Whispers of the Wolf

By JMPalmer

10.4K 947 84

Who's afraid of the big bad wolf? Radley. That's who. He often hides from the wolves in the forest because h... More

His Party
My Home
Her Smile
His Scent
My Stranger
My Target
His House
My Jealousy
Their Loss
His Comfort
My Orders
Our Grief
Their Visit
Her Secret
His Cuteness
My Feelings
Our Friendship
My Run
His Hands
My First
His Betrayal
Their Guard
His Reaction
His Surprise
Their Mansion
My Prison
My Human
Her Anger
His Eyes
My Heat
His Room
His Pain
Their Beta
My Questions
Their Truth
My Friend
My Wolves
Her Answers
My Shift
Her Kind
His Rage
Their Prisoner
His Frustration
My Father
My Decision
My Wish
His Appearance
Our Room
Her Want
His Mate
Our Lust
Our Love
Her Goodbye
Our Life

His Image

246 22 1
By JMPalmer


Paws thundered on the ground, and I could almost feel the shake of the woodland floor as they ran, pounding closer, closer, closer ...

Panting, I kept on running, dodging trees, jumping over fallen branches, eyes forward, heart racing.

Don't look back.

Their growls were getting closer. They were getting closer.

I pumped my legs, forcing them to move faster, to put more distance between me and them.

A sharp bark had me whipping my head around. It sounded close.

Too close.

I slammed into something solid, the force throwing me backwards, and I landed on my ass.


Scrambling to my feet, I turned to face the solid object ... and came face to face with Alaric.

My heart stopped. Breath caught in my throat as he stood there, nude, hands balled into fists, baring his teeth, growling. His fangs were dripping saliva, his lips were pulled back in a snarl. A vein throbbed in his temple as he stared at me, his blue eyes becoming lighter ... lighter ... turning grey ...

Turning to silver.


Startled awake, I jolted up in bed and threw off the blankets so I could jump to my feet.

Clutching my chest, I could feel my heart pounding fiercely against my rib cage, my breath coming out in short sharp pants. I scurried to the light switch, flicking on the light, illuminating my bedroom in stark brightness. My eyes darted across the room, from corner to corner, making sure that I was alone. That nothing was lurking, hiding, ready to pounce.

That was ...

A dream ... just a dream.

Sagging against the wall, I swallowed, feeling a bead of sweat run down my temple as cold relief washed over me.

Closing my eyes briefly, I took a deep breath, and ran both hands through my hair, wincing at how damp it was.

Oh god. I needed a shower. Looking down to find my t-shirt clinging to my torso, I rolled my eyes.

I couldn't go back to bed in damp clothes. That would be disgusting.

Grabbing another pair of shorts and t-shirt from my wardrobe, I went to the bathroom and switched on the shower, hoping that Claudia couldn't hear it. The last thing I wanted was for her to start asking why I needed a shower in the middle of the night.

Pulling the t-shirt over my head, I froze as the faint sound of a howl pierced the air, far away, outside, calling ...

I stood still, listening.

Were they ... here? For real?

My ears strained, my shirt stuck on my head, breath puffing.

Catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, I rolled my eyes. With my t-shirt stuck over half of my head, my arms sticking out of the top, I looked stupid.

This was stupid.

It was a dream!

Angrily tossing my shirt to the side, I crossed the floor to the window, throwing it open to stick my head out into the night.

A soft breeze rustled the branches on the closest tree, blowing into the bathroom and chilling my bare torso, freezing the sweat glistening on my chest.

Nope. Not doing this.

Shutting the window, I leaned against the sill and took a deep breath.

Get a grip, Radley.

It was just a dream.


Staring out of the window, I cast a glance at the grey clouds pushed together in the sky, bringing gloominess and misery. After yesterday's bright sunny skies, today felt like the total opposite - dull, dark and drab.

Heaving a sigh, I folded my arms on the windowsill and rested my chin on them, staring out at the world beyond the glass.

The houses further down the street were all occupied by older people, who liked to keep to themselves. They would always acknowledge me, even ask me to run a few errands for them, which I kind of thought was a little cheeky. But, like the rest of the people in this town, they kept me at a distance, watching me but not inviting me, wanting me to run around after them, but not get too close.

Averting my eyes to the opposite side of the road and the woodlands, I felt a shiver run along my spine as images of last night's dream filled my head. I could almost hear the paws of the beasts as they raced through the forest, the pants from their snouts, the growls from their jaws.

After my shower, I had laid awake for most of the night, listening for any animal-like sounds, howls, growls ... anything.

But there had been nothing and, by the time morning came around, I was annoyed with myself. Angry at the fact that I was tired. Frustrated that I hadn't slept at all. Peeved that I had been worrying over nothing.

Yawning, I buried my head further into my arms and curled my feet up on the armchair I was sitting on. Claudia was in the kitchen, fixing lunch, and I had nothing else to do. Claudia didn't want me to go out to work. Instead, she wanted me at home with her, helping her when she needed it.

And I was happy to help. I mean, she did raise me ... the least I could do was help her out.

Closing my eyes, Orion's handsome face flitted through my mind. Memories of his deep smooth voice caused goosebumps to rush across my skin. The image of his smile was enough to pick my heart rate up, the feel of his hand against mine had my fingers itching, wanting to touch his skin once more. Warmth spread from my chest, along my arms, down into the pit of my stomach, heating my body.

He said he would see me around. And I hoped that would be the case. I would enjoy going into town a lot more if he was there, if only to look at.

Heaving a sigh, I opened my eyes. And I would only ever look at him. Just like I had always looked at Alaric.

Shaking my head, I sat up and ran a hand down my face. Alaric had been my first crush. The crush that told me that I liked men more than women. The crush that I had kept to myself. The crush that had gotten stronger, especially in the last few months.

Over the years, Claudia had caught me watching Alaric, admiring him, but had never really asked me about it. Maybe she thought that I was looking at him the same way everyone else did in this town.

I mean, everyone noticed him. Spoke to him. Even bowed their heads to him. Perhaps Claudia thought I was falling in line with the rest of them.

A huff escaped my lips at that thought.

As if.

Wiping both of my eyes as another yawn took hold, I heard Claudia move about in the kitchen, cupboards closing, shuffling her feet.

Hunching over to prop my head in my hands and elbows on the windowsill, I stared out of the window, just as movement caught my attention across the street. Leaning forward slightly, I saw Alaric emerge from the back of one of the houses opposite ours. He walked along the path from the house, reached the road and stopped, looking behind him.

Refocusing my attention, I noticed Tala walk up behind and stop next to him, a smile on her pretty face. I watched as Alaric smiled back at her, the two of them standing facing one another.

Frowning, I lowered my head, resting my chin on the windowsill as my hands gripped the arm of the chair underneath the window.

Alaric started to talk to Tala, his hands gesturing, his head shaking, a frown tugging at his handsome features. Tala just stood and listened to him, her hands in the pockets of her coat, her head cocked to one side, her smile turning soft.

My heart was thumping in my chest at the sight of Alaric. Whatever had happened at the mansion the other night had not dampened my crush on him.

He was still as handsome as ever.

More handsome than Orion?

The sudden thought caused me to frown again. How could I compare the two? They were both as beautiful and gorgeous as each other - tall, muscular and incredibly good looking. I didn't think there was any comparison, really.

Shaking my head, I watched as Alaric took a step closer to Tala. My chest squeezed and prickles tickled my scalp as I saw him reach out and take one of her hands in his.

What ... what was all that about? Why was he doing that?

Swallowing over the sudden lump forming in my throat, I saw Alaric step closer to her again, a smile playing on his lips as he spoke to her.

What were they talking about?

Alaric turned his head, his eyes resting on our house and I ducked below the window, falling off the chair and onto the floor, right on my butt.

"Radley?" Claudia called from the kitchen, obviously having heard me fall. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm good," I replied, feeling anything but.

I knelt on the floor and wiped my eyes, annoyed that they were suddenly becoming blurry.

Why was I crying?

I didn't understand where all this emotion was coming from, or even why it was here in the first place.

Gripping onto the windowsill, I pulled myself up and peered over the top to peep out of the window.

Alaric was now facing Tala again, both of them deep in conversation. Just as I started to wonder what they could be talking about, Alaric leaned over and planted a kiss on Tala's cheek.

An ache bloomed in my chest and my stomach churned. Tears pricked at my eyes again and I ducked back down, pressing my back against the wall and drawing my feet up. Resting my chin on my knees, I wiped at my eyes again, feeling confused.

Why was I feeling like this?

What the hell was wrong with me today?

I sniffed as my chest squeezed, my stomach threatening to bring up my breakfast.

Why had Alaric kissed Tala? Were they dating?

I had never heard of Alaric dating anyone, and I had only ever seen Tala at the coffee shop. I had no idea what she was like standing on the other side of the counter.

Then why was I feeling this way?

Clearing my throat, I wiped my face on the sleeve of my hoodie, feeling annoyed at myself, annoyed at Alaric, annoyed at Tala.

And couldn't explain why.

Claudia walked into the living room, carrying a tray full of sandwiches and glasses of juice. She placed it on the coffee table, then stopped as she noticed me sitting on the floor under the window.

She cocked a brow. "Radley. What are you doing on the floor?"

"I fell off the chair." It wasn't a lie. I had fallen off the chair, trying to hide from Alaric.

Scrambling to my feet, I coughed slightly, then ran a hand down my face, making sure it was free from tears.

She watched as I sat down in the chair, then scooted it around so that I was no longer looking out of the window. Sitting in her own armchair, Claudia leaned forward and grabbed one of the sandwiches.

"Are you sure you're okay?" she asked as she eyed me again.

I nodded, and reached over to pick up a glass of orange juice. "I'm okay."

"Hmmm." She sounded unconvinced, but let it go. "So, what would you like to do today?"

I shrugged as I took a sip of orange juice, my stomach still churning, my chest still squeezing. I didn't really want to do anything today, including trying to work out why I was being so emotional.

I just wanted to rest. 

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