the fuck he's doing with Gary and tell him he's making a detrimental mistake." He stated, keeping eye contact with Kyle, mostly. Clyde snapped his head up at this suggestion. It was a way better idea than telling Craig the truth. Cartman sighed and pressed his hand to his forehead.

"Stan already knows." He stated, dropping a metaphorical bomb on the entire group. Tolkien's face twisted into pure rage.

"He knows?!" He shouted, slamming a fist on the table. He couldn't believe Stan would go this whole extra mile to make sure he wasn't exposed. He's hurting Craig on a whole new level!

"We're pretty sure he does. Not entirely! I mean, the way he was acting the day Craig went feral, he looked guilty, but he never told us outright he knows." Kyle tried to defend his friend, but Cartman laughed at that.

"Are you kidding, Kyle? Stan knows that Craig is fated! He probably knew before anybody else did!" Cartman snapped, staring at Kyle with an incredulous look. He was absolutely sick and tired of this shit. It was a constant circle of bullshit that irritated the fuck out of him watching on the sidelines. Before Kyle could really lay into Cartman, Kenny sat up straight and shushed them before the other students around them could hear what they're saying.

"Guys, stop. I don't think this is Stan's doing this time. Clearly, it's Gary. Why the fuck would Stan date Gary Harrison? It doesn't add up." He acknowledged. "I'm one hundred percent positive that Gary is threatening him."

"Well..." Tolkien pondered before folding his hands in front of himself. "You guys still need to talk to him. If that's all true, and what Craig said was true that Gary had his scent on him, it could be a way bigger problem than just their fated relationship being disrupted." He stated matter of fact. Kyle sighed and nodded his head.

Right now, his biggest priority was making sure Stan was safe. Although, he has a pained, gut feeling he wasn't.

Unfortunately, Kyle couldn't find any time to talk to Stan. Gary had effectively glued himself to him, which pissed off the red head even more. He had to talk to Stan alone, not with Gary.

He managed to leave class early, to "prepare for basketball practice" when really, he wanted to catch Stan right out of gym class. Gary had to get ready for practice too, so he's hoping Stan will be alone.

Kyle was leaning against the windows opposite of the gym locker room, gripping and twisting the strap of his messenger bag out of nervousness and anxiety. The doors opened and kids began to shove and push their way out, anxious to get home for the rest of the day. He breathed a heavy sigh of relief when he saw Stan was, in fact, alone and not with Gary. Stan didn't seem to notice him, though, keeping his head low as he began to scurry off to the music room. Kyle pushed himself off of the windows and grabbed his shoulder.

"Stan, wait! I need to talk to you!" He called out. Stan looked over his shoulder at Kyle before turning around fully. Looking at him up close now, Kyle was seething. Stan's cheek was red and his eyes had heavy bags under them. His once bright blue eyes were dull and void of life.

"Kyle, I can't talk right now, okay?" Stan tried to leave it at that, turning to leave but groaned in annoyance when Kyle forcibly turned him around again.

"No, Stan! We're talking, right now! What's going on with you? Did Gary hurt you?" Kyle was desperate at this point to get an answer out of his best friend. Stan widened his eyes a bit, caressing the reddened cheek that Gary had struck earlier before shaking his head.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He stated in a dead voice that made Kyle's heart break. Kyle, however, was sick of this and gritted his teeth.

"Stan, what about Craig? You're fated to him, doesn't that matter at least a little to you?" Kyle just came out with it, but quiet enough that only Stan can hear it. He needed to hit where it hurt and remind Stan that he's not just hurting himself anymore. Stan snapped his head up with sad, but shocked expression.

What? Kyle knows? HOW?!

Stan was way too dumbstruck to say anything, and when Stan stayed silent and held eye contact, Kyle continued with care.

"Do you have any idea what you'e doing to yourself? What you're doing to your alpha?" He took careful steps forward, but kept his voice stern and confident. Stan was shaking like a leaf. He could see the tears well up.

Stan, however, was more than aware what he's doing. But he has to do it.

Stan lowered his head, gritting his teeth.

"Kyle..." He muttered, before looking Kyle in the eye with a glare. "I have no clue what you're talking about."

Kyle was taken back completely. What the fuck was going on with Stan? Why is he acting so careless; so heartless? He glared back at him.

"Yes. You do, Stan. I know Gary did something to you. I wouldn't be surprised if he threatened you! But this isn't the fucking answer, Stan! Pushing everyone who genuinely loves you away isn't the answer!" He pleaded, feeling himself begin to crumble a little. "If he did something to you; if he threatened you, tell us, Stan! We're all here for you. We want to help you. So, please..." Kyle finished, nearly panting as he took one of Stan's hands into his own. For a moment, Kyle could see some clarity beneath his eyes. It actually seemed like Stan was going to break it to him.


"Kyle, you upsetting my boyfriend?" Gary spoke up, walking up to them and putting a protective arm around Stan's shoulder. Kyle was flabbergasted, staring at Stan for an answer.

"Boyfriend? Stan...what the fuck is going on?"

"Oh, don't worry about it, Kyle." Gary said with a honeyed voice, pulling Stan away from Kyle. The red head kept his eyes on Stan's face, and noticed nothing but pain. He then snapped his head back up at Gary with a vicious look.

"What the fuck did you do to him?" Kyle demanded, going as far as to drop his bag on the ground. Gary laughed at the motion, releasing Stan and stepping towards Kyle.

"What are you going to do, nerd? You gonna beat me up? You?! You're nothing but a weak ass beta male dweeb." Gary mocked, putting his hands on his hips in a relaxed manner.

"Kyle, please just go!" Stan pleaded with Kyle to not cause problems. He knows, however, that Kyle was as hot headed and stubborn as they come.

"No! Stan this is fucked up! What about Craig? Doesn't he fucking matter to you?" Kyle pleaded, trying his best to get through his head. Stan felt rage build up at the mention of Craig, and he knew he had to say something in order to keep Gary happy.

No matter how much those words are going to hurt.

"What about him, Kyle? There's nothing between us! There never was! I don't love Craig, and I never will! So stop bringing him up!" He shouted with anger, causing other students to turn and watch the argument unfold. When Stan noticed the unwanted attention, he felt his heart rate pick up dramatically.

More importantly, Craig was also watching them. He was on his way to the production room when he heard those awful words fall out of his mouth. They stared at each other, and Stan's face went from angry to heart broken in a split second.

Craig looked so, incredibly pained.

"See, Kyle? Like I said. Nothing to worry about." Gary said with a smile, before grabbing Stan and pulling him into a deep kiss. He didn't care about the other students seeing it.

He just wanted Craig to see it.

Stan wanted so bad to push Gary off of him, to punch him, to kick him in the nuts! If he did any of that, though, Gary would have those things posted in a matter of seconds.

He forced himself to kiss him back. Even though he hated every single second of it.

Kyle gritted his teeth and picked up his bag before walking away from them in pure rage and disappointment.

There was nothing more Kyle could do while Gary was there.

Craig, however, felt his heart shatter into a million pieces. There's no fucking way Stan meant anything he said! He refused to believe it!

He waited until Gary released Stan, who turned to him with a sickening smile before walking back to the locker room. They stood there and stared at each other for a moment before Stan took off and ran down the hallway.

"Stan, wait!" Craig called, running after him down the hallway. Stan pushed the double doors open and tried to slam and lock them closed, but Craig body slammed into them, knocking Stan back before he forced his way in.

"Craig, what are you doing? Just leave!" Stan shouted out of desperation. Craig stood tall and straight, walking towards Stan in defiance. Stan's eyes widened as he began walking backwards. He hit the table, knocking over a box of mouth pieces and random tune keys while Craig leaned over him.

"I know you didn't mean a single word you said." Craig spoke low and gruff as he leaned over Stan in an effort to dominate and intimidate. Stan gripped the table behind him, trying to steady his uneven breathing. He couldn't focus when Craig was this close.

Oh god...I don't want to do this.

"Of course I did!" Stan fired back.

No I didn't!

"I can never love you..."

I'm so in love with you, it hurts.

"...and all I want from you from now on, is to leave me the fuck alone!"

Please...don't leave.

Every word was met with a contradiction from his internal voice and instinct as his heart had fallen to pieces. Every nerve had been effectively shot and he felt numb.

He was achingly numb.

Craig's eyes widened, feeling as if every ounce of emotion he had left in him was shut off. A switch had been flipped.

He'd been his own omega. And even though he didn't know Stan was his fated omega, the pain was still there.

This was a pain that hurt unlike anything else. He'd rather go feral than go through whatever pain this was. Was this heartbreak?

No, it was far worse than that. His spirit was gone, and he felt like a shell of the person he used to be. Stan was no different.

Stan's eyes widened when he watched Craig drop his head as he wiped away tears.

Oh no...what have I done?!

Craig looked back up at him with a blank expression, but tears had welled up in his eyes. Stan felt paralyzed to the floor as he watched Craig walk away., Craig. Please, don't go!

Craig opened the doors leading out to the hallways, Stan's heart pounding as his stomach dropped with every step he took away from him.

Please, don't leave!

And just like that, Craig left without saying a single word as the double doors slammed closed behind him.

Stan was in a deafening silence for a second before he felt a sharp pain in his chest. He gripped his shirt as his breathing became labored.

His soul...his spirit had been broken.

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