Sea of Stars 별바다

By NamNamm03

20.3K 700 375

Luna Oakley just moved to South Korea with her boyfriend of two years. On the first few days of being there... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 36

316 15 31
By NamNamm03


As I pull into the driveway of our house, I feel so happy to finally see Luna after a long day. I go to the front door to punch in the pin but I get a text from my phone. Tatter told me Kyma and Minah both threw up in her car. I was texting her as I walked into the door and yelled out for Luna.

"Baby, I'm home," I said as I finished up typing. When I looked up from the phone, my blood ran cold.

The house was a mess, but none of that mattered. All I saw was a beat-up Haneul lying lifelessly in the middle of my living room. I dropped everything in my hands and froze. I was too scared to move. Too scared to do anything.

I slowly moved towards Haneul to see if there was a possible pulse, but there was none. I quickly snapped out of whatever trance I was in and started to panic.

"Luna!" I yell out getting up from Haneul's dead body.

"LUNA!" I frantically called out again and again as I searched all of downstairs. I had no luck down here so I run upstairs taking two steps at a time. Where is she?!

"LUNA! WHERE AR-" I say but stop when I find her upstairs next to the stair railing. She was bleeding so much.

"No, please no!" I said as I collapsed to my knees next to her. She was alive breathing faintly.

"Baby, please. Stay with me okay? Imma get you some help," I say rushing to my feet to find my phone. I hurry downstairs to get my phone then rush back to Luna's side as I call for an ambulance. After I call the ambulance, I call my brother.

"Da-Dae Hyun," I say shaking.

"Noona, what's wrong?" He says.

"I-I need you to c-come over. N-now! Hurry, please," I pleaded then dropped my phone to hold Luna's wound.

"Bada," Luna says just a little above a whisper. I stare at her as tears spill out of my eyes,"

"Sorry you had to come home to this," she says faintly.

"I had a surprise for you. I wanted to show my love and appreciation for everything you've done for me. I guess you can get Kirsten to tell you everything," she says with a weak smile but I frantically shake my head.

"No, you're gonna tell me okay? I only want to know what you did today from you Luna. No one else. You're gonna be okay baby, just wait. Dae Hyun's on his way and he's gonna fix you right up. You're gonna be fine love," I said smiling weakly.

"Baby, I love you so much. I'd never met someone so special to my life until you came. Thank you for giving me so much love and being my best friend. I can't even remember any of the bad moments in my life right now. All I can remember is the times we were happy and in love," she said before grabbing onto my hand.

"No Luna, keep your eyes open. Do not shut them, you hear me," I said firmly. She was not about to die on me. I will not let that happen.

"I'm trying baby," she says softly as she rubs her fingers gently up and down my arms.

A few minutes later, Dae Hyun walks into the house in panic.

"B-bada?" he calls out when he sees Haneul on the floor dead.

"We're up here," I say trying to hold it together. He rushes upstairs to find me and Luna sitting in a pile of blood and he quickly starts tending to Luna.

"Get my phone out of my pocket and dial the first number in the contacts," he says as he's working. I dial the number and put the phone on speaker.

"I need an emergency team to my location stat. We have a dead body," he says before telling me to hang up.

"Luna, I need you to stay with me okay? We're gonna get you help very soon but this can only work if you help me. So I need you to stay with me," Dae Hyun says as he tends to the stab wound.

"I'm trying to doc," Luna says with a dry, faint laugh.

"Can you tell me what happened," he asks her.

"I thought Kirst was at the door...but it wasn't. He...wanted to kill me. I told him...I wouldn't go for the settlement..." she said slowly breathing through her sentences. That son of a bitch. He did this to her. Gosh, why did I leave her today? And just like she could read my thoughts, Luna takes my hand in hers.

"Don't blame yourself, Bada. None of this is your fault. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, I want you to live a happy life. Full of love and good spirits," she tells me.

"I won't be happy if you're gone, Luna. Ever," I say mad.

"No one's going anywhere, okay? You hear that? The ambulance is here. You're gonna be just fine Luna. Soo-min still has to take you on that girl's spa day, so you gotta stick around for that, hmm?" he says picking Luna up and carrying her downstairs to the ambulance.

"23-year-old African-American female with a stab wound to the left intestine. Concussion on her head and 3 broken ribs. Also a fractured chin," he says as we get into the ambulance.

"See baby, I told you you're gonna be fine. We'll be there soon. Just keep fighting okay," I say as the other paramedics begin working on her. Halfway through the ride, Luna looks up at me and smiles.

"I'm sorry," she says as she closes her eyes and her body goes limp.

"We have a code blue, bring the defibrillator and oxygen," one of the medics say and my entire body loses its air.

"1,2,3 CLEAR," they say.

"Dae Hyun, wake her up," I say softly as I look over at my girlfriend laying lifelessly.

"DAE HYUN, W-WAKE HER UP," I say in a panic as I get up to go to Luna.

"Bada just wait, please," he says looking me in the eyes.

"She's gonna be okay, she has to," he tells me as he whispers the last part to himself. We finally make it to the hospital and we pull into the emergency lane. Just before the car stops, Luna's limp hand falls to the side and her ring slips off of her finger. The ring rolls to my shoe and I stare at it not wanting to move. If I pick it up, that means all of this is real. How can any of this possibly be real? Just why did this have to happen to her?

"Bada," Dae Hyun says as he picks up the ring and hands it to me. Tears are slipping from my eyes but the doors open for them to take Luna and I rush out. I follow Luna wherever they are taking her. I was gonna stay by her side the entire time.

"You can't come in here Bada," Dae Hyun tells me but I try to shove past him.

"We're gonna do our best to save her but you have to stay out here. I promise I will do everything I can to save her Bada. I promise," he says before turning to a nurse.

"Call my wife. Tell her to leave the kids at the neighbor's and rush to the hospital. Also, call all the families for the patient Luna Oakely you have on file. I'll also need a blood transfusion stat so have them bring me a few pints of her blood type,"

"Right away sir," the nurse says before running off and him disappearing behind the doors.

I was left in this hallway all alone. It was silent but yet I could hear so much going on. It was so much commotion happening yet no one in sight.

I stand on the wall across from the ER door stunned about everything. Haneul was dead. Haneul tried to kill Luna. Did Luna push him down the stairwells? If she did then I'm glad. He's finally out of the picture and we can live happily together. No more drama with him around. We can finally live peacefully. Me and my Luna together. Luna. Sh-she was stabbed. He stabbed her. He tried to take her away from me. Is she gonna be fine? Of course, she's gonna be fine Bada. But what happens if she...DON'T SAY IT BADA!

I was losing it mentally. I've been alone in this hallway for the past thirty minutes just staring at a wall with my running thoughts.

"Bada!" I hear coming from my left. Soo-min comes speed walking down the hall.

"What happened honey," she asks but I can't speak. I can't bring myself to say it. It'll make it too real and I don't want that. Not right now at least.

"Where's her family sweetie," she asks me but I just shrug my shoulders. Where is her family? Why couldn't they just love her and take care of her? How could they just abandon their own child like it's nothing? Luna didn't deserve to live the life she did. She deserved to be treated like a human being at the very least.

They all did this to her. Her family and Haneul fucked her over since day one. But that's okay. None of them deserved her anyway. She's gonna be happy with me for the rest of her life. We're gonna travel the world, go to concerts together, babysit my niece and nephew, get married, have our own kids, and live happily ever after. We will!

"Honey, do you have your phone with you," Soo-min asks me but I don't move. I can't. She sees that I won't budge so she starts searching my pants for my phone. She finds it in my front pocket and takes it out. She goes through my phone contacts.

"Wasn't Kirsten the girl from that dance group of Luna's? She's close to her right?" she asks me. I nod lightly and she quickly dials Kirsten's number.

"Hi, Kirsten. I'm Bada's sister-in-law. I was calling to let you know that Luna's been in an accident and to come up to the hospital. No other relative has shown up and I was getting concerned,"

"Mmm-hmm it's that hospital. Please come quickly" Soo-min says then hangs up the phone.

"She told me she was Luna's only relative, is that true?" she asks and I nod.

"Bada look at me," she says coming to stand in front of me as she takes my face in her hands.

"I need you to pull yourself together alright? Your brother is the best doctor in all of Seoul. Heck, in all of South Korea. He's gonna do his absolute best to fix Luna, okay? She's in good hands," she tells me.

"Can you tell me what happened?" she asks softly.

"I-I don't really know. I was gone for most of the day and I just came back home to find Hanuel dead and Luna bleeding out. She told me he was there to kill her," I tell Soo-min softly. I could barely talk right now.

"Oh my goodness, that poor girl," Soo-min says lowering her head.

A few minutes later, Kirsten comes into the waiting room frantically.

"Bada," she calls out. I lift my head at her and she sees all the blood on me and breaks down crying. I just lower my head, I don't have the time or mind capacity to comfort anyone right now.

"Come here love," Soo-min says holding Kirsten in her arms.

"What happened?" she asks me.

"I should be asking you that question," I said pissed. Now I was getting mad.

"She was with you all day. The one day I leave and she's in your care, she nearly dies. Where were you, Kirsten!" I yell out.

"She was fine when I left the house, we went over to decorate the place for-"

"Don't tell me why. She said she'd tell me herself. She's gonna tell me herself," I say sternly.

"Listen, all of this happened after I dropped her off okay? I was even in the house for about an hour and we were fine. Everything was fine. So I don't know how any of this could happen," she says crying.

I run my hands through my hair frustratedly, just trying to piece things together because nothing is making sense. Kirsten gets a call from someone and answers it here.

"Latrice? Yeah, uhhh something happened and she's in the hospital. I don't, I don't know the story. She's in critical condition. She might not..."

"She's gonna make it!" I yell tugging at my hair. I couldn't take this anymore.

"If you don't think she's gonna make it then just leave. She doesn't need any of you anyway. I'm here," I say to her angrily.

"Lee Bada, you will not talk to her that way. I get that you are hurting right now but you need to get it together. If Kirsten is Luna's only family left, then she's staying up here, like it or not," Soo Min says to me.

"I'm Luna's family," I say mad but Soo-min sighs.

"That's not what I meant Bada. I know okay, but Kirsten cares for Luna too. They must've known each other for a while and she deserves to be here just like you feeling anyway she wants to feel. She's hurting and scared and you yelling at her won't solve anything," she tells me. I just go silent. I don't feel like arguing with anyone right now.

A while later, Latrice, Emma, Audrey, and Ling show up in the hallway.

"Has there been any news?" Latrice asks.

"No sweety," Soo-min answers and they all sigh. From the corner of my eye, I see Audrey crying.

"Why are you crying?" I ask annoyed. 

"What?" she asks confused.

"You're crying like she's dead when she's not,"

"Bada," Soo-min yells.

"There's no reason to cry, she's gonna live," I say bluntly with no emotion and everyone goes silent. I don't care if I'm being a dick right now. They're crying like she took her last breath. She is in there alive.

It's been a few hours and was now almost twelve a.m. She's been in surgery forever. The others have fallen asleep but I haven't shut my eyes. I won't until I see Luna safe.

A few minutes later, the ER door opens and we all quickly get to our feet. I rush to the door when Dae Hyun comes out.

"Where is she,"

"Bada look.."

"Where is she Dae Hyun," I say trying not to lose my shit.

"She's still in there okay,"

"Then why are you out here, go back in there and fix her," I say getting ready to push him back in there. But Soo-min comes to grab me.

"The surgery is over Bada. We did everything we could alright?" he tells me sighing. My heart stops.

"I-is she d-de..." I ask shaking.

"No, she's not but she lost a lot of blood and she seizured many times. We were able to get the bleeding under control but her other injuries were far too great for her condition right now. She suffered many blows to the head which is taking a toll on her healing process. I came out to say that the surgery was successful but there's no telling when she's gonna wake up. It's all up to her now," he says and I'm dumbfounded. This can't be. We were just happy together last night with everyone. She was finally starting to become happy. And this happened.

"When can I see her?" I ask trying to get all those thoughts out of my head. I just need to be with her right now.

"In a few minutes. We're gonna get her cleaned up then take her to a ward upstairs. She's going to room 423 so you guys can go wait there. But there can't be too many visitors after a while," he tells us then goes back into the ER room. Behind me, I can hear the sobs coming from the other girls but I can't bring myself to cry. Not right now. She's alive and that's all that matters.

"Come on girls, let's go up to her room," Soo-min says but I don't budge.

"I'm not leaving her side," I say and Soo-min nods and leads the other girls away.

A few minutes later, Luna is brought out of the ER room and I rush to her side.

"Luna," I call out. She looks so different. She's so pale and lifeless. It must be from all the blood she's lost.

I follow Luna up into her room and take a seat beside her. It's been a few hours now and everyone left but Kirsten and Soo-min who were asleep. Dae Hyun comes in to check Luna's vitals and finds me awake.

"Noona, you need to get some sleep. You've been up all day,"

"I'm not tired" I tell him and he sighs.

"She's a fighter Bada, I know it. She's not going down without a fight. Here are her belongings that were on her," he says handing me a bag of her things.

I empty out the bag on the bed and find the necklace I made her along with her wallet. I open it and inside I see the picture me and her took together all those months ago when we all went to the mall together with the girls from Bebe. Despite everything that was going on with her, she still had the brightest smile on her face. She was nothing but a ray of sunshine everyone tried to dim.

Tears slip from my eyes as I begin going through the rest of her things. A receipt dated to today falls out and it's from a store in the mall. It says she brought five sweatshirts, five hats, and a few joggers. That must've been what she got me. The tears start flowing some more and I start gasping for air. I was hurting so much right now. Dae Hyun comes up behind me and gives me a hug.

"It's gonna be okay Bada. She's gonna make it through, just give her some time," he tells me. Soo-min hears us and wakes up from her sleep and comes over.

"You know our girl is a fighter. Plus she promised she'd make me an aunty one of these days. She won't break that promise," Soo-min says rubbing my shoulders trying to find some light in the situation.

"Get some sleep, okay? She'd want you to be well rested. I know she'd never let you stay up this late," Soo-min says with a small laugh. I yawn and lay my head on the bed as I intertwine my fingers with Luna's. Both of them head out into the hallway to talk but they forget to close the door all the way.

"I don't know what will happen to Bada if she doesn't make it," Dae Hyun says.

"I know, I'm so worried. When we were in the hall down there, she was an entirely different person. I'm so scared of what will happen to her," Soo-min says crying.

"We're gonna do our best for her alright. Luna's condition doesn't look too promising but I have hope that she'll pull through," Dae Hyun says.

"They told me after the surgery that Bada needs to go down to the station to answer questions but I told them to wait so Bada could rest first. She'll have to go in tomorrow though," he says.

"What about her house? I heard it was trashed,"

"It was horrible Soo-min. Hanuel was laid out on the floor downstairs dead with a stab to the neck and I found Luna upstairs with Bada in a pile of blood. But when I looked around the house, I saw how much of a fight Luna put up being there. Everything was torn and broken up," he sighs.

"This makes me so sick. I hate this is happening to them. Luna was nothing but a sweetheart to everyone yet she couldn't live peacefully,"

"I know." he says

"We should let Bada stay with us for a while until she can find a new place or her house is fixed,"

"Yeah, I'll go with her tomorrow to get her things from the house," Dae Hyun says and they continue on with another conversation.

The tears wouldn't stop falling from my eyes. No matter how much I tried, so I just cried myself to sleep.

The next morning, I was woken up by cops in Luna's room.

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