White Heather for Protection

By KuroYuuki812

152K 5.3K 167

When James and Lily Potter are murdered, Heather Potter vows to protect her younger brother in their place. S... More

Prologue: Destiny Turns
A Day in the Life
The Letter
Minerva McGonagall
The Return
Shopping Spree
Mr Tall, Dark and Surly
Choosing and Being Chosen
Interlude: Professors' Meeting
The Waiting Game
Of Schooling and Gemini
A House, a Home, a Heart?
The Freedom to Be
The School Bell Rings
Stirring Emotions
Give and Take
Interlude: Through Onyx Eyes
Snakes and Lions
Time Flies. So Does a Broom
Meet the Family
A Crazy Party
So It Begins
Greasy Git
Of Dragons and Derring-Do
The Danger Begins
Trouble in the Skies
Seeking Happiness
Obsession and Paranoia
Moving On
Hunkering with House Elves
Fantastic Feats
Slithering Serpents
Teenage Woes
Interlude: Third One's the Charm
Another Interlude: Day of Love. Or Not.
Down the Rabbit Hole
The Chamber of Secrets
Ditching the Shackles
New Beginnings
Truths Unveiled
Of Spoilt Brats and Dungeon Bats
A Grim Series of Events
'Tis the Season
Felons and Convicts
The Wolf and the Hound...and the Hippogriff?
Student's Bane
Haunting Memories
Mind Over Matter
A Most Demanding Cup
Difficult Relationships
A Mile a Minute
All's Fair
A Night to Remember
Reality Check
What You'll Sorely Miss
Sneaks and Intruders
Falling Out
Interlude: First Kisses
Out of the Woodwork
Crouching Fox, Hidden Serpent
Blood of the Enemy
Mystery Solved
Plots and Plans
Just Des(s)erts
The Greatest Power
Weasleys' Whereabouts
The Old Crowd
All that Glitters
Power of Seven
The Pink Toad
Duelling Tactics
Dragons and Snakes
Matters of the Mind
Worn Out
Apologies and Punishment
The Boiling Toad
Sweet Revenge
Bloody Catastrophe
Teacup Tempest
The Prophecy
As One Door Closes
Another One Opens
Heart-Stopping Revelations
Amortentia Lessons
Secrets Kept
Between the Shadow and the Soul
Rending the Soul
Quiet Moments
The Fall
Getting Things in Order
The Hunt
Wedding Bells and Vicious Spells
Back in Business
Enemies Within Walls
Win Some, Lose Some
Another One Bites the Dust
Beginning of the End
By Any Other Name
The Siege

Look Forward

1.1K 36 1
By KuroYuuki812

Platform Nine and Three Quarters was just as Heather remembered it. Crowded with bustling families and their school-bound children, Hogwarts Express a shined a gleaming finish as it waited patiently to be filled. The people were unburdened by the weight of terror, though their eyes still held the shadows of war. The children, though, they were laughing, running, jumping – eagerly anticipating their journey ahead.

She smiled as she caught sight of her brother and his friends. Hadrian waved his whole arm to make himself more noticeable, as if she wasn't able to pick him out of a crowd with her eyes closed and hearing muffled.

Familiar arms wrapped around her in greeting, a greeting which she returned enthusiastically. It had been too long since she'd seen him. There had been much to do to get Hogwarts ready to start session again, and she'd stayed in the castle through the duration of it. Hadrian, however, had been hounded by the public ever since his 'triumphant victory' against Riddle and had holed himself in either the Nest or the Burrow. Even now she could feel the weight of numerous stares directed at him.

"Hey there, Rian." She straightened his collar, ignoring his weak protests. "Hi Ron, Hermione. How have you been?"

"Great, thanks for asking. I'm so very excited to be returning to Hogwarts! I heard that there were a few renovations made! Of course, I really really want to see the library now that its catalogue has been updated!" The girl was about vibrating on the spot, almost like she was holding back from attempting an apparation straight to the library. Which wouldn't be a good idea, because a renewing of the wards had been included in the changes made to the castle.

Heather smiled, amused. "A few rooms had to be completely overhauled because the cursebreakers found dark magic seeped into the walls. Some hallways may also be different than you're used to, so I'd be careful not to get lost. And yes, new books have been added to the library," Hermione squealed at the news, "while some more questionable ones have been removed, especially from the Restricted Section." A look passed between all of them – they knew which book in particular had been the aim of this venture.

"Well," Ron said, breaking the silence, "guess we won't be seeing you around much, huh, Mione?"

Hermione frowned with great offence. "What do you mean? It's our NEWT year! I already have our study plan mapped out! We have at least three two-hour sessions a week scheduled if we want to make sure we're on task, and..."

Behind Hermione, Ron mouthed 'six hours?' incredulously to Hadrian, who laughed silently at his friend.

"...of course this schedule covers only the essentials, but if you want to really push yourselves, I have an alternative one I'm created for myself," Hermione finished, beaming at her friends.

"Thank you, Hermione. You always keep us on track," Hadrian said as he nudged Ron.

"Yeah, thanks," Ron said, a little less eagerly.

Hermione seemed not to notice – or care for – Ron's reticence. "Oooh, I'm so excited!" she repeated.

"And how how're things with you, Ron?" Heather asked, smiling with amusement.

"Great, Kingsley's said that I'm already guaranteed a spot in the Auror programme after I graduate, so technically I don't even need to ace my exams," Ron said, muttering that last part lowly.

"You'll still be expected to attain the minimum requirements for entry, Ron," Hermione said in a way that sounded like they'd had this argument many times before.

"Okay," Hadrian interjected, "I'm sure you're going to do your work, right Ron? I think we should be getting onto the train already."

Honestly, those two never changed, even now that they were dating. Heather had to wonder if at least half the time they spent together was spent bickering.

Kissing Rian's cheek goodbye, she waved them off. "I'll see you guys at school, okay?" She wanted to wish them luck on a peaceful year, but knowing them, it would probably just jinx things.

A few other students stopped for a short chat, though Heather had to remind them that the Express was departing soon. She hadn't managed to talk to Ginny, but last she'd seen of her, she'd been boarding the train with Luna.

The deafening shriek of the train horn made her wince and cover her ears. As the train began to move off, she found Hadrian waving out at her through a window. Chuckling, she blew him a kiss and watched as Ron pretended to catch it in the air and smack it onto her brother's cheek.

Soon, however, the train pulled out of the station and they disappeared from view.

She disapparated once she couldn't see the train anymore, landing just outside the gates to Hogwarts.

Later in the day, students would start flooding these hallowed halls once again, filling the castle with life. There would surely be children still traumatised by the last disastrous school term they'd had under DE rule, but Heather and the other staff members would do their best to sweep away the shadows of the past and make Hogwarts into a home again.


"Back so soon?" a voice slightly hoarse from recent injury greeted her.

Heather descended the last few steps leading into the dungeons, smiling at Severus as she walked up to him. The man turned back around, heading back in the direction of their quarters. She hid a smile. Had he been waiting for her?

"Did you think I was going to take the train with them?" she asked with amusement, catching up with his long strides.

"I certainly would not put it past you."

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not that attached you know. I'll be seeing Rian in a few hours, anyway."

Severus shot her a supercilious glance, not deigning to give a response.

Heather smiled sheepishly, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out. She knew she was pretty overbearing when it came to her brother, but she was trying, alright? And she thought she'd been doing a not bad job so far. Well, it also helped that the danger that was Tom Riddle that had been hanging over their heads all their lives had been disposed of.

"So, prepared for another year of teaching dunderheaded brats?" she asked, grinning cheekily.

Sighing as if in pain, Severus muttered, "Is anyone ever?"

"Now that everything's over," Heather mused, "you could just find another job. Something that doesn't involve children."

Severus paused to unlock the door to his rooms. Heather followed after him unhesitatingly. She had become all-too-familiar with his living space in the past months, and him with hers.

"Minerva needs a Defence Professor. Although the curse should have lifted with Riddle's demise, the poor reputation of this position is too entrenched in people's minds. No one has been willing to apply."

Heather didn't bother to say any more. Even though she wanted to sit him down and tell him just how much he deserved to do what he wanted for once. She knew that Severus and Minerva were pretty good friends, despite appearances.

"So you'll leave when someone new is hired?" She walked into the kitchenette, preparing two cups of tea, adding a touch of honey to Severus' to soothe his throat.

"The very second," he said with certainty. Nodding in thanks for the tea, he grimaced slightly at the sweet taste. With a raised eyebrow from her, he took another mouthful.

"What will your plans be then?" she asked curiously, "Will you open your own apothecary?"

"That, or an owl order business. I am not suited to customer service," Severus stated dryly.

"Having your own shopfront would be better for business though. Besides, I could man the counter." She tried to imagine Severus' forbidding expression as he rang up an old lady trying to buy Weed-Begone and fought a snicker.

Severus stilled, blinking for a long moment before taking a measured sip of his tea. "Is that so?" His tone was flat, as if merely politely inquiring.

Her brows furrowed as she thought about what could have prompted this response. "Yes?"

"Your apprenticeship should conclude by the end of this school year. Your werewolf potion is practically completed. In fact, you could present that as your Mastery project as soon as you refine it a little more."

She huffed as soon as she understood what the man was saying. "Don't be daft, Severus, it doesn't suit you. I wasn't speaking as your apprentice when I said that."

Dark eyes narrowed.

Heather leaned back, peacefully drinking her tea as she let Severus think over her words. She had long made her stand clear. And she knew that Severus felt similarly. He wasn't the irresolute sort. He wouldn't have said what he had if he hadn't meant it. For someone who seemed so self-assured, however, he did occasionally fall into bouts of insecurity.

"You are young yet. There are countless opportunities for the taking much more prosperous than a lowly cashier in a humble store."

He was speaking in doubles. "And if it was my choice?" If he was her choice?

"You are young," he repeated. "Why sink your prospects? You may never be able to free yourself from the quagmire."

How dramatic. "I would hardly call it that. And who says I want to free myself?" Did he think her fickle? Just because she didn't have the years he had had didn't mean that she didn't know what she wanted.

"Stubborn." Despite the gruffness, she could hear the underlying affection.

"Learnt from the best," she retorted, eyeing him pointedly. Perhaps when she'd been harbouring feelings for him secretly, she'd have been more hesitant. But now that she knew of his feelings, she wouldn't allow herself to be dissuaded. Severus would make it clear if she wasn't welcome, after all.

After a period of silence, Severus' shoulders loosened. "I suppose there are worse traits to have," he murmured in acquiesce.

Heather looked at him head on, letting a smile bloom on her face. She was delighted by the way Severus ducked his head ever-so-slightly, almost shy. She let her fingers trail across the skin of his hand in a long-familiar pattern, humming in contentment as he reciprocated in words no one else would see.


Heather and Severus didn't exactly broadcast their relationship, but she wasn't naïve enough to think no one knew about it. Her brother and friends aside, she was pretty sure that at least their colleagues were aware.

It wasn't like they were actively hiding anything. They were just being circumspect for the sake of propriety. They were schoolteachers, after all.

Though, if she had to sit through one more meal with countless gawking stares from the students scrutinising her every interaction with Severus, she'd likely go mad.

She wasn't really sure how the students had gotten wind of it, but sometimes children were more perceptive than anyone gave them credit for. And there was certainly no lack of nosiness in them.

She caught Rian's eyes as she glanced around the hall, ignoring his teasing smirk. Yeah, sure, laugh it up. He was probably glad that he wasn't the recipient of all those stares, for once. She was a little envious at how his status as the slayer of the Dark Lord overshadowed his mildly scandalous relationship with the new Transfiguration Professor. Though it probably had to do with the fact that they had already been in a confirmed (if discreet) relationship even before Cedric had become a teacher. Well, whatever.

Heather ignored the gazes and refilled Severus' glass after her own. Such an innocuous, polite action, she really didn't understand why a group of Hufflepuffs nearby squealed. None of them had reacted the same way when she'd done the same for Sinistra.

"Oh, leave the children be. They are simply curious," Minerva said.

Heather followed the Headmistress' gaze to find Severus scowling impatiently at his mash. She pressed her lips together, trying not to laugh. It wasn't so much the students that had him in such a mood as it was the mirthful glint in Minerva's eyes. And Rolanda's. And Poppy's. And Pomona's.

It suddenly occurred to her that Severus had been the baby of the staff for a long time, until Cedric apprenticed to Minerva.

She quickly occupied herself with her veggies to stifle the grin that wanted to break out. She didn't want Severus in more of a strop than he already was.

Severus' movements sped up and he finished his meal in quick, neat bites. Just as speedily, he left his seat and exited the Great Hall. A scattering of murmurs rose in the wake of his departure, a few students sending Heather sympathetic looks. Her amusement rose.

Looking at her colleagues, Heather clicked her tongue. "Now look what you've done. Did you have to tease him so much?"

"I have no idea what you're saying," Minerva sniffed.

"We're just very happy for you," Pomona explained. The sincerity in her voice was palpable.

"That boy needs to loosen up a little, anyway." Poppy waved her fork casually.

The other professors didn't say anything, but Heather could tell that none of them felt the slightest remorse.

Poor Severus. He could be surprisingly bashful at times.


"You needn't mind the children so much," Heather said, watching Severus's quill slash across the parchment, leaving trails of crimson. "They're just looking for entertainment. The hype will die down once they find some new amusement."

The man didn't respond, continuing his rampage against poor grammar and incoherent explanations. The stack of essays was draining at an alarming rate.

Sighing, Heather quietly mourned for the poor students who would receive the harsh criticism borne of Severus' frustration. Not that any of those would be incorrectly assigned, simply put across in a harsher manner than was usual.

Disregarding the cold atmosphere around the man, she walked around his desk and balanced herself on the arm of the chair he was sitting on. Not the most comfortable of positions, but better when she leaned more of her weight against Severus' side. She felt him tense, then soften against her touch, huffing out a breath when her hand came up to knead the back of his stiff neck. His sharp quill slowed in movement, no longer on the verge of slicing through the parchment.

"There now, Severus. No need to get so worked up," she cajoled, "You've never bothered about what others have thought of you before."

"This is different," Severus said coldly, his first words since she had found him in the office.

"How so? I'm sure you know just how uncomplimentary the rumours were about you previously." Heather had never liked hearing the insults about her favourite professor back then, even from Rian. And she liked the derogation of her lover even less now.

"Well, you weren't involved in these rumours back then, were you?" Severus snapped out, spine tensing up again.

Hearing the words, Heather let out a chuckle. So that's what had him so huffy. "Does that even matter?"

Abruptly, Heather felt a pull on her arm. She let out a startled yelp as she unbalanced. From one moment to the next, she found herself perched on Severus's lap instead, facing away from him. There was an uptick in the heartbeat as she felt the way his body cradled hers. Far from feeling like she was being caged, all she felt was warmth and safety.

"How could it not?" The words were whispered into her shoulder. His soft breathing tickled the nape of her neck and she had to fight down an instinctive shiver at the sensation.

"How could it not matter, when your association with me has pulled your reputation into the mud? Once a promising young witch, sister of the great Man-Who-Conquered, but because of me, reduced to a mere-" he cut himself off, as if unwilling to speak the words.

Heather leaned back to snuggle more closely into him, hands reaching to clutch his. "...Silly man." The hands around her waist tightened, but she continued, "First of all, those crude words are only a minority of what is going around. Most of the students aren't quite so critical. Second, so what if my reputation is dragged through the mud? So what if I'm condemned as a trollop of a witch who gads about with Deatheaters?" A low growl sounded out, the reverberations transmitting through her back. She turned her head and placed a placating kiss on his cheek.

"I've never bothered a whit about what others have said about me. The fact that I was sorted into Slytherin was already a mark against my name. Remember my first year, when the other Slytherins thought I was a lion in the snake nest, while the rest of the school thought I was a snake in lion's pelt? I couldn't please anyone. And I couldn't be bothered to anyway."

"You went off to parts unknown with the Weasley twins rather frequently."

Heather nodded, smiling in reminiscence. "We had a hideaway, as kids did. Still do, actually." Giggling, she added, "It's a secret though, so even you can't know where it is. Sorry."

"Hmph, I have no interest in your little juvenile escapades," Severus said loftily.

"If you say so," Heather agreed. "But what I'm saying is that you don't have to be angry on my account. Whatever people are saying about us can't affect us. We're happy, our friends and family approve." Except Sirius, anyway. "The best revenge is living well, don't you think?"

Severus remained defiantly silent for a few more seconds before huffing out an aggrieved breath. "Fine."

"And giving out more detentions is just giving us more work to do," she added.

Severus grumbled bitterly for a moment, before brushing a butterfly kiss on the back of her neck.


The Ministry would never be satisfied if they didn't make a spectacle of everything. Heather silently apologised to Kingsley, but even he couldn't curtail all the antics of his subordinates.

A memorial was a time for solemnity, reflection, reminiscence. Not a bloody masquerade ball. And held on Dumbledore's death anniversary, too. Those idiots had always had such bad taste.

Even though Heather had no love lost for Dumbledore, all the other aurors and innocent civilians who had lost their lives to Riddle's reign of terror deserved better than this travesty. Knowing the old man, though, he'd have been delighted by the event. Which was the whole point, she figured. She knew she was being uncharitable, but she didn't much care.

Severus hadn't been invited. He wouldn't have attended either way, but it was the principle of the matter.

Still, Heather had to attend. She almost wished she had a reasonable excuse to skip. Could she claim she'd killed someone of importance on their own orders as well?

She would never joke about this to Severus, of course. It was still a sore spot and likely always would be.

When she spotted familiar faces – or, well, masks – she made a beeline for them. All of them had decided to use masks of their animagus forms. One good thing about a masquerade – the masks. They had a legitimate reason to be unrecognisable. And the masks that Fred and George had made would do that job perfectly.

"Why hello there, little birdie, what do you say-"

"-to some company from a pair of dashing tods?"

With a smile, she accepted the arms they held out, ignoring the eyes following them.

"I suppose you two will do for now," she said loftily.

"For now, she says," George muttered.

"Can't beat her Prince, certainly," Fred added.

"Alas, second choice once again," they sighed.

She rolled her eyes. "You reynards are third place, thank-you-very-much. Another serpent is in second place."

They each clutched their chests in pain.

"You sure know where to hit-"

"-where it hurts, little harpy."

Ah, the resurgence of a nickname she hadn't missed. At all.

"Come on, I think I spotted a basilisk somewhere."

"Ditching us for number two already?" Fred asked.

"He has his own number one with him," Heather replied tartly.

There, she spotted her brother with a man in a badger mask. She smiled at the irony.

"Where are the others?" she asked after greeting the two.

"Ron dragged Hermione over to the buffet tables," Hadrian said. "And Ginny-"

"You called?" Ginny popped up over Hadrian's shoulder. She had a glass of sparkling cider in her hand.

"I think I'll go get a snack too," Heather said, "You guys want anything?"

They all declined.

"Bring the other two and find us when you're done," Fred said.

"We found a nice little corner to sit in," George said.

"Unless you'd rather schmooze with the other guests."

Heather made a face and her mask moved with her, making the same expression. It was a nifty piece of work. Fred and George were probably going to market it after today's promotional activity.

The tables were laden with fancy appetisers that looked better than they tasted. There wasn't a huge selection of dessert, so she just chose a few that seemed interesting. As expected, Ron was loading his plate with food, Hermione next to him.

She and Hermione managed to get Ron away from the food, heading towards the corner where she could sense Hadrian. They didn't use the trackers they had on each other anymore, unless it was an emergency. Still, Rian's magic was like a beacon to her, even in a room full of other people.

Unsurprisingly, the conversation topic they walked in on was Dumbledore. The Ministry had invited the old man's portrait for the event, even though he just sleeping – or pretending to – within his frame.

"-I don't know."

"What don't you know?" Hermione asked curiously.

"Remember the things Dumbledore left to us in his will?" Hadrian said. "My snitch?"

"Yeah, mine was some broken lamp or something," Ron said.

Hermione glared at her boyfriend. "Swallow before you speak." Then she nodded at Hadrian. "I got a book of wizarding fairytales. We suspected that was hinting about the Deathly Hallows, didn't we?"

Fred and George perked up. "Now that you mention it-"

"-was Mouldyshorts really looking for the Elder Wand-"

"-when he went to Dumblebee's grave?"

"Only one way to find out," Ginny said wickedly.

The three high-fived.

"That's our baby sister!"

"Are we really discussing our plans to rob the grave of the person whose memorial we are currently attending?" Heather said, amused. Not that she had much respect for the man.

"No, we are not," Hermione said sternly.

"Are all your conversations like this?" Cedric asked Hadrian quietly. Heather wanted to laugh. Poor lost Hufflepuff. He'd be corrupted eventually.

"I'm sure Dumbledore had something in mind when he gave you guys those things," Heather mused, "But it's not like we've ever followed his plans for us." She sneered dismissively.

"Why not just ask his portrait?" Cedric said.

The whole group blinked at him.

"What? It's right there. And now that everything's over, I don't think he would bother keeping secrets."

Heather didn't think so. The old man was as likely to keep mum just to be contrary.

"Well, it couldn't hurt to try," Hermione said sensibly.

Hadrian looked at everyone. No one else seemed interested. "I'll take a shot," he volunteered.

"Dumbledore has always favoured you," Ginny said.

Heather rolled her eyes so hard they almost popped out of their sockets. "Right." Or maybe it was his guilty conscience for, as Severus nicely put it, raising him like a pig for slaughter.

"We'll just stay here and keep Heather-"

"-from setting the portrait on fire."

Fred and George sat on either side of her and linked their arms so she couldn't stand up.

The others were left, used to it, but Cedric gave her a quick, perturbed glance before turning away. Heather's contempt for Dumbledore wasn't a secret, but this was the first time Cedric had seen it.

"I could as easily set it aflame from here, y'know," she said to Fred and George, but Cedric stiffened and walked faster when he overheard. Her shoulder shook in her attempt to restrain her giggles.

"Teasing Hufflepuffs now, Heather?"

"How dull. They're so easy."

She lifted her chin. "It's my prerogative as older sister."

"One day, Hadrian's going to retaliate."

The image in her mind made her laugh even more. "I'd like to see what he'd do to Severus."

Fred and George's expressions twisted when they remembered.

"Right, almost forgot for a moment."

"How are you two doing, anyway?"

Heather shrugged. "Good, now that Sirius is off on that world trip with Remus. We'll have a few months of peace now, at least."

Fred and George snickered, well aware of how poorly Sirius had reacted to the news that his beloved goddaughter was together with Snivellus.

She could still remember the fiasco that had been.

While the Weasleys and Remus had taken the news fairly well – some with more surprise than others – Sirius had, well, not. It wasn't like Heather hadn't seen it coming, but she'd hoped the man would have matured a little after everything that had happened.

Let's just say it was Heather's quick reactions that prevented a full-on brawl from occurring right there and then. Severus had had to leave the room before Sirius calmed down.

Even now, Sirius alternated between complete denial and utter condemnation of Heather and Severus' relationship.

Heather was fond of Sirius, really she was, but if she were to be perfectly honest, she didn't put much stock in his authority as a godfather. Putting aside the fact that he was much less mature than she was, he'd been in Azkaban during their formative years. By the time they'd met, she and Hadrian had long since grown out of needing a parental figure in their lives. He was more a goofy cousin than a godfather.

So no matter how much Sirius was against Severus, Heather didn't really care. She would try to mediate between them, of course, but if Sirius continued being difficult about this, well, she wouldn't be too hung up.

She, Fred and George chatted about some of their new inventions as they waited for the others. Before long, Hadrian returned with them in tow, a wrinkle in his brow. She shook her head, having expected this outcome.

"He was pretending to be asleep," Hadrian groused.

Hermione pursed in her lips. "We don't know he was pretending."

Rolling his eyes, Ron said, "Oh please, the man's dead, not deaf."

Fred and George cackled at that, while Ginny gave her brother a high-five. Heather didn't bother hiding her smile either.

"Well, it's not important anyway," Heather said, "Let the old coot keep his secrets. I refuse to waste my time being frustrated by his crypticism. I had enough of that when he was alive, thank you very much."

"I suppose you're right..." Rian said.

Something tickled at the back of her mind, and Heather flicked her eyes across the room. Her gazed collided with half-lidded twinkling blues for a moment, but when she blinked, all she saw was the regular sleeping portrait of Albus Dumbledore.

They had managed to get rid of Tom Riddle, without any needless sacrifice. The only thing Dumbledore had done for them was tell them about the horcruxes. Which he probably could have done something about in the decades he'd known about them.

She scoffed inwardly and turned away. That chapter of her life was done and dusted. Whatever Dumbledore's intentions had been, Heather wouldn't spare anymore thought on them. Now, the future was theirs.

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