The story of the Beloved Conc...

By CNovel_Reader

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The story of the Beloved Concubine's Ascension (宠妃上位记) Author: Rongtu   In the fifth year of Cheng'an, there... More

Chapter 11-20
Chapter 21-30
Chapter 31-40
Chapter 41-50
Chapter 51-60
Chapter 61-70
Chapter 71-80
Chapter 81-90
Chapter 91-100
Chapter 101-110
Chapter 111-120
Chapter 121-130
Chapter 131-140
Chapter 141-150
Chapter 151-160
Chapter 161-162 (end)

Chapter 1-10

1.8K 17 2
By CNovel_Reader

Chapter 1

In the fifth year of Cheng'an, on February 2, the dragon raised its head.

The ice and snow are melting, and it's early spring in Chang'an.

The three-year palace election had just ended, and the nuns had already received the news. Now they were sending their maids and eunuchs around to check whether the house was clean and tidy.

I heard that this year's new attendants were selected by Your Majesty and the Queen Mother, a total of 18. All of them are outstanding, and there is no guarantee that some of them will become famous in the future.

Today's situation is different from when Liangjiazi first entered the palace for training.

The leader, Nanny Qi, stood at the door with a smile on her face to greet them along with several other nuns.

After a while, a little eunuch with a happy face hurriedly came in from outside and shouted: "Grandma, the newly selected servants are back!"

On a spring day in Chang'an, flowers are blooming.

The team of newcomers returning to Yeting lined up in two rows, and Shen Ji was among them.

The spring scenery in Chang'an is extremely beautiful, with every plant and tree being gorgeous, and the pavilions and pavilions being luxurious and majestic.

Especially today, she passed the palace election. Looking over, the red walls and gold tiles seemed to be even more brilliant than the peach blossoms blooming on the branches in Lingzhou.

Lingzhou is located in the south of the Yangtze River. Although it has a unique charm, it is still a small place compared with Chang'an.

Shen Ji withdrew his gaze, and in a blink of an eye, he saw the young guard beside him hastily looking away from her, with scarlet marks burning from his neck to his face.

You can't blame him for being rude. This year, 200 people were selected and 18 were selected. All of them, Shen Ji, had stunning looks.

She specially chose an apricot pink palace dress today. The lavender silk was like clouds and mist, highlighting her slender waist.

She is graceful and charming, especially her pair of pitifully beautiful eyes, which are full of charm as the waves of light flow around her.

Anyone who sees such a beauty will be moved by her heart.

A total of 18 attendants were selected in today's palace election. Excluding the four noble ladies from official families, there were a total of 14 from the remaining 24 states, three of them from Lingzhou alone.

There are many beauties in Lingzhou, and Shen Ji is also the first among the three.

Not long after, I saw the nuns from Yeting waiting in front of the main entrance.

The grandma who saw off the wedding sent the newly chosen attendants to the door, met the grandmas in Yeting, said a few auspicious words as usual and left.

Under the bright sunshine, eighteen beauties with different styles and graceful manners stood neatly, waiting to receive the first salute from the nuns. From then on, they were regarded as serious young masters.

The leader, Nanny Qi, stood up and glanced at the faces of the newly selected waiters one by one.

Seeing that the eighteen selected ones were about 70% as she expected, she nodded with satisfaction and said, "My dear mistresses, from now on, you can be regarded as serious harem mistresses."

"Although he is of no rank, as long as he sleeps with him once, he will be granted a title and moved into the inner palace. If he is blessed, it will be no problem to fly to the branches from now on."

Hearing this, the beauties' faces suddenly glowed with joy, and they began to whisper to each other.

Aunt Qi saw it in her eyes, cleared her throat, and said: "But the rules are that slaves must come up to the front in advance. Our courtyard is bounded by the atrium, and the selected servants will live in the four gardens of the southeast, northwest, and they will be unified during training. Live in the South Garden, and those who have never slept with me in the past will choose to live in the North Garden. The newly selected servants who came back today--"

She paused, her eyes fell on the four people in front of her, and said with a smile: "The four invited people will choose to live in the East Garden, and the rest will choose to live in the Xiyuan. They have all been cleaned, and you can choose your own room later. ."

Having said this, she looked around, suppressed her gentle smile, and said sternly: "The most important thing is that after seven days, His Majesty will start sleeping in the newly selected servants. During these seven days, no one is allowed to leave Ye Ting. During the day, grandma will review the rules and rest at night--"

Before she could finish her next words, Grandma Qi was interrupted sharply.

"Why did we start going to bed after seven days? There was no such rule in previous years. Aunt Qi, did you remember the wrong date?" The voice was sharp, and Shen Ji couldn't help but look over.

The person who spoke was Qi Yuewan, one of the four noble ladies, who was the daughter of the fourth-ranking minister of Zhongshu.

Aunt Qi is the most senior nanny and deeply trusted by the Queen Mother. She has taught selection matters in Yeting for several years and is respected by no one.

What she said must be a decree from above. I never thought that someone would be so bold as to question it in public.

Qi Yuewan has always been arrogant since she became a high-ranking official. In the past two months of Ye Ting's training, she has always looked down on Shen Ji and others who were selected by the people and had tit-for-tat confrontations several times.

Liangjiazi has no power and has always been very tolerant of her.

I thought she would have some scruples after being selected, but she didn't expect to be so stupid and rushed to contradict Grandma Qi at this time.

I heard that the Queen Mother dislikes publicity, and Nanny Qi is a subordinate of the Queen Mother. It is really unbelievable to bump into her like this.

Sure enough, Nanny Qi straightened her face when she heard this: "Yeting has its own rules, and slaves also follow orders."

"Now that we have said this, I would like to advise you young masters not to have any evil thoughts. If you violate this, please don't blame me for being ruthless."

Although this is a warning, its pertinence is self-evident.

Qi Yuewan was humiliated in public. She couldn't stand it for a moment and was a little angry: "Where do you start talking about this, Nanny Qi? Although I am a servant, I am already a serious young master from today on. There is a difference between master and servant, so how can you treat me differently?" polite?"

"I am the legitimate daughter of the palace servant's family, how can I be punished?"

Aunt Qi's face suddenly darkened.

Shen Ji turned his head and glanced at Qi Yuewan, as if he was afraid of her getting into trouble. He wrung the silk with his hands and said timidly: "Mother Qi was ordered to teach me, so she must have a reason for saying this. Sister Qi has a noble status. , it is expected no matter when you accept your favor, why should you be so anxious and disrespectful to grandma."

She spoke cleverly, and as soon as she finished her words, someone raised their voice and sneered: "Some people are thinking about being favored as soon as they are selected. Those who know are eager to serve the emperor's favor, and those who don't know think that Qi Xuan will be the servant." How impatient it is, girls don't even have any sense of shame anymore."

Qi Yuewan's arrogance and domineering attitude have long been disliked by people. As soon as these words came out, many people lowered their heads and hid their faces in laughter.

"How dare you do this!" She became angry and raised her hand to hit someone.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the palm was raised, it was pinched by Grandma Qi. For a moment, it could not move up or down.

Aunt Qi looked at Qi Xuanshi indifferently and said: "Every young master has the right to discipline you when you are in Yeting. If you go on an errand and contradict the master by mistake, let alone the slave, you can't get away with it. You are the same." I can't take it off. But there is one thing that Qi Xuanshi said is right."

She looked around and spoke slowly: "The palace rules are strict and the hierarchy is clear. I will give you a final word of advice to all the young masters. The most important thing to survive in the palace is to assess the situation. Please understand your identity clearly and don't become the laughing stock of others. "

By this time, no matter how dissatisfied Qi Yuewan was, she did not dare to continue to contradict Nanny Qi, so she had no choice but to hide in shame, her pretty face red with anger.

After saying that, Nanny Qi let go of her hand, glanced at Shen Ji first, and then said to the four selection attendants standing in front of her: "Please also invite the four selection attendants from Dongyuan to go with the servants."

Dongyuan is a noble lady from an official family, but Xiyuan is not so particular.

When grandma asked them to spread out and choose a house, Shen Ji looked around calmly.

The four gardens, east, west, south and north, meet in the atrium. They are actually very close to each other. Standing at the entrance of Xiyuan, you can see the people in Dongyuan. Generally speaking, they are still in the same place, but there are some slight differences between the houses.

Compared with the joy of others, Shen Ji was much calmer.

She was destined to live in Yeting for a short time.

After looking at it for a few times, Shen Ji randomly chose a place near the entrance of Xiyuan, and walked into the sunny house.

The simple and elegant room is already more spacious and beautiful than any house Shen Ji has seen in the past sixteen years.

Although it is obvious at first glance that it is not as good as other residences in the palace, compared to the common bunk where they lived during training, this place is both within the regulations and not shabby. The nuns have also put in the effort.

She closed the door and sat in front of the dressing mirror.

There were already two silk flowers, two velvet flowers, and a silver hairpin with a butterfly pierced through the begonia. Next to it were two pieces of cloth of different colors, which were required in the selection process.

Shen Ji raised his hand and stroked the two pieces of smooth fabric, which were very rare in her eyes, and showed a faint smile.

Now that he has been successfully selected, the next thing to consider is Cheng Chong.

She still remembers it clearly.

During today's palace election, His Majesty's eyes fell on her in astonishment.

With this glance as the foundation, her path to becoming a favor will not be any more difficult than for others.

His Majesty ascended the throne at twenty, and is only twenty-five years old now.

With dragon and phoenix postures and handsome features, he is in his prime years.

During the two months of training, she had heard a lot of rumors about His Majesty, both overtly and covertly.

For example, Your Majesty is a wise king, diligent in political affairs, and not overly obsessed with beauty.

But at the same time, His Majesty is also very young and energetic in matters of love. Every time it is time to go to bed, the movements of the palace concubines always stop in the middle of the night.

Diligence and relief are not mutually exclusive. Her biggest reliance is her overly beautiful appearance.

Thinking back, there was a faint sound of fierce quarrel outside the corridor, mixed with the soft crying of a woman, the voice sounded somewhat familiar.

Like her fellow countryman Ban Yuya.

Shen Ji frowned slightly, stood up and walked outside. Sure enough, he saw Ban Yuya covering her face and crying in the atrium, and Qi Yuewan who had just lost face.

"Bitch, you and Shen Ji are just like cowards pretending to be weak! But you are just a country woman, you really think you are qualified to compete with me!"

Ban Yuya cried on the ground and took several steps back, shouting: "Stop fighting, I didn't mean to push you, it was because there were so many people that I accidentally bumped into you..."

"You still dare to quibble! It's obviously your intention. You want to make me look bad! Now you dare to contradict me before I get promoted. See if I don't tell my cousin and you will be left with nothing to eat!"

Qi Yuewan dared to be so domineering. In addition to her own high family status, the most important reason was that the concubine who was being favored now was her cousin.

Although Ban Yuya and Shen Ji were not close, they had only met a few times in Lingzhou before. But after entering the palace, Ban Yuya was timid and relied on her very much. It would not be good to leave her alone at this time.

Shen Ji was about to step forward when someone passed by her and whispered: "I heard that His Majesty will be relaxing on the Flower Path tonight. If I can go out today, I won't be promoted tomorrow. It's a pity..."

She looked back and saw that the figures behind her had already moved away, and she couldn't tell who they were.

Your Majesty will be relaxing on the Flower Path today. How could such important news appear in Xiyuan?

After careful consideration, Shen Ji looked up again and changed into a weak and pitiful look. With tears in his eyes, he quickly stepped forward and said, "Sister Ban, you are a serious mistress now. Why are you in such a mess?"

When Ban Yuya saw that Shen Ji was coming, she cried even harder: "Sister Shen, I didn't recommend Qi Xuanshi, I really didn't! Several sisters nearby saw it, but Qi Xuanshi just didn't believe it, Sister Shen... ..."

She is cautious and timid by nature, and has no bad intentions, so how could she possibly do such bad things as push someone away. What's more, Qi Yuewan is notorious in Yeting, and they can't avoid her because of her good family background, let alone actively contaminate her.

You don't need to think about it to know that Qi Yuewan was frustrated by Aunt Qi and wanted to take it out on her, so she happened to choose Ban Yuya.

Shen Ji lowered her long eyelashes and decided to use the trick. She helped Ban Yuya up and looked at how pitiful she was covered in mud. She choked and said: "Sister Qi, the seven-day ban is what the higher-ups meant, so why do you have to be so aggressive."

After saying that, Shen Ji raised his tearful long eyelashes and looked at Qi Yuewan pitifully: "I heard that your majesty will be relaxing on the flower path today. If you can go out, with the status and appearance of Qi Xuan serving you, you will definitely come out on top. ."

"We are just helpless sons of a good family. It is already very difficult to survive in the harem, so how can we expect to serve Tianyan..."

Hearing this, Qi Yuewan was angry at first, then her eyes lit up, and a smile gradually appeared in her eyes.

Chapter 2

Shen Ji saw all the changes in her expression and knew that Qi Yuewan had heard this.

She calmly helped Ban Yuya up, took out a handkerchief and wiped the dirt on her body, then with tears in her eyes she whispered softly: "Sister Ban, let's go back, it's better not to worry about it anymore. "

Ban Yuya nodded with red eyes and glanced at Qi Yuewan timidly. She wanted to say something more, but in the end she endured it and didn't dare to say anything again.

After receiving this news, Qi Yuewan's gloom was swept away, and her mood immediately improved.

She was in no mood to tangle with vulgar folk girls like Ban Yuya anymore, so she quickly touched her bun to make sure she was well groomed.

After realizing that she was too happy, Qi Yuewan calmed down, glanced at Shen Ji and Ban Yuya with contempt, and snorted: "My lord, I won't argue with you, a civilian girl, today. If there is a next time, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, she glanced at Shen Ji warily before walking away.

The people watching the show gradually dispersed. Shen Ji helped Ban Yuya back to her room. When the door was closed, Ban Yuya could no longer hold back and began to cry softly.

"Sister, we are from a good family, and it is true that we should treat others lightly, but we are also human beings, and now we are both selected servants. How can she humiliate us in such an indiscriminate manner?"

"We will live in the palace from now on. How can we survive if she bullies others like this?"

Shen Ji cleaned the handkerchief and glanced at her with a complicated expression.

To be fair, Ban Yuya was too timid and weak, and she was not willing to get too close to her.

But the two are from the same hometown, and they had some friendship in the past. The fact that she relies on herself so much now clearly shows that she regards herself as her most intimate person.

Being too close or too far apart can lead to bad things.

She paused and said warmly: "Qi Yuewan is only powerful on the surface. There are many powerful characters in the harem. If you don't learn to grow up, you will be even more panicked in the future."

Hearing this, Ban Yuya's lips trembled and she became even more frightened: "Just one Qi Yuewan is enough to scare me. If the ladies in the palace are not easy to get along with...I..."

Just thinking about it made her shiver in fear.

Shen Ji sighed secretly, walked over and handed the handkerchief to her, with a soft voice: "It's not easy to survive in the palace, Yuya, you have to rely on yourself."

The night falls and the moon rises above the willow branches.

Dinner had just been eaten, and it should have been a time for quiet rest, but the Ye Ting was brightly lit and the atmosphere was solemn.

The sound of the nuns talking was faintly heard in the atrium. Listening to the sound, Shen Ji sat at the table and carefully applied ointment to his hands with a calm expression.

What makes the nuns nervous at this time must be because there are few people in Ye Ting.

You don't need to think about it to know that person is Qi Yuewan.

She deliberately revealed that news in the afternoon just to tell her.

Judging from Qi Yuewan's anxious temperament, there was no way she would miss such a God-given opportunity.

After all, the first one among the newlyweds to be favored will always bring some freshness. She couldn't let go of the face of being the first person so easily.

Qi Yuewan was simple-minded and did not expect that her outing would have displeased the Queen Mother. But Shen Ji was not sure what would happen if Qi Yuewan really met His Majesty.

There is still some time before the key to the palace gate is released, and Shen Ji is very curious about what will happen to Qi Yuewan's exit this time.

She was looking forward to whether she would become the first person among the newly elected servants to move up the ranks and move out of Yeting, or whether she would be disappointed at both ends.

Shen Ji pushed the window open a crack and stood at the window, where he could clearly see the scene of the atrium.

The nuns looked a little anxious, obviously waiting for news.

Shen Ji was not in a hurry, leaning in the dark and observing calmly. Not long after, the little eunuch sent out to find out the news hurried back.

"Grandma, my servants are asking for news, and they say that Your Majesty has ordered the Qi to choose his attendants to sleep in today. By now, he must be building the Zhang Palace!"

Upon hearing the news, Grandma Qi's face suddenly became unhappy.

But knowing that she was safe and sound, she finally breathed a sigh of relief. Only her expression changed slightly, and she directed everyone in Ye Ting to disperse: "Well, I understand. Let's all go back and rest."

Shen Ji closed the window without leaving a trace, blew out the candles, and pretended as if nothing had happened.

This Qi Yuewan seems simple-minded, but she has some skills. I don't know if she is looking down on her.

The next day, in the longevity palace.

Aunt Qi knelt down in the splendid palace without daring to raise her head.

Sitting on the main seat was the current Queen Mother of Great Qin.

The Queen Mother is now in her early forties, with beautiful appearance and well-maintained appearance. Just sitting there without speaking a word, there was an aura of calmness and authority around him, which was intimidating.

After a moment, she raised her eyes to look at Nanny Qi, and said lightly: "You said it was Qi Xuanshi who left Ye Ting last night without permission?"

Nanny Qi bowed her waist deeply and said: "If you want to return to the Queen Mother, I dare not deceive the Queen Mother. The attendant Qi Xuan did not return last night."

The Queen Mother's phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and Mei Ying, the personal maid serving on the side, glanced at her, stepped forward lightly, bowed and whispered: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty indeed selected a new maid to sleep with you last night. You have a headache and can't sleep." Good morning, my servant didn't tell you. But-Your Majesty is probably going to court at the moment."

Hearing this, the Queen Mother hummed in a neutral tone.

She lifted the lid and took a sip of tea, then said, "Since the emperor likes it, the Ai family will naturally not embarrass her."

"It's just a newly selected servant who has entered Yeting, but she went out without permission and flouted the palace rules. If she doesn't punish her lightly, I'm afraid she won't be able to convince everyone."

As soon as she finished speaking, the Queen Mother placed the cup in her hand on the sunken wood table beside her: "The weather is dry and things are dry, please copy the palace rules a few times and calm down."

Mei Ying knew the Queen Mother's temperament, so she immediately knelt down and said, "Yes, I have taken note of it."

After saying that, the Queen Mother seemed to have just remembered, and raised her eyes and said: "The Emperor is busy with things, so he must not have chosen a suitable position for Qi Xuan."

She pondered for a moment and then asked, "Do the Ai family remember that she is the daughter of the minister of Zhongshu?"

Mei Ying: "Yes."

"It's considered a high-ranking official family."

The Queen Mother knocked on the armrest and said quietly: "Then just conferring a seventh-grade Baolin title would not be considered as burying her."

After going out according to the order, Grandma Qi was slightly shocked.

Qi Xuanshi is the legitimate daughter of the fourth-rank Zhongshu Shilang family, and is already considered a high official. Usually, the attendants hired into the palace with such status are at least talented.

This Qi Xuanshi thought that he would be able to reach the sky in one step by winning the first prize, but he was really confused. In addition to His Majesty, the Queen Mother is also the only one in this palace.

Now that she has been granted the title of Baolin, she is forced to be shorter than other noble ladies. It will not be so easy to get promoted in the future.

The Queen Mother's decree quickly spread throughout the palaces, and Ye Ting was no exception.

This incident happened on the night of the palace election. As the head of Yeting, Aunt Qi naturally wanted to clarify the rules with all the newcomers.

It is a huge humiliation that a noble daughter from a noble family of the fourth rank is only granted a title of Baolin from the seventh rank.

Although the Queen Mother spoke grandly, everyone knew that Qi Baolin's unruly behavior made the Queen Mother dissatisfied, and he was using her to establish his authority!

With such a lesson learned from the past, even if some of the attendants in Ye Ting envied Qi Baolin's luck, they still had to consider whether they dared to offend the Queen Mother.

Aunt Qi was giving orders with a cold face from above. Although the people below were listening, they took Qi Baolin as a joke.

Ban Yuya whispered beside her: "Sister Shen, I heard that even if the servants who come from good families are lucky, most of them are the imperial maidens and maidens of the ninth rank. Qi Yuewan has already been granted the title of Baolin from the seventh rank. Why are you so serious?"

Shen Ji lowered his long eyelashes and whispered: "For us, it is a great honor to be awarded the seventh rank for the first time. But for Qi Baolin, if she had not flouted the palace rules, she should have been higher."

"That's it." Ban Yuya smacked her lips in a low voice, "We have different identities. It turns out that the gap was so big when we were first granted the title."

Shen Ji didn't say anything again.

Although these words are cruel, they are true.

The gap between the good son and the noble daughter is like a natural chasm. As fate would have it, they were different from the beginning.

From the moment he was trained, he was special in every aspect, and the same was true later when he became a waiter.

Because of his status, no matter how unreasonable or domineering Qi Baolin was, as long as he didn't go out of his way, they, good family members, would have no choice but to swallow their anger.

But days like this won't last forever.

Entering the palace is Shen Ji's best opportunity to climb up the ladder.

After Grandma Qi finished admonishing everyone for selecting attendants, Shen Ji was about to turn around and leave.

Unexpectedly, someone called her from behind.

"Sister Shen."

Shen Ji turned around, and when she saw the person calling her clearly, she suddenly became timid and said slightly surprised, "I wonder why Sister Lu is calling me?"

In the spring of February, the beauty stands tall and graceful.

There seemed to be a clear spring in her eyes, and her slightly lowered eyebrows were enough to make all flowers eclipse.

Shen Ji's beauty is so outstanding that even in a harem filled with beauties, she attracts attention.

Lu Qingshuang smiled and looked at Shen Ji in front of her, and said softly: "Sister Shen, everything is fine. How about we have lunch together?"

Shen Ji was stunned for a moment, then nodded shyly.

From the moment she entered the palace, Lu Qingshuang knew that Shen Ji would be selected sooner or later, and now it was indeed true.

Just now, Aunt Qi reprimanded everyone for Qi Baolin's matter, but she didn't take it to heart. A mere brainless Qi Baolin was not worthy of her attention at all.

Among the newcomers, the one that caught her most attention was Shen Ji.

The house in Dongyuan is much more exquisite than that in Xiyuan. When the door is opened, two dishes and one soup are already placed on the table.

There are few quotas for choosing waiters, but Dongyuan's chosen waiters are all noble ladies. It is only a matter of time that they get lucky, and even those who are within the quota are carefully cooked.

Shen Ji had never seen such exquisite food, and he took a few more glances at it.

Lu Qingshuang took this scene into consideration, guided her to the position very affectionately, and said softly: "Sister, there are not many opportunities to choose an attendant, but I can't eat one. If you don't dislike it, don't be polite to me. "

"Thank you sister."

Shen Ji was born in Lingzhou, a beauty immersed in the mist and rain of the south of the Yangtze River. She was born as soft as water. Her clear and charming eyes were curved, looking clean and clear, without any aggression.

In the past two months, she had observed Shen Ji many times.

Gentle, timid, and never stands out.

Even if she was bullied by Qi Yuewan, she would swallow her anger and never dare to take it back.

Such a beauty is afraid of trouble and has little scheming, so she doesn't think she will be too defensive.

Lu Qingshuang looked at her for a few times and sat down next to her. As soon as she picked up a piece of food, she sighed: "It's a pity that someone with Qi Baolin's temperament could be the first to move out of Yeting."

She slowly raised her eyes and looked at Shen Ji: "If it was my sister who met His Majesty yesterday, with your beautiful face, sister, you would definitely be more popular with His Majesty than Qi Baolin."

Chapter 3

Shen Ji was stunned for a moment while picking up the food, and a blush suddenly appeared on his cheeks.

"I..." She lowered her head in embarrassment and whispered: "Sister Lu, please stop making fun of me. I am just a commoner, so how can I compare with you, sister?"

"To tell the truth, Sister Lu is both talented and beautiful, and she is a noble daughter of an official family. Only a woman of such background and talent can be worthy of such an honor."

These words were spoken in a humble manner, but Lu Qingshuang heard them very well even though she knew they were polite.

She smiled and didn't refute. She still smiled with her calmly and said, "Sister, you don't have to be so humble. You are beautiful. Even if you are of a lower status, it will be a matter of time for you to be favored. From the time I first met you, I I feel like you and I are on friendly terms, and I like you very much."

"From now on, our sisters will serve in the palace. If you like my sister and come to talk to me more often, I will be very happy."

After saying that, Lu Qingshuang sighed softly: "It's just a pity that although I was hired into the palace, my family background is still not as good as Qi Baolin's. With a cousin like Rao Bi here, it's no wonder that Qi Baolin knew about His Majesty so quickly. With her whereabouts, she suddenly became the new concubine."

Shen Ji glanced at her without trace.

Lu Qingshuang is the eldest daughter of the Cheng family of the fifth-rank imperial censor. She is dignified and graceful, has an easy-going personality, and never does evil to others.

It is different from Qi Baolin who is arrogant and domineering and looks down on others. Lu Qingshuang is a serious lady. She has a good appearance and good family background, and her every move is exemplary. Many people are close to her.

Even Ban Yuya would occasionally praise her in front of Shen Ji, envying women in the world if only they were like Lu Qingshuang.

But Shen Ji has always been wary of her.

Although Lu Qingshuang's gentle appearance had always been well disguised, Shen Ji had seen something very familiar to her in her eyes.

It's ambition.

In the harem, she is just a palace maid, and she speaks with the utmost secrecy.

The palace is so complicated that if you don't have some ability, you won't be able to survive.

What's more, Shen Ji knew very well that she had deliberately revealed the news about Qi Baolin. Why did it change the taste in Lu Qingshuang's mouth?

Did she say that on purpose to make the rift between Shen Ji and Qi Baolin deeper, or did someone say such a thing around Lu Qingshuang?

Then who deliberately told Shen Ji the news?

Ye Ting has selected eighteen servants, but even if they haven't accepted the favor yet, the water is much deeper than Shen Ji originally expected.

Shen Ji has always been respectful, humble, gentle and gentle in front of others. Even when Lu Qingshuang said this, she just said in a low voice: "Everyone has his own destiny. Maybe Qi Baolin is destined to have this fate."

She looked up at Lu Qingshuang and comforted her softly: "Sister Lu, there is no need to worry about Qi Baolin. Aunt Qi said that the Queen Mother made a decree to punish Qi Baolin. It can be seen that the Queen Mother does not like such a woman. Sister, you are dignified and virtuous, and you must be more liked by the Queen Mother than Qi Baolin."

Hearing this, a smile rose in Lu Qingshuang's eyes.

Long before entering the palace, her father and mother had told her about the situation in the harem.

In addition to winning His Majesty's favor, the most important thing is not to offend the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother is His Majesty's biological mother. Now she has firmly established herself as the Queen Mother in her early forties, and is the top position in the harem.

She has always disliked women who are arrogant and domineering. The Queen Mother set rules for Qi Baolin when he came up. Even if His Majesty is a little bit new to her, he will not let the Queen Mother go out of harm's way for her sake.

With such an idiot causing trouble for the Queen Mother, as long as the newcomers understand the rules, their impression will not be too bad.

Among this group of newcomers, except for Qi Baolin, who has the highest family background, and Shen Ji, who is the most beautiful, the most suitable one among the rest is her, Lu Qingshuang.

As long as Shen Ji can't get ahead for the time being, she can find a way to take the lead and gain a firm foothold...

Thinking of this, Lu Qingshuang glanced at Shen Ji, and stood up naturally to take out something from the makeup box. Fang came over and said with a smile: "Thanks to my sister, I feel much better today."

"My sister doesn't have anything worth giving away, so I'll give this hosta to my sister."

She was holding an orchid white jade hosta in her hand. The jade was warm and beautifully carved. This was the first time Shen Ji had seen such a good thing up close.

Lu Qingshuang gently put the jade hairpin into Shen Ji's black hair, and praised her repeatedly: "Sister, you are so beautiful, only good things like this can complement you."

Shen Ji shyly touched the hosta and said thank you to sister after a long while.

Seeing that she didn't refuse, the scrutiny in Lu Qingshuang's eyes gradually disappeared.

Sure enough, a good man like Shen Ji, who comes from a commoner background and whose family is not wealthy, would not resist such expensive jewelry.

If everything goes well, she will be the one leaving Yeting in a few days.

The two talked affectionately for a while, and then Shen Ji left his room wearing the orchid white hosta.

The moment the door closed, Shen Ji's eyes turned cold.

She raised her hand and removed the hosta from her head, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and placed it on the table.

It was true that Lu Qingshuang had never looked down on the son of a good family, but she was a noble daughter of an official family, and there was absolutely no need to please a commoner like her.

bother you for something.

Qi Baolin had just been punished by the Queen Mother, and Lu Qingshuang came to show her kindness. The relationship here was by no means as simple as a close eye.

This orchid white jade hairpin is made entirely of jade and is completely natural. Although it has some minor flaws, it is still a good piece of jewelry.

What a beautiful girl can bring into the palace is very limited, and everything needs to be tested. So where is the mystery in this hosta?

What was her purpose in giving herself this hosta?

The white hosta on the table shone brightly in the sunlight. Shen Ji's long eyelashes like butterfly wings were slightly lowered as he was lost in thought.

If she were Lu Qingshuang, then what she wanted most right now--

After a moment, Shen Ji opened his eyes lightly.

It's grace.

There are eighteen newcomers in Yeting, except for Qi Baolin, who has already made the Queen Mother unhappy, there are still seventeen left.

There are so many beauties as beautiful as flowers and jade. No matter how fresh and interesting your Majesty is, he will lose interest after just a few.

Qi Baolin is no longer useful, so whoever can leave a good impression on His Majesty from the beginning and serve by his side will have an easier path than others.

If you have the ability, you may become His Majesty's new favorite.

Lu Qingshuang has a beautiful appearance, an exquisite personality, and a pretty good family background. The only person she should be wary of, who might come in front of her because of her beauty, is Shen Ji.

If Shen Ji is unwell and unable to sleep with him, she will be the best candidate regardless of all aspects of consideration.

Lu Qingshuang's plan was so clever that all aspects were considered.

If she was the one who revealed the news to Shen Ji's ears yesterday, then Lu Qingshuang's deep scheming would be enough to make Shen Ji look at her with admiration.

Another night passed.

Early the next morning.

Shen Ji, the chosen attendant of Xiyuan, asked Aunt Qi for a leave of absence due to physical discomfort.

Although the waiter was of no rank, he was still a serious young master. While the others were reviewing the rules, Grandma Qi made a special trip to visit.

Among this batch of waiters, Nanny Qi actually liked Shen Ji the most.

She was born with astonishing beauty, but her temperament was gentle and gentle, and she did not fight or compete. It would be fine if she was just a beauty in a vase, but she was also a careful and intelligent child who was considerate in everything, so she had to take a high look at her.

Even if she is from a commoner background, as long as she can learn to assess the situation and move forward steadily, she can still have a stable place in this palace.

She thought that after the seven-day ban ended, she would be able to move out of Yeting smoothly, but she suddenly fell ill just two days later.

Aunt Qi sat on Shen Ji's bedside and looked at her with a complicated expression.

Whether it was because she really fell ill accidentally, or because someone didn't want Shen Ji to be favored, she had already seen many things clearly in the past few years in the palace.

But she knew this well, but it was inconvenient and difficult to say it.

Aunt Qi looked ugly, and Shen Ji could see it clearly. She covered her lips and coughed a few times, with an abnormal flush on her face, but she still managed to smile and said coaxingly: "Mommy, don't worry about me, it's just a cold, it'll be fine after a few days of rest." ."

Shen Ji was sensible, and she endured what Nanny Qi wanted to say again and again, and finally said: "Your body is your most important asset, you have to be careful about everything."

"I'm about to be able to serve you, but I fell ill at this juncture. In a few days, the other selected servants will move out one after another. Will you still be able to go out?"

There were too many profound meanings in these words, and Shen Ji knew that this was her grandma's injustice for her.

But what does it matter?

Lu Qingshuang was afraid that he would steal her limelight and would not hesitate to use all kinds of schemes. In that case, he would just follow her wishes.

Shen Ji hasn't accepted her favor yet, so what's the point of exposing her now and breaking up with her?

A big tree attracts the wind, and a small character like Shen Ji cannot bear too many storms. They can settle these accounts slowly.


Under the moonlight, the sick Shen Ji seemed to be more delicate and charming than usual. She looked at Nanny Qi seriously and said in a soft voice: "I can get out."


After five days, Yeting finally had a few calm days.

The seven-day limit has passed. Although the selected attendants did not announce it to their mouths, they had some expectations in their hearts.

Starting today, Your Majesty can choose the new couple to sleep with from Ye Ting. Everyone will be curious about who will be so lucky, even the masters and ladies of the harem, are no exception.

"Sister Shen, take the medicine."

The door opened slightly, and Ban Yuya walked in from the outside holding a bowl of dark concoction.

Shen Ji stood up and leaned on the pillow behind her. She had been ill for five days in a row. Her originally fair complexion became even more pale at this time. The sun shone on her face, giving her an almost transparent fragile beauty.

Ban Yuya looked at Shen Ji, who had not recovered yet, and sighed regretfully: "If my sister had not fallen ill, with her appearance, maybe she would be the one sleeping tonight."

There are no personal maids to choose from. In the past few days, thanks to Ban Yuya's careful care.

A friend in need is a friend indeed. Shen Ji's alienation towards Ban Yuya also quietly disappeared, and he became more sincere: "In the past, at the door of the library, I always listened to people read, misfortune lies where blessings depend, and blessings lie where misfortune lies. . Although my illness is a disaster, it might have prevented the disaster for me, right?"

She bent her eyes and smiled softly, comforting Ban Yuya: "The ladies have not gone to bed yet. If I are really selected by your majesty tonight, wouldn't I become the target of public criticism?"

That night.

Build the Zhang Palace.

The huge nanmu wood carving window is open, the dew is thick on the spring night, and the moonlight is just right.

The bright moon was bright inside the window, Qin Yuan stood with his hands behind his hands, his expression indifferent.

The people from the Palace Bureau have been waiting with the jade certificate for a long time. Zhang Pu, the chief eunuch who has been serving His Majesty since childhood, gently waved his hand to signal him to ask for instructions again. Then he looked at His Majesty's expression and bowed forward. He said: "Your Majesty, the seven-day restriction imposed by the Queen Mother has expired. Your Majesty, do you want to choose among them?"

Qin Yuan calmly withdrew his gaze, looked back at the young eunuch of the Palace Bureau who seemed to have received amnesty, and said humbly: "Bring it here."

Zhang Pu took a step back, and the young eunuch from the palace bureau hurriedly stepped forward, knelt down in front of Qin Yuan, and said, "The names of the remaining seventeen servants in Ye Ting are all here. Your Majesty, please choose."

Seventeen jade certificates were arranged neatly on the red velvet tray.

Qin Yuan wandered around these unfamiliar names at will. Seven days had passed and he could no longer remember what these women looked like.

As soon as he saw the middle of the second line, he lost his patience and was about to look away.

But the moment he looked away, he caught sight of the word Shen Ji from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but feel a little moved.

Shen Ji.

Qin Yuan tasted the name Pin, and he was quite impressed by her.

Beauty is like jade, with graceful posture and charming features.

He remembered that she had a very beautiful face and a clear and pleasant voice.

Chapter 4

Qin Yuan stretched out his knuckled fingers and lightly tapped on Shen Ji's name certificate. After a few breaths, he said softly: "Her."

When the people from the palace bureau saw the list, they looked at it with joy and prepared to hand the list to the dormitory bureau.

Unexpectedly, this was a good look, but I discovered that there was a mistake in the name on the jade certificate.

He clearly remembered that someone had just received a letter from Ye Ting today, saying that a selected servant named Shen had not recovered from the cold and could not sleep with him. It was probably because the servants were negligent and forgot to take down the jade certificate. Your Majesty just returned it. I fell in love with this servant who couldn't sleep with him.

He knew he was at fault, so he was so frightened that he kowtowed to the ground and said in a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, please forgive me. The palace bureau was negligent in its work and actually forgot that Mr. Shen Xuan was unwell and unfit to sleep with him. I hope your Majesty will forgive me!"

There was silence in the hall for a moment. Qin Yuan took back his hand and said lightly: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Seeing that His Majesty had no intention of blaming him, the young eunuch breathed a sigh of relief and said with sweat all over his body: "Your Majesty, I heard that he contracted the cold and has not yet recovered."

Unfortunately for those who were interested, Qin Yuan's interest was not very high either.

Zhang Pu looked at His Majesty's face carefully. After following His Majesty for a long time, he dared to figure out a bit of the Emperor's thoughts.

As Attendant Shen Xuan cannot accompany you, His Majesty's interest today may have faded by seven to eight points.

But today is a special day. If we really leave these dozen newly elected servants, it will naturally not work. After thinking for a long time, he smoothed things over with a smile and reminded: "Your Majesty, in addition to Qi Baolin, there are three selected servants in Yeting who have been hired into the palace. Look -"

Qin Yuan waved his hand and said in a deep voice: "I remember that the daughter of the Cheng family of the imperial censor also entered the palace."

"In reply to Your Majesty," Zhang Pu smiled and winked at the young eunuch, stepped forward and said, "This is Lu Qingshuang, Lu Xuanshi."

"Well, just her."

The little eunuch stepped back with tears in his eyes.

At night, Yeting is brightly lit.

Everyone held their breath and waited for His Majesty's will.

Shen Ji coughed twice, gathered up an embroidered velvet cloak and stood in front of the window to look outside. He heard the crisp sound of silver bells in the distance.

It's Fengluan Chunen chariot.

Aunt Qi and others were waiting in front of the door. The palace maid who was waiting to convey the order came forward on her knees and said a few words to the nanny with a smile on her face. Then the nanny smiled appropriately and ordered the palace maid beside her to go to the east garden.

Shen Ji's eyebrows narrowed slightly.

When she saw Lu Qingshuang walking out of Dongyuan with a rosy face and a shy smile, she said goodbye to the nuns and got on the Fengluan Chunen Car to leave.

Her expression relaxed.

As expected, Lu Qingshuang finally got what he wanted.

After this incident, her defensiveness towards Shen Ji should be greatly reduced.

The next morning, General Shen Ji woke up and heard the news that His Majesty had appointed Lu Qingshuang.

She is the legitimate daughter of Zhongcheng, the imperial censor of the fifth rank. His Majesty granted a title to a talented person of the sixth rank, and moved to Qiuwuxie, the east side hall of Yihua Palace. I heard that Yihua Palace is in a good location, not far nor close to Jianzhang Palace, and the scenery nearby is very beautiful.

For example, Lu Cairen's family background and status are considered to be a good match.

However, some people are happy and some are sad, so Qi Baolin may not feel very comfortable.

Qi Baolin's position was conferred by the Queen Mother, and even his residence was assigned to Chonghua Palace, which was far away from Jianzhang Hall.

It is said that they have been copying the palace rules in the palace for the past few days, and are not allowed to leave the house, let alone see His Majesty. I wonder how he will feel now that he knows that Lu Cairen has also moved out of Yeting.

Lu Cairen is hypocritical and Qi Baolin is domineering. Neither of them is good.

Shen Ji played with the orchid white hosta in his hand through the handkerchief, his eyes were cold.

I don't know what it will be like when these two people face off in the future.

After a while, gentle laughter and the sound of people saluting came from outside the door, and footsteps came closer and closer, finally stopping in front of Shen Ji's door.

The visitor seemed to hesitate at the door for a while, and whispered to the people around him: "Sister Shen's illness is not cured yet, and I don't know if she is awake yet."


The door was pushed open, and Shen Ji looked at the person coming softly.

It was Lu Cairen who was surrounded by everyone in the center.

There were several waiters around her, and when they looked at Lu Cairen, they all had envious looks in their eyes.

Lu Cairen's cheeks turned red with embarrassment, but her eyes were very happy. Although she still maintained a dignified appearance on the outside, Shen Ji could tell that she was enjoying the attention of everyone at this moment.

It's not yet noon. Calculating the time, Lu Cairen must have just come to Ye Ting to pay his respects to the Empress and the Chief.

Look at the way she looks at Shen Ji eagerly now. She didn't know it, but she thought they had such a deep sisterly relationship.

Lu Cairen had just been favored, but he was still thinking about his sick little sister in Yeting. It was really sad.

Shen Ji knew that they had no friendship, and she had never come to visit so diligently a few days ago. But now she came straight to see her, and she was really not sure what kind of medicine Lu Cairen was selling in the gourd.

Lu Cairen showed intimacy, but Shen Ji had to be polite and endured his weakness to greet her.

After all, the person standing in front of her now is the newly promoted Lu Cairen, not the Lu Xuanshi who was her equal before. If she didn't understand the rules, others would only think that Lu Cairen was magnanimous. Shen Ji didn't know what was good or bad. Once it spreads, it will be harmful to the reputation.

Shen Ji coughed a few times, lifted herself up weakly, and almost fell out of bed. She looked up at Lu Cairen, with tears in her eyes: "Greetings to Lu Cairen. Sister Lu, why are you acting like this right now?" coming?"

"You accepted my favor because I was sick and haggard. I don't want to give it to you after I'm sick."

Lu Cairen looked at Shen Ji calmly. Seeing her sickly pale face and weak body, the remaining doubts in his heart disappeared.

The white jade hairpin given to Shen Ji didn't make her sick so badly, it just kept her from seeing people for a few days.

Therefore, when she first heard that she was sick and could not go out, she had doubted whether she had misremembered the function of the white hosta, or whether Shen Ji had discovered her true intention.

Fortunately, no matter what the effect was, Shen Ji did fall ill just in time.

Her goal had been achieved, so she did not go forward to find out the truth, so as not to avoid trouble in her life.

Now that the dust had settled, she came back to confirm with the remaining doubts in her heart. Seeing that Shen Ji was treating her the same way, she guessed that this matter might have been an accident and had an unexpected effect.

Since no one noticed, the stone in her heart was considered to have fallen.

Now that Shen Ji has not yet recovered, she is the most promising among the new concubines, but she also knows that it is only a matter of time before Shen Ji becomes favored.

Such a person with a simple mind but such a beautiful appearance will be a great help to her in the future as long as he doesn't interfere with her affairs, and will also be a useful chess piece in her hand.

At the moment, it is the most appropriate choice to temporarily win over Shen Ji before he recovers from his illness.

Thinking of this, Lu Cairen suddenly remembered how he and his majesty were on the dragon bed last night, and his majesty's strong waist and handsome appearance. He subconsciously blushed with shame and his heart started beating wildly.

She wants His Majesty's favor and power, and she also wants it!

It was a cool spring day. Lu Cairen smiled gently and quickly helped Shen Ji back to his bed.

She sat on the bedside, carefully tucked her into bed, and said as if sighing: "My sister has been suffering these past few days. When I returned to Yihua Palace this morning, the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother both sent rewards, and There are many gifts from other mistresses and queens, covering the whole table. I have selected a few body-building items for you, sister, just accept them."

Lu Cairen was highly regarded by his superiors and was so attentive and generous. The attendants who followed him sighed with envy and kept saying that Shen Ji was really lucky to have such help from Lu Cairen.

Shen Ji is naturally very grateful.

They talked for a long time, and Lu Caicai said that the palace affairs had not been settled yet and he would come to visit her another day.

She even promised in front of everyone that when Shen Ji recovered from his illness, she would definitely recommend him to His Majesty so that the pearl would not be covered in dust.

The words were so touching that even Shen Ji almost believed them.

Unfortunately, she is not stupid.

After Lu Cairen walked out of Ye Ting, Song Tao, the personal maid who was following her, said disapprovingly: "My lord, you have a mediocre relationship with Shi Xuan Shen, why did you give her so many good things? I will put them in the treasury today." When I checked into the house, I saw that there were several things that we didn't have in our house before. Isn't it too flattering to give her such a good family?"

Songtao was a maid brought by Lu Cairen from the Lu Mansion. She had been with her since she was a child and had a close relationship with her.

Lu Cairen did not shy away from her, but just glanced at her lightly, with a faint smile on his lips: "She will still be of use to me in the future, and a few rewards are nothing. As long as I can love her forever, these will be all. It's nothing."

Seeing that the young master had such an idea, Songtao felt relieved and asked curiously: "Then the young master really plans to recommend Shen Xuan as a servant after meeting with His Majesty?"

She didn't look sideways, walked steadily on the palace road, and said firmly: "Sooner or later she will be favored."

"But it won't be because of me."

It was half a month later when Shen Ji recovered from his serious illness.

February twenty-four.

The peaches and pears have withered, and the spring rain will stop.

It had just rained continuously all night, and the gravel road in Yeting was wet and shimmering with cold water.

In the past half month, Lu Cairen stayed at the bedchamber twice more, and she was considered a little popular for a while. The remaining two beauties from Dongyuan also accepted the favor and moved away from Yeting. Among the newcomers, only Xiyuan was left. These people of commoner origin chose to serve as servants.

Since the seven-day ban, the selected attendants can come and go freely.

In order to meet His Majesty by chance, many of the selected servants of Xiyuan went out to try their luck every day, hoping to win His Majesty's favor and fly to the branches.

But the palace is too big, so it is really difficult to rely on luck alone.

Shen Ji had just recovered from a serious illness and encountered such cold weather. In fact, he should have taken a good rest indoors and waited until the weather got warmer before going out.

But after being bored for so many days, she really wanted to take a breather, so she took out a plain oil-paper umbrella, tied on her cloak and went out.

The road was slippery after the rain, and there were very few traces of palace people on the palace road. Shen Ji could take a leisurely look at the scenery of the harem.

Walking straight south from Yeting, you will soon reach the location of the 24th Department of the Sixth Bureau. Shen Ji walked forward unhurriedly, just as several palace maids with hurried expressions came out of the Pharmacy Department.

The leading maid directed the maids behind who were carrying medicine boxes, urging: "Hurry up! It's raining now, and the Queen's headache has returned. Hurry, don't delay!"

Shen Ji paused.

She had heard before that the Queen was kind-hearted and gentle, and she and Your Majesty treated each other with respect and had a harmonious relationship.

The only pity is that the Queen is weak and suffers from headaches.

In wet and cold weather, it is easy to relapse and the pain is unbearable. Therefore, in addition to handling the affairs of the harem, the queen is also assisted by Concubine Lin.

The spring rains have been continuous in the past few days, and the Queen's old problem has recurred. It can be seen that the doctors in the Imperial Medical Office are also helpless and cannot cure it.

The emperor and empress were in harmony and treated each other with respect.

Shen Ji looked at the retreating figure of the palace maid from the Pharmacy Department from afar, and suddenly had an idea.

Chapter 5

After returning to Yeting, Shen Ji went straight to his nanny to receive the four treasures of the study that set the rules for selecting servants.

Not many of the sons of good families who were selected to enter the palace were proficient in poetry and calligraphy, so not everyone had it.

When she went to collect it, her grandma seemed to look at her very highly.

Although Shen Ji was born in a small family in Lingzhou, her new father was a teacher.

She has been with her mother since she was a child, taking care of her daily life. When she has nothing to do, she also learns to read and write.

In these years, her family did not have the conditions for her to study the Six Arts, but reading and learning were the treasures with the lowest threshold.

My new father often said, "Everything is low-grade, but reading is good." Fortunately, Shen Ji lived up to his standards, also liked reading, and had mastered the small regular script with hairpins that was eye-catching.

Now in the harem, there are so many beauties, all of them possessing skills. Although she has no personal merits, she is at least well versed in writing and is not too passive.

The room where the waiters were selected in Xiyuan was simply furnished, with only one round table.

Shen Ji moved the round table to the window and opened the entire window. People passing by could easily see the scene inside the house.

She lit a lamp and put it on the table, spread out the rice paper, grinded the ink evenly, and cleaned her hands carefully before sitting down and copying the scriptures seriously.

Shen Ji wrote seriously and didn't even eat dinner. Ban Yuya was worried that something had happened to her, so she hurriedly came to the room to check and saw her sitting at the table writing something with concentration.

Ban Yuya breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and said, "My sister didn't come tonight. I thought something happened to you. Fortunately, you are here."

"Sister Shen, what are you writing?"

Shen Ji collected the last stroke, then rubbed his sore wrist, and said in a gentle voice: "It's the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vow Merit Sutra."

"Buddhist scriptures?" Ban Yuya didn't quite understand. She thought it was because she was ignorant and neglected to do some work. She asked in shame, "Why did my sister start copying Buddhist scriptures, but she ordered her to do so?"

She lowered her head to look at the neat and beautiful calligraphy on the paper, and kept praising in a low voice: "I never knew that Sister Shen's handwriting was so beautiful that she could even memorize such obscure Buddhist scriptures."

Shen Ji smiled softly and said softly, "The Queen is not feeling well. I am sitting around and want to copy scriptures and pray for her."

Ban Yuya was simple-minded and didn't think much about it. Instead, she became closer to her. Her pretty little face was full of admiration: "I know that Sister Shen is kind-hearted and is nothing like Qi Baolin and others. "

After saying that, she covered her face and yawned, and warned carefully: "It's getting dark, sister, go to bed early, but don't hurt your eyes."

Shen Ji nodded.

This "Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra" was written by her mother when she was still at home.

My stepfather's mother was in poor health and had been on the bed for a long time. She had been seeking medical treatment for many years but could not be cured. However, the family was not wealthy and every penny had to be spent on the cutting edge. Naturally, this disease could no longer be treated.

However, letting her mother-in-law get sick would inevitably lead to uneasy conscience and criticism, so the mother came up with an idea that she thought was the best of both worlds.

Shen Ji had nothing to do. Apart from reading and writing, he might as well copy Buddhist scriptures for her.

Every seventh day, she went to the temple to burn the flames. This was a good honor, and the neighbors praised her mother for her virtue.

Over time, she will also memorize this Buddhist scripture.

It's really funny to say that such a ridiculous past has actually come in handy today.

Two days later, the weather cleared.

There was a spring rain and a warm one. It had only been raining for a few days. As all the scorching spring peaches fell away, Chang'an gradually became warmer.

In Fengyi Palace, the carved windows that had been closed for several days were pushed open one by one, and bright sunlight passed through the heavy window coffins, illuminating the dignified and noble main hall with lightness and warmth.

Yun Lan, the female officer in charge, helped the queen get up from the bed, sat in front of the dressing table, and asked with concern: "Your Majesty, are you feeling better?"

"The weather has cleared up, and I have been using moxibustion for several days. Today I feel much more relaxed." The queen smiled gently and patted Yun Lan's hand to reassure her.

The carved window in front of him is wide open, facing the sun.

The sun shines obliquely on the dowry, which is full of pearls and jade. It is less cold and gorgeous, and more luxurious and radiant. When you smell it gently, your nose is filled with the subtle fragrance of flowers and plants blown by the spring breeze.

After being bored for so many days, being able to see the sunshine made the queen feel very good.

Behind her, Yun Lan led several maids who were serving her to wash and dress the queen. Seeing that the empress was in good spirits and her face became a little brighter, she felt more at ease.

"It is a blessing for this servant that the queen is well," Yun Lan smiled and took a warm jade comb to the queen's hair, lowering her eyebrows and saying, "Your Majesty sent a message this morning, saying that he would come to see you after having some free time in the afternoon. If your majesty sees the empress without any problem, I think you will feel relieved."

The queen nodded gently and said with a smile: "The palace has been unwell these past few days, and I don't know much about the affairs in the palace. I don't know what happened to the newcomers who entered the palace in February."

"Since the seven-day ban, the four selected servants of Dongyuan have moved out one after another. Except for Qi Baolin, who was punished by the Empress Dowager for not abiding by the palace rules, the most prominent one is Lu Cairen of the Cheng family in Yushi Zhong. This period I have slept with him three times in the past few days." Yun Lan said unhurriedly, "No one from the good family in Xiyuan has moved out, and they are still living in Yeting."

"Lu Cairen?" The queen read it over and over, and after a moment of pondering, she was somewhat impressed. "A woman with both talent and beauty, and a stable temperament, is lovable."

"I just feel sorry for Xiyuan."

Traditionally, there are three types of drafts: recruitment, selection and contribution.

Donations are rare cases, so leaving aside for the moment, among them, noble ladies from official families always enter the palace through gifts, and the selection is done by flower and bird envoys sent to various places to select from folk women.

The purpose of private women entering the palace is to fill up the harem and spread the branches and leaves for His Majesty.

It is very difficult for a noble girl who has no relatives, no one to rely on, and whose status is inferior to that of a noble lady to get ahead.

The Queen is kind-hearted, generous and benevolent, and is always considerate of the hardships of those below her. Yun Lan has been with her for many years and knows clearly what the Empress is thinking.

"Your Majesty, speaking of the selection of servants in Xiyuan, I almost forgot to tell you something," Yun Lan lowered her eyebrows and spoke in a very natural tone, "Yesterday afternoon, the maid on duty in front of the door brought in a book of Buddhist scriptures. , It was said that it was sent by Shen Xuan from Ye Ting. You were resting at that time, so I asked someone to collect it first, and it is now being placed in the warehouse."

"Buddhist scriptures?" The queen was a little surprised.

Over the years, there were many concubines who overtly and secretly pleased her, but most of them visited her in person to surrender, or sent gifts to express their complaints.

It was the first time for a newly arrived man to choose an attendant to deliver Buddhist scriptures.

As a daughter of a good family, it was rare for her to be able to read and write. The Buddhist scriptures were so obscure and difficult to understand that it was difficult for her to copy them.

Seeing the Queen's interest, Yun Lan glanced at the person behind her, and within a moment, the Buddhist scriptures were delivered to the Queen's hands.

"The Merit Sutra of the Original Vows of the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata," the queen recited softly, "This Buddhist sutra is mostly copied and sung by those who pray. It is intended to pray that the person you want to be free from illness and disaster, and it is a sutra for peace. "

The queen lowered her eyes and read through it, with some emotion in her eyes: "In the past few days, the Japanese palace has had a headache and discomfort. Everyone in the palace knows it. The concubines nearby have sent gifts and expressed condolences, but she is the only one who has such a heart. Such a thick book The scriptures are written in such delicate and delicate regular script with hairpin flowers, which shows that she is attentive."

Yun Lan lowered her head and put the last hairpin on the queen's hairpin. She said in a very calm tone: "No one in Xiyuan's selection has favored her. I don't know if Shen's selection is really intentional or opportunistic."

The Queen said nothing.

Having been in the palace for many years, she knew exactly what Yun Lan was worried about.

"Send someone to ask Shen Xuan to come to Fengyi Palace." The queen said warmly, "I want to see her."

Yun Lan frowned slightly and said hesitantly: "Empress, count the time, your Majesty may come to Fengyi Palace soon--"

The queen waved her hand and said in the same tone as usual: "I know, go ahead."

Not long after, Shen Ji was brought to Fengyi Palace by the palace maid who came to invite someone.

Fengyi Palace is the closest palace to His Majesty's Jianzhang Palace. It is dignified, luxurious and graceful. Even just a corner of the courtyard is so exquisite that it is dazzling.

Since Shen Ji entered the harem, she has only been to Liangyi Hall and Yeting in the palace. She has never seen the residence where the concubine lives.

When she lived in Xiyuan, she had imagined how luxurious and beautiful the place where high-ranking concubines would live would be, and whether it was really what others said. But now that she actually saw Fengyi Palace, she realized that she was still shallow.

With the Queen on top, Shen Ji did not dare to be rude. He only glanced briefly and then lowered his head, lowering his eyebrows and being very respectful.

"I see you in person, the Queen, and may you be blessed with peace and prosperity."

With just one glance, the Queen immediately remembered who she was.

On the day of the palace selection, there were countless beauties of all shapes and sizes, and she was the leader among them.

Unexpectedly, the new attendant who would copy Buddhist scriptures for him would be her.

The queen looked a little surprised in her eyes, looked at her several times, and asked gently: "Did you copy this "Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Wish and Merit Sutra" for me?"

Shen Ji raised his head timidly, and when he saw the Buddhist scripture he had sent beside him, he nodded gently and responded softly: "The words I sent back to you are written by me."

She stood up and knelt on the ground again, and said carefully: "I know that I am of low status, my handwriting is poor, and it is difficult for me to be elegant. Please forgive me, the Queen."

"You have the intention, so why are you guilty?" The Queen raised her hand to support her and praised her, "You are from a commoner background, so it is very rare for you to be literate and able to write. What's more, this Buddhist scripture is not short in length, but you can write it perfectly. Wrong, it shows that you are sincere."

The queen paused, ordered someone to serve tea, and then asked: "However, you are still young, why do you like Buddhism? But is there anyone in the family who believes in Buddhism?"

Shen Ji lowered his head and responded. He was very grateful for the Queen's broad-mindedness and said sincerely: "I heard that the Queen was unwell a few days ago, and I remembered that when I was at home, I often helped my grandmother copy Buddhist scriptures for peace. The monk in the temple once said, If you recite this sutra with concentration, you will be able to get rid of all your illnesses and pains, and enjoy peace and happiness. Everyone in the palace knows the empress's kindness and virtue. I am as thin as a willow, and I also want to do my best."

"Sickness and pain will be eliminated, and you will receive peace and happiness."

The queen read it slowly, then curved her lips and smiled: "I like your thoughts very much."

"Your Majesty has arrived--"

Suddenly loud chanting came from outside the door, and Shen Ji's heart trembled slightly.

The plan was implemented more smoothly than imagined.

Chapter 6

The bright yellow figure that symbolized the most noble was approaching slowly. Shen Ji quickly stood up from his position, stood in the corner behind the queen, and knelt down with everyone to welcome His Majesty.

"I send my regards to Your Majesty."

Everyone in the palace knelt together with lowered eyebrows and nods. Their facial features could not be seen clearly. Among the shadows of the heavy clothes and fragrant temples, Shen Ji was wearing the lowest aqua palace attire, which was even more inconspicuous than the maids beside the queen.

"Everyone, get up," Qin Yuan said calmly. He stopped in front of the queen and stretched out his hand to help her. His voice was gentler, "The queen is not feeling well, so there is no need to be polite."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." The Queen responded warmly, followed His Majesty's posture, stood up, and followed him to the main seat.

The maids immediately took their places and performed their duties. In the huge hall, Shen Ji was the only one standing alone beside the chair.

She folded her hands, nodded slightly, and her posture was very respectful. However, the palace dress, which was completely different from that of the palace maid, was enough to reveal her identity.

As soon as Qin Yuanfu sat down, he noticed her presence.

The Queen raised her eyes and observed His Majesty's face, and introduced him at the right time, with a gentle voice: "Your Majesty, this is Shen Xuanshi, a good family son who entered the palace this year."

Qin Yuan didn't take it to heart when he heard that he was the new son of a good family who had just entered the palace. He just gave a faint hum and took a sip of the new tea that Yun Lan had just brewed.

The fine thin porcelain made a pleasant crisp sound when rubbed. Qin Yuan put down the cup and praised: "The tea here is neither strong nor light, and is the most delicious."

"It's best if your Majesty likes it." The queen lightly curved her lips and chuckled, as if unintentionally, she picked up the Buddhist scripture copied by Shen Ji from the table on one side, and said to Yun Lan: "Go, Put away the Buddhist scriptures copied by Shen Xuanshi."

Yun Lan bent her knees and took the Buddhist scriptures with both hands.

Just when Qin Yuan raised his eyes, the words "Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vows and Merit Sutra" on the cover came into view.

The ink is very new, and you can tell at a glance that it was written not long ago.

The upright and graceful small regular script with hairpin flowers is different from the bold and energetic style of men, and also different from the common style of women in the palace. This character has the unique clearness and beauty of women. Each stroke is just right, which is very eye-catching.

This handwriting aroused Qin Yuan's interest, and then he looked at the people standing in the hall.

"You come from a commoner background, but you are good at handwriting."

Qin Yuan: "Raise your head."

The long-awaited voice finally sounded. When Shen Ji heard the words, his long eyelashes trembled slightly at first, as if he was too timid to look at others, and then he slowly raised his autumn eyes.

This look seemed to be both coquettish and shy, with a hint of timidity and uneasiness, and a delicate and full look, but there was a small vermilion mole at the end of the eye, which added a bit of charm.

Such a pair of sparkling eyes can be called beautiful eyes.

It was this glance that reminded Qin Yuan who Shen Ji was.

On the day of the palace selection, she was so beautiful that he was captured by her for a moment, but before going to bed that day, he forgot about it as time went by.

I never thought that I would see her in Fengyi Palace today.

She has a beautiful face and good calligraphy, which is quite good.

Qin Yuan's eyes fell on her face twice, then he looked away: "Give me a seat."

"I thank Your Majesty for your kindness."

Shen Ji's voice was as gentle as flowing water. After bending his knees, he touched his skirt and sat down, not daring to raise his head again for fear of bumping into His Majesty and the Queen.

The queen smiled, tilted her head and said to her majesty: "Your majesty and my concubine want to go together. Liangjiaizhi comes from a humble background, like Shen Xuanshi. It is very rare to be able to read and write, let alone write such a thick book. This Buddhist scripture."

"I read it today and found that there are no mistakes in the entire article. This shows that I copied it carefully."

Qin Yuan said warmly: "It's rare."

"It's just that I remember that in the Library Pavilion, no one is allowed to enter without an order." He raised his eyes and looked over, "How did you write that?"

Shen Ji got busy and got down, and said softly: "To reply to Your Majesty, I dare not flout the palace rules. This "Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata's Original Vow Merit Sutra" was memorized silently."

The queen was even more surprised: "You can memorize such a long scripture. I still underestimate you."

Qin Yuan also glanced at her one more time.

"The queen has been unwell the past few days. You are sincere in reciting silent scriptures to pray for the queen." He knocked on the sandalwood table casually a few times and said, "Thank you."

Shen Ji was flattered and bowed softly: "I would like to thank Your Majesty for the favor."

The queen took this scene into her eyes and said warmly: "I have been feeling unwell the past few days and have been staying at home. Everything in the harem has been busy, and more than a dozen newcomers have been admitted. Thanks to Concubine Lin's hard work, everything can be done." Everything is in order."

"I have been lying around for a few days, and now I have looked at the list of selected attendants in Ye Ting and the concubines who have moved out of Ye Ting. All four of the concubines hired by Dongyuan have moved out of Ye Ting, and Concubine Lin is also living separately. Palace, I wonder if your majesty is satisfied with it?"

Qin Yuan's voice was flat: "They are all ladies from famous families, but they have different temperaments. If you really want to choose, you can't make a mistake."

Upon hearing this, the Queen guessed what His Majesty meant.

It's useless, neither annoying nor arousing much interest.

I originally thought that Lu Cairen should be quite satisfactory to His Majesty, but now it seems that he is quite satisfactory.

She glanced at Shen Ji and then said with a smile: "The purpose of new people entering the palace is to spread the branches and branches of the royal family and extend the heirs. There are not many new people entering the palace this time, so there is no need to rush."

I have been married to His Majesty for eight or nine years. Although we are not in harmony with each other, we can be said to be respectful and considerate to each other.

Therefore, the Queen can also guess one or two points of His Majesty's thoughts.

Shen Ji was born extremely beautiful, not arrogant, and had an inner beauty. Although His Majesty is the Emperor, he is also a man.

In the present moment of beauty, it is impossible to remain indifferent.

The emperor and empress chatted for a while. Qin Yuan patted the back of the queen's hand and said warmly: "There are still government affairs in the imperial study. I will go back first and come to see you another day."

He looked at Yun Lan and said in a deep voice: "The queen is weak, so take good care of her."


Everyone stood up and respectfully saw off His Majesty. After they left, the Queen looked at Shen Ji and said softly: "After such a conversation today, I am a little tired. Come, please send Shen Xuan back."

Shen Ji was extremely grateful, Fushen asked the queen to resign, and left with the maids of Fengyi Palace.

Looking at Shen Ji's retreating figure, Yun Lan pointed out something: "Your Majesty and Shen Xuan are not relatives, so how can you help her like this? Shen Xuan is smart and knows how to please you, but please look at it. I pray for your safety. It's false, but it's true that it's scheming."

The Queen looked at her quietly and said calmly: "How did she know that I would meet her, how would she know when His Majesty would come to Fengyi Palace, and how would she know that I would recommend her to His Majesty?"

"How can she be so sure that I can see this small gift from choosing a waiter?"

"Memorizing Buddhist scriptures is not easy. It takes several days of hard work to complete this thick volume. Regardless of her sincerity, even if she is deliberately trying to please, that is enough to prove one point."

The queen said slowly: "She is smart, patient, and sincere. Whether true or false, I admire her."

Yun Lan sighed softly, still a little unhappy: "You have a kind heart, but I don't like people who have ulterior motives to take advantage of you."

"How about using it?"

The Queen gently touched her forehead and rubbed it tiredly: "I am the Queen. As long as Your Majesty likes it, there is nothing wrong with it."

"It's so difficult for a woman in the palace. It's human nature to fight for yourself. She has intentions, and His Majesty has intentions. I'm just doing this as a favor."

Yun Lan always knew the Queen's personality, so she no longer thought about Shen's selection as an attendant. She stretched out her hand to rub the Queen's acupuncture points: "Yes, the Queen is benevolent and generous, and the likes of Concubine Lin are beyond her reach."

As the night grew darker, Shen Ji stood in front of the window and looked towards the atrium, feeling a little uncertain.

If everything goes well, His Majesty will sleep with her tonight, but if it fails, it will not be so easy to be favored in the future.

No matter how outstanding the beauty is, you will get tired of looking at it over time. Only the first glimpse is the most moving.

Memorizing Buddhist scriptures to pray for the queen is a small bet with a big outcome.

The queen's reputation for kindness and consideration for her servants spread far and wide, and she was deeply respected. She must be a master with pure thoughts and fair actions.

However, with a high position and high authority, there are many people around who are deliberately trying to please. It is common for them to ask for help and offer treasures.

Under such circumstances, if you want to stand out from the crowd and impress the queen, you must start with the subtleties in order to penetrate people's hearts.

Shen Ji came from a humble background and couldn't offer anything good at all. He could only show his sincerity.

Buddhist scriptures are the best choice.

No disease, no disaster, good health.

With such sincerity, I think the queen would be a little moved. Even if she doesn't like her, it would be great to have a good impression of her.

With her being so attentive, the possibility of causing the Queen's displeasure was very slim.

Furthermore, the emperor and empress treat each other with respect as guests, and if the empress is unwell, His Majesty will definitely visit her.

Shen Ji's intention was not big, she even just hoped that the Queen could mention her when chatting with His Majesty, and it would be nice to remind His Majesty that there is a person like her.

After this, the Queen has some goodwill towards a person like her, and His Majesty can also pay more attention to her when he chooses the attendants to go to bed in Xiyuan, which is already worth it.

Unexpectedly, things went beyond her expectations.

Not long after the Queen summoned her today, His Majesty came to Fengyi Palace.

Did your Majesty come to Fengyi Palace on a whim, or did the Queen already know about it and was deliberately taking the opportunity to mention her?

It was time to go to bed, and Shen Ji's heart was beating faster and faster.

She looked up at the sky. The dew on the spring night was thick, and the silver moonlight outside the window seemed particularly beautiful.

Not long after, on the palace road outside Yeting.

The crisp clatter of horseshoes, accompanied by the melodious silver bells from far to near, the Fengluan Chunen Car, which symbolizes Chengen, finally stopped at the gate of Yeting.

Hearing the sound of Feng Luan Chun En's carriage, the waiters in Xiyuan were overjoyed and opened their windows to look out.

The nun on duty smiled and hurriedly welcomed people in. In walked a well-dressed young eunuch from the palace bureau.

He did not stop, but walked straight in the direction pointed by his grandma, bowing slightly towards the door, his voice filled with joy.

"I would like to pay my respects to Mr. Shen Xuan. Mr. Shen Xuan is very happy! Your Majesty has ordered you to sleep with me today. Please go with me."

Chapter 7

The young eunuch from the palace bureau stopped in front of Shen Ji's room, and many people closed their windows, half disappointed and half sad.

I heard that the Queen had summoned her today, and His Majesty ordered her to go to bed that night. I don't know if it's a coincidence or if she has the Queen's favor, which is really enviable to others.

If Shen Ji is really recommended by the Queen, then her path in the palace will be much easier than others!

She was recommended by the Empress, and later Lu Cairen fell in love with her as a sister. She was born beautiful, and she had this kind of luck, but she was a blessing that no one else could envy.

Shen Ji nervously held the handkerchief and pushed open the door. The moonlight shone on her body, making her even more charming.

"Father-in-law, I'm ready, let's go."

The little eunuch who came to invite someone raised his head and took a look at Shen Ji. Under the hazy moonlight, she was so stunningly beautiful that she was instantly astonished.

However, there was a difference between master and servant, so he did not dare to go beyond the rules, and hurriedly lowered his head and said: "Young master, please go."

Feng Luan Chun En's car carried Shen Ji away from Ye Ting, and it was another sleepless night in the deep palace.

There are generally two ways of sleeping in the palace.

People from the Palace and Wei Bureau go to the Jianzhang Hall every day to present to His Majesty the names of concubines who can serve the Holy Emperor that day. After His Majesty has finished choosing from them, the Palace and Wei Bureau will submit them to the Shang Bedroom Bureau to prepare the concubines who will serve in His Majesty's bedroom that night. matters.

But if His Majesty directly tells which concubine he wants to go to without going through the ultimatum, the palace bureau can directly send someone to inform him, and the concubine will prepare to serve the Holy Master.

Before leaving Ye Ting, the selected servants of Ye Ting have to go to Jianzhang Hall to order their bed. From the West Garden of Ye Ting to His Majesty's Dragon Bed, the journey of Fengluan Chun'en's car takes only half an hour, but this is Shen Ji's first visit. Once, even though my grandma had given me countless instructions and instructions on the rules of going to bed, at this moment, it still took an extra long time due to my anxiety.

If we were among the people, tonight would have been Shen Ji's wedding night, with her phoenix crown and rosy hat, and her red lips lightly.

The person lying on her side should be her husband.

Now, she is serving the monarch in a humble position.

If a woman wants to be with one person for the rest of her life, she might feel sad thinking about this, but Shen Ji doesn't.

She retracted her gaze from the window, raised her hand to put down the window curtain, and looked calm.

She has been used to seeing all kinds of men since she was a child. Unkind, cowardly and incompetent are the norm.

If a man is not trustworthy by nature, he might as well strive for glory and wealth for himself, and it would not be a wasted life.

After an unknown amount of time, Feng Luan Chun En's carriage finally stopped, and a smiling voice from the nanny came from outside the carriage: "Master Shen, we're here. My servant will help you down."

Shen Ji bent down and walked out of the car, put a pair of weak and boneless hands on his grandmother's wrist, and showed a shy smile.

Looking up, the plaque said "Jianzhang Side Hall".

It is only a side hall, but it is already very elegant and solemn, which shows how the palace where His Majesty lives looks like.

The two nuns helped Shen Ji out of the carriage and said patiently as they walked in: "We have arrived at the side hall. After taking a shower and changing clothes, we can go directly to His Majesty's bedroom from inside. Although the young master is the third Once again, don't be too nervous."

Shen Ji responded softly, feeling very grateful: "Thank you, mama, I'll take note of it."

The aunt of the Shang Bedroom Bureau has been taking care of the affairs of concubines and concubines for several years, and she is used to seeing beauties. However, people can't take their eyes away from the Shen Xuanshi in front of them.

With such beauty, I'm afraid His Majesty won't be able to let go of her in a short time. Since they have a bright future, they must serve her carefully.

"My young master is so beautiful and pretty, I feel pity for him."

The door of the palace was closed, and the nuns took off the palace skirt for Shen Ji, and took him to bathe. As time passed by, Shen Ji's heartbeat gradually accelerated.

After careful grooming, the nanny changed her into soft and light silk pajamas. Her three thousand black hair was as smooth as a waterfall, her red lips were lightly pursed, and she was still soft and charming without any pink and pink hairpins.

The nuns exited the palace, and Shen Ji was the only one left in the huge palace.

She stepped barefoot on the soft carpet and walked towards His Majesty's bedroom.

Pushing open the connecting palace door, the luxurious and majestic imperial palace suddenly appeared in front of you. The soft smoke hanging from the ground drifted in the wind. The moonlight outside the window burst out, and it suddenly became clear for a moment.

Shenxiao Jiangque is nothing more than that.

However, the dormitory was very quiet, as if Shen Ji was the only one.

There were only a few scattered candles burning, and with the silvery white moonlight, the hall was not very bright.

According to the rules, regardless of His Majesty's presence or absence, she had to go directly to the Dragon Palace to wait, so as not to violate the rules.

Shen Jilian moved lightly, walking in the dark in the slightly dark hall, but the furnishings in the hall were unfamiliar and she couldn't see the way clearly, so it was very difficult for her to walk.

Layers of soft smoke are like clouds and mist, gently fluttering in the wind in the hall. Although beautiful, it also blocks the view.

Pushing aside a layer of soft smoke in front of him, Shen Ji was about to walk forward, but accidentally ran into a wall of people.

She was momentarily unsteady and almost fell, but a big hand circled her waist at the right moment to control her posture steadily.

The strange man's breath hit his face, Shen Ji's breathing suddenly became chaotic, and his heart beat rapidly.

Looking up carefully, he saw his tall figure against the moonlight, and his facial features were not clear in the darkness.

Qin Yuan said calmly: "Are you scared?"

The slender waist of the woman in the palm of my hand was not too tight. It was separated by a layer of smooth thin silk pajamas and was so soft that it seemed like there were no bones.

She seemed to be a little surprised. When she looked up, she saw a pair of clear and beautiful eyes, which were full of waves, weak and uncontrollable, and a little cinnabar was breathtaking.

Qin Yuan looked at her steadily, but had no intention of letting go.

It wasn't until Shen Ji couldn't help but blushed with embarrassment and timidly called out to your majesty that he let go of the hand that was holding his waist.

Shen Ji took a step back, lowered his eyebrows and saluted as if he was too shy to look directly, and said in his voice with the Wu Nong softness unique to Jiangnan women: "I give you my regards, Your Majesty."

In sixteen years, this was the first time I had such close contact with a man.

His waist was so tight that it still hurts slightly, which shows how tight His Majesty was.

It was true that she almost fell down, but if His Majesty just wanted to lift her up, there was no need for such great strength, let alone holding her waist in his arms for so long.

The only explanation is that His Majesty was moved by her.

Thinking of this, she secretly lifted her eyes to take a look, and happened to catch His Majesty's deep eyes.

With such a beauty, Qin Yuan was extremely moved.

He stretched out his hand towards Shen Ji: "Come."

Shen Ji's heart suffocated slightly and started to tremble slightly.

She gently placed a pair of fine white catkins in the emperor's palm, and with his force, she stopped firmly in front of him.

Qin Yuan led Shen Ji to the dragon bed, his dark eyes filled with an undercurrent of unknown meaning.

Of course she understands.

His slightly cold fingertips gently climbed up His Majesty's belt, but it was the first time he took off a man's complicated dragon robe, and Shen Ji's movements were not familiar.

The loose areas were itchy and tender, making people's hearts flutter. It was hard to guess whether she was unskilled or did it on purpose.

Qin Yuan's throat rolled slightly, and a deep voice slowly came out: "I remember that you are from Lingzhou."

Shen Ji's movements of undressing and taking off his belt were jerky and nervous. Under such circumstances, His Majesty was still able to chat with her leisurely.

The movement of her hands paused, and then she continued to untie it, but her beautiful eyes slowly raised, and she smiled shyly: "To answer your Majesty's question, I am from Lingzhou, in the misty rain of the south of the Yangtze River, and the lotus willows and Pingting. Lingzhou is a very beautiful place."

After saying that, her long eyelashes slightly drooped, as if recalling the good memories, and her red lips curled slightly: "When I was in Lingzhou, my favorite thing was to go outing with my neighbor's sisters in the late spring, and enjoy the misty rain. Climb a boat around the lake, wait until summer, and the lake will be filled with lotus seeds--"

Suddenly, Shen Ji was shocked to realize that he seemed to have spoken too much. At this juncture, he might have offended His Majesty. He was a little annoyed for a moment, lowered his eyes and said: "I made a mistake, please forgive me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Yuan's dragon robe was untied.

He directly picked up Shen Ji and placed her on the dragon bed. Her black hair was like a waterfall. On the bright yellow brocade quilt, it looked like a delicate flower like ink blooming. The blush is particularly touching.

There is something about Shen Ji that is different from other concubines.

A noble lady from a well-known family has her dignity, self-control, pride and nobility engraved in her bones. The sons of good families who used to sleep with her were all inferior to their commoner status. They were always careful and concealed, and imitated everyone else's style in every move.

Only Shen Ji is timid and charming, yet still lively and lively.

"Go on."

Qin Yuan stepped forward, grasped her lotus-rooted arms, put them on top of her head, and said in a hoarse voice, "I like to hear it."

The scarlet gauze on the bed curtain untied and fell, hiding the moving and charming room.

At Yin o'clock the next day, it is the time for Your Majesty to get up in the morning to wash up and prepare to go to court.

Your Majesty is a light sleeper and always wakes up before the Yin hour. There is never any need for Zhang Pu to send someone to wake him up.

But today is about to reach Yinshijie, and His Majesty has no intention of waking up. Even though Zhang Pu has served His Majesty for many years, he is also a little surprised.

Seeing that the time was almost lost, he waved his whisk and winked at the apprentice beside him, preparing to wake up His Majesty.

The little eunuch nodded, bowed his waist and was about to ask loudly for instructions, when His Majesty's voice came from the bedroom.

"Come in and wait."

Zhang Pu breathed a sigh of relief and motioned to the palace attendants on duty to open the door. The eight palace attendants in front of the door each filed in carrying toilet tools.

Qin Yuan was being dressed and groomed by the palace maid, while Shen Ji was still hiding under the bright yellow brocade quilt, only revealing a pair of timid eyes.

She had been tortured long and hard last night, and her body was still sore when she woke up in the morning. She didn't need to look at it to tell that she had a lot of red marks on her body.

Zhang Pu looked at it calmly, his heart beating slowly.

Your Majesty has been sleeping lightly for several years, and it is rare to get a solid night's sleep.

It's really not easy for this servant Shen Xuan to have such ability, which delayed His Majesty for a full moment before he woke up.

After washing and changing clothes, Qin Yuan straightened his sleeves and looked back at Shen Ji on the bed, his deep voice filled with an imperceptible warmth.

"It's still early, it's not too late to sleep a little longer and get up again."

I got up late today, so I don't have enough time to go to court.

Qin Yuan raised his feet and walked out of the palace door, saying in a calm voice: "Jin Shen selected the servant to be a girl of the ninth grade and moved to Chunlan Palace. The Miaoyunwu in Chunlan Palace is elegant and complements her."

Zhang Pu bowed in agreement, but he couldn't guess His Majesty's thoughts.

Although the sons of good families were generally blessed with titles from Cainu and Yunv, Yunv was still one level higher than Cainu, and had better food and clothing.

Shen Cainv has made it clear that she is quite satisfied with His Majesty, so why can't she reach the status of a concubine?

Chapter 8

When Jin Feng's decree reached Shen Ji's ears, she was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a soft smile to thank him.

The first titles of a good family son generally do not exceed the ninth rank. Over the years, they have basically been chosen from the royal maiden and the chosen daughter, so she has long been prepared for the humble first title.

But based on His Majesty's reaction last night, she thought that His Majesty liked her.

As Xiyuan's first favored son of a good family, and His Majesty was quite satisfied with her, it should have been a certainty that she would be granted the title of concubine.

But she never expected that Jin Feng's purpose was to recruit women.

The hierarchy in the harem is very strict, and it is not easy to be promoted to the Jin Dynasty. The cost of food and clothing is determined by status. Even if it is only one level higher, there is a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority.

Did she displease His Majesty somewhere last night, or did His Majesty have his own considerations and plans?

Even though Shen Ji knew the true nature of men, the emperor's heart was too deep, and her understanding was still too shallow.

The palace maid behind her who was dressing her up skillfully put her hair into a bun and hairpin, and said with a proper smile: "My young master is so beautiful, no wonder His Majesty likes her."

Shen Ji tilted his head slightly, lowered his eyebrows and smiled lightly: "But I only granted the title of Cai Nv from the ninth rank, so why bother to make me happy? I am not in His Majesty's favour."

"My lord, there is no need to belittle yourself. Your Majesty got up a quarter of an hour late this morning. This would never have happened before-"

Before he finished speaking, the maid in charge at the door frowned and coughed twice. The maid who was combing her hair stopped talking angrily.

Seeing this, Shen Ji was very discerning and stopped asking any more questions, letting them dress her up and send her out of Jianzhang Palace.

But she has always been keen on the information in the palace, and the words of the little palace maid just now were very intriguing.

She said that when she went to bed last night, His Majesty got up a quarter of an hour late for the first time in history.

Since it is a very rare situation, I think it is no accident.

Was it because he was so full last night that he slept deeply, or was it because of other reasons?

The eunuch waiting in front of the Jianzhang Palace came up to her and saluted her. He bowed his waist and politely led her the way: "My young master, His Majesty has decreed that you will be separated to Miaoyunwu in Chunlan Palace. You must have been moved to Miaoyunwu in Chunlan Palace by now. Pack it up, and later, each bureau will send you the palace servants and the expenses in the quota, so please go with me."

Shen Ji suppressed the question and smiled softly: "Thank you, father-in-law, for leading the way."

Although the ending is not perfect, looking at the bright side, the most important thing is to be able to move out of Yeting as soon as possible while His Majesty is still fresh and energetic, and to obtain the title.

After coming out of Jianzhang Hall, pass through the Fengyi Palace of the Empress and then walk a little further north to reach Chunlan Palace.

Chunlan Palace is adjacent to the west side of the Imperial Garden, and further away is Yuye Bridge. Not only is it not far from His Majesty's Jianzhang Hall, but also the scenery is very beautiful with bright spring flowers and willows along the way.

The little eunuch who led the way gave Shen Ji a general introduction on the way, and when he was about to arrive in front of the Chunlan Palace, he said: "My lord, there is currently no lord in Chunlan Palace, only the Zhuyun Pavilion in the West Side Hall. There is a beauty named Li."

"Li Meiren was hired into the palace in the second year of Cheng'an. After you have packed up, go and say hello to Li Meiren. You can rest today. I will remind you again, but don't forget to go to Fengyi Palace in three days. Participate in morning and evening meditation."

Shen Ji nodded slightly and said with great gratitude: "I have written it down. Thank you for your careful advice, father-in-law."

After they left, she turned around and looked at the exquisite and luxurious door plaque of Chunlan Palace, and walked in.

Chunlan Palace has a main hall, east and west side halls, and four wing rooms.

Miaoyunwu is one of the four rooms in Chunlan Palace, which is used for concubines with lower status than Cai Ren.

Shen Ji entered the house and looked around. He saw that the interior decoration was simple and elegant, with a Jiangnan charm, and the expenses were all available. He guessed that His Majesty had put some thought into it.

She had been tormented for a long time last night, and she was still feeling uncomfortable all over. Unexpectedly, as soon as she sat down and rested for a while, a salute and greeting voice came from outside the door: "I, the servant of the house, are in charge of your affairs. Please send your regards to Shen Cainv, and also ask Shen Cainv to choose." Palace man."

The positions of Cai Nu and Yu Nu can be served by two palace servants. As usual, one eunuch and one palace maid.

The palace maids were selected and sent by the Yeting Bureau, while the eunuchs were from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

With her current status, it stands to reason that she is not qualified to choose palace maids, so why would she bother a minister to come and give them to her in person?

Shen Ji didn't dare to neglect, got up with his handkerchief and walked into the courtyard.

When the eunuch in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs saw Shen Ji coming out, he hurriedly smiled and said, "Shen Cainu, we have also brought the palace maids and servants from the Yeting Bureau, four on each side. You choose?"

She covered her lips and glanced, as if unsure, and asked in a gentle voice: "Is this -"

The eunuch bowed and smiled: "It's your Majesty's wish."

Shen Ji was suddenly a little surprised, a blush appeared on his face, and he said warmly: "Thank you for your hard work, father-in-law."

She lowered her eyes and looked at the four palace maids and four eunuchs kneeling on the ground. After a short inquiry, she learned their identities and origins, and which master they had served in the past.

The servants in the palace, all those who have been in the palace for a long time are smooth-minded, especially those who have served other concubines, their background is unclear.

Living in a deep palace without trustworthy subordinates was like walking on the edge of a knife, so she had to be more cautious.

After thinking about it, she raised her slender jade finger and nodded at Shuang Ying, one of the palace ladies who had only been in the palace for a short period of time but looked very stable. She also nodded at Zhou Yue, one of the eunuchs who used to be a rough eunuch and had a scar on his chin, and said : "Just them."

The steward took one look at her and asked, "My lord, have you made your decision? This girl has only been in the palace for a short time. Aunt Qi from the Yeting Bureau said that this is a palace maid who was just released from the Yeting Bureau. I'm afraid her hands and feet will be in trouble." "

Shen Ji turned his head and looked over, his eyes slightly bright: "Did Aunt Qi say that?"

She smiled and said, "That's her."

"Yes." The manager nodded and raised his hand behind him: "Shuang Ying, Zhou Yue, haven't come to see Mr. Shen yet."

After that, he spoke again: "Your Majesty also told me that the reward from Fengyi Palace last time was sent together with this time, please accept it."

The palace attendants carrying trays lined up behind him and sent them into the room in two rows. Shen Ji thanked him and said softly: "My father-in-law has worked hard today. Why don't you have a sip of tea before leaving."

The eunuch in charge politely declined her offer: "The affairs of the chamberlain are complicated, and I have to go on my errands quickly, so I won't bother my little master to rest."

Shen Ji nodded and signaled to Zhou Yue: "Go and see the manager off."

When he returned to the house, Shuangying was sorting out the rewards sent by His Majesty one by one, preparing to register them in the warehouse.

Although Shuangying was young and still young, what Shen Ji valued most was her calmness beyond her years. In addition, she had only been in the palace for two years and had never served other concubines, which made her even more reassured.

Especially, she was the one transferred by Grandma Qi.

Aunt Qi has always treated her very well, not to mention that she has been in the palace for many years and has a sharp eye, so the person she chooses will most certainly not be wrong.

Shen Ji sat in his seat and watched Shuang Ying sorting out the rewards. After a long while, he said warmly: "I was favored for the first time, and I was gentle and gentle. As soon as you entered the palace, you followed a master like me. Do you feel unwilling to do so?"

Shuang Ying stopped his arranging movements, walked to Shen Ji and lowered his body, and said firmly: "I come from a humble background, but I dare not forget the word loyalty. Now that I have followed my little master, I will never have second thoughts. I will serve you wholeheartedly. "

Shen Ji took her look into his eyes and went to help her up personally. Although his tone was gentle, he could not say anything: "Water flows to the lower place, and people go to the higher place. Everyone is doing it for themselves. I don't ask you to be loyal to me." , but I also want you to remember that between our master and servant, we are all prosperous, and we all suffer."

"If you have evil intentions when you are around me, I will never indulge you."

"But in the same way, if you are true to your word and are loyal to me, I can also promise you a lifetime of prosperity."

"Shuangying, do you understand?"

Shuang Ying took a deep look at Shen Ji and leaned down: "I was born in a lonely family. After entering the palace, I was often bullied. If it hadn't been for Grandma Qi to take care of me, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive today. To be honest, it came from Grandma herself. Point me to your slave, and ask your slave to serve you and recognize you as your master. You must be an excellent person."

"It is my blessing to be able to follow Master Ming."

Shen Ji's expression softened and he helped her up with both hands: "I'm very happy that you think so."

She looked at Shuang Ying intently, with an unclear meaning in her eyes: "I see that Zhou Yue is a man of few words and is steady. He has been in the palace for a long time. I think the information in the palace is better than yours. If you don't understand something, remember to ask more questions." he."

The frost is blessing the body.

She moved to the palace for the first time, and there were not many things to sort out. After putting His Majesty's gifts into the storehouse, Shuangying went to Yeting to pack the luggage. By the time they were completely arranged, it was almost lunch time.

The person from the Ministry of Internal Affairs who delivered the papers has not arrived yet, it is already this time, it must be afternoon.

After working hard all morning and spending too much energy last night, Shen Ji was also a little hungry.

But there was still a beautiful lady Li in the West Side Hall who needed to go to pay her respects. She didn't dare to neglect, so she rushed to the West Side Hall with Shuang Ying before lunch time.

Shuangying stepped forward and said to the palace maid on duty: "Please also send a message to Li Meiren that Shen Cainv, who has newly moved to Chunlan Palace, is here to pay her respects to Li Meiren."

Palace man Fu followed the call and left. After a while, he turned back and said, "Shen Cainu, please come in."

The Zhuyun Pavilion in the west wing hall is much larger than the wing room, and the furnishings are more noble. However, compared with the new rewards from His Majesty, the style of the room is obviously much older. They should all be items from the past. It can be seen that this Li beauty He has not received much favor in recent years.

Shen Ji withdrew his gaze and turned to look up at Li Meiren, who was sitting in the main seat. She was wearing a scarlet palace dress today, her narrow phoenix eyes were slightly narrowed, and she was looking down at herself.

When concubines meet for the first time, they must bow to each other with great courtesy. She hurriedly stepped forward and blessed herself in a proper manner so as not to offend her: "I am the daughter-in-law, Mrs. Shen, and I would like to pay my respects to Li Meiren."

I didn't hear the words "grog, no gift" for a while.

Li Meiren looked down at Shen Ji as he saluted her, raised her chin contemptuously, her eyes full of arrogance.

Chunlan Palace has a good location and is luxurious and bright. His Majesty gave it to her when she was favored. For so many years, she has been the only one living there.

This Shen Cainu was from a lowly background and was only granted a rank of ninth rank. It was a joke that she deserved to live with her in Chunlan Palace.

She stared at Shen Ji's fair and beautiful face uncertainly, feeling increasingly unhappy.

Especially when she thought that she had not served the Holy Master for more than a year, and the new man in front of her had just been favored last night, she couldn't help but feel angry and sour, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

The unscrupulous fox girl must have learned her tricks from somewhere!

Li Meiren breathed a long sigh of relief, suppressed the anger in her heart, and sneered coldly: "Shen Cainv was born in the common people. Even if she learns the rules, she is still a rustic, and it is difficult for her to be refined."

She glanced coldly at the maid beside her: "I am free today and will teach you with great mercy. Shen Cainu, you must learn hard."

Chapter 9

As soon as Li Meiren finished speaking, the palace maid Roushu standing beside her walked over with a stern face. She lifted up the thin bamboo pole in her hand and was about to fall on Shen Ji.

Shen Ji still maintained the saluting posture and could not get up, and now he was about to receive the beating.

Shuangying hurriedly stepped forward and opened his arms to protect his mistress, and said sternly: "The rules in the palace are strict, and concubines are not punished unless they are the master of the throne. Is Li Meiren going to flout the palace rules?"

"Oh, he is a slave who protects his master." Li Meiren picked up the tea brewed on the table, took a sip slowly, and looked sideways at her, "When will I punish Shen Cainv? It's just a matter of time. I'm afraid that Shen Cainu will break the rules, so I'm just going to teach her a lesson."

She put the cup down and slowly stroked the hairpin on her bun: "You keep talking about the palace rules, but you forget that masters are talking to each other. Can't slaves interrupt?"

Li Meiren waved her hand, a hint of pleasure flashed in her eyes: "Pull her into the courtyard, don't be an eyesore in front of me."

At this time, the thin bamboo pole in Roushu's hand struck at Shen Ji again. Unexpectedly, the expected pain did not come. When the bamboo pole was about to fall on her white and slender skin, it stopped its strength and instead lifted her up a little. Her arms were unloading, and her eyes were filled with the complacency of playing with Shen Ji: "Shen Cainv, it seems that the nuns in Ye Ting didn't teach you well. Your arms are almost drooping. With such a demeanor, how can you still go to the morning and evening in three days? Set a province?"

Maintaining the saluting posture was extremely tiring. Shen Ji was already hungry and tired, but after standing for a long time, his whole body was tense and even a thin layer of sweat broke out on his forehead.

When she was in Ye Ting, she learned the best rules. Li Meiren was not doing this to teach her. It was clearly because people below the head of the palace were not allowed to discipline concubines, so they humiliated her in the name of teaching and wanted to give her a Show off your power.

She only received favors once today, to a girl from the ninth rank, but she could actually make Li Mei displeased. This shows that there are many unreasonable concubines in the palace, and they still have to use their power and status to speak for themselves.

Shen Ji swallowed all the humiliation silently.

Talking softly to the person in front of you is useless, and it is not helpful to make too many enemies.

Her voice was trembling, her long eyelashes were slightly drooped, and she said softly: "I know that I come from a humble background, and I am not as good as your famous family. I am honored that you are willing to teach me."

"It's just that Shuangying is still young, and it's the first day she's been assigned to my concubine's palace. I ask you, sir, to pay more attention to her, and don't argue with her."

A newcomer like Shen Ji, who had just accepted the favor, had a beautiful face, and he could be so humble in the face of her admonishment, without showing any disobedience, which greatly satisfied her desire for control.

Li Meiren's face showed a look of pleasure: "Yeah - she knows the current affairs and is a good talker."

After a moment, a smile of enjoyment appeared on her lips. She looked at Shen Ji who was almost unable to hold on anymore and said compassionately: "Okay, Shen Cainu has been in trouble for a long time today. Get up."

Shen Ji breathed a sigh of relief and stood up straight, thinking about it in his mind. After this experience, would he be able to return to Miaoyunwu later?

Unexpectedly, Li Meiren raised her phoenix eyes and said coolly: "It's time to eat, but now my throat is a little dry."

When the maid serving in the room saw this, she immediately prepared to change the tea for Li Meiren. Unexpectedly, as soon as she made a move, Li Meiren gave her a sharp look, which frightened the little maid and stopped immediately.

Shen Ji looked at Li Meiren's eyes and twisted the handkerchief deeper with his fingertips.

As expected, Li Meiren turned her eyes leisurely and gently tapped the table with her onion-like fingers. She said "duk duk" twice, "Why don't you let Shen Cainv pour tea for me?"

"My master, you behave yourself and should reciprocate your kindness."

Shen Ji's fingertips almost drew blood. When he looked at Li Meiren, he was still weak and submissive. He nodded and said, "This is my duty."

She nodded slightly and stepped forward. The cold light in her eyes was well concealed by her long eyelashes like butterfly wings.

Roushu brought a pot of hot water that had just been boiled from the ear room, placed it on the round table on one side, and smiled very maliciously: "Shen Cainv, please."

The eyes of everyone in the room fell on Shen Ji, and everyone was watching the show. This scene was like needle pricks, making her spine shiver and extremely embarrassing.

Although she agreed quickly and showed no dissatisfaction at all, serving Li Meiren was never what Shen Ji should do.

There have always been only three serious masters in this palace, Your Majesty, the Queen Mother and the Empress. No matter how noble the others are, they are still concubines. There has never been a need for lower-ranking concubines to serve high positions.

From the moment he entered the Zhuyun Pavilion, Shen Ji would remember all these humiliations.

She lowered her eyebrows and stepped forward, stretched out a pair of thin white catkins to pick up the tea cup that Li Meiren had just drank from, and walked slowly to the table.

The hot water in the kettle was scalding hot, and even before he opened the lid, he could feel the heat hitting his face. Shen Ji reached out and lifted the kettle to add hot water to the cup. The green tea leaves immediately started to roll in the water.

Putting down the kettle, Shen Ji weakly raised his head and glanced at Roushu's face.

As Li Meiren's personal maid, Li Meiren looked down on her, so she followed her master, looking like she was watching a good show, with provocation in her eyes.

Shen Ji had no choice but to tremblingly pick up the hot white porcelain cup and walk towards Li Meiren. Fortunately, there was a coaster under the porcelain cup, so it wasn't too hot. Just be careful not to spill the tea.

"I have already made tea, please enjoy it."

She bent her knees slightly, picked up the cup of hot tea in her hands, raised it to Beauty Li, and lowered her head.

Li Meiren was very satisfied with Shen Ji's obedience. She smiled and leaned on the main seat and stretched out a hand, ready to take the cup.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she touched the cup and before she picked it up, the porcelain cup became unstable and fell straight to the left.

With the crisp sound of the porcelain cup breaking, the hot tea soup splashed everywhere, and the hot water splashed on Li Meiren, making her scream in surprise.

Shen Ji was originally holding the cup with both hands, but the moment the cup fell down, she lowered her sleeves and closed her hands, pretending that Li Meiren had caught it firmly. The only thing that was stained by the splash of tea was her dress.

Li Meiren was burned, and she became furious and shouted: "How dare you! How dare you deliberately burn me!"

"I don't dare!" Shen Ji took a few steps back with tears in his eyes, shaking his head and saying, "I thought you had already grasped the porcelain cup securely before letting go. Besides, I was also burned, so why would I bother to do anything?" Such a thing is harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself."

She raised the back of her hand that was red when she took the opportunity to pinch it and showed it to Li Meiren. Tears rolled down like pearls: "Please be careful, beauty. I am from a humble background. No matter how brave you are, you don't dare to do this."

Li Meiren was so angry that her chest couldn't help but stare at the red marks on the back of Shen Ji's hands with suspicion in her eyes.

To show the truth, Shen Ji cried and squatted on the ground to pick up the broken pieces. While crying, she gathered the broken pieces of the porcelain cup together in great fear. By accident, blood flowed out of her fingers, and the blood was so red that it was so red. The white porcelain was dyed red, causing Li Meiren's pupils to shrink: "I am guilty, I dare not ask the beauty for forgiveness, but I still ask the beauty to be clear and don't let me be innocent by mistake!"

Shen Ji was born a commoner and had no one to rely on. He had a beautiful appearance, but he was also timid, humble and respectful. She didn't show any displeasure when she was so humiliated just now. She only dared to bear it tremblingly, which shows that she is just a timid and fearful little character.

If she really burned herself out of deliberate revenge, then she didn't have to be so scared. She was so frightened that she picked up the pieces on the ground and even hurt herself.

Even if she is from a commoner background, there is no woman in the palace who does not cherish her appearance.

Li Meiren mentally beat her head for a long time, staring at Shen Ji and thinking about it, and finally withdrew a few ruthless expressions.

This Shen Ji is just a loser who can't even serve tea well. Unfortunately, he even burned himself and I don't know if it has foamed.

Although her suspicions were dispelled, Shen Ji was so stupid that it annoyed her to see him.

Li Meiren looked at her bleeding finger, not daring to make a big deal out of it for the moment. She frowned and urged: "Okay, go ask an imperial doctor to take a look. Don't let others think that the master has deceived you!"

Shen Ji wrapped his fingers with a handkerchief, stood up with tears on his face, said goodbye to Li Meiren and left the Zhuyun Pavilion.

Seeing Shen Ji coming out, Shuang Ying immediately went up to meet her. Seeing that the handkerchief wrapped around her fingers was stained with blood, and remembering the crisp sound inside, he immediately guessed that the young master was bullied by Li Meiren.

Her tone became colder and she said angrily: "How dare Beauty Li insult my little master like this? I will go and report this to Queen Ming immediately, and she will be severely punished!"

Shen Ji had just cried, but her eyes were still red. She shook her head and led Shuangying back to Miaoyunwu. She cleaned the wound with clean water first, and then said slowly: "It was not the injury caused by Li Meiren."

Shuang Xing took a breath.

"I did it deliberately," Shen Ji patted the back of her hand and stared at his wound in concentration, "Li Mei is mean to others. She knew that I was weak, and she deliberately humiliated me because of her favor. I am a soft-spoken person, so it's not easy to talk to her. She had a confrontation in front of her, but I won't just let this humiliation go."

"The Queen is fair, kind and tolerant in her dealings. She never likes concubines to fight against each other and scheming with each other. In the morning and evening after three days, I will go to show the Queen the Queen with the scars on my hands, so that all the concubines can see. "

Shen Ji spoke unhurriedly, the calmness and chill in his eyes frightened Shuangying: "The most important thing is that I have done a good job in acting. Even if the Empress really named Li Meiren by name, she would not do it." They will think I did it on purpose."

People like Li Meiren are just like Qi Baolin. They think very highly of themselves. Deep down, they feel that common people like Shen Ji and others are trash who cannot stand on the stage. Even if they enter the palace as concubines and concubines, they are innately noble. Make them feel that they are not even worthy of being opponents.

Therefore, she showed weakness, pitifulness, and extreme fear, like an ant that could be crushed to death by raising her hand. Naturally, Li Meiren's wariness was greatly reduced and she felt relieved.

Not only did he rebel against the general's army, but he also let Li Meiren know that he was a timid and cowardly loser. A little injury would lead to no more worthwhile plans.

Shuangying's heart was beating wildly, and she finally understood why Aunt Qi insisted that she accept Shen Cainv as her master.

With such a palace and temperament, coupled with such beauty, she is destined to rise step by step in the harem.

"My little master, your wound is bleeding again. Please go to the Pharmacy Department and ask a medical girl to bandage it for you."

Before Shen Ji had agreed, loud singing of salutes could be heard from the main entrance of Chunlan Palace.

"Your Majesty has arrived--"

She calmly squeezed the wound to let more blood flow, and lowered her palace sleeves naturally.

"No need to go."

Chapter 10

When I was still in Yeting, I heard that His Majesty was diligent in political affairs and did not take the initiative to go to the harem many times.

The new concubines in Dongyuan were all lucky, and Lu Cairen was considered a little favored, but His Majesty never took the initiative to visit her Yihua Palace.

I originally thought that Xu did not do well enough when she was promoted to the title of daughter-in-law, but now His Majesty the Clinker would take the initiative to come to Chunlan Palace.

She and Li Meiren were the only ones living in Chunlan Palace. Li Meiren had been unfavored for a long time, so the only one your Majesty would look for was her.

Shen Ji walked out of the house and was about to greet people in the courtyard when he saw His Majesty in regular uniform walking over.

She was slightly startled at first, and then bit her lower lip as if in disbelief. Her wet, beautiful eyes were red, as if she had been greatly wronged.

Weak Liu Fufeng greeted him with a trembling voice, "I would like to express my greetings to Your Majesty."

After saying that, she quietly retracted her hand, for fear of being discovered.

Qin Yuan has lived in the palace for a long time and has never seen anyone. Naturally, this little thought cannot escape his eyes.

The woman in front of her had obviously just cried, her eyes were red, and even her delicate lips were bitten with red marks. She was originally weak and charming, but now that she had cried, she was not only pitiful, but also a little more fragile, especially charming. .

Seeing him approaching, she kept hiding her hands in her sleeves, not knowing whether she was afraid of being discovered by him.

Qin Yuan glanced at her and stretched out a hand towards her: "Come here."

Shen Ji hesitated for a moment, but did not dare to disobey His Majesty's will. After thinking for a while, he handed over his intact right hand.

This hand was white and smooth, with nothing on it. Qin Yuan knew that she didn't want to get into trouble.

But the person he was interested in now was wronged in front of him. Although she was sensible, Qin Yuan did not want to make her cry like this. He was patient and said in a deep voice: "The other one."

Shen Ji raised his head to look into His Majesty's eyes, and stretched out his bleeding left hand in humiliation.

The cuff of her left hand was stained red with blood, and the long wounds on her skin were shocking.

These hands were fine last night, but they were so injured today when they saw her again. Qin Yuan knew without thinking that she had been bullied, and immediately glanced at Zhang Pu lightly.

Zhang Pu immediately turned around and whispered to the person behind him: "Go to the Imperial Medical Office and ask for an imperial doctor to come over."

Shen Ji whispered softly: "It's just a minor injury, it's not a problem..."

"In the past, bumping into each other was inevitable at home, but I am not so delicate."

Qin Yuan squeezed her hand, looked at her, and said in a low voice, "Am I still feeling distressed?"

Shen Ji's heart skipped a beat, a blush suddenly appeared on his face, and he shook his head: "...I am very happy."

When she was by his side last night, Qin Yuan slept particularly peacefully. When he woke up in the morning, he was even more energetic than usual.

After handling the government affairs, he was supposed to have lunch at Jianzhang Hall, but when he thought of Shen Ji's delicate body and charming eyebrows last night, he inevitably felt a little more apprehensive.

I wanted to come to Miaoyunwu to have dinner with her, but I didn't expect to see her being wronged as soon as I arrived.

It was already meal time, and the table in the room was clean, not even a single dish of soup.

It's true that Cai Nv's position is low, and the portion should include two dishes, one soup and a snack. She only accepted the favor last night, how dare the people below her be so negligent.

Qin Yuan's face suddenly darkened a bit, his dark eyes were deep, and he was obviously angry.

He sat and knocked on the table, and said quietly: "Is this how the people in your palace serve their master?"

His Majesty's face was gloomy, Shuangying's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please forgive me! It's not that I don't want to receive food for my mistress, it's because I really have no time to take care of it. Your Majesty clearly knows that when you came to Miaoyunwu, my mistress and servant Just entered the house."

When Shen Ji first moved to Miaoyunwu, he had a lot of things to take care of, but no matter how important things were, he could always take care of meals.

If she doesn't stay in the palace to eat, where can she go at noon?

Qin Yuan looked at Shuang Ying, who was kneeling down, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Shuangying glanced at his mistress hesitantly and replied: "Your Majesty, after the Miaoyunwu has been sorted out, the mistress did not dare to delay and took the slave to the residence of Li Meiren in the same palace--"

She paused and her tone was a bit angry: "It is reasonable to ask for permission from Li Meiren, but Li Meiren said that the young master did not learn the rules well and needs to be taught again."

It was enough for this matter. Shen Ji quickly interrupted Shuangying's words and whispered: "Shuangying, that's enough. Don't talk about concubines."

Qin Yuan frowned: "Go on."

Shuang Xing's posture on the ground became more humble, and his tone was a little higher due to anger: "If it is just to teach the rules, it would be fine, but Li Meiren's personal maid also took out a thin bamboo pole as a gesture to beat the young master, if it weren't for the slave, please come on It was only after I stopped Li Mei that she changed her mind, I'm afraid the injuries on my young master's body are not limited to this."

Hearing these words, Qin Yuan frowned and became more and more unhappy.

Li Mei has a arrogant and stupid temperament, and this is not the first time she has used her power to bully others. She has caused trouble before.

I thought that after neglecting her for more than a year, I should have restrained my temper, but unexpectedly, I got worse and refused to repent.

She had already suffered such humiliation before she could explain the cause of her hand injury. He didn't know what else she was capable of. She had given such a big blow to the newlyweds on the first day they moved into the palace.

Did she not take Shen Ji seriously, or did she blame him, the emperor, for neglecting her.

The slender jade-like hands had shocking flaws. Qin Yuan squinted and said in a deep voice, "Where are the hands?"

His scrutinizing gaze fell on Shen Ji, and he spoke without any doubt: "I want to hear what you have to say."

Shen Ji sat next to Qin Yuan. The emperor's pressure came from all directions. Her momentum suddenly became weaker. She could only answer truthfully: "After I got up, I thought I could go back to the palace. Who knows that Li The beauty said she was about to have a meal but she was a little thirsty and asked me to go pour her some tea."

"Li Meiren lives in the same palace with me, and is much taller than me, so it's appropriate to just serve tea there." After saying this, Shen Ji lowered his long eyelashes slightly, "But the tea is too hot, and I'm not right. Steady, the cup broke and I accidentally cut my hand while picking up the pieces."

She was also a concubine, but Shen Ji was asked to serve tea with boiling water, and even asked her to pick up the pieces herself.

This was not just humiliation, it was basically treating her like a slave.

Qin Yuan's expression became a little more fierce.

At this time, the imperial doctor from the Imperial Medical Office walked in with a medicine box.

He briefly waved his hand to signal him to excuse himself, and the imperial doctor immediately stepped forward with great discernment to clean and bandage Shen Ji.

Shen Ji just stretched out his hands obediently to watch the imperial doctor bandage the injury. His eyebrows were soft and timid, not more charming than last night, but more docile and pitiful.

She is delicate and charming, and she is also pure, kind and soft.

Such a lively and lively beauty could not bear to be criticized harshly even if she was angry.

Lunch time had already passed. Qin Yuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Shen Ji's expression, and his tone became a little gentler without realizing it: "Are you hungry?"

As soon as he said these words, Shen Ji belatedly remembered that he had not had lunch yet and was already hungry.

She stared at His Majesty for a long time and nodded shyly: "I'm hungry."

Qin Yuan chuckled.

All the women in the palace love beauty, and everyone wants to save face.

The concubine next to him would always take a few bites and then put down her chopsticks to say that she was full, as if taking two more mouthfuls of rice would make her look too edible and be rejected by him.

She is very honest.

He wanted to cry when he was in pain and eat when he was hungry. Qin Yuan subconsciously reached out and pinched her face, which was as smooth as gelatin. He didn't know if he knew that he was naturally beautiful, so he relied on her beauty to commit crimes.

The tender tofu-like cheeks under his hands gradually heated up, and Qin Yuan smiled lightly and retracted his hand.

"Go to the Shangshi Bureau to pass on the food." He nodded at the table, "Go and inform Li Meiren that since you haven't learned the palace rules well, you should learn them again."

"From today onwards, I will go to Fengyi Palace to copy the palace rules five times a day and give them to the queen to read. I will copy them for a month and let her calm down."

Zhang Pu raised his head and glanced at His Majesty's face, then looked at Shen Cainu before accepting the order and retreating.

This Shen Cai girl is so powerful, but in just two days she was able to make His Majesty pay attention to her.

There are dozens of concubines in the harem, and there are very few mistresses who can make His Majesty think of supporting her. Even Concubine Lin, it was probably because of the friendship between the two before His Majesty ascended the throne.

After following His Majesty for so many years, Zhang Pu saw His Majesty like this for the first time, which showed that Shen Cai Nu was truly a one-of-a-kind being.

As soon as the news of His Majesty's meal at Miaoyunwu reached the Shangshi Bureau, delicacies were delivered like flowing water.

Shen Ji has never seen so many exquisite and delicious dishes since he was a child. They are all exquisite and full of color, fragrance and flavor. Many of the dishes he has never even heard of.

The quota for picking a girl is only slightly better than choosing a servant. If His Majesty does not come today, she will only be able to enjoy the food in the quota.

When Ke Shang Food Bureau heard that His Majesty was there, they sent all the best ones over.

Eating like this shows how important the emperor's favor is in the palace.

A round table made of pear wood was fully placed. After all the palace guests had retired, Zhang Pufang personally stepped forward to serve His Majesty and Shen Cainv.

After lunch, Shen Ji felt that he had never been so satisfied today.

His Majesty made a special trip to visit, and supported her to punish Li Meiren. Shen Ji wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, and looked at His Majesty secretly with a pair of water-red eyes, with an imperceptible smile in his eyes.

Qin Yuan lowered his eyes and looked at her, and said in a low voice: "What are you looking at?"

Shen Ji was caught on the spot, and he shrank his neck timidly, lowering his eyebrows but smiling softly: "Your Majesty treats me so well."

"I am very happy."

Such a beauty, Qin Yuan's usually indifferent face once again showed a faint smile.

There were still government affairs to deal with in Jianzhang Hall. He pondered for a moment and stood up: "Have a good rest and talk to me again at night."

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