The Fall of Dragon Haven - A...

By 99bottlesofgin

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"If it were the girl or the Haven," Hei Lei pondered. "Which would you choose?" "What kind of question is tha... More

The Summer Haven
Tinkling Village
Honest Work
Pickles and Peppers
Purple Rain
Three Cup Rule
New Years Eve
Parting Gifts
Warring States
Dog Lady
Old Friends
The War Council
The Chu Army
Anh's Secrets
Betrayal of the Dragon Haven
Trials and Usurpations
Jade Mountain
A Fight That's Been A Long Time Coming
The Mulberry Tree
Prospective Panda Prosperity
Making Rain
Sowing The Seeds
An Offer Anh Can't Refuse
Death of a Dragon
Hei Lei
Yara Yu

The Imperial Dragon Keeper

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By 99bottlesofgin

The flight to Yan would take 3 days. The first night of their travels, Anh and Lu Yu slept in a bean field. The anxiety from the morning's departing had lifted, and Anh was excited to have his first adventure with Lu Yu. There was no need to light a fire as they were both warm, and they filled up on fruits picked in Mang.

Lu Yu was in an especially cheery mood. Her purple scales shimmered under the starry night as she told Anh about some of her own adventures when she was only 1000 years old – a teenager in dragon years.

I was lost in a foreign land when I discovered a group of squirrels in a tree. I tried to ask for help, but they all ran away from me. All but one young squirrel who was unable to climb down on his own from the branch.

I helped him down and the squirrel realised I wasn't going to eat him, and that I was lost. I learned his name was Whiskers. Together we went on quite a journey to find home. He would ride inside my reverse scales and pop his tiny head out from time to time to see how high we were - oh! Lu Yu chuckled.

Anh smiled. Oh?

Lu Yu's green eyes sparkled. He would peep out and say, 'Oh my! How terribly high we are! Why, I'm so small, I couldn't possibly!' Then he'd pop back in behind my scale and do the same thing an hour later.

Anh fell asleep that night with sore cheeks from laughing at her stories. Who would have known that Lu Yu had a penchant for squirrels? All these years of he and Hei Lei hunting squirrels, it now made perfect sense why she and Gao Zi never joined them.

A niggling feeling formed in his chest at the memory of Hei Lei, but he brushed it aside. Lu Yu was incredible, and kind, and wonderful with humans and animals. She was a stark contrast to Hei Lei's cantankerous, often cold nature. He was grateful for her. Yes, he was grateful she asked him to be her Dragon Keeper. And what's more, she accepted Yara whereas Hei Lei couldn't stand her. They had made it work, living together. And they would continue making it work.

The next morning Anh woke up sore and stiff. It had been ages since he had slept on the ground exposed to the elements, and he was paying the price for it. He also had a strange dream.

Tell me again what you saw? Lu Yu said sipping from the teacup he held to her.

Anh closed his eyes trying to picture it again. A girl – younger than me – sitting by a pond. She was talking to an urn that then turned into a ladle before turning into a dragonling.

A purple dragonling?


Lu Yu pondered this. How was she talking to the dragon?

I'm not sure. I could have sworn it was dragonspeech, but I didn't see her face. She could have been talking... Anh shrugged. This was what he found most strange about the dream. So, what do you think of it?

There's nothing to think about. It's not a premonition if that's what you're asking. Lu Yu said flatly.

Anh gave in. The dream had been so vivid. He felt as if he had a connection to the young girl and the dragonling. Lu Yu was right though. It couldn't be a premonition. Women have never been dragonkeepers. He looked off towards the northern horizon. The sun casted a stunning glow on the eastern face of the mountains that they'd fly over today.

What is that mountain range called? He asked.

Tai Shan. Lu Yu said

The next few hours went by uneventfully until they came to the pass. It took Anh's breath away. Tai Shan was more beautiful than any painting he'd seen. Though the summer heat had dried out much of the grass, the mountains still hosted herbs and flowers of all colours, creeping over the rocks and the trees. Lu Yu descended lower so they could get a closer look at a waterfall that she claimed was once much fuller than it was now. Anh gaped when he saw it – it looked full enough to him!

What do you think they're doing? Lu Yu asked Anh as they ascended again and skirted a low ravine.

He squinted down below. His eyesight wasn't as strong as a dragons. There were at least 100 men camping in the ravine, taking a rest from their labours in the sticky heat. There were great mounds of sand, rock, and timber close to the camp.

I think they're building something. Anh shrugged as they flew off. They shortly came by a path through the ravine. Anh followed the path until he saw it lead to the base of a mountain – the highest mountain in Tai Shan.

They're building a path up the mountain. Lu Yu concluded before gasping so loudly it hurt Anh's ears. She took a sharp turn skyward and made an excitable noise that to anyone else would have sounded like wind chimes. Anh could see them now – Minh Huyn and Bai Xue!

They landed on the peak and Anh slid down Lu Yu in a hurry. Bai Xue skipped and jumped on Lu Yu, bringing her into an excitable embrace. Anh meanwhile shook off the stiffness in his legs and ran through the construction site. Timber and painted marble lay glinting in the sun in a clearing. Behind it was a half-finished pergola, reminiscent of a small, open temple. Minh Huyn was reclining outside where the shade from the wall offered respite from the sun.

"If my ears haven't failed me yet," Minh Huyn said propping himself up onto his elbow. "I'd say that's the mad dash of young Yu Anh?"

"It is!" Anh said falling to his knees and bringing the old man into a hug. The elder Dragon Keeper was not prepared for the sudden weight thrust into his chest. Minh Huyn winced and tapped Anh a few times to encourage him off. "Oh! Sorry Minh Huyn."

"Quite alright." He said breathlessly. Anh took the moment to have a good look at Minh Huyn. His heart sank at the sight of the old man. Age really had caught up. His hair was gone bar a few single strands that held on. His skin was littered with age spots of dark purple and brown, and sagged at his eyes, cheeks and upper chest. Even with his tunic on, Anh could see Minh Huyn was skin and bone.

"For the first time in my life I think I may have found someone skinnier than me."

Minh Huyn chuckled and clapped his hands slowly. His laughter was cut short by a coughing fit that had him bent double. The water, he beckoned.

Anh spotted the flagon inside the scaffolded pergola and brought it to Minh Huyn's lips. The old man drank greedily. His lips were blistered and bloody. Lu Yu and Bai Xue came to their sides. Bai Xue spoke like a soft flute as she looked down at Minh Huyn sadly. He's dying...

Anh sank in front of Minh Huyn and shook his head. No... What are you, like... 180? You still have Huan Chen-Mo's record of 201 years to beat!

The old man smiled, cracking a raw blister on his chapped lips. That was a goal the Haven set out for me. But I think this may be my last day.

Bai Xue and Lu Yu both lowered themselves to the ground, and snuggled into either side of Minh Huyn. Bai Xue rested her head on his skinny thighs. Anh shuffled closer taking the old man's leathery hands into his own. The wrinkles of time in his palms reminded him of his last moments with Gao Zi before he passed. The deja'vu of the moment made him shiver, even though the mid-morning sun was unrelenting.

Are there others here with you? Lu Yu asked.

Bai Xue shook her head. It is only us. Hei Lei would not permit others to leave. I had to beg to accompany Minh Huyn. Bai Xue whined and brought a paw over her face. I will have to return after... Minh Huyn petted Bai Xue. The movement from twisting made him fall into a coughing fit again.

Anh brought the water to his mouth when he was finished. Did you not bring any medicine with you?

Bai Xue answered, There is no money for medicine, and Hei Lei forbids anyone travel to the settlements.

Anh brought his knees to his chest. His cheeks burned with shame. "This is my fault." He said not wanting Lu Yu and Bai Xue to hear him so clearly. "I made him come with me so often to the villages when I knew he hated it. I made him work when he didn't want to. I provoked him and chose Yara over him and now he takes his hatred of me and humans out on the Haven. You must think so little of me."

Minh Huyn turned his head slightly in Anh's direction, his unseeing eyes focused on an invisible point. "They say love is the death of duty. I remember Lao told you that once. You didn't listen then. I'm glad you didn't. I was given the same talk when I was a young man. I wonder from time to time how life would have been had I not listened, either."

Anh's eyes widened. "You were in love once?"

The old man's eyes sparkled. "Is it so hard to believe? I was very young. Like you, I hoped we could make it work, but I was convinced out of it. I do wonder though. It is a troublesome thing when you age, to have time once spent running and flying to instead linger on the bittersweetness of the past."

Anh shuffled in closer. "Who was she?"

Minh Huyn smiled. "Ah..." He chuckled before coughing again. It wasn't a fit this time though, and Minh Huyn's smile wasn't erased when he came too. "I could tell you everything about her. Her name, how we met, how her laugh would echo in the valley. I can see her now even - right in front of me. Two hearts broke the day I made my choice to remain a Dragon Keeper – but I never forgot her."

To hear of Minh Huyn in his younger days, not so much different from Anh after all, made his heart heavy. He wanted desperately to ask more, but the tale strained Minh Huyn's voice. Minh Huyn beckoned for more water.

He spoke to Anh now in his mind. I hear you and Yara have been busy and are with child?

Anh's cheeks burned. How could Minh Huyn of known Yara was pregnant? We are.

Well. Minh Huyn said with a stiff cough. Well, that is wonderful. Are you happy you now have everything you wanted?

Anh looked off guiltily towards the valley below the mountain. I wish we had the support of the Haven. He admitted.

The Haven... Minh Huyn mulled. No. Be grateful you left. It has lost its magic since Hei Lei took over.

Is that why you chose to come here?

Oh yes. The old man smiled. You can still find some of that here on Tai Shan.

Anh looked out over the horizon. It was a beautiful sight for sore eyes – but Minh Huyn was blind. What could be so magical about that?

As if reading his mind, Minh Huyn continued. This mountain is considered one of the closest peaks to Heaven. It is therefore a mountain of great magic. One climbs to this very peak and asks Heaven for their greatest desire to be fulfilled. It is the closet point between our world and the world above.

Minh Huyn huffed as he lazily tapped the wall next to them. Apparently, the new Emperor caught word of this. He has ordered the construction of a temple for his use only. You and I may be one of the last to visit this peak before the Emperor forbids it.

Anh bit his lip before leaning closer and asking softly. What do you wish for? Before the Emperor forbids it?

My wish has already been granted – albeit, I am too pained now to reach out and grab it. He chuckled and began coughing again. This fit lasted longer than the last.

Anh went to give him some water but saw the flagon was empty. His palms began to sweat as he watched Minh Huyn gulp for air. I need to get you some more water.

No, no. It is wasted on me. He closed his eyes as his voice grew quieter. This mountain... is the only place in the Empire where sweet pea flowers grow. Have you ever smelled a sweet pea before, Anh? I doubt you have. It was brought over from the far, far west. It smells like a summer afternoon in a green meadow. With a bubbling brook nearby, and crickets lulling you to sleep...

Minh Huyn opened his eyes and drew Anh closer to him. Anh... My eyes darken. I'd love to smell a sweet pea just one more time.

Anh's lips quivered as he asked what they look like. Minh Huyn's bleeding lips cracked as his face broke out into a smile. I don't know... But you will know it when you smell it.

Anh took his hands from Minh Huyn's and took off down the mountainside in search of the sweet peas. He could smell the flowers before he saw them. Minh Huyn had been very close. Just 30 meters away. They were delicate flowers that grew multiple purple and pink heads on a single stem. He cut several stems and carried as many as he could back up the mountain where Minh Huyn and the dragons lay.

"Minh Huyn?" Anh whispered, gently laying the flowers on his chest, their delicate fragrance mingling with the hushed atmosphere. "Minh Huyn, I have them." The old man didn't open his eyes. Anh feared he was too late, but he was still breathing. He took one of the stems and held the head of the flower by Minh Huyn's face.

A flicker of hope danced in Anh's eyes as Minh Huyn's nose wriggled at the fragrance. Slowly, Anh lifted another one of the stems, cradling the blossom in his hand, and brought it closer to his nose. In that tender moment, another subtle response emerged. A faint twitch of his nostrils and the tiniest of smiles. It was as if catching the familiar scent had brought him back to the green meadow by the brook. Anh's heart swelled with bittersweet relief, knowing that amidst his fading senses, Minh Huyn had recognized the presence of his beloved sweet peas. It would be Minh Huyn's final connection before his soul left his body for wherever it travelled too next.


The lonely grave of Huan Minh Huyn was not decorated with traditional coneflowers, but with sweet peas.

Between the three of them, it didn't take long to bury the old Dragon Keeper. Anh arranged his hands over his chest. Bai Xue, Minh Huyn's companion for over 150 years, plucked one of her white scales from her chest and placed it in the fold of his hands. Their companionship as dragon and Dragon Keeper was the longest known, shadowing over the second which was between Danzi and his previous Keeper, Huan Bingwen.

They gently covered his body with earth and stood for a moment in silence. Lu Yu looked out into the distance towards the north. It's time to go, Anh.

Anh leaned into the purple dragon but had his eyes set on the white. Come with us Bai Xue? We could really use your help in Yan.

I must return to the Haven. Hei Lei is waiting. He only allowed a few days grace.

Anh near choked on the words. A few days grace? Hei Lei never gave Anh reason to believe he didn't like Minh Huyn. He had now lumped all humans into the category of untrustworthy despite their long standing histories.

I'm sorry. Was all Anh could say to Bai Xue. The little white dragon bowed before flying.

There were a few hours until sunset, but they had a long way to go if they were going to make it to Yan on time to meet Tu Men.

Anh looked out over the horizon. Tai Shan was a beautiful sight. Anh could understand in many ways why Minh Huyn chose to come here. He turned to walk back when he slipped on a loose rock. Lu Yu cried out to him. The slip sent him sliding 10 meters down the slope.

He groaned as he brought his knee to his face. The fall tore his trousers. He was bleeding with a few small stones and dirt lodged in, but he was otherwise okay. He picked out some of the loose stones and brushed off the rest. I'm okay! He called out to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu didn't answer. Anh winced as he climbed back up. When he reached the plateau he chuckled. Check out my knee! He said to Lu Yu who had her back to him.

What is this, Yu Anh?

Anh frowned. What is what?

Lu Yu turned to face him. In her paw was the jade seal Emperor Gaozu had given him. It slipped from his pocket when he fell. This.

It was a gift from Emperor Gaozu. He gave me the seal so I could sign the contract. He answered honestly.

There was a look in Lu Yu's eyes that Anh had never seen before. A kind of fire behind her emerald eyes. Do you have any idea what this is?

Anh froze. He was used to Hei Lei's anger, but not Lu Yu's. I told you, he said. It's a seal. He knew I couldn't read or write. It says Dragon Keeper.

It says Imperial Dragon Keeper, Anh! Lu Yu seethed. And it's not a seal – it's an oath. Dignitaries wear these to impress their duties. You accepting this... this 'gift' means you accepted an oath as Imperial Dragon Keeper.

Lu Yu's words dawned slowly on Anh, like the gradual illumination of a dark room. Imperial Dragon Keeper. It was a world the Dragons and Dragon Keepers alike had shunned for a millennia – and Anh had brought himself into that world under the falsehood of Emperor Gaozu's kindness. Anh's heart beat rapidly as the evidence piled on in malevolent clarity. He'd been deceived.

Lu Yu, he stammered. I am so sorry, I –

Do you have any idea what this means, Yu Anh? Steam rose from Lu Yu's nostrils as she bellowed her terrors.

I'll give it back! I don't want to be the Imperial Dragon Keeper.

It's too late! This is an oath. You cannot just return this to the Emperor and forfeit yourself. Lu Yu howled. You have no idea how grave this is, do you? Anh struggled to find the words to say how sorry he was.

Lu Yu's chest rose and fell rapidly. This oath is bounding for life, Yu Anh. Not just to you as Imperial Dragon Keeper – but to your dragon.

Anh brought his hands to his head, cusping fistfuls of hair. No, No –

If you forfeit this oath, the Emperor will punish not just you, but me and my family. He will have me hunted down and brought to the palace with my kin. Danzi and our dragonling! You have endangered us all! You have brought me and my dragonling into this world and now we are bound to it.

Anh wiped his nose with his sleeve. Lu Yu, I am so sorry – I had no idea.

You should have waited for me before meeting with the Emperor. I could have stopped this. Now we are no longer free. She said with sadness in her voice.

They stood quietly staring at the seal. Anh wanted to curse. He wanted to summon his qi and blast the seal at the Emperor with such a force that it would burn a hole through his chest. The profound weight of his falsery fell heavy on Anh's shoulders. He sunk to the ground and covered his face with his hands. How could he be so stupid? He'd endangered the Dragon Haven by revealing the location. Now he had endangered Lu Yu, Danzi and their Dragonling by stupidly accepting the imperial seal.

What can I do to make this right? He asked.

He could see Lu Yu's shadow cast on the ground where he stared. Nothing.

There must be something?

If we do nothing, we are dead. We are bound to the Emperor. His order is our honor. Bringing rain to Yan will just be the beginning.

We could leave. Anh said looking up at her. Take the others and flee elsewhere in the Empire.


We can fight this Lu Yu. Anh pleaded. Please, let me make this right!

We cannot fight this! This is no petty squabble between two dragons over a cluster!

Anh gritted his teeth. Hei Lei would have fought.

As soon as the words slipped from his lips, he wished he had taken them back. There was hurt in Lu Yu's eyes as his words settled on her. Lu Yu stepped back from him.

Anh caught his breath. Lu Yu, I... I don't know why I said that.

Lu Yu did not meet his eyes. I knew I could never replace Hei Lei in your heart. I didn't want to deprive your heart the love for him that was real.

Lu Yu...

I never wanted to replace him, Anh. He is to you what Gao Zi was to me. But I must know. She turned to him. The sunlight betrayed the tears in the corner of her eyes. Do you wish that our places were traded? That you had remained Hei Lei's Keeper, and I had never been your dragon?

It was Minh Huyn's question again but worded more honestly. "Are you happy you now have everything you wanted?" Anh swallowed as he tore his eyes away from Lu Yu's. Because despite it all – a life with Yara, Lu Yu, an unborn child and a dragonling – there was a hole left there by Hei Lei that could not be filled.

Yes, Anh said through glazed eyes. I do wish that.

His words hung in the air like a fragile thread, connecting him and Lu Yu. The impact of his revelation was tangible as he brought himself to look at Lu Yu. Her hurt was etched upon her face, a mirror reflecting Anh's own pain.

The purple dragon turned towards the horizon and spread her wings. Lu Yu, where are you going?

I need to be alone for a while. She then soared high into the sky. Anh watched as she circled the mountain peak, her purple body becoming as small as a bird the further she went, before disappearing entirely into the horizon where the first hues of dusk flickered the skyline.

When she was out of sight entirely, Anh kicked at the earth. He sank to his knees as a guttural cry emitted from deep within. The air was hot and sticky, but Anh drew his cloak over him for comfort. Regret, his ever-unwelcome companion, clung to him heavier than his cloak did, suffocating each breath. He'd failed Lu Yu and her dragonling. He'd failed Hei Lei. And if he didn't get to Yan soon, he'd soon enough fail Yara and their child.

The ache within his heart was amplified by the loneliness of the mountain peak. Minh Huyn had said this peak was where villagers of old would come to speak their desires to Heaven. Anh didn't take much to the ways of the Empire in terms of religion or spirituality, but looking at the scaffolding where the Emperor's pergola would stand for this very purpose made him reconsider. Anh spoke softly to the sky, uttering a prayer. He yearned for a chance to turn back time, to undo the irreversible. He knew it was in vain, however. The reality of his actions were inescapable – bound until death he now was.

His stomach rumbled. He hadn't eaten since dawn. Though he cared little for food, he didn't want to see the persimmons that Yara had packed him rot. He lazily rose when a sensation so powerful came to him that he trembled and fell to the ground.

The feeling was so strong. Every hair on his body stood, his heart raced. It was all so familiar, the presence that loomed nearby. But he was wrong – he had to be wrong? There was no possible way the feeling was right, there was no way they could be here. His Second Sight was toying with him.

Anh spun around and spotted the dark figure floating about the eastern peak. To the untrained eye, it looked like a storm cloud was descending on the mountainside. It was dark and gray and frightening and absolutely terrific.

To the Qin, he was known as Black Thunder.

It was Hei Lei.

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