Sekiruuyetei: Book of Concept...

By RageRevan

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A boy who once walked the path of heroism, now after being humiliated and ignored for his deeds, choses to wa... More

Prologue: Having Enough
Chapter 1: Unbearable Truth
Chapter 2: The Fall of an Ice Mage
Chapter 3: Roses of the Underworld
Chapter 4: Fall of Grigori
Chapter 5: Reality Check
Chapter 6: New Allies, New Enemies
Chapter 7: Broken Pride
Chapter 8: Play My Game
Chapter 9: Adjusting to a Normal Life
Chapter 10: Factions Situation
Chapter 11: War against a False Hero
Chapter 12: Demise of a False Hero
Chapter 13: Peaceful Resolutions
Chapter 14: Double Demise
Chapter 15: Chaos in Kuoh Academy
Chapter 16: Calm and Tranquility.
Chapter 17: Unknown Suffering
Chapter 18: Assault on the Pendragon Mansion
Chapter 19: Aggressive Negotiations
Chapter 20: Reunion of a Vampire with a Dragon
Chapter 21: Party Crashing
Chapter 22: Fall of a Symbol
Chapter 23: Relaxation Time
Chapter 24: Preparation for the Assault
Chapter 25: Fall of Heaven
Chapter 26: Time for Pleasure (18+)
Chapter 27: The God Tribe
Chapter 28: Relationship by Bonds
Chapter 29: The Darkest Night
Chapter 30: Divine Destruction
Chapter 31: Fortuitous Endeavors
Alternate One-Shot: Ending the Factions Permanently
Chapter 32: Claiming the Divinity (18+)
Chapter 33: Dual-Side Developments
Chapter 34: Beginning of the Finale
Chapter 35: Preparation for the Norse Assault
Chapter 36: Ragnarök
Chapter 37: Hopeful Times
Chapter 38: Dealing with the Dog
Chapter 39: Fall of Olympus
Chapter 41: Vampiric Exorcism
Chapter 42: Shinto Destruction.
Chapter 43: Fall of the Supernatural (Season Finale)
Epilogue: No More Supernatural
Some Facts about Conceptual Records

Chapter 40: Shiva's Choice

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By RageRevan

Normal: Dialogue, Narrations

Italics: Thoughts

Bold: A/N, Quotes, Reality change

Bold + Italics: Songs lyrics, Voice on speaker

Bold + Underline: Dimension change information

[] + Bold: Recording, Chat logs, Small Timeskips and Flashbacks

(A/N: All the images or gifs or videos used do not belong to me, they belong to the respective owners)

Issei and his allies were in the ship, the Greek Faction had just fallen to Issei's hand, additionally they were being joined by both Demeter and Hestia. Hestia looked at Issei and asked, "So, is everything over?"

"Yeah...Greek Faction has fallen, Olympus is now nothing but a ruined city..." Issei spoke with a serious tone, "No survivors remain, I and my faction have made sure of that..."

"I see...." Hestia spoke with a sigh, as she continued, "So is it true, Artemis? Are you really pregnant?" 

Hestia and Demeter had slight doubts, they knew about Artemis's Virgin nature, she was still uncertain. Artemis walked towards her and took their hand with each of her own and placed it in her abdomen. She then spoke with a smile, "Can you feel it?"

It only took the Goddess duo a moment to realise, it was true. Artemis was really pregnant and they couldn't be any more happy for her. Now they realised why Artemis despised the Greek Faction so much, her pregnancy coupled with the things she went through thanks to them made her really hateful towards them. 

Additionally, she also had a child to protect and she was not going to let anyone harm the child, no matter who she faces up against. Hestia then embraced her with happiness and exclaimed, "I am so happy for you Artemis!"

Artemis was surprised by this for a moment, as she returned her gratitude back to her and responded, "Thank you Hestia....I am glad you didn't chose Zeus over us..."

Hestia had split from her and responded while shaking her head, "Truth be told, I have been trying to leave but Zeus and the other Olympians have been keeping an eye on me and the others, we couldn't even visit you due to potentially him killing us.." Hestia spoke sadly as Demeter was also quiet, she wanted to visit her daughter as soon as possible, but Zeus declared her and Hades as a traitor, much to her fury, but she stayed quiet due to fear. 

"Hestia, Zeus will be soon gone from this world. You two no longer need to fear him in any way..." Artemis spoke with a smile, she stop considering him as her father a long time ago. Hestia could only look at her and nod, she knew her days of being with the Olympians were over, she could start a new life. 

Similar thoughts were in Demeter as well, they both were happy to be the ones to get the chance to be with their loved ones, and this time, she was not going to screw it. 

"Alright, Demeter, I will be sending you to directly, you know where to go right?" Demeter nodded with a smile, as she spoke, "Yes, yes I do, Lord Issei..."

Issei soon teleported Demeter directly to Hades's section of the Underworld, as he sent a text message to Persephone, knowing that she would be happy tonight. Demeter's return surely would bring her joy back to the Underworld. 

"Now then..." Issei's tone changed to a serious tone as he continued, "We still have Zeus to deal with..." Issei looks at the OOM-Droid Commander who responds, "As you wish, Supreme Leader."

The ships soon went out of trace leaving nothing but the Fallen remains of what, used to be Olympus. A few moments later, Azazel, Michael, Elmenhilde and Amaterasu showed up, as they were horrified to see what remained. 

"We are too late...." Elmenhilde spoke with fear and dread in her voice, now only one God Pantheon remained that was with them, and that was the Shinto Pantheon, both Greek and Norse have fallen. While Hindu had refused to have any contact with them. 

"Damn that bastard! He showed no mercy, no one survived his onslaught!" Azazel spoke with fury with your voice. He hated that another had fallen before they could even arrive to aid them in any way. Issei showed no mercy to anyone involved in his path. 

"He is not giving us a chance to recover, he has the power to wipe us out, and there is nothing we can do..." Michael spoke with fear, as Amaterasu tried to instill hope in their eyes, "But there is got to be something we have to do, Issei needs to be stopped at this point, his carnage will wipe us all out from the surface of the planet..."

Azazel thought for a moment, he was thinking of anything, any weapon aside from Samael's poison that could let them have a fighting chance. He then remembered something as he spoke, "There is a way..."

"What? What could there possibly be that could stop him?" Elmenhilde asked with confusion, as Azazel spoke with a smile, "Come follow me to the Underworld, I know exactly how we can stop his madness."

The Leaders teleported out of there, Greek Faction was lost, but they had hope that Issei and his allies could be stopped. 

Opening Start

Issei is walking across the fields.
Malak is surrounded by the burning remains of Grigori

Issei and Nyx are seen side by side looking at the screen.
A book shows up, as Issei comes in his Strongest Red Dragon Armor.
Dai Hyoudou is seen with a sinister smirk, with Rias standing next to him.

Asia and the other girls are fighting against Malak, using magic.
Aika looks above, walking through a puddle.
The ORC, Student Council, Vali Team, and Team Slashdog are shown, all as a pair of angry eyes glare at them.

Issei looks at the book, remembering his past well, he visions the factions falling apart.
Ingvild looks at a figurine of Dai, as she crushes it, tears falling from her eyes, anger on her face.

Artemis, Elizabeth, Charlotte, Quinella, and Gondul watch their factions with disdain.
Ingvild closes her eyes and looks at Dai with a determined look. Miyuki grits her teeth remembering her sisters
Issei is on his knees, his past haunting him, as a family photo shows up, with a slash on it.
Issei is separated from his family.

He looks at Sirzechs, as they both radiate their aura.

Opening End

Hades's Realm, Underworld, 9:30 PM

Persephone was tending to the fields that were growing at her home. She saw Issei's message of a surprise, wondering what would Issei bring for her. She soon sighed as she was done with her part with tending the fields. 

She remembered her conversation she had with Issei, before he wiped out the Greek Faction. She wanted Issei to at least try to spare Demeter if he could, the reason being she did not want to see her mother die. Zeus, on the other hand, she could care less what happens to that man-child. She managed to convince Issei to give it a shot, and even if he couldn't spare Demeter, she wouldn't hold anything against him. 

Demeter soon teleported into their domain, which caused Persephone to be surprised, she sensed the magic to be belonging to that of the Welsh Dragon, she exclaimed for a moment, "Ise-chan! Wait, I just need to clean up!" 

Persephone dusted the dirt of her clothing as she got up, however when she turned around, she was shocked to see the person in front of her was not Issei, but Demeter. 

However, her shock soon turned to happiness, this meant Issei listened to her and kept his word. Tears were forming on her eyes, as she exclaimed with a tearied tone, "Mother! Is that you?!"

Demeter also had tears in her eyes, it has been centuries since the mother-daughter duo had seen each other, Demeter couldn't even see Persephone's deceased body when she was killed by the Longinus Wielder. Now, here she was in her full glory, once again alive right in front of her. 

"Indeed, it is me, Persephone...I missed you, my girl..." Demeter croaked with a tearful tone, she was happy to be reunited with her girl. The two then rushed towards each other as tears started to stream in their eyes. Demeter held her daughter's head as the two cried onto each other. 

"I missed you so much, mother!!" Persephone exclaimed with happiness in her voice, as Demeter rubbed her daughter's back as she spoke, "I missed you two Persephone..."

The two remained like this for a few moments until they separated as Demeter spoke, "How have you been?" 

"Better, mother....I am glad you chose to come here, rather than support Zeus.." Demeter frowned upon hearing his name and spoke, "That bastard declared you a traitor, I was done with him, but couldn't leave because Zeus would try to attack me, when Lord Issei gave me the choice, I fully accepted his deal and I was not the only one, Hestia also left and abandoned Zeus and the Olympians, leaving them to his fate, Olympus has fallen, Persephone.." 

"I know mother.." Persephone spoke with a cold tone, as she continued, "He always had a grudge against Ise-chan, he despised him for ruining his relationship with his girls, even when he was the one responsible for ruining their relationship. It was only natural that Artemis and Athena turned on them, worse, when he tried to go after Artemis's unborn child..."

"Well, let's not delve into our past, what's done is done..." Demeter spoke with a sigh as she continued, "Let's head inside, I would love to meet Melinoë, Macaria and Hades..." 

"The children would love to meet their Grandmother, and Hades has changed a lot after my return, it would be nice to have you back, mother..." Persephone responded with a smile of her own, as mother and daughter duo headed inside to meet with the rest of their family. 

*Scene Change*

Droid Faction Base, 10:00 PM

Issei, Artemis and Athena were looking at a chained Zeus, who was completely broken and passed out. His body had been damaged a lot, due to his fight against Issei Hyoudou, he looked at the girls and spoke, 

"It's time..." Artemis and Athena nodded seriously, as Issei walked forward and put his hand on a fingerprint scanner which was able to identify him as the person. He walked towards Zeus and lightly tapped his face. 

"Wake up! Cheater God..." Zeus groaned in pain when he heard his name being called, however that soon changed to fear and anger when he saw Issei and his two daughter or one should say his two former daughters looking at him with hatred in their eyes. 

"And don't even think about escaping your lil enclosure here, I made sure to use a specialised sealing magic circle that not only prevents teleportation, but also chains that prevent your usage of powers and finally a healing chamber that will restore your health a little when you are almost dying." Issei spoke coldly and seriously, as Zeus angrily demanded, "Who do you think you are, you damned dra-?!" 

Zeus was unable to complete as someone gave him a hard slap to the face which completely broke his jawline, it was dangling from his face, as he looked at the one who did it. It was a very angry Artemis. 

"You have some nerve of insulting the one that is in charge of everything even after everything you have done! Makes me wonder, why you are not one of the smartest gods in Olympus.." Artemis spoke coldly as Zeus angrily glared at her, he knew Olympus would have fallen at this point, Athena then looked at her and spoke coldly 

"Let it be Arty, this idiot can't see anything above himself or his dick.." Athena looked at Zeus apathetically as he turned to Issei and asked, "Ise, can we be the ones to torture him? I always wanted to see him beg for mercy and fear us.."

"Sure, he is all yours..." Issei was about to leave since he wanted to talk to Aine to reveal himself, however Athena stopped him and asked, "Ise, can you also lend us the Mortis Blade temporarily?" 

"Sure, why not?" Issei spoke with a shrug as he gave the Mortis Blade to Athena, both the Goddesses could feel the God Slaying magic emanating from the blade, which even made both of them flinch and shudder for a moment, they feared the powers and capabilities of the weapon, as Athena shook any thoughts as she looked towards Zeus, who was fearful and shuddering with fear seeing the Mortis Blade. 

"Now then Zeus, I hope you are ready..." Zeus gulped in fear as both Athena and Artemis are going to enjoy torture him for what he did. 

The last thing that was heard was Zeus's painful screams, two Battle Droids were walking throughout the castle, they turned away knowing it was not their problem. 

Meanwhile, with Issei he encounters Aine training alongside the Four Satanic Descendents, as Quinella approached him and kisses him on the cheek, with Charlotte pouting with jealousy for failing to get the opportunity, while Ingvild and Valery wished it was them, but they knew they lost their chance. They knew that they will move on, as they shake their thoughts of a possible chance of being with him. 

"So, Ise. Where are Athena and Artemis?" Issei spoke with a smile looking towards her, "Having fun with their prisoner..."

The Four Satanic Descendents understood this and were chuckling, knowing what was happening to Zeus, as Issei looked towards Aine who was too focused on her training to notice Issei being present. 

Seeing this, Issei decided to be a little bit naughty as he hid his presence, he walked towards a heavily breathing Aine, and he tapped her shoulder, "Yes, Quinella-sama, give me a moment to-"

Aine looked up to see it was not Quinella, but it was Issei, and in mere moments, she became beet red and fell to her ground as she exclaimed, "I-I am sorry Issei-sama, I failed to notice you and-"

Issei was chuckling seeing Aine behave like this, as she became embarrassed, her meeting of Issei, someone she saw as a hero and looked up to was not how she wanted to meet him, he soon put his hand forward and spoke, "Relax...there is no pressure, just call me, let me help you.."

Aine embarrassingly took his hand as Issei helped her up, as she looked at Issei with an embarrassed expression as Issei spoke with a genuine smile, "Come, let's sit down...just address me like you do for a regular person.."

"Y-yes.." Aine spoke while stuttering, as she soon took a seat, Issei gave a glance to the four girls who nodded in understanding, as they knew he wanted to speak to her privately. They had a feeling that since the war is coming to a closure, she should know everything. It was only upon Issei's request that they hid everything from her until he asks her to do so. 

"So Aine, how have you been doing?" Issei asked with a genuine smile to which the girl nodded, "I have been doing fine, Issei..." Aine spoke with a blushing smile, this was the first time she was alone with a man, outside of her family. She was only alone with her father and later her brother, she often had a very close bond with her sister, until she decided to join Sirzechs side later on. 

She did not hold a grudge against her, unlike her brother. This was due to her almost being on the same condition as her father, only except in her case, she was sealed in the crystal, to be freed years later courtesy of Issei and his group. She was eternally grateful for Issei saving her and giving her a new life. 

"Anyways, I will get to the point, you see back then what I told you, was what happened years later. But what I didn't tell you was, the recent events that have completely shaped the current supernatural world..." Aine was surprised by this, as she asked, "Why?"

"It was because back then, I and the Four Satans were uncertain, on telling you....the reason being, was let's just say my past with them was not pretty..." Issei spoke with a sad tone, as Aine wondered what this meant, she then asked, "What happened?"

"Oh dear it's a long story, and your sister is one of those that was the reason why my past was not pretty..." Aine gulped at this, as Issei recounted everything he had done for the factions, yet always his little brother Dai Hyoudou was credited, no matter what he did, he was not cared or loved. 

Instead he was bullied and humiliated, even abused in some rare instances. Eventually this caused him to one day snap and turn on them. This is exactly what happened to them, he stopped helping them, however their actions against him and many others made Issei and some others turn on them, thus resulting in the formation of the Droid Faction and eventually many others joined him. 

Now, the war is coming to a close, some would have to make the choice, either they can serve the Factions that have abandoned or mistreated them, or they can serve the Droid Faction and ensuring that these Factions don't survive for another day mistreating him or humanity or anyone else. It was the end of the Factions. 

Aine was in tears, her sister had done so much damage to Issei, someone that was so nice and kind, he even saved her and gave her a new life. She was crying tears of sadness, as Aine saw her older sister to be a completely different person. She cursed Sirzechs for changing her sister into the person she is today. She looked at Issei and spoke with a sad tone, "I am sorry, for w-what my sister did to you Issei..."

"Don't apologise for her doings Aine...she is to blame for her deeds, and she will pay for how she treated me, there is no exception in that...not only did she betray the Original Lucifer by siding with Sirzechs, she followed him like a blind dog, and she did all those deeds to me." Aine sniffled and looked at Issei understanding why he hated Grayfia and the others so much, she already lost a lot quite recently and eventually she will be the only survivor of the Lucifuge family due to her brother also potentially dying due to him being killed during the final battle against them. 

"It's true Aine, what everything Issei said was true..." Aine and Issei turned around to see the Four Half breed Satanic Descendents with them, out of which Quinella and Charlotte had a serious look while Ingvild and Valery had a sad look on their faces, as they were themselves taken in by lies of the Four Satans via Dai and Rias Gremory. 

"There is no exception to what Issei said, we all saw how they treated Issei. He was treated like the utmost scum on this planet, until the truth was revealed to everyone on live television. The mere fact that everyone was played like a damn fiddle showed how easily they can be manipulated and how selfish they can be, only caring for themselves. Their testament of selling both Latia and Seekvaira were prime examples of that..." Charlotte added with anger in her voice, as Ingvild spoke sadly and angrily

"Both I and Valery fell for their lies and deceit and this is what caused us to harm Issei and do things that we can't even turn back on, they played us like fools, and Dai, he was the worst. He only saw both of us as toys, and the worst part is. They still fail to see their mistakes..." Ingvild's words made Aine realise how far they have fallen, and Valery's words were finally the nail in the coffin, Aine now hated Sirzechs and his family for being the reason for so much chaos along with the other leaders. 

"Ingvild is right, I hate myself for believing Kuroka and Rias, but I can't change the past, no matter what I do. But I can change the future by working upon the present. I refuse to fight for the Factions that will abandon us without a second thought. Think about it Aine, Issei was only seen as someone worthwhile because he possessed power, that's it. They don't care about us, they don't care whether we live or die, because they are nothing but selfish idiots who only care about themselves, nothing more, nothing less." Valery also had a similar tone to Ingvild as Aine could only processes everything, the people she loved were not the same people she knew. Time changed them for the worst and she hated that she couldn't even call Grayfia or Euclid her older siblings. 

"This is what the Factions have become, so tell me Aine, do you want to join people like them?" Issei asked as AIne shook her head in disgust, she was disgusted by what the Factions have become and refused to join them at all costs. 

"No, I will not join them at any costs." Aine spoke angrily, refusing to become like her older sister Grayfia in any way as she continued, "I will aid you in the final war against the other Factions, it is about time we put a stop to them and their actions against not only us, but also against other beings as well...."

"I had a feeling that you would make the right choice, Aine.." The one who spoke was Valery as she responded with a smile of her own, as she spoke, "Thank you, Valery-sama.."

"No please call us Valery, we are friends here, and I am not your superior..." Valery responded with a smile of her own, as the other three Satanic descendents all nodded with agreement, Aine soon smiled as she now had several people that cared for her, as Issei looked at the scene with a genuine smile as he thought knowing that sooner or later Grayfia will come to know about Aine and will be horrified. 

He became even more excited knowing what will happen next, since Aine now hates her and Grayfia will be forced to fight against her, he was certainly going to enjoy her downfall as well, alongside her husband who he will kill at the very end. 

His thoughts were diverted when he saw a text message come up on his device as he spoke, "Well, it seems like Artemis and Athena are done with playing...I will go check up on them..."

The girls nodded as Issei soon walked out of the room, they all were soon discussing on what they will be needing to do next. 

With Issei, he was walking towards Zeus's prison chamber, with Artemis and Athena having satisfied smiles on their faces, as Issei looked at them and spoke. 

"I take it you are done with the torture?" Issei asked as the two girls had a smile, Athena cleaned the Mortis Blade and gave it to Issei as he kept it back in his inventory, with Artemis speaking, "I enjoyed every single moment of torturing that bastard, he even went so far as to insult our child, Ise..." 

Issei turned to see Zeus and almost was surprised, he was not the same person the girls left him to be, his face was horribly disfigured, with bumps, bruises, scratches and scars all present on his face. His one eye was missing and his nose was bleeding, several of his teeth were broken and his ears were bleeding. His neck was completely gone, with his larynx being ripped from his stomach. 

His body was in a worse condition, his abdomen was bleeding with his stomach and intestines being ripped from inside out, his flesh and bones were exposed in the chest area, revealing his partially broken ribcage, his one arm was gone ripped apart and dropped to the ground, while his other arm had the same fate as his face, with three of his fingers missing, and his arm had flesh and bones revealed. 

But his lower region, let's just say it was the worst amongst them. His penis was ripped from it's location, with it being near his left leg, it had several slashes aimed at it, almost being unrecognisable. He could see the location of his testicles not present, being ripped from the testicle sack. They primarily focused on that area since Zeus was known to rape and even assault women causing their lives to be completely miserable. 

He was not shown mercy in that region, and speaking of his legs, his one leg was completely ripped from his body, destroyed leaving only a mangled leg which showed flesh, bones and blood coming out from that area. The other leg had some of his toes ripped like his arm, with bones and flesh being displayed throughout. 

In addition, his whole body was twitching and twirling with pain, this was because of the Mortis Blade being so highly concentrated with Slayer Magic that even a small cut could seriously damage any supernatural being. Athena and Artemis did even more damage to Zeus making his last moments miserable. 

Issei shuddered at what the girls had done, not because he pitied Zeus, but because he knew if he crossed any of his mates, he may not see the next day. Even Ddraig was fearful of crossing any of the women, since an angry wife is more scary than any Droid or even Great Red himself. Issei tried to keep his composure and spoke with a sigh. 

"You know...I am a bit sad that you did not save some for me..." Athena and Artemis shook their heads as Artemis spoke, "We wish for you to do the honors, Ise..." 

Artemis walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, as Athena shouted in jealousy, "No fair Arty, you can't hog Issei all to yourselves!!"

Athena soon wrapped her arms around Issei, as Zeus watched the scene while gritting what remains of his teeth. He couldn't do anything but watch the scene of how Issei took away his daughters away from him. 

Issei, on the other hand, calmed the girls, assuring that they will both get their time, as Issei turned to Zeus, who lost his anger and became fearful. Issei then spoke, "You know Zeus, your anger is still so unjustified in every manner, your two daughters love me for who they are, and one of them is even pregnant with my child....but you will never see your own grandchild be born in this world.."

Issei spoke the last part with a mocking tone, as Zeus became even more fearful as Issei looked at the girls, "You might want to step back a little..."

The two girls nodded as Issei decided to generate some flames in his hands, as he spoke, "You see, Zeus....I will make your final moments as painful as possible, since the girls wanted me to perform your final moments. I will gladly honor their request.."

"These flames, belong to Ddraig himself and you know what is going to happen once they hit you, right?" Zeus was at his final moments, as Issei continued sadly, "I would love to torture you Zeus, but *chuckles* what is the point in playing with a broken toy...I mean, look at you, you can't scream to my amusement, or even cry. So it's time to put you out of commission...*cold* permanently"

Issei's words made Zeus almost shit himself, but without his private parts to do so, he couldn't do anything but be fearful of what is to come for him. Issei soon breathe the flames towards him causing Zeus to scream in pain, no one had an empathy for the Former King of Olympus, as even Athena and Artemis did not see him in the eyes, once there was nothing left, the trio walked away knowing there is no Olympus or Zeus left. 

*Scene Change*

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Issei learning how to create the Star Forge. 

3 Days Later, 

Hyoudou Residence, 9:30 AM

Issei was seated, amongst members of the Droid Faction, while opposite to them was Shiva and Indra, the two representatives of Hindu Faction, as Issei asked with a smile. 

"So tell me? What brings the God of Destruction and the Heavenly King to my humble abode?"Issei looked at Shiva and Indra, both of whom had neutral expressions, but internally they were concerned. This meeting would decide whether their faction survives for another day or perishes at the hands of him and his army. Shiva knew his utmost limit was at Malak, and he knew Issei was stronger than him, and if from what he knew was right, then Great Red and Ophis are also working with him. Three Dragons that eclipse him in terms of strength and power. He knew that his faction will not survive, and unlike those idiotic Faction Leaders who think they can beat Issei, he knows his upper limits and can't face them. 

"Is it fear for what I'll do? Is it concern for what I'm about to do? Tell me Shiva, what is it?" Shiva took a deep breath and responded, "I am not going to lie, fear is one of the reasons we are here.." 

"Okay?" Issei responded as he continued, "What else?"

"Concern, and I wanted to know your thoughts about what you think of us Hindu Gods, like what is your difference in thoughts when you think of me, as compared to when you think of Odin or Zeus..." 

Issei gave it a thought for a while, as he spoke. 

"I am not going to lie, amongst the Gods, I watched as you were the only one that did not give me the stink eye or had hatred like Zeus or Odin. They were easily taken in by Dai's lies and turned against me, what were your thoughts when you first heard and joined the alliance?" Issei asked Shiva and Indra to which the Heavenly King spoke, 

"Dai was someone that was noticeable, I had a feeling that the kid is completely rotten. That is why I threatened Aza-boy, to deal with the boy so that he does not overstep his boundaries. Seems like he did not listen to me..." Indra spoke sadly, as Shiva said his own words, "When I was contacted by Azazel before the battle against Trihexa, he proposed me joining, but my visions were telling me something else, they told me about Armageddon which would be caused by Trihexa. I take it, that it was you that stopped the beast right?"

"You are right on that....and it was not easy if anything, took me a few months of mastering the seals that were initially used to seal the Beast.." Issei remembered him working day and night, and some cases having sleepless nights to do so. It was worth it in the end, as he was able to take down Trihexa. But unfortunately, Dai once again took credit for his actions. 

"And even in the shadows, I have been dealing with Razevan Lucifer who has been alive and taken him down permanently along with the Neo Khaos Brigade, making sure that they never pose a problem to anyone in the future..." Valery was surprised by this information, she never was told about this. She was going to ask her later in the future. Shiva took all information into consideration. He has always been the true hero, yet the Factions have been so blind to that. 

"Yet, look at how I was treated, if you noticed my very first meeting when Malak attacked the Factions, you saw how many were showing outright disdain or disgust right?" Shiva could sense the hostility increase in the room as soon as he entered all those months ago. He knew what this meant, that they hated him for the now lies that Dai had spoken. 

However, upon their first meeting neither Shiva, nor his faction saw Issei act like the way. He was the polar opposite making Shiva have slight doubts on whether the Factions were truthful or not, but this was distracted when the Droid Faction had attacked them causing him to focus on them instead of Issei instead. He knew that Issei does not want to help him, and the Factions have been trying to force against him to help them, only to be ended up almost dead by his hands. 

"Regardless, why did you not turn against the Factions when you had the chance? Like you easily could have left them and none of them had the power to even stop you in any way..." Issei asked Shiva who responded while shaking his head. 

"We were not certain whether you would attack us or not, we were not certain whether you hated us or not. You showed that you didn't want us around your place. That alone gave us mixed signals along with the fact that some of your house guests were still part of the Factions and you even let Team DXD members in your house back then..." Issei understood what Shiva was trying to say, he had to show that he tolerated their existence, with the Team DXD members that is, while in reality he hated them a lot, especially Rias and her peerage, along with Sona and her peerage to name a few. 

"I had to keep myself under disguise, although in reality..." Issei took a deep sigh and responded, "I hated all those that were still affiliated with the Factions back then..especially the fact that we live in the same roof..." Issei's words made Shiva nod in understanding, it was no secret that he hated Rias and Sona, along with those that followed them and their factions for making his life miserable. 

"I see....and from what I know, they even tried to invade your privacy right?" Shiva asked sadly to which those girls who had their private time with Issei ruined by Rias gritted their teeth in anger remembering how spoilt and selfish Rias was. Additionally, they were happy that Rias was dead, never to return thanks to her being burnt by Ddraig's flames. 

"Indeed, indeed she did. The worst part she still demanded, not requested me to do things she wanted to, like she thinks the world revolves around her. The good thing was that I swiftly put her in her place every time she tried.." Issei spoke with a smile making Shiva nod, in all his meeting, so far Issei did not do anything unjust, or what was considered wrong in his eyes. 

While on the surface Genocide was wrong, Issei's actions against the Factions and their Leaders were justified, and right. Especially towards them who will keep demanding and irritating them to help him at all costs. This did not end well for anyone that tried to do so, with Ajuka being one of the earlier victims for this sake. 

Indra, was also analysing what Issei said, like Shiva and he also had to give respect to the boy. He did what he did was right, even now his actions against the Factions he had a reason and that was they intend to harm his loved ones to gain an upper hand since they did not have access to Samael's poison due to Issei destroying the entity months ago. 

Normally, unlike Shiva, Indra's manner of finding out a person's true intention was combat. Where he would identify by the strikes and assaults whether the person was known to be a monster or not, or whether he was a good person or not. But with Issei, he decided to listen to Shiva and not chose to fight, he knew that the Supernatural Factions have their days numbered and they still haven't learnt their lessons and still want to find a way to harm those he cares for and loves. 

"I see...." Shiva spoke after a while, as he then asked, "But what made you kill Millicas Gremory? He was just a mere kid." Shiva had heard from this due to the news being public at this point, as Issei took a deep breath and responded. 

"The Faction Leaders tried to use my unborn child and my pregnant mate Artemis as a hostage. When that happened, I was beyond angry and we made an example of what will happen if they would go after my child. I wanted Sirzechs to show what would happen if he tried anything against my family...this was a message even to the other Leaders as well, if they harm my family, they are as good as dead..." Issei's words made the God of Destruction and the Heavenly King horrified at this revelation. The mere fact that they went after a child speaks Volumes of their atrocities that they are willing to commit. 

Indra was furious at the Factions while Shiva was disgusted by what the Faction Leaders, this conversation made them back away from the alliance completely as Shiva spoke, "Although what you did was wrong, like always you had a good reason, and now...we also have no intention of working with the alliance..."

"Wait, you are planning to-?!" Issei was cut by Indra as he responded, "Indeed, we are backing out from the alliance, the mere fact that they used Artemis and her unborn child to find a way to weaken you, showed us....they are not the people we wish to be allied with..."

"And we will not pose a problem to you in any way, so as long as you don't harm us, we won't harm you in any way....and as for humanity, we don't look down upon humanity like many Gods and Goddesses do, we actually so I'd thought you would know that..." Shiva spoke with a sigh as he continued, "So what do you say Issei Hyoudou? We both should mind our own paths, and we won't cross each other unless necessary..."

Issei thought for a moment, the Hindu Faction is no longer a threat to him. He had a feeling that Shiva was not as bad as the other Gods, he just did not want to believe it. Now he sees it first hand, and not just Shiva, but even the rest of the Hindu Gods were completely different and better as opposed to Greek, Norse, or even Shinto Gods. 

"I accept....I see no reason to reject this long as we keep to our own paths and not interfere in each other's, we should be fine and not harm each other..." Issei spoke much to Shiva and Indra's relief, since their goal was to talk with Issei such that he does not wipe out their faction, as he continued,

"At first I was surprised when Nyx contacted me stating that you two wanted to talk to me, and when I was expecting the Faction Leaders to show up, I was expecting a full on battle to happen here.." Shiva and Indra agreed to that, if it were any of the other Faction Leaders showing up here, things would have become much worse, like Sirzechs would have at least damaged the house for instance and harmed some of his family members, due to what he is going through. 

"Then again, when you came in peace, I was even more surprised, and accepted the talk. You wished to leave me and my faction alone, and I shall do the same...and I accept to not harm the Hindu Faction, on two conditions...out of which one was to not intervene in each other's path..."

"And the second one?" Shiva asked out of curiosity and a bit of concern, "The second one is that you must not help the remaining Factions of the alliance in any way. Cut off all ties and abandon them completely. They will only be the cause of your death along with those that follow you in any way. That is my second condition."

Issei spoke seriously causing them to nod in understanding, as Shiva spoke in acceptance, "Those are conditions we accept completely, we were going to cut ties with them anyway, so we accept this condition, and we won't be helping them in any way as well..." 

"That is all then...if you wish, you can leave.." Issei spoke with a serious tone, as the two Hindu Gods nodded and teleported out of there. Issei is left alone with the rest of the Droid Faction members as he spoke to Malak. 

"Are the stations ready for our next attack?" Malak nodded as he responded, "Indeed they are, all they need is your signal and new ships are also ready for our next attack..."

"That is good...but we don't need that much Droids or resources for our next attack..." Many were surprised by this, as they wondered why Issei was not planning to use a huge fleet for their next attack since he wanted to expand a bit on his army adding more Ships to his Fleet. 

"But why? I mean did you not ask for more production?" Kalani asked with a tone of surprise, some like Athena to name a few understood why Issei did not want to use too much resources or Droids for the attack.

"Because our next attack won't be that intensive, yes we will be attacking a Faction, but we won't be needing that much strength for the attack, and we need to prepare for the upcoming final battle which will happen sooner than you think..." Issei explained to the people as they all understood what Issei was going to do and which Faction he is going to attack next. 

"After all the next faction we will be attacking is the..." Issei spoke with a grin on his face















"The Vampire Faction.."

*Scene Break*

(A/N: Bang that's it for this chapter, the next chapter will be the assault against the Vampire Faction.)

(A/N(2): Shiva and the Hindu Faction will no longer side with the Faction Leaders, and have left them to their own devices.)

(A/N(3): The plan Azazel has revealed will be shown in the next chapter, the Final Battle will not be as easy as many think.)

(A/N(4): Zeus is officially dead, as if it was not enough for his death to be anything but a fate worse than death)

Please let me know what you think, and I will catch y'all later



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