Atomic recess

By Yui-umbreon

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Join 'Dede' as she goes through her life as a fourth grade student at third street elementary school with her... More

The break in
The great jungle gym standoff
The new kid
The experiment
Jinxed/slime of the century
Officer Mikey
First name Ashley
To Finster with love
King Dede
Big brother chad/my fair Gretchen
Speedy we hardly knew ya
Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze
The pest
The box/Spindly tam kanushu
The Trial
The voice / toxic talent
Parents' night
Gus' last stand
Happy Valentine's day
Secrets Pt. 1
Secrets Pt. 2
Secrets Pt. 3
Randall's reform
The substitute
Soccor boy
Lord of the nerds
The beauty contest
The big prank
Tattletale heart
Terrifying tales of recess
When worlds collide
Big top Candy
Pharaoh Bob
Authors note (just a quick message)
Galactic guardians no more
Great state fair
Merry Christmas
The coolest heatwave ever
Randall's friends

The challenge

27 1 1
By Yui-umbreon

The challenge

A new day brings our group of friends to be playing kickball, Spinelli, who was behind the back netting, started to taunt Willy. "We need a pitcher, not a belly itcher."

Whether this worked or not was unclear, as it was Vince who was up to kick, who kicked the ball so far it hit one of Principal Prickly windows. "Hey, watch the windows!" Prickly shouted out the window before turning back to his desk. "Kids and their infernal balls. First middle school offer I get, I am out of here."

Before he could continue his rant the intercom on his desk started buzzing as Miss lemon's voice sounded out. "Sir, there's a Principal Prickly on the phone for you."

"That's ridiculous. I'm Principal Prickly. I can't be calling myself, unless..." Prickly said before he froze, hurrying to pick up the phone. "Paul, is that you?"

"Petey, little brother," Principal Prickly brothers ' voice rang out over the phone. "how's the second-best elementary principal in town?"

"I don't know, Paul." Prickly chuckles. "You'll have to look in the mirror and ask him."

"Oh, I see your rapier wit hasn't lost its edge. So let me use mine to cut to the chase. I'm gonna be up your way tomorrow and thought I might pop by for a visit.

Prickly starts to stammer. "Visit to the school? Tomorrow?"

"That a problem, half-pint?"

"No! Why should I have a problem with a friendly visit from my older brother who just loves making me feel inferior? No, no problem at all. We're in shipshape around here. See you tomorrow." Prickly hung up the phone before shouting. "Miss Lemon!"

Over the next day, the school was getting cleaned up and ready for principal Prickly's brother. Prickly was walking around, making sure things were getting done to look the best that they could. "Hurry up. We've only got 24 hours to get this school shipshape." From people polishing the door handles and windows, to waxing the floors and even painting a picture on the ceiling.

The playground wasn't even safe from this makeover, as while the gang of eight were all playing with an American football, Spinelli missed a catch but she couldn't pick up her ball as one of the workers ran over the ball with a brand new turf of grass. "Coming through, missy."

Spinelli just looked down at where her ball was, now buried under the grass. "What the... Hey, that was my ball!"

Another worker runs by yelling "Heads up!" To Spinelli, making her jump out of the way.

Even the bathrooms were upgraded, as soon as Mikey and Gus ran into one they saw that it was all changed to look more fancy like. "Towels, gentlemen? Cologne? Breath mints?"

By the time the next day came Miss Lemon and Principal Prickly were standing outside the school watching as the trucks left and another car pulled up. "Talk about your close shave." Miss Lemon said.

"Cheese it. He's here." Prickly shushes her as he watched the driver of the car open the back door, allowing his brother to climb out. Prickly walked down the little path to greet his brother with his arms out ready for a hug. "Paulie."

Paul also walked to meet principal Prickly with his arms out. "Petey." However he just walked past his brother and looked at the school, before looking over his shoulder. "So this is it, huh? Nice flagpole. Of course, mine's bigger."

"Right. Well, let me show you around the school. After you." Prickly said trying to change the subject.

"Sounds like the title of your life story." Paul said as he started to walk into the school. "Well, Petey, I have to say your cafeteria serves a pretty good fillet mignon." Paul said finishing his meal.

"Oh, that's nothing. If I'd had a little more notice that you were coming--" prickly started to say proudly before he was cut off.

"Too bad your cook grilled every ounce of flavour out of it." Paul criticised before bragging. "Did I mention the chef at my school graduated from the Cordon Bleu?"

Prickly leans a bit closer to Miss Frinster who was standing behind him and whispers. "86 the crème brûlée." Before turning his attention back to his brother. "Let's stroll the grounds, shall we?"

Out on the playground the kids are enjoying a good game of kickball, currently Gus was up to kick. "Oh, man, last inning and we're a single run behind." TJ said as he stood to the side next to Vince, Gretchen and Dede.

"Yeah, and Gus is up." Vince said not having much faith in his friend.

"Surely there's something that can be done to help Gus." Dede said, looking over at her friend.

"No problem." Gretchen said as she got Galileo out. "Who's playing third base? Ah, yes, Tracy "Too Deep" Logan. Don't worry. I have a plan." Gretchen said TJ her three friends before she walked over to Gus. "Look, the third baseman has a tendency to play far too deep. That means you should be able to beat out a little roller down the line. In other words, bunt left."

"Bunt left. Got it." Gus said, getting ready.

At this point, prickly and his brother walk out of the school and onto the playground. "My word, little brother, You do keep your school grounds looking immaculate."

"Well, I can't take all the credit. Hank our janitor has shown great facility In executing my vision." The brothers stopped walking when they heard kids cheering loudly. "Excuse me just one second." Prickly leaves his brothers side and walks up to our group of eight who were all jumping around and cheering as they had won the game of kickball they were playing. "Stop all that jumping. Get off the grass. It's rented."

Paul, ignoring his brother, walks over to join the group. "My, my, these kids are quite the impressive little athletes."

Principal Prickly looks over at his brother, before he gets a new idea to brag about. "Huh? I mean, don't I know it." Prickly grabs TJ and gives him a quick noogie before releasing him. "In fact, just last week, scouts from Lincoln Middle School were here recruiting."

"I know what you mean, the coach
at Washington High offered to buy me a car to get dibs on some of my youngsters." Paul brags.

"Ha! A graduate of mine went on to play professional kickball in Japan." Prickly rebuttals as TJ backs away from him to rejoin his friends.

"Japan, huh? Well if they are as good
as you say, perhaps a wager is in order."

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well, perhaps the losing brother has to wash the winner's car."

"In front of the loser's own school."

"Wearing a bathing suit."

"During recess."

"Oh! Very gutsy, Petey. I accept. Next week bring your kids to my school, and we'll see who fields the best kickball team. Once and for all."

During the brothers back and forth, the group of friends all just stood off to the side, looking between the two. When they both walked off after declaring the challenge they didn't know what to do. "What just happened here?" Paloma asked her friends, hoping one of them had an idea.

"I'd say we're stuck between a rock and his older brother." Vince replies.

Just like what was planned, a week later the group of eight friends were all on the bus with principal Prickly, driving to 98th street school.

All eight of them were super excited about getting a free pass from school, especially Spinelli. Oh, man, this is sweet, getting out of school in the middle of the day, and why? To play kickball."

"Yeah, and look at these uniforms. Finally, a shirt that fits." Mikey celebrates as he gestures to the new jerseys the kids were all wearing to represent their school.

"Oh man, this is gonna be so much fun." Dede almost squeals as she grins wide from her seat next to Spinelli.

Prickly stands at the front of the bus, next to Bertha the driver and addresses the kids. "OK, children, listen up. When you're out there playing today, never lose sight of the fact that you represent your school and, more importantly, me. I want you to play the best game of your young lives. I want you to beat the other team. Humiliate them. Crush them. Destroy them. Win, I tell you, win!" Prickly looks at the kids and sees them all looking at him with shocked faces, before he backpedals. "And, uh, oh, yeah, have fun."

"We'll try our best, sir?" Gus said slowly as none of the kids really knew how to respond to that.

After another ten minutes of driving the bus pulled up to 98th street school and all got out being greeted by Paul. "Well, look who's here. Petey!"

"Paulie." Principal Prickly went for a handshake but Paul lifted his hand away before he could.

Paul laughs at the look on Prickly's face. "Come on, half-pint, you've got a game to lose."

Paul gestured for them to follow him into the school, just before going in Prickly looked up at the massive flagpole that the school had, seeing that birds had to fly around it. "I think a flagpole that large is unseemly."

The students, that seemed to be forgotten in that little exchange, slowly started to follow the brothers in. "You know, guys, something about this place
seems kind of familiar." Gus asked, looking around.

"It's the stink from the cafeteria. They serve the same industrial slop coast to coast." Spinelli relies as she looks back at him.

When they got into the playground they could see that all the students were out on the playground playing, Paul explains why as another way to brag. "I've given the kids the rest of the day off so they can see their schoolmates triumph in the big kickball game."

Prickly was a little annoyed at Paul's confidence. "Don't you think you're a little overconfident?"

"Hmm, let me think about that." Paul pretends to think. "No."

Gus was looking around at the playground, seeing a girl hanging upside down and a shirtless kid sitting criss cross. "I still say there's something fishy
about this place. I just can't figure out what it is--!"

Gus, not really paying attention to where he was walking, accidentally fell into a hole. When he looked up he came face to face with two girls wearing clothes that were very similar to Sam and Dave, the digger at third street. One of the girls looked down at Gus as he had interrupted them and was not happy about it. "Hey, we're digging here!"

"Yeah! No kids in the hole without a helmet." The other girl agreed as she knocked on her helmet.

Gus was completely freaked out by this, he quickly climbed out of the hole and started to run over to his friends. "TJ! Dede!"

Paul got onto the announcer microphone and started his speech. "Welcome, students, faculty, lambs to the slaughter. Even though today's kickball game is a competition, Principal Prickly, the other,
less-talented Principal Prickly and I both wanted to remind you that no matter what the outcome, everybody will be a winner today...except you, losers." During his speech he'd talk behind his hand sometimes to muffle it.

Gus finally made it back to his friends and started to tell them what he had just seen. "Guys! Guys! You're never gonna believe what I just saw."

"Calm down, Gus." Dede said seeing her friend in a state of shock.

"Yeah, you just got a case of the pre-game jitters." Vince said, thinking that's what was wrong with him.

Gretchen also believed this. "Vince is right. Just take a few deep breaths and you'll be fine."

Spinelli finished taking a drink from a water bottle. "And if that doesn't work, put a lid on it! I'm trying to get into my zone, here." She handed the battle back to Dede who started to have a drink herself.

"But, but--" Gus tried to get them to hear him out but was cut off by Paul.

"And now, I'd like you to give it up
for the home team!" Paul started to list off his players as the students all cheered for their home team. "At second base, Regalli!"

Regalli was almost a spitting image of Spinelli, if it wasn't for the blonde hair and black cap, instead of Spinelli's black hair and orange hat.

"At shortstop, Vance."

Vance was Vince' look-alike, though instead of Vince's dark skin and black hair, Vance was a light skinned kid with light brown hair. Vince, seeing Vance rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing things correctly. "It can't be." He asked.

"In the outfield, Greta Grobler."

In the left outfield stood Gretchen's look-alike. Greta had tanned skin and darker brown hair that was left loose and not in the twin tails that Gretchen normally wears. Gretchen took her glasses off, giving them a quick clean before putting them back on, still seeing Greta there.

"Also in the outfield, Russ Rimple."

In the right outfield stood Russ, a Gus look-alike with dark skin and black hair.

"It's happening!" Gus freaks out.

"At first base, Mickey."

On first base was Mickey, an Asian looking Mikey look-alike with black hair stood.

"On third base, Rosa."

On third base stood Rosa, a kid that looks almost identical to Paloma if not for the pale skin and dirty blonde hair.

"This is getting creepy." Paloma said looking at her look-alike.

"They're, like, our doubles or something." Vince said, still not believing his eyes.

"I believe the correct term is doppelganger." Gretchen informs her friends.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us." Mikey exclaims, also freaked out.

Paul continues his introduction of his team. "Out in center field, Roger."

Dede freezes mid drink, quickly looking over at the center field and sure enough, standing there in his galactic guardian uniform with the other school's jersey over it stood the one and only, Atomic Roger.

"Now that is an interesting outfit." Paloma said, looking at Roger as Dede spat her drink out. "And that hair."

Dede quickly stood up before she turned to her friends. "I'll be back in just a second." Not giving her friend's enough time to question her, Dede ran over to Roger and pulled him slightly away. "Atomic Roger, what are you doing here?"

"Well, you see Candy, after the incident with Dodger, DeGill has been trying to find me a new base location. But everywhere he put me was so boring I was never there long, he had the bright idea to send me here as he said this is where you were stationed so 'it'll help me'" Roger did finger quotes on the last part before rolling his eyes. "I don't need any help, after all, I'm Atomic Roger."

Dede rolled her eyes at him before sighing in defeat. "Alright fine, just don't talk to my friends or tell anyone who you really are."

Dede started making her way back to her friends, catching the end of Paul's introduction. "And finally, our pitcher and team captain, CJ Rottweiler!"

On the pitcher base stood a red haired girl wearing a blue cap backwards just like TJ does.

When Dede got back to her friends she saw TJ standing in front of the others. "Look, I know this is a little creepy, but it can't be as bad as it looks, right?" TJ said, trying to calm his friends down.

"Let's hope so, Teej." Dede said, coming to a stop next to him.

"There you are." Spinelli said when she saw Dede. "Why'd you leave to talk to the weird looking guy?"

"He's... uh, an old friend, that's all." Dede smiled nervously.

Thankfully for Dede the game was started, so her friends couldn't ask anymore questions right away. "Batter up!"

Spinelli was first up and as she was at the plate ready to kick, Regalli started to taunt her. "We want a kicker, not a nostril picker."

Spinelli, obviously didn't take well to this. "Hey! Shut up or you're dead meat."

Regalli ran forward to meet Spinelli. "You gonna make me, punk?"

"With pleasure." Spinelli said, getting in Regalli's face. "When I get through with you, you'll be able to sit next to yourself on the school bus."

The catcher comes up and separates the two. "Come on, you monkeys, play ball!"

As Spinelli kicked the ball, it was looking good until Vance dove and caught it before it touched the ground. "Definitely Vince-like." Gretchen commented, before making notes on her Galileo.

Next was TJ, who kicked the ball but was caught by Mickey jumping up and snatching it out the air. "Hey! No fair! That kid's really, really big." Mikey argues.

Up next was Vince. "Come on, Vince, you can do it, man!" TJ cheers from the sideline.

"Timeout, please." Greta calls before she runs up to Vance and Russ before they all separate.

"What are they doing out there?" Spinelli asked the question most of the others were thinking.

"It appears to be a strategic manoeuvre." Gretchen replies.

"It'll never work." TJ says, confident in Vince's abilities.

However as Vince kicked the ball and started to run around the bases, Vance looks over at Great as she pointed to his left and held up two fingers. Vance took two steps to his left and held out his arm as the kickball fell right into them.

"Home team sure is looking good, eh, half-pint?" Paul brags to Principal Prickly.

"I'm not a half-pint. I'm a full pint! A full pint! OK?" Prickly argued back.

"Don't worry, they might have stopped us, but we can stop them, too." TJ said as it was now their turn to take the field.

Gretchen was able to come up with her own strategies as Regalli took the plate and she moved Gus over two steps, catching the ball just like Vance did. Mikey caught CJs kick and Vince caught Vance'.

At the end of the second round the two teams walked off the field to take a little break, before they sat down though they heard a little beeping sound go off. Looking over they saw Dede covering her bracelet. "I need to go to the bathroom real quick."

The group watched Dede run over to the other group and grab Roger, looking to lead him away but he shakes his head and points down to his belt making Dede roll her eyes before saying something to him and running off. Roger looks over at the others and smiles before walking over to them. "Hi there, I'm Roger. I bet you all like my hair." The other seven just looked at him, laughing slightly as they didn't know what to say to his silly comment.

When Dede got to a secluded spot she quickly pressed a button to get beamed up to her ship. When Dede got to her chair she saw DeGill on the screen, he seemed to be sunbathing on a beach with one of his "assistants" putting sunscreen on him. "Iciclia is up to her old tricks. She has sent her minion, Dingleberry, into space to install a giant mirror, which is deflecting the Sunday rays towards other planets."

"Ohh, that's bad." Said Sparky in a slightly higher pitch.

Admiral DeGill took his sunglasses off. "You must destroy the mirror before the rays damage the neighbouring planets. More sunblock." DeGill said to his assistant who giggled before the screen turned off.

Sparky put his own sunglasses on before looking at the other two members of the crew. "Right, I'm ready."

As the ship flew to the location given to them they saw what DeGill was on about, a giant mirror was sending the sun's rays to a pink planet, causing the planet to start to burn. "Prepare to vaporise that mirror." Dede orders.

"You know chief, it's bad luck to break a mirror." Said Sparky, believing in that superstition. "And one the size of a football field must be really bad luck."

"You are incorrect." States X-5. "That is a meaningless, Martian superstition."

Sparky was getting angry with X-5 at this point, before she started to imitate X-5 in an annoying voice. "You are incorrect, it's just a meaningless Martian superstition."

"Ok you two, that's enough." Dede trying to get them to focus back on the task at hand.

As they moved to get closer to the one mirror more popped out of other places, sending the sun's rays onto the ship. "Capitan, the temperature has risen 32 degrees. All circuitry will melt in another 12.56 seconds." X-5 says as he tries to cool the ship down.

Sparky was sweating over in his seat. "Am I the only one thirsty here?"

X-5 himself was starting to sweat oil. "Warning."

"Everyone put on their high heat gear, immediately." Dede orders and they all do just that.

Well, almost, Dede and X-5 were in their suits but Sparky had changed into just some swimming shorts. "What? They're comfy, see they've got a relaxed fit waistband." Sparky demonstrates by pulling the band and releasing it.

X-5 decided to just ignore Sparky this time round. "Our heat shields will only last around a few more seconds. We're doomed."

"That gives me just enough time for a papaya smoothie." Sparky said taking out a blender.

"I've got an idea." Dede says as she hits a button on her chair that make mirror come out of her ship and destroy all the other mirrors in the surrounding area.

Sparky gulped. "I wonder how many years of bad luck we get for that?"

Dede smiled at him. "Mission accomplished boys, let's get out of here. I have things to attend to on earth."

When Dede arrived back on earth she managed to run back to her friends before the game started up again, only to see Roger talking to them. "That's amazing." Dede heard Paloma say.

"You wrestled with a galactic gobbeast?" Asked Spinelli, making sure she heard right.

"Awesome, I read about them in Dedes comic books." Said TJ.

"Yeah, I didn't know they were real though." Said Gus slightly freaked out.

"Those are wicked dangerous." Said Paloma.

Roger just laughed away Palomas worries. "Oh, those were just pussycats. Hey, did you hear about that one time Candy was locked in combat with gaxbeast on mordainia 3."

Roger would have continued his story had he not spotted Dede walking up to him with a glare on her face, before smiling at her friends. "Guys, I see you met my old friend. Roger, can I talk to you?" Dede didn't give Roger a chance to answer as she grabbed his wrist and pulled him away. "I told you to stay away from my earth friends."

"Well, they think I'm nice, Why don't you think I'm nice too. You're not still jealous of my hair." Roger asked and Dede facepalmed.

The game was called back on before Dede could chew Roger out some more so both left to rejoin their teams. During the next couple rounds the scores remained the same, when Vince scored a home run so did Vance. At the end of the fourth round Dede bracelet beeped once again. "I need to refill my drink, I'll be back soon." Dede ran off again, once again getting to a secluded spot. "There are billions of inhabited planets in the universe, why did Admiral DeGill have to send him here." She asked herself before beaming up to her ship once more.

DeGill was still at the beach, only this time he had on a face mask and some cucumber slices over his eyes. "Atomic Candy, I thought I asked you to take care of Iciclia."

"But I did Admiral?" Dede said, confused. "Right boys?"

At both boys' nods DeGill continued. "Then why am I getting reports that she has installed a giant fan and is blowing heat away from her planet, creating massive galactic tornadoes." One of the cucumber slices fell off but he was quick to put it back on. "Stop her, before her fan destroys all life on her neighbouring planets."

At the end of the call Sparky looks over at Dede. "If we hurry it won't be so bad."

And they did just that by dressing back into their heat proof clothes, but they ended up stopping in front of the fans path. "This would appear to be bad." Said X-5. "At this speed we'll be incinerated by the sun in 45.67 seconds."

Sparky lifted his sunglasses off. "I know this is probably not the time to say i
Told you so."

"Then don't" both Dede and X-5 said to sparky.

Sparky didn't care and continued anyway. "But breaking a mirror is bad luck."

Dede sat there thinking up a plan before one hit her. "Quick Sparky, give me your bathing trunks."

"I really don't think they're your size, chief." Sparky said confused but still took them off and gave them to her.

Dede opened up a hatch and connected the shorts to the clips that came out, only for the to launch outside in an almost makeshift parachute. This plan worked as with the wind generated by the fan it was able to push them up and away from the sun. They then flew the ship behind the fan and released the shorts into them, breaking the fan in the process. "Mission accomplished. Now let's go, I need to get back to earth as soon as possible."

When Dede got back to earth she once again saw Roger talking and laughing with her friends. As she got closer she could hear the new story Roger was telling. "Have I told you about how I saved Candy from a yellow gamma bax eal."

"Roger." Dede almost growled but her friends didn't notice as she was keeping a forced smile on her face.

"Oh man, Dede, your friend is hilarious." Said Spinelli.

"He's quite the story teller." Gretchen agrees.

Dede just rolled her eyes before the game was called back on. Russ kicked the ball only for TJ to catch it and Gus kicked the ball only for CJ to catch it, it really was mirror imaging, no matter who was up. Even Dede and Roger, who were both using their galactic training to try and help them win were still both just mirroring each other. During the next break they all sat down and TJ was giving a speech, hoping to get the team's spirits up. "Look, these guys might be as athletic as we are, they might be as smart as we are, they might even have a principal who's as big a jerk as ours is, but I'll tell you one thing, they don't have the same heart, right?"

All of them nodded in agreement. "Right."

It seemed however that Cj was giving a similar speech to her team. "But I'll bet you this, they don't have the same heart, right?"

They all nodded in agreement. "Right."

As the game was starting up again it was Gus that was up to kick, but Dede was distracted by her bracelet going off again. Dede sighs before she snuck away to do what she had to do. "Atomic Candy, I thought I asked you to neutralise Iciclia's threat?"

"I thought I did." Dede asked once again confused.

"Would I disrupt my day off if you had?" DeGill asked. "Dingleberry has stolen a giant plutonium asteroid from the toxic waste coram and I toeing towards the sun."

"That's good isn't it?" As Sparky. "Those plutonium asteroids are a pain."

"No. It is not! The sun's gravity will drag the asteroid in causing a nuclear explosion, which will extinguish the sun and turn its solar system into a frozen void." An alarm rang out and DeGill just flopped on his stomach.

"Not that I'm going to the beach any time soon." Said Sparky. "Someone ruined my bathing suit." He glared back at Dede.

"Sparky, not now." Dede said, trying to calm him down.

"Atomic Candy, you must-" DeGill started.

"I know." Dede interrupted him. "Stop Iciclia. Again." When they saw Dingleberry's ship towing the asteroid they made sure to stay behind it. "Quick, tie a rope around that asteroid." They did just that, as soon as the rope was securely in place they started to try and fly the ship backwards, hoping to bring the asteroid as far away from the sun as possible. Dingleberry felt his shop jerk to a stop before he put more pressure into making it try to continue forward to its original destination.

Both Sparky and X-5 were trying all they could to make the ship go forward, but it wasn't working. "We can't manage, we need help." X-5 said.

"That's it, I'm calling Atomic Roger." Dede exclaims, making both Sparky and X-5 look back at her in sock and confusion.

Back on earth both of the teams were watching as Prickly and Paul were pushing each other. "Guys, I'm going in." TJ says, having enough with the two fully grown men arguing. He walks over to CJ and the two start conversing.

"What's going on out there?" Asked Mikey.

"I think they're negotiating." Vince guesses before they all go to joint TJ, the other team seems to have the same idea as they joined on CJs side.

As TJ and CJ shake hands before turning to the still arguing principals, CJ shouts to get their attention. "Quiet! We have an announcement to make."

"Yeah, we've agreed to a draw." TJ finished.

This angered both principals. "What? You can't do that." Shouts Prickly.

"You kids get back out there and play! I tell you! Play!" Paul agrees with his brother for the first time.

"Sorry, Principal Pricklys, but we're not listening to you guys anymore." CJ refused.

"Yeah, we never thought anybody could suck the fun out of kickball, but this has definitely not been fun." TJ said, agreeing with CJ.

"'Cause the thing is, sirs, when you are a kid, it's not whether you win or lose." CJ starts.

"It's getting out of school to play the game!" Spinelli interjects as all the others cheer.

"Come on, guys, let's go." TJ said, leading the other kids away.

Paul stammers as he watches the kids walk away. "But, you kids can't do this to me! It's a conspiracy! You set this up, didn't you?"

LMe? You're the one who's always cheating, just like you did when we used to play Chinese checkers." Prickly argues back.

"I'm cheating? Who used to steal $500 bills from the bank during Oligopoly?"

"You never let me be the race car! Not once!" Prickly bumps his chest against Paul's.

"Don't bump me." Paul pushes Prickly and thus a fight broke out between the two.

TJ scoffs as he watches the brothers fight. "Adults."

"You guys wanna play on our jungle gym? We call it Old Crusty." CJ asked.

"Wow, we call ours Old Rusty." TJ answered before looking at his friends, only to lose his smile when he finally realises that Dede wasn't with them. "Hey, where did Dede go?" He asked the others as they all look around for their missing friend.

"She'll turn up." Roger brushes it off as he knew that she was probably on a mission.

Before anything else happened though his belt started to beep, making him turn around and answer the call. A little hologram of dede appeared. "Roger, I need your help after all. Come here now. Please."

As the call ended Riger turned to look back at the others as they all looked at him confused. "Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you a fond adieu. And Mikey, lose the bangs, they're not you." As Mikey touched his hair Roger walked away.

"Your friend gets a strange beeping sound then leaves as well?" Spinelli asked as they watched Roger walk away.

"Yeah. No clue on where he goes though." Replied Regalli.

"Our groups really are alike." Paloma laughs before they all go to play.

As Dede and her crew were still struggling to try and pull the asteroid away from Dingleberry, they saw Roger fly straight past their ship and went to Dingleberry's instead. "He's heading for the wrong spaceship!" Dede said as both Sparky and X-5 just shrugged.

Roger was quick to land his ship and enter Dingleberry's, startling him when Roger landed just behind him. "You called for me?" Roger said before looking to the side. "Ahh. Here's your problem. Not enough power." Roger grabbed a lever.

"No!" Dingleberry said, seeing what lever Roger was grabbing. "That's the rope to the asteroid."

Roger pulled the lever down and saw a light go off, he looked at it before talking to Dingleberry sarcastically. "Ohh, is that bad?"

The rope lets go of the asteroid and Dede ship starts dragging it away. Dedes voice calls out to Dingleberry's ship. "Thanks Roger!"

Roger starts looking around. "Wait a minute, you're not Atomic Candy." Dingleberry just punches his mace hand into his normal one and Roger smiles over at him. "Ever had a perm?" Before Roger activated his jet pack and shot out of there following Dedes ship.

When the two landed back on earth, they quickly walked over to their friends. "There you both are." Said Paloma as she just came down from the slide of the jungle gym.

"We were starting to think you got abducted by aliens." Rosa jokes as both groups of friends join the returning two on the ground.

"Where were you both?" TJ asked.

Roger looks over at Dede and smiles big, making her roll her eyes with a smile on her face. "Go ahead, you really came through for me today." Roger then launched into a tale of what had happened, of course making it sound more dramatic and dangerous then it actually was, but thankfully it didn't seem like any of the other kids knew that the story was based on truth they all thought they were just getting another made up story.


Ok I'm feeling better now.

Thank you everyone who wished me well, I really appreciate it.

And if you celebrate it, hope you all had a great thanksgiving.

To answer some questions I was asked.

Yes I will be doing the prince randall episode.

I do have a plan for Paloma as just like others, I myself, didn't like how they just got rid of her and then completely forgot about her.

As for if we're close to revealing the secret admirer, this is where I'll need your opinions, I have two scenarios that I could do for it.

1 - leave it for 16 year old Dede to reveal who it is in the 'the future is now' episode. This chapter won't come out until the end of the series, just before the schools out movie, so about maybe another 30 ish chapters (as other than a certain few, I don't really plan what episodes I'll be doing until I do them.)


2 - I do the episodes Licence DeGill / me no know as a mash up and have the secret admirer ask Dede to go to that movie with him, nitwits 3, this will definitely be closer but still about 10 ish chapters away.

While either way will reveal who it is they won't be entertaining a full relationship as Dede is only 9 / 10, depending on which one gets done.

Hope this chapter was ok, Roger is now officially on Earth permanently, this is because I have an idea on what to do with him towards the end of this story.

Also I wrote this but haven't had a chance to re-read it so sorry if there's any spelling mistakes or just mistakes in general.

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