Near Death Experience (18+) ✔️

By Winterlanessss

61.6K 1.3K 206

"𝐒𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐮𝐬, 𝐝𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥�... More

Author Note & Depictions


860 20 1
By Winterlanessss

After Knox and I cleaned each other up and he gave me a mind-boggling orgasm, we headed back to the estate. If only we knew what was waiting for us.

As we drove back, tension brewed in the air, thick and palpable. The gates, usually a quiet entrance, were alive with urgency-men rushing, their voices merging into a chaotic symphony. Confusion etched my features as I turned to Knox, seeking an explanation. His muttered words in Norwegian added to the enigma, the gravity in his tone sending an unexpected chill down my spine as he locked eyes with me and issued a commanding, "Stay."

What's going on?

I remained in the car, a spectator to the unfolding drama. Knox stepped out, a magnetic authority emanating from him, his men bowing in reverence as he strode past them with a commanding presence. My gaze wandered, attempting to decipher the commotion outside. Against Knox's directive, I defied his order and opened the car door. The frigid air bit at my skin as I stepped onto the snow-covered ground, a gasp catching in my throat.

Vultures-lifeless, their necks grotesquely twisted, forming a macabre line against the pristine white snow. Crimson bled into the snow, pooling and melting together from the heat.

"Adelaide!" Laced with urgency and concern, a familiar voice pierced through the chaos. Xander, with his distinct English accent, hurried towards me, followed closely by Elijah. He enveloped me in a protective embrace, his scent of pine momentarily soothing my nerves, though my wide eyes remained fixated on the grim scene before us.

"Where were you?" Xander's voice held an edge, his gaze searching my face as the world seemed to slow down amidst the uproar. Knox's enraged commands echoed around us, his anger palpable. I watched as Knox's eyes were filled with wrath as he spoke in his language to the guards, but Xander's hand pulled my chin to face him once again to answer him.

"A bar. We went to a bar," I managed to utter, my voice barely audible amid the chaos.

Knox approached, his icy stare locking onto Xander. "Inside. Both of you," he demanded, the words cutting through the turmoil.

Xander's grip tightened around my arm as he guided me towards the estate, his urgency mirrored in his stride. My gaze briefly connected with Elijah's, a mix of emotions swirling in his eyes, a sense of foreboding creeping over me before Xander's pull redirected my attention.

"Neither of you told me that you were leaving," Xander's voice resonated with disappointment and concern.

"I needed to get out of there, Xander," I defended, my voice tinged with frustration. The words still swirling in my mind, "Shared a few beauties in our time." I could feel the anger boiling in my veins, deep breaths holding together the only sanity I had.

"Do you understand that when the guards told me that birds were flying into the estate killing themselves, and you both were nowhere to be found?" Xander's tone held a weight of worry.

"I wouldn't have had to leave if your friend wasn't a complete and utter asshole," I retorted, my emotions raw.

"Elijah is just trying to help, why do you not understand that?" Xander's attempt at reasoning fell on strained ears.

"You said nothing. Nothing when he insulted me!" My frustration spilled out, a lingering hurt in my voice.

"Adelaide..." Xander attempted to calm the escalating tension.

"No. I don't want to hear it," I cut him off, my resolve firm.

Elijah approached, his presence accompanied by Knox.

"There was a note attached to one of the vultures' legs," Elijah interjected, his words cutting through our heated exchange.

"We know of the Plaetive. Give her or more blood will be split in the name of the revolution," the ominous message on the note sent a shiver down our spines, the gravity of the situation sinking in.

Knox's muttered words carried weight as tension thickened in the frosty air. "They know," he uttered, the gravity of his statement piercing the moment.

"Who? Who the bloody hell is the revolution?" I demanded, my frustration and confusion bubbling at the surface.

"The lycan population has been growing, instances of attacks against upirs have doubled in the last few years. They call themselves the revolution, wanting to be the superior species," Elijah explained, his voice weighed down by the gravity of the situation. A revolution? But what were the upirs doing to them to need an uprise?

Wasn't the incident in Scotland an internal problem...or was it more than that?

"How the hell did they find out?" Xander's question echoed the collective concern. My eyes flew to Elijah who stood next to Knox, staring at him. "I have a thought," I interjected, the pieces starting to form a troubling picture in my mind.

"Adelaide," Xander's voice carried a warning tone, cautioning against hasty conclusions. My narrowed eyes focus on Xander with a stubborn look, a dark chuckle erupting from my throat.

"Elijah shows up, and now the estate is covered in dead birds," I pointed out, the connection forming in my mind, though it sounded accusatory. The only people who knew about my abilities were inside the estate as well as the doctor. However, after the threats from Xander and Knox, I doubt he would've done anything. He was human after all, in an upir-infested village; it's a death sentence if he did.

"Both I and my lineage have sided with the upirs for centuries. Your accusation is nothing but foolery," Elijah rebutted, his defence sharp and firm, yet beneath his words lingered a sense of unease. I could only stare at him with an accusing glare, there was just something off about him. From everything I've been through, I have learned to listen to it.

The weight of the revelation hung heavy in the air, plunging the room into a suffocating silence.

"So they want me?" My voice broke the stillness, a mix of resignation and frustration colouring my tone.

"It seems so," Knox confirmed, his voice laced with a hint of concern for the impending threat.

"Great. More lycans..." My sarcasm laced my words, a touch of irony in my resigned acceptance of the escalating danger.

The tension thickened, each word carving deeper into the strained atmosphere.

"You'll need to finish the bond between you three, it's not safe for Adelaide anymore," Elijah insisted, his tone carrying an edge of urgency. My eyes almost fell out of my head from his words.

"That does not concern you, Elijah," I countered, my voice tinged with defiance.

"He is right, Adelaide," Knox's words cut through the tension, his concern evident.

"Of course he is," my retort dripped with sarcasm, my frustration palpable.

"Adelaide, come back," Xander urged, his voice soft with worry.

"I am tipsy and in need of a bed. We will figure everything out in the morning. I am done with today," I declared, my resolve firm as I turned away, signalling an end to the conversation for the night. Avoidance seemed like the best option right now, besides the birds were by the gate of the estate meaning they hadn't infiltrated the grounds. Yet.

Only the person within these walls, that wanted me harmed...

The hurried rhythm of footsteps echoed down the hall, heralding Cassandra's swift approach towards the group.

"Fredrik is with the guards, they are tracking where the birds had come from. He told me that he believes a mask was used, the scents are too faint," Cassandra relayed, her voice tinged with urgency.

"Thank you, Cassandra," Knox acknowledged, his tone reflecting a mixture of gratitude and concern for the situation at hand.

Cassandra nodded quietly, an uncharacteristic response from her, likely a manifestation of her worry about Fredrik's safety amid the chaos.

"He'll be alright, Cass," I offered reassurance, my words carrying a note of comfort, aiming to alleviate Cassandra's concerns amidst the tumultuous events of the night.

Adelaide's sudden invitation rippled through the room, drawing a mix of reactions from those present.

"Come on, sleep with me tonight," I urged Cassandra, my proposal breaking the tension, though it elicited a stifled laugh from Elijah and an expression of disbelief from Xander, his mouth agape.

"I'll stay in my old room tonight with Cassandra," I declared, swiftly altering my initial suggestion as I hooked arms with Cassandra, redirecting the situation with a hint of playfulness.

Knox's protective directive echoed in the corridor, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

"Guards will be posted outside your door," Knox confirmed, his tone resolute. It was a shame our night had ended like this, we needed it.

"Thank you," I acknowledged gratefully, acknowledging the precaution taken for my safety.

As I departed with Cassandra, a palpable unease emanated from her, evident in her demeanour. "Are you alright?" I inquired, my concern genuine as I noticed Cassandra's unease.

"I'm fine... just worried," Cassandra admitted, her vulnerability slipping through, revealing her underlying apprehension about the unfolding events.

I attempted to reassure Cassandra amidst the worry that gripped the moment. "We have dealt with the Lycans before, Fredrik will be alright," I offered, aiming to instill confidence.

Cassandra, her voice trembling slightly, responded, "Y-You're right. He will be fine," trying to gather her composure in the face of uncertainty.

Smiling in an attempt to lighten the mood, I placed a comforting hand on Cassandra's shoulder as we entered my old bedroom within the estate.

"How about I call Nora for some tea? Or something stronger," I suggested with a laugh, loosening the tension as I hung my coat on the bed before flopping down.

"I'll grab it, you go wash up. I can still smell Knox's seed-" Cassandra started, the sentence hanging momentarily before she realized what she had said.

"Oh god, I forgot you guys can smell literally everything," I groaned, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment, caught off guard by the unfiltered honesty of Cassandra's remark.

"I'll go grab it," I noticed the forced lightness in Cassandra's laughter, sensing an underlying unease that didn't quite reach her eyes. Despite my instinct to probe further, I chose to dismiss the concern for the moment, shaking off my thoughts about Cassandra's demeanour, and opting to give her space or address it later.

"Okay, I won't be long," I said with a smile as I walked into the bathroom.

I forced a smile, determined to maintain a sense of normalcy despite the turmoil surrounding me. The warm water provided a fleeting distraction from the pressing concerns clouding my mind. However, amidst the cascading droplets, the impending sense of doom loomed large. The revelation about the Lycans' knowledge of my abilities stirred a deep-seated anxiety within me.

My thoughts spiralled, fixating on the unsettling idea that someone within our circle might be a betrayer. Elijah's presence weighed heavily on my mind, a nagging suspicion growing despite the absence of concrete evidence. My instincts screamed distrust, fueled by his past behaviour.

I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something inherently untrustworthy about him, but I grappled with the lack of tangible proof. All I had were my instincts and an overwhelming certainty that Elijah wasn't to be trusted, despite my frustration at the lack of solid evidence beyond his abrasive demeanour.

Only the people in the estate knew of my powers, meaning...

There was an informant in the estate.

Instead of tea, our glasses brimmed with alcohol, effusing an amber hue that danced in the flickering candlelight. Laughter cascaded through the room, echoing off the walls and adding a vibrant melody to the air. Cassandra, opted for tequila, uncorked bottles for each of us, the scent lingering as she poured herself another shot, the liquid shimmering like liquid gold in the dimly lit space.

"Wait, you were engaged!?" My astonishment burst forth, illuminated by the flickering candlelight, casting wild, shifting shadows around us.

"Mhm," Cassandra affirmed with a nod, her fingers tracing the rim of the shot glass absentmindedly, lost in a reverie, the nostalgia palpable in her voice as she recounted memories of an arranged marriage orchestrated by her father to a distant farmer's son.

"Did you even like him?" I leaned in, curiosity etched in my expression, the anticipation thick in the charged pause that followed.

"Bless his soul, but no, I never even met him," Cassandra confessed with a wry smile, her laughter carrying the weight of untold tales.

"Seriously?" Disbelief tinged my tone, a mix of shock and incredulity painting my features.

"Thank heavens Fredrik came when he did. My mother was expecting a grandchild as soon as he left," Cassandra chuckled, her laughter carrying relief and amusement, shaking her head at the memory.

"Did you ever 'like' someone?" Cassandra teased, mimicking my accent, a playful glint in her eye.

"Never. Trust me, none of the lads in my town compared to Knox and Xander," I replied mischievously, a hint of mischief dancing in my gaze.

"I highly doubt they were as well-endowed," I quipped with a smirk, leaning back, teasing amusement lacing my words.

"Trust me, handling one beloved is tricky enough. I couldn't imagine having two," Cassandra chuckled, a fondness tinged with jest in her voice, the sound reverberating against the walls.

"I'm still figuring out this mating process myself," I admitted with a furrowed brow, curiosity tinged with apprehension.

"Let's just say you won't be walking for a few days," Cassandra teased with mischief, a smirk playing on her lips, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Speaking of that, Elijah mentioned we need to complete it," I shifted the conversation, the gravity of the topic evident in my tone as I steered toward more serious matters.

"Elijah?" Cassandra questioned, concern slipping into her voice, her brows furrowing in response to the sudden change.

"I detest that man," I spat, my frustration palpable, disdain lacing my voice.

"I heard from Fredrik that he wasn't kind to you today," Cassandra said, genuine concern softening her features, a glimmer of empathy in her eyes.

"He wasn't. He tried to provoke me, to expose my magic and temper!" I exclaimed, a mix of anger and indignation in my voice.

"He might be the one who told the lycans about my Plaetive nature. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the traitor," I concluded with a hint of accusation, the weight of my words hanging in the charged silence that followed.

Cassandra fell silent at my words, the tension between us thickening, an unspoken worry casting a shadow over our conversation.

"I'm sorry. I know you're shaken from the event. I am too," I offered, my voice softening, a gesture of understanding amidst the brewing unease.

"It's not just that..." Cassandra started, her voice trailing off, unease flickering in her eyes.

"What is it?" I gently pressed, sensing her unease, trying to break through the barrier of unspoken worries.

"Adelaide..." Cassandra began softly, but before she could continue, the heavy oak door swung open, announcing Fredrik's arrival. Cassandra's eyes brightened, and she rushed to meet him, relief washing over her.

"My darling!" Cassandra exclaimed, embracing Fredrik tightly, a sense of relief in her hold.

"Min esklede," Fredrik murmured, his voice a blend of relief and affection, caressing Cassandra's back.

"I was worried," Cassandra admitted softly, genuine concern in her voice as she held onto him.

"I'm fine, do not worry. Although, I didn't expect you both to empty the cellar while I was gone," Fredrik teased gently, making light of the situation.

"Blame your beloved; I suggested tea," I chimed in with a playful smirk, pointing a finger at Cassandra, mischief gleaming in my eyes.

"Shhh," Cassandra hushed me with a chuckle, a playful smile on her lips.

"I'll take her back if you don't mind," Fredrik offered, his gaze shifting between Cassandra and me, his warmth encompassing us both.

"That's fine. But I'm glad you're alright," I replied warmly, relief colouring my words as I nodded in understanding.

"As am I. Knox mentioned we'll discuss everything tomorrow morning. We all need rest," Fredrik informed us, finality settling in the room.

I nodded in agreement, acknowledging the necessity for rest after the day's events.

"Goodnight, Cass. Have some water," I advised with a playful smirk as we continued our friendly banter.

"Oh please, you need the water," Cassandra retorted, a grin on her lips, our banter fading into the corridor as we exited the room.

Silence descended, heavy and thick, amplifying the sense of isolation. With a heavy sigh, I stumbled toward the bathroom, feeling the alcohol's overwhelming effects. My hands sought the counter's coolness as I struggled to focus on my reflection. I hadn't fully accepted the danger I was in; truthfully, I was avoiding it.

I didn't want to acknowledge Elijah's claims about my uncontrollable magic. I didn't want any of it to be true; I yearned for normalcy. But the thought of losing the connections I'd formed in this chaotic existence was unbearable. I couldn't lose them, not after everything.

It's a burden, feeling like the vulnerable point in a precarious situation. Trusting Knox and Alexander to shield me was one thing, but being the weak link again was unbearable. I refuse to rely solely on others; I've lived through enough to know that.

It's not just about my safety; it's a deep responsibility. The weight of that drives me to ensure no more lives are sacrificed for my sake.

The decision was made, a plan set in stone, even though it involved someone I despised.

I had to play Elijah's game, pretend to trust him, and use whatever knowledge he offered. If no one else believed my suspicions, then I had to unearth the truth myself.

A knock echoed through the room.

"Yes?" I called out, stepping out of the bathroom.

"Min dame?" a familiar voice called.

"Askel!" I exclaimed, recognizing the voice of Askel, a trusted ally in this complex web of alliances and deceptions.

As the door swung open, Askel stepped in, his presence a mix of familiarity and underlying tension. It had been a while since our last encounter-since the moment in the library when I glimpsed into his past unintentionally. It seemed he'd been avoiding me since then.

Our gazes met briefly, a silent exchange of unspoken tension hanging between us. The weight of what I'd unintentionally uncovered about him lingered, creating an unspoken barrier.

"Askel," I greeted, trying to maintain a neutral tone, uncertain how to address the elephant in the room.

"I heard what happened. Are you alright?" Askel inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"I'll manage. Whatever these revolutionists think they can do, they'll be met with a harsh awakening," I responded, my tone resolute, masking the inner turmoil.

"Whatever happens, I'll stand by you, Min Dame," Askel assured, his commitment unwavering.

"Thank you, Askel. Truly," I expressed, touched by his loyalty.

"May I ask you something, Min Dame?" Askel ventured after a moment.

"Of course," I replied, curious about his question's direction.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" Askel asked, contemplation in his tone.

"I'm not sure. My beliefs have been shaken recently," I admitted, uncertainty tingeing my voice.

"You remind me of her, of Astrid..." Askel's voice softened, carrying sorrow and reminiscence.

My heart sank at his words. I sensed the deep sadness in his eyes, realizing I resembled someone significant in Askel's life-his sister, Astrid. The memory of their separation caused by soldiers became vivid at that moment.

"She was... vibrant, like the sun breaking through the clouds after a storm. Astrid had a laughter that could light up the entire room. She was brave, fearless even in adversity. Astrid made everyone feel seen, cared for. Her kindness was boundless, and her spirit, untamed."

Askel's voice painted a vivid picture of a radiant soul lost to past cruelties. Memories flickered behind his eyes, a mix of fondness and profound sorrow intertwined in his recollection of his sister.

"She's the reason I became an upir... I wanted to find her. Bring her home, but..." Askel's voice trembled with emotion, grief evident in his words.

"Lord Sorenson turned me, which helped me find those soldiers.", he quietly stated. My mind swirled with questions, but I kept silent letting him finish.

"I learned she was killed on the journey to Germany, murdered and left at the side of a road to decompose. But I could never find her body..." Askel confessed, the weight of the tragic revelation palpable in his words. The anguish of discovering such a fate for his sister echoed in every sentence.

"Askel... I'm so sorry," I expressed, my voice heavy with empathy.

"I pushed those memories away. But when you mentioned her name..." Askel trailed off, his gaze distant, delving into his emotions.

"I realized I didn't need to mourn her anymore, but replace that anger I felt with something else. Peace, maybe..." Askel's words held a solemn realization, a transformative shift in how he processed his sister's loss.

Askel moved closer, gently brushing away a tear that had escaped, his touch comforting.

"You both have the same look in your eyes, that fierce look..." Askel remarked softly, recognizing shared strength in both me and his late sister, Astrid.

"I'm here for you, I pledge my loyalty to you, Min Dame," Askel vowed, his commitment unwavering as he pledged support. He stood back, bringing a knife out of his belt and held it up for me as he kneeled before my figure. My eyes were filled with confusion as I gazed upon the blade, my words stuttered out, "Wh-What are you doing?"

"Take the blade and bring it against my palm. As my being was created by your beloved, your words are as great as his. And so is your mark. This way you fully know where my loyalty lies, and it is with you", Askel explained with his eyes cast to the ground.

My fingers trembled slightly as I took it, carefully etching my initials into Askel's palm, marking him with my symbol.

As the blade traced the lines, Askel winced but didn't waver. His eyes remained fixed on the ground, a testament to his determination to endure this act for me. When I finished, I placed the blade aside and reached out to gently lift Askel's chin, meeting his gaze.

"Askel, rise," I said softly.

The profound silence lingered in the air as I stepped back, observing the aftermath of the symbolic act. Askel's palm, marked with my initials, began to bleed, the crimson flow trickling down his hand, forming a pool before our eyes. It was an unsettling yet strangely captivating sight.

But as moments passed, a miraculous transformation unfolded. His blood shimmered faintly, emitting a subtle glow from the wound. The flow of blood gradually ceased, the wound knitting itself back together in a mesmerizing display. The skin sealed, seamlessly closing the gash and leaving behind a faint, silvery scar where my initials had been etched.

Despite the healing, my initials remained embedded in Askel's palm, almost as though they were burned into his very essence. They softly glowed, a constant reminder of the oath he had taken, a permanent testament to his unwavering loyalty to me. The scar, faintly illuminated, stood as an everlasting symbol of our bond, resilient against the passage of time and the trials ahead.

"I stand with you, Min Dame", Askel spoke softly looking into my eyes before he bowed.

Askel, poised to leave, paused by the door, meeting my gaze once more.

"And I won't fail this time," Askel affirmed with a determined nod, a solemn promise in his eyes before departing, leaving behind steadfast resolve in his words.

As I stood there, grappling with Askel's revelations and the depth of his commitment, emotions swirled within me. His extended trust felt fragile yet profound, resonating with unspoken truths beyond our immediate situation. It revealed a world where pain and loss bound individuals together in shared experiences.

Retreating to the bed, I found solace in the covers, seeking refuge in the fleeting embrace of sleep. My thoughts remained a tumult of conflicting emotions and unspoken promises, echoing the weight of responsibilities and the unwavering determination to shield those I cherished.

As night deepened, the room shrouded in silence, my mind tangled in a labyrinth of uncertainties. My heart bore the weight of the future, the unspoken burdens of allegiance, and the unyielding determination to navigate treacherous waters.

With the moon as a silent witness, I surrendered to slumber, dreams haunted by impending challenges and the unwavering resolve to face them. The night whispered its secrets, offering moments of respite before the dawn signalled a new chapter in my quest for truth, loyalty, and resilience amidst chaos and adversity.

I will find out who did this. No matter what.


Wooooooo that was a lot...thoughts on the chapter?

Poor Askel :( He is honestly one of my favourite characters

Who do you think is the traitor?

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