Teacher's Toy • (Kylo Ren x R...

By _Raremoments

257K 2.6K 1.3K

Your college professor, Ren, is more than you think. He's sneaky. He's got secrets. He also has your bra on... More

1. Strawberry On Top
2. Take Me
3. Show Me Around
4. Purple Kisses
5. Pretty Girl
6. Full Moon Dances
7. Low Light
8. Dreamless Sleep
9. Warm Words
10. Word For Word
11. Word for Word Pt. 2
12. Silenced Emotion
13. Darling I Do
14. Opportunity
15. Tell Me You Hate It
16. Visual Learner
17. No Trespassing

18. Splinters On My Tongue

1.9K 19 5
By _Raremoments

"You know you don't have to keep making me breakfast every time I stay over. You could just throw the Froot Loops at my head and I'd be fine with it."

This of course brings him to a huff of laughter. "Well I gotta keep up this good reputation I've got going for me."

"I would like to have a snarky comment, but it's working for you so I'll let you work away at those pancakes." His response is as short as a smile and eyebrow raise. "Do you mind if I shower while you finish that up? Don't wanna be late."

"Of course. I keep a few clean towels in my closet so grab one of those before you head in."

"Thanks." You hop up from your chair and guide your way down the halls and into the closet to grab your clothes for the day.

The bathroom is always slightly shocking to you. Men have never had a good record of having a clean bathroom but his is spotless besides the smallest of water marks on the mirror. It's clear that he either prides himself in his home or just keeps it up to impress you.

As you begin, the warm water slides down your head sending you into a state of relaxation and nostalgia. While you condition your hair you can't help but grin every other minute as you're in thought of last night and every special moment that led to you the place you're in. Very grateful for it all. It's scary how fragile it is. Even more than you know.

You step out carefully and begin running the towel through your hair to dry what you can of it, but before you finish you take a deep breath in hopes to get rid of the awful headache you have.

"Maybe I'm just really hungry." You tell yourself as your shirt slips over your head.

Minutes later you put on your last sock and begin to head out, but a thought stops you. "Maybe he has some headache pills in this small cabinet in here." Your family always kept the medication in the master bathroom under the sink, so maybe he has the same idea.

You grin and pull out a bottle that fits exactly what you wanted. A simple "thank god" fills your head. Grabbing what you need, you put it back in its place and now rest in a stare.

A few other bottles are places along in a straight line. Orangish with a white cap. About 5 of these rest on the shelf.

It's hard to not take a look at the big arrange of black letters that align to create the name of the strong medication.

The first thought you have is to pull out your phone and look up what they are correlated to, but you trust yourself to stay out of his business. He would tell you if something wasn't right.

You place the cabinet shut quietly and head out to the kitchen table where your food awaits you.

"How was it?" He's placed in front of you with a half empty plate since he began to eat while waiting on you.

"Good. I must say you have very good taste in hair products. Way nicer than the stuff I have."

"You're using me just to get to my shampoo I see." Both of you share a good laugh that turns your cheeks red.

"I'm sorry you had to find out this way." The laughs still continue even with the moment over.

A glance at his watch signals you to finish up eating and grab your bag.

"I won't be in class today. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but I knew you'd be bummed so I decided to wait as long as I could." The door locks by his doing as you're gliding down the steps leading to his car.

"Really? Well you guessed right. What's on your schedule that's more important than having to talk about 10 different types of citation all day?"

He doesn't laugh verbally but his face scrunches up as this seemed to be the funniest thing you've said so far.

"Pretty much everything is more important than that. If that's all I ever taught you'd never show up."

"Correct again." The car begins to pull away and head to the South side of campus where he always drops you off. "But seriously what's up?"

"Just a regular doctors visit. It shouldn't be too long, but I decided to just take the whole day off and get some work done since I'm a little behind."

"Sounds good. Also I forgot to tell you but I took a headache pill earlier from the bathroom. I hope that's okay. My head was absolutely killing me."

No matter who you are, it's hard to hide when you are uncomfortable. In his case, it was obvious he had something on his mind now. "That's fine. Glad you feel better now." At least he ends the sentence with a smile that clears up the strange feeling in your gut. But his mind clearly latched onto yours in the anxiety. "Is there anything you want to say?"

"What do you mean?"

There's an aura of annoyance and stress that's bouncing off of him now. "You've been looking at me weird ever since breakfast. I would like to know what's on your mind. Please."

"When you weren't home the other day I saw a girl in your bedroom through my window. I know we aren't... dating or whatever you don't wanna call this, but I would like to know if there's someone above me in your life." Your stress is building up and also declining at the same time. Glad to get it off your chest, but not excited for the answer.

About 60 seconds of eyes straight forward and silence pass. Enough time to make your heart hurt.

"There's no one else. I don't really want to talk about this right now." His posture is relaxed but stern. Soemthing you aren't sure how to read.

This doesn't stop you from standing up for yourself. "I deserve to know. Now. I'm not this little fun moment that get to keep away from your real life." Tears fill your eyes, but you fight them the best you can to show your courage. "This is real to me. We are real to me."

The car comes to a slow stop as he's at the entrance that he normally lets you out.

You wipe your face and begin to grab your bag since he doesn't seem keen on talking to you.

"I keep you away from the things you might not like. I don't tell you everything because you're TOO real to me. I believe that if you knew everything then I'd finally realize that you deserve something better."

The words spill straight into your body and add a thousand pounds of weight. "Just tell me if you love her. Don't go around this. Just tell me."

He drops his hand from the wheel and places it on your cheek. "I swear that there's no reason to fear that woman you saw. Text me when your classes are over and we can talk about it. I'm sorry that this upset us both."

A nod shows itself out while you're quiet. "It's okay. I better get going."

His hand reaches quickly around the back of your neck and guides you into a kiss.

You're shocked as he has never been brave to kiss you near the campus. Too much risk, but I guess not in this moment.

"We are real to me." He says in quote of you. "Have a good day."

The strings of your heart and so tight that no words escape. Just a small smile with glossy eyes.


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