A Living Shield (John Price x...

By WraithsWrath

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Your sole purpose to the 141 is complete. With your life in enemy hands, no one is coming for you. That had a... More

Prelude - A Wraith's Last Memories
1) 13 Months Prior
2) The Past is Dead
3) Precarious Protection
4) Trials and Tribulations
5) Lethal Calculation
6) The Illusion of Time
7) Old Friends
8) Crack in the Surface
9) Reevaluating One's Choices
10) A Fools Bargain
11) Fear Made Tangible
12) 11 Months Prior
13) Gear Up
14) Follow the Leader
15) Outrunning Time
16) In The Dark
17) Too Close for Comfort
18) 10 Months Prior
19) Petty in Pink
20) Breaking Point
20.5) Price and Prejudice
21) What Goes Around
22) Comes Around
22.5) Pay the Price
23) Heads or Tails
24) A Grim Encounter
25) A Place to Stay
26) The Pain Of Letting Go
Thank you โ˜ƒ๏ธ
Christmas Chapter
27) Where There's Smoke..
28) A Haunting Truth
29) 7 Months Prior
30) Beaten, Blushing and Bruised
31) Stubborn to a Fault
32) The Tempted Moth
33) The Consuming Flame ๐Ÿ”ž
34) Nepenthe
Updates and Art! โš ๏ธ
34.?) Bonus Chapter
35) Cruel Inferno
36) Calm Before the Storm
37) That Which the Rain Washed Away
37.5) Everything Comes At a Price
38) 5 Months Prior
39) Plummeting Adrenaline
40) A Nova Reborn
40.5) A Priceless Feeling
Wraith + Dead Team Military Personnel Files

27.5) The Price of Playing the Game ๐Ÿ”ž

1.3K 44 169
By WraithsWrath

[🎵: Lonely Boy - The Black Keys 🔂]

"What's so different about this place? Looks similar to the one on base to me", Price said as he slammed the door of the SUV shut. His eyes scanning the front of the lively bar as he adjusted the beanie on his head against the cold.

Irritated was a rather mild term for how he was feeling right now. Honestly there were no words that could truly express the magnitude of his deeply seeded frustration. Travelling here had been pure torture, even though he'd offered to drive. He figured it would keep him more sane, more controlled, having to focus on the road. And that way he could ignore the raging boner pressing against his boxers, his coat covering enough for him to calm down eventually. But every time he zoned out however, his thoughts drifted instantly to you with no remorse and it was hard to ignore it. The way you'd been so close, so willing to stay, so agonisingly reciprocal for the need that lay between you two. Your outfit begging him to take it all off and dig his fingers in. Price couldn't get the sight of your smoking lips out of his mind, it stirred a roiling hunger in him every time he was too weak to ignore the image.

And it didn't help that during the entire drive, he caught you through the rear mirror as you sat between Gaz and Soap. Your vibrant eyes staring back at him just as intensely, playing coy as he could see you glancing away. That pretty mouth of yours trying to hide a sly smile.

Cheeky little thing. Don't start games you can't win.

He'd been so fucking close. And once again he got cock-blocked. Getting his hands on you was no longer a must, it was a need and it was an excruciating urge he couldn't quell. Like a siren song that never truly left the mind, no matter how hard you shook your head. No matter how far you ran. Price knew he shouldn't give into it. He knew it was wrong. You were his subordinate, his responsibility if shit went wrong. But every time you called him 'sir', another crack broke through his granite resolve and he was surprised he hadn't bent you over his desk already.

"At least here we have some new blood every now and then. Not just the same old faces", he heard you answer as you left the car, the others following suit close after. "Lord knows I can do without big testosterone filled men sometimes."

Price watched you walk over, your eyes avoiding his as you looked at the building and let the others go ahead of you two. Your voice sarcastic as you stopped for a second next to him and he had to control himself already to not grab you by the arm, drive back and just leave these meddling idiots.

"I call bullshit to that", he hissed as he leaned over for a bit without the others noticing. Price hovering near your ear, his head angled down so he could see your reaction. It didn't disappoint. He saw the way you swallowed, some colour staining your cheeks.

"Guess we'll see, hm?", you hummed as you left him behind and Price didn't waste time following as you all headed inside. He would gladly play this excruciating waiting game. Eager to see who would give in first.

The bar was rowdy and warm inside, music playing heavily as men and women drank and laughed openly. An atmosphere perfect for a team of soldiers to blow off steam. Not exactly the steam Price had in mind today, but he definitely wouldn't complain seeing you walk around in those heels and jeans some more. The only issue is, he wouldn't be the only one. Your arse looked too good in them.

If I see anyone starin', lord have fucking mercy on 'em.

Gaz headed straight to the barkeep, much to Price's surprise as they seemed to mingle for a bit with wide smiles and he motioned over for someone to come help carry drinks. It was faster service than Price had expected but somehow no one else was surprised. He realised soon after you were all quite familiar with this place and your faces were no stranger here. Raising an eyebrow to Gaz he went over, snaking through people, as Price came up to help.

"Hold on! Kyle- for fucks sake move- OH PISS OFF WILL YOU", was what instantly drew Price's attention back behind him. A frown forming on his face.

He could see you curse out a group of men that at first didn't want to move out of the way for you, while approaching the bar. Price immediately turned around, narrowing his eyes before he saw the look in your eyes and the slight hand you'd raised out to him. He waited with shifted eyebrows as you pushed your face near one of them, Price now noticing the man holding your arm. You looked livid as you spoke out lowly, just loud enough for your company to pick up on it. Price's body and mood tense, ready to jump in and drop them. He knew you could take them, but so could he. Gladly even.

"Come on, sweetheart, one drink. We can show you what great company's like."

"You've got two seconds to act like your receding hairline and take a step back before I make you", your quickly souring face brought out. Your hand looked to be vice gripping the one holding your arm hostage. Laughter rippled from the group of men in response, clearly not impressed, and horribly unaware of the cold glint in your eye.


Your muttered disappointment was the last thing Price heard before the group realised you were the one person that'd walked by they really shouldn't have fucked with. Even Ghost had more restraint than you.

One kick to the balls and an elbow on the back as the man bent over in pain and Price saw the one that had held down your arm go down on the ground, the men around him confused and taken aback by how fast it went. You pushed on without further thought, flanking Price with an innocent look on your face as he let you pass and closed off the space behind you protectively with his arm. Making sure the men behind him saw. He wasn't sure how you could get more attractive over time but somehow you still proved him wrong. He threw another glower at the group of men, who seemed to realise you were definitely not alone and they slowly backed away from the crowd, dragging their dazed friend with them. Much to Price's delight.

"As I was saying, Kyle- oh hey James, even better", your voice rang out as you came up to lean on the bar and talked to the barkeep, "no beer for me. Dark n' Stormy if you will."

"Coming up. Heavy on the-"

"Rum? Yes, please", you interupted James with a clear sigh as Price kept his stare on you.

He definitely hadn't expected you to start drinking heavily immediately, but he was curious to see how loose you could get. You usually didn't drink much more than beers around him, so this was a new experience to witness.

"Am I handing you guys the shot already or..?", James brought out as he rounded up the drinks, ignoring other patrons. Clearly he favoured you all and Price had a feeling that you were good customers. Ordering lots and perfect crowd controllers. If you didn't start anything yourself that is.

"Shot?", Price asked as he cocked a brow at his companions. He could see the way your face contorted a little and Gaz looked around with a stupid grin.

"Little ritual, cap", the latter said as he motioned for everyone to help carry drinks back to Soap and Ghost, grabbing the vibrant red shot last.

The two others had found a spot near the back of the bar, around the pool tables. It was honestly close to the boxes playing music, but it wasn't like you all weren't used to loud noise. You'd take this over bombs and guns any day. Heading over, you all planted down the drinks and Price waited for an explanation on why there was now a single shot in the middle of the table.

"Easy, cap'n. We 'ave a simple rule. First person tha' gets hit on needs t' take the shot and pay the first round next time we go out", Soap started as he slapped Gaz on the shoulder. "He was the lucky lad last time, weren't ya?"

Oh yeah, you guys were absolutely James' favourites with the amounts you seemed to drink when you came here.

"Jealous, MacTavish?", Ghost hummed humoured as he picked up his beer.

"Aye, I am! 'T was a bonnie lass. Garrick always gettin' lucky..", Soap answered begrudgingly.

Price chuckled at the scene, his eyes glancing over everyone before they landed on you to his left. He watched the way you stood there comfortably, taking off your leather jacket against the fast encroaching heat inside the bar.

His eyes travelling over your neck, your arms, your chest and back to your face. Your lips curled into a soft smile as you raised your glass to it, sipping greedily while watching the others talk. When you noticed his stare, he didn't look away. His eyes found yours for a second as you fluttered them in response. Price gripped his drink a little harsher at seeing your smile widening to the point where those elusive dimples flashed through. It was already warm inside this place but your presence and unintentional charm never failed to make him feel overwhelmingly boiling. The sight of your face alone made him breathe in deeply and look away before it became too obvious.

Why was that reaction so simple yet so effective in making his mind go nuts?

"So your reward for gettin' lucky is payin' up? Harsh rule", Price brought out with an amused voice as he took a swig from his beer, joining the conversation again to make sure he looked normal. Switching his weight on his feet to ease the ever growing discomfort he was trying not to trigger in his pants. Walking through this place with another boner was something he could go without for now.

"Blame your other sergeant for that one, captain. She introduced it", Gaz teased as he shot a playful glare across the table.

"Didn't hear you complaining when you got back home early in the morning from that lass' apartment", Price heard you shoot back with the sweetest of voices, drawing a violent snort from him. Always so delightfully quick to throw shit back, just the way he liked it.

Gaz's face turned darker in his cheeks as he muttered something sheepishly and opted to drink instead of truly answering. Your face looked so satisfied and Price couldn't blame you.

"Who we bettin' on this time?", Ghost brought out, his eyes glancing over everyone's faces. A playful look in his eye as he smirked.

"I'm hopin' to sit out on it this time, not gonna lie", Soap brought out as he scanned the room. "Can't keep payin' for everyone's bad habits."

"Course you sods keep track. Who's winnin' and why is it Wraith?", Price chuckled deeply as he shot you a loaded glance. Your eyes widening for a second before you smugly looked away and shook your head dramatically.

"Alas. I wish, captain. I'm happy to even the score though", you winked playfully, "but so far, it's a tie between Johnny and Ghost, actually. Wankers could pull anyone if they tried."

Ghost ignored the comment though everyone could see he was lowkey pleased with the compliment as he acted like he was looking out over the crowd. Soap gave a confident smile to his right as he looked at you with childish satisfaction, setting his sight on Price right after.

"I'm bettin' on the man o' the evenin'. Ya seen the faces o' the lasses near the door, cap? Careful with 'em", Soap said as he shuddered like he got reminded of something, "They can smell new blood an' I saw the way they looked at ya."

"Can you blame them? Our boss is quite the catch. Even if you're getting a year older today, sir", Gaz chimed in, a sneaky grin on his face.

"Appreciate it, but don't worry, son. I've had my fair share of hungry sharks. There's easy ways to make 'em shut up", Price brought out with a deep breathy laugh, leaning his fore arms on the table a bit. The others joining in as laughter spilled.

All voices echoing but one.

He didn't miss the eyes seering into the side of his face. The corner of his mouth lifting at the silence he witnessed from your side. A quick look was all he needed to confirm the blaze in yours as you stared him down. A gaze that could combust any man where he stood and Price would willingly let you set him on fire if that's what it took for him to get you alone. He already felt like he was burning from being near you.

Look at her, so easy to provoke. Makes me mad.

He felt satisfied seeing your unmasked annoyance. It reminded him of the look you always had in your eye when Griffin used to openly hit on him. And how you were trying to hide how much it bothered you.

[🎵: I Got Mine - The Black Keys 🔂]

"Anyone up for a round of pool, lads?", Gaz said as he slammed his empty glass on the table. His head motioning to the right, at the large green tables. One of them empty.

"Eager to lose, Garrick? I'd like to see that 'trick' shot from last time again. Ya know, the one that went flyin', that is", Ghost said with a deep chuckle as he leaned on the table towards Gaz with his hands folded.

"Game on, lieutenant, I'm taking Wraith on my team then", Gaz spat back.

"Wow, hold up. Who said I'm playing with you, mister 'watch this'?", you threw out sarcastically as you mimicked Gaz's voice with an eyeroll, "Your losing streak ain't my problem."

Chuckles rippled around the table as Gaz just raised his hands, questioning why he was getting shit on today.

"You any good, sergeant?", Price asked out loud as he looked at the pool tables and back at you. His eyes inquisitive as he tried to keep casual.

"Oh I know my way around cue rods and balls, sir", you said with an entertained grin as the others now all belted out, still in good humour from your previous joke and Price nearly choked on his drink. He did not see that one coming, as he wiped his beard with his hand. He watched you as you continued on with ease, the drink you were nearly finished with had clearly already loosened your tongue. "I'll go ask James for the cues. I think he started keeping them behind the bar ever since the pool stick fight you lot had with the drunk truckers. Toddlers."

You seemed to not be wasting time as you put your drink down and left the table, Soap grabbing it immediately as he placed it next to his and put his hand over it before continuing to defend himself on which side actually started that childish fight. Everyone knew well enough it was Soap, even though he denied it.

Price listened in but noticed however the quick glance you threw over your shoulder as you walked ahead, your hooded eyes luring him ever so subtly before you turned back around.

Oh she knows what she's doin'..

The look in your eyes alone was enough to swing him into motion as he downed his drink in one go and muttered he was coming with. The other three too busy bickering to even notice anything else.

He stuck close behind you while pushing through to the bar, his hand lingering on your hip as he followed. It had gotten even more busier in the last fifteen minutes and you both had to do your best to get to actually get there. Your bodies stuck closely together as Price kept you near, not willing to let you wander off. Your arse brushed against his groin ever so slightly as you got stuck behind someone and he pressed into you, stopping too late. The hushed groan it pulled from Price was so deep, it was just loud enough for you to pick up on as he felt the way you stilled for a second under his hand. He could see the red on your neck and your ears as he looked down from above, aware of the weight you were slightly leaning into him. The person in front of you already gone. Tightening his grip on your hip for a second, he savoured the feeling of your arse, before he eased up and you pushed on. Any more of this and it would be visibly obvious where his mind was at.

That and being in the middle of a crowd was anywhere but the place to stop for this.

You reached the bar eventually, pushing through heavily alcoholic smelling people with a grunt as you both looked at each other with loaded looks before breaking eye contact. The space between you two was close yet so far. Price leaned on the bar as he waited to see if he could grab someone's attention, aware you were moving around, shifting on your feet next to him.

"Somethin' the matter, Green?", Price muttered with a low voice as he leaned over, his eyes still looking across the bar for anyone.

"Doing fine, holding up just lovely", he heard you say with a shudder of a breath, your voice turning a bit impatient, "where the fuck is James."

"Y'oughta relax a bit more, sergeant, you seem tense."

"I'd call it pent up. Frustrated. And relaxing is really not what I need. Sir."

Price's eyes shot to you as he finally established eye contact again. A sense of need washing over him as he caught the glance you gave him from the corner of your eye. You were getting more brazen as time went on and his mind was under siege from how much it pulled on every bit of restraint he had.

His gaze trailed over your face, the dimmed lighting of the bar throwing soft hues over your lightly flushed face. Highlighting your soft brow, your cheeks tense in frustration. The brown loose waves of hair framing your face so marvelously, making him want to slip his fingers in to grab your head and angle it underneath his. Ever since he'd seen you with your hair loose it was all he could think about. Your lips caught the light as it danced over them ever so delicately, drawing his full attention completely. Urging him to press his on and consume every breath that flowed forth from them.

His own frustration was rising by the second, pulling on Price with every twist and turn of your presence. The ache in his groin growint stronger as he cleared his throat, trying to focus back on finding whoever was doing a shit job at offering service at the bar right now. His eyes unfocusing a little as he just stared ahead instead, needing every bit of willpower to center himself.

All Price really wanted was to take you somewhere and burry himself deep inside, while towering over you. To see in person how much you could truly take him. Hearing you finally shut that catty mouth of yours, drawing gasps and pants from you instead. And hope he could hear his name spill from those lips. He'd pay anything to hear it.

"What can I get you, handsome?"

A light voice popped up from the other side of the bar, Price blinking his lewd thoughts away about you as he focused on the person that stood in his vision with a frown. It was a younger girl, mid twenties, poofy brunette and a bright face to match. James was nowhere in sight. She looked patient but eager as she gave a wide smile. It didn't take a lot of effort to see how she batted her eyelashes with an intense look in her eyes. Her bosom in clear view as she leaned her arms on the bar, the angle of it making them much more prominent than they should be.

It also wasn't lost on him how your shifting next to him stopped, your head whipping up to see who had addressed him. Your frown almost deeper than his as he felt the urge to stir the pot a little. Like it was too tempting to resist.

"Heard this was the place to get pool cues? Five of 'em if you can, doll", Price said as he lowered his voice, softening his frown. Rolling his shoulders loose as he angled his head a bit further forward to meet her halfway and hear the waitress better in the turmoil. Noting the way you'd stopped moving all together now.

"Oh I can definitely get you those, luv. Anythin' else while I'm at it? A drink? Bit of a waste to play a game with an empty hand, no?", the waitress mused with a pretty smile as she leaned in as well. Waiting to see if Price would ask.

"Surprise me, hun."

The sly smile he had on his face struck it's mark as the waitress gained some colour and turned around to grab something with a giggle. Her reaction left him cold and disinterested, but it also wasn't the thing he was after. It was the storm he felt brewing on his left that he aimed for, as your eyes bore into the back of the waitress' head. They looked like molten lava, beautiful yet lethal. A tension in the back of your jaw as he could see you ball your fists. Price's brow lifted a tiny bit at the impressive flex he saw in your arm, muscles rolling under the tattoo that stuck out starkly in this lighting. He remembered from personal experience how hard your punches could land.

He got handed the pool cues first as he took them gratefully and put them against his stool. The waitress came speeding right back after with a drink, clearly leaning in even more. Her face soft and sultry as she handed him the glass and he felt the cold against his body heat. Brandy wafting up in his face. The condensation staining his grip, together with the feeling of something else. Something dry and smaller. Folded paper.

His face didn't react at first as he watched the waitress lean closer, aiming to say something next to his ear. Price wasn't paying attention to what she said but indulged her anyway, angling his head in such a way where he could fake listening, while he slowly slid his eyes towards your frozen face. Taking the piece of paper from in between the glass, he made it obvious to you that he held on to it before stowing it away in his coat, with a little pat as he let go of it. He nodded and hummed every now and then whenever he caught a word or two, something about calling, whenever she worked and didn't. He honestly wasn't hearing any of it.

Not when the real treat was the murderous stare he got from you.

Lowering his eyelids a bit, he took a sip as he partially covered his smirk while leaning on the bar with one arm. Just watching you with a devilish look in his eyes, enjoying the pure jealousy he could see seeping from your face. It wasn't a common occurrence and he would take the opportunity gladly. After she was done, he turned his head shortly to the side and muttered something. Offering her his typical 'v' smile right after, letting her know he appreciated the offer. He didn't tell her he wasn't interested, that would ruin the fun he was having with riling you up. You shot forward however before he could dismiss her. Your hand grasping the pool cues with a ferocity that shocked the girl next to him, as your face visibly turned mockingly sweet towards the waitress.

"Don't let me keep you, doll", you spat with a fake smile as it didn't meet your eyes and Price watched you stride off in a huff. He got off his stool immediately, a lazy grin clearly on his face and a sense of satisfaction clinging to him. Placing down money as he'd completely forgotten the waitress and his drink now and stalked right behind you. His eyes stuck to you in the crowd as he increased his gait to catch up easily.

"Sorry, did I take too long, Wraith?"

"Oh by all means, take longer, get her address too while you're at it. And don't forget your shot at the table for getting hit on."

Price's grin only grew wider as your irritated voice sounded like music to his ears. Frustrating you was an arousing game he could never resist. You both walked on, avoiding the crowd a bit more, opting to snake by the wall and circle around the crowd to meet up with the others.

"Just some healthy competition, sergeant. Gotta be faster next time if you want to win."

"Is that a challenge? Sir?"

You stopped midway, making Price bump into you from the front this time as you'd swiftly turned around, an eerily calm look on your face. He got surprised as his chest got cushioned by yours but composed himself quickly, waiting as he noticed you weren't done.

"Because I can find relief with at least half of the men here. They won't put up much of a fight, enough cock for me to choose from."

"Don't think a random wanker is what you're after, now is it. Sergeant.", Price said as he angled himself over you a little, his eyes drilling into yours from above. Slowly stepping forwards as he used his chest to intimidate you and trap you against the wall.

"Wanna know what I fucking think? Take a good guess", you hissed out, eyes defiant as he watched you take a stance. Gripping the pool cues tighter.

"See that's the bloody thing", Price said with a gutturally deep chuckle, shielding you from view to the rest of the room with his body as he angled his face down properly. "Frankly, I don't care what you think, as long as it's about me."

Your reaction was everything he'd hoped for and more.

The way your breath came in small but heavy pants, making your chest quiver so delightfully, it sent a chill down Price's spine. Rolling his neck a little as he shook out the sensation. His breath mirroring yours, only heavier. Your eyes now clearly flitting across his face, widening at the sight of him standing like this and the words that had left his lips. He watched with a morbid smugness as he finally got you meek and unresponsive.

Price couldn't take much more of this before he would snap. He refused to drag you to a bathroom, he was better than that, but the idea of you on your knees in a stall with your lips around his cock made him almost break his own standards. Releasing a heavy breath that tickled your cheeks, Price watched your eyes flutter under the feeling as he lowered his head down next to yours and muttered in your ear.

"One game. After, you meet me outside for a smoke. Am I clear, Wraith?"

"Mhm", you hummed nervously while nodding.

"Use your words."

"Y-yes, sir."


Angling himself away from you, he walked off first. A dangerously calm smile on his face, knowing he left you in a daze. He knew how well you responded to him calling you that, and he got way too pleased on using it too.

Price joined up with the others who got concerned it started taking so long, before you eventually trailed behind and met up without a word. Your face flushed, staring at the ground. Avoiding his eyes as you grabbed your drink from Soap's hand in silence and downed it completely, your friends face shifting to full confusion while he watched you. Price recieved some pats on the back and words of congratulations as they realised the shot on the table was now his, after flashing the paper with a number on it. You doing your best to keep your face neutral when he threw the shot back with a cheeky gleam in his eyes.

[🎵: Wild Child - The Black Keys]

Divided into two teams you started your game soon after. And made the best of it despite the mess it was slowly becoming. Ghost and Price were easily destroying you, Soap and Gaz. And despite the multiple new cocktails you'd downed ever since starting said game, it was still your shots that landed better than Gaz's. He always loved playing, but forgot every time he absolutely sucked at it.

Price had shed his coat and beanie for now, the warmth too much to bear with all the moving around and he needed some release from all the pent up heat inside him. Plus he loved noticing your subtle looks stuck on his arms as he flexed them ever so subtly while playing. The game itself got Price to somewhat occupy his mind for a while, however you were definitely not making it easy for him either. And he knew you did it on purpose. It was working better than you even realised.

Always angling your arse and your body in ways that looked beyond suggestive, coincidentally whenever he was in the line of sight. Your eyes 'accidentally' looking up or glancing back whenever you were bending over a bit more than necessary. Grabbing the cue and moving your fingers in such subtle ways that it made Price look away in pure mind numbing arousal, making him question his sanity. And how he got himself into this mess.

Fuckin' had to push her. I just had to. Bloody fool, can't even look at her for too long without thinkin' of bending her over that table myself..

Even the others had to look away from time to time because they started to feel like they were staring at their own teammate too boldly. And you clearly took pride and satisfaction in it. Not ashamed of yourself or the way they looked like sheepish schoolboys around you. Using it as an advantage to gain back some ground in-game, much to Soap and Gaz's delight. Your confidence felt intoxicating to Price's senses as he soaked up every moment he could get without being too obvious and your drunk, carefree smile that accompanied it was making his mind hazy. Even worse to him as he noticed the effect on your surroundings as well.

The staring from other men paying attention to the rowdy game became harder to ignore as you gathered a bit of a crowd over time. Not just because you made it look good, but because you'd caught up tremendously and were actually winning now. Soap and Gaz had even relinquished full control to you. People seemed to root for you, as Price watched you smile at them sweetly. Wrapping most of them immediately around your finger. He had a hard time ignoring the way they looked at you. Seeing their gazes linger on your legs and your arse. Unashamedly looking you up and down. The foul scowl on his face was unavoidable at this point as his game got more aggressive. His cue shots harder as he played on in deafening silence on his turn. If there weren't any consequences involved he'd have shoved his pool cue up their arses already. Instead he had to stand and act aloof, while gripping the stick of wood with such intensity, he expected it to snap any second.

Ghost and Price did their best, but had to admit you'd outplayed them in the most dirty way, by being a distracting little tease. And you won your game, face filled with satisfaction as Price released a heavy, grunted sigh. Leaning against the wall as he shook his head. Soap and Gaz fistbumped you excitedly, the self-proclaimed golden trio as always elated whenever they reigned supreme. As much as you three were a pain in the arse, Price liked seeing how well you fit in and how much they relied on you now. Bringing both order and chaos into the crew at all times.

Soap and Ghost decided they wanted a rematch, both of them being a bit more loud and drunk as they should be and Price was eager for it, knowing this would keep them busy. Walking up to his men, he urged Gaz to join Soap with a slap on his shoulder, reminding him of the jab Ghost had given him at the table earlier. His young shadow immediately agreeing and jumping at the opportunity, grin wide and ready to earn back his pride. Price started laughing before his eyes got drawn to a group stalking up to the pool table. Some men in their late twenties, early thirties, who'd been waiting to get a moment in, with you specifically as they came up closer behind you with confident, cocky smiles.

Price moved alongside the table, leaving his pool cue against the wall, his fingers sliding across the wooden side as he watched with a cool, neutral face. One of them noticed, stopping as he caught Price's eyes. The young lad seemed to take in the man skulking at the opposite side of the pool table, noticing the bigger build, the arms flexing ever so slightly and the overal intimidating feeling he exuded. His face faltered as he quickly whispered to the others and when Price slowly turned the corner of the table, stopping close to you, not taking his eyes off the lads younger than him, they were well aware now he was looking at all of them. Not just looking or staring, but burning his eyes into theirs. Price's darkening face was loud in the silence, screaming at them with clear intent.

Back. The fuck. Off. Now.

The group slowly came to a halt and whispered as they started drooping away, their eyes glancing annoyed over their shoulders but too scared to speak up or do anything.

"Naww, there goes my fan club. You can be so unfair, captain-"

[🎵: Closer - Nine Inch Nails]

Price's narrowed eyes skipped from the group to the face in front of him as he lowered his harsh gaze to yours. Your eyes blinking lazily from the alcohol, slowly realising the glower that still shone through in his, your voice getting caught in your throat at the intensity it found in his face.

"You can play games all you want, but on my terms. Don't need other people meddlin'. Disappointed, Green?", Price asked with a deep, gruff tone as he crossed his tense arms across his chest. Looking out from underneath his glowering, hooded eyes with a tilt of his head.

"Not in the slightest, sir."

Your voice was a breath of anxious anticipation despite the laced slurring it hid underneath, he could hear it. It soothed Price's need to be possessive over you. Something he never liked about himself, the need to protect and hoard what could easily fend for itself. He wasn't easy to lose his cool, but when he did he also wasn't great at letting go of those negative emotions.

Not that you seemed to care, your throat bobbed visibly in his looming presence. You seemed to forget for a second where you were in your daze, before you caught yourself and Price saw you taking a quick step back, shaking your head a little. Your eyes flitting to check if the others noticed the weird tension you'd both displayed openly, but one look at them told the two of you enough. There were bets on the line now and their rematch was too serious to take note of anything else. He heard you let out a shaky sigh, as you turned to leave but Price's hand flung out and held you back.

"And where are you goin'?"

"My- my uh, smokes, sir? You know..because..you- you said..."

Price watched the colour creep into your face, not just from the hard liquor now, realising you were doing exactly as he'd asked of you before, when he'd you caught against the wall. It seemed to have a lingering effect on you still as he relished the shame that settled over you. Drunk or not, you were still very much in the same mood as him.

"Not necessary, I carry some. Came prepared", he spoke with a cheeky smile. Not giving you the time to talk back, he quickly checked on the others still stuck in their game and grabbed his coat. He sauntered back over, took your arm and spun you in the direction of the door in one motion. Price slowed down a second as he felt you stumble along, letting you walk in front of him with his hands on your back. Sturdy and supportive, but very much holding on with an urge.

One that grew, the more steps you took and the more hot and sweaty people you passed by. Some of them recognised you, tried talking or stopping you, but Price's earlier mood slipped back easily the more he saw people looking. The more men he saw checking you out, again. Right in front of his eyes and it wasn't sitting well with him.

Are they takin' the piss with me?

The next person that tried talking to you was suddenly pushed out of the way by a brisk shove from his shoulder as Price slid past you, his left hand never leaving your waist as he did. They tried retaliating but one hard look from Price shut them up as he walked in front of you, making it clear you were in company. Grabbing on to your arm he now dragged you forwards at a higher pace, avoiding people left and right as his hand finally swung open the door and fresh air filled his lungs. He quickly shut the door as soon as you passed through, both of you breathing in deeply at the temperature shock, especially at this time of night.

"I don't usually get to see you lose your patience that easily. Not from anyone besides me that is."

Price turned around, watching you as you stood with your arms crossed in front of your chest. Breaths condensing in the air around you as you exhaled. That's when he realised he'd dragged you out here, without a coat or anything. In January. You didn't seem to mind as much, but he knew the booze in your system was to thank for that. Which was dangerous in and of itself.

"Fuck. I'll go get your jacket, stay here", he brought out with a frustrated sigh, almost mad now at how shit was going.

His hand reached out for the doorknob before a hand on his arm pulled him slightly off course and your face came dangerously close to his as he saw you smiling lazily up at him. Short circuiting his brain for a second while he caught the scent of alcohol mixed with the perfume that clung to you ever so subtly.

"Green, you'll catch a cold like this", Price sighed against the haze you'd put over his thoughts. Shoulders shrugging off his coat, removing your hand for a moment while he caught the heavy jacket with his hands and quickly hung it over your frame. The cold on his arms was apparent, but swiftly ignored when your presence was playing a different game with his temperature. His hands pulling the collar closer around your neck, noting the way you stared up at him.

"D'I look like I care, sir? If I want heat I know where t' find it", you spoke out softly while your tongue slurred a little. Price felt you try to snake your hands around his waist. Before you could wrap yourself any further however, Price lowered his hands from the big brown coat that hung from your shoulders and pulled you around the corner, away from the front door. His head checking for people, but finding none. He could barely hear your footsteps on the snow covered ground with his heart thundering in his ears and his senses in general were overshadowed by his rapidly growing anticipation.

[🎵: My Own Summer (Shove It) - Deftones 🔂]

You stopped around the corner, both of you just staring at each other. Torso's breathing heavy, heat enrapturing you both despite the cold. Your hunger for each other solidified by the breaths visible in the space between you two.

The ache that now settled in Price's gut was too hard to ignore. He waited for you however. He wasn't gonna start something in this hazy state of yours. However before he could say something, your hand snuck out and Price looked down with a raised eyebrow as your fingers hooked themselves around his belt loops and you pulled on them, making him step closer. The look in your eyes, as he shot his back up, was so provocative it snapped something. It made him lose his mind a little as he shook his head at you.

"My sergeant is impatient. Good."

His hands gripped your hips greedily while he guided you against the cold wall with a deep groan. Price's warm chest was against yours almost instantly however, not willing to waste time to feel everything he'd been dying to get his hands on all day. Price lowered his head into the crook of your neck, his nose and bearded lips trailing it excruciatingly slow as he pressed himself against you completely. A clear want searing through him that he'd been battling for so long. Feeling your body press into him, reciprocating every touch and motion he wasn't sure you would before this whole day.

"You've made this very fucking hard on me, did you know?", Price brought out under a heavy pant as he felt his cock harden rapidly the more you pressed yourself onto him with wild movements. The friction against it stale relief after being strung along for so long. The whine that got drawn from your lips as his teeth grazed the skin on your throat was response enough for him. Spurring him on as your hands rested against his chest, palming and feeling around freely how it roiled and drew taut under the scrape of your nails.

"Always pushin' and pullin', but you're docile now, aren't you, love?"

"Fuck you, alcohol helps", you brought out with a whimper as Price's knee shoved yours apart and his thigh pressed in between your legs. The pressure he applied on your core making you buck your hips automatically with a strained moan, a wide grin spreading on Price's face in response. You were slowly being engulfed by him, as he felt you getting needy, seaking friction on his leg but failing to keep yourself up steady.

"As I've noticed. You can barely walk properly, rather indecent."

"We're beyond being decent now aren't we, sir?", you said with a whisper, eyes blinking rapidly as Price's hand shot up to hold your throat, angling your jaw up with his thumb against the side of it. He breathed in deeply against it and fully took in the way you smelled, his sanity unraveling a bit more with every inhale. His senses being absolutely assaulted by having you everywhere he wanted. Brandishing itself into his memory.

His teeth nipped at the side of your throat, another moan leaving your lips as you shuddered against him. The feeling of your whole body reacting just made him even harder, as his cock started to hurt at this point. He wanted to rip everything off and just lift your legs around him so he could shove it in, but there was one thing nagging on his brain.

Something he couldn't cross without breaking his morals, something that would make him feel awful and disgusting once done taking you against this cold, dirty wall. When both of you would be sobered up.

Price drew his head up, your face eager to close the distance now as you pushed against his hand angling your chin up. He saw your hands fling out, grabbing a hold of his face and he groaned deeply under the feeling of your fingers caressing his jawline and beard. Something he didn't know he'd been aching for. As you tugged on him, he closed the distance with ease, his skin crawling in delight at your need to pull him in.

His face hovered in front of yours, leaning in slightly with heavy pants, as Price did his best to control himself and do this right. He could see your impatience growing, but with it also the sloppy way your body tried holding itself together.

You were too drunk to properly function, just as he suspected.

"For fucks sake, Wraith. What am I s'pposed to do with you if you drink so much I can barely do anythin' before you collapse?"

"Sir, please, can we just-"

"No, we can not. How would I fuck you with a clear conscience when you're inebriated, hmm?"

The pull on Price's stern face became stronger as he could see you frown and grab even harder. The pout on your heavily flushed face was almost adorable if it wasn't with the raw intent of getting fucked by him. He slowly lowered himself further as he watched you, needy for him to press his lips down.

Releasing his hand from your waist, he pulled up your right leg and steadied you against him. Before he could put it back however, one of your hands slipped from his face and grabbed a hold of his. Guiding it in one heavy pull straight between your legs. Price groaned deeply as he lost himself for a second and palmed greedily against your covered mound. Growling shortly as he spoke, yet unable to let go. Savouring the feeling of your hips rolling into his hand, an unsteady rhythm forming.

"Careful, Green. I'm bein' serious here. But if you're that needy, I can at least grant you this much."

The breath leaving Price's furrowed face deepened as your faces were now millimetres apart. His lips brushed yours ever so slightly, his left hand not allowing you to come closer as he still held your throat in place. It was excruciating to not let himself go and truly taste you, but seeing you scramble and lose your mind against him would have to do until you were sober enough.

His hand was still palming you through your jeans, drawing more whines from you as time went on but he swore he could nearly feel the arousal soak through. He stopped for a second as his fingers found what he was looking for and he popped open the button to your pants quickly. Price's big caloused fingers slid over your skin, ignoring your underwear as he aimed straight down to your core in one sharp move. Two fingers lazily drawing circles over your slit, enjoying the feeling of how wet you were, grunting in response to it as you breathed in sharply against him. Your hands gripping in a wild search for anything to hold on to.

"Fuckin' hell..", was all Price could bring out, his lips murmuring as they brushed against yours.

He could feel you try and close the distance again, before he pulled back to look you in the eye, your lips reaching for empty space as they opened in a silent moan while he slid his fingers in without further warning.

They went in with such ease, your walls so lubricated from how easily he'd turned you on, he felt your torso contort as you tried arching your back away from the cold wall. Full on thrusting into his hand as he watched you slowly unravel on his fingers, muttered words of nonsense spilling from you. Catching your rapid pants and whines on his lips, smirking against yours as he pumped them in and out of you teasingly slow.

"There's a good sergeant. Better?", Price brought out in a low, husky tone as he kept his slow pace. Watching you nod frantically as you could barely speak in the heat he was causing in you. "Next time, you will be sober and come to me. You can do the chasin' for once. Understood?"

At the lack of response, Price stopped his fingers for a second as a desperate plea fell from your lips, sending a shudder down his spine.

"Say it."

"Y-ye-s, s-sir."

The feeling of your trembling lips hit such a specific part of him, Price felt his entire length throb as he pushed his fingers back in. Faster this time. Your body quickly making a mess of his hand as you gradually got louder in your rising heat. Price's other hand on your throat moved quickly as it slid over your mouth, covering most of the sound that you couldn't keep in. His head finding solace next to yours, shushing you next to your ear.

"Easy, love. If people hear us, we have more than your wet mess to clean up", he chuckled with a grunt as he felt the way you responded to his voice. Clenching around his fingers. Getting more frantic by the second, eager for release. His hand muffling your lewd noises.

Price's thumb found your clit as he rubbed circles over it and he quickened his pace with his fingers. He was fucking you almost mercilessly now. He curled them inwards a bit, as they started grazing a sensitive spot over and over and he felt your body gradually tighten like a coil. His nostrils flared widely as he breathed in sharply at the feeling against his torso, the strength at which you held on to him. Your voice rasping harshly with your release close. Little pleas trickling from your lips, spurring him on.

His hand let go of your mouth as he quickly gripped your chin and looked you in the eye. Hungry to see the way your eyes lost focus, to see the effect in them of what he was doing to you.

Your right hand gripped his face violently, nails digging into the side while he watched your pretty mouth fall open silently. Thighs squeezing around his leg as he felt you tense up completely, his own arousal staining his boxers in the process.

"That's my girl", was all Price muttered as he felt and saw the release in you take shape, shoving you over the edge.

Your walls spasmed around his fingers, hips thrusting erratically as he felt you come on them hard, both of you silently wishing it was his cock. The feeling of you drenching them forever burned into Price's mind.

As soon as you stopped moving, riding out your high with his fingers still curled up inside, he watched the vigor drain out of your face as you slumped against him. Your voice failing as you wanted to say something, but nothing came out. Price removed his fingers slowly, holding you up steadily as he saw the satisfied daze in your eyes, strands of hair sticking to your face as it hung in wild waves around it. The red flush of arousal on your skin, mixed with the stained splotches of the cold that had sank in on it.

Price couldn't control the overwhelming cocky pride he felt, it filled every nook and cranny of his body as he saw how fucked out you looked because of him. Your hand lay loosely on his shoulder, making him notice straight away your grip on him was gone and your orgasm, mixed together with the copious amounts of alcohol, had as good as knocked you out.

She'd kill me if she was sober for what I'm 'bout to do.

Gathering you carefully in his arms after he buttoned your pants back up, ignoring the massive awkward strain his own groin was giving him, he lifted you with ease. Your head resting against his chest, not helping his ego in the slightest as you looked completely helpless for once. Slowly carrying you bridal style towards the car in the parking lot.

Price's eyes scanned your face as your eyes blinked lazily from time to time, trying to gain consciousness but failing miserably. It took him some shuffling, but he eventually got the car door open and slid you into the passenger seat, his coat on top as it shielded you from the cold. He'd turned on the car and the heating, glancing at you from time to time, more at ease with himself when he saw your head resting still now, steady breathing taking over.

He sat there for a bit, watching over you. His mind both still massively turned on but also serious as he tried ignoring the looming feeling this all gave him. The feeling that originally made him rethink getting involved with you, the anxiety of knowing this was beyond wrong and he could lose his job over this.

Price got out again with a frustrated sigh, not sure where the fuck his head was at. He locked the car behind him, aiming to get the others and leave, but there was one more thing he had to do before that.

I need a bathroom, now. Ain't getting blueballed twice on my birthday.

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