The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

56.5K 1.1K 87

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave


1.8K 32 3
By Mzzjem


The next morning I wake up feeling a little bit sore, I can't believe Colt did that. It was so humiliating and my plan to escape was completely ruined.

I woke up before Colt and decided to head down stares for some water, as I sip my water enjoying the peice of finally being alone something catches my attention in the window.

I look through it that leads to a beautiful view of the woods right outside the house, something seems to be moving in the distance.

The more I look the more it starts to look like a figure hiding behind a tree, it's eyes golden staring right at me. A familiar feeling spreads through me but I can't put my finger on it.

"Hey, what you looking at?" I voice startles me, the glass falls out of my hand and smashes on the floor straining my ears. It leaves a slight ringing in my ears, "careful" Hank says coming towards me.

He leans down to pick up the glass peices "it's fine I can do it" I tell him roughly, he surprisingly doesn't argue except he just stares at me a little confused.

I begin picking up the peices of glass "Seb careful, you'll cut yourself" he says kneeling infront of me to pick up the last few peices, "I said I got it" I snapped.

He gave me a disapproving look but I chose to ignore it, once picking up the glass peices and standing up I go back to looking at the window except the figure isn't there anymore.

I groan in frustration. "Whats going on?" Enzo says walking in with Colt not far behind, I only now realise that there all shirtless.

Why?! "Seb dropped his glass, he seems a little grumpy today" Hank says, I give him a death staring glare which he seems unbothered by.

Again I look over at the window feeling like someone's watching me "are you still grumpy?" Enzo says walking up to me, he goes to put his hand on my shoulder but I move away taking him by surprise.

He let's out a irritated sigh before going to make some coffee, Again my eyes are on the window.

Was there actualy somewhere out there, did I imagine it. "Do you want to go outside? Or you just checking yourself out in the reflection" Hank teases but I only eye roll him unamused.

"Is this because of last night? I thought I made it very clear why I did that" Colt says sipping his coffee, "did what?" Enzo asks with his mug in his hand. "Colt hit me" I say leaving out the details on proposed.

Instantly four glowing golden eyes are on Colt "you did what?!" Hank snaps at Colt, Colt let's out a low growl that's clearly aimed at me "I spanked him.

He knows exactly what he's doing" he says death staring me down. I shrug it off "same thing" i mumble. "Seb spanking and hitting aren't the same thing.

We would never hit you but we would spank you if you were naughty which i think we can all agree that you were yesterday" Enzo says, I roll my eyes.

"I would have thought you'd learn your lesson from it but if that doesn't put you in your place there's alot of other ways we can do it" Hanks tone made my mind swirl with a storm of thoughts about what other punishments they had, i don't want to find out.

Suddenly May walks in with Casper not far behind her as he trots in, "morning Alphas, Seb" May was always sweet to me but today I didn't feel like putting on a smile for her.

"Good morning May" they all respond back. As she prepares Caspers food he goes around the room greeting the Alphas before trotting over to me, I let out a sigh of releife when Hank holds him by the color before he could get to me "not today boy" he says ushering him to go in the other direction.

"Here's the file you asked for" May says after giving Casper his food, she hands Enzo a file.

"Thank you May" May nods leaving the room with Casper. Curiosity gets the better of me, I try to see what it's labeled as but my eyes can't see that far.

They all take a seat at the kitchen table, I swivle around on my chair turning back to the window, I can't be bothered to listen to there boring buisness shit.

"Seb. Don't be rude, turn around" I hear Hanks as, silicone fills the room. The woods are so pretty to look at. I kind of want my own cabin in the woods since I've been in, a nice cosy cabin with a fire place. "Seb" I hear Colt snap grabbing form my thoughts, I feel someone swivle my chair around effortlessly so I'm facing them.

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you" Hank says roughly. "I'm not interested in your business shit" I groan leaning on my hands. "It's not business shit. actualy your file" Enzo speaks up gruffly. "You have a file on me!" I snap, "calm your tone" Colt says giving me a stern look.

I shut up but the expression on my face defintily shows my anger, "it's just basics,like your age, your name, family" the word 'family' catches my attention. "That's non of your business, you have no right to do that" I growl out suddenly feeling vonurable.

"One thing I can't figure out is how you worked for Lincoln and have a light criminal record" Colt says, I shrug my shoulders. "Hes a dick but he looks out for the people that work for him" I say, "so if it wasn't for him you would have a heavy criminal record?" Hank asks "a very heavy criminal record" I correct him. I sound impressed with myself although they don't seem impressed.

"What else you done other than stealing and robbery?" Hank asks, memory's come back to me of the things Lincoln had forced me to do. "Why does it matter?" I ask. They all go silent.

"Did your brother ever kill someone?" Enzo asks, my eyes snap open wide in shock "what? No!" I say firmly. "It says he was convicted for 5 years in prison for murder" Enzo says. I look down at my thumbs fiddling with them.

"He didn't do it" I say, "did Lincoln frame him?" Hank asks..I shake my head. "I killed the guy.." I say a little warily of there response. They look at me with emotionless expressions, "you killed him? Why did your brother go to jail then?" Colt asks, I let out a fustrated sigh.

"Cause he took the rap for me" I say truthfully. "So that vampire wasn't the first person you've killed" Hank asks, I shake my head a little ashamed. "Why did you kill him?" Colt asks looking at me disspiontedly, "don't give me that look, you've murdered lots of people and you torture them.

I can still hear people screaming from the cellers" I snap at them. 3 loud growls enter the room making me resume my timid poster "that is our business Seb" Enzo says firmly "and what's also our business is making sure you stay in line.

No more killing people" Colt says, "I didn't want to" suddenly all there attention is on me. I let out a sigh remembering the night, "Lincoln had Kaylus at gun point, if I hadn't shot the man Lincoln would have killed Kaylus"i mumble out dreading the night.

"Made you do his dirty work for him. Scum" Colt growls out. "Kaylus..that's your brother?" Hank asks. I nod my head. "How old were you?" Enzo asks, I think back for a second. "16 I think" I say shrugging it off.

I look up to see there expressions completely dumbstruck. "God help him when I get my hands on that man" Enzo curses out. "Where were your parents?" Hank asks. I shrug my shoulders hoping to avoid the question. "It says they were present till u were 15, and then they dissapeared" Enzo says.

I groan in annoyance "is nothing private?" I ask "not with us" Colt speaks up. "Why does this even matter?" I ask "because we want to know more about you. We want to understand you and your past" Hank says. Sounds like bullshit to me. "Seb what happend to your parents ?" They ask, I'm a little hesitant to tell them. No one knows except me and my brother.

"I don't know" I speak up. They don't believe me one bit. "What happend? What ever you tell us stays between us" I could tell Colt was serious by the expression in his eyes. I sigh knowing I give up in even tryna lie about this. "My dad killed my mum and I don't know what happend to my dad" I say truthfully.

They all look at me once again stunned "what did u do with her body?" I shrugged my shoulders,I never knew. "Kaylus sorted it out" I say.

I begin to get a bit fidgety bored of the questions. I slowly swivle around in the chair fascinated by the movement "Seb focus" I hear Enzo say but I've already lost interest. "This is boring" I moan. I stop swivling but I barely pay attention, I begin looking around or fidling with my fingers.

A sudden snap grabs my attention, I look up to see Hank with two of his fingers together. I'm confused before he snaps his fingers together making the same sound as before, oh it was just him. "Focus" he says.

"This is soooo boring" i groan and whine. I begin to kick the table leg in boredom "Okay that's enough" Colt says in a surprisingly gentle tone "no more questions. What do you want to do?" He asks. I think for a second unsure but still bored. "Do you want to go to your room for a bit?" Hank asks, I shake my head.

A sudden emotion washes over me, this same emotion and feeling has been happening alot recently. Sudden exhaustion overcomes me.

"Earth to Seb, you okay?" Colt asks, I look at him before leaning my arms on the table and resting my head on them. "Ohh I think I might know something that will like" I hear Enzo says. I hear him leave the table, Hank fiddles with my fingers while he's gone. I feel Colts hand on my back rubbing in circular motions, I hear Enzo walk into the kitchen "here you go" he says placing my wolfie infront of me.

My face lights up before suddenly hiding it, it's embaressing they know about wolfie and now they have even started getting him for me. I'm hesitant as i take him realising all there eyes won't be off me till I do. The softness of his fur makes it hard to hide the small smile trying to creep upon my face.

He's so soft it's mainly what caught my attention about him. I use my fingers rubbing against the silkyness of his fur as he sits on the table in front of me.  Suddenly an alarm goes of catching me of guard "its okay, it's just my phone" Hank reassures me. "We have our work out now" he says to the others. "Seb, honey. Do you want to go for a nap?" Enzo asks, I shake my head "I want to go with you" I say.

They all give each other a look, "Okay but you aren't going to be using any of the equient today" Colt explains. "Why? You usually let me?" I ask taken back a bit. "I know pup, but your clearly tired right now and it would be unsafe" I sigh not being bothered to argue about it.

We headed down to there gym and I'm made to sit at the side in view of atleast one of them the whole time. I don't understand why they don't let me.

At one point I walked over to the running machine but Hank told me off and made me sit back in my spot. I don't even have my Teddy with me or a phone to play on.

As soon as Colt takes a quick break to drink some water I see my moment to head over to the weights, I look at the weights before picking an easy one to use. I pick it up managing to hold it for 5 seconds before my arm gives out and it drops to the floor on my foot.

A loud yelp echous through the gym and I kneel to the floor clenching my foot in pain. Tryung my hardest to hold the tears back. "Seb?!" I hear a voice but I'm in too much pain to figure out who. I don't understand why it was so heavy, usually I can lift the so easily.

And why am I crying, it only touched my foot a little bit. I've had way worse injuries than this before "Baby, did you hurt your foot?" Enzo says as they all crowd around me.

"We specially told you no lifting" Cold scolds me, as the tears begin to break free from my eyes. I'm so confused right now, why is it so hard to hold the tears back.

"It's okay pup, Shhhh" Hank wraps an arm around me pulling me into his chest, Enzo takes my shoe of before Colt takes my sock of inspecting my foot.  "It's okay Seb, it's just a small bruise" Colt says, I look down to see a tiny bruise except I'm still crying.

"Honey, calm down. Take some deep breathes" Enzo says as he sees me panicking to breathe. "This is why we said for you not to do any work outs" he tells me.

Thinking about how I was able to lift that before and now I can't,my foot doesn't even hurt but I can't stop crying only makes me cry more. Enzo lifts me up to his chest with one hand under my bum and the other patting me on the back, he jolts me in his arms while shushing me.

I push away from him as hard as I can but it's not even had a slight effect, it's so frustrating. The jolting makes it harder to fight against him making me give up, he's never done this before but for some reason it seems to be helping with my emotions "Shhhhh your okay" he says in a gentle tone.

He took me up staires into my room with Colt and Hank not far behind, by the time we had got there I had calmed down. He sits me on the bed kneeling down infront of me before wiping the tears away with his thumb.

"I don't u-understand" I stutter out rubbing my eyes in frustration as I try to hide my face not wanting them to see emergency like this "what don't you understand baby?" Colt asks as he takes my hands away from my eyes forcing me to look st him, "I c-cant stop c-crying" the more the tears increase the more fustrated I get.

Why am I acting like this, especially in front of them. I can't stop embarrassing myself in front of them! "It's okay. Just take some deep breathes" Enzo guides me while I take some deep breathes trying to calm myself.

"You hurt yourself, Seb. Your body's reacting normally, it's okay to cry." Hank tells me, I think seeing it fall out of my hand scared me more than it hurt my foot.

"From now on you need to start listning to us, or you could seriously hurt yourself" Hank says, "Remember when you broke your hand on the weight, if you don't listen to us something like that might happen again" after killing the vampire all my memory's came back to me when I was possessed.

I can't belive I said all those horrible things and broke my own hand. Aiden had every right to angry at me that night after what I said, I ruined the only great friendship I had.

After finally calming down I can feel the heaviness of my swollen eyes, a small sobbed yawn leaves my lips.

I cried myself to exhaustion.  "it's almost lunch time, why don't you take a nap and when u wake up you can have some lunch" Colt says.

Enzo grabs a hoodie while Colt goes over to the radiator turning it on. Enzo helps put the hoodie on while Hank goes to take my jeans off, i stop him before hesitating to let him take them off. I'm too tired to care if they see me in my boxers.

The jeans are too uncomfortable to sleep in. After getting into the comfy bed, Hank pulls the blankets up to my shoulders as I cuddle into it. I hear each Alpha leave the room as the lights r dimmed slightly and my eyes close shut. The bed and blankets are so cosy.

Atleast an hour had gone by before I wake up from a nightmare of me crushing my hand on the weights, I breath arraticly looking around the room.

It's pitch black, suddenly shapes in my room start to look like figures, a certain figure in the corner of the room reminds me of when I was alone and that figure I the corner of the living the living came running at me with a knife.

My breathing only get worse as I struggle to keep myself calm in the dark with the scary figure, i feel like it's going to start running at me again. Its looking at me.

I let out alot of yelps and whines as I put my back to the wall not taking my eyes of the figure, my whole body's shaking in fear.

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