It Just Happened

By NIC456

255K 6.1K 18.1K

Thalia has always hated Donna..... making her the perfect business partner. No wires would be crossed and not... More



6.5K 185 493
By NIC456

Unfortunately I did not finish the entire chapter however the chapter was long asf. I decided to just give you guys some the chapter.... Yes this is about a quarter of the entire chapter. 😭 I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging with nothing since it has been a while. So enjoy this long longggg filler.

"Oouuu, how about this one?"

I looked over my shoulder curiously, finding Reggie holding up an adult Yoda onesie. I rolled my eyes and turned back around and resumed searching through the rack.

"You know, I wouldn't have invited you if I knew you'd be this useless." I said in fake annoyance.

"Oh please, Im here for your entertainment." She said correctly before she disappeared behind the shelf to return the onesie to its rightful place.

It's been almost two weeks since I asked Donna on a date and this weekend is finally time for our first date. As the date approached I began to get more and more nervous. Although I knew I had everything planned out that was major, I still got those nervous butterflies thinking about our first date- Well dates.

Right now Reggie and I are at the mall. I have a few things I need for our date and it's now or never. Donna is currently at practice so I had until then which was much later. Her practices were always so long.

Reggie came back and stood next to me. "I think this store's a bust. Macy's never has good shit." She shrugged.

I thought about how long we'd been looking already, and I hadn't found a single thing that even turned my head.

"Yea, you're right." I nodded and stepped back from the rack, allowing the parted clothes to fall back into place.

"I know I am." She said as we headed out of Macy to the connected Mall.

"Shut up." I laughed as I pushed her playfully.

We walked out into the open mall and started walking through, window shopping. We kept our eye out for any stores that might have what I needed. However I already had a check list in my head. So the first stop I made was to a jewelry store. I picked up my things and paid before heading out to the next store.

You see I have this voice in the back of my head that tells me nothing is ever enough for Donna. After I got the bracelets my grandma and I made for us, I had some time to think- especially when I was on punishment. Although the bracelets were sentimental and came from a good place. I wanted to get her a nice piece of jewelry as well. I mean what if the bracelet snaps- at least she'd have something else special from me to replace it. So she can have the bracelets and the warranty bracelet because nothing is ever good enough for her. She deserves it all.

Next I had to go find a new pair of slacks and a tie. Time sped by as Reggie and I goofed around in the store. We tried on all different types of pants, shirts, and ties. Eventually we got serious and I chose what I needed and made my purchase.

Now I found myself looking for a dress for Donna to wear on our date. I didn't tell her anything about it, she's clueless on everything. Including, what to wear. Good thing she has me.

"Hey, I'm feeling this dress."

I faced her and saw a long red dress.  The neckline is short and close to the neck but the back was out.

I stared at it, imaging Donna in it. It had a few a sequence patterns that I wasn't too thrilled about. So with that being said....

"No. It's kinda ugly, plus it's too loose. Donna likes things fitted to her body, so nothing too flow-y."

She nodded, clicking her tongue. "In to the next then."

We searched and searched and searched and I thought all was lost until.....

I grabbed Reggie's shoulder and pointed in a window display. "That. I like that." I said staring at the pretty light green dress. It goes down to the feet and clings to the mannequin just enough in the hips but flows at the bottom. It has a gorgeous red flower detailing at the top.

"Let's go see if they have it." Reggie said as she walked towards the store's entrance.

I smiled and followed. "Okay."

They had it, I bought it.

"You have a nice day." The sales associate slid the bag to me with a polite smile. "You too." I smiled and took the bag.

I walked to the front where Reggie waited for me. She looked up from her phone as I got close. "You got it?"

"I got it." I raised the bag.

"Good shit. She's gonna love it." She said.

I hope so.


After the mall, Reggie and I split ways. I went and picked up Donna and drove us back to her house. I undid my seatbelt and took my keys out.

"You're coming in?" She asked.

"Yea." I said. "Is that okay?" I asked. It needs to be okay. I have plans!

"Yea, I just didn't know. Come on."

We got out and went inside.

"I'm home!" Donna called out as we took off our shoes and jackets.
It's getting to be that time of year.

"In here." Ms Saint's voice called from the living room.

We walked down the hall and saw Ms Saint on the couch with basket of clothes on the floor by her feet. Folded laundry sat on the couch next to her. She grabbed a child sized shirt out the basket and folded it, her eyes glued to jeopardy playing on the tv.

"Hey, grandma." Donna greeted, placing a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi, sweetheart. Hello, Thalia." Ms Saint smiled at me.

"Hi." I smiled back.


I looked over my shoulder and saw Donny at the dining room table. I chuckled and walked over.

"What's up?" We fist bumped.

"Nothing. Doin math." He said.

"Good. You're so intelligent though this is probably light work for you." I said.

"Facts." He grinned. "But hey I wanted to build the set you got me for my birthday with you. It's only right you help." He nodded.

"Oh is that right?" I asked.

"Yup! So whenever you're free get in contact with my people." He said making me laugh.

"Okay, sounds like a plan."

Donna came over and gently touched the top of Donny's hair. "You need a haircut." She said.

"Well hello to you too." Donny pushed her hand off.

"I'm just saying."

Donny shook his head. "You're always just saying." He said making me giggle. "I'm growing it out. There's a girl in my class and she said she likes the guy from high school musical. If I grow my hair out it'll be curly like his and she'll like me too." He grinned.

"That's some mastermind thinking." I said.

"No." Donna gave me look before looking at him. "She should like you for you. You've always liked your hair cut."

"Well now I don't." He said.

"Fine. Whatever. Grow it out, I'll buy you some products. Growing out your hair is gonna take a lot more maintenance than a durag and brushing it." She said.

"What!" He said.

"It's what you want though right?" She asked.

He sighed. "Yeaaaa, I guess." He said with his shoulders hunched.

"Exactly. We'll talk when I come back home Saturday." She said.

That won't be happening.

"But if not, Monday for sure." I chimed in.

Donna looked at me strangely. "Why Monday?" She asked.

"I dunno, let's go upstairs. I can't stay long." I decided to change the subject.

She nodded. "Let me know if you need help." She said to him. He nodded and she playfully pushed his head and walked away. He smiled and picked his pencil back up.

I followed behind Donna and went upstairs. So I didn't really need to come in, in fact I really did need to get going soon. I have shit to do tonight to prepare for our date. But I needed to get in the house.

"I'm gonna shower." She said as I sat on the couch.

"Oh you are?" I asked. Wait, this is the perfect time!

"Yea. How long can you stay? We can watch a movie or something." She said.

Forgive me Donna, because I'm about to lie to you.

"Yea that sounds good." I smiled.

She smiled back. "Okay. I'll be quick." She said. She grabbed her towel and clothes. I grabbed the remote.

"I'll find a movie while you're gone." I said.

"Kay." And with that she left the room. I sat there for a second later and heard the bathroom door shut.

I tossed the remote and grabbed my phone. I played a few games to pass some time until it was time to make my great escape. I got up and grabbed my car keys off the coffee table.

I left her room and went to her bathroom.

"Donna?" I knocked twice and then opened the door.

God damn. The tiny bathroom is fogged with steam and heat. Jesus.

"Donna?" I called louder.

"Huh?" She popped her head out, her head soapy.

"I'm really sorry but I actually have to go. My mom wants me home now." I said.

A sud slid down her forehead and she squinted and shut one eye. "What? Why?"

"I'm sorry. I'll text you later."

"What the f- Thalia what? You just said, ouch!" She hissed as the soap slid over the corner of her eyes. "Just wait a second." She shut the curtain.

I shut the door and quickly went downstairs. Everybody was still where they were moments ago.

I walked to Ms Saint. She looked up at me.

"I'm leaving, do you have it?" I asked

She smiled. "Mhm. Once second." She got up and left to the hall. When she came back she held a duffle bag.

"Should have everything she's gonna need." She nodded.

"What's that?" Donny asked.

"Finish your homework." Ms Saint said making him roll his eyes. Ms Saint handed it over.

"Thank you, I really appreciate this." I said.

She nodded and then suddenly stepped closer and wrapped her arms around. "Thank you." She said back.

"But I didn't do anything." I said as I moved back.

"You did." She patted my hand. "Have a good weekend Thalia." She said and then went back to the couch.

"You too!"

"Thalia???" I heard from the top of the stairs.

Uh oh. I dipped out the room to the hall and slipped out the house before Donna could get to me.


I bent down and pressed my hands on the edge of the coffee table, sliding it out the way. I walked back to the center of the rug and grabbed the remote out my pocket. I pressed play and tossed the remote on the couch.

I took a deep breath and put my hands on my hips.

"We're gonna get into the basic steps whether you're starting out Bachata your first dance or class, this is probably the best video to start off with. Remember it's all about having fun and feeling the vibes and energy."

I nodded. "Vibes and energy. Yea." I muttered.

"Alright, let's begin!" The instructor said.

Over the past few weeks on the days I didn't have practice, I spent trying to learn how to dance. I'd set up my computer or come down here in the living room but I mainly stayed upstairs because-

I heard a patting of footsteps coming down the steps. Lake gasped, "She's dancing again!" She called up the steps and then took a seat and watched me with an evil grin.

"Lake go away." I grumbled with my eyes glued to the video, trying to follow the steps.


Another set of foot came running down. The twins sat on each side of Lkae and giggled as they watched.

My cheeks heated up. I faced them. "Go away!" I said.

"In your dreams." Lake snorted.

"Urgh. Mom!!!" I yelled out. Nothing in return. "Mom!!!!!"

"Whyyyy are you yelling?" I turned and saw her coming in front the kitchen and dining area.

"Get your children. They're bothering me." I grumbled and faced the video once more. I hopped back in and started moving my feet again.

I heard my mother giggle.

"Maaaa!" I threw my hands up.

"I'm sorry but.... It's a little funny." She shrugged.

"She's trying to be nice. It's a lot of funny." Lake said.

I smacked my lips as my brows creased. "I'm done." I went and plopped down on the couch. I felt sad. I really couldn't dance and all I wanted was to impress Donna.

"Aww what's with the long face sweetheart. We were just teasing." My mom came and wrapped her arm around me.

"I'm taking Donna dancing and-and I just wanted to be good. Or decent. Something! And it's obvious I'm a joke." I said as I gestured towards my audience.

She chuckled. "If you wanted to learn how to dance you should've just asked me silly head." She said as she took the remote.

"Turn this mess off." She mumbled and turned on a song of her choice.

"Stand." She ordered as she stood up.

I hesitantly stood up. "Mom it's really no use."

"Hush." She looked towards the steps with her hands propped on her hips. "Come on babies, come learn how to dance so you aren't like this once by the time you get to her age."

The twins giggled and came running off the stairs.

"Dancing is all about feelings the music." She grinned. "Listen to beat, the melody, the instruments." She shut her eyes and smiled as she began swaying her hips. "Be one with the music."

"I can't do that." I said.

She opens her eyes. "No. You're uncomfortable by the idea of dancing so you aren't allowing yourself to. You're at home baby, nobody's here to judge you." She said.

My eyes ticked to Lake. She threw her hands up, "I'm not even laughing anymore!"

Key words, anymore. She's been laughing at me for the last two weeks. At least this time she didn't bring popcorn.

My mom chuckled. "I'll make her go upstairs if she's really bothering you but," she held her finger out. "If you can't dance in front of Lake then you can't dance in public. It's that simple." She shrugged.

I huffed. "Fine. Feel the music. What next?"

She stepped to me. "Give me your hands." I did.

"Hold my hand up here, and you place your hand here." She placed y hand on the middle upper back. "Keep a nice respectable distance." She said keeping us almost at arms length. I chuckled at her little joke. She smiled too.

"Now, it's very simple really." She warned. "You step right and bring your left foot to your right. So," she steps right and brings her left foot next to her right. "Like that. Follow,"

I did the same. "Now do that again in the same direction and then twice again to our right. Understand?"

I looked down at my feet and made tiny baby steps, mimicking her instruction. "Mhm." I nodded and looked back up.

"Okay, start from the top, and 1,2,3, go," her feet moved slow for me and I moved with her.

"Good!" I she praised making me smile.

"Now when you being your foot to meet your other on the second time you want to tap your foot. So 1...2...3...tap," I watched her feet intently. She started moving the opposite direction. "1...2...3... tap."

"Okay, I think I got that." I nodded.

"Okay, let's try." She said. "1,2,3 start." I moved my feet, taking steps to my left with the taps then did the same going to my right.

"Nice. Now since you understand the steps, you need to take smaller steps, keep your feet closer together. You're going too wide, and with your height difference you're gonna be dragging Donna and we don't want that." Lake and I both laughed.

"Again, move your hips. Don't raise your legs too high either, you aren't marching, you're dancing." She smiled brightly with her hands held out.

"Now lets work on moving back and forth now," uh oh

The twins sat on the couch staring up and my mom and I in amazement, their eyes wide in excitement.

My mom has spent the last three hours teaching me how to dance and I think I really got it. Am I pro, no? But I know the steps and cadence now and when I don't focus too hard I can actually follow a beat!

My mom smiled as I spun her and we joined back together. One... two.... Three..... four, don't forget the taps.

We danced all around the living room and a smile broke onto my fake as the song came to an end. "I did it!" I said as I hugged her tight.

"You did, I'm very proud of you." She said before we pulled apart.

"My turn!"

"Me next!"

The twins got up, bouncing up and down.

The front door began to unlock before it swung open. My dad walked in holding two handfuls of groceries.

"Hey, family!" He smiled. "Hi honey." My mom went a kissed his cheek before he went the kitchen. He dumped the groceries and came back.

"What's all the excitement about?" He asked.

"Mommy taught Lia how to dance!!!" Bri yelled out with her fists squeezed to her chest.

"Oh did she now?" He asked as he picked her up and tickled her.

"Mhm. Lia's actually okay now! She was super duper bad before."

"Hey," I said with my hand held out and my brows furrowed. "I have feelings y'know."

"Just saying" Bri said.

"Well sometimes if you don't have anything nice to say you don't say it all Brianna." My mother said as she wiggled her finger in her tummy making her giggle and lean on dad.

"Yea! Always be polite, right mommy?" Bailey asked.

"That's right sweet boy." She said as she stroked his curls back. "Okay, who wants dinner?" My mom called out.


"Me, me!"

The twins yelled over each other as they raised their hands.

I raised my hand too.

"Really Thalia?" My mom asked me.

"What? I worked up an appetite."

She chuckled, "I'm sure. Okay, your father and I are gonna go cook really quick. Go play." My dad put down Bri and her and Bailey ran upstairs to their room.

"Thanks again mom." I said.

"No problem. I wish you would've asked me sooner." She said and then took my dad's arm and the two walked to the kitchen.

I moved the coffee table back and went upstairs.

I laid all the things I needed for this weekend out on my bed. I stared over the bed with my hand posted on my hips. I twisted my lips the slightest bit in thought. I'm missing something. I squinted over my things.

What am I missing?

I have my date outfits, day outfits, shoes, toiletries, underclothes, chargers..... what the fuck am I missing?

My phone buzzed warning my attention. It had been buzzing since I came upstairs. I sighed took a seat on the side of my bed. I grabbed my phone on the charger. The screen lit up and my eyes widened seeing all the notifs from Donna.

Why did u leave?

U could've at least let me know when u got home.



Are you mad at me or something?

Why come in just to leave?

Maybe I should be mad bc you're being shady asf.

Are u rlly not gonna answer?

So you're ignoring my calls too?


My jaw is on the floor. I immediately called her back. It rang and rang and rang. The second I thought she wouldn't answer she did.

"What?" Her voice flat.

I sighed. "Donna I was helping my mom with something." More like she was helping me.

"With what?" She bit back.

I couldn't tell her, it would give away our weekend plans. "Withhh stuff." I couldn't think of a lie fast enough.

"Bye, Thalia."

"Wait, wait, wait! Don't hang up!" I said quickly because if I knew her, her finger is hovering the big red button as we speak.

"Why should I stay on the phone? So you can lie to me some more?" She asked.

"I'm not lying, Saint. Can you just listen to me?" I asked.

It was silent for a long moment. "Fine."

"Okay, yea I lied-"

"See! I knew-"

"But! I wasn't doing anything bad. I know you were looking at my location. I was home the entire time. You gotta trust me baby. I was being good, I promise."

She was silent again before she sighed heavily. "I know, I'm really just mad because you didn't even give me a kiss goodbye. Or a goodbye at all. You left me with soap in my eye."

I smiled in amusement. I did, but I didn't put the soap there! How was I supposed to help her regardless?

"And then I started to just think about the entire situation. Why come in at all if you were just gonna leave immediately? And then I got more upset when I couldn't get ahold of you because I just wanted to hear your voice."

"I'm sorry. But hey you get to hear my voice now." I said.

"Yea, a little underwhelming not gonna lie." She said making me gawk as my jaw dropped. She laughed. "I'm kidding."

"Mmhm." I rolled my eyes. "So what are you doing?" I asked.

"Watching a movie. You wanna watch it with me?" She asked.

"I do." I said as I got up and grabbed my laptop from my desk.

"Okay!" She shuffled happily and then requested a FaceTime call. I answered as I walked to my door. Her beautiful face appeared.

"Hi, Thali." She smiled.

"Oh now you wanna be nice." I said as I shook my head. "Hi, baby." I said, giving her the attention she wants.

She giggled, "Heyyy." Infatuation leaked from her voice making me laugh as I shut the door.


Today is the day!!!!

Date weekend!!!!!!

I'm so excited, but I would be more excited if I weren't in school right now. Sigh. But! I won't let school ruin my day. I'm gonna get it over with and then I'll be at my date in no time.

I pouted a little. Donna also had rehearsals.... So I'd have to wait for that too. I hate stupid waiting. I want to take her on a date now!

"What are you pouting about?" Donna asked with an amused smile, squishing my cheeks to make fish lips. I blinked at her, clearly unamused.

She laughed and took her hand away and went back to eating her salad. "I'm just asking." She shrugged.

I exhaled heavily as my brows furrowed. "Well how could you ask that??? It's literally our date night and I have to wait so long until we actually go." I complained, my pitch going up a few octaves higher.

She smiled in amusement and chuckled behind her hand. My frown deepened.

"You're so cute." She murmured to herself with a little smile before her eyes moved to mine. "I'm just trying not to think about it, time will go by like normal and I'll be at my date in no time." She smiled and she bounced her shoulders once out of excitement. "Plus you haven't told me where I'm going so it's gonna kill me to even think about." She said.

That made me smile. "And I'll keep it that way until tonight." I teased.

She smirked and looked back towards her salad, stabbing her fork into the crunchy lettuce. "Thalia don't tease me if you don't want me to do it right back." She said casually which meant she meant business.

Let me fall back.

"Yes, ma'am." I said as I leant back in my chair and went back to finishing my lunch- a cheese pizza sprinkled with spicy red pepper flakes and Naked smoothie from the evening machine. Weird combo I know but when has school ever given you an actual balanced and reasonable meal.

Chocolate milk and some fake ass chicken tenders.

I rest my case.

"Hey I meant to ask..."

"Hm?" I questioned as I chewed, my eyes flickering to her.

"Did you get Claire to apologize to me?" She asked making my chewing slow for a moment.

I took the time to chew and swallow to think out my answer before I had no date tonight.

Since that fiasco Donna has obviously been back to school. One of the counselors scheduled some meetings between Donna and Claire to get to the bottom of the situation and hash it out to make sure it doesn't happen anymore. Things went well- but that was in front of the counselor.

Donna said she didn't care to give Claire the time of day anymore. We've went back to sitting together but Donna acted like she didn't even exist. She''d even talk to Emily but not even acknowledge Claire's existence.

That got weird for me and I couldn't do it so I suggested me and Donna move. We did, we started eating alone and her friends broke off into their own thing with different people. Things were cool until Claire came to me.

She said that she felt like the entire thing was coming between us which.... I wasn't disagreeing to. I felt like I was obligated to stop being friends with Claire when I didn't want that. We've been friends since I can remember, I'd never want to let that friendship go so easily. So I heard her out and she suggested making things right with Donna. I didn't know what that entailed but I guess now I do.

I swallowed and emptied my throat. "I mean no."

"What do you mean 'I mean'? Did you speak to her?" She asked. Her tone was calm but her eyes were sharp right now and piercing deep into my sole.

I nodded. "She feels bad and she doesn't think what happened between you two should come between our friendship. And I kinda.... Agree." I said hesitantly with an awkward shrug.

She hummed and looked away. "So was it hers o your idea to apologize?" She asked.

"All hers. I knew she wanted to make thing right but I didn't know what her plan was." I said.

She picked with the last few bits of her salad, the gears turning in her head. The good thing is I don't think she's upset with me.

She sighed heavily. "I forgave her." She mumbled, sounding unhappy with her decision.

"Okayyyy? You don't sound very happy about that." I said softly, trying to understand her feelings without pushing too much.

She shrugged. "I did it for you. I know she's your friend." She nodded.

A smile spread across my face unwillingly. She's starting to trust me more. She's giving me the thing I want most and I couldn't be more ecstatic. I feel butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

"Never. I just want us all to be cordial. I want you, my girlfriend, and I want to be able to keep her as a friend. Even if we aren't close anymore." I shrugged.

She stared at me before the edge of her lips started to rise. She held back her smile. "You still haven't asked yet." She said.

My smile automatically cracked on my lips as I blushed under her soft eyes. "I dunno, I may be working around to it. Sooner or later I suppose." I said as I teetered my head from side to side gently.

She mirrored my movement, swaying her head like mine. "Sooner or later huh?" She murmured as her lips flickered down to my lips. "Okay, Thalia." She said and then looked away from.

The thickness of the air eased, allowing me to breath again. Shit, she makes me hot. I pinched my shirt in my fingers and waved it a little to get some wind in my shirt before letting it lay back against my chest.

"Why didn't you get lunch?" She sudden looked  asked.

I shrugged. "Not hungry."

She hummed as she chewed and swallowed. "You should eat though. School lunch isn't that big."

"Meh, still. It would be a waste of money to buy lunch I'm not hungry for and that I don't even like."

She sighed heavily. "You'd eat if you were high." She grumbled.

"What was that?" I asked with my eyes narrowed at her.

"Hm?" She looked at me. "Oh nothing." She chirped.

My eyes narrowed tighter at her. I could see her trying not to smile. I reached out a squeezed her side making her squeak. She slapped my hand away as we both laughed.

"You're annoying. Eat that." She grabbed her orange and placed it front of me. I sighed and picked it up. "If it'll make you happy." I said with a fake smile as I dug my thumb into the skin of the orange.

"Mhm. Good policy to live by." She scrunched her nose at me.

"Yea whatever." I smirked, as I put my focus on peeling the orange.

I ate the orange. It was good. Donna finished her salad just in time for lunch to finish out. We threw away our trash and headed to math together. A subject I'd been slowly progressing in. I now have a very low C after passing my recent tests and quizzes. Trying to raise your grades from the bottom is hard work. It's easy to tank them, hard to repair.

Donna also started making take notes in math. But some days like today just weren't my days.

I sat in math listening to his drone on and on about some numbers and equations, I dunno. I had one earbud in, guitars and drums roared in my ear but somehow I was still falling asleep. I pulled my hood up and sunk down in my seat a little.

I leant against my hand and stared at my math teacher. His bald head gleaming under the florescent light. His boring plain striped shirt tucked into his brown slacks. His dry mellow voice droned on and on. Before I knew it I was watching the back of my eyelids instead.

A hard nudge made me jump awake. I looked over, my eyes wide in confusion. Class was huddling out the room and Donna stood there with her arms crossed.

"Oh, hey bae." I grinned.

She snatched out my ear bud. "You need to pay attention." She said as I packed my things. I nodded. "I know. He was more boring than usual today."

"Tell me how you really feel Thalia." A flat deep voice said form the front.

I looked up front and saw him paying me no real mind as he erased the board.

"Sorry." I said awkwardly. As I got up and put my book bag on.

"It's fine. Just pass my class so I don't have to see you anymore and you can talk about me all you want."

My jaw dropped as Donna laughed. He laughed too.

"Im kidding. Have a good weekend you too." He smiled and then walked out with his coffee cup.

"See Mr Hues isn't boring.He just has a dry humor." She said as we left the classroom.

"Glad he's getting paid to teach me math and not make me laugh then huh. Oh wait I'm failing, hm." I said making her laugh.

"You aren't failing. You have a C right?"

"Yea." I sighed.

"Good. You get an A and I'llll...."

I smiled. "You'll what?"

"Hold on, I'm thinking, I'm thinking." She said softly so I waited.  We turned a corner and maneuvered around huddles of students. Some not walking fast enough, others just huddled in groups talking.

"Well... what do you want?" She asked as we turned another corner and stopped next to her class. The halls clearing out.

That ass wrapped in a big red bow.

"Uuuhhh you can take me on a date I guess." I said. I decided to keep it PG.

Her eyes lit up. "Oh." She said in surprise. "Okay. You got yourself a deal." She smiled as her brown eyes glimmered at me. She grabbed my hand and shook it making me chuckle at her absurdity. She giggled and moved up to me:

"Bye, T." She kissed my cheek and went inside the classroom.

I stared after her, smiling like an idiot. Wow, so this is love?


Today in weight room we had a free day to just do whatever. I stood on treadmill walking slow as snail. Reggie sat on an electronic bike next to me playing with the buttons as she pedaled. I had my music playing in one ear again.

"You excited?" She asked.

"Mhm." I smiled.

"Good. You guys are gonna have a really good weekend. You've been planning and making it perfect. This is probably the best date anybody will ever go in life."

I laughed. "Im hoping she feels that way too. Im not too worried about my competition. Gavin's a dick, I doubt he ever put in that much work." I said as my eyes flickered to him on the other side of the gym. He stood by with a group of other guys watching their friend bench press.

His eyes flickered up and met mine. His face dropped.

"He is a dick. Middle finger in one, two, three," Me and Reggie flipped him off.

He raised his middle finger back at us.

"Hey! Johnson! Not cool." The teacher called from his seat to Gavin. He was practically babysitting us.

Me and Reggie giggled to each other.

"No but Donna is a girl you obtain. Not the type to just fall into your lap out the sky you know." She fell into mine. "Im sure he's taken her on some pretty good dates." She nodded as she pedaled faster and then slowed back down.

I frowned. "Your point?"

She shrugged. "Just saying. Don't underestimate the enemy."

"The enemy." I snorted. What is this? War? He's just one of Donna's stupid exes. He hasn't even tried anything with me recently. I think he's still super bitter but he's backed off. Him and his sketchy friend.

"Yea laugh it up but you need to keep an eye on that motherfucker. I'll never trust him after what happened at the party, y'know." She said.

"Yea." I trailed off not wanting to go back to that night. "How's shit with Leo?" I asked.

That got her smiling. "Good as fuck." She said making me laugh.

"I mean she's really dominant and I love that but she's helped me a lot and I appreciate that more than the sex sometimes."


"Shut the fuck up." She rolled her eyes at me as I laughed. "Im just saying I think about Jenna a lot less now. I even feel less about her too. She's even reached out to me for the first time in a long time."

"And what does that mean for you?" I asked.

"I dunno. I don't wanna be roped into her shit anymore plus," her eyes ticked away. "She really hurt me."

"I know."

She sighed, "And Leo doesn't. Leo's..... good to me. So I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing with her. We have a good vibe going on and we're starting to become really good friends." She nodded.

"Mhm..... friends." I mumbled in amusement.

She smacked her lips. "Im about sick of your big ass bro." She said as she reached over and spammed the acceleration button. I chuckled and swatted her hand away, lowering the speed back down.

"We're the same height, fuck you." I laughed out as she started laughing with me.


School let out and the part of my day I was excited for had finally begun. I had taken Donna to practice, dropped her and stayed in the city. My next destination required me getting out my car, sadly.

I walked into the lobby with a my duffle bag and the duffle bag Ms Saint and I packed in secret. I looked around for a familiar face. My eyes spotted her over in a waiting lunge by a nice bar. Leah sat on her phone, unaware of my arrival.

I made my way over to her and "Boo!"

"Shit!" She dropped her phone and jumped. She looked up and frowned. "Would you have some decorum. This is a nice hotel, they don't need hooligans like you to disturb their lobby." I laughed as she bent to grab her phone of the floor.

"Nice to see you too sister." I said as she got up.

She hummed and hugged me shortly. "Mhm, likewise." She said.

"Okay go get the keys for me." I said.

She nodded, took my card and left while I took her abandoned seat.

You see hotels just don't give out rooms to anybody. You have to be at least twenty one of age to rent out a room and that I am not. So I asked Leah. She's close by plus what else are older sisters for, besides getting hotels for their sister to lose their virginity in? The answer is nothing!

I don't think she knew that was happening but it was still nice that she's helping me. Even though I'm the one still paying for it. A chunk of my savings from my summer job, gone. All at the cost of one girl.

"All right, here we are." Leah held the key card out for emphasis making my eyes widen in excitement. "Yayy." I reached out for it but she pulled it back.

"Ugh, mom does that, give ittttt." I whined.

"Don't whine Thalia." She rolled her eyes and sat by me. "So what are you doing here this weekend?"

"Making friendship bracelets." I said and then tried reaching out the swipe the card. She quirked a brow and pulled it back out of my reach again.

I smacked my lips. "I'm having sex!"

An older couple dressed in simple but posh attire gave me a little side eye.

I chuckled awkwardly and waved. I turned away slowly out of embarrassment to Leah as she laughed at me.

"It's not funny." I gritted out as I snatched the card and slipped it into my wallet.

"It is." She said through her continuous laughs. She laughed so hard tears started to brim her eyes. "Sorry, sorry." She took a deep breath as she wiped the corners of her eyes.

"But awwww. You're losing your virginity." She said as she pushed at my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes. "Don't aw me. I'm not a dog."

She rolled her eyes and she scoffed at me. "Whatever, Thalia. Last time I try to be nice to you." She mumbled. "Can you bring her to formally meet her since you're in the city this weekend?" She asked.

I sighed long and annoyed. She hit my shoulder making me cackle at her. "Yes, I'll bring her. I don't have day plans for us so that'll be cool." I nodded.

"Okay, good. Do you wanna get lunch?" She asked.

"Yea, I can kill time before I have to pick up Donna." I said as I stood up. "I'm gonna go check out the room and put these away.."

She nodded and pulled her phone back out. "Kay, don't take all day though. I have things to do later."

"Obviously not if you're have a random lunch date with me."

"Whatever. Thalia go away before I tell mom you're losing your virginity. She's gonna give you the birds and bees talk allllll over again."

I cringed in horror. "Okay fine! I'll be quick!" I said as I practically ran away, listening to her laugh from behind me.


The room was perfect. I wasn't decorating it for her though. It wasn't necessary. I had a lot better shit planned than some tacky hotel decorations. I'll save it for valentines day or something. I only bought some candles if we needed them to set the mood or something. Do people still do that sorta thing?

Is that corny?

Holy shit I'm nervous.

Anyways, lunch with Leah was good. We caught up and chatted. It was really nice. I miss having her at home. It's been a while now but she was there for a while. She commuted for college her first two years and then she got a place and that eliminated her coming her for long breaks like spring break. Now I have to be a grown up and keep our relationship alive by visiting and calling her. Something I had no issue with doing for Leah.

I left the lunch spot about an hour ago and made my way to Donna. I stopped on the way and picked up some flowers just cause. I thought she'd like them. Like a predate warm up.

So here I am parked outside a building in the middle of Manhattan, waiting for Donna to come out. And like clockwork she I looked up as she exited the building with a group of other dancers. They all held duffle bags and wore athletic clothes, with mostly spandex like material.

She waved goodbye with a smile as she made a beeline to my car. She got in and threw her duffle in the back.

"Hi baby." She kissed my cheek and then stretched her seatbelt across her chest, and clicked it into the buckle.

"Hi." I smiled as I pulled off. "Practice was good?"

"Practice was really good." She said back.

"Madam Dubu- Dubuuu???" I trailed off in confusion, unable to remember her instructor's name.

She chuckled. "Madam Dubois." She corrected.

"Yea, Madam Dubois isn't giving you a hard time anymore?" I asked.

She shrugged. "She's always giving me a hard time, just less today. She was nice. She told us our dancing tolerable today, so that's great!" She said making me side eyes her.

She giggled. "She's a hard ass, don't fret about it too much. She knows and we know that when it comes time to preform we'll be nothing short of perfection. I can garante that." 

"Good. I'll be there to make sure you keep your word."

A big smile rose on her face. "Oh you will?" She quipped.

"Absolutely. I can garante that." I laced our fingers together and pulled her hand to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back.

She stared at me for a long moment quietly before she simply turned up the radio. We listened to the radio the rest of the way home. I would occasionally hear her quietly singing along so I would mumble the lyrics with her.

I pulled up to her house and put the car in park. I under my seatbelt and turned the music down.

"I have some things for you for later." I said as I shifted my body towards her.

Her head tilted in curiosity. "Something for me?" She asked.

I smiled and nodded. I reached into the back behind her seat and grabbed the box with the flowers sitting atop. I pulled it to the front and gently sat it in her lap.

A smile graced her face. "You got me flowers?"

"Yes.... And a dress for tonight." I said making her eyes flit to me. "Really?" She asked.

I nodded, my eyes suddenly couldn't meet hers. "Yea. Like of course you'll look perfect in anything but when I saw this dress I had to see you in it and I-" she cut me off as she cupped my cheek and kissed me softly.

"Oh." I laughed out, a blush covering my cheeks. She giggled, "I'll wear anything you want me to. You want me to wear this dress? Done. Do you want anything else look wise?" She asked.

I shook my head. "Just the dress. Everything else is up to you. I know I'll love whatever you do. So with that being said go get ready because you take forever and we can't be late."

She scoffed. "Fuck you Thalia." She laughed.

"Promise?" I asked as she opened the door and got out. "Promise." She smirked back making my cheeks glow once more.

"I'll be back to pick you up, okay?" I said.

"Okay, I love yo-" She literally choked on her words, her eyes grew wider. She stopped herself. She stared at me motionless. I stared back, frozen in time just like her.

My heart thrummed. "You what????" I smiled and almost jumped into the passenger seat.

She stared at me and then she shut the door fast.

"What the f- Donna!" I laughed out in shock as she walked away fast in the house.

I shook my head as she went in the house. I know I heard what she said.

She can't run from it. I'll literally see her later.


Of course I had to cut it before the date though lol.

Sorry I had to split them in the first place though. The other half will be out next week.

Til next time :)

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