Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

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Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

Merry Christmas

26 1 1
By Yui-umbreon

Merry Christmas

December, arguably one of the most magical times of the year. With everyone cheerful and happy, giving gifts to all their friends and families as Christmas was approaching. This December, however, wasn't the cold most were used to when it comes to this holiday. In fact all the kids at third Street school were either trying to stay cool or sunbathing. The only one that was dressed for the colder weather was Hank the janitor.

"What are you doing, Hank?" TJ asked as he and five of his friends were all looking at Hank strangely.

"Getting ready for the blizzard." Hank replies as he looks up to the sky. "It's going to be a white Christmas."

"White Christmas?" Asked Spinelli, like Hank had lost his mind. "Get real, man. We haven't had snow on Christmas since I was in preschool."

"It's all about faith, kids. You've got to have faith." Hank then left the kids to go back into his garage store room.

"I think Hank's a few fries short of a kiddie meal." Vince says.

"He's not the only one. Look." TJ points out into the playground where younger kids were acting like it had snowed. From making 'snow' angels in the sand and even pushing a sled on the concrete, even making a 'snowman' out of mud. "It's gotta be 80 degrees out here but the little kids are acting like it's snowing."

"Ah, the falling of youth." Gretchen sighs.

"Hey, when I was little, I used to get excited about Christmas, too." Paloma says in defence to the younger ones.

"Yeah, back then, everything seemed so big." Gus cuts in. "The presents, the tree, my aunt Enid. Actually, now she seems even bigger."

"I used to start my Christmas list the day after Halloween. made two columns. One for educational toys, the other for research and technical pamphlets." Gretchen informs her friends of what she used to do.

"I used to try staying up late to get a glimpse of Santa. coming down the chimney, but I always fell asleep." Vince says.

"Yeah, but now that we're older, we all know the truth about him, don't we, guys?" TJ asked his friends.

"Well, not all of us." Spinelli says as she points over to the jungle gym, where Mikey was sitting on the slide writing to Santa and Dede was next to him, looking over his shoulder. The group of six all smiled at each other and walked over to join the last two members of their group. "Yo, Mikey, you still sweating over that letter to Santa?"

"Hey, it's important. He's got a special column for lazy writers on the naughty list, you know?" Mikey says as both he and Dede look at their friends.

"No, I hadn't heard." Dede quietly laughs to herself as Spinelli's almost deadpan tone.

"Once he goes online, it will be much easier." The bell rings before anyone can say anything else. "Oh, boy, the bell! I'd love to stay and chat, but it's time for the Christmas show tryouts."

Inside the auditorium there are a bunch of kids all waiting to try out different parts for the upcoming Christmas show. Mikey was sitting on the stairs leading to the stage when his friends all walked over to him. "Hey, Mikey, you're not in line. I thought you wanted to audition." Dede asked, getting his attention.

"No. I'm just here to soak up the Christmas atmosphere. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. This year, besides peace on earth and good will toward men, I'd like a volume of Shakespeare and the Oxford Book of Modern Poetry. And, oh, yeah, gum balls, lots and lots of gum balls." Mikey finishes the rest of his letter, making Dede smile at his wants knowing that the real Santa would definitely have Mikey on his good list, even if some of the things he was asking for were out of Santas control.

A whistle sound caught everyone's attention and they all looked over to see Miss Finster standing in the middle of the stage. "OK, pipe down, you yule-igans, or you'll be in detention till Christmas yet to come. Now, everybody who's trying out for Santa, line up over there, and everybody who wants to be a reindeer or an elf get over there. and everybody who--" she was interrupted from her sorting by Principal Prickly and another man walking through the door.

Dede wasn't really paying much attention to what was going on, all she knew was that he ran over to their group and dragged Mikey up on stage. "Fourth grade? What do you feed these kids, Prickly?" The new man said and Dede glared at him, unhappy about what he said about her friend.

"Wait till you hear him." Prickly says confidently.

"OK, kid. Give me a ho-ho-ho."

"Ho-ho-ho." Mikey does as asked but it was really bad as he was just talking it, not singing it.

"Try it again, son, and this time with feeling." Prickly laughs nervously.

"Ho-ho-ho." Again Mikey still didn't sing it so it was still not what Prickly was after.

"I thought you said this kid was special." The man said glaring at Prickly.

"He is, he is. Just give me a second." Prickly ran up to the stage and started to whisper to Mikey.

Whatever Prickly had said to Mikey must have obviously worked as the next thing anyone heard was Mikey's beautiful singing voice ring out.
♪ Ho, ho, ho-o-o-o ♪

"That is my Santa!" The man stood up and pointed to Mikey.

After the auditions were all over and done with, the group of eight friends all walked out and went to hang around the climbing dome. "Wow! You were great, Mikey." Gus says as he starts to climb the dome.

"You're going to be the perfect Santa Claus." Paloma said as she and Dede also started to climb.

"Gee, I sure hope so. I've always tried to follow Santa's teachings." Mikey said happily.

"Teachings?" Spinelli asked from her spot next to Gretchen near the top.

"You know, be nice to kids, maintain a positive body image." Mikey explains making Spinelli roll her eyes. "Think of it, guys. I'm gonna be playing one of the greatest human beings in history." Dede slightly flinched at this, knowing Santa wasn't in fact a human, despite what everyone says. "I've got to do something special to mark the event, but what?" Mikey then thinks for a little while. "I know! I'll invite Santa himself to the show."

"Gee, Mikey, are you sure about this? I mean, he's a busy man. You don't want to get disappointed." TJ said, trying to change his friend's mind, knowing he'll only be disappointed in the end if he holds hope in that wish.

"Why would I be disappointed?" Mikey asked, not understanding. "Not only will I get to play the part, but I'll get the chance to perform it for the great man himself. "Hey, any of you guys remember
the zip code to the North Pole?"

"Ha! Santa's zip code? That's easy." They all looked over when they heard a new voice near them, seeing Randall there. "It's all zeros, like you!"

"Bug off, Randall. You're just mad 'cause you didn't get the part." Dede said not happy that Randall was there.

"Oh, I am, am I? Well, I've got news for you, dumb-De." Dede rolled her eyes at his lame attempt at insulting her. "Even if I did get to be Santa, I would have turned it down And you know why? 'Cause I don't play characters that aren't real!"

This made seven of the eight gasp at what he just said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Mikey asked, confused, being the only one not to gasp.

Spinelli was quick to jump down from her spot and grabbed Randal by his shirt. "Get lost, you little weasel, or I'll show you the true meaning of Christmas punch."

"Don't listen to him, Mikey. Randall doesn't know what he's talking about." TJ said, trying to get Mikey to forget what was just said.

"Yeah, he'll say anything to get your go." Vince agrees.

"But what did he mean Santa isn't real?" Mikey still persisted.

"Oh, you know how kids say that stuff." Spinelli said trying to make it seem like not a big deal.

"Kids? What kids?"

"You know, kids who don't believe in Santa." Said Paloma.

"Wow. There are kids who don't believe in Santa? Well, at least we all believe in Santa, right, guys?" Mikey stood up and turned to look at his friends.

"Of course Mikey." Dede said hoping that'll be enough for her friend.

Mikey smiled at Dede, knowing she still believed in Santa just like him, However when none of the others answered he looked at them again. "Right?"

"Well, you see, Mikey, it's just, uh..."TJ stuttered nervously.

"Wait a minute. Are you guys saying you don't believe in Santa?"

"It's not that we don't believe, Mikey. It's just, well..." Vince tried to explain but couldn't come up with anything.

"We're not real sure." Gus cuts in, answering for Vince.

"I mean, you have to admit, Mikey, the concept of an overweight man in a red suit delivering presents to several million children all in one night is a tad difficult to accept." Gretchen tried to reason with him.

"I don't think you need to bring his weight into it." Mikey said.

"Mikey, let me explain--" TJ tries to explain but Mikey wasn't having any of it.

"No, you don't have to. It's very clear. You all think there's no Santa."

"We're sorry, Mikey."

"No! Don't feel sorry for me. I feel sorry for you."

"But Mikey--" Gretchen starts.

"But nothing! Santa's real, and if you guys don't believe it, then--Then I'll just have to prove it to you! You'll see!" Mikey then runs off leaving his friends behind.

"Mikey, wait!" Jumps down from the dome and runs after him.

The next time the group were all together was inside the auditorium as everyone was rehearsing for the play. The group of six were all sitting on the chairs talking about earlier. "Look, he had to hear about it sooner or later. I mean, you can't go through your whole life thinking Santa's a real guy. I still don't understand how Dede still believes in him." Was what Mikey and Dede heard Spinelli say to the others when they walked down the stairs to join them.

"Oh, you can't, can you?" The six looked over to see them both there holding a bunch of books. "You gays say you need proof to believe in Santa? Well, here it is." Mikey puts his books down onto the seat next to Vince. "If Santa's not real, how come he's in all these books?"

Vince picks up a dictionary and starts flipping through it. "'San Diego,' 'Sanitation'. Oh, here it is: Santa Claus."

"See?" Mikey says smugly.

"'Santa Claus has a variety of names
in many different languages, but all refer to one St. Nicholas, who was born in Turkey in the third century..."

"Told ya."

"...and died circa 350 a.d.'".

"OK." Mikey said disappointed before he grabbed another book. "Well, why did they write about him in the Scientific Journal, then?"

Gretchen grabbed the book and read it herself. "It's a mathematical study. Somebody crunched the numbers and figured out that in order for Santa to reach all the kids in the world in one night, he would have to slide down an average of 822.5 chimneys per second. And that's if he didn't stop for milk and cookies."

"Face it, you two, there's no Santa." TJ says hoping to convince his friends without fully crushing their dreams.

"Oh, yeah? Well, that's what they want you to believe." Mikey argues back while Dede just stands there, not knowing what to do.

"They? Who's they?" Asked Paloma.

"Isn't it obvious? There's a worldwide conspiracy to hide the truth about Santa's existence."

"Oh, come on, big guy. Face the facts." Spinelli said.

"Facts? I'll show you facts." Mikey starts to run off again.

"Mikey, where are you going?" Vince asked.

"To prove to you guys that Santa's real, once and for all." Mikey then continued to run off and his friends all decided to follow him.

The first place Mikey took all his Freud s to was the mall where there was a meet santa thing going on. While Dede knew that Santa was real, she, like her friends, weren't happy about being here. "Man,
this is embarrassing."  Spinelli voiced her disdain about the situation.

"Yeah, we're the oldest kids in line. Hey, no pushing!" Gus says as he was  pushed a bit.

"It'll be worth it when I prove to you guys that Santa's real." Said Mikey.

One of the workers came out greased as an elf and talking in the most unenthusiastic voice ever. "Welcome to the North Pole South. Toilet-trained children only. There's a six dollar donation for photos."

"Here." Mikey handed the lady six dollars in loose change. "We're getting photographic evidence."

When they all entered they saw a man dressed up in the stereotypical Santa costume. "Ho-ho-ho. Welcome, children. My, so many in your group. Who wants to go first?"

"I do! I do!" Mikey exclaims as he runs and jumps onto 'Santa's' lap.

"Say, you're a big fella, aren't you?" The 'Santa' grunts out.

"Santa, most of my friends here don't believe you're real. Do something magic, like tell them all their addresses, or shrink yourself to chimney size, or sing to them in Dutch."

"Well, boys and girls, your friend is--Your friend is--your friend is too heavy!" The man pushes Mikey off of his lap and hops over to the entrance. "Ow! Ow! My trick knee! Tricia, get Lenny in here to cover me."

"He can't. He's up at the food court." Tricia says still in her board tone.

"Naturally. That bum spends more time eating than he does talking to kids. Sheez. This thing is driving me nuts!" The man rips his Santa beard off, making Mikey gasp. "Hey, you try wearing a polyester beard for four hours in this heat." Dede and Spinelli facepalm as Mikey had a horrified look on his face.

When the kids all left the mall after that terrible experience, they were all following Mikey down the street. "Maybe Santa was just having a bad day." Gus said, hoping to cheer his friend up.

"Oh, that wasn't Santa." Mikey says.

"It wasn't?" Asked TJ.

"No, that was an impostor. They come out of the woodwork this time of year."

"So, where are we going now?" Asked Paloma.

"To see the real Santa." Mikey brings out a flyer to show his friends. "He's riding in the big Christmas parade. We better hurry, or we're going to miss him."

They all followed Mikey as he ran off to where the parade was happening, managing to snag a spot near the front. "Look, it's Rainy Weathers, the Channel 14 weather girl." Vince points out.

"Look! There's Commander Blade from 'Cartoon Calvary.'" Spinelli calls out.

"And he's got Jasper with him." TJ says.

"Here he comes! Here comes Santa Claus!" Gus shouts jumping up and down. "I mean, it looks like him."

And just like Gus said a Santa sleigh was coming down the road, Mikey went to move forward but TJ grabbed his arm. "OK, Mikey, you proved there's a Santa. Now let's get back to the Christmas show."

"Not yet." Mikey ripped his arm out of TJs grasp and pushed the barrier a side, running into the road.

"Mikey, no!" Dede shouts trying to grab him back but it was too late, he ran in front of the Santa float. Luckily the driver was able to stop the float before it hit Mikey.

"What happened?" 'Santa' asked as he was thrown forward slightly.

"Santa, it's me, Mikey!" Mikey calls up to him.

"Oh, Mikey, what can I do for you?" 'Santa' says playing along with his roll.

"I need your help, Santa. See, my friends here have lost their faith. Tell them you really do live at the North Pole and how you really do fly in your sleigh. And-- And how you really are the real Santa."

"Uh... ho-ho-ho! Mikey's right, kids. I am the real Santy Claus. I left my workshop for the day to ride in your parade because... I needed a break from the sawing and hammering in the toy shop." The 'Santa' said.

"Wow, Mikey's right! He is real!" Gus gushes.

"And to prove I'm the real Santy, how about some homemade Christmas candy straight from the North Pole?"

"I'm starting to like this guy." Spinelli said.

The 'Santa' leans over the back of his sligh and grabs a suitcase, though when he sits back upright and faces the kids it's shown that his hat and beard had fallen off. "Ha, ha, ha! Here you go, kids." He only noticed something was up when the kids all gasped. "What? You don't like caramel cubes?"

"Mayor Fitzhugh?" Mikey asked, not believing his eyes.

"Th-that's right, kiddies." Mayor Fitzhugh stutters. "I'm mayor Fitzhugh and Santy Claus. Now you be sure to tell mommy, daddy, and any siblings of voting age that I'm both swell guys rolled into one. Here, have some candy." He threw some candy to the kids but none of them reached out to catch it.

"Electioneering as Santa?" Asked Gretchen.

"That's low, Fitzhugh, really low." Spinelli told him.

"Get us out of here, Ned. I don't want another incident." Mayor Fitzhugh told his driver and they quickly left with the crowd booing as they did.

"Are you OK, Mikey?" Dede asked her friend, seeing the devastated look on his face.

"I-I just don't understand what's happened to Santa Claus." Mikey said sadly.

His sadness didn't last long though as he soon perked up as a radio was playing nearby. "Ho-ho-ho, Ricky. It's good to be on your show." A Santa voice said over the radio.

"Hey, Santa, I got to ask you, those reindeer, are they expensive to feed and groom?" Ricky asked 'Santa'.

"Oh, Ricky, you sleigh me. Look, you got my belly shaking like a bowl full of jelly. Hey, that rhymes. Ho-ho-ho!" The 'Santa' laughs.

"He's on the radio! Come on!" Mikey cheers before running to the radio station. When they arrived at the station Mikey ran straight up to the receptionist. "Where is Santa? I've gotta talk to him."

"Santa? There's no Santa here." She asked, confused.

That was until a "Ho-ho-ho!" Rang out. "Oh, there isn't, is there?" He glared at her before running to the back. His friends all stood in the lobby of the radio station not knowing if they should follow him or not, though that didn't matter as not long after he left he came back in tears, walking out of the station with his friends following to make sure he was ok.

"Look, Mikey, Santa can't possibly make all the personal appearances he's supposed to make this time of year." TJ said, wanting to cheer his friend up.

"Yeah. That's what killed Elvis." Spinelli agreed.

"Stop it, OK, you guys? We were wrong,
and you were right." He gestured to himself and Dede. "There is no Santa.
All this time I've been a fool, believing in something that wasn't true." Mikey took out the letter he had written to Santa. "I used to wait up to hear the hoofs on my roof. I used to leave cookies and milk for him to eat, But now I know the truth." Mikey tore up his letter making his friends all gasp at him as he let the torn up pieces get blown away by the wind.

"Hey, look at the bright side, Mikey." TJ turned back to his friend. "You're going to be on TV tomorrow."

"Oh, no, I'm not. I'm not going to that Christmas show. And I'm not playing Santa."

"But, Mikey, everyone's counting on you." Gretchen said.

"I don't care. Santa's a big fake, Christmas is a big lie, and I just won't take part in it." Mikey cries before he runs away.

"Now I know how the Grinch must have felt." Gretchen said.

"How are you handling this Dede?" Spinelli asked her friend, knowing she also believed in Santa still.

A small beeping sound caught Dedes' attention, looking down she saw it was her bracelet. "Oh.. I'm fine, I'll go and see if I can cheer Mikey up. I'll see you all later." With that Dede ran off.

When she was in the clear she quickly pressed a button of her bracelet and was beamed up to her ship. Admiral DeGill was on call with her and her crew on the screen. "I'm afraid the news is serious. Very serious. Infantor has snatched Santa! Think of all the children that won't get presents!" DeGill informs them before Sparky begins to cry.

"It's OK, Sparky. We'll save Santa." Dede says trying to comfort her green friend.

Sparky However wasn't upset for the reason Dede thought he was. "I was thinking of the presents. What about my new astroballic coco-covered slime chewies?!" He cries harder and X-5 uses an antenna to mute him.

"It has a mute button." X-5 tell her.

"Smart thinking. Set course for the North Pole Star and step on it. If I don't get back soon my friend might lose any and all love for Christmas." Dede orders.

At the North Pole Star, Dede and her crew are spying in the workshop through a window, Sparky on X-5's shoulders and Dede on Sparky's. "If you think it's true, Santa Clause knows if you're good or bad? X-5, I've been good, right? You're my witness." Sparky asked.

"Good and irritating." X-5 said before looking up at Dede. "Do you see anything, Captain?"

Dede clears the fog on the window with her hand and gasps. The Robot Nanny is torturing the elves while Santa is hanging in the air with his ankles tied up. "The children will be heartbroken if they don't get a present under the tree." Santa tries to persuade infantor to let him go.

Infantor didn't care though as he looked through santa's list. "We all got problems. From now on, I'm the only one on this year's list!" He rips the naughty and nice list and gasps to see Dede  and her crew inside the workshop after jumping through the window they were previously looking through. "Atomic Candy!"

"Infantor, you are under arrest! Release Mr. Clause at once!" Dede demands as the elves cheer, but the Robot Nanny blows them away with her breath wind.

"These here toys are all my property! No-one's gonna get 'em but me!" He throws a bomb and it turns into more bombs, attacking the workshop. The elves run around and panic. Some get hit by the bombs and turn into ice statues.

Santa gasped at seeing what was happening. "My elves! Oh, you're in big trouble now! They're udian!"

X-5 turns his arms into tennis rackets and reflects the attacks of the bombs by hitting them back. Dede runs around and dodges them while Sparky avoids them by using a laser gun and a pogo stick. "These pens got a really good scream."

X-5 had to take this moment to brag. "Of course! I invented it myself."

Infantor seeing what Sparky had, shouted to his robot nanny. "I want that pen! Get it for me! Termi-Nanny, GET IT FOR ME!!!"

As Sparky continues to dodge the bomb, the Robot Nanny blocks him and grabs him. "Keep your mitts off me!"

Dede attacks the Robot Nanny, causing it to release Sparky. The Robot Nanny flies into the present making machine and ends up in a yellow present with a purple ribbon. "Give the toys back, Infantor." Santa gave him one final chance to do the right thing.

Infantor was not having it though. "NEVER! But I'll let yous play with one of my favorites." He presses a button on his remote and an army of robot toys burst into the workshop. "Destroy 'em!"

Dede sighs as she sees the army of little robot toys.  I'll never get back in time to talk to Mikey at this rate." The robot toys start to breathe fire to attack Dede and her friends.

Santa was appalled at the toys. "Look at those toys! No child would want one of those under a tree!"

Sparky ducks under fire that is fired at him. "Not unless he hated the tree." Sparky jokes.

Infantor was standing on top of a box, enjoying what was happening. "Christmas Day is abolished! From now on, we celebrate Infantor Day!"

Dede dodges the shots from the robot toys and jumps into a toy car, starting to drive the toy car. "Awesome wheels!" She drives into some of the robot toys.

Sparky had made his way over to Santa at this point. "I'm gonna use my new pen to rescue you!" The pen shoots a laser through the ropes, freeing Santa.

He lands on Dede's toy car. "Gotcha!" Dede says as she drives the car toward Infantor and he is sent flying. Dede then turns the car around while he lands on the ground. "I can't stop the car!" The toy car is headed for the fireplace. "Oh, no!"

Infantor was seen to now have the control for the car. "So long, Atomic Candy!" The toy car stops and backs up while Santa falls off.

The car continues to avoid going into the fireplace by hitting Santa until they end up in the stockings. Santa sighs when the car drives off on its own. "And to think parents complain when the batteries run out."

Infantor gives an order to his robot nanny, who is not out of the wrapping paper. "Activate the Mega Toys!" As he laughs evilly, the Robot Nanny activates the Mega Toys, revealing that they are monsters made out of Christmas stuff. Dede, Sparky, and Santa gasp in horror.

Santa was not happy with Infantor. "You've gone too far, Infantor! No presents this year and next! I've started a new list." He begins writing a new list.

The Mega Toy monster approaches and X-5 gets ready to attack it. "I'll cover!" The monster crushes him.

Sparky was able to get Dede and Santa out of the stocking they were stuck in. "Oh! It's going to destroy everything! Oh, if only my elves weren't frozen!"

X-5 was Still flat. "There might be a solution."

Sparky held up his pen. " I'll save us! Let me use this on her! Take this!" The pen only shoots bubbles. "Bubbles? Where's the laser feature?"

The monster roars and X-5 gets up and takes the pen from Sparky. "Excuse me. I need to borrow it." He uses it to save the elves. "I forgot about its anti-freeze function. All galactic pens have an antifreeze function."

Dede gasped as she watched all the elves unfreeze. "Of course!" As X-5 runs, the Robot Nanny takes the pen.

Sparky runs to stand in front of the robot nanny. "Hey! Give it back! I'm telling Santa!" The Robot Nanny kicks Sparky and gives the pen to Infantor. "Hey!"

Infantor gloats. "It's mine! So, how does it work?"

Sparky jumps in front of Infantor. "Ha! You'll never find out which button activates its super destructive weapon! Whoops."

"And which button is that?"

"Not the yellow one!"

"That means it is the yellow one, fool!"

"Stupid, stupid! Why do I even open my mouth?!" Sparky berates himself before he runs away. Dede and Santa get ready to fight the monster while the elves are melting.

"What do we do when a toy's not right?" Santa asked when he saw his elves finally finish unfreezing.

The elves all call out at the same time. "Get her!" The elves begin to attack the monster by getting the Christmas stuff off it.

Santa laughs as they watch the elves destroy the toy. "Ha! Never underestimate an angry elf!" The elves threw the toys into the fixing machine.

Infantor just laughs. "The yellow button! Got it! Prepare to be destroyed!" Once he presses the button, a huge red bubble forms, trapping him and the Robot Nanny inside.

Sparky then starts to sarcastically act like he made a mistake, making Dede laugh with him. "Did I say the yellow button? Craters! I meant green! Silly me!"

The elves get back to work while Infantor and the Robot Nanny are still stuck in the bubble. "Oh, I hate Christmas! GET ME DOWN!" Infantor shouts but is ignored.

Sparky looks up to Santa. "Do you think I can have an autograph?" Santa takes his paper. "Not for me. For my mamoolah. Her name is... Sparky."

Santa holds up the pen. "Uh, your pen's out of ink, son."

Sparky takes it back. "It can't be. It's brand new."

"What do you know? I forgot to include the writing option. It's a pen. It can't do everything." X-5 says.

Infantor then starts to cry. "Oh, come on, guys! It's Christmas!" He continued to cry. So Sparky uses his pen to silence him.

Sparky just smiles. "You know, it's a pretty good present after all."

Dede turned to look at Santa. "Umm.. santa, can I ask for a favour?"

"Of course. After rescuing me and helping get Christmas back on track, I'd be honoured to help you In return." Santa laughs as he pays Dede on the back.

Dede sighs in relief. "Well, I have this friend. He's believed in you for a long time but just recently he's lost that belief due to some unfortunate events. I'm afraid that he's not only lost his belief in you but for the whole season of Christmas as a whole."

"What's your friend's name?" Santa asked taking out his lists.

"Mikey Blumburg."

Santa guns as he looks through his list. "Ah, here he is, he's definitely on the good list. I even got his letter right here." He pulled out a letter from his pocket, making Dede gasp as she saw Mikey rip it up. "I'll go to your home planet first ana see what I can do." With that santa winked at Dede and left them alone.

Dede smiled after him. "Thanks a lot santa." She then looked at her two friends. "Ok, I need to get home, there's a Christmas show going on."

When Dede got back to school she had made it just in time to get dressed for the play. When the play started, Dede, Spinelli, Paloma and Gretchen all walked out onto the stage and started the song.

♪ Oh, we are ancient druids ♪

♪ This holiday's our thing ♪

♪ We like to burn
Our yule logs ♪

♪ And chant
And dance and sing ♪

Gus was next to walk out in his costume to continue the song.

♪ And I'm a tiny magic folk
I'm happy with myself ♪

♪ I'll celebrate this time
With you ♪

♪ But please don't call me elf ♪

Vince was next out.

♪ Well, I am
Good King Kwanzaa ♪

♪ I just achieved my fame ♪

♪ We celebrate
With nice fresh fruit ♪

♪ And that's how I got
My name ♪

Last out was TJ.

♪ And I am Harvey Hanukkah
I dig this winter craze ♪

♪ When my folks
Start to celebrate ♪

♪ It takes us
Eight whole days ♪

All seven of them lined up to finish the song.

♪ You've all been very patient ♪

♪ You've waited all year long ♪

♪ Now here comes
Our favorite guy ♪

♪ To finish off our song ♪

The curtain opens up and Randal walks out in stilts.

♪ Oh, I am ol' Kris-- ♪

"Kris--" Randall couldn't seem to get the words out.

"Looks like a case of severe stage fright." Says Gretchen.

"So, Santa, buddy," TJ walks up to randall. "Didn't you have a song you wanted to sing?"

However Randall just ended up fainting from stage fright. "He's out cold!" Said Spinelli.

"Now what are we going to do?" Asked Gus.

Mikey came to the rescue though.
♪ Ho-go-ho ♪

"Mikey!" Dede cheers as t he audience claps.

"You showed up, man." Vince said happily.

"Hey, somebody's got to keep the faith. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a worldwide audience to inspire." Mikey walks to be front and centre of the stage. "Oh, I am Old Kris Kringle, star of this winter show. Although you may not see me here, in here, you've got to know."

♪ I'm dreamin' ♪

♪ Of a white Christmas ♪

♪ Just like the ones
I used to know ♪

♪ Where the treetops glisten ♪

♪ And children listen ♪

♪ To hear sleigh bells ♪

♪ In the snow ♪

Mikey's friends all joined in on singing.

♪ La, la, la, la ♪

♪ Oh, I'm dreamin' ♪

♪ Of a white Christmas ♪

♪ With every Christmas card
I write ♪

♪ May your days be merry ♪

♪ And bright ♪

♪ And may all
Your Christmases ♪

♪ Be white ♪

As soon as the song was finished the audience burst out cheering all over again. "Mikey, you did it." TJ cheers.

"If there really was a Santa, Mikey, I bet he'd be just like you." Gus exclaims.

"Gee, thanks, guys." Mikey says happily.

Before anyone could say anything else Hank burst in from the door. "Hey, everybody,
it's snowing!" No one could believe him so they all followed him outside and saw he was correct. It was snowing.

"Wow." Gus awwwd.

"Well, what are we waiting for?" TJ says before they all run off to go and play in the snow.

While having a fun snowball fight with her friends Dede looked over and saw that Santa was talking to Mikey, she smiled as she saw Santa was wearing just normal clothes and not his typical outfit. The others looked at what had caught Dedes attention and looked as well before they all walked over to their other friend. "Yo, Mikey, who was the geezer?" Spinelli asked.
you were talking to?

"Isn't that the letter you wrote to Santa?" TJ asked, looking at what Mikey was holding.

"I thought you tore that up and threw it into the wind." Said Vince.

"I did." Mikey says before realisation hits him. He runs after where the man had left to, with the others following him. Dede followed at a slower pace as she knew that it was Santa that Mikey was talking to.

When they got to the front of the school they heard Santa call out "Ho-hp-ho!"

"But that means..." Gretchen says as they all look up.

"Yeah." Mikey smiles big. "Santa shaved."

"Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night." Santa's voice called out as the group of eight watched his sleigh fly off into the night sky.


Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all have a fantastic day and a wonderful new year as well.

Like I said in my last update, I'll be taking a little hiatus as I'm forcing myself to write these chapters now and I'm not enjoying writing this story because of that.

I'm hoping I'll get over the burnout soon as I know where this story is heading and want to get it finished, I'm just not liking that it's taking me about 10 hours to write a normal 10 minute episode.

Again sorry to do this but if I want this story to come out with all the ideas I have I can't be forcing them out.

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