Ki-ur Kakkabu

By AlbanusAurelius

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Almost two centuries have passed since the mysterious tragedy of the Poseidon's Fury left its entire crew sla... More

Copyright Acknowledgement
Prologue: A Moonlit Discovery
Chapter 1: Demise at Sea
Chapter 2: A Determined Soul
Chapter 3: A Cryptic Clue Revealed
Chapter 4: A Gathering of Seekers
Chapter 5: Summoned to Ruin
Chapter 6: Revelations in the Moonlight
Chapter 7: Tension in the Night
Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle
Chapter 9: The Arrival at Delphi
Chapter 10: Prophecies at the Oracle
Chapter 11: Pilgrim Plots and Preparations
Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos
Chapter 13: Arrival on Delos
Chapter 14: A Sailor's Tip
Chapter 15: A Woodland Haven
Chapter 16: Through the Trees to Truth
Chapter 17: Through Words, We're Wraven
Chapter 18: An Old Hermit's Thread
Chapter 19: Departing Delos Once More
Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa
Chapter 21: A Handsome Stranger
Chapter 22: Awaiting the Trader's Return
Chapter 23: The Trader's Fragment
Chapter 24: Revelation in the Archives
Chapter 25: The Legend is Revealed
Chapter 26: A Merchant's Memories
Chapter 28: Crisis of Faith
Chapter 29: Revelations Beneath Ancient Roots
Chapter 30: An Unexpected Lead
Chapter 31: Shelter Among Friends
Chapter 32: A Confrontation with the Past
Chapter 33: A Demon's Bargain
Chapter 34: Collapse or Continue?
Chapter 35: A Long-forgotten Relic
Chapter 36: All Threads Woven...
Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace
Chapter 38: Secrets in the Ruins
Chapter 39: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 40: The Final Revealing
Chapter 41: Mysteries Solved, Secrets Shared
Chapter 42: Finding Peace Where All Began
Chapter 43: Documenting the Discovery
Chapter 44: New Beginnings
Chapter 45: Towards Tomorrow
Epilogue: Under the African Sun

Chapter 27: Into the Waterworld

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By AlbanusAurelius

The friends woke up as the first light of the sun crept across the sand hills. They had a satisfying breakfast of flatbread, dates, and spiced tea and efficiently packed up their camp by practising working together.

Continuing their journey, they soon saw the remains of Eridu on the third day. Weathered mudbrick structures and ancient writings on clay tablets were all that remained of the once-great Sumerian city. Chrysomallo enthusiastically documented the ruins and ancient objects, while Ashamshemesh and Ikkos shared historical insights.

Beyond Eridu, Chrysomallo guided them using her detailed maps and knowledge from scholars. They sometimes slowed down to examine carvings on cliffs, take rubbings, or study unique plants and landmarks.

At night, they would gather around fires, sharing stories and philosophising under the soft light of the stars. Their bond grew stronger with every step they took across the desert. Even when their paths diverged, they relied on the compass and star patterns to find their way.

After several more days of travelling, the landscape gradually changed. Colourful fields and flooded areas replaced the sand hills and sparse vegetation. The air became more humid, carrying subtle natural scents in the breeze. The solid ground was replaced by soft, wet soil, and tall grasses grew abundantly along their path.

As they continued their journey, narrow waterways wound between the tall grasses, and their path was marked by swaying stalks. They could see walls of dense vegetation stretching into the blurry distance, a clear sign that they were getting closer to the Qadisiyya marshes.

"It seems we've reached the southern edge of the marshes," Ashamshemesh observed, stroking his chin thoughtfully. Chrysomallo double-checked their location on her clay tablet and confirmed Ashamshemesh's observation.

"What an interesting change after spending so much time in the wide-open desert," Themistonoe remarked. Mnesarete nodded in agreement, noting that this change brought its own beauty, like discovering new layers in a familiar dream.

"I've never seen such a lush, green landscape!" Chrysomallo exclaimed, sketching on her clay tablet in amazement. "There seems to be an endless variety of plants and animals here."

"There are surely many mysteries to uncover," Dex said eagerly. "If we listen carefully, these wet borders may reveal the stories of those who came here in search of nourishment for both their bodies and souls."

Ikkos nodded thoughtfully. "Many civilisations thrived in areas abundant in resources. Let us hope that traces of those who were drawn here long ago still remain."

Their camels sped up, energised by plenty of fresh food after crossing barren paths. The tall reeds grew taller as the group continued their ride, creating a mystical, water-filled landscape unlike anything they had ever seen. These rustling plants provided shelter for many colourful plants and animals.

Twisting waterways wound endlessly through the marshes, connecting narrow channels and large lakes full of activity. The air buzzed with the songs and calls of countless wetland creatures.

Frogs made noise while brightly coloured birds joined in. Light danced on the rippling water, playing among the moving shadows of swaying leaves.

The travellers felt amazed at the vibrant world that had been revealed. "There can be no doubt—these are the famous marshes of Qadisiyya," Ashamshemesh confidently declared. As the tall reeds showed the full splendour of the marshes, cries of wonder erupted from the travellers.

"Wow, look at this place!" exclaimed Dex, turning in his saddle to take it all in.

"The text we read does not capture its greatness," Themistonoe added, shocked. "The amount of life here is beyond imagination."

"Truly, a magical watery world," Mnesarete said, eyes wide and captivated by the dancing lights and shadows.

"Incredible!" Chrysomallo gasped, struggling to capture the lush scene with her sketches.

"After spending a lifetime with dusty scrolls, seeing nature's beauty firsthand is a blessing," Ikkos said softly.

Ashamshemesh nodded solemnly, smiling at his companions' amazed expressions. "Very few lands have such ancient magic. We are honoured guests in the watery heart of Qadisiyya."

Chrysomallo studied the complex waterways weaving through the marshes as the reeds continued to grow. "Look at the intricate network of channels that connect the lakes," she observed. "The plants and land have been shaped over centuries by the ebb and flow of water."

She reached for her tablet to make additional notes and sketches. "Mapping these changing wetlands will be a challenge, but it will provide valuable information. Documenting the natural patterns of streams and vegetation could help us understand changes over time."

Chrysomallo looked across the rippling water with the sharp eye of a mapmaker. "If I can figure out the seasonal flows and document landmarks, it might enable more accurate navigation under different conditions. The water system in this area holds insights into the past habitats and civilisations."

Ashamshemesh agreed by nodding his head. "Your efforts to understand the natural rhythms of Qadisiyya will be beneficial for future travellers and scholars. Nature's influence is deep, and there is a wealth of knowledge to be found in these fertile waters."

As the fellowship continued their journey, the world around them became more lush and unfamiliar. The reeds grew tall, reaching the same height as the camels in certain areas, making it difficult to glimpse the sky.

The air became heavy and humid, filled with the damp, organic scents of decaying plants. Breathing became challenging, but it allowed them to experience the true essence of this watery realm.

The dense vegetation muffled sounds, even silencing the birds' cries as they flew between the reeds. It seemed as if the marshes themselves were speaking.

The light changed as it filtered through the waving stalks, taking on a strange greenish-gold colour. Shadows moved unpredictably in the shifting glow.

Deeper channels led them away from the open lagoons, winding like mysterious, dark passages into the soggy interior. Roots and runners crisscrossed the murky waters, making the bottom invisible.

The world appeared as a narrow green tunnel, occasionally revealing glimpses of mudbanks and fens on either side. They were completely enveloped in this unfamiliar and close-knit world.

Strange sounds, like squeaks, croaks, and splashes, came from unseen depths as if some primal rhythm was playing beneath the surface. Vapours rose, swirling around them and clouding their faces, disorienting them even more.

They had truly entered the heart of the marshes, a place that felt enchanted. What mysteries awaited them in this strange and primordial Waterworld? What discoveries would they make in its hidden depths?

(The Marshes of Qadisiyya)

As the light grew dim and a greenish tint filled the area, Chrysomallo said, "This place is eerie yet captivating." She held her tablet tightly, trying to capture as much as she could before it vanished into the mist.

Themistonoe shivered slightly. "The air feels heavy and ancient. If we stay too long, it may affect us deeply." But her eyes remained wide with fascination as they discovered new wonders in the marshlands.

Dex looked into the depths and moved his camel closer to Ashamshemesh's. "I must admit, my friend, I'm starting to feel uneasy. Are we really alone out here?" He spoke quietly.

Ashamshemesh paused to reassure the group. "Change can make us uncomfortable, but we're not on this journey alone. Trust in one another and in the guidance that brought us here; there is wisdom to be gained."

Mnesarete nodded calmly. "This place has stories from times before history. If we open ourselves to it, the marshes will reveal their secrets in due time."

Ikkos pointed to twisting vines and twisted roots along the banks. "Look at how nature thrives even in darkness and isolation. We can learn from its resilience if we are willing to see."

As if in response, there was a splash and ripples in the stillness. Chrysomallo looked ahead, drawn to the movement in the water.

Two long, curved creatures, similar to eels, twisted among the reeds. Their olive-coloured skin blended with the murky surroundings. Their scales glistened as they moved together in a complex dance.

A thrilling cry echoed across the lagoon, and a flock of glossy white birds flew from a grove of trees. They circled and swooped, darting through the reeds with skilful ease.

Under the rippling surface, shadows darted in every direction—fish of all sizes navigating unseen paths. Every now and then, a fin or tail would break the surface, revealing sleek creatures ready to escape any lurking predator beneath.

From the banks, small black snouts emerged, their whiskers twitching as nutria searched for food. These furry swimmers nibbled on tender reed shoots before disappearing back into hiding.

More splashes caught the group's attention, revealing a family of otters playing. Their smooth bodies rolled and tumbled, their paws slapping the water in joyful games of chase. Laughter filled the air before the otters vanished from sight.

Further observation showed that many small kingdoms were full of life. There were insects skimming across the water's surface and dragonflies with shiny blue and green wings against the dark background. Signs of abundant life were everywhere.

The travellers stopped and admired the intricate patterns in this hidden world. They all agreed that the area where the flowing water met the reeds and marshes was rich with life.

"Just look at the variety all around us," Chrysomallo said, amazed as she quickly sketched everything.

Themistonoe smiled and said softly, "The way these creatures move through the water is like a dance. It's poetry in motion."

"The otters playing made me happy," Mnesarete remarked. "Even in solitude, nature finds ways to bring joy."

Dex watched the loons flying and said, "Evolution has done amazing things to make these creatures adapt to life in the wetlands."

Ikkos nodded, appreciating the beauty, and said, "Everyone here contributes to this tapestry, whether they are above or below the water."

Ashamshemesh's eyes sparkled as he said, "This place is a thriving mini-world where land and water meet. There's so much to learn if we're observant."

At Chrysomallo's happy laugh, the others turned to see the nutria working. "Even the small and seemingly unimportant creatures play a part in nature's plan," she said with a grin. "Each one matters."

"This peacefulness reminds me that life persists through connection, even in solitude," Mnesarete said thoughtfully.

As the sun set and cast a red light over the marshlands, Ashamshemesh started looking for a spot to camp. The others followed, searching for dry areas among the mud and reeds.

Soon, they found an elevated piece of land surrounded by trees and grassy hills. "This will be our campsite for the night," Ashamshemesh said, tired but satisfied.

The travellers got off their camels and stretched their legs, relieved to stop for the evening. Chrysomallo stretched gratefully after a long day of travel, as did the others. Ashamshemesh gave the camel carrots as a thank-you for carrying them.

Without wasting time, they each started their evening tasks as the fading light made the area around them look greener. Chrysomallo and Ikkos gathered sticks while Dex took care of the camels. Themistonoe started making a stew, and Mnesarete unrolled blankets.

A warm fire crackled in the centre of the camp as the stars appeared in the sky. Bowls filled with a tasty broth seasoned with herbs were passed around. As they ate, they told jokes and shared stories to lift their spirits.

(Twilight Sanctuary)

Themistonoe spoke once the companions were relaxed around the warm fire, their bellies full and content: "We have travelled far and long to reach these famous marshes. Even though our journey leads us closer and closer to finding the legendary Willow of Ishtar, I think we can wait until tomorrow."

She smiled at the others. "For now, let's rest and replenish ourselves after days of difficult travel. We've arrived at our destination - this watery land of Qadisiyya and its hidden wonders. Tomorrow will come soon enough."

The others nodded in agreement, their tired faces showing both exhaustion and a sense of relief and achievement. They had endured the sun and sand to find this magical place, and one more night wouldn't postpone the fulfilment of their mission.

For now, it was enough to relax by the fireside, sharing stories beneath the stars that danced in the dark sky above the marshes. However, despite the comfort of their companionship, an unfamiliar tension hung in the air. Strange cries and rustling noises came from beyond the reach of the firelight, obscuring shapes moving at the edges of their vision.

Mnesarete smiled knowingly. "Change can unsettle even the strongest of hearts. But listen—this is the song the marshes sing. In its own way, it soothes as much as any lullaby."

Ikkos walked away from the camp as the others continued their evening preparations. As he curiously observed the landscape, the fading light cast strange shadows among the reeds.

On the edge of a small lagoon, partially submerged shapes caught his attention. Getting closer, he noticed worn lines and remains sticking out from the mud - the remains of old wooden structures, their edges softened by time.

"Asham, come see this!" Ikkos exclaimed excitedly. When the others joined him, he directed their gaze to the ruins emerging from the shallow water. "These beams and posts show evidence of dwellings, even though the dates have long faded. People used to live where we're camping now."

Ashamshemesh knelt down to examine a worn inscription on a post that had been smoothed by time. "It's amazing to think about the stories that could be understood if these walls could talk after spending so many seasons in the mud."

"Imagine all the knowledge that was lost when the mud swallowed these lives," sighed Chrysomallo, tracing an outline with her stylus.

"Not lost, but rather transformed into the richness of the soil," replied Mnesarete gently. "Nature absorbs everything in her cyclic dance. Perhaps some echoes remain for those who have ears to hear her song."

As the sun went down, Themistonoe began going through the food they had for their evening meal. "We don't have much left after being on the trail for so long. Maybe we can rely on what Qadisiyya has to offer," she suggested.

This caught everyone's attention, and they started exploring the area. Chrysomallo noticed round roots coming out of the mud and tried one to see that it was sweet and starchy. Ikkos found patches of wild onions and herbs growing on higher ground.

Dex came across nutria foraging by the shore and carefully gathered the reed nuts that the rodents had left behind. Mnesarete pointed out clumps of a leafy green plant thriving among the stalks.

They gathered together amidst the buzzing insects and shared their findings. Themistonoe combined Chrysomallo's roots with crushed reed nuts, local herbs, and thin strips of dried meat. She wrapped the mixture tightly in large leaves and cooked it over the fire.

As the delicious smell filled the air, Themistonoe offered samples. "How does this simple experiment taste? With creativity, necessity becomes enjoyable."

The travellers agreed that with imagination and willing hands, even difficult lands could provide nourishment for both the body and soul. They relaxed by the campfire, feeling satisfied after their improvised marshland meal. Laughter and lively conversation filled the warm evening air, occasionally interrupted by the sounds of camels.

While the others cleaned up the remains of their dinner, Chrysomallo turned to Dex with a mischievous grin. "You've been admiring my drawings for so long. Why don't you try capturing these marshes yourself?"

Without waiting for a response, she gave him her clay tablet and stylus. "Here, you can draw me among the reeds while I pose. Think of it as an artistic challenge!"

Dex blinked in surprise, feeling nervous about the unexpected task. "Um, I don't know if I can do justice to your talent in documenting, Mallo."

She ignored his objections and stood up, walking to the shore near their camp. The soft light of twilight highlighted her dark hair as she stood gracefully among the swaying rushes.

"Don't worry, you'll do fine. Start whenever you're ready. I can't hold this pose all night." She posed dramatically, placing one hand on her hip as she looked into the murky distance.

Dex reluctantly turned to the empty tablet, aware that the others were watching and trying not to smile. As he lowered the stylus, his hand shook, realising he had no idea how to capture Chrysomallo's elegant figure.

His strokes quickly blurred the lines into a shapeless blob. Chrysomallo's softly curled hair turned into a bird with too many wings, and one leg reached towards the sky while the other disappeared into the mud.

Chrysomallo laughed at the disastrous results, but her happy smile made her gentle teasing less hurtful as she rejoined the group. "Don't ever change, my friend. Your skills lie in things other than appearances—maybe in seeing deeper truths." And so the lighthearted game came to an end.

As night fell over the marshes, the companions relaxed around the campfire. With full stomachs and the crackling flames, a peaceful calm settled in as the shadows grew. In the distance, the soft sounds of camels mixed with the chorus of reeds.

Breaking the peaceful silence, Ashamshemesh suggested, "The sky is really clear tonight. Come, let's walk a bit and see the amazing things in the sky from this spot."

The others grabbed blankets and followed him to a slight hill, lying down and looking up. Gasps of wonder filled the air as the bright array of stars appeared, unaffected by city lights.

"Look over there—the bull just cleared the horizon," Ashamshemesh pointed out, using his finger to trace the constellation's golden stars. "And see how the scorpion's tail looks like it's about to touch the reeds."

Chrysomallo traced the shapes with her finger. "The clarity is incredible. From here, patterns I've known for so long look completely different."

"Not many people get to experience the night like this," Mnesarete added. "Out here, it's hard to tell where the earthly and heavenly realms separate."

They stayed there in comfortable silence, taking in the expanse of stars that covered the sky above and around them. As more unfamiliar shapes appeared, Ikkos asked about the stories linked to constellations they rarely saw in their homeland.

Ashamshemesh told captivating stories, lulling them to sleep with the sounds of crackling flames, night birds hooting, and the shimmering light above the marsh. After one final look at the brilliance of the infinite sky, the travellers returned to camp, feeling watched over by the stars.

While the others got ready for sleep, Themistonoe knelt in the starlight, taking her journal out of her bag. Unrolling previous entries, she dipped her quill and started writing:

"This land becomes a part of you just like the damp soil sticks to our skin and clothes. Each breath we take is filled with its unique scent—a refreshing and enchanting elixir.

These marshlands carry the echoes of a forgotten past more vividly than any history written on paper. Here, time flows independently of human measures. Life continues through yearly rituals, while empires crumble in the blink of an eye against the vastness of eternity.

It feels strange to see this changing perspective on an unfamiliar stage. My firm ideas are reshaped and rearranged by the forces of nature. Certainties that were once solid in the cities seem futile in these waterlogged areas, where permanence takes shape beyond the grasp of logic.

This place encourages me to let go of strict boundaries and instead embrace deep listening. Amongst the swaying plants and moving waters, whispers echo truths that are often drowned out elsewhere.

My companions also seem affected, with widened eyes and lightened spirits finding rejuvenation amidst the changes. I sense in all of us an unseen root taking hold where none was expected. It is strange yet fitting how these shores shape the vessels that cross them."

After finishing her entry, Themistonoe stoked the fading fire one last time before wrapping herself in her blanket, feeling its comforting warmth. The others had already fallen asleep, calmed by the sounds of the marsh coming to life in the darkness.

At first, there were only small changes—a rustling in the reeds as smaller creatures began their hidden activities under the cover of darkness. Peeps and squeaks echoed across the waterways as unseen frogs and rodents began their nighttime dances.

Soon, louder calls joined the growing chorus. The haunting hoots of owls filled the air as they quietly went on their hunting missions. Deeper within the marsh, the strong croaking of hippos carried for miles. The crackling fire and soft noises from camels created a contrast to the increasing sounds of the marsh night.

Other mysterious sounds arose from the foggy darkness, defying identification. Strange grunts and splashes were heard as elusive shapes darted just beyond the glow of the fire. Perhaps these sounds belonged to timeless beings that avoided the light of human campfires.

As Themistonoe grew tired, she thought about the countless dramas unfolding in this place day and night. Life continued to follow ancient rhythms, cycles that would persist whether seen or not.

Humanity was just a passing participant in the never-ending, interconnected web of nature. Comforted by this thought, she fell into dreams that seamlessly blended with the reedy world around her.


What type of terrain do you prefer the most (forest, desert, cave, marshland, etc)? 

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