Miguel O'Hara One-Shots

By Princess_Potato23

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Just a bunch of Miguel O'Hara one-shots (Story #1 "Happy Anniversary" Chapters 1-4) Miguel abruptly ended you... More

Happy Anniversary Pt 1
Happy Anniversary Pt 2
Happy Anniversary Pt3
Happy Anniversary Pt 4 (SMUT)
Love Yourself
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT 1
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 2
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 3
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 4
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 5
Just A Secretary Workplace AU Pt 6
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT7
Just A Secretary,Workplace AU PT 8
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT9
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 10
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 11
Just A Secretary, Workplace AU PT 12
Just A Secretary Workplace AU PT13/13
A Second Chance PT 1
A Second Chance PT 2
A Second Chance PT 3
A Second Chance PT 4
A Second Chance PT 6
A Second Chance Pt 7
A Second Chance PT 8
A Second Chance PT 9
A Second Chance PT 10/10
Honeymoon with Miguel โ˜€๏ธ๐Ÿ’
Miguel Wants Another Baby
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU
Hush Hush Mafia Miguel AU PT 2

A Second Chance PT 5

648 16 49
By Princess_Potato23

Can you believe it? A man like him is having a hard time speaking all because of the presence of some—some girl. There has to be a glitch or a tear in the universe because this makes no sense. Miguel is a confident man. It's really hard not to be when he's the mastermind of creating the Spider Society. Maybe it's just….because it's been a very long time someone wanted to take a deep dive into his mind or maybe it's just because you cared. Whatever the reason is for it the whole time he was talking his face was burning up beneath his suit to the point it was almost too hard to breathe.

This isn't like him; he's not a shy or a nervous person. He's a man who takes pride in his work and everything that he does so this current feeling of nervousness or whatever it's called is not like him. At. All.

Finally finishing up with telling his story he keeps his eyes glued to the screens in front of him. He watches from his peripheral as you get up and walk over to him. Every moment he's with you he thanks the universe that he has to wear his mask when he's Spiderman. With all the awkward moments that he has with you, he doesn't know what he would've done if you had to see his face every single time. He's positive you would've teased him for it.

You stop a few feet next to him looking at the screens before looking back at him. “Your brain is really amazing. Not everyone has the knowledge to do what you've done”

“Yeah I know”

“Do you think I could have a tour before I officially start? As someone who can't walk on walls this place is scary” He can hear the nervousness laced in your laugh. He feels bad he didn't mean to forget about you both earlier. Technically he didn't, he had 2 screens with a camera view of the lobby, and the entire street of the building he was prepared to get you. He just…got lost in his work as usual.

He sighs as he turns to look at you. “I don't have time to do tours. I'm busy” He stares at you for a little bit, assessing your features he hates when you do that. It looks like the lights in your eyes just got snuffed out by his words. He groans only for a few minutes and then he'll go straight back to work.

“Fine, I'll only show you the places that you can walk on. My time is limited so you have-” He pauses the second his ears pick up on Peter's voice. He doesn't want you to meet Peter or any of the spiders at all. Honestly, he wanted to avoid you meeting Jess as much as possible, and look how well that went. There's really no need for you to meet the other Spiders you meeting them alone would just bring him a headache. He's sure that they would bother you both and you wouldn't even tell them to stop because you're too nice.

Pressing the button that allows the platform to rise he uses his index finger to motion you to come closer. “Spidey why did you just-”

“Stop talking” When he hears them coming closer he places a hand on your forearm and gently drags you backwards towards the screens. He tries his hardest not to look down at you but it's hard when you are more than 5 inches smaller than him. He uses his body as a barrier to prevent you from being seen.

You lower your voice to a whisper. “Miguel, what's going on?” When they finally enter his office he groans it's all of them. Gwen, Peter, Hobie, and Jess surprisingly Patvir isn't there. He should've known Jess probably told them about you.

“Hey Miguel, how's your day going? I heard you got a new assistant.” Miguel places his fingers to his lips signaling you to be quiet but he hardly doubts that's going to actually work. He's sure you would talk to the plants outside if given the chance.

“Leave me alone I'm busy”

“Aw come on we're friends don't be like that”

“Jess I find it hard to believe that Miguel would actually speak to another woman who isn't Lyla”

“Yeah, I second that” Miguel tries his best to drown them out and focus on the screens but easier said than done.

“I'm going to end up coming up there if-” He cuts him off immediately. “Peter I swear-”

“Dammit Mayday honey come here. What did I tell you about climbing the walls” Out of the corner of his eyes he sees Mayday crawling over just above the platform but her eyes are glued on you. He watches as a big grin emits on your face as you stare at her. You take slow steps towards her before turning back around to look at Miguel as if asking for permission. He sighs even though he could stop you he doesn't have it in him to do so. He gives you a nod just as Mayday stops in front of you.

You watch as the little girl stands up slowly before using her hands to signal you to pick her up. You happily oblige slowly bending over and placing her on the left side of your hip. “Hey little munchkin” You use a finger to poke her stomach and she giggles and does the same thing back to you.

The sounds of her laughter have to be contagious because now you're laughing as well. A fresh set of tears fills your eyes as you can't help but imagine her as your own daughter who will be here in just a few months. You turn to look at Miguel only to catch him already staring at you. Maybe he wants to hold her? You begin to make your way over to him-

“Mayday sweetie—Oh my…you're very pregnant” You stare at the man in a pink robe and you give him a small wave.

You gesture to the little girl in your arms. “Is she your's?” He nods his head and he takes slow steps towards you.

You watch as his eyes dance between you Miguel and the little girl in your arms.“Are you with Miguel?”

“Yeah, he's my friend” A smile emits on his face as he walks towards you. He holds out his hand and you happily accept it. “Any friend of Miguel is a friend of mine, I'm Peter. Miguel is actually my best man-”

“I'm not” You turn to look at Miguel right when the little girl in your arms ends up resting her head on your chest. You look down realizing that she's fallen asleep. The dam breaks and you immediately start to cry biting on your bottom lip to prevent yourself from making any sounds you turn to show Miguel.

Through your tears, you smile at him. “Spidey look s-she's fallen asleep” You walk over to him when you notice that he's not looking at you. His right hand lays against his chest around where his heart should be and he's rubbing it rather harshly. What is he—yiu pause as you feel a hand on your shoulder preventing you from going any further. “He doesn't do well with kids….come let me take her from you she's heavy when she's sleeping” The man takes back his daughter before trying to carefully put her back in the carrier.

“It usually takes me hours to get her to sleep. Thank you” You give him a small smile as you stand there watching the little girl. You can't wait till it's going to be your own daughter in your arms. “I'm surprised he got an assistant Miguel doesn't-”

A deep sigh can be heard behind you. “She's not my assistant so stop calling her that”

“Yeah well me and the other Spiders definitely came to check in on you and not to see your new….uh your new lady friend?”

“Oh, there's more of you?” Placing a hand on your stomach you walk over to the edge making sure not to step too close as you lean over to get a better look. Leaning over just a smidge you peer over the edge giving a big smile to the three spiders you see below. Oh, you even recognized one of them, it's Jessica.

“Hello everyone I'm-” You jump back when a red web shoots out in front of you and lands on the other side of the platform preventing you from going any further.
You turn your head to the sound of heavy footsteps approaching.

Miguel stands next to you with his hand holding onto the web as he stares down at you. “For fucks sake you're pregnant, not indestructible tell me what you think would happen if you lean over the edge of a platform” You fold your hands across your chest sending him a glare. “Spidey stop cursing she can hear you and I just wanted to say hi” You hear a snort followed by muffled laughter from down below.

“This can't be real”

“Seeing this actually makes me want to come here now”

“Y'all are going to make him come down here hush” You lock eyes with Jessica and she gives you an apologetic smile. “Ignore these two kids” You glance over at a boy in a leather jacket and his suit has holes..? Then you look at a girl in a white Spiderman suit and a pair of converses. Yeah, they're definitely kids. You give them a wave and the boy just nods but the girl waves back. Feeling the platform beginning to lower you watch as Miguel retracts the webs as he subtly holds out a hand in front of you.

You roll your eyes at the action; he probably thinks you're going to fall over with a single breeze; it's not like you're going to jump. Once the platform finally lowers you begin to walk over to Jessica but you feel a hand on your lower back inching around your waist steering you in the opposite direction.

“Don't think about it, you'll talk to her later”

“But Miguel-”

“But nothing they won't leave us alone if you walk over to them now. Talk to them later when you don't have stuff to do plus I got—no there's uh ice cream downstairs for you” You look up at him as he presses the button for the elevator. He's trying to bribe you, isn't he? It's sad to say but it's actually working.

“You're not slick, I know what you're doing… but thank you you didn't have to get me anything”

“I didn't…it was just there” You turn to face him as the two of you finally step into the elevator. “So you're giving me ice cream that was just…there wow. You sure know how to make a girl feel special.”

He shrugs his shoulders.“I don't know, what do you want me to say? When I was cleaning up the basement it just happened to be there” You look at him in disbelief he's planning on giving you ice cream that could've been there for god knows how long.

“So you’re telling me that a tub of ice cream just happens to be there and the first person you thought of was me, a pregnant woman to give it to?”

“You're the only one who eats that nasty flavor”

Rolling your eyes at his statement you turn to face the elevator doors just as they open. “Well into the garbage they go I don't trust some random ice cream that has probably been abandoned by their owner for good reasons. It could be expired for all I know”

“Well it's not I checked it”

“Too bad I don't trust that”

You fold your arms across your chest following close behind him as he walks into the basement. It's huge and compared to the rest of the building this floor is the least colorful. It's monotone. The walls, the crates, and the floors are all the same color ash brown. It looks….depressing. You can't work in here like this, you gotta figure out a way to get color onto this floor.

As you walk into the room you realize that all of the boxes are on the very top shelf. There's no way in hell you can reach that or even get one of them down.

“Hey what's with all the boxes being on the top I can't reach it” He gives you a nod and you look at him confusingly.

“Yeah, that's the point you're only doing a box a day. Nothing more, nothing less. There are over 30 files in a box you're going to overwork your brain” You begin to protest. “I'm going to be working down here for hours it's not going to take me a very long time to organize 1 box Spidey”

He shrugs his shoulders. “If you finish a box in a day feel free to stay until your shift is up but you're not doing any more work than that. Even if you're halfway done with a box and you finish it you're not moving on to the next one.” You scoff at him, this is unbelievable. Why is he acting like this?

“But Spidey-” You stop when you see a mini fridge from behind him. Beelining to the fridge you push past him and bend down to check what's inside. You go to pick it up in order to get a better look when you feel him nearly pushing you out of the way. He picks it up with ease as he grumbles about you lifting heavy stuff. You drown out the sound the minute you see what's inside of it. It's filled with mint chocolate ice cream about 5, maybe 10 cartons, and then jars of sliced pickles.

You glance up at him before looking back at the fridge. There's no way all of this was just sitting in there he had to have gotten this for you. But why won't he just say so? You know what it's fine you'll get him to admit it one way or the other.

Overexaggerating your sigh you turn away from him. “It's too bad all this will be going in the garbage. I'm not eating this when I don't know who it's from.”

“I told you I checked it and it's fine” A beat passes as he places the mini fridge on a nearby table. “Fine if you wanna waste someone's money go ahead”

“If I knew who it's from, we wouldn't have this problem. Why are you being so grumpy today, Spidey? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Deciding to take the extra mile you walk over to the fridge and take out two cartons of ice cream. You're honestly salivating by just looking at it.

“It's a shame all this is going to waste” You walk over to the garbage and right as you're about to let go- “I bought it this morning from the store” You smile at his words.

You place a hand to your ears signaling him to speak up. “I'm sorry what was that” You stare at him as he walks over to you. “I brought it for you there I said it. Happy?” He takes the ice cream from your hands and puts it back in the fridge.

You hear him mumble under his breath. “I didn't know what other snacks you liked so this is all I could think of. The cafeteria is too far for you to just walk and get a snack but whenever you're ready for lunch let me know and I'll-” He pauses when he finally turns around and looks at you folding his arms across his chest. “What now?”

You stand there with a big smile on your face as you watch him. “Nothing I'm just not used to princess treatment that's all”

“You're pregnant”

“So are you going to say that every time you do something nice for me?” You slowly walk over to him and you don't know why but you decide to pick an imaginary speck of dust from his shoulder. Maybe it was just an excuse to touch him. Hmmm, that's not weird at all.

“It’s not nice….it's common sense”

“Mhmm, so you do this for Jess as well?” You stare at him and because of the mask, you just assume that he's staring right back at you.

He straightens his back and somehow he grows even taller. “What are you getting at?”

You let out a sigh. “Nothing Miguel, it's just nice that you care” You stare at him a little longer and surprisingly he does the same. Or at least you think he does.

“You plan on staying down here with me, Spidey?” His eyes narrow before he takes steps around you. Walking to the elevator he presses the button and steps in. You wave at him just as the doors begin to close.

“Come upstairs if you need anything” You nod your head.

“I mean it”

You playfully roll your eyes. “Okay”

“Okay,” He gives you a nod right as the doors close. You sigh and turn around when you feel her kick. “Are you sad to see him go too?” Walking to a nearby table you feel her kick almost immediately.

“Yeah me too baby…me too” You rub circles on your stomach as you whisper to her. “We'll see him when we go get lunch. You think he'll sit and eat with us.” You wait for her to maybe give you a sign but you don't get anything. “Yeah I figured…come on let's get started with work”

It's now 3 pm and you've started to lose focus, and the names are jumbling up together. You grab a carton of ice cream and open up a jar of pickles. You place a few pieces of pickles into the ice cream before heading upstairs.

You reach the top and you look around for Miguel only to find him suspended in the air on the platform. “Hey Spidey” You stand there at the very bottom almost breaking your neck to look up at him. You wait for him to acknowledge you but he doesn't.

“Spidey? We're hungry can you maybe take us to the cafe-”

“I’m working Lyla will take you”

“But Miguel-”

“I said I'm working” His voice is stern and surprisingly loud and you don't want to push it any further. Feeling your shoulders deflate right as Lyla fazes in next to you you follow her as she leads you to the cafeteria.

“He gets like that when he's in the zone, don't take it personally hun” You nod your head. “I know it's fine I don't have to walk on any walkways right? The ones with no railing”

“No, but we have to take the long way there. Is that okay?” You nod your head as she steers you in the right direction. “Yeah that's okay we're just hungry right now” She leads you down multiple halls and you're confident that it would probably take you years to finally learn your way around this building. You probably pass by hundreds of Spiders along the way you even stopped to pet the Cat Spider you saw. It's scary and oddly exhilarating seeing all of these Spiders. Some of them—well most of them have their mask off as well. Somehow it doesn't feel right for you to be here. You now know all of these Spiders' secret identities. You're positive you’re the only non-spider here but if Miguel thinks that it's okay then who are you to tell him otherwise?

Finally making it to the cafeteria you’re feeling overwhelmed seeing everyone talking amongst each other. It sucks being new all over again. Now you have to force yourself into groups hoping that one of them will accept you. Lyla leads you to the cafeteria line and you rest one of your hands on your bump as the aroma of delectable foods reaches your nose.

When you reach the line you make eye contact with a spider in front of you and you give a small smile. She turns around and whispers to the Spider in front of her and then that Spider does the same thing. Soon every single Spider that was on the line leaned forward and whispered something to the Spider in front of them. What is this a game of telephone?

You nervously look over at Lyla when the Spider in front of you turns in your direction. “Are you the new worker Miguel was talking about?”

“Oh um, I think so?”

She gives you a once over and you can feel your palms begin to sweat; they're making you nervous. What's going on?

“Well you match his description” She turns to face the rest of the Spiders on the line before yelling out. “She's the one guys” You watch as everyone begins to take multiple steps away from the line and gestures for you to pass.

“Lyla, what the heck is going on?”

“That grumpy man over there made sure to let everyone know that if you ever get online for food they have to let you go to the front of the line.”

“What that's absurd Lyla I can't-”

“He's going to get upset if he realizes that we kept you in the back. Go on, go eat.” She gestures to you to go to the front of the line and the other Spiders do the same. You lean over to whisper to Lyla but she just shakes her head no. “It's best if we listen to him and come on you get the best picks plus there's no need to wait”

“Lyla we can't just cut in line because I'm pregnant these people are saving lives and I'm just….here I can't-” She cuts you off. “You can and you will come on let's go the longer we stand here the longer we're wasting their time hun” She taps her watch and looks at you expectedly. Stealing a glance at the crowd you hesitantly take a step forward.

The Spider that was in front of you smiled at you. “It's okay you can go we rather not get on his bad side anyways” You give her a nod before hesitantly walking past the rest of the Spiders till you reach the front of the line. The amount of options that they have to eat is insane. You grab a tray and place your ice cream on it before getting a slice of pizza, a burger and a little bit of salad.

Satisfied with your selection you tell Lyla to lead you back to your basement so you can eat lunch instead she begins to lead you to the table of the Spiders you saw earlier in Miguel's office. “Lyla no what if they don't like me?”

“Trust me they'll like you”

“Lyla no-”

“Off you go sweetie I'll send a certain someone to come and get you when you're finished” She winks at you and you watch as she fades away. You feel your face slowly heating up in the process. This can't be happening. Slowly turning your attention to the Spiders you saw earlier you nervously put down your tray as you look at them.

“Hey Jessica, is this seat taken?”

“Of course not girl come and sit down and please call me Jess.” You give her a smile before sitting down. You wave at the little girl who you remember goes by the name Mayday that you were holding earlier. Honestly, she looks like a baby she has to be no more than one. You decide to tackle the burger first by cutting it into 4 even pieces before picking one up. Silence fills the air as everyone eats their food. Is it a little awkward? Yes. Do you know how to fix it? No.

A few more minutes pass by before Jess decides to break the silence. “So how did you and Miguel meet?”

You wipe your mouth with a napkin before speaking. “Well I was trying to catch the sunrise after work so I went up to the roof and surprisingly he was there”

“Really?” The girl with the blonde hair looks at you while eating a slice of pizza.

“Yeah and I even patched him up a few times”

“Huh?” Everyone at the table turns to look at you.

You nervously tuck a curl behind your ears. “What did I say something wrong?”

“Uh Miguel has super healing depending on the size of the cut it may take it a little longer to heal but he doesn't need to get patched up at all” You stare at Peter and then the rest of the Spiders. This is completely new to you. Never in a million years would you have thought Miguel has super healing…?

If he does then why did he allow you to clean his wounds and even give him stitches when he knew he didn't need it? You'll have to ask him about it later. You shrug your shoulders and continue eating your burger.

“Okay, so what job did you have before coming here?”

You let out a deep sigh as you take a sip of water. “I worked at a bar”

“Oh….and did Miguel come to your bar every night?” You steal a glance at Jess giving her a confusing look.

“No, he never came to my job. It would be really weird if he did since he's working and all” Finally finishing your burger you go to pick up your slice of pizza.

Peter then chimes in as he feeds Mayday some of his food. “So did anyone else you know like uh go to your job?”

“Uh apart from my neighbor no”

“Do you happen to know your neighbor's name?” You stare at Jess and Peter, your eyes darting between the two of them. You now suddenly feel like you're being interrogated. Jess probably realized the look on your face and she began to wave her hands in dismissal.

“Sorry ignore us, it's just that Miguel quite literally doesn't talk to anyone outside of work. We truly don't think he has any friends so having you here and you're not a Spider person is especially weird…on his part” You slowly nod your head.

“Yeah it's a little weird isn't it?” Everyone at the table nods before Jess speaks up again. “But we love having you here it's nice to see a fresh new face, and speaking of fresh new faces I'm a part of a Prenatal yoga class at a gym. It's a little far from here but maybe you'd like to come. It's at 6.” A beat passes before she adds on wiping her hands with a napkin. “Maybe you and your partner can-”

You immediately shake your head no. “No it's just me and her but I'll see if I can make it. I would love to join” She nods her head as you push your tray aside with your untouched salad. Grabbing your ice cream with pickles the minute you open it everyone gags except Jess.

“Sorry I can't do this, I'm out. You made me laugh so surprisingly it was nice meeting you” The boy with the leather jacket gets up and salutes as he walks away with the blonde girl following close behind.

“I'm Gwen by the way but it was nice meeting you” She waves goodbye before turning back around. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see Mayday reaching for your ice cream. You smile at her and then steal a glance at her dad.

“Can she…?” He nods and hands you a spoon to feed her. Pushing aside the pickles with your own spoon you give her a small spoon full of ice cream. Once you feed it to her she tilts her head at taste and this causes you to laugh. You turn to look at Peter.

“Has she ever had Mint Chocolate before?”

“Nope, the most she has is Neapolitan” You watch as she gets up and slowly gets on the table sitting directly in front of you and your ice cream. She starts clapping her hands excitedly and kicking her legs as she watches you getting ready to feed her another spoonful of ice cream. She's adorable and somehow her bright red hair makes her even cuter.

You pick up your own spoon and feed yourself some ice cream with a little piece of the pickles. This goes on for about 2 minutes before you decide that you both shouldn't eat more than half of the carton of ice cream. “All done” As soon as you begin to close the ice cream she begins to cry.

“Mayday don't do that you know your mom would kill me if she knew I gave you ice cream before dinner” You begin to get up from the table and she begins to reach for you. You look at Peter for permission and he nods his head.

“She probably thinks you’re going to give her more ice cream” You laugh to yourself before you gently pick her up. “If your daddy says yes I can give you more ice cream tomorrow” You smile when she tries to say daddy and say “Da-da” instead. You get lost staring at her as she begins to play with your curls not noticing Peter getting up from the table. She pulls on one that's hanging in your ponytail and laughs as it springs up when she lets go. It's crazy kids will find the simplest things to laugh at.

“Miguel, when are you ever going to come and eat lunch with us?”

“Uh, earth to Miguel?” You finally look over at the sound of Peter's voice only to find Miguel looking straight at you and Mayday. Oh, when did he get here?

You open your mouth to say something when you remember how he yelled at you earlier. Walking up to Peter you hand him back his daughter before walking back to get your tub of ice cream and tray. You wave goodbye to Peter and Mayday before turning to Jess.

“I'll see you at 6?”

“Yeah, I'll see you then” You smile at her before pushing past Miguel and heading in the direction that you think you came in.

“Lyla, are you there?” You watch as she fades in next to you. “Yeah, hun what's up?”

“Can you lead me back to his office? I don't remember how to get there” You watch as she glances behind you presumably at Miguel before nodding her head. You begin to follow her down the long way back to his office when you hear him calling out to you.

“That's the wrong way”

“It's not I can't walk that way”

“And why is that?”

You fold your hands over your chest as you stop to look at him. “There are no railings on the walkways….I can't walk on it”

“You're not going to fall, come on I have stuff to do” You roll your eyes, turning back around to follow Lyla.

“If you're so busy you could've stayed I have Lyla remember” You stop when he manages to get in front of you.

“What's your problem?”

You give him an incredulous look. “What's my problem? You yelled at me earlier, Spidey, why did you do that? I-I just thought you said you were walking me to the cafeteria so that's why I came and asked but you yelled at me for no reason” When you feel your bottom lip trembling you know it's a wrap. Here comes the tears. You swear it's because of your pregnancy hormones you definitely wouldn't have cried otherwise. You turn your head to wipe away your tears. Dammit, you should've brought a spoon with you so you could eat the rest of your ice cream.

“I didn't yell”

“You did” You step around him so you can continue to follow Lyla when you feel a hand on your forearm. “What?” He says nothing as he hands you a spoon.

You furrow your eyebrows as you look at him wiping away your tears with the back of your palm. “Why are you giving me a spoon?”

He tilts his head at you. “You just asked for one…” You did what…?

“When did I—I could've sworn I said it in my head” You sigh mumbling under your breath. “Maybe my ponytail is too tight or maybe it's too hot” You take the spoon from him and begin to eat the rest of your ice cream. It's too bad you ate all your pickles. You turn back around and follow Lyla the rest of the way.

When it's 4 o'clock you finally decide to leave. Miguel didn't give you a set time and you came early today but he ended up forgetting so it makes sense that you get to leave early. Plus you want to make it on time for the yoga class with Jess. Taking the elevator back up you are greeted with Miguel standing a few in front of the elevator in the same disguise that he wore when he was at the supermarket.

“What are you….”

“I'm taking you home let's go”

“Miguel wait what-” You sigh as you have no choice but to follow him. You have to walk fast in order to keep up with him. While following him you realize he isn't taking the path with the walkways he's taking the longer way to the lobby.

Finally reaching your car you don't protest as he gets into the driver's seat. Before he drives off he hands you his watch and you stare at him in confusion.

“To talk to Lyla”

“Oh...no it's okay she can rest,” You think for a second before speaking again. “It would be nice to have someone to talk to while I'm down there but I don't think she could hear me. Can she not reach down there?”

“No, you need a watch” Oh well your luck of not having to sit in utter silence for hours went down the drain. You nod your head before looking out the window and for the next 5 minutes, you guys sit in silence. It isn’t until the car stops at a red light that you feel something poking your arm. Looking down you realize it’s the stem of a rose. He pokes you with the rose again and you tilt your head as you stare at him.

“Take it please my pride is crumbling” A smile manages to creep on your face as you take the rose from him. “I wasn’t trying to hurt your feelings nor did I mean to yell at you” You nod just as you see Lyla peeking out from his shoulder.

“I just wanted you to know that I’m—I’m joder, ¿cómo es esto difícil?”
(Fuck how is this hard= Joder, cómo es esto difícil)

“Miguel is every-”

“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to yell at you”

“Dammit do it again I forgot to press record” Miguel turns to look at Lyla before immediately turning her off on his watch.

You place a hand over your mouth to cover your laugh as you rest a hand on your stomach. A honk from the car behind causes him to resume driving. He scratches the back of his neck before resting it on his thigh. “Ignore her I didn’t set anything up for her to record she’s just nosy” Waving your hand in dismissal you turn to look at him.

“It’s fine I get it, apology accepted but you know what would’ve made this apology even better-”

He shakes his head. “You and I both know you don’t need any more mint chocolate ice cream” You fold your hands across your chest. “Whatever Miguel”

When you reach your apartment building he holds your door open as he helps you get out of the car. You walk up the stairs in silence and when you finally reach your door you turn around to face him. Just when you think he’s going to leave he leans back against the wall next to your door and folds his arms across his chest as he looks in your direction. You really wish he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses right now.

“What’s happening at 6?”

You steal a glance at your phone before placing your hands around your stomach with a big smile on your face. “Jess invited us to a prenatal yoga class, which I’m going to be late for if I don’t hurry” You begin to fumble with your keys as you try to open your door. “Oh and I have class on Wednesday at 2 so I can still come in to work but I’ll have to-”

“Just take the day off”

“Oh come on I can still work-”

“I said take it off” Your movements come to a stop as you slowly turn to face him. “Oh you're very forward” This may be childish but you begin to pull down the straps of your dress to get a reaction out of him but he does nothing….No change of movements, not a twitch, nothing. Feeling your face heat up with embarrassment you fix yourself before turning your attention back to the door. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see him rising to his full height and lord it gets you Every. Single. Time. There should be no reason for a man to be that tall if he doesn't even play basketball. He puts his hand over your hand that is holding on to the doorknob and together he twists and pushes the door open.

He leans forward whispering in your ear. “Don't start anything you can't finish” When he leans back you stare at him with wide eyes. “I-It was meant to be a joke and you were supposed to be all panicky and be like “oh no don't take it off” but then you didn't do that so now….” Your voice trails off when the embarrassment becomes too much to bear.

You try to save the situation by pinning it on your baby. “It's the baby…you know
all of the hormones I think it's getting to my head and what not”

“Mmhm…you should go inside” You nod as you push open your door. “Yeah I probably should uh have a good night” You hide behind your door as you begin to close it but then stop halfway. “I mean good day because you know since the sun is still out”


“Okay….goodbye now” You immediately slam the door, embarrassed to even look at him. Running your hands over your face as you lean against it. “Why did I do that my god” You begin to walk away from the door chanting in your head that “It's just the hormones” as you kick off your shoes.

However, you stop midway when you remember you had something to ask him. Quickly walking back to the door you throw it open without thinking only to find him still standing there. “Miguel—Oh why are you still…”

“You didn't lock the door” Oh okay yeah that totally makes sense.

You jut your head in the direction of your neighbor's door. “Um, I know you said you'll let him know that I'm looking for him but I haven't seen him all weekend and I have no way of getting in contact with him. I just really wanted to thank him and give him his gift”

“He's a busy man so I haven't seen him myself but he uh—” He clears his throat and fixes his face mask. “He sometimes goes to the gym on Mondays you might you know see him if-”

“But I don't know what gym he goes to”

“Oh right well I don't know…it's getting late I have to head back to work maybe you'll see him today”

“But how-”

“It's almost six” Dammit you're going to be late. “Okay okay, I'll see you tomorrow bye” You quickly turn around to head back inside. You really hope you can see him before you leave.

Miguel waits until you lock your door before pretending to walk away. “Lyla scan to make sure she's away from the door” He waits for Lyla to finish her scan before he quickly unlocks his door and heads inside. Why would he tell you that you would see him today when he doesn't even know what gym you're going to be going to? And most of all why did he lie? He doesn't go to the gym on Mondays he only goes to the gym back at Spider Society. He doesn’t like going to the public gyms he never has. Quickly changing his clothes he opts for a grey sweatsuit and a white wife beater. Making sure there are no traces of Spiderman left on him he stretches and waits a few minutes before hauling his new gym bag over his shoulder and stepping out the door. Hopefully, he ends up at the same gym as you.


Well okay no not hopefully just because and only because you've been asking for him it’s not like he wants to see you because he doesn’t. That will make no sense since he literally just saw you. Right? It would be incredibly stupid if he wanted to see you again and not as Spiderman as himself Miguel. Right? This is stupid everything is stupid he doesn’t even know why he’s actually going to the gym he hasn’t been to the gym in weeks. Quickly spraying some cologne on himself he walks out and begins to lock it when he sees a man dressed in a suit and tie walking up the stairs and heading straight for your door. The minute he hears the man twisting the doorknob repeatedly he almost loses it. What the fuck is going on?

“Can I help you with something?”

“Yeah, do you know if anyone lives here?”

“No, it's vacant, why?”

“I'm looking for my wife, that's why. She's pregnant fucked her in January so she should be huge by now it's July” It takes Miguel every fiber in his being to not lash out and bash this man's head into a wall. Not only is he finally face to face with the man who dares put his hands on you for God knows how long but here he is talking about you with not one ounce of respect. How in the world were you ever with this guy?

Miguel has to close his fist to prevent himself from beating this man to death. “Well, there's no pregnant woman on this floor or living in this apartment complex for that matter. So you got the wrong place”

He watches as the man harshly loosens his tie before slamming his fist into the wall right by your door. He hopes and prays that you won't walk out at all lord knows what would happen if you did.

He watches as the man pulls out his phone and practically yells into it as he descends down the stairs. “You gave me the wrong fucking tip my wife's not here find her before your kids won't have any food on the table tonight” The man turns around and tosses a card at Miguel that lands right in front of him.

“If you see her call me I want her back” As much as he doesn't want to he waits till your ass of a partner disappears from his sight so he can pick up his business card. Like hell, he'll ever tell that man a damn thing. He has to count to 10 before he can shove the card in his gym bag and of course, with just his luck you open your door. Your hair is pulled back into a low ponytail instead of a high one you no longer have red lipstick on your lips are now shiny and you're wearing a fitted black jumpsuit and a very very cropped sweater. It shouldn't even be called a sweater with how little it's covering.

“Oh my gosh, neighbor I've missed you where have you been? You know what hold that thought, don't move. I have something for you please stay” When you close the door he is baffled that a woman like you could be associated, let alone married to a man like that. You're just so—so you it makes no sense.

He quickly whispers to Lyla to scan to make sure that that man isn't anywhere near here when you walk out. He places an earbud in his ear so he can talk to Lyla discreetly. “Let me know how far away he is. I need to know his movements. She can't see him”

He quickly whispers to Lyla to scan to make sure that that man isn't anywhere near here when you walk out. He places an earbud in his ear so he can talk to Lyla discreetly. “Let me know how far away he is. I need to know his movements. She can't see him”

He stops talking the minute he hears your footsteps walking to your door. You have a small black bag in your hand with red tissue paper sticking out.

“I have a lot of things to say to you but I can't because I have somewhere to be and if I don't leave now I'm going to be late and I really don't want to be”


“You wanna walk and talk to my car?”

“You know what I do actually”

“Make sure your door is locked, please… there are crazy people out here” He watches you lock your door. When you begin to walk down the stairs he checks to make sure by twisting the knob.

“Neighbor, you coming?” He nods and begins to follow you down the stairs.

“Okay but don't freak out but I got the job!” He nods absentmindedly giving you a thumbs up and subtly checking in with Lyla as he holds open the lobby door for you.

“Oh I love your enthusiasm”

He doesn't miss the sarcasm laced in your voice. “I already knew he told me”

“Does he tell you everything?” He shakes his head no as he steps in line next to you making sure you're on the inside of the sidewalk. “Walk next to me I don't need you behind me”

“Well I can't exactly walk as fast as you if you noticed”

“Yeah, I know…..how is she?” He sticks out his elbow so you can hold on to him like you did in the supermarket. He expects you to latch on but you just send him a confusing look so he takes your left hand and puts it on his arm. He tries to look at you but you're avoiding eye contact with him. Hmm weird.

It does take you a second to realize who he's talking about. “Oh, this is the first time you asked about her specifically” He watches as you begin to rub your stomach with your free hand.

“She's fine, she's growing though we had a big lunch today too. But it's so nice over there and really huge and a little scary too Lyla helps me though she's an AI that you know who created. Oh and hanging out with him is so fun he dropped us home-”

“He’s walking towards you guys about to turn the corner there’s an alleyway right next to you guys if you-”

“Hey, are you even listening to me?”

Miguel immediately takes off his sweater and begins to put it over you.“Do you trust me?” He watches as you stare at him with wide eyes. Maybe this wasn't the right time to ask this dammit.

“20 seconds before contact” Fuck there's not enough time.

“I would if told me your last name like you said you-”

“It’s O’Hara” He says it without hesitating. Thankfully despite your bump it looks like you drowning in his sweater he zips it up and begins to walk you backwards till your back touches a nearby wall. He pulls the hoodie all the way over your face so it’s covered and before you can begin to protest he puts his index finger to your lips to shush you. “Don’t talk and don’t move”
“O’Hara what the heck-” He should’ve known you weren’t going to listen. He makes sure to conceal one side of you’re stomach with his gym bag and he takes his hand to cradle one side of your face.

“10 seconds”

He notices the minute you hear your partner's voice. Your body goes rigid all of the spark and light drains from your face and the worst part of all he watches as the fear settles in. He doesn’t miss the feeling of you grabbing onto his forearm very tightly pulling him in closer just a smidge. He's either going to regret this and you’ll never speak to him again or he’s going to enjoy this and never speak to you again. Either way, the outcome of this is going to be bad.


“You know?”


“Yes so forgive me for what I’m about to do”


You nod. “It’s okay I trust-”
He cuts you off by slowly leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. None of you move as he sinks into the feeling. His senses override with yours. He takes note of your smell, your warmth, the way your cheek fits perfectly in his palm, and most importantly the way you taste. You taste…sweet. You taste like something to crave something that leaves a man wanting more something that leaves a man coming back for seconds. He can feel your lipgloss sticking onto his lips as he deepens the kiss your lips engaging in a dance. He begins to pull away when he gets the all-clear from Lyla. He sucks gently on your bottom lip to get every last drop of nectar that you have to offer.

Fuck this is bad really bad.

Authors Note: I was supposed to post this on the 23rd which was my birthday(I failed) then I wanted to post it on Christmas(I also failed). So here I am on the day before New Year's Eve finally posting this chapter. I started writing again in July I posted my first story in July now here we are months later on my third story with so many of you guys supporting me. There are over 60 of you on the tag list I have 300+ followers and there's many more of you on Wattpad and on AO3. Each chapter I look forward to reading the comments, the anonymous asks etc. The love I've recieved from each and every one of you is making the little girl who always dreamed of writing "her own stories" scream with joy. The comments from those who said they love my writing, for those who said they think my writing is beautiful and for those that said they would definitely buy my books if I ever had any overfills my heart with joy and gives me the motivation to "potentially" write my own stories(in the near future). I don't want to get sappy on the internet so Have a Happy New Year and from the bottom of my heart thank you guys so so much this is the best birthday/Christmas present a girl can ask for......

As Always Thanks For Reading With Much Love,


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