Bounded by Destiny

Per Tam_hobi

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"Watch your tongue when you talk to my husband" - a single sentence that echoes through the realms of duty, l... Més



69 6 2
Per Tam_hobi

Dear readers, I hope y'all having a happy new year I wish you all happy new year 💗
I'm sorry if I couldn't update new chapters as I was having personal issues but I promise next time it won't happen again I'll post every week 2 chapters maximum and also I'll take time to describe Taehyung and Jungkook relations cause I prefer to show how they get close day by day together and also I hope y'all don't get bored by their daily day for me it's important to show how they got close to each other everything have their own way to get through so that's why I'm doing this hope y'all will like it .
OK OK ok now enough talking I shouldn't talk that much now let's started, and happy reading 📖💗


The following morning, rays of sunlight gently streamed through the curtains, signaling the start of a new day at the mansion. Jungkook stirred in bed, feeling the comforting warmth enveloping him. With a soft yawn, he stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes, brimming with anticipation for the day ahead.

Meanwhile, Taehyung, already awake, noticed that the maid was off for the day, prompting him to take charge in the kitchen, preparing breakfast.

As Jungkook got out of bed, he felt a rush of happiness knowing he would soon visit his parents. Swiftly, he dressed in comfortable clothes suitable for the journey and packed his belongings meticulously, as if gearing up not just for a visit but for a significant reunion.

Exiting his room, Jungkook found Taehyung busy in the kitchen, skillfully cooking breakfast. The dining area was set with the inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, pancakes, and an assortment of fruits.

"Good morning, hyung," Jungkook greeted, a mixture of excitement and a tinge of bittersweetness in his voice.

Taehyung turned from the stove, offering Jungkook by "morning". The table adorned with a delightful breakfast made by Taehyung

Taehyung replied, his voice exuding cold. "Sit down and enjoy breakfast before you head off."

After finishing breakfast, Taehyung glanced at the clock, realizing he needed to head to his office soon. He couldn't afford to be late as the CEO, yet he didn't want to leave Jungkook without a ride to his parents' house.

"Jungkook, I'll drop you off at your parents' house," Taehyung stated after clearing the table.

Jungkook nodded in agreement before excusing himself to his room to gather the luggage he intended to take along. However, faced with the challenge of carrying the bags down the stairs, he struggled a bit, finding it difficult due to the weight and size of the luggage.

Observing Jungkook's struggle from the sitting room, Taehyung chuckled softly. Seeing the situation, he swiftly made his way to Jungkook's side, offering his assistance.

"Give it, I'll take it. It's like trying to handle a bag bigger than you," Taehyung murmured to himself, a playful remark under his breath as he reached out to grab the luggage from Jungkook's grasp.

With a  awkward small , Jungkook handed the luggage to Taehyung, grateful for the help. Despite Taehyung's busy schedule, his caring nature shone through as he effortlessly lifted the heavy bags, making it seem like a mere trifle.

"Thanks, hyung," Jungkook said with a relieved smile.

Taehyung replied. "No problem. Let's get going now."

As they walked towards the door, Taehyung carrying the luggage, he couldn't help but feel a pang of reluctance. The prospect of leaving Jungkook at his parents' house for a moment while he attended to his responsibilities made him yearn for a few more moments together. Yet, duty called, and he suppressed his emotions, focusing on ensuring Jungkook's safe arrival before rushing to his office.

With the luggage in hand, Taehyung and Jungkook headed towards the car parked outside the mansion. Taehyung carefully stowed the bags in the trunk before opening the passenger door for Jungkook to sit beside him.

As the car engine hummed to life, Taehyung steered smoothly out of the mansion's driveway, embarking on the journey towards Jungkook's parents' house. The ride was accompanied by a comfortable silence, allowing Jungkook to drift into thoughts about their time together and his impending stay with family.

Observing Jungkook's excitement about visiting his parents, Taehyung couldn't help but feel a tinge of melancholy mixed with a smile. Inwardly, Taehyung pondered, "Am I suffocating you here, my love, that you're this excited to leave? It feels like you might not return if I let you go."

Driving, Taehyung stole glances at Jungkook, who was gazing out of the window, admiring the passing scenery. The journey progressed until they reached the familiar neighborhood where Jungkook's parents resided. Pulling up in front of their house, Jungkook's eyes sparkled with joy at the recognizable surroundings.

"We've arrived," Taehyung announced, turning off the engine. "Your parents' house."

Jungkook grinned, feeling elated at the prospect of being home again. "Thanks for dropping me off, hyung."

Taehyung nodded warmly, his gaze supportive. "Take care, love. Have a wonderful time with your family. I'll see you soon."

As Jungkook prepared to step out of the car, he asked, "Hyung, won't you come in to meet mom and dad?"

"I'll do that next time, bub. I'm running late now, okay?" Taehyung replied.

Jungkook nodded in understanding. With heartfelt goodbyes exchanged, Jungkook retrieved his luggage and walked towards his parents' front door. Taehyung watched for a moment before driving away, feeling a mix of contentment for ensuring Jungkook's safe arrival and a subtle longing for the warmth of Jungkook's presence at home.

Focusing on his responsibilities at the office, Taehyung tried to shake off the faint feeling of missing Jungkook's company after work. Nevertheless, the memory of Jungkook's smile remained etched in his mind, keeping his spirits uplifted throughout the day.

As Jungkook approached his mother Soemin's house, anticipation stirred within him. He rang the doorbell, and within moments, the door swung open. A radiant smile spread across Yuna's face, Jungkook's grandmother, as she saw her grandson standing there with his luggage.

"Jungkook, my dear boy!" Yuna exclaimed, pulling him into a warm embrace. "You're finally here! We've missed you so much."

Jungkook returned the embrace tightly, feeling the warmth and love that only a grandmother's hug could provide. "I missed you too, Grandma," he said, a genuine smile spreading across his face.

Behind Yuna, Soemin, Jungkook's mother, appeared in the doorway, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her son. She rushed forward, embracing Jungkook with overflowing affection.

"My darling Jungkook! Welcome home, sweetheart," Soemin said, tears of joy glistening in her eyes.

Jungkook felt a wave of comfort enveloping him as he embraced his mother. He cherished this moment, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and belonging being surrounded by his mother, grandmother, and grandfather. It was a heartwarming family scene, filled with shared laughter, happy tears, and a wealth of affectionate embraces.

Soemin led Jungkook inside, fussing over him, asking about his journey, and expressing her delight at his return. Yuna and Jack, with joyous smiles, joined in, exchanging stories and catching up with Jungkook.

In the midst of the heartwarming reunion, Jack, Jungkook's grandfather, stepped closer with a proud grin on his face. "My boy, you've grown so much!" he exclaimed, pulling Jungkook into a warm hug.

Jungkook smiled brightly, feeling deeply touched by his grandfather's words and the embrace that followed.

The living room became a cozy space for the family to gather, share stories, and relish each other's company. Laughter filled the air, hugs were exchanged, and the home resonated with a profound sense of warmth and familial love.

Soemin prepared Jungkook's favorite dishes for dinner, while Yuna and Jack shared anecdotes from Jungkook's childhood, evoking nostalgic smiles and joyous laughter.

As the evening unfolded, the family scene continued to be one of joy and happiness. Jungkook's return had brought immeasurable delight and a sense of completeness to their home. In that shared space, surrounded by the love of his mother, grandmother, and grandfather, Jungkook found solace and a reaffirmation of his roots.

The night passed with hearty meals, cozy conversations, and the shared bond of a family reunited after a long separation. It was a night filled with the warmth and love that only a homecoming could bring.

Taehyung sat in his office, surrounded by the hum of productivity and the glow of city lights slipping through the windows. Despite the neatly arranged papers and focused work, his mind continually drifted to thoughts of Jungkook.

As the evening approached, Taehyung prepared to leave. His responsibilities as the CEO demanded diligence, yet his commitment to his personal life remained unwavering. With a final glance at his laptop, he shut it down and bid his employees farewell, a nod or a smile acknowledging their respect.

Rapidly tying up loose ends, Taehyung ensured everything was organized before his departure, yet his mind remained preoccupied with Jungkook's absence.

Exiting the office building, the night was descending, the city lights casting a mesmerizing glow upon the streets. Taehyung headed to his car, the familiar drive back to the mansion awaiting him.

Arriving home, Taehyung stepped out of his car, feeling the weight of Jungkook's absence deeply accentuated by the silence enveloping the mansion. Even with the staff present, the emptiness felt palpable in the absence of Jungkook's presence.

As Taehyung's parents were away in America, the mansion seemed desolate, adding to the void Taehyung felt without Jungkook. The silence echoed the longing he held for his beloved husband, amplifying the emptiness within.

Despite the solitude, Taehyung aimed to fill the void by immersing himself in work. Determined to distract himself from the ache of Jungkook's absence, he sought refuge in the study, aiming to lose himself in the tasks at hand.

As Taehyung opened the drawer, he saw Jungkook's diary laid neatly inside. A rush of emotions surged within him—curiosity mingled with a sense of guilt for invading Jungkook's privacy, without his permission. However, Taehyung felt compelled to explore the thoughts his husband had penned down.

He hesitated for a moment, contemplating the ethical implications of reading it. Yet, he couldn't suppress the longing to understand Jungkook's inner world better, a world that he felt he had only glimpsed.

Slowly, Taehyung picked up the diary, tracing the smooth leather cover. He delicately opened it, revealing pages filled with Jungkook's handwritten musings, fears, dreams, and the essence of his being, as Taehyung turn the next page leave him stunned to speak.

What's might Taehyung find in Jungkook's diary ?? The make him stunned ?? What's will happened if Jungkook get to know about it ?? Will Jungkook hate his husband more ?? So don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below also keep voting to have new chapter as soon as possible.
Every moment brings new revelations, so stay tuned for the twists and turns that await in their journey.💗

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