Ki-ur Kakkabu

By AlbanusAurelius

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Almost two centuries have passed since the mysterious tragedy of the Poseidon's Fury left its entire crew sla... More

Copyright Acknowledgement
Prologue: A Moonlit Discovery
Chapter 1: Demise at Sea
Chapter 2: A Determined Soul
Chapter 3: A Cryptic Clue Revealed
Chapter 4: A Gathering of Seekers
Chapter 5: Summoned to Ruin
Chapter 6: Revelations in the Moonlight
Chapter 7: Tension in the Night
Chapter 8: Toward Delphi's Oracle
Chapter 9: The Arrival at Delphi
Chapter 10: Prophecies at the Oracle
Chapter 11: Pilgrim Plots and Preparations
Chapter 12: Setting Sails for Delos
Chapter 13: Arrival on Delos
Chapter 14: A Sailor's Tip
Chapter 15: A Woodland Haven
Chapter 17: Through Words, We're Wraven
Chapter 18: An Old Hermit's Thread
Chapter 19: Departing Delos Once More
Chapter 20: Arrival at Susa
Chapter 21: A Handsome Stranger
Chapter 22: Awaiting the Trader's Return
Chapter 23: The Trader's Fragment
Chapter 24: Revelation in the Archives
Chapter 25: The Legend is Revealed
Chapter 26: A Merchant's Memories
Chapter 27: Into the Waterworld
Chapter 28: Crisis of Faith
Chapter 29: Revelations Beneath Ancient Roots
Chapter 30: An Unexpected Lead
Chapter 31: Shelter Among Friends
Chapter 32: A Confrontation with the Past
Chapter 33: A Demon's Bargain
Chapter 34: Collapse or Continue?
Chapter 35: A Long-forgotten Relic
Chapter 36: All Threads Woven...
Chapter 37: Milos' Embrace
Chapter 38: Secrets in the Ruins
Chapter 39: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 40: The Final Revealing
Chapter 41: Mysteries Solved, Secrets Shared
Chapter 42: Finding Peace Where All Began
Chapter 43: Documenting the Discovery
Chapter 44: New Beginnings
Chapter 45: Towards Tomorrow
Epilogue: Under the African Sun

Chapter 16: Through the Trees to Truth

33 6 3
By AlbanusAurelius

Carrying their old leather bags, the friends entered the forest, enjoying the smell of pine needles and fertile soil. A peacefulness surrounded the ancient trees, making their footsteps quiet as they walked on a thick layer of fallen leaves and needles.

The tall pine trees stood on both sides of the narrow path, with their top branches twisting out of sight. Beams of sunlight filtered through the gaps, decorated with specks of pollen and seeds from the rustling branches. A soft breeze moved through the trees, causing the branches to sway and creating a spooky forest melody.

Up in the canopy of branches and needles, birdsong filled the air. Wood pigeons made mournful cooing sounds, their calls echoing through the quietness. Nearby, a nuthatch pecked loudly at the bark, each tap resonating like a silver bell.

After taking a deep breath, the friends began walking at a relaxed pace. Chrysomallo checked her tablet for directions while Dex walked behind, remaining attentive to their lush green surroundings. Themistonoe turned her face towards the speckled light, a small smile playing on her lips as the birch leaves quivered overhead.

The forest emitted its own unique calmness. There was no noise or commotion from human activity to disturb the peace of these ancient woods. 

Only the gentle sounds of nature filled the silence: the rustling of the wind, the whispering of the trees, and the concealed flow of nearby water. It was a place for attentive listening and observation, where secrets waited to be uncovered by those patient enough to discover them.

(Pine sentinels of the forest road)

After a while, Dex spoke, "The forest takes care of its own. Sometimes, something unusual happens."

Themistonoe thought, "Just like Caravos, it hides its secrets well."

When they reached the twisted branches of an old oak tree, Chrysomallo looked at the map. "The fork is in this direction. Let's be careful and watch our steps." They turned left, and the forest surrounded them even more.

The friends went deeper into the peaceful forest, relying on Chrysomallo's careful etchings. Covered in moss, the tree trunks closed in on their narrow path. The birds stopped singing to listen to the unfamiliar presence moving through the trees.

Eventually, Chrysomallo looked at their densely wooded surroundings. "According to my signs, we have travelled far today. However, no markers are showing the path that the village elder talked about." Doubt started to appear as they faced the mysterious nature of the forest.

"Don't be afraid," reassured Themistonoe. "The forest will reveal its truths to those who are patient. Our friend's directions were reliable; maybe the stream and answers are waiting for us around the next bend."

Chrysomallo stopped for a moment, studying the faded map in the sunlight. "According to my markings, we should soon see a group of three oak trees. But these woods have few paths. How will we recognize the right trees?"

Dex joined her, looking up at the tall pine trees. "Believe in the guidance that has helped us before. Signs will appear if we stay alert."

Themistonoe looked around thoughtfully. "Maybe we should listen for clues beyond what we can see. The forest has its own language if we're willing to listen."

Nearby, Mnesarete crouched by some low bushes. "Listen here—dragonflies flying around leaves moved by small streams. Could those rustling sounds hide our destined path?"

The friends decided to investigate, moving aside thick ferns. A clear stream appeared, happily bubbling over mossy stones. Refreshed, Ikkos smiled. "Do you see how things start to make sense when we gain understanding? This forest knows its children; it will guide us."

Chrysomallo carefully put the map away, feeling hopeful. "Let this be our first sign that there are more mysteries to discover if we're patient. Let's keep going; the answers might be waiting for us around the next bend!"

(Ripples through the Forest)

As they followed the chattering stream, Themistonoe said, "It's strange why someone like Caravos chooses to live so far from home."

Chrysomallo nodded thoughtfully. "The Phoenicians are known for their sailing, yet he has made his home deep in the woods. What secrets or difficulties led him to this solitary life?"

Dex looked up at the branches, sighing softly. "Maybe the forest provides comfort that busy ports and cities cannot. In the quiet of nature, one can find true wisdom that noisy crowds do not offer."

Mnesarete added, "Or maybe he carries past hurts that haven't fully healed, seeking comfort in seclusion instead of familiar faces. Solitude can be both a refuge and a burden."

Ikkos looked ahead and pondered. "Everyone has their reasons for seeking or avoiding the company of others. All we can do is respect his choice and hope that our open-mindedness helps us understand him better."

As they walked, Chrysomallo thoughtfully drifted through her own thoughts. "What if he didn't choose this exile willingly? Maybe his past actions have earned him enemies who now seek revenge, even in this far-off place."

Themistonoe's eyes followed the branches swaying in the wind. "Some people find comfort in solitude as they connect with spirits. Perhaps he delves into dark magic or experiences visions that draw him deeper into the quiet of the forest, revealing hidden truths."

Dex watched a raven swoop between the pines. "Kingdoms rise and fall, fortunes come and go—this forest values patience over material wealth. Perhaps the simple life appeals to someone tired of politics and the power of money."

Mnesarete startled a deer hidden in the ferns. "Or perhaps he once experienced love here with someone who is now gone, leaving him to wander these eerie paths alone with only bittersweet memories."

Ikkos observed the twisted bark bearing the marks of past seasons. "The old oaks hold wisdom that words cannot express. Maybe this forest is just one stop in a long, wandering life with depths that we cannot fully understand."

Chrysomallo traced the winding grooves in the worn bark, lost in thought. "There are tales of Phoenician secrets, stories of their fleet fading into mist like ghosts. Could Caravos' mind wander where ours remains bound?"

Mnesarete bent down to examine a mushroom closely. "Some people consume strange potions to expand their minds beyond the limits of their bodies. Could he communicate with Flora through hidden rituals that we cannot see?"

Themistonoe gently stroked the wrinkled birch tree bark. "Rumours keep going around about ancient arts passed on from Atlantis. Did his desire to explore lead him to secluded places where remains of old knowledge lie inactive, waiting for someone with similar interests?"

Ikkos examined the large rocks covered in moss and shadows. "Geologists talk about ancient disturbances. Could the remains of past civilizations fall apart under the forest's cover, enticing him with their puzzling mysteries?"

Chrysomallo dug her fingers into the thin roots of the harebells. "Certain flowers have healing properties for both the body and mind. What if he grows rare types to treat conditions that only he knows about?"

Dex scratched his symbols into fern leaves covered in dew drops. "The mysterious energies of nature are attracted. Perhaps the equations he wrote here align subtle forces that direct unseen growth."

Mnesarete delicately touched the mist clinging to spider silk, as light as cobwebs. "Legends talk about mists that trap spirits. Could his ability to pierce through the barriers between worlds condemn him to wander the boundary realms?"

As the mysteries grew deeper with each step, the friends were lost in their thoughts, contemplating lands beyond their knowledge and lives beyond their understanding. They wondered what hidden secrets might await them within Caravos' secluded hideaway in the shaded clearings.

In silence, the friends walked for some time, the forest surrounding them as they followed the meandering stream further into the quiet woods.

After a while, Ikkos wiped the sweat from his forehead. "How far did the village elder say Caravos' home was?"

Chrysomallo furrowed her brow and checked the map once more. "According to the markings, we should have reached the three oak trees by now. But these woods seem to stretch on indefinitely."

Themistonoe paused, straining to listen, but only the sound of birds singing filled the air. "Surely a normal forest couldn't hide a home so well. What kind of magic must be concealing this place from curious eyes?"

Mnesarete peered into the thick bushes, growing darker as they ventured farther. "Or perhaps our friend's directions led us the wrong way. The woods can play tricks on the mind when we aren't careful."

Dex crouched by the stream, cupping the water in his hands and taking a sip. "This stream is clear; its origin must be ahead. Let's follow it if there aren't any other signs."

As the friends trudged onward, tired but determined, Chrysomallo examined her faded map once more. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks.

"Wait, something here has caught my attention." She traced her finger along a faint marking. "According to this, we should find a solitary standing stone up ahead, covered in moss, near the bend in the stream to the east."

The others gathered around, peering into the thick forest. Minutes passed in silence. Then Mnesarete grabbed Dex's arm. "There, through the trees. A shadow surrounds it, unlike the others."

He nodded. "Your eyesight is sharp. Let's go and see what truths this sign may reveal." They sneaked through the ferns until the old monolith came into view, worn and curved with age. Moss and lichen covered its surface in intricate patterns.

Themistonoe touched the old stone, murmuring a chant. Ancient symbols seemed to glow beneath her fingertips before fading away. "There are magical protections here, guarding some mystery. This must be the signal we're looking for."

Renewed with hope, the companions continued their journey. The trees started to thin as they followed the stream around a bend. Sunlight filtered onto the grass, creating shifting patterns as clouds passed overhead.

Ikkos paused to feel the cool, green carpet beneath his fingers. Crickets chirped from their hiding spots as woodland creatures carried on, unaware of the travellers' presence.

Ikkos smiled. "We must be lucky! If this lonely guard has endured for ages, our friend's dwelling may still exist, hidden but sturdy like the oaks."

Chrysomallo adjusted her map. "This way now, the solitude doesn't seem endless anymore. Patience leads us like the stream guiding us to the shore of revelation."

They continued their journey with lighter steps, following mysterious signs that pointed towards answers waiting ahead, hidden by the winding forest paths.

The trees split ahead, bringing sunlight in golden rays. Chrysomallo double-checked her map. "If I'm correct, the land should slope down just beyond that hill, revealing an open space."

Her words proved true. As they reached the top of the hill, they caught sight of a grassy hollow bathed in patches of light.

A sparkling stream wound its way around the edge of the dell. A breeze carried the scent of wildflowers through the meadow.

Lilacs and honeysuckles filled the air with their sweet smell, blending with the earthy scents of grass, moss, and fallen leaves. Birds sang from the trees, accompanied by the distant murmur of the hidden stream.

And there, nestled among ancient oak trees, stood a humble stone cottage. The cottage found its place in a small clearing surrounded by towering oak trees. Their twisted branches intertwined to create a natural roof over the simple structure below.

The cottage was built from carefully laid grey stone without the need for mortar. Splashes of green and orange lichen adorned the outer walls like delicate flecks of paint.

Thick ivy vines with dark green leaves streaked with red veins had taken over much of the surface. They crawled and climbed over the stones, disappearing into cracks.

The roof was made of dried grass, and stalks had different shades of brown and gold. It swooped low over the rectangular structure beneath while thick patches of moss grew in clumps, adding soft green colours to the rustic scene.

A short stone chimney stuck out from one end, from which thin streams of smoke lazily floated. The smoke carried the smell of burning oak and aromatic herbs.

Windows were low on each side of the heavy wooden door in the middle of the front wall. Inside, curtains made of faded blue linen hung still, creating a quiet atmosphere. Moss and ivy partially covered the glass panes, making it difficult to see what was inside.

Everything was quiet except for the soft sounds of the forest. No light or movement came from within the cottage. It seamlessly blended into the wooded glade as if it had always been there, a natural part of the oak trees that surrounded it. The small home had an aura of timeless age as if it held ancient secrets that had been hidden for hundreds of years.

(Caravos' Refuge)

"At last!" exclaimed Ikkos, leaping down the hill. The others followed at a slower pace, feeling their fatigue fade away.

As they reached the door, Ikkos lifted his hand to knock. But before his knuckles could touch the wood, it swung open silently. Darkness stretched out before them, still and quiet like a tomb.

Themistonoe's voice sounded tense. "No signs of life here. What secrets does this mysterious house protect?"

Dex peered into the darkness. "There's only one way to find out. Let's go; daylight is waiting for us inside, along with the answers." With cautious steps, they entered the closed-off place, wondering what mysteries they might uncover in the dim and silent rooms.

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