Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

2.4K 38 8

Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
The challenge
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends
Dodgeball devolution city
The X-Rays
That stinking feeling

Authors note (just a quick message)

16 0 0
By Yui-umbreon

Quick author note

Hey, a little bit of good and bad news for everyone.

I do have the next chapter ready to be posted but in this new chapter two new characters are mentioned.

While I've mentioned nothing but their names and appearances I still want to hold off on uploading this chapter till I've completed the drawing of these two as it'll be a lot more helpful for when they are quickly mentioned in this chapter and for when they have a slightly bigger role later on.

I'll only be doing about 25-30 more chapters left before I get onto the thing that gave me the idea for this whole thing in the first place and most of them will be from atomic Betty season three mission earth.

There will only be the chapter I'm talking about in this note and one more before I do the crossover of 'the coolest heatwave ever and the strange case of minimus-Hyde', this'll be the episode that shows who will be replacing Noah for mission earth.

Just for fun I'll also be doing the crash yeah Noah episodes as well.

I'll upload this chapter next week and the last one on Christmas Eve, before it really gets into the atomic Betty side more in the new year, and upload a longer chapter on Christmas Day itself.

I'm Sorry for not uploading this week, especially since I've not done it the last few weeks with being ill and I won't be uploading for new years as I'll be going away on holiday, but I really wanted to get the drawing done for these two new characters as the base designs I've done for them I absolutely love.

Also a lot of people have been messaging or commenting asking if the gang will discover Dedes secret life. I do have a definite answer to this now but was wondering if people wanted to know before it's been posted or if you want to wait and see if it's in the story itself.

Feel free to message or comment anything, I've had people message me things but they always said that they didn't want to come off rude or feel like they offended me for something. Trust me I'm the LAST person on earth that'll ever be offended or upset about anything you'd want to ask, suggest or have some criticism to share, I welcome it.

Hope this is okay for everyone.

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