The Theif 2! A pups little si...

By Mzzjem

76K 1.7K 102

Seb, a now 19 year old pup. After a year of freedom, guilt and independence 3 certain Alphas return to bring... More

City life
First night
first punishment
A soft pur
Truth about kaylus
Pent up
"your taking me back?"
one on one
Doctor Sam
Times almost up
Broken bond
little Seb
The end?
New territory
Finally found?
Am i gonna die?
Holding on by a thread
The Cave


2.7K 51 1
By Mzzjem


"I think it's been long enough. Let's go see what he's up to" Hank says getting up of the couch. Me and Colt follow behind him, my eyes roamed over every door in the hallway to see if any of them had been opened.

Once we get to the shifting room the door is slightly pushed open, frustration begins causing through my veins except it all instantly stops once Hank pushes the door open a little further. Sebs still sitting on the floor with his head leaning in hid hands as if in deep thought. "I'm surprised you didn't try to leave. That's very unusual for you" Colt says in a low tone, "would there be any point" Seb speaks up.

"No there wouldnt" Colt replys with a deep chuckle. "Does that mean that's it. Your finally giving in?" Hank asks. Seb looks up at us as if unsure what to say, "more like giving up. You guys are just gonna keep bringing me back if I run away" he was right but that's not what we wanted him to think.

I sigh leaning against the door way. "How about we make a deal?" I say, both the guys look at me curious at my deal that i had not discussed with them yet. "You give us 2 months to get you to warm up to us, at the end of those months if you still want to leave you can and we will never come looking for you again" his eyes seems to light up at my deal however I see some hesitation, both the guys look at me with rage filled expressions.

"But..." I interrupted all three of there thoughts "I think you'll be surprised about how much you'll like it here..aswell as us" Seb seemed even more hesitant at this point.

"1 month" I says, it takes a second to release he's trying to negotiate, a smile creeps onto my face. "Fine, 1 month.

But things will be different this time" I tell him. "I'm not having sex with you" he blurts out trying to show a disgusted face but I can smell the neediness coming from his body.

"You dont have to have sex with us unless you ask" I say giving him a little lustful look, I can see a small blush creep across his cheeks before he manages to get it under control. "You have to listen to us, if you act out you get punished. The punishment will depend on what you do" Seb for a second looks a little scared.

Colt kneels down beside him "you better start being good" he says with a smirk. "Wait..I don't wanna do this. I need my freedom and space" he blurts out panicked, I walk towards him leaning infront of him beside Colt. "We understand that don't worry.

Like I said things will be different this time" I tell him in a comforting tone. I'm aware there are times to be lustful, playful and serious. I know he's secretly up for this deal but i also know having his freedom taken from him is a genuin fear of his.

Unfortunetly being imprinted by an Alpha with such high posession will take away some of your freedom let alone being imprinted by three Alphas. I place my hand out gesturing for him to take it,  he hesitantly puts his small hand in my palm before I help to pull him to his feet.

"We'll talk more about this downstaires" I tell him as we walk down the hall. I stop at a door with the word Seb engraved neatly neatly it, Seb looks at it confused. I slowly open the door revealing the nice tidy room we had set up for him. We had put all his games, toys and teddy's in the wardrobe so his room looked more tidy.

A few teddy's were on the bed with a particular one we had got from Sebs apartment. "Whats this?" He asks looking around a little dazed. "This is your room for when you want some alone time, privacy or if you just want to calm down for a bit" Colt says. "Theres some toys and games in the wardrobe with some clothes for you" Hank explains.

I open the wardrobe  for Seb to see, he looks at the xbox games with an excitement in his eyes, makes my heart beat fast seeing his face light up like that. His eyes continue roaming over the clothes that we got for him, so far he seems happy with it all until his eyes come across the stuffed animals and slightly childish toys.

He looks back at us with a lifted eyebrow "Did you guys forget how old I was while I was away?" He asks sarcastically, I roll my eyes at him. "We know what we are doing" I tell him, "and by the sounds of it we know yourself better than you do" Hank says confusing Seb. Sebs eyes roamed over to his bed, he sits on his comfy double bed with a smile on his face.

It dissapears once he sees 4 teddy's neatly placed by his pillow. One from each of us. "Again with the teddy's...I'm not 2" he says rolling his eyes, hid eyes dart at a particular Teddy "where did you get this?" He snaps angrily picking up the stuffed wolf.

"From the 2 year old that lives in your apartment" Hank chimes in clearly enjoying the moment. I can see the slight embaressment creep up onto his face, before he could retreat ro going back to hating us I quickly step infront of him. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, your still a pup Seb" I tell him trying to make him feel better.

"That's why we knew what we were doing when we got all the other stuff in this room" Colt explains sitting beside Seb on the  bed. Seb continues to look confused. I put my hand out again knowing this situation will escalate if we don't leave it be, a second goes by before he places his hand in mine and we head downstairs.

He sits on one of the pedestals in the kitchen, I poured him a glass of water before handing it to him. "If we are going to do this deal we are going to do it properly. Like we explained you have that room if you need some space, however you will be sleeping with one of us for the first few nights just until we can trust you not to run off at night" I tell him as he slowly sips the water.

"You can still go into town and have your freedom outside the house but you will have to reply to your texts and be back at a certain time" Colt speaks up, "I have a curfew" Seb says rolling his eyes "until we know we can trust you..yes" Hank speaks up.

Im unsure if Seb has noticed it but Hank has been kind of harsh to him today.  "What about my job? It might come as a shock but I actualy like working" he says with a slight attitude. It was good that he liked working.

"You can get another job down here, it's good for you to carry on being independent" Colt says. Seb still seems a little hesitant to accept this deal. "Once I agree to this can I back out?" He asks, since I've known Seb I've realised he has 2 main fears. Commitment and feeling trapped.

"Once you agree you can't back out until the month is over unless we thought your mental health was at serious risk" he nodded his head lightly as i spoke. "Ok" he mumbles. Unfortunately as the business men we are, we dont take an ok for a big deal like this. There has to be a permanent agreement.

"So you fully agree to this deal?" Colt clarifies one last time, Seb nods his head. "Use your words" Hank says slightly harshly, "yes" Seb obeys well.

Colt gives me a look, I grab something from my pocket and hand it to Colt who's now behind Seb, I hold Sebs wrists in my hand so he wouldn't be able to hurt Colt while he makes the final touches to the agreement.

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