Back Home (Edited) Book 4 of...

By AuthorJMColes

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#1 empowerment, #9 superwoman highest rank. Alex and the dragon brothers are reunited on their home world of... More

CH 1.1 Surrender
CH 1.2 Hunting Pimps
CH 1.3 Off to the Doctor
CH 2.1 Safety for Friends
CH 2.2 Useless Hostage
CH 2.3 Back Home
CH 3.1 The Useful One
CH 3.2 Old Girlfriends
CH 3.3 It's Like Christmas...Or Not...
CH 4.1 Who's the Monster?
CH 4.2 I'll Be Waiting For You
CH 4.3 Do You Mind?
CH 5.1 Useful Creature
CH 5.2 Can't Fight For You
CH 5.3 The Attack Begins
CH 6.1 Smart Aleck
CH 6.2 Hateful Old Reptile
CH 6.3 Casualties
CH 7.1 Battles
CH 7.2 Different Marks
CH 7.3 Better a Love Lost...
CH 7.3 The Same Thing
CH 8.1 Old Girlfriends and More
CH 8.2 The Big Revelation
CH 8.3 Played For A Sap
CH 9.1 Synchronization
CH 9.2 Blades and Ritual Satisfaction
CH 9.3 Politicians and the Meaning of Words
CH 10.1 and 10.2 May You Live in Interesting Times
Ch 10.3 Sandstorm
CH 11.1 Not Your Victim Forever
CH 11.2 Retired Guardian
CH 11.3 Unnecessary Guilt
CH 12.1 Old Enemies
CH 12.2 Family Feud
CH 12.3 When The Past Bites You on the Butt
CH 13.1 Unexpected Freedom
CH 13.2 All in the Dysfunctional Family
CH. 13.3 All in the Adopted Family
CH 14.1 Crashing with Family vs. Killing Family
CH 14.2 Sword Fight with Family vs. Sexual Assault by Family
CH 14.3 Finally Breaking the Barrier
CH. 15.1 An Increasingly False Tale
CH. 15.2 deleted chapter
CH 15.3 Good Looking Males...Not Worth The Trouble
CH 16.1 Just Once, Come During the Day!
CH 16.2 A New Ally
CH. 16.3 The Battle
CH 17.1 The Battle Gets Personal
CH 17.2 Battle's Aftermath
CH 17.3 Every Party Needs a Pooper
CH. 18 Be Careful What You Wish For
Fluff Chapter - Lethal Laundry


26 5 13
By AuthorJMColes

Alex nestled down on the sage green sofa cushions, propping her feet up on the weathered coffee table. Rile's face was open and peaceful as he laid his head in her lap and she traced circles with her glowing fingertip along his face. Her neuro-electric powers tingled across his hide, sending ripples of warmth throughout his body.

Alex kept tracing, circling around his throat, dipping into the hollows of his chest before making her way back up again. A satisfied smile blossomed on Rile's face as he closed his eyes, feeling contentment in a way he had never known before Alex.

"We haven't sparred in a while." Alex didn't stop stroking his face.

Rile shrugged. "There's time later."

"Why, Rile, I do declare, you are getting soft," Alex mocked in her Southern drawl that she usually held in reserve.

"Fine with me. I've had to be hard and sharp my whole life."

She ran her entire hand over his chest like it was an instrument she played for him alone. "I'm sorry about that."

"It ended well." He rolled to his side, stretched his golden-red wing toward the ceiling, and grinned as Alex watched, mesmerized. "Let's go to bed."

Not for the first time, Alex marveled that under all that anger and bitterness was a deep well of love and loyalty. She had been lucky enough to tap into it. Unbidden, she wondered what Gabe, Rile's oldest brother, was doing. She hoped he had found a sweet mate back on their home world, and they were busy having the babies that he so desperately wanted.

She couldn't have been more wrong.

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