COTE: Self-Preservation

Von megadonkeykong

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Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's second year is upon him. There were a few words left to him by someone he trusted. It w... Mehr

Y2V1: New Beginnings
Y2V1: The Difficult First-Years
Y2V1: The White Room Student's Task
Y2V1: Choices and Confrontations
Y2V1: Horikita's and Ayanokouji's Troubles
Y2V1: Tsukishiro's Machinations
Y2V1: Calm Before the Storm
Y2V1 Epilogue: Jekyll and Hide
Y2V2: Tsubasa Nanase's Soliloquoy
Y2V2: Dealing with Expulsions
Y2V2: The Discovery Process
Y2V2: Step-by-Step
Y2V2: Time Draws Near
Y2V2: Last-Minute Adjustments
Y2V2: Farewells
Y2V2 Epilogue: Wukong and Buddha
Y2V3: Ichika Amasawa's Soliloquoy
Y2V3: Tsukishiro's Departure
Y2V3: Begrudgingly Joining the Council
Y2V3: Stomping an Uprising
Y2V3: Creating Groups is a Chore
Y2V3: Competitions are Troublesome
Y2V3: The White Room Student
Y2V3: Almost Everything's Set
Y2V3 Epilogue: Sherlock and Moriarty
Y2V4: Takuya Yagami's Soliloquy
Y2V4: Beginning of the Island Exam
Y2V4: Day 1
Y2V4: The Trials of the Island
Y2V4: The Highs and Lows of the Island Exam
Y2V4: The Events of Day 5 and 6
Y2V4: Nanase's Troubled Heart
Y2V4: The End of the First Half
Y2V4: Face-Off
Y2V4: Judgement Day
Y2V4: Beginning of the End
Y2V4: The Island's Climax
Y2V4 Epilogue: David and Goliath
Y2V4.5: The Heat of Summer
Y2V4.5: The Aftermath
Y2V4.5: Fortune Telling
Y2V4.5: This Better Not Awaken Anything In Me
Y2V4.5: Treasure Hunts Are Dangerous
Y2V4.5: My Extremely Platonic Date With Hirata Yosuke
Y2V4.5: A Midnight Snack With Koenji
Y2V4.5: Nearer My God To Thee
Y2V4.5 Epilogue: Bonnie and Clyde
Y2V5: Nagumo Miyabi's Soliloquoy
Y2V5: I'll Make Those Class-A Idiots Look Like Kids

Y2V2: The Trial

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Von megadonkeykong

"Hello, everyone. I am Daisuke Oka. The man to my left is Ryo Kai, and the man to my right is Keigo Ito. We three will preside over this case. Once all the evidence is presented, all of us will head into another room and come to a unanimous decision."

Oka had a well-defined face, a military haircut, and jet-black hair. He had donned a stark white suit. Kai was possessing a regular black suit, his grey hair more curly. Ito was similar, but he had red hair like Sudo. All of them seemed to be in their mid-30s, as well.

Kai leaned forward, beginning to speak, "I understand that the student council president usually is the mediator and judge in these cases, but with the scale, the school has to step in from the very beginning."

Ito rested his elbow on the table, placing his chin in the palm of his hand, "The school has already heard a general debriefing of the case from Acting Director Tsukishiro. It is now up to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, the student, to disprove these claims. Please, begin."

I see, it really is like a jury, huh?

Standing up, I glanced at Tsukishiro who was just waiting intently, his eyes filled with nothing but serenity.

"Firstly, I would like to look at motive, means, and opportunity," I began, "I contend that Tsukishiro desired to expel me."

Chabashira looked at me with a glance as if to say 'that's a little blunt'.

But I continued anyway.

"As for the means he employed, he used his influence and standing as the Acting Director to his advantage. As for opportunity, this exam is perfect to do so, and additionally, it's near his last exam."

Tsukishiro let out a small grin, "Motive, you say? Is there evidence of such claims?"

The three at the head of the table looked at me, waiting for a response.

"Yes, you possessed a desire to expel me, as for evidence I had a testiomy prepared," I said, looking over at a girl that possessed a delighted smile, "Sakayanagi."

Tsukishiro's eyes shifted from me to Sakayanagi. 

The lilac-haired girl stood up slowly, glancing at Tsukishiro coldly, then her eyes shifting to the three judges.

"Thank you, Ayanokouji."

An eerie smile creeped onto her face as she began to speak, "The end-of-year exam from last year was unfairly manipulated by the Acting Director. The chess event which was being done by the two commanders, myself and Ayanokouji, had a move altered."

I'd imagine if Horikita was here, she'd ask for an explanation right here and now.

But rather, no person here seemed too phased. The exception being Yagami, whose eyes widened in surprise. He didn't know about this matter, after all.

"Near the tail end of the game, a move which was sent by Ayanokouji got altered. Usually, the time difference between entering the move and the move being sent was around ten seconds, however, in this case, it took nearly 30 seconds. Additionally, Tsukishiro himself confessed this to us after the game ended."

"Do you have evidence for that claim, Sakayanagi?" Tsukishiro asked.

Sakayanagi calmly replied, "I do not have evidence for him confessing to us about his involvement. However, there is evidence that the move took longer than expected."

Oka nodded, "Can I be presented the evidence, please?"

Sakayanagi looked over at my expectantly. I nodded, taking out my phone. I walked over to the three men, handing over my device.

I, admittedly, am not good at editing, even if it's as simple as merely cutting something out. But Kei needed the practice, so she took a shot at it.

And then when she had failed, I sent it over to Sotomura...

Beginning a few moves before the 'altered' move, the three eagerly watched the footage.

Move after move was played on the screen.

Then it arrived.

"I see," Ito muttered.

He sighed, handing my phone back to me and I returned to my seat.

"The claims that it took longer than expected is indeed valid. It's not enough to confirm that it's indeed an alteration. But it is possible," Kai began.


Propensity is the inclination or tendency to do certain behaviour. It involves establishing a pattern of behaviour that suggests consistent and repeated behaviour.

It was possible to move on without this testimony. However, without it, it'd be difficult to build my case. 

In this case, it's that Tsukishiro may have the nature to use his position unfairly.

"I see, is that the case?" Tsukishiro asked calmly.

"Yes. Ayanokouji, is that the only example of a move that doesn't work as it should?" Ito asked me.

I nodded.

The man in the white suit put a finger to his chin, "I see. The witness testimony comes from an enemy class of yours, and considering the scale, the class would lose class points and she loses her protection point. It's not as if there's a motive to lie here. The actual footage is indeed off. Not enough to confirm that it was altered, but it's not dismissible. We will let you know whether the exam needs to be altered later when the trial is over."

There it is.

"How wonderful for these students if that's the case," Tsukishiro said with a slight smile.

Sakayanagi giggled, letting a sharp glance fall on Tsukishiro.

"I see. I presume that will be all from me, Ayanokouji?" Sakayanagi asked.

I nodded. With this piece of evidence out of the way, she's got no more reason to be here.

Sakayanagi gradually stood up, letting a soft smile creep onto her face ,"Thank you then. Goodbye, Tsukishiro."

I watched on as Sakayanagi walked out of the room, her eyes filled with unsatisfaction.

But I can't focus on that for too long, that was just one of the building blocks. That was just the first step.

I stood up once again, "Next, I'd like to continue to establish the motive of the Acting Director," I began as I pulled out the document, sliding it over to the three men.

"Tsukishiro created a type of special exam where he had sent 8 students out to expel me. One of those students is present in this room. Yagami Takuya."

Yagami moved up from his seat, stretching a little and letting out a small yawn. 

"My apologies, just a little tired."

Polite as ever.

He glanced at the three men, his eyes conveying nothing at all.

"It was the first day of school, pretty much right after it ended. I was called into the office of the principal, and 7 others were present, those being the other students on that list. In that room, Tsukishiro had informed us that we'd receive 20 million points if we were to expel Ayanokouji-senpai" Yagami began.

Slowly, a small smile crept onto his face, "He also told us we could use any means necessary. He said to do whatever you want if you don't get caught. Also, he told us that it'd be best if it was done by the end of the special exam."

"I see. This is certainly an unorthodox exam, but we were told by Tsukishiro that it's a special type of exam the school would be exploring and this was a test run. Do you have evidence of him saying such things he told you?" Oka replied.

Yagami softly shook his head, "I do not, unfortunately."

"I see."

It would have been nice if they believed such a thing without evidence, but I didn't have high hopes.

The testimony doesn't need it, though.

"We had all operated with the belief that Ayanokouji-senpai gave his consent to this mock exam," Yagami added.

The red-haired man glanced at me with an arched brow, "Is that really true?"

"Yes, I gave no consent to the exam. I didn't know about it until recently, in fact," I confessed.

Yagami let out an interesting smile. Like he was finding it amusing.

"And Ayanokouji-senpai would never use this evidence if there was consent given."

Tsukishiro grinned, "Can't it just be said that he didn't like how it turned out and is now saying that there was nothing?"

Yagami looked at him like he didn't get what Tsukishiro just said, "Sure, why not also say that you were meant to give me a billion points, but you backed out? Oh, wait, that's right, I don't have any proof."

It was a little disrespectful, and certainly not what I would have normally expected from Yagami, but maybe he's one of those people who lose their filter while on the spot?

Oka looked over at Tsukishiro sharply, "You seem to have run an interesting ship. Do you have proof of consent or did you do this without the proper papers?"

Tsukishiro clasped his hands together, "I knew this would come up," he sighed. 

That was an interesting turn. He was so confident before, was he just trying to get a reaction?

"I was the person who suggested the exam, yes. However, I did not come up with the logistics entirely. I was told that I didn't need formal consent. I have proof of it through voice recording. Such matters are to go through the quality assurance team."

Taking out his laptop, Tsukishiro played a recording. It was from the head of the quality assurance team sincerely apologising for his mistake, saying that he would be resigning immediately. 

The recording stated that Tsukishiro asked about the consent policies, but the head told him it would be fine without the written policy.

A man that reached the head of a team like this made such a mistake, huh? I suppose I don't know much about this person. They could have gotten the job through simple connections rather than actual skill, it would make sense in that case.

"I see. I suppose you were simply doing as you were told," Oka muttered, his eyes softening slightly, "However, the matter still holds that this mock exam is hereby null and void. The proper policies were not done correctly."

I let out a small sigh of relief. Thankfully, there would be fewer targets on my back if I did end up winning.

"There is a fundamental issue here, no?" a dignified voice said.

I looked over at Tsukishiro who possessed a cold gleam in his eye.

"I understand what you're doing, Ayanokouji, but as of now, you haven't actually defended against any accusations of cheating."

Is he trying to rush me in hope I make a mistake?

Kai nodded, his piercing green eyes meeting him, "Ayanokouji, please speed up a little."

"I will," I told them.

While pulling out my phone, I continued.

"As for the exam itself, it supposedly began with the staff worker's note. However, there are no cameras that would confirm that I was the man who placed the note. Secondly, there is also no clear timeframe for the placing of this note. To say it was me can't be guaranteed."

Tsukishiro rested his cheek in the palm of his hand, "Is it substantiated?"

I nodded.

"Yes, here is a recording of the interview, the worker worked mornings meaning only time I could've done it was the night, and obviously, no CCTV footage of me doing such a thing exists."

Playing the audio, it relayed the interview, if you can even call it that.

It was a rather short exchange in hindsight. Most of the contents were rock solid and unable to be bulldozed through.

But the fact that it happened late at night, and no cameras were functional at that point in time, is different.

"I see, that's certainly interesting. However, it's simply the case that it is your father who was contacted through the note, isn't it? That seems like a fairly logical conclusion to reach, no?" Tsukishiro countered.

Of course, that's a rational thought to have. Though there was nobody placed on the cameras, it's an undeniable fact that he was contacted.

Yagami added, "And there's no way to prove it was Ayanokouji-senpai who put that note there."

"Then if it wasn't he who placed the note, who could it have been?" Tsukishiro asked with a small hint of bravado in his voice.

"I believe it was someone who was aligned with you," I replied casually.

I sighed.

"Of course, that's a baseless accusation, nobody knows who exactly planted the note. It could've been anyone, the only thing that connects it to me is the fact that my father was involved."

Tsukishiro chuckled, leaning forward slightly.

"There is also that email chain. Of course, it's been deleted from your phone now, but it is present. Secondly, there is proof of a man sliding the special exam answers under your dorm room door when you weren't present, them being found in the dorm on Friday morning. The only person to have entered the dorm after that was you. Furthermore, the jump in scores is quite extraordinary, it's hard to believe."

Tsukishiro had a barrage of attacks present.

And I was powerless to do anything against them. Truly, it was the case that these things were all rather concrete pieces of evidence against me.

That man was contacted. The money was transferred. The answers were found in my room.

These are simple facts. These facts are what reside inside the circle known as 'the truth'.

So I need to just break through once, and it'll all fall apart.

"Weren't you responsible for those things?"

Tsukishiro let out a small smile, his eyes gleaming with curiosity. Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on the table, and spoke softly.

"I see. That's an interesting accusation."

Oka looked at me sharply, "Is there evidence for that claim, Ayanokouji?"

"Yes, I do. I need Chabashira Sae to testify for it to begin with," I replied.

Chabashira stood up, all eyes were on her. A drip of sweat ran down her cheek as she took a deep breath.

"The examiners who were externally selected were not done so through the proper means."

That's the key piece of information here.

Kai arched a brow, "Is that so? Typically, these types of people are employed through the human resources department."

Chabashira nodded, "That's not the case, however."

Tsukishiro looked at Chabashira with a calm expression, almost as if he was eager to see how this would play out.

"The department was told they were not to be consulted in this case. Additionally, it was Tsukishiro who reached out, as one of the examiners admitted," Chabashira logically spoke.

Oka sighed, looking at Tsukishiro with a skeptical expression, "Continue. I'll see the proof of the examiner in a moment."

"All 5 examiners did have valid credentials, yes, but if the department that was in charge of hiring was left aside, and the Acting Director was in charge, isn't that odd? He had personally reached out to every school."

Chabashira looked at Tsukishiro sharply.

"In my eyes, and any rational person's eyes, there are far too many oddities with this."

Oka stared at her in silence, but then he let out a deep sigh, "What an interesting school... Please, show me the evidence for this."

He looked awfully tired of dealing with this case already. And in all honesty, so was I.

I simply wanted to go home and unwind.

"Of course," Chabashira said as she walked over to him.

Back on the first day of this case, I had sent an email. A few days later, I had made a call with an examiner, and they had told me a simple fact.

Tsukishiro reached out to the several schools. He had come in personally, choosing a teacher to hire for examining.

And according to Chabashira, this went against all regular norms of hiring external staff. So yesterday night, I gave her this information about the call, and she had prepared this testimony for me.

Yagami glanced at me with a subtle smile, "How do you think we're going, Ayanokouji-senpai?"

I sighed, putting a finger to my chin.

"I think that-"

As I was about to give my thoughts, one of them cut me off.

"Is that it?" Ito asked me.

Tsukishiro interjected, however, "This is a new system we employed and also a system that did not even come from me. The external markers system's logistics was designed by one of the board members. He had personally requested me to do such a thing."

Getting a member of the board in on it, eh? 

Tsukishiro slid out a document, "He found it a little silly when signing it, but I trust that you all see the same things I do."

If it was a court, and that was an affidavit, things would be different. Willingly perjuring yourself is a tough thing to do, so maybe it wouldn't exist. But that was just a basic admission with a signature on it. 

It wasn't legally binding, but it had power.

There's not a single way for me to argue it. I can't say 'You made him say that' because I don't have proof. It's up to me to prove such a thing happened.

I'd say it was a 50/50 chance of victory right now.

"There's still a witness here, correct?" I said, looking over at Tsukishiro.

Tsukishiro spoke nonchalantly, "Ah, you mean Yoko. Yes, she's here in the building waiting. Would you like me to call her in now? I was wondering when you'd ask."

I nodded.

And in a few minutes, the middle-aged woman with a now combed bob-cut arrived. She was wearing formal clothes now, and as was positioned at the opposite end of the table.

"Ayanokouji, do you want to question her now?" Tsukishiro asked, as if he was chuckling on the inside.

I looked at the 3 men at the head of the table, who all looked like I could continue. I stood up, looking at Yoko who seemed calm and ready for questioning.

"Yoko, I understand that you no longer work here? Is that correct?"

The woman nodded.

"Well, why is that? Guilt?"

Once again, she nodded.

I looked across at the other people in the room, "I suppose that makes sense. You felt guilty for interfering in something that wasn't your business. Yoko, are you usually a person who does such things? Or are you someone who stays in their own lane?"

"I'd say I'm a person who likes to be in my own lane," she said candidly.

My eyes met hers, and it was like a storm of worry was flaring within them, "However, due to certain conditions, you acted outside how you normally would. But I do have to ask, if you were able to do that, just how reliable are you?"

The storm shook, "I'm sorry?"

I began to walk closer to her, and sat on the table, my hands in my lap as I stared at her.

"From your own testimony, you said you needed money. It was due to some extenuating circumstances, and so you did something you don't normally do. But the fact is, isn't that a simple lie?"

Tsukishiro spoke up this time, "Ayanokouji, stop antagonising this woman. Do you have anything to prove it?"

I nodded, reaching into my blazer pocket and taking out a file, "This right here is a file that says that Yoko had already given her 2 weeks notice to her employer when the exam had begun. I do believe she said it was due to guilt that she resigned, the timeline doesn't add up."

I handed the file over to Tsukishiro, who then handed it to the 3 men.

"Now, it's been only around 2 minutes but the witness has inconsistencies in her testimony already. So, like I said, how reliable is this?"

Yoko snapped at me, "I was already planning to resign, but that incident just further cemented it!"

Flimsy, and everyone in here would know it.

"That's all I wanted to say," I told them, sitting back down.

Tsukishiro chuckled, looking at Yoko with a reassuring smile, "Everyone, I think we can just tone things down. I'm sure Yoko just got flustered due to the badgering. You see, while it is true that the resignation was before the incident occured, it isn't without basis."

Tsukishiro reached into his leather bag and took out a document of his own.

"This right here is several complaints by Yoko and other employees about the working conditions. Now, I'm sure you 3 men have all had your fair share of difficult retail jobs, no?" Tsukishiro asked them kindly.

Sliding the form to them, he continued with an amused gleam in his eye, "Coincidences happen all the time. Now, is it so hard to believe that Yoko is someone who simply got tired of the working conditions? The bad smell, the faulty lock, the broken cabinets, the dirty floors, heh, even I want to quit that job and I don't even work there."

Standing up, he pointed towards me, a confident smile on his face.

"Or do you all really believe Ayanokouji's theory here? She was a co-conspirator to get someone expelled she had never known? How can you honestly say you know her character well enough? Is it more likely that she's a bad person, or just someone who got flustered due to the sudden line of questioning?"

"I never said she was a bad person, just someone who may not be that reliable," I corrected.

Tsukishiro nodded, "Ah, yes, and that was due to the letter of resignation. But that doesn't matter. There was cause for it, therefore, I think we should consider the letter inadmissible."

The three men at the head of the table looked at me with expecting eyes, but I didn't have anything else. Tsukishiro was prepared for me. 

"I don't believe there's reasonable doubt here, Ayanokouji," Oka said, "Just some human error. Miss, you're free to leave."

Yoko nodded, giving me a sharp stare as she walked out of the room. 

Unfortunately, this isn't a court room. No one in here is sworn under oath, and there is no threat of perjury. Asking Yoko point blank 'Did Tsukishiro put you up to this' is a pointless move. And he knows that, so he was able to employ such a strategy.

"Now, is that finally all?" Ito asked me once again.

But I needed one more thing. 

The school, at its core, has a reputation to uphold. I can't just hope on the fact that I would get a fair trial and that reasonable doubt would be employed.

"I do have one more thing, actually."

To tip the scales, I pulled out one final document.

"This is a document that details the fact that Tsubaki Sakurako would have gained 250,000 points for taking me inside the shop where the note was found."

Tsubaki didn't testify for me, nor did she show me her point history, but it was the refusal to do so which tipped me off.

While the mantra of 'if you don't have anything to hide, then prove it' isn't always a good thing to uphold, there are times when the person just simply has something to hide.

If she did receive a point intake from the school, there would have needed to be something in place for that. 250,000 for nothing at all randomly being added to her point balance is far too odd.

So, naturally, a contract much like the one for my bounty was needed.

I didn't know for sure, yes, but what else could I have done?

The three dispatched employees eyed the document closely, all of them shooting speculative glances at Tsukishiro, who just let it roll off of him.

"Anything else in terms of evidence, Ayanokouji?" Tsukishiro asked me casually.

"Not at all."

Oka began to speak, "Are there any final closing remarks here you wish to give?" 

Tsukishiro passed the floor over to me.

I suppose this was like a conclusion in an essay. You would restate your main point, and your key line of arguments. 

Standing up, I glanced across the room.

"Everything I just showed proves that everything against me is, at best, flimsy. At worst it's just false," I began, "The questionable examiner selection, the note which does not place me at the scene of the crime, even though it appears to be connected to me. Furthermore, there is also the contract which was filled out irresponsibly, then there is also the chess game which even an enemy of mine is saying is unfair. And most of all, a contract that would be essential to place me where the note was kept."

My eyes met Tsukishiro's, who simply stared back at me with a smile that you'd see almost anywhere.

"There's more than reasonable doubt here, that should be obvious."

The caller had once asked me what concept I plan on using to win this case. Back then, I didn't answer him, merely brushing it off.

"That was a nice speech, Atticus Finch," Tsukishiro said, standing up and doing up the first button of his coat, "Even I was almost willing to let you go," he chuckled, placing his hands in his pockets.

The man was finding amusement in all of this. It was like it didn't matter as long as I was stressed.

"But, point is, too many things here incriminate you. And, frankly, you barely touched the big ones. Firstly, you didn't touch upon the fact that the test answers were in your room. And your attempts to weaken my witness by saying the timeline didn't add up proved to be futile. What's more, one of your testimonies was from your teacher and the other was from a student your class partnered with for the special exam in April."

Tsukishiro spread his arms.

"When you 3 are in the room debating over this case, I'd like you to remember one thing. It was Ayanokouji's father who paid the money. What else do you need?"

Tsukishiro sat down, resting his elbow on the head of his char and looking at me with a confident smile.

The three dispatchers promptly stood up, moving to a separate room to discuss the case.

"Bringing up the contract with Tsubaki, hmm? That's certainly something that I didn't expect. She didn't seem like the type to give such information freely," Tsukishiro said.

"She didn't, I figured it out myself."

He chuckled, "Impressive."

"Out of curiosity, what was the chances of him getting a kind of impromptu settlement?" Yagami asked.

Tsukishiro shrugged, "What was the need for that to happen?"

"It's because when you're at trial like this, there's not a lot you can control. Especially not when you're up against another guy who's trying his hardest to survive."

Tsukishiro looked amused. He interlaced his fingers together and met Yagami in the eye.

"I've seen lots of settlements happen, and you're not wrong. Law's about control. But, thing is, this isn't the law. And the reason people take settlements is because they've either lost or are afraid to lose."

In his tone was something so unique I hadn't heard it before. He wasn't arrogant, but it wasn't something I'd call confidence either. No... It was something alien. As if just listening to him made you want to believe in his words.

"I'd never take a settlement because I know for a fact that I'm not losing this situation, so there's your answer."

Then his eyes shifted over to me.

"You did a pretty good job, but not a great one. You were worrying about the case too much," Tsukishiro said.

"Isn't that the entire point?"

"No, you worried about the facts too much rather than the way you presented yourself. You tried to get the details out of Yoko as clinically as you could, and it was far too simple for me to turn it into you badgering her."

It's like he was a coach giving me pointers.

"You don't understand that you need to play the opponent as well as the case. If you did that, then I'd probably concede without even coming to trial."

In other words, attack Tsukishiro the way he had attacked me. Not by going after the case, but by going after the man. It's an angle that crossed my mind, but when it came to a success rate, the way I had done it was the most optimal.

That was the last thing he had said, rather deciding to pack up all his materials while we waited.

I did the same, and then, we just waited in silence for them to make it back.

Maybe... Maybe this was all for naught. But I did the best I could, right?

I couldn't go against lots of the evidence against me, unfortunately. 

So it all comes down to one thing.

What matters more, the process or the results?

* * *

10 minutes later, the 3 men all walked back in.

Oka, in his stark white suit, began to speak.

"Lady Justice wears a blindfold to represent that the things are supposed to be impartial. Nevertheless, the deliberation system is flawed by most means. Many people forget about the term 'reasonable doubt', they'll most likely cave to pressure at one point rather than think for themself."

He glanced at Tsukishiro, then me. 

"In this case, originally, it was clear cut that the student cheated. The exam answers were found in the dorm room, for god's sake. However, there's been a change now that I have reviewed this case... There are certain irregularities."

A small smile tugged at his lips, "The fact is, there's reasonable doubt here."

I let out a deep sigh.

"I consider the expulsion rescinded. That will be all. As for the contract, the school will soon consider it null and void. The final exam from the first year will be considered null and void for class A and class D. Class points will be added or reduced, and the protection point will be removed," Seishiro concluded.

Chabashira looked ecstatic, more than I had ever seen her.

Tsukishiro nodded, standing up and approaching the exit of the room, giving me a final glance as he did so.

It was eerie.

Almost as if to say 'Well done'.

"What happens with the Acting Director now?" Yagami asked Oka.

The man just kept packing away his materials without even looking at Yagami. 

"Him? Hmm, it doesn't really matter, his stay was going to be over soon anyway. At most, he'll be let go 2 weeks early."

I see. I suppose that the caller made things difficult.

No... It's possible that Tsukishiro would've acted in any event if I hadn't been expelled during the special exam. It's as simple as making a complaint.

Standing up, I glanced at those 3 for a moment, but they didn't seem to care much.

"The school will recieve the report in one week, goodbye then."

My life at this school doesn't seem to matter much to these three, I suppose. 

If the evidence went the other way, I'd be expelled. I suppose the school did good in that regard.

But for now... I can rest a little easy.


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