Hiding the Emperor's Child

By ladyliyaaah

54.6K 1.6K 87


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 60

485 16 1
By ladyliyaaah

The sunlight filtered through the pale green tablecloth, casting a soft glow that illuminated the interior of the table with a gentle, light blue radiance. Theor's blue eyes also took on a reddish glow.

Theor's innocent question broke the silence, his voice filled with curiosity. "Grandpa said we had to leave tomorrow. Are we going back to the castle?"

Astelle's heart sank as she realized the implications of their impending departure. "No, Theor. We are not going back to the castle. It's time for us to return home," she replied, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

As she observed Theor's eyes glowing with a reddish hue, memories of Kaizen flooded her mind. He had pleaded for her to stay, expressing a desire to make amends for the past.

Astelle found herself torn between conflicting emotions. If she left the capital, would they never meet again? Or would fate bring them together once more?

The thought of Theor's safety weighed heavily on her mind. She couldn't bear the idea of putting him at risk.

'Perhaps, when the truth behind the assassination is revealed, even if we don't wish to see each other, our paths may cross again,' Astelle contemplated, acknowledging the unpredictable nature of their circumstances.

A glimmer of hope remained as more than ten days had passed since the incident, and the identities of the assassins had yet to be revealed. It was fortunate that all the assassins had been swiftly eliminated, preventing the instigator behind the assassination from being exposed.

Astelle couldn't help but agree with her grandfather's judgement that this was likely not the first attempt on Kaizen's life. The thought weighed heavily on her, causing her expression to darken. Sensing her distress, Theor spoke up, offering reassurance in his innocent voice.

"Don't worry, Mom. I like the castle, but I love our home more," Theor said, his words bringing a sense of comfort to Astelle.

"Yes," she replied, a small smile forming on her face. Theor was a remarkable child, and now, more than ever, Astelle cherished him. He became her anchor, the source of her strength.

Astelle yearned for the simplicity and tranquility of their life in the eastern countryside. She longed for the days when they could live peacefully without fear or danger. However, the uncertainty of their future weighed heavily on her, causing anxiety to creep in.

She pushed aside her worries, determined to stay strong for Theor.

Approaching her son, Astelle enveloped him in a tight embrace, cherishing the warmth and love they shared. In this moment, she found solace and a renewed determination to protect Theor and create a better future for him.

"Are you feeling hungry, Theor? Would you like me to bring you some cake?" Astelle asked, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Theor's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes! I want cake!" he exclaimed eagerly.

"Alright, wait here," Astelle instructed, leaving Theor under the table. She made her way out of the room and into the hallway, intending to retrieve the cake. However, her plans were interrupted when a passing maid spotted her and hurriedly approached.

"Lady Astelle, a guest has arrived," the maid informed her, a sense of urgency in her voice.

"A guest? Who could it be?" Astelle wondered aloud, her mind briefly considering the possibility of Count Ecklen, whom she had encountered at the temple earlier.

She had declined his invitation to visit, but perhaps he had come anyway. However, the maid's next words caught her off guard.

"The Duke of Reston has arrived," the maid revealed.


Astelle frowned unconsciously.

"Duke Esteban von Reston has visited," the maid clarified, mentioning Astelle's father's full name. The mention of her father's name after such a long time brought forth a wave of annoyance within Astelle.

It became apparent to Astelle why her father had come. It must be related to the belongings of the late Empress Dowager, a matter that had been looming over her. She knew that she would have to meet him at least once to address this issue.

Astelle had harbored a deep resentment towards her father and had hoped to never see him again. However, his unexpected visit demanded her attention. She understood that she had no choice but to meet him in person.

"Where is he now? Please guide me," Astelle requested, her voice tinged with resignation. She knew that she had to face her father, regardless of her own personal feelings towards him.

• 🍁 •

The Duke of Reston sat patiently in his study, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Astelle. As she entered the room, her eyes met the gaze of a confident, middle-aged man with blonde hair.

It had been six long years since they had last seen each other, yet not much had changed. Despite the slight signs of aging, he still possessed a refined elegance that emanated from his every action.

His features were impeccably neat, just as she remembered. And that arrogant gaze, it was as if he wanted to assert his position as one of the most handsome men in the capital, even in his middle age.

The memories flooded back to Astelle as she recalled her encounter with Count Ecklen at the temple. He appeared to be around the same age as her father, but their demeanors couldn't have been more different. While her father exuded the dignity of a great aristocrat, the Count emanated a sense of simplicity and sincerity.

The Duke of Reston cast a critical gaze over Astelle, scanning her from head to toe before a smirk formed at the corner of his mouth.

"You appear to be a rustic maiden. At your age, you should conceal the signs of aging with makeup."

Astelle couldn't help but compare the Duke to Count Ecklen, finding the latter much more agreeable. It saddened her that she felt more comfort in the presence of someone she had just met today, rather than her own biological father.

In a straightforward manner, Astelle asked, "What brings you here?"

"Living in the countryside seems to have made you forget your manners," the Duke retorted.

"I reserve my courtesy for those who earn it," Astelle calmly responded, unfazed by the Duke's reaction as he stared at her in disbelief.

"You possess an arrogance," the Duke retorted, his words laced with disdain.

Astelle met her father's gaze with a stern expression, a stark contrast to her obedient nature as a child.

In a noble family, it was customary for parents to have authority over their children's marriages. From a young age, children from prestigious noble families like Astelle were expected to accept their parents' choice of a marriage partner.

However, Astelle considered herself fortunate. She genuinely loved her fiancé, Kaizen, and felt a deep sense of gratitude towards her father for arranging their union.

'Looking back, it seems incredibly foolish.'

The Duke's cold sneer pierced through the silence as he looked disdainfully at his daughter.

"Did you obediently sign the will as the Emperor commanded? Have you no pride? If I were in your position, I would rather choose death."

Astelle's response carried a hint of bitterness. "Unlike my father, I value my life too much to consider suicide over a single signature." A faint smile appeared on Astelle's lips as she continued, "I am leaving tomorrow, so I have little time for meaningless conversations. I would appreciate it if you could quickly state your purpose and leave."

"What purpose?" the Duke questioned.

"I have heard rumors that you possess the late Empress Dowager's belongings. It seems you have used that as an excuse to seek something from me."

If it weren't for that ulterior motive, Astelle's father would never have held onto the late Empress Dowager's belongings. Astelle understood her father all too well. He was the type of person who hoarded anything that could potentially be used against someone in the future.

The reason he had kept the late Empress Dowager's belongings was because he saw them as a potential weakness for Astelle.

However, Astelle had no intention of succumbing to her father's demands and fulfilling his conditions in order to obtain the belongings.

"I will not give you anything you desire. Return the belongings of the late Empress Dowager and leave the estate," Astelle firmly stated.

The Duke's light green eyes flashed with anger, mirroring Astelle's own gaze. "How dare you speak to your father in such a manner!" he exclaimed, his voice seething with fury.

Unfazed by his outburst, Astelle responded calmly, "Perhaps you are unaware, but withholding someone else's belongings is considered theft." She maintained her composure, delivering her words with a measured tone.

Astelle continued, "You wouldn't want to face the humiliation of being accused by your own daughter, especially after losing your position as Prime Minister and being overthrown. I doubt there are any noble families willing to support you now."

In that moment, the Duke's usually well-groomed face contorted with anger. Losing power must have been his greatest vulnerability. His enraged gaze bore into Astelle, his voice dripping with hatred. "How dare you! You're nothing more than an empress who was cast aside after a single night..."

Before Astelle could respond to her father's insults, the door swung open and someone entered the room.

It was Astelle's maternal grandfather, the Marquis of Carlenberg.

"Grandpa," Astelle called out upon seeing her maternal grandfather enter the room. The Duke of Reston greeted him with a mischievous smile, "Well, well, it's been a long time."

The Marquis of Carlenberg regarded the Duke with contempt and retorted, "Have you not learned any manners at your age?"

"I fail to comprehend," the Duke countered. "A person who had another man's daughter in his care for six years without contacting her own father is lecturing me about manners."

The Duke's response held its ground, refusing to back down. The Marquis, taken aback by his words, asked incredulously, "Why should I inform you that I have Astelle with me? You severed the relationship and cast her out of the mansion."

Upon hearing the Marquis' sarcastic remark, the Duke of Reston's eyes flashed with anger as he approached him.

"Now that I think about it, you need Astelle more than I, her own father. Losing my position as Prime Minister pales in comparison to a man who has only a few days left to live and has even lost his lands and grandson."

The Duke's hateful smile twisted into a mocking expression as he continued to taunt the Marquis. "Oh, even your grandson Sigmund left behind an illegitimate child of low birth. If you wish to raise that child, then surely you must take Astelle with you," he sneered.

The words were cutting and harsh, causing a wave of tension to fill the room. Without uttering a single word, the Marquis took a step closer to the Duke, his silent presence radiating the commanding dignity of a seasoned military leader, despite his old age.

The Duke of Reston, taken aback by the Marquis' proximity, instinctively stepped back, his face contorted with a frown. As the Marquis closed the distance between them, his eyes burned with a deep grudge.

"If you weren't the father of my only granddaughter, I would have killed you when my daughter passed away. As you mentioned, I don't have much time left to live, so I would have no regrets if I were to end your life now."

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