š•®š–š–†š–”š–™š–Žš–ˆ š•°š–›š–Žš–‘ ||| T...

By Neo-ff

43.3K 1.4K 539

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š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— šŸ“

1.4K 58 15
By Neo-ff

You run down the streets, looking for Takemichi or Hina or just anyone who could update you on the situation. Out of breath and with burning lungs, you come to a stop. Your head is spinning because of your worried thoughts about Hina and Emma, and of course Draken, even though you don't know him well but the other two seemed to like him.

Immediately taking out your phone when you can hear it ringing, seeing Hina's caller ID "Hina?" ("[Y/n]! Draken and Takemichi are on the way to the hospital!! Are you safe?!") she sounds worried and you can imagine her with teary eyes.

"Yes but what about you? Where's Emma?" You question and she hums ("Yes, we're on our way to the hospital too") "Okay, good" You still stand there in the rain, completely drenched at this point.

("[Y/n], you should go home. It's already super late and it's not safe outside, okay?") she urges and you nod "Can you call me when you know if Draken is fine? I know that I don't know him but...you know? Emma likes him a lot, I want to make sure that she's okay too" ("Of course. I'll inform you when I know more but go home now, promise me that!") "I will, you don't have to worry about me"

You two hang up and you let out a heavy sigh. Throwing your head back and letting the rain fall on your face, smearing your eyeliner and mascara. You don't care because you are already drenched, so fuck it. Your thoughts are cut short by the ringing of your phone again. But this time, you hesitated a little bit taking the call.

"Hel-" ("[Y/n], come home!! Now!!") Rindou immediately interrupts you by furiously snapping at you, "I-" ("You went to the festival, didn't you?! We told you 'no', so you'll come home now!!") he barks, cutting you off once more. You are about to say something but suddenly Ran was on the phone, ("I give you 5 minutes or I'll let people hunt you down!!"), though now you were getting angry for not even being able to say even one proper sentence.

"And what if I don't, huh?! Fuck your men!! I can do whatever I want!!" You yell into your phone, ("[Y/n], you-") "No!! You and Rin can fuck off!!" You cut him off this time but he was quick to response ("You have 5 minutes before I'll come and drag you back home!!") "No!!" You snap and quickly hang up before he could say something.

You let out an annoyed groan and stomp over to a bus stop shelter, dropping down on the bench and huff out another groan. Everything was pissing you off right now. Your brothers, the rain, the way your wet hair and wet clothes are sticking to your body and face, the way your smeared eyeliner feels on your face. You only hope that Hina and Emma are at the hospital now, where it's safe and warm.

You wanted nothing more than to get out of your drenched and cold clothes, and then take a warm shower and change into comfy clothes to hop under the blankets in your bed.

With crossed arms and legs you sit at the dark bus stop and try to calm down your nerves, enjoying the silence and just listening to the sound of the rain. So you close your eyes but the peace is short lived when someone suddenly says your full name, making your heart drop and eyes snap open, thinking that one of your brothers men already found you to bring you home.

But you are faced with Hanma, the tall boy with the tattoos on his hands, "[Y/n] Haitani~♡"

With wide eyes and slightly agape mouth, you stare at him as he stands in front of you, lazily holding the cigarette between his fingers. His clothes are drenched as well and his hair is sticking to his forehead, on top of that is his face slightly bruised and his knuckles are bleeding a little bit.

"How do you know who I am? Fuck do you want?!" You get up from the bench, glaring at him with menacing eyes "You are the little sister of the Haitani brothers and a lot of people know you for what you did in 2003. Do you really think people don't know who you are, especially when you look like that?" He chuckles lightly, making you cringe.

You frown "And what do you want?" "Just searching for a shelter because of the rain" He states and sits down on the bench "Okay? Then go find another one, I'm here" You cross your arms "Nahh, this is the perfect one. I even have a pretty girl here!" He eyes you up and down with a smug grin. Your cheeks burn from his sudden compliment while his eyes scan the way the yukata fits on you. Now you want to crawl out of your skin and curse out Hina for making you wear this.

"Don't look at me like this! C'mon, sit down and talk to me for a little bit" he pats on the empty seat next to him "Or do you have to ask your brothers for permission?" "I don't need anybody's permission!" You state in a stern voice, sitting down to prove the point. He chuckles again and the smell of his cigarette creeps up your nose but it doesn't bother you. Ran and Rindou would occasionally smoke, although they vehemently defend themselves against your accusations. But you know better.

"Tell me, [Y/n]. What are you doing here? Aren't your brothers worried for you to be here all alone...at night with me" he grinned at you, making you roll your eyes "I'm ain't scared of you, you gotta try harder for that. I also doubt my brothers would know a peasant like you. You're pissing me off, Hanma, you scared my friend!", thinking about how afraid Hina must have been.

"Aww~ I'm sorry" He cooes, ignoring your insult and you roll your eyes again "Don't say sorry if you don't actually mean it" "Gotcha!" He laughs and throws the finished cigarette away, into the rain.

"You still haven't answered my question tho" Hanma stated and you glance over to him with knitted eyebrows "What do you care? If it bothers you that I'm here, then you're heartily welcomed to fuck off and leave"

He laughs amused "You're funny! Your brothers always seem to...have a stick up their asses", you couldn't help but laugh as well "Hah! Fuck, yeah they do!"

Hanma was a bit taken aback from your pretty smile and laugh. He would lie when he would say you aren't beautiful, even when you sit at a dark bus stop, completely drenched with smeared eyeliner. You look adorable the way your legs were bouncing because you felt cold.

"Here" he takes off a white jacket and lays it down over your legs. You stare at him, a faint blush crosses your cheeks and you choke out a small "Thanks", since he was just wearing the jacket, his body heat warmed up the jacket and now can warm your legs a little bit.

"No problem, pretty" He smiles and you shoot him a side eye "You're such a flirt" "Can't help myself when you sit next to me!" He shrugs. You purse your lips to hide the smile that was creeping up on your face while thinking "What the hell is wrong with me?!", He scared Hina and Emma! Draken got stabbed...although it wasn't him because he was fighting with Mikey at that moment..-

"Are you Mikey's girlfriend?" He suddenly questions, making you choke on your saliva "What?!", you cough and he starts laughing "I ask because you were with him on his bike when he arrived!" "No, I'm not his girlfriend! This was actually the second time I met him, we're not friends" You quickly clarify, so he won't get anything twisted.

Hanma nods in acknowledgement and starts grinning "Lucky me, I guess!", you immediately get what he meant "Don't get your hopes up" "We'll see! I mean you already wear my jacket, looking pretty cute in my clothes" he states bluntly. You yank the jacket off your lap "You can have it back!", he laughs and throws the jacket back "Your yukata is completely drenched, you'll get cold. And don't lie and say that you aren't freezing!"

You huff out and lay the jacket back over your knees again while he chuckles again "Although I would like to see you longer like that!", you slap his arm hard "Shut up or I'll go!" "I thought it's your shelter and not mine?" He taunts and you grit your teeth, turning your head away and ignoring his comment.

"Why did you fight Mikey's gang?" You question him, stunning him a little bit but he answers "Why not? Life is funnier if you just do whatever you want! I mean, you should get it, right? Running from your brothers and shit..", you don't have to think about that for long "I get it.." "I knew that you're an interesting one!" He says and then suddenly reaches over to your legs.

You are about to jump up but he laughs "Relax! My cigarettes are in the pockets of my jacket", your cheeks heat up as he starts fumbling with his jacket and his hands accidentally brush against your thighs. Hanma leans back again and lights the cigarette while eyeing you as you have your gaze glued on the road in front of you, so he was able to admire your side profile.

"I saw you punching one of my men" He says and you turn your head to him with knitted eyebrows "Well, that's what he gets for being a fucking creep and trying to drag me away" "Ah, yeah then he deserved that" he agrees "Where did you learn how to fight? You didn't look helpless while fighting off that guy, you knew what you were doing"

"My brothers taught me a little bit, the rest is...self taught" you answer a little dryly. Hanma was about to say something but he gets cut off by your phone ringing.

You take it out scowl "Speaking of the fucking devil.." "Answer" Hanma chuckles and you take the call.

"Ran, you-" ("Where the fuck are you?!") Ran snaps so loud that even Hanma could clearly hear him, making him raise his eyebrows in surprise, "On the way to Disneyland on a fucking unicorn. Where else?" You sarcastically reply and Hanma chuckles under his breath, so Ran wouldn't hear him.

("[Y/n], I said I will give you 5 minutes to be home. It's over! If one of my men finds you-") Ran threatens and you start laughing mockingly "Then what? Do you want to ground me?" ("Yeah, maybe I'll do exactly that!") "Sure~ good luck with that! You and Rindou couldn't even stop me from going to the festival" You giggle.

Hanma isn't able to hold back his laughter anymore and bursts out laughing. Ran obviously hears him and starts yelling even more furiously ("Who is that?! Is a boy with you?!") "Yeah, I got a boyfriend" You roll your eyes. He raises an eyebrow "We would make a good couple", he leans closer but you shove his face away with your hand while chuckling lightly, thinking that this whole situation is actually kind of funny.

("[Y/n], come home! You'll regret it if you don't start moving now!!") Ran barks and you can hear Rindou saying something but not to Ran, probably some of his men, "Yeah yeah, I'll kiss my boyfriend goodbye and then I'll go home! Bye bye~" you quickly hang up before your oldest brother could say anything.

"Oh~ I'm getting a goodbye kiss?" Hanma smirks at you, causing you to roll your eyes and stand up, holding his jacket to him "I'll go now. Thanks for the jacket", you give him a small smile and actually be grateful that he lent his jacket because you were freezing your ass off.

Hanma takes the jacket and stands up "I'll walk with you. Can't let a beautiful girl like you walk home alone, mmh?" "Okay but you...can't come all the way. I'm sure my brothers ordered people to hunt me down!" "I can fight but if you want it that way, no problem!" He nods and lays his jacket around your shoulders, so you don't feel too cold.

It is still raining but not as much as before. You silently walk next to Hanma, lowkey enjoying the silence...and his presence, although you were 95% sure he is a psychopath. A very charming and handsome one..uhm what?!-

"Okay, let's separate here. I live a few meters away from here, I don't want my brothers to see you. You're already beat up enough, not sure if you survive another round" you stop walking and take his jacket off, handing it back to him.

"Before you go, can I get your number?" He questions and your cheeks heat up, luckily it was dark enough so he couldn't see it. You are sure he would tease you for it, "Uhm..yeah, okay" you nod and Hanma hands you his phone. You quickly type in your name and phone number before handing him his cell back. He looks at your contact before he smiles "Thanks!", he turns around, lifting a hand to wave at you.

"I'll see you, [Y/n] Haitani!"

You watch him disappear in the dark, standing there for a couple of seconds before you take a deep breath and start walking to your apartment building.

Outside your apartment, you are met with a bunch of scary looking boys who are looking at you with a deep scowl, they obviously know who you are. Especially because it wasn't the first time you ran away and your brothers let men search for you.

With your head high and a 'I don't give a fuck'- face expression and mentality, you walk past them into your home. Inside you are met with the same sight. Ran and Rindou are yelling at some men for being incapable of finding you, not even noticing that you walked in. For a second you think about simply walking into your bedroom and then act like you were never gone but you decide to clear your throat and stand your ground.

Their heads whip to you and you have to take a step back because they immediately charge at you, standing right in front of you and start yelling "We told you to not go to the festival" "Who was the boy with you?! Your boyfriend?!" "You're grounded!! And also give me your phone!" "Show us who your boyfriend is!!"

"Are you done?" You look at them unfazed, crossing your arms, "Oi!!" snapping at Rindou when he suddenly rips your purse out of your hands. You are about to snatch it back but Ran grabs your wrist, stopping you while Rindou pulls out your phone that was in there.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" You bark, silently hoping that Hanma is intelligent enough to not immediately text you since he knows that your brothers are searching for you and think you have a boyfriend. But on the other side he probably would purposely get you into trouble, just to have his fun and watch you go down.

While Rindou checks your phone, Ran turns back to you "Who is your boyfriend?" "I don't have a boyfriend, you idiots. I was just messing around with you!" You snap, yanking your wrist out of his grip "You are lying! We heard a boy laughing in the background. Who was that?!" Ran snaps back.

"That was a classmate! But go on, check my phone and whatever, you'll find nothing" You shrug and Ran turns to Rindou who is still checking your phone, obviously finding nothing. Rindou turns to the men and starts yelling at them to get the fuck out of here and they immediately leave.

"Can I go as well? I'm drenched" you request and Rindou snaps at you "No!" "Bro, are you serious? Do you want me to sit down on the couch with wet clothes?" you glare at him and then shrug your shoulders, making your way to the couch "Okay, no fucking problem!"

Ran grabs your arm, stopping you "Go get changed", you tilt your head "Can I get my phone back or do you wanna keep it?", Rindou is about to do exactly that but your oldest brother tells him to give it back to you since they couldn't find anything.

"Idiots.." You grumble as you walk into your bedroom to get fresh clothes, and then walk into the bathroom to take a warm bath.

You let your hair down and look into the mirror, seeing that your eyeliner is completely smeared under your eyes, "That man is definitely not right in the head.." you mumble under your breath when you remember how Hanma kept calling you pretty.

Sinking into the warm water, you close your eyes for a moment before your phone suddenly buzzes, indicating that you got a message. For a second you thought it would be Hanma but when you check your phone, you see it is a text from Hina.

She told you that Draken is alive and got surgery, which was successful. Also informing you that she's home now, and that Emma is fine and relieved that Draken is going to be okay. You quickly text her back that you're relieved and that you're home as well, taking a warm bath because you were drenched from the rain. Hina almost immediately answered, telling you that she's taking a bath as well. You wish her a good night before you put your phone away and just enjoy the hot bath.

After taking the bath and changing into some comfy and warm clothes you walk out of the bathroom, spotting your brothers sitting on the couch practically waiting for you, "[Y/n], sit down" Rindou speaks up in a much calmer voice than before but you wave him off dismissively "I rather not!" "[Y/n]!" Ran sternly calls out to you and you snap "Oh my god, what?!" "Sit down!!"

Huffing out annoyed, you walk over to the couch and flop down, bringing your knees to your chest. You wrap your arms around your legs and lean your chin on your knees "What is it?" "Who was the boy with you?" "Are you sure you told us the truth that you don't have a boyfriend?"

You take a deep breath to not throw another tantrum "For the hundredth time to finally get that into y'all's thick skulls! I. Don't. Have. A. Boyfriend!" "And what about a girlfriend?" Rindou questions and you frown "No, I also don't have a girlfriend, Rindou!"

They eye you with sharp eyes before you giggle mockingly "But I'll probably get a girlfriend before you losers!" "Go to your room!!" "Fuck off!!" They both snap, causing you to stand up laughing and walk to your bedroom "Good night! Love ya~"



2 chapters today because it's Christmas🎄❤️

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