Coyote Love

By Espeongirl13

284 12 2

this will be where there is another coyote who is a genius like Tech but went to a different school. More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 12

14 1 0
By Espeongirl13

Valentina covered Lilly in a blanket then gently picked her up and carried Lilly down to the hanger, Valentina climbed into Tech's ship as he was flying it to the hospital. the doctor was able to see Lilly and Valentina hoped there was nothing wrong with her niece.
Doctor: i'm sorry to say but Lilly had passed away i am truly sorry for your loss. Valentina couldn't believe it her niece had passed away in her sleep Tech held his wife close feeling the same pain, he loved Lilly as his niece Valentina was shaking Tech held Valentina as she cried.
Tech: we have to tell the others.
Valentina: i know but can you do it Tech i'm too upset right now.
Tech: alright but let's get you home. they both left and went back to HQ.

*at HQ*

Tech and Valentina walked in Valentina went to her's and Tech's room feeling too upset, everyone noticed how upset their friend was.
Ace: what happened Tech where's Lilly?
Tech: she sadly passed away when we got to the hospital and now Valentina is really upset about it, i already told Lawerence and he's upset about it too i am too i loved Lilly.
Lexi: we all did Tech she was a good kid.
Ace: go stay by Valentina she needs you.
Tech: right. Tech went to see how Valentina was doing he saw her laying down on the bed and he walked over to her, Tech sat down next to Valentina and rubbed her back.
Tech: you doing alright?
Valentina: (sniffles) no i never thought i would loose my niece she was all i had left of my sister and now she's gone. Tech held his wife close and she cried into his chest Tech leaned his head on Valentina's while she cried, Valentina dried her tears then looked up at Tech.
Valentina: Lilly will be buried next to her parents i want to show you something.

*at the graveyard*

Tech and Valentina both walked over to the grave to see Sarah and Marcus's graves.
Valentina: my sister wanted to be buried here in so i could come and visit i guess the family is now reunited, (kneels down) i miss them so much i just they all didn't die.
Tech: (kneels down) i know Valentina but now their together again let's go home it's been a rough day for both of us, i know we can work through this together like we always have.
Valentina: yeah your right they wouldn't want me to grieve like this but i can't always remain strong other wise, it would seem like i don't care which i do care. i really miss them.
Tech: i know babe but we'll be together and maybe one day a family together like Sarah had.

*weeks later*

everyone was doing better and Valentina was working out doing some training to keep herself from going crazy, Valentina did some flips and tricks then landed on the ground on her feet. clapping was heard and Valentina turned to see it was Tech she smiled at him and walked over to her husband Tech held Valentina by her waist and as they looked at each other.
Tech: you've been working hard haven't you?
Valentina: yea i have but i can't think of a thing to design for an invention it's becoming difficult, i just can't focus on inventing right now.
Tech: hey it's alright it may come easy to me but you'll get it.
Valentina: well i was working on something that might surprise you.

*in the lab*

Valentina: i was wokring on a pair of goggles for me these babies allow me to see lasers, and in the dark they even see through walls along with seeing body heat. so basically they have a different design so two goggles combined into one along with X - Ray glasses.
Tech: (whistles) wow nice and i see you've made them your color.
Valentina: yeah i made a pair for everyone in their colors even a pair for you Tech (holds up goggles) so go ahead try them on. Tech put the goggles on and they fit him perfectly.
Tech: wow they feel different but i can see how hard you worked on these.
Valentina: try the heat vision like i said it allows you too see body heat like a rattle snake. Tech activated the heat vision and he was shocked by how it worked.
Tech: whoa so this is what rattle snakes see this is insane but very helpful. nice work Valentina.
Valentina: thank you Tech but they all corrospond with your powers mainly Ace's so he doesn't have to worry about destroying his.
Tech: (chuckles) clever but feel like your up for a mission?
Valentina: think i am so let's do this.

*at the museum*

the Loonatics were all at the museum knowing that a villian would steal something but had no idea who it would be, then they all heard something Valentina put her goggles on and saw who was coming.
Ace: well if it isn't the Stomper let's kick it Loonatics! they all jumped down and began fighting the Stomper and he was out cold.
Valentina: man that felt good.
Lexi: agreed how do you feel though?
Valentina: better and i know nothing is going to stop me now. (hears Tech) don't even think about sneaking up on me Tech.
Tech: i wasn't. Valentina looked at Tech and smiled at him then kissed him on the cheek as she walked out after cuffing the Stomper and went back to her motorcycle just as she was starting it up Tech walked up to his wife and kissed her as she kissed him back.
Valentina: i'm heading back to HQ see you guys there and Tech we need to talk so see you guys back home. Valentina drove off and went back to HQ then the team followed behind.

*mini time skip*

Tech and Valentina were having a training session then Valentina kicked Tech back he did a flip and caught Valentina's fist, then held her in a headlock and Valentina did a high kick as she got free from her husbands grasp then pinned him to the ground.
Tech: you've gotten better.
Valentina: (smirks) so have you well we better go join the others or you want to head to the lab and start working. Tech stood up and walked over to Valentina and held her close as she looked at him, then they both went to the lab and got to work. Valentina was working on a project then felt hands on her shoulders only to see it was Tech.
Tech: i was thinking we could go out tonight just us two we haven't done that in a long time, so i planned something special for us.
Valentina: alright i'm down it might take me a couple hours to get ready.
Tech: take as long as you need. they both kissed each other and Valentina went to get ready she found a dress that fitted her perfectly, then Valentina put it on and got her heels Valentina was doing her hair since she had gotten out of the shower Valentina had finished doing her hair and finished getting ready.
Valentina: alright i think this should be good with this dress of mine and these heels i'm glad Sarah gave them to me, thanks sis (opens locket) i love you guys. Valentina walked out of hers and Tech's room to see Tech was already dressed and ready to go.
Valentina: hey Tech you ready to go?
Tech: i am and (eyes widen) wow.
Duck: you gonna keep making googoo eyes at your wife?

Tech: (shakes head) we'll be back late don't wait up for us.
Ace: enjoy your night out guys.
Valentina: we'll back bye guys. both coyotes left and went to enjoy their date night.

*with Tech + Valentina*

the night was just begining as the couple was at a restruruant they had dinner and they both enjoyed it then Tech and Valentina were taking a walk through the park they stopped at the lake and looked at the stars.
Valentina: tonight has been perfect.
Tech: the nights not over yet. Valentina would you like to start a family with me i kept imagining a little one running around, so what do you say?
Valentina: yes! Valentina hugged Tech as he held her close and picked up Valentina by her waist while they were laughing, then went back to HQ and heard the others as they were in the kitchen.
Ace: hey guys you have a good night?
Tech: yeah we did but now we're going to our room. Valentina walked away to her room and Tech followed behind then Valentina got changed out of her dress then felt Tech kiss her cheek.
Valentina: are you sure you want to have a family Tech?
Tech: yes more than anything.
Valentina: alright but don't go too crazy on me. Tech kissed Valentina as she kissed him back then was laid onto the bed, their kiss had gotten very passionate.

*next day*

both coyotes were sleeping then Valentina woke up as she looked at Tech and smiled at her husband, then kissed his cheek which made him stir and wake up to she Valentina above him.
Valentina: morning handsome.
Tech: morning beautiful. they both kissed and got up from bed and went to get dressed then walked out of their room to get some breakfast.
Lexi: morning guys.
Valentina: hey (yawns) lord i am still tried. but i can only hope nothing takes me away from this family. the alarm went off and everyone went to fight and they were going against Adolpho and Valentina was in the water trying to sneak up behind him, then threw a chain around his neck and held on.
Valentina: whoa what is this an under water rodeo!
Lexi: whoo get it cowgirl!

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