Coyote Love

Par Espeongirl13

284 12 2

this will be where there is another coyote who is a genius like Tech but went to a different school. Plus

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 15

chapter 14

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Par Espeongirl13

it had been days and Valentina was able to come home as Valentina was carrying Natalia she was put in a car seat, so nothing can hurt the baby once the taxi stopped both Tech and Valentina got out they walked inside HQ. then heard everyone arguing about something.
Valentina: uh guys what's going on? they all jumped and turned to see the family standing at the door then Lexi walked over and helped with the bags, then Valentina went to sit down so she could feed Natalia. Tech walked over and sat down next to his girls as Valentina fed Natalia then burped her as she let it out.
Tech: Valentina here let me take the baby you go get a shower i will watch Natalia.
Valentina: alright (hands over Natalia) here go to Daddy. Tech gently took Natalia and held her close then Valentina went to go shower Tech looked down at his daughter and smiled at her, she got a bit fussy as he gently rocked the baby so she would calm down.
Tech: it's alright Natalia Daddy's here Daddy's here. Natalia calmed down and Ace sat down next to Tech as he looked at Natalia.
Ace: she's calm now but maybe set her down for a nap.
Tech: yeah but i still have get some things set up.
Valentina: not alone your not i mean we both set somethings up before Natalia was born, so just put her in her bouncer we have a few more things to put together.
Lexi: whoa relax you just had a baby so just relax me and the guys will put things together.
Valentina: (sits down) yeah maybe but agh.

Tech: (chuckles) Valentina calm down we'll handle it you spend time with Natalia i will join you when i can.
Valentina: yeah sure just don't take too long we already got the nursery set up so we're good on that but if you guys need help let me know, also Lawernce is on his way he wants to meet the baby. the door bell went off and Ace answered it to see Lawernce was there.
Lawernce: hey guys where's the bundle of joy?
Valentina: in her bouncer while everyone is busy setting things up like the play pen and all that.
Lawernce: geez at least the babies not going anywhere. Lawernce went to help the others then Valentina gently picked up Natalia and held her close.
Valentina: alright sweetie i bet everyone is going to be hungry so let's go make some dinner. Valentina put Natalia in baby carrier which was on her back then got ready to cook, after a couple of hours everyone walked out then walked out with the baby in her arms.
Valentina: hey guys dinners ready. everyone sat down at the table and started eating then Valentina set Natalia down in her bouncer so she could stay close to her parents, she was a bit fussy and Valentina gave Natalia her pacifier.
Tech: your alright Natalia we're right here it's alright sweetheart.
Valentina: i'm guessing you guys did a lot?
Ace: we did but now Natalia can live here as a happy healthy little baby.

*mini time skip*

it had been days since Natalia was brought home and she was being a calm baby, but only woke up when she was hungry or needed her diaper changed. now it was the middle of the night and Natalia was crying Tech and Valentina woke up and knew it was Natalia.
Tech: i got it.
Valentina: you sure Tech?
Tech: yeah next round is yours.
Valentina: very funny you can be such a pain sometimes but your lucky i love you. Tech chuckled as he went to take care of Natalia then came back into their room so he could sleep.
Tech: soon our little girl will be crawling around.
Valentina: don't remind me not every parent is ready for their kid to grow up, but at least we'll be ready. they both went back to sleep both coyotes went to sleep with smiles on their faces.

*five months later*

everyone doing their own thing then Valentina walked into the living room with Natalia as she was put down into her play pen, to play with her toys then Valentina went to do something.
Lexi: looks like someone is a busy coyote.
Valentina: kinda am right now Lexi Tech and i are taking Natalia to the park and well after she gets her shots at the doctors, oh god i am all over the place right now. Tech came out of the lab and grabbed Valentina by her waist in order to make her stop.
Tech: calm down your running around like Rev does.
Valentina: sorry it's just we have to get to the appointment or we'll be late.
Tech: look you head to the doctors and i will meet you at the park alright?
Valentina: okay see you then. Valentina picked up Natalia and grabbed her backpack then went to the doctors so Natalia could get her up to date vacinations, after the doctor Valentina went to the park and spotted her husband as he walked up to them.

*at the park*

Tech: there are my girls.
Valentina: hey (kisses Tech) sorry we're a bit late but someone was a bit cranky after her shots so i had to calm her down.
Tech: that's understandable now we don't have to worry about her anything that can possibly hurt her.
Valentina: i know but she does have to get a flu shot when she's older so we will have nothing to worry about, at least for a few years but we're a family. Tech: (smiles) yeah we are. (wraps arms around Valentina and Natalia) we're one big happy family. they spent the day in park and went back to HQ once it was getting dark.

*at HQ*

Duck: we were wondering where you two were.
Valentina: is it wrong for us to spend the day as a family? besides i thought it was high time my baby got some fresh air right honey. Natalia made a babble noise and Valentina smiled at her baby girl then kissed her on the forehead then set Natalia down so she could play with her toys in her play pen.
Tech: i think we should eat out tonight.
Ace: good idea why don't the girls go pick up dinner and i will have Rev pick up dessert.
Valentina: alright Ace we're sold on that idea but next time you guys are picking up dinner. no ands, ifs or buts about it i will knock each of you guys out all except one.
Lexi: of course you wouldn't hurt your husband. Valentina stuck her tongue out and left with Lexi as they went to get some take out then the guys were talking until Natalia tried to get her Daddy's attention, Tech walked over to the play pen and picked her up as he held Natalia to his side,
Tech: you got my attention Natalia what is it that you want? want your stuffed spider? Tech picked it up and gave the toy to Natalia as she was chewing on a leg then she looked at everyone, the guys all heard the door open and the girls walked in with the food.
Valentina: alright guys lets eat. Lexi can you help me get Natalia's high chair please?
Lexi: sure. once everyone was at the table they all began to eat and Valentina was feeding Natalia as she was just playing with her food and got all messy.
Tech: looks like it's bath time after dinner.
Valentina: well i'm done eating so i'm going to get Natalia cleaned up then, it's going to be wind down time for this pup. she has a couple hours before bedtime so that doesn't mean get her riled up i mean you Rev.

Rev: what's that supposed to mean?
Tech: she's only five months old so don't get Natalia hyper.
Rev: Natalia's a baby she can barely crawl yet. Lexi walked in between Rev and Tech and she grabbed their mouths to shut them up.
Valentina: thank you Lexi but guys please don't fight in front of Natalia she hates seeing you two fight, it scares her. they both stopped and Tech looked at Natalia while she hid in Valentina's shoulder.
Tech: i'm sorry sweetheart but we argue it happens.
Valentina: well it's time Natalia had her bath. Valentina went to give the baby a bath then came back out with her wearing her little footie pajamas, Natalia was set down so she could play a bit. Lexi walked over and picked up Natalia as she held her close.
Lexi: oh you are so cute!
Tech: Lexi it's almost Natalia's bed time please don't get her routy.
Lexi: i'm just holding her and how can i resist Natalia is so cute she's practically adorable.
Valentina: that she is but now it's bed time. Tech took Natalia from Lexi and he walked to her room so she could go to bed.

*tiny time skip*

it was another day and Natalia was playing with her toys then felt hands pick her up only to see it was Lexi.
Lexi: hey cutie. Natalia made baby noises and Lexi hugged her close then saw Ace walk in as he walked over to the girls.
Ace: Talia you being a good pup? Natalia held Ace's finger as he smiled at her.
Lexi: she's getting so big.
Tech: don't remind me Valentina and i are not ready for our little girl to grow up, but i know Natalia won't stay this small forever. i just have to cherish the moments as she grows but soon Valentina will be back and we're going to spend time together. the doors opened up and Valentina walked through and saw her husband holding their baby.
Valentina: i see you guys are busy talking.
Ace: we are and Natalia is lucky to have you both as her parents.

Continuer la Lecture

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