๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–”๐–™๐–Ž๐–ˆ ๐•ฐ๐–›๐–Ž๐–‘ ||| T...

By Neo-ff

46.5K 1.5K 561

"๐”๐”ถ ๐”ฃ๐”ฒ๐”ฑ๐”ฒ๐”ฏ๐”ข ๐”ฆ๐”ฐ ๐”ฐ๐”ข๐”ฑ ๐”ฆ๐”ซ ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ซ๐”ข ๐”ฃ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ ๐”ถ๐”ข๐”ž๐”ฏ๐”ฐ ๐”ซ๐”ฌ๐”ด ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก โ„‘ ๐”ก๐”ฆ๐”ก๐”ซ'๐”ฑ ๐”ฑ๐”ข๐”ฉ๐”ฉ ๐”ถ๐”ฌ๐”ฒ... More

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๐•ฎ๐–๐–†๐–•๐–™๐–Š๐–— ๐Ÿ—

1.4K 37 10
By Neo-ff

Rindou stares at you with shocked widened eyes as you stand in front of him at the door, bleeding and crying "W- what happened, [Y/n]?!", Ran comes rushing to you two after hearing Rindou's obvious shouting and now also stares at you with the same facial expression. You try to wipe some tears away as you snap angrily "Can I come in or do you want me to stand here even longer?!"

Your oldest brother pushes Rindou a bit to the side while more tears prickle down your cheeks. He quickly helps you take off your white sneakers that are also stained with blood as it runs down your knees and you drop your backpack while he bombards you with questions. You lift your shaking hand to your head, holding it while you regret running all the way home "I feel dizzy...-"

Black dots pop into your vision and everything blurs into each other while the voices of your brothers faint into nothing.

You don't know for how long you've been out but when you wake up again, you lay in Ran's bed, probably because his room was closer than yours and they had to carry you. Turning your head to your left, you spot him sitting on a chair right next to you with his head laying on the mattress in the most uncomfortable sleeping position you've ever seen. But he is able to fall asleep literally anywhere, it was like a superpower while you and Rindou always have trouble falling asleep. It's not uncommon for you three to meet early in the morning when Ran wakes up at that time while Rindou only then goes to bed and you were awake the whole night too but go to school regardless.

"Ran?" You slowly sit up while noticing that they've switched your clothes to some loose sweatpants and a t-shirt. They also cleaned you up a bit and basically wrapped you up in bandages.

Shaking his shoulder, he finally wakes up and instantly cups your face "[Y/n], are you okay?! Can you remember what happened?" "Y-yeah, I-" you were cut off by Rindou who suddenly stands in the doorway to the bedroom "Who did this to you, [Y/n]?! Tell us and we will kill them!", walking closer to you until he stands on your other side. You obviously remember what happened but your thoughts are running, not being able to say anything just yet.

"Rindou, I told you we need to go to the hospital. Now look at her! I think...I think she has amnesia!" Ran exclaims and dramatically places a hand over his heart. Rindou points at him with a snarl "What?! You said she doesn't need a doctor, so this is your fault!!"

Staring at them with parted lips before you shake your head and lift your hands "Stop yelling! I don't have amnesia, guys. I'm [Y/n], 14 years old and you two are my stupid brothers!", they both sigh in relief. Rindou sits down beside you on the bed "But what the fuck happened to you?" "Who did that?" Ran knits his eyebrows, looking like he's about to murder somebody.

"Uhm.." you stammer, thinking about how you actually don't want to tell them the truth because then you'd also have to explain to them how you know Hanma and your cover of being at Hina's place even though you were at a gang party, blows. You'd just get into even more trouble...no no, a little notary lie has never hurt anybody, right?

"I was on my way home from school when somebody pushed me down the stairs at the train station" you lie "I yelled after him but he didn't stop" "Did you know him? Do you remember his face?" Ran presses but you shake your head "I didn't and he was also wearing a mask" "Are you sure?" Rindou questions, pointing at your cheeks while looking at you with sharp eyes as if he's suspicious of what you're telling them "That bruise looks like you've been hit by somebody"

"Yes!" You nod, being firm to stay with that made-up story "I really wasn't able to see his face or make him stop. Maybe his elbow or something got me there when I fell? Everything happened so fast!"

"Okay" Ran nods "But you feel okay again, right? Are you still dizzy or do we have to go to the hospital?" "No, I'm fine again but my knees hurt a bit" you reply and he hums "Yeah, they were bleeding pretty heavily but we wrapped them up, you should be fine" "Thanks" you smile a little "I still don't know why I passed out tho"

"Probably blood loss or something" Ran shrugs but Rindou face palms "If she would've lost so much blood that she passes out, she would've been dead by now. But as you can see she's fine", your oldest brother nudges your arm and mumbles "He studied medicine and is a doctor now" "I bet he is and as a side business he's illegally selling prescription drugs" you laugh and Rindou rolls his eyes "Sounds more like something you'd do, [Y/n]"

You shake your head "It probably happened because I was running all the way home while being in shock. I must've looked like a lunatic!", chuckling at the last part but then instantly snarl at Rindou when he lets out a mocking scoff "You always look like a lunatic, so that's nothing new" "Piss off" you sneer "At least I didn't pass out drunk on a park bench and then got woken up by your little sister when she went to school at 7am-"

"Who's hungry?" Ran claps into his hand, asking to stop a fight to break out. It works because you nod "Me!", wanting to get up but he pushes you down again "Oi, what the-" "You stay there and rest! We can eat here" he states before ordering Rindou to help get dinner ready.

The two leave the room and you spot your backpack next to the bed, causing you to lean down and pull out your phone from it. Rolling your eyes when you see that Hanma texted you a heart as if he never did anything wrong in his life "Fucker..", ignoring his message.

Clicking on Hina's contact, you push the call button and hold the cell to your ear while hoping that she will answer. Her cheerful voice rings out when she takes the call ("Hello~") "Oh, thank god you answered!" You sigh in relief "Hina, I need you to do me a favor!" ("Sounds urgent. Is everything okay?") she questions, instantly sounding a bit worried.

"Yes but could you send me Takemichi's number? It's extremely important!" You request, ("Sure but did something happen? Is he in trouble? Are you in trouble again?") she inquires but you shake your head "No but I need to talk to him" ("Oh, okay") "You don't have to worry or anything" you quickly add.

A few seconds after hanging up when she agreed to send you his contact, your phone buzzes but you can't call him yet as your brothers come back with food. You three eat in Ran's bed while watching a movie on his laptop and talking about some random shit about people. Rindou also nearly got choked-slammed by Ran when he accidentally spilled some of the food on his fresh bed sheets, making you laugh at them.

You're back in your room when Ran finally allows you to get up to let you go to sleep. Though you have another plan than going to bed now, you dial Takemichi's number.

("Hello?") he answers and you hum "Takemichi! It's-" ("[Y/n]!!") he surprisingly instantly recognizes you by your voice ("Why were you at the Valhalla hideout?! Do you know these guys and Hanma?!"), sounding stressed and confused at the same time, making you sigh a little "I'll meet you in one hour at the Maman spider sculpture at Roppongi Hills. Got it?"

He immediately agrees and you hang up before you wait about 45 minutes to make sure Ran is asleep and Rindou too or is at least so distracted with something that he won't bother you with anything. You sneak out of the apartment and take off running, trying it at least since your knees ache when you bend them and they rub against the fabric of your sweatpants.

Arriving at the spider sculpture, you spot Takemichi pacing back and forth while muttering under his breath in a stressed manner as he's clearly not able to sit still. You sigh and shake your head, genuinely wondering what his deal is lately.

"When you want to look like an insane person, you're doing a great job! Keep going until they lock you up in an asylum" You chuckle as you approach him and sit down on a bench. He spins around to you "[Y/n]!", though he instantly frowns when he sees you holding your knees and your face scrunches up a little as if you're in pain "What happened? Are you- Oh my god, your face!!", finally noticing that as well.

"Geez, thanks! My face is still beautiful, even with that nasty bruise" you scoff before pointing next to you "C'mon, sit down", Takemichi hesitantly sits beside you and bounces his leg nervously but he knows you're probably going to freak out when he doesn't do what you're telling him.

"Why were you at the Valhalla hideout? Hanma knows who you are and he said something about two brothers...Haitani or something. I don't know them but-" "And how did you get dragged into this? You don't seem like the type of person who gets involved with delinquent gangs, except for maybe your little middle school gang but that ain't a real gang" you cut him off and raise an eyebrow.

He pouts a little as he mumbles "That's a real gang.." "Whatever" you roll your eyes and he looks at you with knitted eyebrows as he comes back to the topic "They needed a witness that Baji officially left the Tokyo manji gang and joined Valhalla. He is actually a founding member of Toman and also close friends with Mikey" "Ahh.." you hum in acknowledgement.

It is silent for a few moments before he speaks up again, completely irritated "That's all you're gonna say to this?!" "I don't know what you want me to say? I'm not friends with Mikey nor anyone else in Toman. I was just surprised to see you there" you shrug your shoulders "If Hina knows what you're doing, she'd be worried out of her mind"

"On top of that, they probably chose you to be the witness because you're weak and won't fight back. Are you even an official Tokyo manji member?" You squint your eyes at him as you give him a once over. He purses his lips "I can fight back" "You don't sound convincing, even if you're trying to right now" you sigh "Be for real here, Takemichi. When you wanna fight then do it and don't just say it"

Takemichi stares at you with parted lips, gritting his teeth "I can fight but I am just-" "When there's a 'but' in your sentence then you're not fighting" you cut him off "I know what I'm talking about. You either do it or you don't, there's no in between", he looks at you for another moment before mumbling "Oh..", as if he just realized something.

He looks back at you with a slight frown "And what were you doing there? Hanma knew you and now you kinda look...beaten up" "Hah! Beaten up, yeah" you stun him a little bit when you chuckle about that "While you stood there like an idiot and those Valhalla assholes cheered for Kazutora and Baji or whoever, I used my chance to get the hell outta there!" "And then? Did you make it?" "Are you dumb? I obviously failed" you angrily point at your jaw and cause him to mumble a "Sorry", before you continue.

"Some guy grabbed me when I ran outside. Slammed me to the ground and hit me in the face before he dragged me into a room and locked me up there" you recall "Hanma came, talked to me and then let me leave...such a fucking asshole", he stares at you with widened eyes "But what were you doing there in the first place? Did you come with Hanma?" "It's kind of a funny story.." you mumble, making him look at you in disbelief "Funny?!" "Yeah, well...it was funny in the beginning but now I'm not sure what to think about him anymore"

"What do you mean? Tell me what happened" He frowns but you just shrug your shoulders "Let's just say I met Hanma somewhere one day and...then he took me to the hideout" "That doesn't answer any of my questions!" He exclaims, causing you to sigh and look at him with a serious expression "Okay but you can't tell anybody!" "Why?! Mikey needs to know that and-" "No!" You jump up and glare down on him as you shake your head "No!! If you tell Mikey about this, what do you think will happen?! They start hunting me down, thinking I know shit, which I don't. And then my brothers will find out too and I'll tell you right now...you don't wanna mess with them and their people!"

He knits his eyebrows and gets up as well "But, [Y/n], the fight is already in a few days! Toman versus Valhalla!!" "Okay, good for them but I'm not a Toman nor a Vahalla member. I'm not involved-" "Yes, you are!" He shouts, taking you aback as the look in his eyes suddenly changed and dared to talk back since he was usually the type of guy who immediately shuts up.

"Takemi-" "You are involved now! You can find out information about Valhalla, including Hanma because he seemed to like you. He talked about you like that at least" "But-" "No, you'll listen now!" He snaps, shocking you even more "I need your help! Maybe we can find a solution", you frown "I don't get what you mean. A solution for what exactly?" "Mikey assigned me to bring back Baji. Maybe you could help me with that?" He asks but you shake your head "Didn't you listen to me? I don't think I can because of my brothers and then my cover gets blown when somebody finds out I'm involved with Valhalla"

"What- what cover?" He questions confused, causing you to sigh and sit down again "Do you promise me to not tell a single soul when I tell you this?" "Uhm, okay?" He nods "What is it?"

You take a deep breath in "Hanma and I went to this Valhalla gang party. I got into a fight with a girl and-" "In a fight? Like verbally or-" "I beat that bitch up!" You reply without missing another heartbeat "Oh!" Takemichi breathes out and you shrug, waving your hand "Anyway.."

"People took pictures and my brothers kind of knew something was up, and that I probably wasn't at Hina's like I told them I was. They called some people and then in just a matter of a few minutes they see those pictures, although you couldn't see my face and I also wore Hanma's Valhalla gang jacket" you said "So they found out I was at that party"

"But they know me and know that I'm not interested in delinquent gangs, so somebody else had to take me to that gang party. They hunted down a Valhalla member and forced him to tell them if I really was at that stupid party. He said yes but refused to tell them that I was with Hanma. Long story short...my brothers immediately came after me, yelling at me and shit but I somehow convinced them that it wasn't me though"

"But if I now get involved with Valhalla, especially with Hanma and that comes out...then they will know for sure that it was me at the party and everything goes downhill from that point. I literally lied to their faces and even made them apologize to me for the shit I have done!" You stated, turning your head to Takemichi and seeing him stare at you with wide eyes and his jaw on the ground.

"Yup...that's the story" you hum with a nod and he shakes his head "But- but he stabbed Draken! How can you-" "Shuji didn't stab Draken, that was someone else and you saw that! Also I'm not friends with Draken...although I was a bit worried about him too" you shoot him a glare.

"[Y/n]! Hanma and Ki- He's the reason why Draken got stabbed! You need to tell Mikey, maybe we can stop the fight and-" "Takemichi! Yeah, maybe if I tell Mikey about this but what makes you believe that they'll stop the fight? You really don't have a fucking clue about gangs, huh? Nor who my brothers and I are!" You chuckle rather dryly at the last part.

His shoulders slump a bit "Okay...but what if you try to find out more about Valhalla? Just by talking to Hanma like you did before and when you think that it's getting too risky, you stop" "I got into a fight with Hanma. I don't know if he'll trust me again so easily...or if he ever trusted me in the first place" "But you can try! Just try it, [Y/n]!!" He said determined, causing you to look at him surprised.

"Takemichi?" You call out to him and he turns to look at you "Yeah?" "You...changed. I don't know what happened but for the last few weeks you act differently, definitely weirder than usual but different. I like that side of you!" You chuckle, standing up and stretching your arms over your head "Maybe if you finally stand up for yourself, we actually could become friends. Perhaps you're not that much of a crybaby I thought you are"

Though you whip around to him when you suddenly hear him sob loudly "[Y/n]~" "Are you really crying now?!" You stare at him with wide eyes before you start laughing "Stop it! I just complimented you that you're perhaps not that much of a crybaby!"

You softly smile at him "I'll try to find out some things, okay? But you have to promise me that you don't tell anybody about our little deal. You really have to promise me, Takemichi, or I won't-" "Okay, it's a promise!" He stretches out his hand to shake yours, making you chuckle as you shake his hand "Hina already told me, you have a thing for handshakes"

You honestly have now clue why you wanted to help Takemichi. You aren't friends with anyone in the Tokyo Manji gang nor do you care even the slightest for them but he seemed so desperate and stressed. And although you two never exchanged friendship bracelets, you both were still friends of some kind. Hell, even you know that friends help each other out no matter what.

Before Takemichi and you separated ways again, you told him that your brothers will watch the fight and Hanma wants you to come as well, so you would try to find a way to come there too.

The next morning, you sit on the couch in the living room with your phone in your hands and your thumb hovering over the send button, "Fuck it.." you mumble and press the button.




He sent you the heart yesterday and maybe if you respond the same way, he thinks that you're on his side. On a side...- You honestly had no fucking clue on what side you are. This all is just a mess, pure chaos.

Rindou, who was watching you the whole time, deepens his frown even more when you suddenly jump up from the couch and start muttering something while pacing back and forth, "You look like a maniac, [Y/n]!" He calls out to you when he decides to finally speak up about your strange behavior.

You jump a little because he startled you "Fuck, forgot you're here!" "I saw. C'mon, help me buy drinks and snacks" He stands up from the dining table and you frown "For what?" "It's the birthday of your favorite brother tomorrow?!" He snaps with knitted eyebrows "Huh? But Ran's birthday is in May" You said sarcastically with a teasing voice "Fuck off! It's my birthday!!" He sneers.

Raising an eyebrow at him "How old will you be? 71?" "You're soooo~ funny" "That was a serious question!" You laugh, lifting your hands defensively "I mean, you're already blind. Makes me wonder how long it will take till you're deaf and you fall down stairs"

He snarls and just chooses to ignore what you said "Are you helping me now or not?", you nod and follow him since you want to distract yourself till you get a response from Hanma "Do I have to be here tomorrow?" "Uh, yes? It's my birthday!" He grumbles and locks the door after you two walked out "You can't hide all the time. Socializing will do you good, nerd"

"Where is Ran anyway?" "Dealing with some business"

You perk up "Oh! And what exactly?", Rindou looks at you with a frown "Why do you suddenly ask? You always do your own shit, except when we need you and even then you do not really care when it involves delinquents"

"Well, now I do! So tell me, I'm all ears" You state as you two start walking towards a supermarket. Rindou sighs but answers you "We will watch a gang fight on Halloween" "Who's fighting?" "Tokyo Manji gang vs Valhalla...delinquents" "Ohh! Can I come too?" You question, making him look at you suspiciously "Only if you tell me why you're suddenly so interested in delinquent gangs and why you wanna come to that fight!"

"Uhm...because I'm your sister and...uhm...wouldn't it be super duper cool if all three Haitanis would pull up to the fight? We would look mega cool and shit!" You suggest and he scoffs a bit "You can get Ran with all that posing shit but not me!" "So if I ask Ran, he would say yes?" You tilt your head, making him sigh annoyed "Don't know?! Ask him and not me. Come on now, we have to prepare for the party"

You let out a huff of air when you place the heavy plastic bags with drinks and snacks on the kitchen counter, just like Rindou does after you two are done shopping. He nudges your upper arm "Can you make those cupcakes I like so much?" "Sure, that's the only present I'd have for you anyway" you hum.

"What?!" He gasps and stares at you in disbelief "Don't act like I would buy you anything!" You scoff, even though that was a complete lie because Ran and you had talked about his birthday presents for a month now.

Rindou looks extremely offended, so you laugh and hit his arm "I'm fucking with you, Rin! Of course I have gifts for you and I will make those cupcakes!", he pouts but continues packing out the stuff you two bought.

Your phone in your pocket buzzes, so you immediately pull it out but just sigh disappointed upon seeing it's just Takemichi asking for an update.


Takemichi: Did he contact you?

You: Not yet
You: Gotta go help my brother with organizing a party

Takemichi: Text me immediately when he answered or something like that

You shove your phone back into your pocket and continue helping Rindou before you start making the cupcakes he asked for. Ran also comes back eventually with even more party stuff, mostly alcohol. The rest of the day went by rather quickly...and still no answer from Hanma.



I was beefing with a homophobe today and I definitely won because he blocked me after I called him a twink. idc what y'all say

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"๐™’๐™๐™–๐™ฉ๐™จ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช๐™ง ๐™ค๐™ง๐™™๐™š๐™ง?" ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜จ๐˜ฆ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ถ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜บ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ๐˜ณ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ข๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ช๐˜ด ๐˜ค๐˜ถ๐˜ฑ. "๐™”๐™ค๐™ช ๐™ฌ๐™–๐™ฃ๐™ฉ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™ ๐™ฃ๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™„ ๐™ก๐™ž๐™ ๐™š ๐™ข๐™ฎ...