I'm Not Who You Think

By b_writing1d

437K 6.9K 1.3K

*THE STORY IS NOT LIKE DARK* Harry Styles. What do you think of when you hear that name? Sweet? Generous? Hot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Over 7 years later...please read!

Chapter 23

6.9K 91 15
By b_writing1d

Kate's POV:

After we finished eating, I set our plates in the sink. Butterflies were attacking my stomach. How could I have not argued with him? Why did I say yes? Why did I just not even say no? A simple no could've made him say "Let's wait till your ready then." but, I said fine. Fine? Even I was shocked at my words. I slowly walked back to the bedroom and sat on the bed. Harry walked in right behind me also. He came and sat next to me.

"Why are we sitting?" He said with a smile.

"I-I don't know if I'm ready.." I stuttered.

"I've already seen your whole body Kate." He said convincing.

"Not all at once!" I yelled.

"Kate, come on. You know we would eventually."

"But it's a shower, together.." I said looking down at my lap. His hand came and cupped my chin having me look at him.

"Why are you so worried?" He asked softly.

"There's nothing here to be proud of.." I said ashamed. His lips came and pressed into mine.

"There's everything to be proud of." He mumbled against my lips.

"No, there isn't. I know what people have said about me. It's nothing to be happy about, it's nothing to be proud of. I'm not happy with my bo--" I began saying quickly, but he cut me off by smashing his lips into mine to shut me up.

"Kate, listen to me. Your perfect. Maybe other people don't think so, but either way, your perfect to me and that's all that matters." He said smiling. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Now come on and do this easily or I'll do it for you." He said challenging.

"Is everything a challenge to you?" I giggled.

"Basically." He replied with a snicker.

"I'll win sooner or later." I said standing up. He stood up and flung me over his shoulder before I even had time to blink.

"Maybe you were going to listen, but I wanna have fun." He said evilly taking me back to the bathroom. I kicked, squirmed, and pounded my fists into his back. Nothing helped. As he walked, he began pulling down my shorts with his free hand.

"Harry!" I yelled pulling them up with a struggle.

What was he gonna do to me? How could his attitude change from sweet to, whatever this is?

He walked us into the bathroom and shut the door. I heard a click and he set me down. I looked over at the door knob, it was locked. He stood above me, smirking evilly. I stepped back, my lower back pressing into the sink. He pushed his body into mine, no hope of me escaping. He grabbed the bottom of the over shirt I was wearing and attempted to pull it over my head, but I stopped it. Was he going to undress me? What?

"Your under my control now." He smirked and quickly lifted the shirt over my head. His words gave me chills. "Your under my control now." replayed in my mind. He threw the shirt to the floor. He lifted me up and sat me on the sink. His hands wondered to the waist line of my shorts and began to pull them down. My hands came to his shoulders and attempted to push him away, he didnt budge. How was there so much power and strength in his body? I had my legs squirm. Both of his hands grabbed my thighs and violently pushed them down.

"Stop." He demanded looking me in the eye. Holy shit. Was he pissed off? I mean, his eyes were the normal color like usual, his jaw and fists weren't tightened.. So what was happening? Him pressing down on my thighs hurt slightly, so I thought I would tell him so he wouldn't hold guilt over his head like he would.

"Harry, i-it's hurting." I stuttered to say, his pressure becoming more intense. He then let go. I stared down at my thighs, red marks left where he pushed.

"Sorry." He said and then continued to pull my shorts down. Was he serious? Did he just apologize and then continue on? I wasn't gonna argue though. I don't know what happened, but he was in one of his moods, and it was a scary moment at the time. After me just thinking, I felt my shorts finally come down to my ankles. Oh god. All I had left on was the tank top, my lace underwear I was forced upon to wear, and my grey ankle socks. He smirked and then lightly pressed his hands on my thighs again. He leaned closer to me and came to my ear.

"You're mine." He whispered and lightly played with my earlobe with his teeth. He then leaned up, smirking. He grabbed me and lifted me up. He held me to where I was supposed to wrap my legs around his waist, and I did. He pressed my back into the wall. His hands came under my legs giving more support. He began to kiss me, and at the time, I was worried so I didn't kiss back. He pulled away from kissing me and looked at me confused.

"Why aren't you kissing back?" He asked angry.

"Your scaring me Harry." I said putting my hands on his shoulders. The mad look on his face faded. What happened?

"S-sorry." He stuttered to say. He still had me pressed against the wall though, and in his control. He began to kiss me again, I was still a little scared, but I kissed back trying to avoid him getting mad again. He then had my body supported up with only one of his arms as we continued to kiss. How could he do that? I felt his hand come to the bottom of my tank top, and he struggled to lift it over my head considering he only had one free hand. But he did lift it over my head revealing my bare breasts, again. I leaned forward and pressed them into his chest. I didn't want them to be exposed, but of course that didnt bother Harry. He set me to my feet and stared down. I covered my breasts with my arm, but he snatched it away. He leaned down slightly.

"Cooperate with me." He mumbled and leaned up again. He told me to take off my socks, and I just listened. His hand came to my right breast and cupped it. He gave it a light squeeze causing my back to arch against the cold wall he still had me pinned to, except I was standing. He leaned down and began kissing me, still cupping my breast. His other hand came to my left breast and did the same thing. I had never felt so exposed before.

"You're beautiful." He mumbled while kissing me. All I had one we the lace underwear which I knew he would get to soon. He then leaned up and let go of my breasts. I was correct, he quickly slid the underwear down to my ankles. Completely naked, he observed my body. I had nothing else to cover it up with. His eyes scanned up and down, making me feel ashamed. I hung my head low. How could I have let the happen? His hand came to my chin like he did before.

"Kate, it's alright." He said softly applying his lips to mine. Sweet Harry was back, but I knew the decision of getting my own shower was off the list. All that was left was Harry's boxers, and then we'd both be naked. I wasn't sure if I was ready to see Harry's.. You know... But once again, no option.

"I have a habit of getting naked." He smirked and then slid his boxers down. My eyes widened. I then stared up at his face trying not to focus on his length. He smirked. "It's just a habit." He said kissing my forehead. How was he so casual about it?

He then wrapped his arms around my lower back lifting my feet off the ground. He set me right infront of the bathtub. He leaned down and started to adjust the water. I shut my eyes so there was nothing to look at but complete darkness. I then felt his strong arm grab my body causing me to gasp and open my eyes. I felt warm water hit my body. He set me in the shower and climbed in right after me. The water hit our bodies, and I had no clue what to look at, so I chose his face. His face plastered on a light smile, barely showing his teeth.

"Loosen up babe." He said loudly over the water. He was right, I stood as stiff as a board. More that I was nervous and embarrassed. I stayed stiff though. His lips came and brushed against mine.

"It's alright." He whispered in my ear. That gave me more hope, I knew my sweet Harry that I loved was fully back. I then loosened up. Maybe I could trust him not to judge. I smiled lightly, but then his hands came to my shoulders and pressed my back to the freezing cold shower wall. I stared up at him and observed the water rolling down his body, but I didn't dare look beyond his waist, not until I felt something brush against my leg. I quickly looked down, and then back up.

"See what you do to me?" He smirked. Oh god, I did that? I'm the fault for his "turn on"? This was more of a awkward moment for me. Dan (ex boyfriend) only kissed me or beat me. Nothing beyond that.

He began to lean down and kiss my chest, his tongue pressed against the top of my left breast giving me chills. The warm and steamy water continued to run down our bodies. I felt his length brush again my entrance. I stumbled. No, I'm certainly not ready for sex. Especially not protected. He leaned up and smirked.

"Trust me, when I do something to you, you'll know it." He said smiling evilly, sweet Harry left again. I didn't have a name for this Harry. Uhm, demanding Harry I guess. I don't know. He kissed me on the lips for a couple more minutes, and that calmed me, so I kissed back. After a little while though, he did grab me and put me right under the shower head. The water sprinkled on my body, loosening up my tense muscles. He grabbed the bottle of shampoo and began applying it in my hair. Was he seriously going to wash me? No words were spoken as he continued. I didn't know what to say, and if I would have tried to stop him, he would have took it as a challenge or game. He pushed me back slightly so that the water wouldn't hit my head while he was trying to put the shampoo in. I tightened my eyes shut. But, maybe this wasn't so bad. He wasn't hurting me, it was just a little uncomfortable. I've never exposed my naked body to anyone I've ever dated before. Harry didnt seem to mind him being naked though, why did he like it? Was it just to "impress" me? Or because it's really just a bad habit of his? I felt his hands grab my shoulders and pull me to the shower head. I opened my eyes to see he already set the shampoo down and was trying to wash the shampoo out of my hair. I grabbed his wrists in both of my hands.

"It's alright, I got it." I said faking a smile. He sighed and stepped back. My eyes wondered. Why was I staring down at his length? He noticed to.

"Like the view?" He asked with a laugh. I felt my cheeks go hot and looked up at his evil smile. Why did it always look so evil if any part of my body was exposed? "It's all yours." He whispered in my ear and grabbed the shampoo. My cheeks stayed hot as I continued to wash my hair, this time with my eyes closed. After I finished washing it, I opened my eyes to see Harry was putting shampoo in his hair, but staring at my body as he did so. I hated that.

"Quit staring Styles." I teased. He lightly laughed and walked to be almost right under the shower head. He leaned his head in and began washing the shampoo out. I wanted to play a little, so I smacked his bum hard causing him to lean up quickly having water go everywhere. He smiled at me.

"Trying to punish me?" He asked smirking. "I like that." He whispered in my ear and continued to wash his hair again. My whole body shook. "I like that." replayed in my head. I couldn't get it out. I grabbed the conditioner as he finished up washing his hair and put some in my hair. He snatched the bottle out of my hand playfully and put some in his hair also. I quickly washed it out, not worrying about letting it sit. I didn't care, I just didnt want my body to be exposed anymore, so I tried to finish quickly. After he washed his conditioner out, I reached around to turn the fossit off, but he grabbed my wrist.

"It's time to wash our bodies." He smirked. That's exactly what I wanted to avoid.

"I-I'd rather not." I said shocked.

"Oh well, it's okay. I know what I'm doing." He said having his smile fade. No, I didn't want him to wash me. I'm not two, but he wasn't going to give me a choice and I didn't want a punishment. Knowing him, the punishment would be sex or something. He let go of my wrist and turned around. He grabbed a bottle of body wash and had a washcloth. I felt like butterflies were having a war in my stomach. This was Harry's way of touching my body. He wet the wash cloth and squeezed some soap onto it. He set the bottle down and made the washcloth soapy. He stepped forward to me, but with every stepped he took forward, I stepped back. That was until my back pressed into the shower wall. He held onto the wash cloth and began rubbing it on my neck. Okay, this is alright I guess. He then trailed down to my breasts. He rubbed the washcloth around there a lot till I moved forward, but he just pressed my body back again. He rubbed the cloth against my stomach, and then down to my legs. He had to get down for that one. The cloth began rubbing right in between the top of my legs, I squirmed with every touch.

"Stop it." He demanded and continued. I did as I was told, even though I felt uncomfortable. He came up to my crotch with the wash cloth. Goosebumps came up my arms. He wrapped some of the wash cloth around his finger and entered into my entrance making my body melt. My knees became weak as he moved all around. It didnt last for long. He took his finger out and leaned up.

"Go ahead and rinse off." He said smiling like normal.

"O-okay." I stuttered stepping forward. I started to actually enjoy what he was doing, until he stopped. I rinsed off and then he shut the shower off.

"I won't wash you?" I asked curiously, but happy I didn't have to cause he was washing his under arms and legs hisself..

"That'll be your job.. Soon." He replied grinning. My eyes widened. He lightly laughed and turned the fossit off. He climbed out of the shower. He came back with a towel around his waist, and holding two towels for me. I wrapped the one at the top of my chest, and put my hair up in the other one. I began to shake considering I was freezing cold. He then led me back to the bedroom. I observed the water marks on his back, becoming interesting to me. He shut the bedroom door behind us.


We finished getting ready, and of course he watched me while I was. He also picked my outfit out for me. Dark skinny jeans, black bra, black laced underwear, and a light pink crop top. I wanted to wear a tank top under the crop top, but he didnt let me of course. The crop top covered up until my belly button, and then it was cut low, so my clevidge showed. I slipped on a pair of light pink Vans I brought. Harry wore a white golfing shirt, and dark skinny jeans like me. He put on his dark shoes. I brushed my damp hair and pulled it up in a high pony tail, meanwhile Harry just combed threw his and let it stay naturally. I never told Harry before, but I always found him overly attractive. He probably already knew, but I was gonna wait to tell him that.

He grabbed his golf case thing, I guess. It contained lots of the golf sticks and golf balls. We eventually left and ran out to his car considering it was early daylight, we didnt want fans to see Harry. He set the golf stuff in the back seat and we drove off.

"Do you usually have to run?" I asked putting my seatbelt on.

"Yeah, you get used to it though after awhile. It's natural to just run to the car now." He said with a laugh. I sometimes forget he's famous and all, but I don't even care about that. Clearly I treat him like I would anyone else.

"That shower was fun." He complimented.

"I agree." I admitted. Wait what? What did I just tell him? He lightly laughed.

"Next time will be more fun." He said seriously. Oh god.

"Of course." I said trying to you know, not ruin the moment at the time. But I didn't have to ruin the moments, someone else did. Harry came to a red light when all the sudden, someone ran into the back of Harry's car causing us to jerk forward. He took his seatbelt off and got out.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" He began screaming. People began honking their horns cause of holding up traffic. I had to stop him before he hurt someone. I got out and slammed my door shut. My eyes widened when I saw who ran into Harry's car.

"Kate?" The man asked.

"Dan?" I said shocked. Oh god, it was Dan, my beater. And Harry was about to kill him for hurting me, now look, he's right here.

"Kate, why are you with Harry Styles?" Dan asked pissed and shutting his car door. Harry grabbed him at the neck of his shirt and slammed him against his car.

"So your the one who hurt my girl?" Harry asked looking him in the eye. My sweet Harry was gone now, and I couldn't do anything to stop him now. He got Dan right where he needed him, and he got his way. Why did this have to happen to me? How was I supposed to stop Harry now?

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