Lupin's Daughter

By hailssbales

6.6K 101 34

For whatever we lose (like a you or a me) its always ourse... More

the letters
diagon alley
platform 9 3/4
the great hall
waves and full moons
falling out
double trouble
you'll feel better
they aren't all bad
the prank
welcome home
frames and broomsticks
new year
under the willow
time's blur
to be alone
never let me down again
curses and spells
carriage in the cold
on the ice
gobstones and gillyweed
into the maze

the christmas waltz

31 2 0
By hailssbales

The morning sun was covered by grey clouds which blew across the sky making for a cold chill. During the night the fire in the mantle had gone out. The voices of students chatting as they walked through the common room toward the portrait home told me it was morning. I opened my eyes to see my essay and books neatly laid out on the coffee table.

My stomach grumbled and after rubbing the last of the sleep from my eyes I threw my feet off the couch and onto the floor. Except, the floor isn't what they landed on. A groan left Derek's mouth and holding his stomach he scrunched his eyes as he buckled over in pain.

"I'm so so sorry!" I said, carefully stepping over the boy I checked to make sure he was ok. "I forgot you were there!"

"Clearly." The boy responded, his tone was one of annoyance. I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You." I said in amusement," I didn't think you could be sarcastic."

"I can be a lot of things."

"And he turned him into a ferret." Harry said, recounting the event in the courtyard where Professor Moody transfigured a slytherin boy, Draco Malfoy into a rodent.

Harry and I were sat beside each other on the red velvet couch, leaning close to the fire as we talked to Sirius through the smoldering embers. It was late in the evening and the common room was empty.

I hadn't seen much of Moody outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. He seemed to have been reprimanded for what he taught in his first class. Since then he has been teaching us defensive spells in preparation for duels we would be practicing later in the year.

After Harry finished saying about all there was to say about Professor Moody we moved on to normal conversation. Sirius couldn't say where he was but only that it was sunny and warm, which made us jealous.

We said goodbye to Sirius just before Gryffindor's head boy and girl walked into the room. The two of us ducked down until the passed and closed their dormitory doors. We shortly followed behind them.

Pulling open my curtains I look over the edge of the bed to see a pile of gifts, was placed beneath the tree at the end my bed sometime during the night. One of the few memories I have as a child is checking beneath the tree before bed to see if Santa had left any gifts. Mum would remind me he wouldn't come until I was asleep and she would carry me to my bedroom where I would settle down to sleep right away.

In the morning presents wrapped in brown paper and tied with ribbon would be tucked neatly under the tree. Stockings would be stuffed with candy canes and chocolates, a children's book would peek out the top and a small toy would be tucked in the bottom.

I jumped out of bed and ran to look at the gifts. Picking up a parcel I read the tag which said,
'To the little one. Merry Christmas!
                             Love, Reggie'

I tore open the gift and tossing the paper aside I looked over the leather case. The words,
'Broomstick Servicing Kit' were displayed in silver on the side of the case. After all my flying lessons and afternoons spent on my broom, it was in desperate need of care. It was exactly what I needed.

I set the case aside before opening the second gift. Reading the card I see it's from dad,
'Merry Christmas my love!'
            Love, dad'

There were several gifts. I got new red pajamas with green Christmas trees, socks and chocolates. I got some new quills and ink. I came to the final gift and tearing away the wrapping inside is a small square box filled with paper, neatly securing a ball. Their were small cut outs inside the metal of it, ones who's shapes I couldn't quite make out.

"What's that?" Abigail asked.

"I don't know." I said. I gave the gift a shake and heard liquid swish around inside. I decided I'd come back to it.

Gabrielle was already gone. She was likely with her sister Fleur. The three of us got ready for breakfast and walked down together.

The tables in the great hall were filled with nearly anything you could want. I took a seat beside Fred and George. It had been awhile since I sat with the twins and there was much to catch up on.

"I can't believe you didn't think to include me in what you did to the potions classroom!" I said, in between a bite of waffle. "I don't think I've ever seen Snape so mad!"

"Well you've been a little busy sneaking off to the forest." George said, in a whisper.

"Or stalking off with that Ravenclaw." Fred said, in less of a whisper.

"He's just a friend," I said. "Anyway. Next time you decide to turn a classroom upside down, let me know."

Owls flew in and out of the hall just as they usually did. Some carried bigger parcels than normal but otherwise, no one gave the birds a second look. That is until a green bird glided in. It had a bit of red on its wings and a light pink on the back of its neck and its beak was a vibrant red. It squawked loudly as it flew over to Harry where it dropped something on his plate before flying up again, just a bit down the table until it landed in front of me.

Wrapped around one of its legs a small parcel. I untied them and gave the bird a pet on its black chin before it flew off. There was no card, not a single word but I could guess who it was from.

"I think that was a Alexdrine Parakeet." Hermione could be heard saying from a few seats down.

I tore away the paper of one parcel and out slipped a Polaroid camera which was already filled with film.

"No way!" Fred said, "I'd seen one of those in an old muggle shop I went in with Dean one summer."

Up in Gryffindor Tower Katie and I got ready for the ball. We started late in the afternoon and weren't ready until just before the start of the ball. Our hair and makeup had been done. We put on our dresses last before making our way downstairs.

My dark brown was ironed into loose curls. Half of my hair was pulled up into a bun which sat on the back of my head, held securely by a clip adorned with small pearls. Katie's hair was straightened. Two small bunches of hair were braided on each side, leaving the rest of her long dark hair down with shorter pieces framing her face.

The stairs descending just outside the great hall was decorated with fresh garland which had baubles hanging from the branches. At the bottom of the stairs stood many nervous looking boys in their suits, or dress robes. Katie joined her date. She said goodbye before the two of them went into the hall together. I scanned all the faces looking for a certain blue eyed boy.

"Still need a partner?" Derek asked. He descended the stairs behind me, a crooked smile spread across his face. He was wearing a black suit with a burgundy bow tie.

"I do." I said. And accepting his outstretched hand, the two of us walked into the hall.

It was more beautiful than anything I had ever seen or could have imagined. At the head of the the hall was what looked like a small forest of green Christmas trees, covered in shimmering white snow which had fallen from the enchanted ceiling.

"Oi! Lupin!" I heard the shouts of my two favorite twins.

Led behind each of the boys are two girls. One, Angelia Johnson was holding on tightly to Fred's arm while the other, Alicia Spinnet was being pulled along while holding onto George's hand.

"Please tell me you don't have anything planned for tonight." I said to the boys.

"Not tonight." George said. Looking at his date with a smile.

"We just wanted to make sure our favorite is having a good time!" Fred said.

"I am, thank you." I leaned in to whisper and the two followed. "Now I think you should get back to your dates." I said, nodding to the girls whose eyes were wandering the hall.

The twins understood and turned their attention back to their dates. The four of them waved goodbye before finding seats with their friends.

Derek slipped his hand in mine before pulling me along. "I want you to meet my friends." He said.

We stopped at a table which was nearly full, with only two open seats. I glance at all the faces of people circled around, a few of them I'd recognized for they always sat with Derek at Ravenclaw table. There were four boys and four girls. Derek and I took our seats, joining in with the group. He cleared his throat as he prepared to make an announcement, except he was interrupted.

"Ah!" One boy said. He a raised eyebrow that stood so high it hid behind his long dark hair which fell down, covering his forehead. He was about to continue when the girl sitting beside him gave him a small nudge to the ribs with her elbow.

Derek cleared his throat again. "Everyone I'd like you to meet Hailey Lupin!"

"Hi." I said with a smile and wave. Everyone around the table introduced themselves. The boy with the dark hair was Michael Corner, he shared a dorm with Derek. Two of the boys, Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein shared a dorm with them as well. The fourth, Ernie Macmillan was a Hufflepuff.

We enjoyed our dinner and the conversation we shared. Derek held my hand through it all. For weeks I'd been worried about Harry, thinking about Sirius and trying to appease him by keeping an eye on Harry. I haven't gotten a long letter from Regulus in quite some time and wondered how he was? And I thought about dad. He said he's enjoying his new job at that antique shop in town, but I just hope he isn't lonely again.

"Hey," Derek said, pulling me from my thoughts. "Looks like you've hardly touched your dinner."

I looked down at my plate to see it still full, entirely untouched. "I don't feel to hungry." I said, truthfully. A lot weighed on my mind and it made my stomach feel uneasy.

"Want to dance?" Derek asked. He let go of my hand and got up from his seat. I nodded and did the same. The two of us walked to the edge of the dance floor, away from the crowded center.

We danced until we could no longer. We made our way around the edge of the crowd, looking for Derek's friends. That's when I saw, "Wes! Hi!"

"Oh, hi!" Wes said. He was dancing slowly with a girl. They stopped and stepped apart.

"I am going to get a drink," the girl said, twirling her long blonde hair in between her fingers. "I'll be back."

"Derek, why don't you go on? I'll see you in a few minutes." Derek nodded and in a moment was lost in the crowd.

"Lupin! Gotcher! Unless you are going to dance I need you to remove yourselves." The two of us turned to Professor Snape, who stood with his face looking as bored as ever.

"Care to dance?" I asked.

Wes shrugged. "Why not?"

His arm wrapped around my waist and my hand rested on his shoulder. "Merry Christmas!" I said.

The day had been so busy neither of us had seen each other. We hadn't actually talked since the day Wes asked me to the dance.

"Merry Christmas!"

"I- I hope you aren't bothered by Derek bringing me to the dance. I would of liked to-"

"Don't worry, I'm not." Wes moved his hand which held mine and ran his fingers through his hair. "Truthfully I did want to take you, but Hannah has been nice."

"Well I'm glad you're having a good time!" I smiled. My face felt warm and I worried it might have been showing.

"Oi! Lupin!" I turned to see Michael, standing beside Professor Snape. The greasy haired man rolled his eyes. "You coming?"

I nodded and turned to Wes. "I'll see you later, ok?"

"Yeah, see you!" Wes said with a smile. Hannah returned and I said goodbye.


I turned back to Wes. "Yeah?"

"Want to make cookies? Not now of course," he said, again running his fingers through his hair. "But sometime?"

"Yeah, I'd like that!" I said before turning around again.

The group of us left the hall. We weren't ready for the night to be over but were ready for some quiet. The boys slipped their jackets over our shoulders, for the cold of the dungeons gave an icy chill. Everything was quiet and still, that is until we turned a corner. There was an open door where murmuring and moving could be heard from inside. Clanking of bottles and creaking of shelves. My heart pounded.

"Shhh." One boy, Anthony directed. He crept forward with wand raised. He was quietly followed by Ernie. Derek looked up and down the corridor, making sure no one else was around.

"What is it?" Terry asked.

"Sh!" Anthony snapped.

He peered around the corner and let out a blood curdling scream. His hand shook violently, making him drop his wand.

"What in Merlin's name?" Michael ran foward and seemed to have been stunned for he had a similar reaction. Only without the scream. His whole body trembled in fear and for what reason we didn't know, but were soon to find out. For the quickest moment we all had a glimpse of The Dark Lord before he morphed into many beings. Centaurs, wildfires and clowns. Black holes, grave sights and a boat. A boat floating on the sea.

Just then I realized what this was. It was no person, it was only a boggart. I snatched Derek's wand from his hand for I didnt have my own.

"Expecto Patronum!" A bright light lit from the tip of the wand and filled the hall. The sea disappeared. It took moments for our eyes to adjust to the dark again.

"Well, well." The all too familiar misreable voice of Professor Snape spoke from behind us. "Doing a little shopping are we?"

"If you insist." I said, sarcastically.

"Five points from Gryffindor for the sass." Snape snapped. "And let's see. That'll be five, ten, oh dear- forty points from Ravenclaw. And Mr. Macmillan, that'll be five points from Hufflepuff for breaking into my store room.

That bastard. I thought to myself. I would have said the words aloud except I didn't see the point. t would only loose me more house points and he's likely heard the words before so they wouldn't have much of an effect.

"Now all of you return to your dormitories at once!" Professor Snape said with a shout.

We turned to leave.

"Except Miss Lupin." I stopped, closed my eyes and taking a deep breath I turned to Professor Snape.

"Go on Filey." Snape said in a tone of amusement.

I gave Derek a reassuring smile to go on. He left and it was only the two of us.

"Now. How did you manage to open the door?"

"What? You really don't think!"

"I don't?"

"You just used some advanced magic, especially for someone your age. For you to have mastered that I can't help but believe you would be the one to get past my spells. The ones keeping this door impossible to be opened unless by someone who knows how it was locked in the first place."

"Well sorry to disappoint you Professor but I have no interest in playing with your herbs or animal remains. Now, unless you wish to get Dumbledore I don't want to speak to you any further!"

He had nothing further to say so I excused myself and returned to Gryffindor Tower. Derek had gotten his wand back, but his suit jacket still laid over my shoulders. I climbed the stairs and pushed my dormitory door open. Kicking off my shoes I sunk into bed and held the jacket tightly.


The artful dodger just got added to disney+ in the US and I'm very excited! I've been wanting to watch it since I saw David's first post about it

Song: The Christmas Waltz by Laufey

Word count: 2718

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