The Tudor Rose: A New Age

By claire43343

23.8K 422 52

Elizabeth is back but this time, things are different. After the death of Queen Jane, everything went downhil... More

Supporting Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chaptet 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35: The End

Chapter 34

281 5 0
By claire43343

After the celebrations of the treaty were over; Henry VIII, his family, and court had return to England a couple days later. As promised, Charles Brandon retired from court life to rest at his estate where he soon became sick. Elizabeth 1st visited her sister and her sister's family, where she was named "Godmother" to her nephew and her husband was named "godfather". At the Sussex estate, Elizabeth 1st held her nephew in her arms as she sat in an armchair in Mary's bedchamber. Elizabeth smiled at her sister and said, "He's so precious, Mary. He reminds me of when Nicky, Katie, and Freddy were all born." Mary smiled and replied, "Indeed. I'm so lucky. He has been an easy babe so far. According to his governess and wet nurse, he sleeps easy and he's feeding well. The physician also says he's very healthy." Elizabeth smiled and gave her nephew to his governess who had walked up to her to take the baby. She turned to her sister and said to her, taking her hand, "How was the labor? Was it hard?" Mary sighed and replied, "It wasn't easy that's for sure. The midwife told me that he was breached and had the cord around his neck. It was terrifying for me because I didn't want to lose him. I could hear Nathaniel outside yelling to be let in and comforting me with soothing words on the outside of the door. He desperately wanted to be with me and help. It was by the grace of God that the baby and I survived." Elizabeth smiled at her sister and said, "I do wish I had been there to help you. What shall you and Nathaniel name him?" Mary gently clutched her sister's hand and replied, "You had other duties to perform, sister, no one can fault you for that. You were needed in France to preside over the treaty signing. *She grinned in pride* Nathaniel and I decided on naming him George Arthur Louis of Sussex. Nathaniel's father was named George so we wanted to honor him in naming our son. Obviously, Arthur is for our uncle Arthur, Father's brother." Elizabeth smiled and said, "What's Louis for?" Mary sighed softly and replied, "Nathaniel had a brother named Louis but he died during battle. That's how he became heir to the Sussex estate and Sussex fortune. He never told anyone about his brother's death because he was worried that people would think that he had stolen the title of being heir. His father then passed away of a broken heart when his mistress of a long time passed away as well." Elizabeth sighed sadly and said, "I never knew that about Nathaniel. We're close friends with each other and we never kept anything from each other either. What about his mother?" Mary replied, "His mother is still alive, thank God, but she and Nathaniel's father had a distant relationship after she found out about Nathaniel's father's affair with his mistress. She took refuge with her family then came back when Nathaniel and I first got married." Elizabeth sighed again and said, "Poor Nathaniel." Mary nodded and said to her sister, "Indeed. There's something that Nathaniel and I would like to ask you and James. *Her sister looked at her in curiosity* We were wondering if you'd like to be godparents to George. We know that you are to Cate but we wanted to know if you'd be the same to George. We couldn't think of anyone else worthy of the roles." Elizabeth smiled at Mary and replied, "James and I would love to, Mary! You have our blessing." Mary grinned in joy and said, hugging her sister, "Thank you so much, sister. We really appreciate it." Elizabeth smiled and was about to say something in return but was   distracted when Mariana rushed into the room, a distressed look on her face. She looked at her close friend in concern and said to her, "Mariana? What is it? Everything alright?" Mariana took a deep breath and replied, "It's the Duke of Suffolk, he's deathly ill. The physician says that he might die soon. You should go and see him now." Elizabeth's eyes widened in fear and turned to look at her sister. Mary nodded at her sister and said to her, tightly squeezing her sister's hand, "Go see His Grace. I shall be here as will George, Cate, and Nathaniel when you return. His Grace needs you more." Elizabeth nodded and then said her goodbye for rushing to leave. She had only brought Mariana and Caterina with her while the others stayed behind in Ludlow.

In the carriage, Elizabeth tightly clasped her hands together and bounced her legs up in worry. Mariana and Caterina shared a worried look between them as they worried about their mistress. Caterina took Elizabeth's hand into hers and said, "All will be well, Your Highness. You must have faith." Elizabeth looked at her trusted lady with disbelief and replied, "How can I when my godfather is laying in his deathbed as we speak and he could die anytime soon? And my father's health is deteriorating as well?" Mariana then took Elizabeth's other hand into hers and said to her mistress, "You must listen to me, Your Highness. His Grace, the Duke of Suffolk, has had a long and wonderful life in his lifetime. He has done many things and has done a great service to the Crown. He knows his time has come and he's ready to go into God's grace. As for His Majesty, he'll be ready to join His Grace as well. It's the way life goes and it always has and always will. All we can do is pray and keep faith that His Grace will pass on peacefully and the same with His Majesty when he does the same. Hmm?" Elizabeth took in her friend's words and nodded as a tear fell down her cheek. She knew her godfather was going to die and her father would do the same. She had noticed that the both men's health had deteriorated and were losing themselves as time had went on. They were old in age and were getting close to the end. She just wasn't ready to face what would come after the potential deaths of her godfather and her father himself. As the carriage got closer to the Suffolk estate, Elizabeth could feel her heart racing inside of her and she could also feel her pulse getting higher by the minute. Just as they reached the estate, the carriage door opened and a hand was held out to the princess. The princess then took a deep breath and took the hand, allowing the owner to help her out. Elizabeth stepped out and took a look around the estate which she had been to several times as a child and as she grew. At the front of the entrance of the estate stood Elizabeth's godfather's wife, Catherine Brookes with her children. The princess walked towards them, causing the Duchess and her children to curtsy and to bow in respect to Elizabeth. Elizabeth gave them a small sad smile and said to Catherine, "Your Grace, I thank you for sending me the message about my godfather. I have been very worried about his condition." Catherine Brookes curtsied again to her husband's goddaughter and replied, "Of course, Your Highness. While my husband and I are not as close as we once were, I knew he always held a great love for you since you called him "Uncle" ever since you were a child." Even though Catherine wasn't around when Elizabeth was young since Charles was married to Elizabeth's Aunt Margret at the time, Catherine still cared for Elizabeth as if she was her own goddaughter. In a way, Elizabeth considered Catherine her aunt as well. Catherine then turned to enter what was once her home, waving her arm in front of her to make way for her goddaughter'. Elizabeth sighed and said to her 'godmother', "Tell me, Aunt Catherine, how is Uncle Charles?" Catherine sighed as well and replied, "He is not well, I'm afraid. The physicians aren't sure of what illness he has but they are doing their best to make sure that he is comfortable. The King had called him to court one day to show loyalty to him about an incident but after that, his condition has worsened ever since. The physicians say he won't last the week, much less days."

As the women got closer to Charles' bedchambers where he was resting, Elizabeth closed her eyes in sadness when she heard her godfather moaning in pain from outside the door. She couldn't bear to hear him or anyone of her loved ones in pain. The guards at the door bowed to the women and opened the door, allowing them entry. Catherine sighed softly and said to her husband, "Charles? Charles, dear, your goddaughter, the Princess Elizabeth of Wales has arrived to see you." From the bed, Charles slowly turned his head and smiled softly at the sight of his goddaughter. He took in how much she had grown and instantly memories of the past flooded back to him. He remembered the day Elizabeth and Mary were both born and how excited Henry was that Catherine of Aragon had given birth to twins. They may not have been born boys like the couple had wanted but the fact it was a twin birth, they believed it was a sign that God was blessing them. Elizabeth walked over to her godfather gracefully and said to him, as she sat on the bed next to him, "How are you, Uncle?" Charles sighed then let out a deep cough and replied, "Not well, I am afraid. The physicians say I may not last." Elizabeth smiled at him sadly and said, "Is there anything you need? Anything I can do to ease the pain?" Charles chuckled softly and replied, "Ah, there's that caring Elizabeth I remember. I believe I am good at the moment, sweetling. Thank you though. Tell me, how is your family? After the treaty signing, you had announced Mary's birth to her son. Are they well?" Elizabeth said, nodding, "My family are well. Nicky is doing well in his education, he will soon leave Lady Bryan's charge in favor of a tutor. Katie is thriving under Lady Bryan's guidance so she won't leave until she's ten. As for Fredrick, he is growing by the day, now that he is nearly a year old. James is also doing well, he's been busy keeping up with the council and often has fencing battles with Nathaniel, Mary's husband. As for Mary, she and her family are doing well as well. Mary and Nathaniel have named their son George after Nathaniel's father and they have named James and myself godparents for our nephew." Charles smiled softly and tiredly and replied, "Good. I am glad all is well with you and your family. *He turned his head to face her, grabbing her full attention* Elizabeth, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. You have grown so much since you were a child and I have watched you grow into the woman you are today. And how proud your mother would be if she could see you. She'd be proud of how much you have accomplished and the way you have looked over England as regent. You are destined to be one of the greatest Queens of England that the world had ever seen. I promise you that."

A physician then walked into the room with a couple others next to him and bowed to the group in the room. He turned to Elizabeth and said to her, "Forgive us, Your Royal Highness, but it is time for His Grace's medicine and for him to rest." Elizabeth nodded and replied, "Of course, I shall leave you to it." She then turned to her godfather, not knowing when she would see him again, and said to him, as she took his hand, "There is so much I want to say to you but I know that time is not on our side. I suppose that the best way to sum it all up is to say thank you. Thank you for being in my life and for doing so much for me. You will always be remembered by myself and my family and all that you had done for us. Thank you for being my godfather." Charles smiled tearfully and replied, squeezing his goddaughter's hand in his own, "You're very welcome, my sweetling. I wouldn't have traded for being your godfather for the world. It has been my greatest honor and privilege. You will be one of the greatest Queens the world has ever seen. I know it." Elizabeth then gently wrapped her arms around the man, pulling him into a gentle hug, causing him to wrap his arm around the young woman. This would be the last hug the two would share. With that, Elizabeth then stood to leave but then she turned back to her godfather and godmother. Catherine Brookes watched in confusion and turned to look at her strained husband who watched in curiosity. Elizabeth then held her gaze with her godfather and curtsied deeply to him out of respect, letting it be her last curtsy to him. Behind her, Caterina and Mariana did the same, going as low as Elizabeth did. As she curtsied, the princess lowered her head, she wanted it to be a memorable moment. Charles watched in shock but took it in proudly, bowing his head to his goddaughter. Elizabeth then rose from her curtsy and left the room, followed by her ladies. Catherine Brookes then closed the door behind her and her goddaughter. Elizabeth turned to her godmother and said to her, "I'll walk out by myself and my ladies, Aunt Catherine. Thank you for sending for me." Catherine Brookes nodded with a sympathetic smile and replied, "Of course, my dear. Take care of yourself now." Elizabeth nodded and turned to leave, causing her godmother to curtsy to her. Then, a few days later, Elizabeth was sitting in her bedchamber as she sketched in her sketch pad while she sat at her window seat. There was a soft knock on the door, causing Natalia to rush to open it. A older man, wearing Suffolk guard regalia, came into the room and bowed to the princess. Elizabeth looked up from her sketchpad and her eyes widened at the sight of the guard. The guard looked at the princess in sympathy and said to her, "Your Royal Highness, I bring grave news from the Suffolk estate. His Grace, the Duke of Suffolk, had died." Elizabeth felt her heart skip a beat at the news and fell to the floor in shock, causing her ladies and the guard to rush over to her. Elizabeth pushed them all back, as tears started to brim her eyes. Eleanor then took charge and said to her fellow ladies-in-waiting and the guard, "Ladies, sir, I think it would be best if you'd leave the room and leave me with Her Highness. She needs a moment." The other ladies nodded in agreement and curtsied to Elizabeth before leaving the room with the guard in tow who bowed. Eleanor then sat next to Elizabeth and said to her, "Elizabeth? Say something, dear." Elizabeth turned to Eleanor with tears rolling down her cheeks and replied, "He was the only person who truly understood me, Eleanor. Ever since my mother, Uncle Charles had always been there for me, even when Uncle Thomas Moore had died, he was there. He was there during Anne, Jane, and Katherine Howard. I'll truly be alone now." Eleanor then wrapped her arms around her close friend, causing the Princess to break down in sobs. The princess' sobs could be heard all over the castle, even by her father who knew that his closest friend was gone. Charles Brandon would forever be remembered.

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