Vigilante ∆ lrh

By humblewritings

3.4K 216 632

∆ You attack one of us; you attack all of us ∆ When two dangerous worlds collide, how many times can they che... More

meet the characters
1 ∆ Irwin's Bar
2 ∆ Grave Digger
3 ∆ Two souls
4 ∆ The Outsider
5 ∆ The Cabin
6 ∆ The Casino
7 ∆ Getaway Car
8 ∆ Disobedience
9 ∆ His Girl
10 ∆ Don't make promises
11 ∆ Sleep in my bed
12 ∆ Jealous or territorial
13 ∆ Never underestimate me
14 ∆ Nicotine Addiction
15 ∆ Scapegoat
16 ∆ Olive Branch
17 ∆ Idiot
18 ∆ Whiskey Nights
19 ∆ Stubborn
20 ∆ Plan A
21 ∆ Spilled Secrets
22.5 ∆ Guilt 🔥
23. ∆ Tennessee Whiskey
24. ∆ night owl or early bird
25. ∆ goodnight
26. ∆ Your protector
27. ∆ Teach me
28. ∆ What have we done
29. ∆ Roadtrip
30. ∆ Torn
31. ∆ Still not mine
32. ∆ Summer Rain
33. ∆ Friend
34. ∆ in sickness and in health
35. ∆ slight touches

22 ∆ Promise Me

57 6 16
By humblewritings

It was the first time Demi had let anybody into her private basement, she didn't trust easily but these four Australian idiots had woven their way in.

Entering the 12 digit code, the thick, sturdy door released and they descended down into her basement… actually weaponry would be a better term. The lights flickered on and blinded them with the sheer vast collection of guns Demi had in her possession. They ranged from more typical handguns and rifles to the military weaponry; semi-automatic sniper rifles.

Michael’s mind literally exploded into a thousand pieces, truly overwhelmed and sick to his stomach. Calum simply admired the callibra, class and condition of each piece in the room. He walked up and down the casings and studied each one at length all whilst making sure not to touch.

Ashton’s eyes darted around the destruction in the room and then to the five foot five girl next to him. His mouth dramatically fell open. He was about to make a stupid remark when Michael got in first.

“When you said you had guns, I wasn’t expecting this,” he gasped.

It earned a chuckle from Demi yet her eyes remained preoccupied by the blonde, who was yet to react. He stood by the doorway, face unreadable.

“Wait ‘til you see the knives, knives are kinda my thing,” she smirked as a devilish twinkle flashed in her irises. Luke's eyes widened at her insinuation before he twisted it into his trademark smirk. He dared to retaliate, test the waters of what was possible. Unlike the rest, his eyes weren't on the guns, they didn't fascinate him, they weren't on the fifty knives she had on display, they did fascinate him however nowhere near as much as she fascinated him. His eyes were on her, the most fascinating thing he had ever come across.

There was a spark in her eyes as she gave them a tour of her prized possessions, indulging in the fine details of each model and their specification. He was hooked on how she handled each weapon and how she spoke, knowledgeably and confidently

She pushed through the burn of his stare, refusing to give him any of her attention, attention he craved. But there was something in his stare that awakened a part of her she didn't know had been dormant.

A part of her that has now been set alight.

Clearing her throat, she closed the closet door and mentally put a divide between herself and the blonde.

"Why do you have all of this?" Michael asked, his eyes still startled and forehead wrinkled.

"Is it to do with, you know, what Blake said?" Ashton asked innocently as he looked through the glass at the knives. Luke's jaw clenched as he braced himself to intervene if needed.

She was taken aback by his sudden and intrusive question. Her chest sank as the deepness of her sign was felt around the room. Ashtons face twisted, concern showing on his face as he realized he may have crossed the line. A polar opposite reaction compared to how their somewhat friendship had come about.

Grounding herself, she took in her surroundings, she glanced at Calum, his soft eyes comforting her and then to Luke's, alert, on edge, his stance readying to move. She daren't let herself contemplate why out of everyone, he always seemed to understand her.

"As Blake rudely announced to you all, yes I had a violent, disrespectful ex and whatever, but it's not a big deal. Now I have weapons,” she pointed dramatically behind her, “let's move on." She rolled her eyes as she grabbed the weapons she had come for and locked the cupboard back up. She took a moment longer than was really needed to adjust the alarms, a moment to collect herself back to her stone faced exterior.

Calum's heart sank at the thought that she had been mistreated in the past. He just wanted to hug her.

Michael gave Demi a helping hand and held some of the guns despite his distaste for them. She felt his support even if it was silent.

Ashton spoke, guilt eating away at him, "I'm sorry for bringing that up, it was insensitive of me, I'm sorry Demi," he scratched at the back of his head.

"It's okay, it's out there now so I won't hide away from your questions or whatever, it's not my favorite topic to discuss though," she stated with a forced chuckle as she started to head back upstairs.

Luke was last to climb the stairs. In sync, they both motioned for the other to go first. “I insist”, Demi smiled. He nodded despite lingering in front of her. His chest caved with the weight of the words he was yet to voice. Are your scars from your ex? Where is that bastard and I'll burn him to the ground?

Her breath hitched as she waited for him to speak, praying it wasn't some patronizing empathetic spew everybody gives her.

“Go easy on Calum, he may be a fierce brute, but he's useless with knives so I'd advise against knives in the bedroom,” Luke resorted to humor and for the briefest of seconds a smile poked at her lips.

“Noted,” she halted the question that naturally formed on her tongue. Did he… Luke's smirk had already answered. Heat traveling to more than just her face.

They exited back the way they came and started to get into the car. Demi lingered by the car door, fingertips grasped around the handle as she looked back to the house. A sadness washed over her.

"Hey," Luke said softly, standing in front of her. Her big fearful eyes fell into his calmer, steadier ones.

"Go talk to him," his smile soft at the edges as his thumb traced circled against her shoulder. A movement Michael had not missed.

“Want me to come with you?”

She barely nodded, hating to admit her weakness. Luke trailed behind as she went back to talk to Blake.

“I'll be here if you need anything,” Luke reassured her as he stood outside the living room door. Her subtle smile replaced a thank you.

Blake's eyes were stained red as tears coated his cheeks. “I'm sorry Demi, I let anger get the better of me,” he began. She couldn't look up at him, the man who she had trusted with her life.

“You said you wouldn't hurt me,” her voice grew tight in her throat as her walls broke and the true weight of his actions sank into her. 

“I know,” his voice cracked, “I've messed up,” fresh tears fell down as he stepped closer to her, a hand nervously reaching for her shoulder.

She looked at the broken figure of her best friend in front of her and took a deep breath as her mental shield went back up. She dried her tears on the edge of her sleeve. “I'll forgive you, but if you ever break my trust again, I don't want you in my life.” and with that she stormed past Blake and out of the house before she could break entirely.

He attempted to follow, but Luke's hand pressed to his chest prevented it. Anger grew on Blake's face.

“She needs time, you of all people should know that,” Luke reminded him. “She also needs a clear head for tonight.” Blake sank back down to his usual stance. Unwillingly backing down for her.

They all got ready for what they hoped would be their first and last job as a team of five  (and Blake who was awkwardly sitting in the corner probably wishing he hadn't agreed to this).

As she stood and looked around the room, she realized an error in their plan. Her widened eyes caught Luke's attention, “Demi?”

“The club.” Luke nodded as he understood the part of the plan that had been overlooked.

Michael ringed his hands and panic set in. They were so focused on planning to get Ashton’s car back they had forgotten that someone had to work at the club.

“Don't shut the club,” she stated, her palms flat on the kitchen island countertops.

“Run it like normal,” she continued, “Ash, you need to ruin that joint like you do every Saturday night and Calum, you need to stay on that door and protect the place,”

It only took a second for Calum and Blake to read between the lines and work out who was left by her side.

Blake shot out of his seat as Calum's body tensed beside her.

“Not a fucking chance,” Calum's teeth gritted, he stared into her eyes pleading for a better plan than this.

“Him?” Blake glared between Demi and the blonde, “he couldn't even keep an old man from hitting you last time.”

Before Demi could respond, Luke straightened his posture, “she's a fucking warrior, she could literally storm that place single handedly, but don't get your knickers in a twist, I'll keep and eye out,” he smirked as his comment caused thunder to roar inside Blake.

Demi bit back her smirk.

“Objectivity is what a need, your bias will cloud your judgment and I don't need some heroic knight swooping in to save my ass, with my mine and Michael's plan, I'll be fine,” she asserted as she squeezed Calum's arm followed by patting Blake on the back as she went to the other end of the room to finish getting ready.

The others dispersed to get ready or eat ahead of tonight. Luke, back in his familiar spot, lent against the doorframe, observed how she stripped her torso of Calum's hoodie, her smaller frame covered in her vest. She layered a long, black sleeve over the top, tucked neatly into her combat trousers. Her trademark black cap was wedged on top of her equally trademark braids. Proppering herself on the armchair she applied a steady line of eyeliner, winging it out to the side. Her grip, secure and unwavering. If she was scared, she didn't show it. If anything she appeared calm, the kind of calmness that should terrify anyone. The kind of calm that has been built with trauma and sadness. A numbness created to protect.

After an emotional goodbye, mainly on Calum's part, Calum and Ashton headed to maintain an image at the club, like they would have ordinarily.

The drive there was quiet. It's amazing how quiet can feel so different to different people. Michael drove on edge, fingers drumming the steering wheel as beads of sweat pooled beneath his armpits and down the center of his back. He wasn't cut out for this lifestyle.

Blake’s silence was shaped by furious rage towards Australia for creating this pack of delinquents. His knuckles turned white as he held the door handle.

Luke and Demi sat in the back, both staring at the sky captivated by the stars that dotted the midnight canvas. Both wishing for an alternative reality.

As soon as the car came to a stop, they moved in sync, Michael watched as they readied their guns, same time, same method. After a quick scope of the area, they sat back at base, Michael's rental car.

Luke's eyes remain on the same spot, a darkened corner of the parking lot at the front of the warehouse.

“We’re being watched,” his deep whisper rumbled as he shifted closer to Demi to point to the spot he saw a movement of light. His breath ghosted her neck. She might have shivered if the situation at present hadn't taken first priority.

Luke loaded his gun, the click of it echoed around the vehicle causing both boys in the front to flinch.

“Behave,” Demi craned her head around to look, their lips fractions apart. Her fingers pushed the gun away, “I'm not letting you screw your life up to,” her voice breathless.

He stared at her, unreadable again. A sliver of light fluttered through his heart.

“Can't Michael just drive in there, the gates open,” Blake flipped out.

Demi tore her attention from Luke's face as she frowned at her clueless friend. Blake looked at her confused, “what, just an idea.”

“Sorry, I'm just trying to process all that stupid in one go.” Blake rolled his eyes, “what about Luke going, getting the all clear then you go?”

“No, stick to the plan.”

“Might not be a bad idea,” Luke shrugged.

“Absolutely not, if you get ambushed alone…” she shook her head trying to shake out the worst outcome. Luke’s laughter crumbled her fear, “if I die, I'm going to haunt your ass,” his smirk as hellish as the devil's himself. She couldn't help but snigger and punch his shoulder.

“Can we stop talking about dying, we don't all share your depressive humor,” Michael yelled.

Luke and Demi locked eyes as they noted a similarity between them. She held his much bluer ones in hers, “there's only one way and that's with the plan and that's together.” Her words were final as she got out of the car.

Together. Luke repeated.

Michael loaded up the cameras and inserted his ear pieces to communicate to them both on comms.

Avoiding the spotlights, they proceeded towards one of the few entrances to the building. Demi headed forward as Luke covered behind and to the sides. His senses heightened.

Using the straightened paper clip, the door unlocked. Dim lights flickered inside the room. Despite its size, it lacked furniture and people much to the relief of Demi. Lowering her weapon she emptied her bag that contained enough evidence to obliterate the whole place. Triumph filled her eyes as she grasped Ashton’s car keys with her gloved fingers.

“Bingo,” she smiled at Luke. He mirrored the celebration but his eyes did budge from the door or his surroundings. Keeping her safe had become the only thing that mattered to him now.

“Car approaching from the right,” Michael voice intercepted through the comms.

They dashed for Ashton's car which had been left at the opposite end of the warehouse.

Luke lunged for the red button displayed on the wall. The huge garage door creaked as it began to lift, Luke took his seat beside Demi.

“You ready?” Luke asked, strapping himself in.

“Always,” she smirked as the tires squealed out of the car park and onto the road. Michael's car had departed like planned. Down the road the car approached but like a ghost, Demi had already escaped down the next side road and out towards the city.

As they hurtled down the road, Demi daring to edge over the speed limit, four cars lit up the other side of the freeway in flashes of red and blue, sirens whaling and screeching towards the warehouse.

Luke leaned out the open window and shouted words of pure joy into the wind. The thrill of the adrenaline pumping through his veins. Demi threw her head back, laughter rolling out as she too was high on life.

As the whole team sat around the now cramped dining room table, the news headline they were all waiting for, flashed onto the screen, the mug shots of every single one of them.

Calum squeezed his girl tight as she locked eyes with the blonde across from her.

Michael cursed, slamming his drink down as his eyes glossed over the time, it was only seven.

“Pink hair it is,” he sighed before he was hounded by Ashton.

The night had quietened down, Blake was helping clear up with Michael as Ashton disappeared upstairs. Demi searched around but Calum was nowhere to be seen. He had been awfully quiet since arriving home from the club. The night had taken quite a toll on him.

Stepping outside, the cold breeze wrapped around her. Calum stood, his eyes glued to the stars. But unlike the awe and wonder that filled her when she looked up, his were filled with a pain she hadn't seen on him before.

“You okay Cal?” She spoke softly as she intertwined her fingers with his. The warmth from her palm barely had an effect on his stone cold fingertips.

“I don't like the stars,” he sighed, as she looked up at him she noticed the water that had stained his face.

“Why do you fear the stars so much?” Demi reached up and gently wiped away a tear.

Calum sighed, "I don't want to become one"

Her breathing faltered. “and I don't want..” his breath hitched, “I don't want you to become one,” he clutched at her fingers as his lips coated the backs of her hands in kisses.

“Promise me, that I'll always have you here,” he begged as he cupped her cheek, “and not up there,” he strained to point as if the weight of the emotion pushed against his muscles.

Words escaped her, she nodded as her head laid against his chest, his heart thudding in her ear.

That night, they held each other close, safe in each other's embrace until the sun rose.

I would love to know your thoughts ☺️
Thank you for your patience and for reading my chapter

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