By GO5555_9

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Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 3~
Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 4~
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Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Passing Out 7~
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Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~ I can't Do This Anymore 2~

2.9K 83 2
By GO5555_9

No-One's POV

Lucy and Keira had been driving around separately in their own cars for 45 minutes, looking up and down the dark streets of Barcelona in a much desperate search for their daughter, Y/n.

However, so far, nothing.

Both mothers have repeatedly called y/n endless amount of times, texted her, and have got nothing in return from their daughter.

Lucy had already texted the Barça groupchat, asking if anyone was free to help look for y/n, to which most of the girls were.

So now it was practically a man hunt for a sixteen year old girl, likely wandering the streets of Barcelona, a place she hardly knows enough about to be out and about in alone, especially at night.

The barça girls were out in their cars, walking the streets, calling and texting y/n as well. And also, some of the barça girls' partners were helping look for y/n too.

Both Lucy and Keira were in tears, not just from their argument earlier on, but the worries they had of their daughter being somewhere that they didn't know of. She could be anywhere. What if she got a bus? a taxi? a dodgey lift? what if she's gone off with some random strangers? What if someone's taken her? hurt her?

All of those questions and worries were running through the worried parents heads as they desperately carried on their search for their daughter.

Meanwhile, Y/N.

As soon as Y/N had slammed the apartment door shut. She sprinted down the hallway, darting into the elevator, and out the apartment complex, and she carried on running down the dim lighted streets of Barcelona.

Her phone was already blowing up with calls and frantic texts from her two mothers as she got further away, but she didn't answer them.

She didn't have a plan, nor did she care that she didn't have a plan. She just wanted to get as far away from her mother's continuous arguments. She couldn't handle it no more, it was far too much for Y/n to cope with.

Lucy's POV

Frantically, i'm looking up and down streets as I drive past, scanning every bit of land that I could, however, the tears in my eyes were making it more difficult for me to even see where i'm looking.

Suddenly my phone starts ringing, connected to the car, I quickly find somewhere to pull over, wiping my eyes, to see on the screen who it was.


I quickly press answer, "Anything Kei?" I choked out, now losing control, I was now fully crying, I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

"No Luce, was calling to ask the same" Keira responded, I could hear her sigh too.

"I- I don't know what to do Kei- fuck- fuck sake" I said inbetween sobs and shaky breaths, trying to hold it in, but it wasn't working.

"Send me your location luce" Keira told me, "hm" I managed to get out, "Just send me your location, i'm coming to you" Keira said again.

I grabbed my phone, going onto our texts, and sending Kei my location, still on the phone to her. "Right i'm only 5 mins from you, stay there alright?" Keira said, "Yeah, yeah" I responded before the line went dead.

I rested my head on the steering wheel, tears uncontrollably flowing down, my arms and legs also shaking uncontrollably.

Eventually, I lifted my head up, grabbing my phone, going onto recent calls

my favourite daughter ever❤️ I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle from the contact name that y/n had set on my phone, before clicking on it again, for the god knows how many time tonight.

Straight to voicemail. My heart felt like it had been ripped out my chest.

The beeps go, a voicemail started.

"Hey baby girl. It's mum, if your you know that. Listen to me, please, just answer your phone, respond to a text and let me or mumma know you're safe. Sweetheart please, i'm sorry. I'm sorry you've had to put up with me and Kei's stuff lately. You're not in any trouble, at all, I promise, we're working it out baby girl. We ne-need you, we need you home darling, please. Let me or Kei know you're safe and okay, please. I'm sorry babe. I love you so much. We both love you so so much, Please, just ring me or Kei back, text us, whatever, just let us know that you're okay my girl. I- I, it's gonna be alright, me you, Kei, it'll all be fine. I promise we'll all work it out, as a family. I love you so much baby girl, please, mum loves you so much, i'm sorry darling, please come home plea-" I was cut off, whilst uncontrollably sobbing my heart out, my car door was opened and Keira's arms flung around me.

She took the phone out my hand, "Hey darling, just please give one of us a call or text, or one of the Barça girls, let them one of us know where you are, please, I love you so much kiddo" Keira said before hanging up the voicemail.

I just sobbed and sobbed into Keira's arms, "I don't know what- what to do anymore Kei, fuck. Kei, fuck" I cried and cried into my girlfriend's arms.

"sh,sh, sh, it's alright, we'll find her babe, we'll find her" Keira whispered into my ear, rubbing circles on my back with one hand, the other resting on the back of my neck.


I have no idea where I currently am in Barcelona, or if i'm even still in Barça right now, other than i'm on some beach, in the pitch black other than the street lights in the distance, and the moon giving some sort of light.

It's been a good few hours though since I left. And I still do not have a plan or what to do. I look down at my phone, seeing an abundance of phone calls, texts and a voicemail from my mums, and their Barça teammates.

I just stare at the screen. Not knowing what to do, my eyes were stinging very painfully as I looked at my phone, I unlocked it and went onto my notifications to see them all,

76 Missed Calls - Mum
59 Missed Calls - Mumma
11 Missed Calls - La reina
8 Missed Calls - Mapi
3 Missed Calls - Ingrid

Texts -
30 - Mum
24 - Mumma
46 - La reina
5 - Mapi

1 Voicemail-

I didn't both to read the texts, but I couldn't help but see just one voice mail, from my mum.

A 8 minute long voicemail from my mum. Oh god. What've I done.

I hesitantly clicked on it,

"Hey baby girl. It's mum, if your you know that. Listen to me, please, just answer your phone, respond to a text and let me or mumma know you're safe. Sweetheart please, i'm sorry. I'm sorry you've had to put up with me and Kei's stuff lately" That was all it took for me to completely lose it and break down, crying my eyes out at my mums words, who was also crying her heart out on the voicemail. My tears soaking my mum's Barça hoodie that I was currently wearing.

"You're not in any trouble, at all, I promise, we're working it out baby girl. We ne-need you, we need you home darling, please. Let me or Kei know you're safe and okay, please. I'm sorry babe. I love you so much" Oh fuck what have I done. No. No. No

"We both love you so so much, Please, just ring me or Kei back, text us, whatever, just let us know that you're okay my girl. I- I, it's gonna be alright, me you, Kei, it'll all be fine. I promise we'll all work it out, as a family. I love you so much baby girl, please, mum loves you so much, i'm sorry darling, please come home plea- It went dead silent for a moment, before I heard some muffled cries and sobs, with someone else's voice,


"Hey darling, just please give one of us a call or text, or one of the Barça girls, let them one of us know where you are, please, I love you so much kiddo" That last line hurt so much.

I love you so much Kiddo

hearing her say that just broke me more than I thought I could be broken in this moment tonight.

Then it went silent. End of voicemail.

I dropped my phone in my lap, resting my head in my hands, sobbing hardly, i've caused them even more pain and worry. I'm a fucking idiot, you fucking idiot y/n, you absolute fucking idiot.

After my sobs had slightly calmed down, I picked up my phone, and went back onto my texts.

La reina, Alexia.

Mini Walsh-Bronze. Call me back immediately and tell me where you are. Your mothers are worried sick about you, and so am I and the rest of the girls. We need to know where you are and that you are safe, tell one of us where you are so we can come and get you, please. Send me your location, let me come get you. You're not in trouble, we're all just worried Y/n.

I cried even more again after reading Alexia's text, realising that I truly fucked up.

I went to text her back, but couldn't figure out what words to say. Instead just sending her my location.

Port de Cambrils, Cambrils, Spain

I looked on my maps, from my location to back to Barcelona. I was over an hour and half away from Barça, oh fuck, i've ran and walked THAT far. Shit.

Keira's POV

I was still with Lucy, cradling her in my arms, trying to calm her and myself down, I looked at the time, 2:46AM, she's been gone since around
half 8, fuck. I don't know what to do.

We sat in silence, in eachother's arms, but then a loud ring of a phone blared in my pocket.

I quickly let go of Lucy, her head shit up, I looked at the caller ID,


I swiped answer as quick as I could.

"Hello? Hello?" I rushed out, "Alexia, Hey, anything, please, anything?" I stuttered out, thoughts flying around my head.

"Calm down. Keira, calm down. She's just sent me her location. She won't answer the phone, but she's sent me her live location okay, i'm on my way to go and get her, go back home, try get some sleep, same for Lucy. Okay?" Alexia said to me calmly.

"What?" Lucy mouthed.

"Alexia's on her way to her, she just sent her location to her" I replied and with that, my girlfriend let out a long much held in breath, holding her head in her hands, crying again, this time in relief I think.

"Uh, yeah okay, um, okay, no, we'll come as well, send me her location" I then said.

"No no, neither of you are in any state to drive over an hour, i've got María with me anyway, okay? go home" Alexia said sternly, I sighed in defeat.

"An hour?" I questioned.

"Sí, she's at Port de Cambrils right now, listen, i've got to go, but you and Lucy, go home. I'll call you as soon as we have her with us, okay?" Alexia said, I mumbled a yeah before the line went dead.

"Alexia and Mapi are gonna get her, she told us to wait home" I said softly. Lucy nodded, and I then pulled her
up and out the car, "c'mon, i'll drive us home" "Bu- but, what about my car?" my girlfriend questioned.

"We'll get it in the morning, don't worry about that right now" I said, pulling her by the hand as she closed the door and locked her car and we walked over to mine and got in.

"I'm so sorry Keira. I'm so sorry baby" Lucy then spoke up, placing her hand on my thigh as I drove us back home.

"I'm sorry too. We need to talk about it all, properly. Calmly. Honestly. I know deep down you haven't done anything with her, it's just me letting my insecurities that I have of myself take over, letting the articles and shit in my
head believable. I'm sorry Luce" I replied, holding the tears in as my eyes were already burning enough from all of the crying recently.

"It's the same here baby. I'm sorry. I know you wouldn't, I don't know why I'd say that you would. We've never had the issue of it all before coming here, i'm sorry" she replied quietly, squeezing my thigh slightly as I looked over to her, giving my girlfriend a weak smile.

Eventually we arrived back home, and as soon as we got through the front door, Lucy immediately engulfed me, wrapping her arms around my waist as mine then made their way up to her neck.

"I love you so much Keira-Fae" Lucy whispered as she buried her face in the side of my neck, my forehead rested on her shoulder.

"I love you too, so much, Lucia Roberta" I mumbled into her chest as we stood in eachother's arms.

Eventually, we moved to the sofa, i'm practically on top of Lucy as we stayed cuddled up, waiting for a phone to ring or ping, or a knock at the door.

Alexia's POV

Myself and María are about 20 minutes away from y/n's shared, live location. She hasn't moved from where she is, which is good, so far.

"How long left?" María asked me in our native language, "Stop asking me that every two seconds María!. About 20 minutes" I replied sternly. It's like having a whining child in the car when it comes to María. Adult physically, can't say the same for mentally though.

Finally, those 20 minutes pass by, and we arrive to where y/n's location apparently is.

Myself and María get out of my car, and walk down to the beach, near the pier, and soon enough, we spot a single person, wrapped up in what appears to be a barcelona team hoodie.

Definitely y/n.

As we got closer, we slowed down, and eventually, I called out, "Y/n"

Her head turned, and as soon as she noticed myself and María, she jumped up and practically ran towards us.

Her arms flew around us both, crying into our arms.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. Mini Walsh-Bronze, it's okay, we here now, we here" María said quietly.

"I fucked up so bad, really bad. I'm in so much trouble" Y/n cried, I shook my head and peeled her off me to look at me.

"No you're not. I promise, no trouble at all. You are safe, and that is all that matters, okay? Let's get you home to your mums" I say, rubbing her shoulder before wrapping my arm around it and leading the way back to the car.

Once we reached the car, I got in the driver side, and María got into the back with Y/n, and soon as I started driving, María pulled y/n in, resting her head on her lap as she played with the young girls hair, as she quickly drifted off into a deep sleep. She must be completely exhausted, physically and mentally. Poor girl.

Time to get her home to her family. Her mother's.

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