Unexpected love //Jake and Jo...

By moobearlive

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PLEASE READ DESC!! This is a fanfiction between jake Webber and Johnnie guilbert. it will be told in ALL Jo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
READ! (a/n)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
you'll want to see this
Chapter 14
Shameless plug
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
I'm sorry.
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23 pt 1
Chapter 23 pt 2
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 pt1
Chapter 27 pt2
I'm alive!
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 pt1
Chapter 31 pt2
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 28

2.8K 44 57
By moobearlive

Johnnie's POV:

It's been about an hour since they started filming so they should be done soon.

(Honestly I zoned out, I just loosely watched what was going on out of the corner of my eye..) I shift a bit in my seat and look over to see what's going on, Jake's bouncing up in down, practically radiating at the fact that the girl placed him in second. As for everyone else they just look how they usually do when filming, nothing special. (It does seem like they're wrapping up the video though.)

My guess is soon answered as they do the outro and the director begins to yell again "CUT, THAT'S A WRAP! EVERYONE IS FREE TO GO.!" With that I stand up from the couch, stretching and walk towards Jake.

Jake's talking to the other camboys about something, As he finishes his sentence I lightly tap his shoulder to let him know I'm there, he turns his head to look and gives me a smile "hey Johnnie!" He express, almost blindingly happy to see me. "Hey Jake.! How'd it go?" I ask genuinely curious, since I wasn't really paying much attention when it was happening. Jake bends down slightly to be able to talk into my ear, "It went oooook i guess, it was honestly just a bit awkward..well for me at least." He tells me, shrugging a bit at the end. (The feeling of his breath still lingering on my neck, making my insides twist.) I think about what to whisper back, then move my mouth back to his ear "Well, either way I'm glad you did it, and don't worry I'm not jealous, I know you'd never do that anyway."

Instead of him replying I feel him drape a arm around my shoulder, he pulls me closer and continues to talk to everyone else like nothing. I feel my body tingle at the slight intimacy of his touch, (God, why do I have to turn red like a tomato everytime we engage with each other..! I swear someone's gonna notice if I can't get my act together.) I'm suddenly cought off guard by Jake lightly squeezing my shoulder inorder to get my attention. I look up to see that everyone had left the conversation to go do there own thing, now we are standing together, in the corner, by ourselves. "Oh um sorry." I say snapping out of it, Jake just laughs and pulls me a little tighter.

I quickly take two steps out of his grasp "Wow there, take it easy! the gay rumors are about to be wild.!!" I say in joking manner flailing my arms around like a crazy person, Jake looks confused but then bursts out laughing, he's struggling to stand up straight. "GOD Johnnie you scared me for a second, you ASSHOLE!" I let out a few chuckles at his reaction, "Ooo my bad..!" I exaggerate, rolling my eyes at him, as he still tries to catch his breath.

Our jokes come to a stop as a the girl from the video walks up to us. "Um hey, I'm Jessica!" She unexpectedly starts to introduce herself to me, "Oh, hi, I'm Johnnie nice too meet you.!" I introduced myself back, trying my hardest to come across nice. I reach out my hand and she shakes it, (uh, she seems nervous for some reason.?who knows.) "So you must be Jake's friend then?! I mean I just assumed since you came with him but you weren't in the video, am I right.!" I chuckle a little at her enthusiasm (she kinda reminds me of Jake, a LOT more calm though.) "Yeah, that's right." I verify, I glace at Jake through the corner of my eye, he's standing next to me trying to hold in a small giggle, (I can tell it's probably due to the whole "Jakes Friend" comment she made.) I roll my eyes at him then look back at her. "I hope Jake here didn't make a total fool of himself earlier." I say, practically glaring daggers into Jake for being so quiet.

"No actually, that's why I wanted to come over here.!" Jake gives her a little of a confused look, but starts to actually pay attention now. "Oh how so?" Jake asks her politely, "well.." she trails off looking to the side, her face looks like she's embarrassed by what she's about to say. "I was gonna ask if I could maybe have your number? I thought you were really nice and cool, and honestly pretty attractive soo? Could I.?" I see a flash of terror come over Jake's face before he glances at me, practicing begging me for help, I just shrug in response. (He's his own person, I don't control him.! Honestly I just wanna see how he'll handle this on his own, I'm curious to see what he'll say to her, if he can manage to say anything at all.)

He's practically frozen for a few seconds, until I see him register what she actually said, then he starts to answer. "Oh, I'll be honest with you, you're a very funny and beautiful woman, and I think that you would be very fun to be around.! But I'm going to decline, sorry." He explains with a sympathetic smile, trying his hardest to let her down easy. (Uh I didn't think he could do it.) Jessica looks a little taken a back but then nods her head, "ok, but do you mind if I ask why? I'm not trying to convince you other wise!! just curious.!"

Jake laughs a bit at her Scrambling before answering. "Yeah, I don't mind.!" He gives a thoughtfull look then continues "I'm kinda taking, and I love them very much and wouldn't trade one minute with them for the world, not to mention I'm the happiest I've ever been because of them, so I believe that's more than enough.!" He's explains giving her a sincere smile.

(Is that really what he thinks of me.?!) I can't even think, my head is practically spinning at his words, i can't even hear her response over my heart beat, God my insides are scorching. I can't help but look to the side and cover my face with my hand to hide my cheesy grin and red cheeks. (Oh he's gonna kill me one day..!) I slowly bring myself back to reality, Jessica and Jake are still talking but I only hear the last part of what she says. "That's really sweet, if I were her I'd immediately start to cry.!" Jake let's out an awkward laugh, he looks at me and I smile with a little laugh, then whisper "yeah definitely 'her' " Jessica doesn't hear, but Jake does and he chuckles in response.

"Well I'm going to go now it was nice talking to you guys!" Jessica says before heading out the door, "bye.!" We both say in unison as the studio door shuts behind her. "Ready to go home now.?" I ask Jake, desperately wanting to just go home and sleep, "Yeah, we can watch a movie.?" I glace at him and roll my eyes "you know damn well every time we watch a movie together you fall asleep." He just chuckles as we both head out the door, "I knooow, but it's because I'm comfortable..what you don't wanna take a nap with me..?" He asks, giving me unrealy cute puppy dog eyes, "well, I never said that.." I say quietly, knowing I wanted to take a nap anyway. "Yay! It's settled, nap and movie when we get home.!" I just laugh at his antics "yeah whatever." Giving him a small kiss on the corner of his lips.


Heyyyyy i know I've been gone I'm sorry ok💀

I was visiting family for two weeks in cali and then after only a few days over there someone gave me a cold, then it got worse and my asthma started acting up and I had to go to the hospital YAY and they gave me a steroid that did NOT agree with me and had me high for like 2-3 days so that was not fun.

But alas now after a 18 hour bus ride I'm home 👍🏼

And now we have a new chapter so all's well it ends well.! Ig

I'll have another chapter out soon but idk when so just uhhh take this one with a grain of salt 😭

ANYWAY I saw an insane!! increase in reads and comments so i have  no f#cking clue what happened there 🤷🏽‍♀️ but uhhhh if youre new hiii

Honestly sorry to any of the new readers that have came in like the last two weeks, i haven't really been able to interact with y'all up until now😞 BUT I'm here now and I'm soo ready to talk too and meet all of you!!

Words count 1488

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