š•®š–š–†š–”š–™š–Žš–ˆ š•°š–›š–Žš–‘ ||| T...

By Neo-ff

43.1K 1.4K 537

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š•®š–š–†š–•š–™š–Šš–— šŸ

4.1K 93 42
By Neo-ff

July 2005

You walk out of your bedroom, still being a little sleepy but you have to get ready for school. Reaching your hand out to the door handle of the bathroom door, you try to open it but it's locked. You groan out annoyed and bang your fist against the door "Hurry up, Ran or Rindou! I need to go to school!", no answer.

"Oi!!" You shout but you still don't receive a reply, so you decide to walk into the kitchen to eat something first instead of wasting your time on trying to get into the bathroom by whoever is blocking it. You spot Rindou sitting at the bar counter with his head leaning on his hands, looking a bit messed up. So if he's here, then it's Ran blocking the bathroom...again!

"You look like absolute shit" You state and make yourself a bowl of cereal before you also grab two headache pills and a glass of water, placing it in front of him "Thanks.." he mutters and gulps down the pills with water. You sit down beside him "How long did you party last night that you look like this now?"

Rindou had some friends over and at one point they started heavily drinking (as usual). Ran on the other hand was fast asleep (also as usual) just like you since you have school the next day. Not that you were very interested in drinking with his stupid friends anyway.

"I dunno" he mutters, slowly standing up from his seat while you just sigh a little and take out your phone, replying to a few messages. You flinch when Ran suddenly stands behind you, looking over your shoulder "Who are you texting?" "Don't be so nosy, it's just Hina. She wants to hang out after school" you reply and show him the chat before he nods in acknowledgement and saunters off to grab a glass of orange juice.

You turn your head and see Rindou walking towards the bathroom. Jumping up from your chair, you run after him while yelling "Nooo, Rindou!! I have to-", but it was too late. The bathroom door closes right in front of your nose and you mumble, finishing your sentence "-..get ready for school.."

Throwing your head back annoyed, you knock on the door "Please, Rindou, hurry up! I'm going to be late again!!" "Just wake up earlier!" he shouts from inside and you snarl, barking "Is that the 'thank you' for not waking Ran up last night because you and the hoard of idiots, you call your friends were loud as fuck?!" "I'm taking a piss, fuck off!!" He snaps back, causing you to grimace and walk away.

Back in the kitchen, you see Rindou's jacket draped over the bar stool. You grab it and slip your hand into the pocket and pull out his wallet, taking out his credit card "Thanks for sponsoring my next shopping spree, Rin..", Ran is leaning against the kitchen counter while watching you but is not even trying to interfere.

When Rindou finally walks out of the bathroom, you are slowly running late. So you dash into the bathroom, taking a quick shower before you change into your school uniform. You grab your backpack from your room and you rush out of the apartment while shouting "Byeee~"

"Where is she going so early?" Rindou questions as he sits down at the bar counter with some leftover pizza. Ran knits his eyebrows irritated "School?! Also...you gonna clean up the living room or I'll punch you for letting your friends stay over and making a mess!!", with that they start bickering like always.

You, on the other hand, wave excitedly at Hina who is waiting for you in front of the school gate. She shakes her head in a scolding manner "You're late, [Y/n]!" "I swear, it was not my fault this time. My stupid brothers were blocking the bathroom, so I couldn't get ready, and my fucking train was late too!" You defend yourself as you two walk into the school building.

"Hina!" A voice calls out behind you two, making you turn around and spot Takemichi walking towards her and you with a smile. His face is bruised up and you wonder if he will ever stand up for himself and actually win a fight that he gets into all the time because all you've ever seen him do is lose and cry like a baby afterwards.

She smiles back and a faint flush spreads across her face "Hi Take!", making you roll your eyes. Takemichi nods his head to you when he sees you next to her "Hi, [Y/n]!" "Hey.." you grumble, making him frown "Is everything okay? You look kind of-" "Pissed off? Yes! Yes, I am!!" You snap and turn on your heel, walking into your class.

Takemichi turns to his girlfriend, rubbing the back of his neck "Did I say something wrong?" "No" Hina chuckles, waving him off "She's just mad because of her brothers" "I wonder who they are...she always seems to be annoyed by them" he mumbles. She was about to answer but the bell rings "See you later for lunch" "Okay!" He instantly nods, watching her walk away.

You would be lying if you say you didn't sleep through your first few classes until lunch break. Though Hina slaps you awake, standing in front of your desk with her hands on her hips. Looking up to her with knitted eyebrows "Ouch! What the fuck, Hina?" "Wake up, it's lunchtime!" She informs you with a scowl on her face.

Jumping up from your chair, you cheer while grabbing your backpack to take out your bento box "Yayyy~ I- No!!" "What?" She stares at you with widened eyes since you startled her. You look at her, whining "I forgot my food! That's all my brother's fault!!" "We can share mine" she quickly says before you try to jump over the school gate again to get lunch from a nearby konbini but then get caught by a teacher and spend the next two weeks in detention.

"Really?!" You gasp and look at her with puppy eyes "Of course!" She nods and you immediately hug her "You're a lifesaver, Hina!! What would I do without you?!"

"Let my Hina go!!"

Spinning around, you spot Takemichi stomping towards you while pointing his finger at you and his friends trail behind him. Flipping him off, you stick your tongue out to him "No, she's mine! I treat her better than you!", you two start bickering while making your way to some benches to sit down and eat lunch.

Hina eventually had to separate you both when you started to threaten him to beat him up, so she gave you food to shut you up. You calmly eat while also finishing the rest of your homework for the next classes and ignore the others since Hina is actually the only person you're friends with and care about at this school.

"[Y/n], we said we would hang out after school. How about we go shopping in Harajuku?" Hina suggests, tapping your shoulder to get your attention. You instantly nod, recalling you stole Rindou's card "Yess!-" "I wanna come too!" Takemichi chimes in and you look at him unamused "No, piss off. You're annoying and Hina is my girlfriend today"

He gasps offended and you both immediately start arguing again. Hina goes between you two, having to promise Takemichi she would go out with him tomorrow but today it would be just you and her. He pouts while you have a winning grin plastered on your face, much to his displease but you honestly don't care.

The rest of the school day was boring but okay. You slept during math but you were wide awake during art class since painting was a hobby of yours. It is also one of the few classes where the teacher praises you and you are genuinely interested in it. It wasn't like you're bad at school but you are lazy. You are actually pretty smart, and you never have a problem passing any tests and exams. Though your laziness sometimes shows when you get scolded by the teachers for not paying attention to them.

"Finally!" You yawn and stretch your arms over your head as you walk out of the school building with Hina at around 5pm after club activities. She chuckles beside you as you two head towards the train station "Today wasn't that bad, [Y/n]" "It was bad! It was soooo~ boring, I thought I'm gonna die!" You exclaim dramatically while she laughs at you, shaking her head because of your antics.

You two go to a mall, buying clothes and other stuff like beauty products since your eyeliner was empty. When you pass a store which you know your brothers liked, you grab Hina's hand and drag her into the shop "C'mon, let's go in there!", she looks around and mumbles "This stuff is so expensive.."

You laugh at her and pull out Rindou's credit card "Good thing, I don't use my own money!", she stares at you in shock "Where did you get that?!" "Another good thing about having an older brother who has a massive hangover...he doesn't notice when you steal something from him!" You chuckle mischievously "I'll make up for it by buying him some clothes"

"Make it up to him? That doesn't make sense" she stated, making you frown "Eh, why?" "You stole the card, used it and to make up for that, you're gonna buy him clothes with his money!", you stare at her for a moment while thinking before you shrug nonchalantly "Don't care", starting to pick out clothes for you and Rindou but also for Ran or the latter will get mad if you don't get him anything. 

Hina looks around as well and finds a dress, which absolutely looks amazing on her but she couldn't afford it, so you paid for it. She protested extremely against it but you bought it nonetheless. She thanked you about a thousand times while you kept telling her that it's fine.

Eventually you and Hina sit in a café, eating your favorite cake and drinking milkshakes. Hina was paying since she insisted on it because you gifted her the dress. You slouch against your chair, sipping on your milkshake "Shopping is so exhausting, don't you think?", she nods in agreement, also feeling a little bit tired. Opening her mouth to say something but she gets cut off by your phone ringing.

You take it out with a slight frown before looking at the caller ID and mumbling "Uh-oh" "What?" "I think Rindou found out I have his card or else he wouldn't call..", Hina looks at you concerned when you answer the call, flinching a little bit when she hears Rindou through the phone as he's yelling at you.

("[Y/n], you little piece of shit!! Did you steal my card this morning?!") He barks, breathing heavily ("Guess who was at the fucking store and wanted to pay but couldn't fucking do it because his credit card is gone?!"), you gulp "Uhm..no...I would never-" ("I know you did, don't fucking lie to me!! You'll come home now!!") "No, I'm still hanging out with Hina!" You refuse.

("I'll tell Ran!") he threatens and you knit your eyebrows "Then I'll tell Ran that it was you breaking his stupid mirror!", you hear him gasp on the other line ("You wouldn't-") "I would, Rin! I would!!" You nod slowly, although he couldn't see it "We both know I would and we both also know who Ran will believe more. You wanna start playing that game? I don't have a problem with that but what about you?"

There is a moment of silence as Rindou deeply inhales before he speaks up again in a much calmer voice ("Have a nice day shopping with your friend!"), and without another word he simply hangs up, not even giving you a chance to thank him or something.

Satisfied for now you put your phone away and look back to Hina who tilts her head "Uhm, everything okay?" "Yup! He wishes us to have a nice day" you nod and continue eating your cake and change the topic "Hey, do you wanna go to the movies on the weekend?" "I'd love to" she nods "Which day?"

"Mmh.." you recall your schedule for a second "On Sunday I'm going to a baseball game with my family...but I have time on Saturday afternoon, what about you?" "Saturday is good!" She agrees and you tilt your head "What movie do you wanna watch?"

She hums "There's this new romance movie, I'd like to-" "Nooo~, please, don't do this to me!" You whine, cutting her off "Anything you want but no romance! I can't stand that shit or else I'll have to throw up right here, right now!"

She laughs and lifts her hands "Okay okay! What do you suggest?" "I need action" You state and she nods acknowledged "I read about this new movie in a magazine. Something about spies?" "'D.E.B.S'!" You reply "I read about it too and it sounded pretty cool. Devon Aoki plays in it!" "Do you wanna go there then?" "Definitely!" "A'right!" She agrees, making you smile.

After you two finally finished shopping, you bring Hina home before you catch the train back to Roppongi. Though when you stand in front of your apartment door, you realize that you not only forgot your lunch this morning when you rushed out but also your keys. You ring the doorbell in the hope that one of your brothers answers but no avail, not even when you call them.

"Are you kidding me.." you grumble while you simply put all your stuff down right in front of the door before you charge down the hallway back to the elevator. You walk towards the Roppongi Nishi Park, knowing that Rindou often hangs out there.

And you actually find your brothers there, Rindou is standing further away and is drinking with some of his friends while Ran stands at the entrance of the park, talking to two guys. One of them has a buzzcut and a huge scar across his face, and the other has messy white hair and kind of looks worn out.

"Ran?" You call out to him, causing him to interrupt his conversation and turn around to you. He tilts his head "[Y/n], you're already back from shopping?" "Yeah, Hina isn't allowed to be outside for so long" you state as you stand in front of him while feeling the other two boys staring at you.

You grin up to your oldest brother "I bought a bunch of new clothes and I also got you and Rindou something" "Really?" He smiles back before patting your head "Aren't you the sweetest little sister?" "Piss off" you grimace embarrassed and swat his hand away.

"I'm your brother, you can't say that to me!" he scowls and you cross your arms with a mischievous smile "Right, sorry about that. I meant to say fuck off!"

"[Y/n]!-" "I need the key, I forgot mine at home when I left this morning" you stated, cutting him off before he starts yelling. He nods his head to your other brother "Rindou has keys, tell him to give them to you"

You nod and turn to go to Rindou, though you look over your shoulder again when you feel the eyes off the other two guys following you. The one with the white hair turns back to Ran as they seem to have a pretty serious conversation but the boy with the scar looks after you. Locking eyes with him for a moment and now only now you notice that his eyes have two colors.

Looking away, you raise an eyebrow at Rindou who seems pretty drunk and causes you to mumble "Well, you can't have a hangover when you're constantly drunk.."

Calling out to Rindou, he spins around to you. His grin drops into a snarl when he spots you and he instantly sets down his can of beer before he charges at you, probably because you stole his card. Your eyes widen and you want to run back to Ran but he already caught up to you.

Rindou grabs your upper arm, snapping "Give me back my card!!" "I don't know what you mean!" You exclaim, trying to act innocent while attempting to escape his grip. He doesn't let go "[Y/n]!!-" "Ow, fuck! Okay!!" You gasp and keep trying to peel his hand off "Relax!-" "No, give me my damn card!!" He barks.

"It's in my backpack, which is at home!" You state with furrowed eyebrows "I'll give it back to you, I swear!!" "Don't steal my card again!!" "Chill out, you still had cash to buy beer!" "It's about the principle!!" He finally lets go of you and you rub your arm, snarling a little "Geez.."

"Do you know that you're a kleptomaniac" He grumbles, causing you to shake your head "I'm not" "You always steal my stuff!" "Just watch yourself better" you shrug nonchalantly "Or else everyone will start stealing from you"

"I need your key, by the way. I forgot mine at home and basically locked myself out now" you demand from him "Ran said you have one on you", he grumbles something indecipherable under his breath as he turns and walks back to his friends since his backpack is there.

You aimlessly follow him while ignoring the guys who are staring at you as Rindou digs around in his backpack, searching for his key.

"So that's the little sister, eh?"

A guy to your right suddenly said and when you look over to him, you spot a blonde guy with a lion tattoo on the side of his head, sitting on a bench there and smirking at you. You knit your eyebrows and want to ignore him but he keeps going "Were you really responsible for-" "Leave her alone or I'll beat the shit out of you" Ran suddenly stands beside you, glaring down at the guy.

"Hey, I just wanted to strike up a little conversation with her" he lifts his hands defensively with a grin and Ran scoffs but has a lazy smile on his face "You're able to have a proper conversation? Doubt that..", you snicker quietly while taking the key from Rindou as he holds them to you.

"I'll go back home" you look back to Ran and he nods "I'm coming with you" "Okay" "Oi, Ran" Rindou calls out and steps closer to him, speaking up in a quieter voice "The fuck is going on with Izana? He looks like shit" "Like I know" your oldest brother shrugs his shoulders "He hardly even wanted to talk to me and just leave after I saw him by chance"

"Can I leave without you or do I have to wait another 10 years to finally get home?" You ask annoyed while tipping your chin down, not caring about what they are talking about. Ran looks at you for a brief moment before he looks back to Rindou and shrugs again "No clue, probably just going through some shit or something. Anyway, see you at home" "Nah, I'm going to the club later" Rindou replies, waving him off dismissively "I'll be home tomorrow"

Ran hums in acknowledgement and turns to you with a smile "Let's go", you nod and the two of you leave the park. You play around with the keys in your hands "Can we watch 'Clueless'?" "Again?!" "Please, Rindou is always complaining when we watch that but he's at the club tonight" you beg him with pleading eyes while tugging on the sleeve of his gray sweater.

He sighs defeated "Okay" "Yay!" You smile "By the way, I wanted to go to the movies with Hina on Saturday" "What movie do you two wanna watch?" "'D.E.B.S'" you reply and he raises an eyebrow "You want to watch a romance movie? You already are annoyed when Cher and Josh end up together" "Wait- that's a romance movie?!" You stare at him with parted lips "I thought it's about spies!"

"Yeah, it is but also romance" he says, causing you to grimace "Ugh, I told Hina I don't wanna watch a romance movie. She tricked me!!", he shrugs but then you shake your head "Doesn't matter! Devon Aoki plays in it, so I have to watch it!" "Of course" he rolls his eyes, knowing you're obsessed with her at the moment.

"I have to finish a deal first in a few minutes, then we can watch 'Clueless', okay?" He suggests and you nod "Yes! Can we also order pizza?" "Sure" He hums but then scowls a little "But you need to stop stealing Rindou's card. He always starts yelling and then gives me a headache!"

"You can't scold me for that now because you literally watched when I took his card. You should have immediately scolded me when you saw it, that would've been the correct way of upbringing" you state before shrugging your shoulders "But I'll take your card if I can't have Rindou's, thanks" "No, you should've just taken some cash from his wallet and not the credit card" he shakes his head "Then he wouldn't have noticed. Remember that!"

"It's noted!" You nod and grin up to him "Thanks for telling me how to properly steal from my brothers", Ran smiles but then it slowly fades "Wait...I'm your brother too!! You better don't start stealing from me too or I'll give you house arrest!!"

Ignoring him, which causes him to snap "Did you listen to me?!", you hum and lie "Of courseee~ I always listen to you"



Hiii ٩꒰ ˘ ³˘꒱۶~♡

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