A Princess of Wales' story

By bubbletea456876

126K 2.7K 276

Princess FAITH ALEXANDRA ELIZABETH DIANA is the youngest child and only daughter of the prince of wales and... More

20. (continued)
40 i
40 ii


1K 42 9
By bubbletea456876

Faith's heart raced a little faster as she stood beside her father, Prince Charles, outside the imposing gates of  her School. The whispers and sidelong glances from the students were impossible to ignore, but she drew strength from the protective presence of her father. Charles, leaned down with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a blend of love and concern.

"Alright, baby girl, ready for another day of conquering the world?" he teased.

Faith rolled her eyes playfully. "Always, Papa. You know me, unstoppable."

Charles chuckled, placing a gentle arm around her shoulders as they strolled towards the entrance. The photographers outside the gates were relentless, their cameras clicking away, but Faith focused on the comforting warmth of her father's embrace.

As they entered the school, Faith couldn't escape the prying eyes of her classmates. But Charles, with his royal grace, paid no mind to the attention. He guided her through the maze of hallways, pausing at her locker.

"Anything you need, sweetheart? Books, snacks, secret gadgets?" Charles grinned, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Faith laughed, shaking her head. "Just the usual, Papa. I've got everything I need right here." She tapped her chest, right over her heart.

Chuckling warmly, Charles bent down to plant a tender kiss on Faith's forehead. "You're my little star, always shining bright,"

The teasing glint in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by the watching students. Faith decided to play along, wrapping her arms around her father in a tight hug. "Promise me, Papa, you'll behave yourself today."

"I make no promises, baby, you know me too well," Charles replied, returning the hug just as tightly.

The students around them exchanged amused glances, and a few couldn't help but smile at the endearing sight of the future king engaged in a playful exchange with his daughter.

Before parting ways for the day, Charles cupped Faith's face in his hands and pressed a tender kiss to each cheek. "You've got this, honey. Remember, I'm just a call away if you need anything."

 he whispered, gently ruffling her hair.With a final affectionate squeeze of her hand, Charles left Faith to face the school day. he had to talk with the school principal about the precautions.

Charles strode through the echoing corridors of the School, the quiet hum of student chatter filling the air. As he reached the headmistress's office, he couldn't shake the feeling that this visit would mark a turning point for Faith's life at the school.

Mrs. Thompson, anticipating his arrival, rose from her desk with a welcoming smile. "Your Highness, thank you for joining me. How was Faith's first day back?"

Charles nodded, a mixture of pride and concern in his eyes. "She faced it with remarkable courage, but I need to discuss a matter of utmost importance."

Mrs. Thompson motioned for Charles to take a seat, her expression becoming more serious. "Of course, Your Highness. Please, share your concerns."

Taking a deep breath, Charles began, "Faith has a severe heart condition. It's a matter we've kept private for her well-being. last week's incident in the hallway was a reminder of the delicate balance we're dealing with."

Mrs. Thompson's eyes widened in understanding. "I see. Your Highness, we are committed to ensuring Faith's safety and well-being here. What measures would you like us to take?"

Charles leaned forward, his voice low but firm. "I want to make it clear that this information must be kept confidential. Only you, the teachers, and the medical staff should be aware of Faith's condition. It's crucial that the students remain unaware for her own peace of mind."

Mrs. Thompson nodded solemnly. "Your Highness, we will take every precaution to protect Faith's privacy. Our teachers will be discreet, and we'll ensure that the medical staff is well-prepared to handle any emergencies."

"Thank you, Mrs. Thompson. Faith's strength is admirable, but I want her time here to be as normal as possible," Charles emphasized.

Faith's pov

As I approached my locker, the familiar faces of my friends greeted me—Sara, Phil, Andrew, Daniel, Lily, and Vivienne. They were my sanctuary, my haven of normalcy amidst the chaos that surrounded my life.

"Faith, you're back!" Sara exclaimed, enveloping me in a tight hug. "We missed you so much!"

I smiled, grateful for their unwavering support. "Missed you too, Sara. It's good to be back."

Phil, always the sensitive one, looked at me with concern etched across his face. "Faith, are you okay? I saw the news, and you looked so... so sick and pale."

I appreciated Phil's genuine concern, knowing he had feelings for me that went beyond friendship. I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "It's been a tough time, Phil, but I'm getting through it. Just a panic attack, you know how it goes."

His eyes searched mine for a moment, and I could see the worry lingering. "If you ever need to talk or anything, I'm here for you, Faith."

"Thanks, Phil. You're a true friend," I replied, feeling a warmth in my heart. Despite the challenges, these friendships were my anchor.

As we walked to our first class together, Andre couldn't help but inject some humor into the situation. "So, Faith, ready to take on the world again?"

I laughed, grateful for the lightness he brought to the conversation. "Absolutely, Andrew. World, watch out!"

Throughout the day, my friends surrounded me with laughter, jokes, and a sense of normalcy that I craved. Lily shared the latest gossip, Daniel cracked a few jokes, and Vivienne recounted her weekend adventures. It was as if, for those precious moments, the outside world and its expectations didn't exist.

During a break, as we sat in the courtyard soaking up the sunlight, Sara looked at me with a knowing glint in her eyes. "You're handling all of this with so much grace, Faith. If I were in your shoes, I don't know how I'd manage."

I shrugged, trying to downplay the weight of it all. "We adapt, right? Life throws curveballs, and you learn to hit them back."

Vivienne chimed in, "And you're doing it with style, my dear. btw now it's calculus period, lets go before ms.fallon comes"

As the teacher handed back our calculus exam results, a wave of nervous anticipation swept through the classroom. Students anxiously flipped through their papers, eyes darting between the numbers and equations. But not me. I never bothered to break a sweat over math; it was as if numbers and formulas waltzed effortlessly in my mind.

The teacher's eyes twinkled as she approached my desk, holding my paper. "Faith, excellent work as always,98%" she praised, a proud smile on her face.

I grinned back, accepting my paper. It was no surprise to me—I'd always found solace in the world of numbers. Calculus was a breeze.

However, not everyone shared the joy. Ronan, who had been the top of the class before I arrived a year ago, shot a resentful glance my way. "Must be nice getting special treatment. Bet your parents helped you cheat, just like how they cheated the public with their marriage."

The venomous words hung in the air, a bitter contrast to the victory I felt moments ago. The teacher's stern gaze immediately turned on Ronan. "That's enough, Ronan. Faith earned her grades through hard work and talent. Show some respect."

Despite the teacher's reprimand, I couldn't help but feel a sting. I wasn't oblivious to the rumors about my parents, but it still hurt to have them thrown in my face, especially when I worked hard to stand on my own merits.

Ronan, no longer the undisputed leader of the class, tried to save face with a dismissive laugh. The truth was, he couldn't handle being second best anymore, especially to a younger student. But, as I gathered my things, I couldn't let Ronan's jealousy dim the satisfaction of another triumph.

As we gathered during lunch, my friends couldn't help but discuss Ronan's jealousy, especially after the recent incident in the classroom. Andrew, always insightful, leaned in, "You know, Ronan's dad is incredibly strict. Maybe that's why he's so driven. He's not scared of you, Faith, because he's a close relative of Camilla, Prince Charles's first love."

Daniel, the ever-confident one, chimed in, "Well, who does he think he is, challenging us? We're nobles, after all."

Phil, the voice of reason, countered, "Don't think like that, Daniel. People are all equal, regardless of their backgrounds."

I couldn't help but feel a pang of discomfort at the mention of Camilla and Charles. Despite being accustomed to the rumors surrounding my parents, the reminder of their complicated history struck a nerve. Trying to lighten the mood, I injected a touch of humor into the conversation.

 "Well, maybe he just needs a reminder that math is not a monarchy. It's an equal opportunity for everyone to shine."

Sara smirked, "Equal opportunity? Coming from the girl who consistently outshines us all."

I playfully nudged her shoulder. "Hey, I can't help it if numbers love me."

Lily, trying to ease the tension, added, "Besides, who cares about Ronan? We're a formidable team"

Daniel nodded, "Exactly. Let him be second best; we're still on top."


 the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, my friends excitedly gathered to make plans for an evening movie outing. The buzz of anticipation filled the air, and they turned to me, inviting me to join them.

I hesitated, a bit reluctant. "I'll have to check with my parents," I admitted, a shadow of uncertainty crossing my face.

Andrew grinned, always the optimist. "Come on, Faith, it's just a movie! What's the harm?"

Daniel nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it'll be fun. Your parents let you have some fun, right?"

I sighed, "Well, they're a bit strict about security, you know. Going out to public places isn't exactly their favorite idea."

Phil chimed in, "But it's just us, Faith. We're not a security threat."

Still uncertain, I nodded, "I'll ask them, and if they say yes, I'll join you in the evening."

With a hopeful heart, I approached Mummy who was still working with some officials, eagerly sharing the idea of going to the movies with my friends. She hesitated, a mix of love and worry in her eyes. "Darling, I want you to have fun, but I'm concerned about your safety."

Trying to find a solution, I suggested, "What if you come with me, Mummy? We could make it a lovely family outing, and you're the best company."

Mum's eyes softened, and she gently cupped my face. "Sweetheart, you know how people tend to notice when I'm around. It might take away from your enjoyment."

Understanding her concern, I nodded and decided to approach Papa. Finding him in his study, I took a deep breath. "Papa, can I please go to the movies with my friends tonight?"

He looked up, his eyes reflecting a mix of love and protection. "sweetie..... It's not that I don't trust you, but the world can be unpredictable."

I pressed on, "Papa, I promise I'll be careful. I just want to have a good time with my friends, and I'll make sure to be back on time."

After a moment of contemplation, he sighed, a tender smile forming. "Alright, you can go, but under one condition. You'll go with Harry if he's free. I want you to have someone responsible by your side."

Grateful and touched by his concern, I hugged him tightly. "Thank you, Papa! I love you."

He kissed my forehead, his voice filled with affection. "Just have a wonderful time little one and be safe"

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