The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

76K 1.7K 102

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave


2.3K 51 0
By Mzzjem


"Whats is going on with you? Are you on your period or something" Enzo snaps at me, "what about you! You let him do whatever he wants now, he might aswell have control over the whole house" I yell at him.

My yells were quiet so Seb couldn't hear but I made sure to show my anger through my tone, "considering how he used to be he was very good last night. He can play on the xbox if he wants to, if he was bad then I would punish him" he says to me harshly. I sigh irritatedly as I look away.

"Whats going on with you?".He asks in a softer tone. A apart of me is pissed of that Seb gets away with trying to burn us alive, another part is tired of being so patient with him for him to treat us like shit and the other part is just sexualy fustrated.

"I don't know" i tell him. "You do, and it's okay if you don't want to say but don't take it out on him especially when he's trying to make an effort" he tells me.

I groan in frustration, I have so much anger gowing through my veins and I don't know why. I can see Enzo studying my behaviour. "Why don't you stay in bed for the day. Gets some rest and get your head straight, ok?" He says leaning in towards me.

His hand on the side of my face with his thumb rubbing my skin softy. "Okay" I sigh out. "Good, I'll come check on you later" he whispers in my ear before planting a kiss on the side of my cheek and exiting back into the room.

A couple hours I've been sitting in my room for, I took a nap to refresh my mind but I'm still agitated. Enzo took Seb out for a run which I would have liked to join but I know it would have only ended badly.

"Hey" a voice catches my attention from my doorway, I look up to see Colt leaning against the door. I don't even have the energy to say hi back "Enzos a bit worried about you" he says walking towards me, "do you think that maybe your jealous, since you haven't been spending much time with Enzo" he suggests, I had considered it but it's not that.

"No, I love them both. I've just been a bit under the weather" I shrug of my answer. I feel his palm on my forehead "You do feel hot" I shrug of his replys, wolves rarely get colds especially Alphas.

We have such a high immune system its impossible for us to get fevers, "maybe all the sexual pent up frustration is taking a toll on your body" he suggests, I give him a dull look. "We live under the same roof as the pup we imprinted on and we haven't had sex, of course I'm going to get a bit grouchy" Colt sighs.

"Then just reliefe some of the pent up frustration till we do start doing more sexual things with him" he says like I hadn't already thought of that. "It's not the same doing it yourself. Since the pups been here I've had no desire to do it with May" which is a shock to myself.

"Ok then I'll help" he says standing up and shutting the door, I laugh at his serious expression "Are you forgetting I'm a dom, I need to dominate someone and your not gonna let me do that" a smirk appeared on his face "your right I'm not" he replys as he stalks towards me.

"I think you could use being dominated once in a while, let all that pent up frustration out while being taken care of so roughly"he whispers into my ear, it did make my dick twitch at the thought but I still wasn't so sure.

Before I could say anything he already had me pinned against a wall with his hand around my neck protectively squeezing, I feel his other hand start to unbuckle my belt allowing my jeans to fall down.

I nips at the skin on my neck making me flinch but kind of enjoying it. Once again we are back on the bed in a flash with him pinning my arms down as he's ontop of me. "You still think this won't help?" He whispers lowly as he kissing along my neck. "Colt...I'm not a sub" is all I manage to mumble out trying to hold in moans. He kissing along down my torso and over my abs till he stop at where my boxers used to be. He moves his hand lightly tracing his finger around the area of my dick only making me more needy.

"Colt.." I groan in annoyance, finally I feel his hand grib around my length tugging on it roughly sending intense pleasures through my body, my moans echoud loudly through the room. "Fuck.." I groan as he picks up the pace, I can already feel myself close the the edge. Usually I last alot longer than this, finally I let out my last moan in time with my shaking legs.

As I enjoy the after shocks Colt walks into my bathroom grabbing some tissue to clean up the mess, I lay on the bed panting in exhaustion.

It feels like a dam inside me as broken and I can finally breathe properly without being agitated, "you feel like this again, just ask and me or Enzo would quite happily help" he says as he cleans the mess of off my stomach, he kisses me before heading out closing the door behind him.

I really am one lucky son of a bitch.

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