Thus Forward

Par MichaelaRoan

344 35 33

During before and after a successor is elected for the Crescent Dust Company a gang of White Fang members rui... Plus

CDC 'Crowning'
I Spy Pride
Lost Actions
Night Stalking
Visiting hours
Mistakes and Leads
Meeting up
Cold Front
Released from Duty
Distasteful Dinning
Passing Bonds
New Mission
Ending Variables
Late Dawn
Breakfast and Bombs
Terrorists and Intentions
Falling into Place
Waking up

Deathly Froide

10 2 2
Par MichaelaRoan

Author's Note; Due to my writing habits, and making a very complicated story. I will inform you all, that if any part of this story bothers me. It will indeed bother you. This part is a prime example. I'm also trying to not make the parts, as long as 1,000 to 3,000 words. but that won't happen because I have way too much time on my hands.

I also made myself cry writing this so. Please read with caution.

Ivory's POV

It continuously snowed for several hours, once we got to a motel to spend the night at. I was tired, and still attempting to shut down my aura. I've felt less human than usual lately. So I'm deciding on healing like a human without an aura. We all sat in the motel yawning, even though it was only 6 PM.

"What exactly, are we suppose to do now?" Aiden asks, pulling off his now black cape.

"Give up." Lukas says siting beside me amused.

"Give up?" Temperence echos.

"Yes. I don't see a point in chasing them anymore. I mean if we're all happy without them why bother right?" Lukas explains.

"I don't approve of you an Ivory, so I'd suggest keep looking for your team." Temperence snaps.

"That is a good point." I say crossing my arms. "I'd recommend replacing our outfits. For the reasons of looking like charcoal, and I really don't want to get a public bed anymore dirty than it is." I look at the aged covers on the bed I was sitting on, it missing pillows.

"Nice joke Ivory." Aiden mutters sneezing a cloud of black smoke.

"I didn't mean-" I say.

"Let's just go our separate ways after this okay?" Lukas says.

"We can't." Temperence says.

"Why not?" Lukas asks yawning.

"The place where Aiden and I were going to book our house; on several pieces of paper, was lost in Ivory's house. Along with all the payment you two offered." Temperence says glaring at Lukas, making a disgusted face, "That's why we need to stay with you guys."

Lukas makes a equally matched disgusted face at his sister. "Fine."

"I'll pay for everything." I say standing up noticing the black shoe prints on the old wooden floor of the motel. "I'll also, go get more house applications. I'm really sorry."

"Don't sweat it." Aiden says as the rest of them follow me.

Quickly forgetting how cold it was outside; we ran to the closest clothing store. Since the most of us were just wearing T-shirts and jeans. We laughed as we all got into the store, with a few confused glares launched at us. I hand Temperence a large handful of undamaged lein dollars that I got from a credit card withdraw machine; we then split up, looking to replace what was lost.

Lily's POV

We successfully got Copper out of there, by using my Dream-scape to bring fire out from my dream, into the old house. Copper seemed off though, since we teleported back to Vacuo, and she died for a moment due to hypothermia. I walked between both her and Evan in silence. It snowing here too. The old streetlights not helping Evan, because he'd casually run into one of said lamp posts, every dozen feet. Copper suddenly sits in the deep snow. Burying her face in the black leather jacket she was wearing.

"Sis what's wrong?" I ask as Evan stops beside me, an arm wrapped around  my shoulders, as encouragement.

"Why do I still do this." She mutters, crying.

"Copper if you don't get up, you're wasting another one of your lives." Evan states.

I glare at him for a moment, looks back to Copper, "Sis, like he says, come on let's get going."

Copper stands up her face still covered, following us in sad silence. I honestly had no idea on what I was suppose to tell her. We continues walking for a few more blocks getting to Evan's shop. Evan immediately, takes some money from the register looking at me.

"Take care of your sister, make sure she doesn't kill herself here that's bad for business. I'm going to go buy food, since my kitchen is empty." He pulls up his black hood marching outside of the store again.

I lead Copper to the kitchen having her sit at the table as I pull out a bottle of cinnamon whiskey Evan had on the top of the fridge. Hoping to get Copper to clam down with it. "Take a swig and talk to me." I say sliding it over to her, it bumping her as it was laying on the table.

She groans pushing the bottle away, "I don't drink..." She mutters.

"You're the only one old enough to. So you should at least try it once." I persuade her.

"No..." She mutters wiping away tears again.

"Come on you're the strongest person I know, tell me what's wrong, before you attract grimm." I say, "You also don't need to be sober to tell me, it it makes it easier."

She glares tear streaming down her face, "Even though I killed our parents... I still full-filled their wishes. Who does that! I also try staying away from Ace like mother told me,. Do you know how painful it is to push someone away for so long! Do you know how painful it is to die 4 times!"

I frown, pointing to the Whiskey again, "Copper you've been thought the most. You're the oldest. The strongest. But what's the price if you don't live your life they way you want to?" I say as she follows my directions.

She makes a gagging noise before sitting the bottle away from herself. "You're saying, I'm too..."

"You don't act on your own, you always have something pushing you towards any direction you take," I say, "Too indecisive."

She nods wiping her face with the back of her hand again, seemingly being okay now. "What should I do then?" She mutters.

I laugh taking the whiskey for myself, "Do what you want after you get a good night's sleep. You can leave the White Fang for good. Find Ace. Reunite your team. It's your choice, not society's or mine." I say, proud I didn't sound as stupid as I thought I would.

She lays her head on the table again, prop-belly set on sleeping there instead of on a blow up mattress. I get up from the table, putting the bottle back where I found it. I know how much Evan hates it when I accidentally trash the house. I march off to his bed, not caring if he got me food or not at the moment.

Ace's POV

I was disappointed in myself for letting Copper get away, now it was that times, how many people I killed today, and what I just did, all while I'm not 100 percent sober. I cross my arms trying to stare at the ceiling instead of her. My sight spinning.

"We were to drunk, I'm sorry." She voices.

"Don't worry about it Val. I s-still hate-" I say as she pets my head.

"You can hate me, I bet you were hoping you got rid of me when we were kids." She laughs, it sounding toxic as it echos in my ears.

"Yeah..." I mutter, feeling sick with her near me now.

"Come on it wasn't that bad." She laughs again, as I cover my ears.

"S-shut up! You took advantage of me!" I snap, trying not to break down into tears.

"What do you expect me to do, when I see you at a bar, being bombarded by other girls?" Valentine smirks, her violet hair falling around her face, "Better me, than someone else, right?"

I get up quickly getting dressed followed by her, blank stare, "I-I don't want to see you ever again-" mutter almost falling on my face.

"Ace. It's like 15 below Zero outside, are you sure you don't want a jacket it you have to leave more forever?" She whines.

"I-I'm fine!" I snap, glaring at her, feeling like I was going to fall on my face as I turn around and walk out. Shit. I've been called useless so many times, and this is the first time I actually feel like it. The baby's lilac eyes burning into my memory. as I trudge down the sidewalks, with my left hand in my pocket, and the right prosthetic arm dangling at my side. I didn't know I'd ever use so much aura on someone I thought I hated. I growl at myself, shivering, and crying like the idiot I am. Was that why Valentine complimented Copper earlier? Did she know this would happen? I stop at a bus stop checking the time on a clock, the clock face almost frosted over, it was  1 in the morning, why was I walking around. Oh right you fucked up... Okay keep walking.

I spend another hour walking, ignoring those more drunk, passerby's, who were throwing garbage at me. Out of everywhere to go, to hurt yourself you pick the slums of Vale, and decide to fuck someone, who you hate. Very smart. Oh so very smart, you also lead to the destruction of several people's lives, and- I sneeze stopping the thoughts for a moment, kicking over a trash can. I make my way to the closest store. Sitting down under the shelter the roof provided, closing my eyes in shame; until half an hour later, trust me I was counting; someone taps me on the shoulder.

"What do you want!" I snap, my voice cracking.

Lukas's POV

"What are you doing?" I ask him, "Besides looking like shit, and having frostbite that's worse than mine." I adjust the black scarf around my neck.

"I fucked up what does it look like!" He spats.

"It looks like you're cold, I could have Ivory buy you a coat?" I offer.

"No!" He snaps again, it sounded as if he just got done sobbing.

Ivory walks up beside me, stopping with two bags, wearing non-ruined clothes, after we got permission from the only register person working at the 24/7 -open all the time store, to change our clothes since we were making a mess in the store. "Ace, what did you do..." She asks, seemingly not worried.

"We can just go back to the motel-" I go to say.

"Aiden and Temperence, said they wanted, alone time, I am not, walking in on them, you hear me?" She glares, "I want you to be accepted by your sister again, so it's best if you follow my advice. Ace seriously what did you do." She says turning her gaze to him again, taking my left hand and holding it.

"I messed up..." Ace says again, "I messed up too much today, I just want to die."

"On a scale of, I accidentally murdered someone to... I purposely-" I ask, as he glares at me.

"The 10 on that list." Ace says. " Actually a 15 on a scale of 1 to 10." 

I hold in a chuckle. "How abut you go get some coffee with us? You can freeze outside later if you want... Come on cousin." Ivory says, as we start walking away from Ace. A minute or so later he runs after us catching up. We walk in silence, for a good 2 blocks before, the chattering of his teeth got too annoying. I take one of the two leather jackets Ivory bought me, and handed it to Ace, "Wear it, it is now yours. Now who did you fuck?" I ask smirking.

Ace takes the jacket glaring, "Someone you don't know..." He says, "I messed up don't rub it in. I also still can't walk straight."

"I'm just curious, I thought you were saving yourself for Copper. Possibly hunting her down a-" Ivory e yanks on my hand telling me to shut up.

"Everyone messes up Ace." Ivory says, "Don't get too upset about it, it'll blow over."

We get to the cafe, it like many other stores, being open 24/7, since many people were workaholics. Ivory and Ace go to find a seat for the three of us as I order something randomly, because no one told me what they wanted. I walk over carrying the coffee and one tea. Ivory looks at me, before taking the green tea late, and scooting over in the booth so I wouldn't need to sit beside Ace, who was, unlike us, still filthy; to say the least. The three of us sitting in the booth, avoiding eye contact with each-other, just drinking our beverages and watching the snow fall.

"Ace, did you do it intentionally?" Ivory randomly asks looking drowsy.

"Why would I do something intentionally, if it would hurt my mental health?" Ace says.

"Because you're stupid-" I say as Ivory interrupts.

"I was just going to tell you to beg for forgiveness." Ivory smiles.

"I'll get right on that." Ace glares.

I think for a moment, "Copper loved you more than me... I also have a feeling, that she's not the best right now. So You can use that if you decide to find her again." I say.

"How the fuck do you know what's going on all the time?" Ace snaps.

"Meditation if you must now, I'm aware of telepathy networks, yet unable to connect to one." I reply grinning at his stupid question.

He glares standing up from the booth as Ivory and I do the same. I didn't mean to sound rude during any of this, but I have told Ace, repeatedly, back when we were in Beacon, to treat Copper properly, since I decided to move onto Ivory; of course Ace just wanted to do as we wants. Ivory offered to rent him a dorm for a week so he could make up his mind, he said no, before telling us goodbye, and leaving us at the cafe.

"Your cousin, is really, suicidal." I say.

"I know hopefully, he deals with it." Ivory says holding my hand again, "Lets go back to the motel..."

I nod before she leads me out of the cafe, back to her clingy self it seems.

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