Back Home (Edited) Book 4 of...

By AuthorJMColes

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#1 empowerment, #9 superwoman highest rank. Alex and the dragon brothers are reunited on their home world of... More

CH 1.1 Surrender
CH 1.2 Hunting Pimps
CH 1.3 Off to the Doctor
CH 2.1 Safety for Friends
CH 2.2 Useless Hostage
CH 2.3 Back Home
CH 3.1 The Useful One
CH 3.2 Old Girlfriends
CH 3.3 It's Like Christmas...Or Not...
CH 4.1 Who's the Monster?
CH 4.2 I'll Be Waiting For You
CH 4.3 Do You Mind?
CH 5.1 Useful Creature
CH 5.2 Can't Fight For You
CH 5.3 The Attack Begins
CH 6.1 Smart Aleck
CH 6.2 Hateful Old Reptile
CH 6.3 Casualties
CH 7.1 Battles
CH 7.2 Different Marks
CH 7.3 Better a Love Lost...
CH 8.1 Old Girlfriends and More
CH 8.2 The Big Revelation
CH 8.3 Played For A Sap
CH 9.1 Synchronization
CH 9.2 Blades and Ritual Satisfaction
CH 9.3 Politicians and the Meaning of Words
CH 10.1 and 10.2 May You Live in Interesting Times
Ch 10.3 Sandstorm
CH 11.1 Not Your Victim Forever
CH 11.2 Retired Guardian
CH 11.3 Unnecessary Guilt
CH 12.1 Old Enemies
CH 12.2 Family Feud
CH 12.3 When The Past Bites You on the Butt
CH 13.1 Unexpected Freedom
CH 13.2 All in the Dysfunctional Family
CH. 13.3 All in the Adopted Family
CH 14.1 Crashing with Family vs. Killing Family
CH 14.2 Sword Fight with Family vs. Sexual Assault by Family
CH 14.3 Finally Breaking the Barrier
CH. 15.1 An Increasingly False Tale
CH. 15.2 deleted chapter
CH 15.3 Good Looking Males...Not Worth The Trouble
CH 16.1 Just Once, Come During the Day!
CH 16.2 A New Ally
CH. 16.3 The Battle
CH 17.1 The Battle Gets Personal
CH 17.2 Battle's Aftermath
CH 17.3 Every Party Needs a Pooper
CH. 18 Be Careful What You Wish For
Fluff Chapter - Lethal Laundry

CH 7.3 The Same Thing

6 2 2
By AuthorJMColes

After the session with the priest, Alex felt the need to exercise, to walk, to think, so she paced the perimeter of the camp. The panoramic view of rolling hills in the distance was interrupted by a sharp cry.

"Hey!" A voice cried from behind her.

She halted, her fists clenched at her sides. She turned around reluctantly and placed her hand on the hilt of her rapier. Alex had learned from experience that any conversation that started with 'hey' rather than 'Guardian' or 'Alex would not end well.

Alex tensed as three tall, well-dressed young adult males approached. Their polished shoes gleamed in the moonlight and their tailored suits could only show wealth. The apparent leader of the group stepped forward and smiled at Alex. "We heard about you," he said confidently.

Alex's grip tightened on her sword hilt and she glared at him, her stony brown eyes warning them against crossing her.

Undeterred, the second male spoke up, "Stories from the infirmary and anything that can keep Rile away from the females must be good."

Alex's lips thinned with anger, and an uncomfortable silence filled the air.

But it didn't stop the third male, who grinned suggestively and tugged at his pants. "So we want the same thing!"

Alex felt her body go rigid as rage rose inside of her. Her knuckles were white as she clenched the hilt of her sword. She withdrew her sword slowly, deliberately prolonging the sound of the blade scraping on the scabbard. She would re-sharpen it later. "Are you prepared to take it by force? Three to one are not the best odds, but I'll take them."

Alex's gaze darted towards the sound of running feet and she saw Cale barreling in, sword drawn. The males followed her gaze and stepped back.

"Alex!" Cale yelled out. "Are we killing them or hurting them?"

"Hurt them," Alex shouted back. "Unless you have a death penalty for attempted rape."

The usually mild-mannered Cale looked ready to unleash some serious vengeance. "I'll make one," he hissed. "And ask forgiveness later".

The apparent leader of the Agama males raised his hands in surrender, followed by the rest of his group. He fumbled in a pocket, producing an ample handful of gold and silver coins. "We weren't gonna rape anyone," he blurted out. "We brought plenty to pay!"

"Pay?" Alex's fierce look was drowned out by shock and pain.

Cale flushed a dark greenish-gold, and he readied himself in a fighting stance, sword at the ready. I'll make them pay for insulting you that way."

The three fled. Cale took a step forward, ready to pursue. But Alex grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

Alex sheathed her sword even as her hands shook. "Let them go. They're jerks, not rapists."

"It's okay." Cale stroked her upper arm. "I don't understand where they got the idea."

"They said they heard stories from the infirmary and," Alex's voice caught.

Cale ran circles on her back with his claws to soothe her, for she was forever begging Rile to scratch her back.

"They said anything that kept Rile from fooling around with other females must be good," Alex finished.

"Great," Cale snorted. "Rile's reputation comes back to bite you on the butt instead of him. Gabe will love that."

" you think we should tell them?" Alex asked, her stomach flipping at the thought of revealing the truth.

"Alex?" Cale stopped and stroked his muzzle, his wings rustling under his tunic. "I won't say anything if you don't want me to, but I thought you were done with secrets."

Alex sat down and scrubbed her eyes wearily. "You're right."

The corners of Cale's mouth turned up into a gentle smile. "If it helps, I'll tell Gabe and Rile."

"Really?" Alex looked at him with utter gratitude.

"Really." Cale replied, his grin widening. He winked at her. "Don't remember that look. I wouldn't deny you anything at this point. Let's go home."


Alex nervously crouched in the tent, peeking out through a slit in the canvas. She heard Cale's voice grow louder as his brothers approached, followed by an angry outburst from Rile. Her heart pounded as she saw Rile storm towards her. He pushed past the flaps of the tent and swept her up into his embrace.

His intense gaze searched hers, and Alex could feel the sincerity radiating off him as he uttered, "I'm sorry, Alex. For the first time in my life, I am really sorry for all that."

Alex had to admit, it felt wonderful.


Cale silently led Gabe away from the tent, guiding him through the camp. Gabe kicked at the dirt with each step, glaring at tents they passed.

"We'll see," Gabe muttered under his breath. "Rile's flame burns hot, but it never lasts long."

Cale glanced up at his elder brother cautiously. "I don't know, Gabe. I think Rile really loves Alex. I've never seen him wait for any female before."

Gabe stopped mid-step and turned to face Cale. "Wait? What do you mean 'wait'?"

Clearing his throat, Cale met Gabe's gaze head on. "Wait until you had made your choice and left Alex."

The challenge in his younger brother's voice startled Gabe.

Cale stood tall, his gaze challenging. "Nothing has changed for you. You're still eldest and still have to lead our clan," he said.

"That's working out real well," Gabe replied sarcastically, looking away.

Cale stepped closer, closing the distance between them. His voice softened as he continued, "It's only a temporary setback."

Gabe could see the conviction in his brother's eyes, but his throat tightened at the mention of Rile. He felt like a reminder of all that he had lost because of him. He mumbled something incoherently before Cale thumped him on the chest with a firm fist.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying? That you can't restart our clan without Rile?" Cale asked with disbelief. "If anyone had said that to you before, you would have thrashed them good."

Gabe met his brother's glare with one of his own. "That was before," he gritted through clenched teeth, both ashamed and outraged by what Cale was implying.

"Before what? Before Rile partnered with Alex?" Cale pressed on.

Gabe's hide flushed deep gold with anger as he shouted back, not wanting to admit defeat or even consider it an option. "I don't like what you're implying!"

"Good," Cale said evenly, stepping away from Gabe and starting to walk again. "Neither do I. Prove me wrong." He glanced over his shoulder in an obvious dare to Gabe to take up the challenge.


Rile hadn't gone out to eavesdrop, but once he heard his name, he was determined to. He couldn't believe his unexpected ally in Cale. Better yet, was that Cale had stood up to Gabe. So, he wasn't just Gabe's 'yes Agama'. Rile's estimation of his middle brother rose considerably. Rile trailed Cale until he reached their tent, sat down on the log by the fire outside, and started cleaning his sword. The familiar scent of the cleaning oil calmed Rile.

"Hey, thanks," Rile said cautiously.

"Eavesdropping again?" Cale asked, not looking up from his work, but a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

"I hadn't intended—" Rile started to explain himself before being cut off by Cale's wave of dismissal.

"That's okay. You're welcome." Cale continued cleaning his blade as he spoke.

"I really do love her," Rile admitted.

"I know. That's why I helped you," Cale replied, as he carefully examined each surface of his sword for blemishes. "But I want something in return.

"Oh?" Rile was intrigued. This was most un-Cale-like.

"Now that you know what Gabe had to give up, you can see what a raw deal it is to be eldest sometimes. Ease up on Gabe." Cale looked up from his work and met Rile's gaze.

"Done," Rile said but Cale's words hung in the air as Rile rose from his seat, feeling a mixture of anger and sorrow for Gabe. He turned to depart when Cale called after him.

"Hey Rile!"

He stopped, unsure of what to expect, and Cale gave him a knowing smile.

"I think you've got it: the courage to stay the course with Alex. It'll be worth it." He winked and waved goodbye, and Rile slowly returned to the tent with a lighter heart.

"Prove me right, brother, prove me right," Cale muttered over his sword.



Will Rile prove Cale right?

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