By lieveliveslife

100K 6.2K 6.1K

"All the dreams that I ve seen for us will come true ,the only difference is that I won't be there in any of... More

12] "PDA & DRAMA"
15]"FEAR & FIGHT "
"Trailer "
24] "WAR & ORGASM "
Alternate picturisation
⚠️28]"WILD & WILDER"
⚠️29]"WEEK & WEAK"
⚠️35]"EGO & GO "
38 ] "MOM & DAD"
⚠️41 ] "WET & DRY "


2K 143 75
By lieveliveslife

Abhimaan's pov:

As the brightness hit my eyes ....I ve woken up from my rare and most peaceful sleep of my life .....

And I felt weight above me ....but as I opened my eyes ...I realised what position I and Amara are in rn...

She's practically laying on me and I can feel her warm breath on my neck making goosebumps arise all over my body ......and how and when the did my hands reach her ass....

I immediately moved them away from her ass....becuz might make her uncomfortable if she wakes up and realises what position we were in .....

I stayed still....not wanting to disturb her sleep ....becoz far as I know ...she didn't see any nightmare yesterday night .....thank god she also had a good night sleep ....

So ...I didn't want to disturb her....but as I slowly moved my head to check the clock....I was so shocked to see is 8 already ....

I usually start to my office by 8:30 ....but I guess I have to be late today .....but that's alright ....nothing is more important than my Amara's peaceful sleep .....

I slowly reached out to my phone making sure to move as less as possible and called veer and informed him that I will be late today and he need to look after the things for me there and also to cancel the meeting that is to be held at 8:30 becoz I couldn't reach there by that time a hush tone which I am positive that he is shocked

He immediately responded with a sure sir I exhaled a breath of releif ....and I kept my phone aside and kept my arms back on her ...not on her ass though ....

I simply held her in my arms ...embedding the feeling of her body against mine in my heart and memory ....

I softly began kissing her forehead softly that she wouldn't even notice it ....its 8:15 now and I might have already kissed her forehead for like a 45 th time ....

And I stilled as I felt her moving ...I didnt know how she would respond to our position I simply closed my eyes ....pretending to be asleep ...I heard a gasp from her ...but she didn't make any attemp to scurry away out of embarassment or disgust ...

Then I felt her staring a me and then ....I felt her palm on my cheek ....she held it there for few seconds and then I felt her pinching my cheek softly...

I then felt a soft pair of lips on my eyes ....wait what ....!!!!!!!

What is happening rn !!!????Did she just kiss my eye.....???

Then she kissed my other eye ...and then ...I felt her kissing on my forehead....I then felt her gasp again....

That made me confused ....but later I understood what happened I heard her mutter "'s late "

So...she might have probably seen the clock ....she then scurried away from me and began shaking me "Abhii....get up's late....Abhii"

I then acted as if I woke up just now ..squinting my eyes and spoke in a sleepy voice as I slowly sat up"w-what"I acted as if I was shocked to know that ..

I even yawned a Lil to make it look more natural'm such a good actor .....well done Amara's "Mann"

Shut up u stupid heart's not's Maan....and she was sleepy ...

She stated "U r late Abhi...late for office ....go and freshen up....I will ask staff to bring the breakfast here ..."

She the ran out of the room before I even replied ....I sighed and didn't even have any time to comprehend her previous kisses I am running late and I didn't want it to get too much outta hand ...

So I complied what she said and rushed to the washroom to do my morning routine ...and as I came out of washroom fully dressed up.....Amara already arranged the breakfast for both of us on the table near the couch .....and she dressed up too....may be she used her previous room

Though I didn't want to disappoint her efforts....I didnot have enough time rn so ....I said half heartedly "I'm sorry ...but I think I need to skip my breakfast for today....but pls have it "

Saying this I was about to rush out ....but she stopped me by holding my hand "Don't u dare ...silently come and have breakfast Abhi ....or else ...u wouldn't like the consequences...I won't eat it ...if u don't "

I was a bit shocked that she cared for me ....but I began pleading her through my eyes and she began rejecting my pleas by shaking her head ....

I accepted my defeat and sat to have breakfast along with her .....She smiled a Lil and sat with me and we both had our breakfast together and she began serving me more and more ....saying "eat well"

I felt as if I am seeing my mother made me giddy in my heart ....I simply nodded and began having whatever she served me ....

Then as we finished the breakfast ...I began wearing my blazer ....she then stopped me I was about to leave ...."Abhiii ....I....can u ....stay at home for today.....???"

This made me frown at her ...she was rushing me till now ...what happened suddenly that she wanted me to stay ....?

She then elaborated "I ...Ur grandma is coming today ....and I am not comfortable with her ...."

This made me understand why she's saying so ....but she never relied on me when Nalini Rajvansh came to the mansion

She had always been fierce and self dependant ....I voiced my thoughts "u have never needed me to tackle her ...whats with u now ...?"

She then looked at me "It's not only her ...I am feeling awkward with everyone else too ....since our marriage ...I couldnt leave the room yesterday too .."

She then sighed and said "ok....whatever ...forget if I ever said that to u ....u can go "

I just wanted clarification "Don't my presence make u feel uncomfortble and Akward too...?"

She then replied by rolling her eyes "Why would I ask u to stay if it is so?"

That made me feel as if I am on the top of the world ...she wanted my company...yayyy....

I did dance hell with that meeting .... If my wife wants me.....she will have me.....and thats it ...

She then got closer to me and whined while shaking me by holding my arm....."Say something "

I then replied with a glint of mischeviousness "Well ...what do I get in return of staying then?"

She frowned at my question and began thinking about it my tapping her finger on her lips ...."How about I cook for u after she left?"

That made me remember yesterdays I acted as if I was terrified by gasping and placing my hand on my chest "Cooking pls"

To this she opened her mouth in shock and playfully hit my shoulder "Abhiiii...."

And then she stomped her feet ,puffed her cheeks and turned to the other side facing away from me....

I smiled at her antics and turned her to face me by holding her hands and stated "Ur wish ,my command Madame "

She then broke out into a wide smile making my heart skip a beat as always and then ...she hugged me...."Thanku ...thank u thank u ....U r the bestt"

I was for sure not expecting this ....but this made me realise ...if I'm gonna get a hug and smile from her like's completely worth it ....I hugged her back ....

She then lifted her face to look at me still smiling and I looked back at her ....

I asked her the question which had been pondering me from last night ?

"Amara ....arent u angry on me anymore .....wt happened suddenly ....why are behaving like u never hated me? "

She then leaned her chin on my chest and answered that question "I was angry at u earlier becoz I thought that u didn't care for me and only saw me as a pawn in ur revenge.....but as I saw u eating the curry I served without complaining ...I understood....that it wasn't true ...."

"I was never simply a pawn to u....and u might have some other reason for this marriage ...I won't push u to reveal it ....u can reveal it when u want ....but for now ....I'm happy that I didn't lose my Abhii"

She stated and I was impressed by her thoughtfulness ....I will for sure reveal Ayaan's nature to her ...but I needed certain evidence....but I also think there's something more than every one can see ....

I need to dig out all the secrets he's hiding before revealing it to Amara ...and she wouldn't be safe if he knows that Amara knows his true colours ...or even if he finds out Amara cooling out on me ....

"Amara ...u will never lose ur Abhi....but can u pls continue acting aloof to me ...infront of Ayaan ?"I asked her..

To that she replied smirkingly "well....what would I get in return ?"

Playing my own game now aren't we?I smirked back playing along with her as I began tapping my finger on my lips imitating her....and replied "How about I cook for u ?"

And she imitated me by dramatically gasping and placing her palm above her heart ...saying "cooking pls"

Then I too whined "Amaraaa" and slappped her arm playfully like she did earlier and puffed my cheeks and turned to the other side ....

She then proceeded to hold my arms and bring me to face her imitating my previous actions and stated "Ur wish my command Sir "

I too went along with our game and hugged her tightly by saying "Thanku ....thank u thank u....u r the bestt Amara !!"

She then hugged me back and looked at my face by lifting her head...while she's still hugging me and we both burst out laughing at our stupidity ....and she placed her head back on my chest and mumbled "This feels good "and I mumbled back..."I know right? "as I softly pecked her forehead still smiling ...

Amaras pov:

As I woke up in the morning ....I was startled by the position we were cheeks began to heat up by seeing that I'm completely laying on top of him...and ....his hands were rested on my ass ...making my cheeks turn into a darker shade of crimson....

Though I wanted to remove his hands from there ...I wanted to see he would react to it ....when he wakes up I simply let them be and closed my eyes and drifted back into sleep ....

And then I was woken up by the sound of some hushed speaking....I don't need to open my eyes to know who it was ...ofc its my Mann...

I pretended to be asleep as he instructed veer on phone and felt happy that he didn't want to disturb my sleep ...

I laid there and enjoyed all the time as he pampered me with numerous forehead kisses.....I mean ..who wouldn't want to be pampered by their husband ....?

But as I know would be too late if I pretended for too I simply acted as if I just woke up ...but I couldn't keep myself from kissing his eyes and forehead...when he cutely pretended to be asleep...

I then played along and woke him up staying it's getting late and asked him to go freshen the mean while i used my previous room and did my morning routine....and then went to the kitchen and asked our head maid Suneetha Maa to send the breakfast for me and Abhi to our room....

She then informed me that ....Nalini Rajvansh is going to visit today ...that made me irritated and uncomfortable ....rn ....I was already feeling uncomfortable with all the others in the family and this old lady just decided to grace us with her unwanted presence???!!

I then took the breakfast to our room with the help of Suneetha maa and arranged it on the table ...

But when Abhi apologized and stated that he might have to skip the breakfast ....I was angry becuz he hadn't been doing that since forever ....

Now that I'm his wife ... I'm never gonna let this ...I forced him to eat ...and all the while I have this uncomfortable feeling in my heart thinking about Nalini Rajvansh ...

I am already too tired with the drama....I didn't want to deal with her again now ...I stopped Abhi and asked him to stay at home for today ....

I mean I'm too tired to deal with that old lady all alone ...why don't I just let my husband deal with her instead ....?

At first I thought he can't I told him to go to office ...but as he later asked me whether or not I feel uncomfortable around him....I understood his dilemma....

So ..I clarified that I don't feel any uncomfortable around him ...and with that I saw a twinkle of happiness as well as mischeif in his eyes as he asked me what he gets in return....

And after we had our banter ...he stated that my wish is his command making my heart flutter ...

I was so happy that I hugged him ....prasing him for being best ...

Then he questioned me on my change in behaviour suddenly ....which I understand confusing my behaviour would've seemed to my poor hubby ...

So I decided to ease his confusion a Lil and revealed only half the truth....that I understood his care for me by yesterday's event ...

Becoz if he is keeping me in dark regarding Ayaan's true colours ....then there sure is some solid reason behind it .....

And I don't want his efforts of protecting me to go in vain just like that I acted if I'm oblivious to Ayaan's nature ...but still hinted that I don't hate him anymore ...and we can restore our old relationship....lil steps ...

I can see happiness overflowing in his eyes as he listened me and he as expected asked me to act as if I'm still upset at him before Ayaan..

Ofcourse I would ....if he saw that I and Abhi are getting closer ...he will try to create rifts between us or worse harm any of us ...and like hell I would let that I understand why Abhi said so....

But I decided to not accept straightly and tease him by imitating his earlier actions ...and so ...we had our cute banter where we imitated each other ...

And atlast we both broke into laughter hugging each other tightly....god!! why does it sound better than my fav music ?....and that made me feel as if lot of weight is lifted off my chest I simply drowned myself in his warm hug mumbling "This feels good "

While he kissed my forehead lovingly making my lips stretch into a wide smile...thank god !I can be relaxed now that my Mann is with me.....I don't need to deal with that old lady ....pheww ...


This is all about this chapter

How do u feel about their banter ?

Did Amara do right by hiding the fact of her knowing about Ayaan ?

How do you think is Nalini Rajvansh going to be ?

Is there something more that Ayaan is hiding as Abhimaan thinks or is he just over thinking ....?

Pls do vote for this as well as previous chapters 🥲

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