By lieveliveslife

234K 12.8K 10K

"All the dreams I've envisioned for us will come true; the only difference is that I won't be in any of them... More

12] "PDA & DRAMA"
15]"FEAR & FIGHT "
"Trailer "
24] "WAR & ORGASM "
Alternate picturisation
⚠️28]"WILD & WILDER"
⚠️29]"WEEK & WEAK"
⚠️35]"EGO & GO "
38 ] "MOM & DAD"
⚠️41 ] "WET & DRY "
45] "DEATH & SORRY "


5K 231 87
By lieveliveslife

Amara's pov :

A beautiful bride who is clad in a mesmerising red lehenga is staring back at me as I look into the mirror ...

This is the lehenga that I was fascinated by a few years back when I saw it in a designer tv show ....

This means ....he remembered my silly wish to get married in this lehenga ....yet he says ...this is all for what ....a revenge ?

If it really was a revenge wasn't necessary to bring this lehenga for me now ...was it?

Abhimaan Rajvansh is really messing up my mind do I perceive this ....I can't fucking understand how to understand him....

He's acting so confusingly ....and guess what ? We are gonna get married through a register marriage just like my mom and dad ....

This was what I wanted ....I requested Ayaan for this...but he said ....we are going to marry only once in a life time and it needed to be extravagant for him and everyone to remember ...

If I thought Abhimaan's bringing me the lehenga that I wished to get married in is just a coincidence or bare minimum.....then why the hell is he trying to fufill my wish of register marriage ...?

I would be dumb to not understand that there is something more to what he said yesterday ....there's much more to it ....and yeah I did listen the maids speaking to each other about how he took care of me the entire night ...

And I also listened him shouting at his PA ....and so I questioned him...well he refused to say first....but then ....I made him understand that how important knowing these things ....

He then revealed that ...the idea of faking Abhimaan's accident was solely his ...and Abhimaan just asked him to inform me to come to this mansion without informing anyone ...

He apologized and clarified that he did that becoz he thought a bride to be ...I would be very busy in the preparations for tomorrow and wouldn't want to step out until and unless its so important ....

I didn't react to his apology as I was drowned in connecting the dots ....this means I was not just a pawn in Abhimaan's revenge game ....He cares about me ....

And its also true that he hates Ayaan ....and Ayaan did many things to Abhimaan that it's understandable if Abhimaan wanted to get a revenge...

But why did he tell me that it was all a revenge and left the important part of him being sincerely caring about me and also why did he try to instigate me my saying those hurtful words of me being attracted to successful people easily ....

Well ...whatever it is ....he is marrying me to get his so called revenge from his brother.....that intention itself is wrong ....he may care about me or what's so ever ....but that doesnt matter ...

Though I don't love Ayaan ....he is marrying me becoz he loved me .....but Abhimaan ...he just shattered my dream of marriage .....he may care for me as I was someone who grew up along with him ....but that doesn't justify the fact that he is about to marry me for revenge ...

This proves he is so selfish ...I never thought he would be ....but ofcourse cannot know the other person completely ....becoz of him my bestfriend ...aunt and uncle are going to be hurt ....

Mr.Abhimaan Rajvansh ....u care for me ...this means my hate is going to effect u ...see how I'm going to use ur care for me against u ....

I will hurt ur heart so much by hating u for each and every second that I breath...I will never forgive u for going so blind in revenge that u are hurting ur family ....two can play a game ...

I will show u how wrong revenge is ....I will slap some fucking sense into u ...and make u regret this decision that u have taken...

As I was lost in my thoughts ...Veer came inside and informed me that it's time to leave for the register office ....

As I moved out and descended down the stairs ...I saw him....Abhimaan Rajvansh at the end of the stairs all his glory..

He was clad in a matching designer kurtha pajama...and is looking very royal a king ....while his face was initially he saw me arriving ...the glimpse of coldness completely vanished and his eyes turned soft and his lips parted ...and I did see a small smile that is gazing his lips ....

He liked the way I looked ...I can see that ....if it would have been earlier ,I would swoon at the fact that he's checking me out and praise myself

But now ....this entire scenario made me more angry ...if only he didn't turn out into a villian of our family ....things would have been different ...

As I reached to him....he cleared his throat and muttered " let's go "....I just nodded my head and began to walk along with him....

He ...who usually walks so fast ...began walking at a very slow match up with me? ...and ocassionly glancing at me time to time

Stop it ...stop acting like this for fucks sake ....and then we sat in his car and while he helped me to get into it ....and handed me over the dupatta that I forgot to pull inside before I closed the door.....

Why the fuck?....I guess hating him is not an easy task ...but I guess it's not that easy ....not when he does things like this ...

Remember u stupid heart ....sure he does care for u ...he wouldn't marry u if it's not for revenge ...

We reached the venue no time and my heart is pounding loudly ....I feel so nervous ....we got outside the car and began walking into the office ....

As we reached inside the register officer stood up and greeted Abhimaan .....then few procedures happened and we are asked to read our vows ...or I say repeat the vows ...

My heart began to feel heavy and heavier with each and every vow that he is repeating after....and my voice is betraying me while I repeated mine...

Then atlast we are asked to sign ....Abhimaan signed it almost immediately....and I looked at him for one more time wishing that he would change his decision before it's too late and understand that revenge should never be a reason for a pure bond of marriage ....

I did see a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes ...but he averted his gaze in the next sec....crushing any hopes in my heart...

I then understood that nothing is going to change now ...and signed the paper....he then tied the mangalsutra that his PA handed over to him to my neck ...and filled the vermilion in the partition of my hair

People around us began clapping ....they were all his guards btw....I never thought marrying Abhimaan could be this painful ....becoz me being a simp for him did imagined many scenarios where we ended up marrying ....

But never in my life did I imagine such scenario where in he married me just to take away the happiness from someone else's life would have been better if he's just simply obsessed with me ans married me becoz of his obsession..

I mean...then the reason would be me....and me alone ....but now ....I am feeling guilty for being the reason for Ayaan's agony and hurting Priya aunty and Sharad uncle ....

Its all becoz of u Mr.Abhimaan Rajvansh ....I was handed a garland in between my thoughts....Abhimaan put his on me and he bowed his head for me to put it ...

Be ready to bow for ur entire life Mr.Abhimaan Rajvansh .....I thought myself ...

I then put the garland on him ...and we were declared WIFE AND HUSBAND...

Abhimaan Rajvansh is my HUSBAND ....?I would never accept this ...he will be the one who held me hostage in this realtionship ...always ...

And just as we stepped outside we were surrounded by Media ....who were questioning about Abhimaan's sudden marriage ....he replied saying ..."It wasn't sudden...I ve always wanted to marry her?"

This made me scoff internally....and then his hand came to hold my bare waist ....making me shiver and he led me to the car while his guards steered the way clear of the reporters ....

We sat in the car and just as I thought this drama is over ....the car went in some unknown route ...and we were taken to some unknown alley...

There other car was waiting....Abhiman got out ....and A figure was dragged out of the other eyes widened as I understood who it was....Ayaan ....

I immediately got out of the car and ran yelling "AYAAAN"....and I hugged Ayaan and began crying I saw him completely injured that he was unable to stand...his face was covered with blood and he was unable to stand ...

He slowly hugged me back ...but then he winced ...making me withdraw ...and glare at Abhimaan for doing this to Ayaan bestfriend ...

Abhimaan came towards us and said
" U were kidnapped by our business rivals...I and Amara searched for u entire time ...but as u were nowhere to be found and It was important for Amara to get married at that muhurat ...I have had to marry her out of necessity ....understood ?"

This made me frown is this ...I kept looking at both of them...trying to decipher what's happening ....

"If not ...these pictures would go online" (abhimaan smirks)

I ducked my head and peeped into the tab that Abhimaan is showing Ayaan and gasped visibly and close my eyes finding Ayaan's Naked pictures .....

How dare he?He is literally blackmailing Ayaan with the threat of releasing his nude pictures online ....I never knew that Abhimaan would stoop this low ....

Till now I was a bit thankful to the fact that he atleast cared for my foot ...this man is straight out cruel....he's a monster whos eyes are completely blinded by revenge....

I am not a therapist ...who would sit and try to change him.....I have more shit to deal with ...I have to focus on my career..

I was about to slap him....for stooping so low ...but my hand was held by Abhimaan midway ...and he looked at me "Not this time....not for this ...he deserves it"....making me retrieve my hand and grit my teeth....

"I ASKED A FUCKING QUESTION ...DID U UNDERSTAND ?"Abhimaan shouted at Ayaan...making both Ayaan and me to flinch and Ayaan slowly nodded his head positively indicating that he would obey Abhimaan ....

While I kept looking at Abhimaan with hate filled eyes ....I didn't even notice when we were made to sit in a car and were taken to Rajvansh Mansion ...

As we reached the mansion...Veer began to support Ayaan out of the car and we all made our way into the silent mansion soon as I saw the decorations which were untouched ...I felt my heart clench thinking about the pain that uncle and aunty went through in last few hours..

They all were so excited ....and now ...all their hopes turned into ashes....all becoz of him...Abhimaan...

As we approached the Mandap ...where Priya aunty was sitting in a completely dishelved state at the edge while uncle is trying to calm her down ...

And as we stood infront of them...Aunts gaze locked at Ayaan first and she immediately questions "Ayaan...My son....what happened.....why are u injured ....who did this ....?"

To this Ayaan responded " I don't know Maa ...may be Business rivals ..."

And Shardh uncle who stood there with a concerned filled face was the first to notice Abhimaan and me being clad in marriage outfits and garlands..

He frowned and questioned "what is all this?"....this made crying Priya aunty to bring her attention towards us ...

She too saw us ...stilled for few seconds as if trying to comprehend the possibilities of what actually happened and then her gaze turned as if she got to understand something and her eyes became wide ...and asked " U....U guys are ....M-Married ?...

I just bowed my head unable to face her eyes and nodded while Abhimaan replied in a firm tone "Yes....we are married ....We went to find Ayaan and searched for him till last minute ...but we couldn't and it was important for Amara to get married at that Muhurat as u guys also know"

I was gritting my teeth so much all along that they would break at one point simply he lied on their faces...wasn't he a tiny bit ashamed of what he did ...?

Priya Aunt looked shocked while uncle rubbed his arm in his forehead as it was too much for them to take in a single day .....

"This marriage is invalid it is not done by the willingness of either of u...lets not consider this ..."Aunt spoke as she looked at me expecting my acceptance

"The validity of this marriage depends on Amara ....if she wants to stay in this relation...we will....orelse ...we can breakit off now ...and will take divorce a year later legally..."spoke Abhimaan..

This made me whip my head so fast that my neck almost dare he push this all on me....he's planning on making me the bad guy ? While he happily stays the good son...

"But..."aunty began ....but uncle stopped her"He is right ....let's leave it to her..."

All of their eyes were trained on me ...waiting for my answer ...I sighed if I have any choice ...this Abhimaan will harm Ayaan again if I say I don't want to stay in this marriage ..

So I slowly lifted my head and replied looking at aunty and uncle "Though this marriage happened out of necessity, it's still a marriage ...and I respect it ...I don't think we should easily break it off just like that...."

Aunty was about to speak something but she closed her mouth unable to say anything ....while uncle said "If u are ok with it....I don't see why we would have any problem with it beta....".

Aunty then nodded her head and smiled weakly which didn't reach her eyes and said "yeah ....u r our daughter -in -law in either ways "...saying this she hugged me ...

"Let's hold a reception next week ...announcing ur marriage to everyone..."said uncle ...Abhimaan nodded to this while I was too immersed in my guilt....

"U both go to ur room and take rest ...we will make the maids shift Amara's belongings to ur room later "Aunty spoke ....and as we were about to leave to the room...

A doctor came treat Ayaan as per Abhimaan's order...soon Ayaan was carried to one of the rooms downstairs to get treated....

I and Abhimaan left to his soon as he closed the door , I turned to face him and said in a low voice looking at him " That was a lie"....he frowned..

I elaborated " I don't consider this a marriage and will never consider u a Husband ....I fucking hate u Mr.Rajvansh.....I HATE U...U better stay in ur limits ...or else...I will kill myself"

I added the last line knowing that it would work...given the fact that he cared about me ....and I guess it did becoz he visibly gasped ...

I then went inside the washroom angrily to change and slammed the door loudly...



So...they r finally married?

Is Amara thinking right ?

Do Ayaan deserve to be blackmailed?

Is Abhimaan happy with marriage? What do u think?

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