The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

76.2K 1.7K 102

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave

Truth about kaylus

1.9K 45 0
By Mzzjem


Seb fell asleep quite quickly inbetween me and Enzo, I placed my hand on his forehead lightly before taking it away. His fever seems to be getting worse, I thought about taking the blanket away but he seems to be shivering like he's freezing to the bone.

He's definilty got some virus or bad flu. I wonder if he's had any flu jabs. "You've been gone a while" Enzos soft quiet voice catches my attention, "needed some time to think" Hank replys. Hank looks at Seb sleeping peaceful between us, his expression seems emotionless. "Are you still mad at him?" I grown out in a quiet tone.

"Do you still believe him?" He turns the question back to me. I look down at Seb, he really had been good recently I don't know why he would suddenly misbehave. Maybe Hank was just in a bad mood when he woke up. Hank sighs knowing I've taken Sebs side.

"Well now that I know one pup can sabotage our trust for each other,I found out why he acted like that" Hank says, his words hurt.

We cared for him like we care for each other but Seb was a pup and he takes alot more attention and care, he's not always good so when he is we make sure to praise him on that. Therefore we weren't to hasty about blaming him.

Hank hands Enzo a cracked phone "is this your phone?" He asks, Hank nods his head. "Still works. Look what I found it on" he says,I look over Enzos shoulder to see what the page was on.

Texts of Hank and kaylus's conversations , I let out a sigh realising what had really happened now. Sudden guilt fills my body, "sorry we took Sebs side" I says to Hank, he gives me an understanding look.

"I get it, it was out of ordinary for him to act like that but that's just how he is. He's very unpredictable and if he's trying to turn us against each other as revenge then we are going to have to trust each other like before" he says. He was right.

"We will have to talk to him about this. He's got the wrong thoughts in his head, he's clearly our mate and I don't want him resenting us forever" Enzo explains. "Now I think about it...what happend to Kaylus's body" Hank speaks up, "we never found it.." Enzo says.

Maybe Lincoln had burnt it although it didn't seem like his style, he was never one to care about body's being left on the floor. Seb suddenly begins to stir in his sleep, he seems uncomfortable. "Lets take him to bed" Enzo suggests.

"It's only 1 pm" Hank says, "Sebs got a fever" I tell him. Enzo picks Seb up and carrys him up staires with us behind, he heads to Sebs room before I stop him "he should stay in your room, he always wakes up in his room and he needs the sleep" I tell him, he nods before heading to his room.

He tucks Seb in like a fluffy cosy burrito, I tuck Wolfie under the covers beside Seb. Seb instantly grabs wolfie pulling him into his arms, cute. "Did he like the surprise?" Hank whispers as we look down at Seb, "yh he did, he felt bad that you weren't there though" Enzo tells him.

We leave Seb alone to get some rest before heading downstaires and making some lunch, Hank made some soup for Seb while I and Enzo make a full meal for the three of us.

"I'm gonna take this up to him" Hank says grabbing the bowl and a glass of water, before he leaves the room I suddenly get the idea to go with him encase Seb trys to pull the same thing he had done before.

If this is Sebs way of messing with us then we shouldn't be around him alone.
Hank places the bowl and cup on the side before nudging Seb to wake up, Seb wakes up slowly allowing his eyes to adjust to who's infront of him.

As soon as he sees Hank he turns over, so he is pissed of with Hank. I'm not sure he's aware I'm in the room right now, "Seb, you need to eat something" Hank says in a calm tone, "fuck off" he mumbles shocking me.

I instantly step in not taking any of that language "is that anyway to talk to someone? Apoligse now" i don't care if he's ill, my tone was laced with anger showing him I was not messing around.

He turned around as if a little shocked that I was here to hear it but his expression quickly changes to a dull one.

He looks at Hank whos waiting for an apology yet says nothing, a low growl leaves my lips as my hands turn to fists trying to control my anger.

"Sorry" he mumbles but this time it's not good enough, "louder" i tell him. I could tell with his fever he didn't have it in him to fight back "sorry" he says louder satisfying me. "Good, now eat" I say  firmly, Sebs complicated until you get to know him.

I know if I was to suddenly go soft now he would take advantage of it, I need him to know I'm serious about talking to Hank that way.

Hes obviously mad at all of us for his brother but for some reason he seems to be targeting Hank. Hank picks up the bowl handing it to Seb, for a second he looks like he's about to take it making my Alpha instincts proud he's obeying except he instantly pushing the bowl out of Hanks hand and onto his shirt.

I could see the steam coming of his shirt yet he hadn't flinched, his glare for Seb shared the same anger I felt for him in the moment. "Go get cleaned up" I tell him, but hes yet to move. His eyes stay on Seb like a preditor ready to pounce on its prey.

"Hank" my voice was louder and firm, he leaves the room with fists causing veins to bulfge through his arms. If I hadn't made him leave he would have punished Seb like there's no tomorow.

There's two ways i could play this, if he's gonna act like a child ill treat him like one and when a child is naughty they get a spanking or I could make him feel bad for hurting Hank, with the bond and his fever it would highly work.

Looking down at Seb I can see frustration and anger in his expression but when I look in his eyes I see alot of pain, if there's one thing I need to continuously remind myself about Seb is he won't always show his true emotion on the outside.

He mainly uses anger to cover up the pain he's really feeling, I sigh calming myself, I allow my hands to relax from the tension of them being in fists.

I pick up the bowl of the floor leaving tomato stains on the carpet, before placing it on the counter.

I then sit on the edge of the bed looking down at Seb, he seems wary of my behaviour as if I'm going to snap at any second. I see his wolfie on the bed and pick it up in my hands, my hands are big enough to hold it fully in one hand.

I hear a small whine come from Seb as I pick up his teddy, "you like him cause you feel safe with him?" I say as if knowing answer, he's silent before preparing a narky comment.

"I like him cause he's the only one I can trust" he says trying to snatch it out of my hand, I correct him by pulling my hand back so he's unable to reach it.

"I know you feel alone, and like you can't trust us but we still care about you. You think we do these things for any random person" I say giving him back his wolfie.

"You mean alot to us Seb, we've never cared for anyone before. And when you push us away that hurts us alot and I know it hurts you too" I tell him, I can see in his eyes that my words are getting through through him.

"We know you saw Hanks texts, and I'm going to tell you what really happend because i you need to know it's not our fault" I tell him.

I can tell I have his full attention, "we came across your brother one night and found out he worked for Lincoln, we knew he was short on money and had you to take care of you so he was an easy target" I'm honest with my words, Seb deserves honesty for once.

"We made him tell us everything that Lincoln was planning or had, eveytime he did we gave him some money.

Eventualy he didn't want to do it anymore due to Lincoln getting suspicious..." I struggle to put the next bit I nicer words but there isn't a way to.

"We threatend him with you, we told him if he didn't continue doing it we would hurt you. After that he said he could find a way to get us what we wanted to know without him being involved anymore, we made a meeting spot to exchange what he had planned...".

I can see Seb knows what is coming next however his eye slook like he's pinning the blame on us, "but when we got there he wasn't there, we looked around but all we could find were lincolns scent and your brothers, there were a few other scents but they were faint.

I assume Lincoln found iut somehow and got there before we could, we had no intention of killing your brother and we certainly did not set him up to be killed by Lincoln" I tell him truthfully. He was quiet, I couldn't quite read his facial expression.

"We are really sorry about what happend to your brother" I hear Enzos voice, I look over to the door way to see Enzo and Hank standing by the door looking pained.

"If we could could back time and start over, we would" Hank says, I nod to his response. "I was there.." I hear him whisper catching my attention, "what?" I say hoping I had misheard him.

"I saw everything.." he says, my heart stops for a second. "Seb what did you see?" Enzo asks walking towards the bed. "Wolves...three of them, they were ripping him apart" I can't believe what I'm hearing.

Our pup had to see that, "who else was there?" Hank asks, Seb thinks for a second before filling the silence. "Matt and another guy.

They were holding me back. Does that mean lincolns a wolf?" I nod my head sighing. We had tryed to keep it from him hoping it would keep him out of trouble.

"Whst happend to his body?" I ask, "I threw it in the river" he mumbles. He has every right to be mad at you, we are the reason he's traumatised.

"When you have nightmares, is that what there about?" Enzo asks, "Seb nods his head. "Maybe it would be good for you to talk to someone" Hank suggests to Seb "and say what? My brothers dead, I'm a wolf and I killed a guy" Seb says sarcastically.

I didn't appreciate the tone but I understood his point.

I sigh, "We'll talk about it another time, get some rest" he lays down before turning to face on his side with his back to us, guess he still mad at us.

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