The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

56.5K 1.1K 87

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave


1.8K 29 0
By Mzzjem


"Hey what you doing up so early?" I hear Enxo ask as I scroll through the computer "just doing a little research on pups", "why? We're Alphas of a pack that include pups. We know everything about them already" he states.

"Yes but we have never had one in our care before, just trying to find some things that might help Seb more" "what did u find?" His eyes scroll through the screen.

"scents, it can calm them down. Bring them comfort" I feel Enzo kiss me on the side of my neck as he mumbles something "that will come in handy".

He suddenly pulls away looking at me, I give him a questioning look "your tense" he says, i shrug my shoulders not seeing what's the big deal.

"And?" I say, "it means your worrying about something. You never worry" he says going back to kissing my neck, I lean into his kisses "what you worried about?" He asks.

I let out a sigh surrendering to his kisses "Seb working at the bar" he pulls away for the second time, "why you worried about that?" He asks, I stay silent. "Colt..tell me" he says firmly, his firm affect doesn't hold anything on me like mine with him but my concern about Seb has really been bothering me.

"Should he really be around alcohol  with his drinking problem" I tell him. He thinks for a second unsure of what to say, "we've astablished he can control it. And we aren't even sure if it is a drinking problem, teenagers drink all the time" his words are reassuring yet I'm still not so sure.

I say shrugging out the tension in my shoulders. I look at the time on the computer realising its 6 in the morning, "I'm going to go for a run" I tell him, "ill come, Hanks still up staires with Seb" he says.

Walling out into the woods we causally found a spot to strip and change, being naked infront of each other was as normal as wearing clothes.

As soon as we both had changed we ran at full speed through the woods, we play fighter jumping on each other roughly. Since we were both huge wolves we dont mind rough play, even if blood is drawn a little bit.

Playing rough helps get your frustrations out, we claw at each ither with our teeth baring and growls booming through the woods.

Tumbling over each other and into trees tryna pin one another to the ground, it felt great to get this out of my system.

Just as I managed to finally pin Enzo down I stand above him as we both pant, suddenly something knocks me in the side pushing me to the ground.

My fangs bare ready to attack when I hear a small familiar playful growl, I look up to see a brown wolf ontop of me. I nip at the fur on his neck before skillfully pinning him to the ground making sure he doesn't hit the ground hard.

"Look Enzo, I found a stray puppy" I say as I playfully nudge him with my muzzle, Enzo walks up to us laughing watching us in entertainment.

"Alright alright, that's enough" i could tell by his behaviour and tone that he was in big headspace, I continue to tease him "ill bite you if you don't stop" Seb threatens.

After continuing to nuzzle him he eventualy leans forward and nips harshly at my paw making me step back a bit. Since he's still getting used to his fangs and claws we let him of with these situations however this time he had done it on purpose.

I give him a soft low gorlw as a gentle warning on his current temper. He quickly gets up shaking the mud if his fur before snapping his jaws at me "I warned you" he's really testing it today, huh.

"Is he already causing trouble?" I hear Hanks voice through my mind, I look over to see a darker brown wolf walking towards us. "He may look like a pup but he clearly isn't thinking like one" I tell him.

Sometimes we will play rough with Seb but never like we do with each other, he's still a pup and his size his quite small compared to us. "Feeling strong, huh" Enzo says to Seb, I can see Seb sizing up to Enzo even though he only just goes up to his chest.

With one small nudge Enzo knocks Seb to the floor with a nudge form his muzzle, as Seb tumbles to the floor I can't help but chuckle at how cute that looked.

I hear Seb sigh as if in defeat. I lick the side of his neck cleaning the mud of his beautiful choclaty fur, I feel a nip at my ear looking up to see he's latched onto my ear but not biting hard.

As I pull back he pulls my ear making me chuckle, Hank walks beside him shuffling underneith him with his paws making Seb laugh and letting go of my ear.

After running a few paces ahead Seb still had alot of energy, it was good see he still had good stamina.

Seb continued to play rough with us which we happily obliged to but when he got a little too confident with his claws or teeth we had to give him a small growl to correct him on his behaviour.

It was alot fun playing with the pup, we are like a small pack. Me and the guys decide to take a break laying down on the floor but Seb still wanted to play "ugh you guys are old. I need someone young to play with" he groans, "old? Who you calling old" Enzo begins to playfully nip at his ear, still laying down we were about the same height as Seb who's standing up.

Seb lets out a whine once Enzo stop giving him attention, he gives up on Enzo and trots over to Hank nudging him to get up. Hanks not interested either, with one small push Seb tumbles to the floor on his side.

He begins to lick up Sebs lick in long strokes. Seb produces a soft pur, that's the most relaxing sound I've ever hears. Eventualy Seb snaps out of the trance and stands up trotting away, "can wolves climb?" He asks curiosity laced his tone "we can but not incredibly well" I respond.

Seb trots over to a large tree before pouncing on it and instantly falls onto his side with a thud. I flinch a bit but I know I can't assist him, he needs to learn. "Don't do that" Enzo says firmly, Seb groans before shaking of the leaves and dirt.

'It's good he has energy but I'm exhausted' Enzo mind links me 'me too' Hank follows, 'trust us to get a pup at out age' I chuckle. 'I know right, why couldn't we have bonded with a 22 Yr old atleast' Hanks comment makes  me chuckle.

Although we joke, we still love Seb and wouldn't want anyone else. I look over at Seb noticing him staring at something through the trees "whats the matter?" I ask pricking my ears up, "Seb come over here" Hank says.

Seb slowly turns his head away and walks towards us, Seb has pretty good hearing for a pup so we always trust his instincts.

If he thinks something is there then there probably is. We all stand on all fours encase something really was there, just as Seb is almost to us something jumps out of the trees as quick as lightning before taking Seb to the ground harshly.

"Seb" I growl out, before we have time to get inbetween him and the imposter there already fighting viciously.

The wolf bites into Sebs neck but Seb returns with a long scratch done the wolfs stomach making him whine, even though it angered me to just stand and watch I knew this wolf didn't stand a chance against Seb.

Seb was too quick and careful how've this wolf seemed to be acting on pure rage, after a couple minutes Seb had the wolf pinned to the ground making me feel proud.

My heart freezes as the wolfs claws come in contacted with Sebs face, marks on your body were easy to handle but being scrat he'd in the face was alot more concerning.

With sharp claws like ours you can easily be blinded, we quickly run to his side as Enzo checks on Seb while me and Hank deal with this wolf.

Seb had clearly made quite some good scratches on this guy however the more I looked at this wolf the more familiar it became. With me and Hank overbearing him he didn't react like others would he actualy curled up with his ears back in submission.

A sudden scent hits me "Aaron?" I mumble, he looks at me with his ears down. Even in his wolf form I could tell he wanted to cry.

Before comforting him I need to know my own pup is okay, I leave Hank with Aaron before walking to my pup "Seb, honey you okay?" I like behind his ear calming him before taking a look at his face "lucky his claws didn't get to his eye" Enzo says, looking at the line of blood I can see its just above his eye through his eyebrow.

Releife spreads through me, "you hurt anywhere else?" I ask, I'm aware Aaron should be under my protection when with me however in any situation my pup will always come first.

Once I realise he just as the odd scratch I walk back over to Aaron who's clearly not in a great state of mind.

Still curled up in a ball on his side I nudge him to get his attention except I'm only greater witha quick snap of his teeth.

I'm taken back a bit, just as im about to correct him on his behaviour he mumbles something "sorry" his voice cracks, it breaks my heart to see him in this state. "It's okay" I tell him softly before laying down, with our big appearances it won't help in the vonurable situation he's in right now.

"Where's Dimitris?" Hank asks laying down too. Aaron sniffles "at work" he mumbles, I sigh.

"Honey, you know you mean alot to us right. But if you try to hurt Seb like that again we won't take kindly to it" Hanks voice was soft and gentle but his words showed firmness.

Aaron sniffles again "how can y-you like h-him? H-he tried to k-kill you" I lean my head down licking alongside Aaron's neck cleaning him up while Hank licks behind his ears calming him down, "sweetheart, he's our pup and nothing will change that. He's done some very naughty things but he's learning and we are here to guide him" I tell him as he looks up at us with teary eyes, "what kind of Alphas would we be if we abandoned him when he does something wrong.

Dimitris never abandoned you when you did something naughty, and you did alot of naughty thing didn't you" Hanks voice was once again soft which helped calm Aaron down "uh huh" he nods shyly.

"There's some things you don't know about Seb, he's had a bad past like you. And if you really want to be his friend you'll forgive him and be patient with him, this is still all new to him" I tell him. He doesn't respond, I know it will take time for him to think this over.

He's feeling alot of emotions right now, I wonder if Dimitris has been able to give him enough attention. I continue to lick up the side of his neck getting the dirty marks of him, a small whine from ahead of me catches my attention.

'Someone jealous?' I ask Enzo as he's still beside Seb making sure he doesn't come close to Aaron 'he's been like that the whole time. He's going to need extra care when we get back' I like the sound of that.

I stand up impatiently, I need to get Aaron back home so he can get cared for by Dimitris and me and the guys can care for our little pup.

"Come on, I'm taking you back" I tell him, he stands up with wobbly legs. I quickly steady him with my snout, as soon he spots Seb he growls lowly at him, Seb returns the growl only to be told of my Enzo with a hard nudge of the nose.

"That's enough, Aaron" I tell him firmly. "I'm going to take Aaron back, you guys take Seb and head" at my words I hear a small whine from Seb.

"Awe is someone going to miss me" I walk over to him rubbing against his neck, "more worried about you being alone with a psychopath" he mumbles loud enough for Aaron to hear, "psychopath?! Your the one that tried to burn the people you love alive" Aaron's quickly comeback triggered something in Seb, we choose not to bring that memory up infront of him.

He feels horribly about it and we are all aware due to his past he doesn't have a 100% attendance of a healthy mental state. Seb growls a loud powerful growl towards Aaron, I return a small growl to him making him look up at me.

Just with a powerful stance and strong posture he already submits lightly, I give him a couple licks behind the ear letting him know it's okay.

"Be good,  I'll be back soon and we can all spend some time together. Okay?" I get an intruiging nod from him before I walk away nudging Aaron on int rh direction of Dimitris's place.

In our wolf forms it won't take long to get here however for a pup it's surprises me he made it all the way out here. "Please try to understand Sebs behaviour, Aaron. He really didn't have a great past" I tell him as we walk, I can see in the corner of my eye him eye rolling which instinctively let's a growl escape my lips.

"Sorry" he mumbles with his hears back, atleast he's more compliant to apoligise than seb.

"But he didn't even have abusive parents" he mumbles, "your right but he also didn't have parents when he was 16, his mums dead, his brother is dead and his dad ran away" I can see in the corner of my eye Aaron has his full attention on me, "I'm unsure if Dimitirs has told you but me, Hnak and Enzo did something really bad towards Sebs brother and even now Seb has forgiven us for that.

It took time but he still has forgiven us, if you don't forgice people for there mistakes then you'll end up alone" I look down at him as we are still walking "you forgive Dimitris when he does something you don't like, it takes time but you forgive him and that's why your still together.

What Seb did traumatised him, he has nightmares about it so we choose not to bring it up infront of him" I can see Aaron hanging his head in shame slightly.

Eventualy we make it to his house, he shifts behind a tree as I do the same. "I don't have any clothes" Aaron mumbles from behind it, Aaron was still shy about being naked infront of us which I understand.

"That's okay, I won't look. Run inside get changed and then bring me some of Dimitris's clothes" I tell him. He obediently does as I say which is a nice change for once, I'm so used to having to argue with Seb before he obeys me.

Just as I walk behind the cabin from getting changed a car pulls up in a hurry, Dimitris steps out slamming the door looking panicked "where is he? Enzo called me" he says, just then Aaron walks out onto the front porch looking timid.

"Aaron what the hell do you think you were doing" Dimitris walks up to him, however angry Dimitris is he still brings Aaron into a warm embrace. Aaron instantly breaks down into floods of tears, "baby, it's okay" Dimitris picks up holding him against his chest, he nods for me to come inside.

I sit down on the couch while Dimitris jolts an upset Aaron in his arms. "I-im s-sorry" Aaron hiccups. "Baby you've gotten yourself all worked up. Did you take a nap today?" He asks trying to get Aaron to look at him, Aaron shakes his head timidly.

I assume Aaron must have been left here all day if Dimitris wasn't here to put him down for a nap. That is the problem with pups, they think we are being unfair but we do all these things for there own good.

Aaron hadn't taken a nap and probably hasn't been eating well either, and now he's all worked up and balling  his eyes out. "I'm going to get you some water, can you be good and sit with Colt for a few minutes" Aaron says away slightly but I give Dimitris a nod letting him know I have it handled.

After having to deal with Seb I now have alot more experience either these things, isince Aaron isn't my pup I don't make him straddle my lap like I would when comforting Seb, I hold him in my arms cradling him against my chest.

My movement keeps his thought at bay allowing him to calm down.

"Wow, that's quick" Dimitris whispers looking at the now quiet pup in my arms. "Sebs very hard to calm down so I've had practise" I respond, Dimitris takes him back into his arms before sitting down forcing him to drink atleast half of the cup of water.

With all the crying hes done he must be very dehydrated. Although half asleep Aaron still abliges with no protests. Once again, unlike Seb. "I really am sorry. Is Seb okay?" He asks me in a soft tone "he's fine don't worry. Aaron has a few marks though", "it's his own fault, I have no idea what's gotten into him" he tells me.

"How many times have you left him alone all day?" I ask, "recently alot" he sighs, "he used to be completely fine with it though, I don't know why he's been acting out" "he has experienced alot of trauma recently, not to mention almost watching you die. With that and not sleeping or eating properly you got yourself a pup who resolves to anger" I tell him.

As I'm looking at Dimitris now he looks extremely tired. "Are you doing okay?" I ask, he sighs.

"Just recently my boss has been giving me alot of work, I've been meaning to ask him about working at home but I judt haven't had the chance" he looks down at Aaron who's completely sound asleep, Dimitris sets the cup aside.

"Aaron's been acting out more lately, I have a long day at work and then I come home and he refuses to eat or sleep" Aaron probably misses Seb as a friend, he doesn't want to admit it do he's showing it by acting out.

"If you ever need help or for us to babysit, we can help Dimitris. You could have just given us a call" he sighs "I didn't want to intrude since you just got Seb back and I know what it's like trying to bond with someone" I chuckle leaning back "they don't make it easy do they", "no they bloody dont" he chuckles looking down at Aaron, "I don't regret a thing though" he mumbles.

Thinking bsout it, neither do it. Sebs a pain but he's our pain, if he didn't have us I couldn't imagine what he would have gone through. Suddenly I get a text, looking at it I see its from Enzo.

'We need your help with Seb', I sigh at the thought of what he's done now. "Speaking of which, I have to get going' I say showing my phone, Dimitris chuckles standing up with Aaron still in his arms.

"Thank you again for bringing him back" I nod my head "no problem. And just give us a call if you need help" he nods before I walk out the house and down the front steps.

Now time to deal with my own pup.

(Sorry for delays on chapters. If you like don't forget to vote. Feedback is very helpful, I'm open to ideas.)

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